Tea and Coffe

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2. Classification (Nourishing, Stimulating and Refreshing beverages)

A. Tea -  Origin & Manufacture     

            -  Types & Brands  

           B. Coffee -  Origin & Manufacture     

                 -  Types & Brands 

C. Juices and Soft Drinks 

D. Cocoa & Malted Beverages

       -  Origin & Manufacture

3. Advantages of beverages

1.  Introduction
In this lesson we shall discuss about the beverages. After completion of this lesson you will be
able to understand:

Beverages and their classification

Non-alcoholic beverages

Preparation of non-alcoholic beverages.

‘Beverage’ is the term which refers to all kinds of potable drinks which have thirst-quenching,
refreshing, stimulating and nourishing qualities. By refreshing, one means the replenishment of
fluid loss from the body due to perspiration. Simulation results in increase of the heart beat
and blood pressure. This is due to the intake of spirits (alcohol) or tea (tannin) and coffee
(caffeine). Nourishment is provided by the nutrients in the beverages, especially fruit juices.

Most of the beverages supply energy in the form of sugar or alcohol. They also provide other
nutrients like mineral salts and vitamins. For example, milk gives calcium and citrus fruits
give vitamin C.

Generally, people drink for one or more of six reasons; to quench thirst, to get drunk, to enjoy a
social setting (social drinking), to enjoy the taste of the beverage, to feed an addiction
(alcoholism), or as part of a religious or traditional ceremony or custom (proposing toast).

A beverage is a liquid formulation specifically prepared for human consumption. The word

"Beverage" has been derived from the Latin word "bever" meaning rest from work. After work,
one tends to feel thirsty due to fluid loss through perspiration and one is inclined to drink water
or other potable beverages to compensate fluid loss.

Beverages can be broadly classified into:

·        Alcoholic Beverages.
·         Non-alcoholic Beverages.

The term non-alcoholic beverages cover drinks that are either totally free from alcohol or that
have less than 0.5 percent alcohol by volume. Such drinks are generally drunk for refreshment,
or to quench people's thirst.

2.  Classification (Nourishing, Stimulating and Refreshing beverages)

                      Non-alcoholic beverages can be classified as: -




2.1.1 Tea: is one of the most widely-consumed stimulant beverage in the world. It has a cooling,
slightly bitter, astringent flavor. It has almost no carbohydrates, fat, or protein.

2.1.2 Coffee: is a widely consumed stimulant beverage prepared from roasted        seeds,

commonly called coffee beans, of the coffee plant. Once brewed, coffee may be presented in a
variety of ways. Drip brewed, percolated, or French-pressed / cafeteria coffee may be served
with no additives (colloquially known as black) or with sugar, milk or cream, or both. When
served cold, it is called cold coffee/ iced coffee.

2.1.3 Cocoa: it is a powder made from cacao seeds (bean) after they have been fermented,
roasted, shelled, ground, and freed of most of their fat. A beverage is made by mixing this
powder with sugar in hot water or milk. It is a rich source of the bromine which acts as
a stimulant.

2.1.1 TEA:

Tea is the most preferred beverage in the world; tea is a stimulating and refreshing drink. Tea
was discovered by accident over 5000 years ago when leaves from a tea bush accidentally
dropped into some boiling water and delicately flavored the liquid.

All tea comes from the "Camellia sinensis", an evergreen shrub that may grow up to 60 feet in
the wild. When cultivated for harvest, the tea bushes are kept to a height of about three feet.
There are over 3000 varieties of tea each with their own specific characteristics. Tea leaves have
a characteristic oval shape and serrated edge. Younger the leaves better the quality of the tea.

The kind of tea obtained is determined by the manufacturing process and treatment. The
principle flavor components of tea are caffeine, tannin yielding compounds and small amounts of
essential oils. Caffeine provides the stimulating effect, tannin the color, body and taste to the
extract and the essential oils contribute the characteristic aroma. It is predominantly grown in
India, Ceylon, China and Japan. Chinese tea contains less tannin than the other varieties.

