College Management System: Bachelor of Technology
College Management System: Bachelor of Technology
College Management System: Bachelor of Technology
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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................... 3
EXISTING SYSTEM : ........................................................................................................................... 3
PROPOSED SYSTEM : .......................................................................................................................... 3
MAIN MODULES OF THE SYSTEM: .................................................................................................. 4
TECHNOLOGY USED: ......................................................................................................................... 4
PYTHON: ........................................................................................................................................... 4
SQL(MySQL): .................................................................................................................................... 4
TOOLS REQUIRED : ............................................................................................................................. 4
• Visual Studio 2010 : .................................................................................................................... 4
• MSSQL : ....................................................................................................................................... 5
SCOPE OF THE PROJECT : .................................................................................................................. 5
FEASIBILITY STUDY............................................................................................................................. 6
TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY STUDY: ................................................................................................... 6
ECONOMICAL FEASIBLITY: .............................................................................................................. 6
OPERATIONAL FEASIBILITY: ........................................................................................................... 6
OBJECTIVES ........................................................................................................................................... 7
METHODOLOGIES ................................................................................................................................ 8
MVC (MODEL VIEW CONTROLLER) ARCHITECTURE .................................................................. 9
................................................................................................................................................................... 9
FACILITIES REQUIRED FOR PROPOSED WORK ......................................................................... 10
Hardware requirements: ........................................................................................................................ 10
Software requirements ........................................................................................................................... 10
BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................................... 11
The “College Management System” has been developed to override the problems prevailing in
the practicing manual system. This software is supported to eliminate and in some cases to reduce
the hardships faced by the existing system. Moreover this system is designed for the particular
needs of the college to carry out operations in the smooth and effective manner.
This application is reduced as much as possible to avoid errors while entering the data. It also
provides error message while entering invalid data. No formal knowledge is needed for the user to
use the system. Thus by this all it proves, it is user friendly. College management system, as
described above, can lead to error free, secure, reliable and fast management system. Thus it will
help organization in better utilization of resources. This is designed to assist in strategic planning
and will help you ensure that your organization is equipped with the right level of information and
details for your future goals.
The purpose of college management system is to automate the existing manual system by the help
of computerized equipment and full-fledged computer software, fulfilling their requirements, so
that their valuable data/information can be stored for a longer period with easy accessing and
manipulation of the same. The required software and hardware are easily available and easy to
work with. The organization can maintain computerized records without redundant entries. That
means that one need not be distracted by information that is not relevant, while being able to reach
the information.
It manages all the information about student details, fee management, library details and student’s
marks details. We can also search, update, save and delete entries from the system. The whole data
is stored in the separate database.
• No Software present at all.
• Time consumed in accessing the records of the students.
• Manual calculation of total marks and percentage of students.
• More time taken to manually note issued and borrowed books in library.
• Fee management takes more time due to manual calculations.
• Easy to use GUI.
• Fee management can be done easily.
• Report of students according to need.
• Easy to maintain marks of students.
• Easy to maintain database and secured storage.
• Automated library system which consumes less time.
• STUDENT’S PROFILE : This module keeps record of each and every student’s details like
name, roll no , father’s name , mother’s name , phone no. ,email id etc. With this part we
can perform tasks like saving new entries, update information, search any student’s detail
and delete any entry.
• FEE REPORT : It will keep record of details regarding amount of fees paid and balance fee
of a particular student. We can also generate fee receipt. We can also perform various
functions like save, update, delete etc.
• LIBRARY SYSTEM : Library system manages all the library related functionalities. All
the details of student and books are stored in database. Due date, issue date and return date
are also stored with each entry.
• MARKSHEET : It contains marks of each subjects and can calculate grand total ,
percentage and CGPA of the student. We can also perform the same tasks in this module as
same as we done in other modules. We can also update , search and the entries which we
have already entered.
College Management System is a python based project. We have developed this project in python
and MySql. The main modules available in this project are student profile contains profiles of all
the college students, fee management tracks status of fees (paid and balance fees), library
system contains functionality related to library, marksheet tracks marks of student.
As we know Python projects are trending topics for academic Python project development,
so we had chosen Python 3 for the college management system. Python is a open source , portable,
and reliable language which can be used for the development of complex as well as for simple
It is a structured query language used for querying database. Its function is to control the data
like storing and retrieving and data as requested by the software applications. We can find any
record according to our requirements by simply putting queries.
for SharePoint, the web, Windows, Windows Phone, and beyond, Visual Studio is one of
ultimate all-in-one solution.
Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by
Microsoft. As a database, it is a software product whose primary function is to store and
retrieve data as requested by other software applications, be it those on the same computer
or those running on another computer across a network (including the Internet).
Our project has a big scope to do. We can store information of all the students , fee
management and library management system. College management can save, view and update any
student’s information.
• Access/search information.
• Update information.
• Fee management i.e. we can check fee status of any student and can maintain a receipt of
the same.
• Maintain a marksheet of a particular student.
• Library management can also be done.
The software used in this project is portable, reliable, efficient and it is a very big
advantage that we can run this project in any environment or any system. Like we do not
have to download or install any of the extra libraries or any packages in the new system.
This makes our project portable, efficient and compatible with all the operating system.
Thus this makes the project technically feasible.
This project is economically feasible because of the software and hardware used in this
project is not paid or not rented. As all the software and the hardware used ion this project
is free of cost and this makes this project economically feasible as well.
This project is operationally feasible as the user interface is very well developed to interact
with the users of the project. As this project features very well user interface as it is very
easy to operate from every page to the another page.
Main objective of college management system project is to record various details of activities of
the college. It will simplify college work. This system can maintain huge number of college
records including student, course, attendance, employee etc. College management system is
designed to remove all the deficiency of the current system.
Following are the main objectives of the college management system:
• Main objective of this project is to develop Graphical User Interface(GUI) based software
i.e. platform independent, user friendly, secure, reliable, which can be fit into any college
• It will remove data redundancy and will fast in operation.
• New features can be easily added as per requirements.
The Waterfall methodology is a traditional one. It involves a linear approach, which means that all
processes are headed in one single direction. This is where the name of the approach comes from.
This methodology was firstly used in the industry of manufacturing. Because of its characteristics,
it made it easy to structure processes. Initially, the Waterfall method was not as flexible as it is
The Waterfall methodology is also very structured, which means it doesn’t offer much flexibility.
This can be perceived as an advantage because the separation between the process stages can help
users divide work rapidly and without error. Because of its rigidity, users must pay careful
attention to each stage and this automatically leads to a better result.
Change Notifications
• Encapsulates application state
• Responds to state queries
• Exposes application
User Gestures
Method invocation
Hardware and software requirements for running this project are stated below:
Hardware requirements:
Processor : Intel i3
RAM : 2.00 GB
Storage : 30 GB
Software requirements
Operating System : Windows Operating System
Language :Python
Database : MySQL
Frontend Tool : PyCharm
Database Driver : MS SQL