Learning Activity-Lesson 1

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College of Arts and Social Sciences and Education


Learning Activity
The Pros and Cons Of Globalization1

A story in the Washington Post said “20 years ago globalization was pitched as a
strategy that would raise all boats in poor and rich countries alike. In the U.S. and
Europe consumers would have their pick of inexpensive items made by people
thousands of miles away whose pay was much lower than theirs. And in time trade
barriers would drop to support even more multinationals expansion and economic gains
while geo political cooperation would flourish.”

There is no question that globalization has been a good thing for many developing
countries who now have access to our markets and can export cheap goods.
Globalization has also been good for Multi-national corporations and Wall Street. But
globalization has not been good for working people (blue or white collar) and has led to
the continuing deindustrialization of America.

Pros Cons
1. Free trade is supposed to reduce 1. Globalization made the rich richer
barriers such as tariffs, value while making the non-rich poorer.
added taxes, subsidies, and other 2. Globalization is supposed to be
barriers between nations.  about free trade where all barriers
2. The proponents say globalization are eliminated but there are still
represents free trade which many barriers.
promotes global economic growth; 3. The biggest problem for
creates jobs, makes companies developed countries is that jobs
more competitive, and lowers are lost and transferred to lower
prices for consumers. cost countries.
3. Competition between countries is 4. Workers in developed countries
supposed to drive prices down. In like the US face pay-cut demands
many cases this is not working from employers who threaten to
because countries manipulate export jobs.
their currency to get a price 5. Large multi-national corporations
advantage. have the ability to exploit tax
4. It also provides poor countries, havens in other countries to avoid
through infusions of foreign paying taxes.
capital and technology, with the 6. Building products overseas in
chance to develop economically countries like China puts our
and by spreading prosperity, technologies at risk of being
creates the conditions in which copied or stolen, which is in fact
democracy and respect for human happening rapidly.
rights may flourish. 7. Globalization is also leading to the
5. There is now a worldwide market incursion of communicable
for companies and consumers diseases.
who have access to products of 8. Globalization has led to
different countries.  exploitation of labor.

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College of Arts and Social Sciences and Education


6. Gradually there is a world power 9. Multinational corporations, which

that is being created instead of were previously restricted to
compartmentalized power sectors. commercial activities, are
Politics is merging and decisions increasingly influencing political
that are being taken are actually decisions.
beneficial for people all over the 10. Multinational corporations
world. This is simply a are accused of social injustice,
romanticized view of what is unfair working conditions
actually happening.  (including slave labor wages,
7. There is more influx of information living and working conditions), as
between two countries, which do well as lack of concern for
not have anything in common environment, mismanagement of
between them.  natural resources, and ecological
8.  There is cultural intermingling damage.
and each country is learning more
about other cultures. 
9. Socially we have become more
open and tolerant towards each
other and people who live in the
other part of the world are not
considered aliens.
10. Labor can move from country to
country to market their skills.

Globalization is a complicated issue. It is necessary to evaluate the pros and cons

before drawing any conclusions. Analyze the above listed Pros and Cons of
globalization and give at least 1(one) example for each.

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