Tea is mostly named after the region in which they are cultivated. Example: Assam tea is named
after the Assam region in India, and Keemun is named after the Keemun region of china. The
British introduced the habit of drinking tea in India. Stages in the Manufacture of Tea: - 

In the process of making tea, the leaves from tea plant are transformed into the dried leaves for
brewing tea, the types of tea are differentiated by the processing they undergo: -

1)    Plucking: - Leaves are handpicked while they are still young. “Flush” refers to newly-
grown vegetative shoots composed of the terminal bud and two other young leaves immediately
below it are picked from the tea plant twice a year during early spring and early summer.

2)    Withering: - the tea leaves begin to wither soon after picking. The withering process is used
to remove excess moisture from the leaves. The leaves are put under sun light.

3)    Fermentation/oxidation: - withered leaves are subjected to oxidation. During oxidation the

leaves are left on their own in a climate controlled room where they progressively turn dark.

4)    Firing: - this process is accomplished to stop the fermentation at desired oxidation level.

5)    Rolling: - the tea leaves are then rolled into spirals and different shapes.

6)    Drying: - This process is carried out to prepare the leaves for sale. Mechanical dryers are

7)    Ageing/Curing: - while not always required, but some teas require additional ageing,
secondary fermentation to develop their complex flavors.
8)    Sorting: - Done by different grades:

     I.        Broken

    II.        Fanning – Small fragments of broken leaves.

  III.        Dust – This is left when fanning is shifted. This is popular as catering tea and is used in
tea bags because it infuses quickly and is quite strong.

Tea dealers use letters to denote various grades of tea. These are stamped on the tea chests.

P – Pekoe: Indicates larger pieces: small, tightly rolled leaves together with open leaves.

O - Orange: Indicates Good quality tea.

F - Flowery grade: Indicates a flowery grade of good flavor.

Orange Pekoe: Long, thin leaves that are closely twisted, yellow leaf tips and bud leaves are
sometimes included.

Souchang: Largest and coarsest of the whole leaf grade.

Blending: Blend of various qualities, sizes and grades of tea to give a uniform product. Special kinds of Tea

Ø  Earl Gray: Blend of Indian and China teas and Bergamot oils. It is light and delicately
scented. Bergamot is a pear shaped orange and the oil is extracted from the rind.

Ø  Assam: Strong, recuperative tea.

Ø  Darjeeling: Flavor of Muscatel, can be drunk with lemon or milk.

Ø  Jasmine: China tea mixed with scented jasmine flavors, best drunk with slice of lemon.
Ø  Lady Londonderry’s mixture: a special blend of China, Indian and Formosa teas.

Ø  Green gunpowder: China tea with curled leaves, which looks like gunpowder.

Ø  Lap sang Souchang: A distinctive China tea with tarry taste; quite pungent.

Ø  Tisanes: Teas that have herbal base, e.g.- jasmine and chamomile.   Basic forms of Tea

The climate, soil conditions where the tea is grown, and how the tea is processed, determines the
flavor characteristics of the tea. Tea is harvested after each flush - the sprouting of the top two
leaves and bud. Tea pickers’ motto is ‘two leaf and a bud.’ The top two leaves and bud are hand
plucked and then processed into any of the four types of tea, which are Black, Green, oolong,
and White.

Black Tea

 The leaves are withered, then rolled till they become soft and massy. This is done to break up
the fiber and cells of the leaf to liberate the constituents so that their extraction is easy. The
leaves are then fermented. During the process of fermentation some of the acid in the leaves
oxidizes and is converted into less soluble forms while more essential oils develop. After
fermentation is complete, the leaves are fired in a drying machine. Some of the popular black
teas include English Breakfast, and Darjeeling.

Green Tea Skips the oxidizing step. It is simply withered and then dried. It has a more delicate
taste and is pale green/ golden in color. The main difference between black tea and green tea is,
the former is fermented while the latter is not. Since the purpose of fermentation is to make
tannin less soluble, an infusion of green tea has more tannin in it, astringent and slightly bitter to
Oolong tea is popular in China, it is withered, partially oxidized, and dried. Oolong is a cross
between black and green tea in color and taste.

