MPO Assignment 1 (02000539)
MPO Assignment 1 (02000539)
MPO Assignment 1 (02000539)
Learner Declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this Assessment is my own and research sources are
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Task 01
- Analyse the relationship between organisational goals, objectives and policies and
explain their contribution to effective management at Fraser Foods.
Objectives are something which a business organization wants to achieve or accomplish over
a specified period of time. Policies are basically defined as rules which are created by the
organization itself and the external authorities (e.g.: government authorities). Goals describes
what a company should archive during a specific time period.
One of the Key policy of the company is to provide quality readymade food. This policy will
help increase the number of customers and also will help to uplift the brand name. And the
other policy is to minimize their use of non-renewable resources. This policy will help to
reduce mainly pollution which is a biggest problem to the whole world.
The main Objective of the company is to expand the business over the next five years. This
could bring more revenue and also will make a good brand name in the business world. And
another objective is starting a cookery school which too will help to get more revenue and
also to get skilled employees (mainly Chefs) to the organization.
Task 02
- Explain the composition of the open systems theory and explain how it applies to the
case study.
Open systems theory refers simply to the concept that organizations are strongly influenced
by their environment. The environment consists of other organizations that exert various
forces of an economic, political, or social nature. The environment also provides key
resources that sustain the organization and lead to change and survival. (Michael N. Bastedo
(2004) the SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Leadership and Administration)
In the following organization we can identify that there is hierarchical system in order to
clarify and rectify issues. So there are three Directors in this organization such as Managing,
Finance and Operations. There are four Senior Managers such as Human Resources,
Production, Product Development and Purchasing. Each manager has a team under them and
Administrative Support.
Again if we have a tendency to run into the atmosphere or nature Fraser Foods, we have a
tendency to see consultants and purchasers are learning to a lot of clearly acknowledge the
assorted components and processes of a corporation, and, especially, their inter-relationships
and alignment. Such as…
1. The number of deliveries to and from the factory and the amount of fuel used will
impact on the environment through pollution.
2. aware of their carbon footprint and try to minimize their use of non-renewable
Task 03
- Identify the key stakeholders in Fraser Foods and explain their interest and influence
in the company.
Stakeholder are individuals who show interest towards the organization, without a stake
holder support a company cannot exist. Stakeholders are divided into two parts, they are
Internal Stakeholders (stockholders within the Organization e.g.: Board of Directors,
Employees, and Managers), External Stakeholder (stakeholders out of the Organization e.g.:
Suppliers, customers, etc.).
Stakeholders at Fraser food and their interest towards the Organization are listed
Stakeholders Internal / External Reason
Board of Directors Internal To Get their salaries &
Managers Internal To Get their salaries &
Employee Internal To Get their salaries &
Customers External To purchase Fraser food
Perkins External To Purchase Products from
the Organization and sell it
to the Customers
Suppliers External To Sell material to the
Task 04
- Identify the main difference between the formal organization and informal
organization within Fraser Foods
Formal Organization is an organization in which Task of each Job role is clearly defined.
Where else the authority, duty and accountability are fixed. Informal Organization is an
organization which forms within the Formal Organization, An example for informal
organization is startups.
We can Clearly Identify that Fraser food is a Formal Organization. Since Fraser food
Organization is managed by a top management (board of directors). We can see that Fraser
food is a stable company too. We can clearly Prove it because the organization has a planned
there future for five years and also have been in the business world for a long time. And also
the other reason is the employees are working under strict rules and regulations.
Task 5
- Recommend an effective control strategy that applies to Fraser Foods and justify its
Task 6
- Exp
lain a content theory of motivation and a process theory of motivation and illustrate
how they can explain actions of individuals in Fraser Foods.
Respecting the employees
at Work.
Pension Schemes / Company Pays Above The Minimum Wage / Salary
Bonus / Providing Uniforms / Employees Are Paid Above The Minimum
Wage / Subsidised Canteen
Process Theories of Motivation
Process theories of motivation try to explain why behaviors are initiated. These theories
focus on the mechanism by which we choose a target, and the effort that we exert to “hit”
the target. There are four major process theories: (1) operant conditioning, (2) equity, (3)
goal, and (4) expectancy. (Black, Gardner, Pierce and Steers, n.d.)