White tea is the least processed. A very rare tea from China, White tea is not oxidized or rolled,
but simply withered and dried by steaming. The best tea generally produces a pale-colored
infusion and the depth of color is not necessarily a 'sign of strength.’ Freshly infused tea is
harmless to normal digestion; continued infusion extracts the tannin, a bitter substance which is
harmful. Storage of Dried Tea

1.    Tea easily absorbs moisture and odors and so it is essential that it is kept in a cool dry place
away from any strong smelling items.

2.    Tea must be stored in an airtight container not exposed to light and used within a reasonable
time. Because light breaks down the quality (photo-oxidation) of tea, glass containers are not
suitable for the storage of tea unless stored away from light.

3.    If the tea in chest, they should be kept off the ground and at 16 cm or 6 inches away from the
wafts. This allows a current of air to circulate round the tea chest and averts dampness.

4.    Once a chest is opened it is advisable to put a close-fitting lid over it. Preparation of Tea

Tea brewing or preparation is an art that is simple to perform but which also requires some care,
to do well. While essentially tea is brewed by adding boiling water to the dry leaf, the quantity of
leaves, the temperature of the water and timing is of vital concern. The following is a guide for
the preparation of tea. The basic rule of thumb to start is 'one teaspoon of loose-leaf tea per cup.
1.    Warm your empty tea pot by filling it with hot water. This will prevent the hot water
from cooling too quickly when leaves are added. Use a good quality and properly stored tea
leaves/dust/tea bags.

2.    Boil freshly drawn tap water. If the quality of your tap water is poor, try using filtered or
bottled spring water. For black tea, use the water when it comes to a boil. Water left boiling too
long will de-aerate. This will result in a flat tasting tea. For green tea, the water should be heated
to a lower temperature (usually approximately 80-90 degrees Celsius), which may vary from tea
to tea.

3.     Empty the hot water from your tea pot and add 2.25g or one rounded teaspoon of tea leaves
for each cup of water (or one heaping teaspoon per mug), placing the tea directly into the bottom
of the pot or using a basket infuser. Tea ball strainers, while convenient, often yield poorer
tasting tea as they are often too small to allow all of the leaves to fully unravel its contents. If
you do use a tea ball, be sure to use one that is sufficiently large to pack the tea loosely.

4.    Add the freshly boiled water over the leaves in the tea pot.

5.    Brew tea for the appropriate length of time. Time needed to brew tea varies depending on
the leaves being used and the drinker's individual taste. Careful timing is essential for brewing
tea. A very general rule to follow is the smaller the leaf, the less time required for brewing.
Broken grades of tea leaves and most Darjeeling teas usually only need 3-4 minutes to brew.
Whole-leaf teas often need 3-5 minutes. All teas, however, will become bitter due to higher
tannin extraction if brewed for longer than 5 or 6 minutes. When brewing tea, time with a
timer, and not with your eyes. It is a common mistake to brew the tea until it looks a particular
color or shade. The color of tea is a poor indicator of the tea's taste.

6.    If you use a basket infuser or a tea ball, remove these promptly when the brewing time has
expired. If you placed the tea directly into the pot, pour the tea into the cups through a strainer to
catch the leaves. In this instance, if you do not wish to serve your tea immediately, pour your tea
through a strainer into another pre-heated tea pot.
7.    Tea sometimes is brewed with spices like fresh ginger, dried ginger powder or cardamoms to
enrich the flavor. Milk and sugar should be added according to individual taste. Adding of milk
first or last does not make any significant difference in the taste of tea - but many people have
their choice some like to add milk first and some afterwards. Sugar must be added last. Tea is
also taken hot with sugar and slices of lemon. This is known as Russian Tea. For preparing iced
tea: prepare strong tea. Pour over crushed ice on which placed a sprig of mint and topped with
lemon slices. Instant tea: Of late completely water soluble tea powder is getting popular. Another
convenient method of preparing tea is to use tea bags. Brand Names   

1)            Taj Mahal (India)

2)            Brook Bond (India)

3)            Twinning’s of London

4)            Lipton – Yellow Label

5)            Pure Darjeeling Tea (Green)

6)            Tetley

7)            Tata Assam

8)            Oolong (China)

9)            Lap sang Souchang (China)

10)         Spencer’s (Harrison’s) Cover:

ü  Tea Cup
ü  Saucer

ü  Tea Spoon

Tea Pot, Tea strainer, Creamer with milk or cream, Sugar basin with sugar tongs (Teaspoon for
granulated sugar) Pieces of lemon on a quarter plate for lemon tea. Service:

ü  Place a tea cup, saucer and tea spoon from the right side of the guest.

ü  Ask how much sugar is needed.

ü  Add as required.

ü  Ask whether black tea or with milk.

ü  Pour the black tea. If with milk, leave some space at the top of the cup.

ü  Ask whether milk or cream is required.





SHAKING               (6




AND SHORT                        FULL




2.1.2 COFFEE

There is evidence to suggest that coffee trees were cultivated about 1000 years ago in the
Yemen. Coffee berries, which contain the coffee bean, are produced by several species of small
evergreen bush of the genus Coffea. The two most commonly grown species are Coffea
canephora (also known asCoffea Robusta) and Coffea arabica. These are cultivated in India,
Latin America, Southeast Asia, and Africa. Once ripe, coffee berries are picked, processed to
remove the mesocarp, and dried. The seeds are then roasted, undergoing several physical and
chemical changes. They are roasted to various degrees, depending on the desired flavor. They are
then ground and brewed to produce liquid coffee which is also known as coffee decoction.
Coffee can be prepared and presented by a variety of methods to cater the need of local palate.

There are two types of coffee:

1) Pure coffee – prepared from coffee beans only.

2) French coffee – contains chicory.

Coffee is always brewed by the user immediately before drinking. In most areas, coffee may be
purchased unprocessed, or already roasted, or already roasted and ground. Coffee is often
vacuum packed to prevent oxidation and lengthen its shelf life. Processing of Coffee Beans

Coffee preparation is the process of turning coffee beans into a beverage. While the specific
steps needed vary with the type of coffee desired and with the raw material being utilized, the
process is composed of four basic steps; raw coffee beans must be roasted, the roasted coffee
beans must then be ground, the ground coffee must then be mixed with hot water for a certain
time (brewed), and finally the liquid coffee must be filtered off from the spent powder.

ü    Beans are washed:

ü    Dried:

ü    Skinned:

ü    Shipped:

ü    Roasted:  Roasting coffee transforms the chemical and physical properties of green coffee
beans into roasted coffee products. The roasting process is integral to producing a savory cup of
coffee. When roasted, the green coffee bean expands to nearly double its original size, changing
in color and density. As the bean absorbs heat, the color shifts to yellow and then to a light
"cinnamon" brown then to a dark and oily color. During roasting, oils appear on the surface of
the bean. The roast will continue to darken until it is removed from the heat source. Coffee can
be roasted with ordinary kitchen equipment (frying pan, grill, and oven) or by specialized
appliances. Sometimes, butter fat (melted butter / ghee) is added during roasting to enhance the
flavor of the resultant powder.

·         Light roasting – for mild beans to develop the aroma.

·         Medium roasting – for stronger flavor.

·         Full roasting - for a bitter flavor.

·         High roasting - accentuates the strong, bitter aspects of coffee, much of the original flavor
is lost.

ü    Grinding: The whole roasted coffee beans are ground, which is also known as milling, to
facilitate the brewing process. It preserves the flavor as much as possible. Three grades are

v    Fine ground coffee, which gives a decoction with a high body.

v    Medium

v    Coarse ground powder is more suitable for preparing coffee decoction by percolation. It

retains the aroma and flavor better.

The fineness of grind strongly affects brewing, and must be matched to the brewing method for
best results. Brewing methods which expose coffee grounds to heated water for longer require a
coarser grind than faster brewing methods. Uniformly ground coffee is better than the mixture of
sizes produced by a mill with chopping blades. Many coffee drinkers grind the beans themselves
immediately before brewing. There are four methods of grinding coffee for brewing: burr-
grinding, chopping, pounding, and roller grinding.