Out of the four Process Theories of Motivation I would prefer to use Expectancy -
Vroom's expectancy theory
Vroom's expectancy theory assumes that behavior results from conscious choices among
alternatives whose purpose it is to maximize pleasure and to minimize pain. Vroom
realized that an employee's performance is based on individual factors such as
personality, skills, knowledge, experience and abilities. He stated that effort, performance
and motivation are linked in a person's motivation. He uses the variables Expectancy,
Instrumentality and Valence to account for this. (Vroom expectancy motivation theory |
Employee motivation theories | YourCoach Gent)
According to Expectancy - Vroom's expectancy theory, In Freser food
Task 7
- Explain the methods used by managers to improve job performance within Fraser
Foods and justify their suitability.
Job performance has been defined as the overall expected value from employees’ behaviors
carried out over the course of a set period of time (Motowidlo, Borman, & Schmidt, 1997). In
this case study we can see few methods used by managers at Freser Food to improve job
performance within the Organization. They are Job design, Empowerment, Training, &
Financial and non-financial rewards.
Job Design
In Freser Food, shop floor staffs are working as job rotation, which means the staff will have
to perform two or more jobs at once. Because of Job rotation the staff can get more exposure
of various jobs and also the staff can improve in their Job Performance.
In this Organization, Shop floor teams are set targets but have freedom to organize the way
they achieve them. This is a strategy Used by the management helps the employee to take
confident decisions in the workplace without supervision.
Training is a highly useful tool that can bring an employee into a position where they can do
their job correctly, effectively, and conscientiously. (Training: Meaning, Definition and
Types of Training, n.d.)
E.g.: The company provides good training opportunities and Kathryn is keen to offer more in
house training to ensure staff continue to have the skills the business needs.
Financial and non-financial rewards
Any person does a job to get their salary at the end of the month or at the end task given by
the organization (except in voluntary organizations). People get more motivated at work
when they get bonuses other than the salary. Even at Freser food we can see employees paid
bonus and also they are paid for working overtime.
Task 8
- Exp
lain the importance of team working and state how it operates within Fraser Foods.
A Team could be simply elaborated as Together Everyone Achieve More. Three main
components of a team are, the team should consist at least two members, people in a team
should regularly interact with each other, and also people should share a common goal. There
are two kinds of teams they are Formal Teams & Informal teams.
Importance of Teamwork
“If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.” — Henry Ford
1. Trust Building 2. Better Outcomes
3. Increased Creativity 4. Efficiency
5. Teams Attract Talent 6. Mutual support
Teams and consumer groups have been involved in new product trials and four new
microwaveable recipes have been approved.
Shop floor teams are set targets but have freedom to organize the way they achieve
them. Team members move around to carry out different tasks which help break up
the routine nature and boredom of some of the jobs. This has improved staff morale,
increased staff flexibility and developed a real sense of teamwork. Staff are issued
with a company uniform to help them identify as part of a team.
Task 9
- Identify and analyze three factors that affect team cohesiveness and performance.
Examine the influences of the three factors in Fraser Foods.
Group cohesiveness can be defined as a bond that pulls people toward membership in a
particular group and resists separation from that group. In addition, group cohesion generally
has three characteristics. They include the following:
1. Interpersonal Attraction
This means group members have a preference or want to interact with each other.
Group members enjoy this interaction and seek it out.
2. Group Pride
This involves group members viewing their membership to a specific group with
fondness. They feel proud of their group membership, and staying in the group feels
Sidra Akter the marketing director working closely with Robin’s chef’s Peter
Armstrong to start a new project ‘Frasers Cook School’. So we can identify
interpersonal attraction between Sidra and Peter.
Group Pride
Hazim has a team of chefs who work on developing new products and recipes. He
regularly meets with his team to discuss their problems and ideas but gives them
freedom to use their talents in the creation of new products and how to go about their
job. High quality products that meet the needs of consumers and which can be
produced efficiently and to the exacting standards of their customers are essential.
Teams are kept aware of the changing market in food and the importance of
responding to that changing market.
4. Co
mmitment to the Work of the Group
Team members move around to carry out different tasks which help break up the
routine nature and boredom of some of the jobs. This has improved staff morale,
increased staff flexibility and developed a real sense of teamwork