ü    Blending: Blended with chicory roots of coffee, dried and powdered. Methods of Preparation of Coffee

General methods of preparation of coffee are given below. This is followed by specific methods
of brewing coffee which is given under appropriate headings.

Brewing Coffee can be brewed in several different ways, but these methods fall into two main
groups depending upon how the water is introduced to the coffee grounds.

·         If the method allows the water to pass only once through the grounds, the resulting brew
will contain mainly the more soluble components (including caffeine).

·         If the water is repeatedly cycled through the beans (as with the common percolator), the
brew will also contain more of the relatively less soluble, and bitter-tasting, compounds found in
the bean, but for this coarse ground coffee will be required.

Boiling Despite the name, care should be taken not to actually boil coffee for more than an
instant because the decoction becomes bitter.

                                       (COFFEE TO BOIL IS COFFEE TO SPOIL)

·         The simplest method is to put the ground coffee in a cup, pour in hot water and let it cool
while the grounds sink to the bottom. This is a traditional method for making a cup of coffee  
(known as "mud coffee")

·         "Cowboy coffee" is made by simply heating coarse grounds with water in a pot, letting the
grounds settle and pouring off the liquid to drink, sometimes filtering it to remove fine grounds.
The above methods are sometimes used with hot milk instead of water. Water temperature is
crucial to the proper extraction of flavor from the ground coffee. The recommended brewing
temperature of coffee is 93°C (199.4°F). If cooler, some of the soluble that make up the flavor
will not be extracted. If the water is too hot, some undesirable, bitter, components will be
extracted, adversely affecting the taste. If coffee is heated to boiling point only very briefly, the
taste will be little affected; the longer it is kept at a high temperature the worse the taste


Steeping A cafeteria (or French press) is a tall, narrow cylinder with a plunger that includes a
metal or nylon mesh filter. Coffee is placed in the cylinder and boiling water is poured on. The
coffee and hot water are left in the cylinder for a few minutes (typically 4'-7') and the plunger is
pushed down leaving the filter immediately above the grounds, allowing the coffee to be poured
out while the filter retains the grounds. Depending on the type of filter, it is important to pay
attention to the grind of the coffee beans, though a rather coarse grind is almost always called
for. A plain glass cylinder may be used, or a vacuum flask arrangement to keep the coffee hot.

Drip Brew Drip brew (also known as filter or American coffee) is made by letting hot water drip
onto coffee grounds held in a coffee filter (paper or perforated metal). Strength varies according
to the ratio of water to coffee and the fineness of the grind, but is typically weaker than espresso,
though the final product contains more caffeine. By convention, regular coffee brewed by this
method is served in a brown or black pot (or a pot with a brown or black handle), while
decaffeinated coffee is served in an orange pot (or a pot with an orange handle).    


 Moka Pot Method There is an art to making coffee in a moka pot that includes the amount of
water, the amount and grind of the coffee, the compactness of the coffee grounds in the filter and
the heat of the water used to brew it. It is possible to make excellent coffee without any acidity or
bitterness in a moka pot if you follow simple procedures listed below:
1)    Place your kettle of cold water on your stove burner and heat water until hot. Depending on
the quality of your water, you may find that using filtered water significantly improves the taste
of your coffee.

2)    Grind your coffee. Grind just a little coarser than for an espresso machine (fine, espresso
grind of dark roasted coffee). Just coarse enough so it doesn't go through the upper filter holes or
block them.

3)    Place hot water in the bottom section of the pot up to the level of the safety valve.

4)    Insert the filter basket. Fill the filter basket with ground coffee until it is level and then level
off with a knife. Do not compact the coffee, because as the water reaches the grounds they will
expand effectively tamping your coffee for you.

5)    Make sure the filter disk and gasket are in place in the top portion of the pot. Screw the top   
section onto the bottom section of the pot and tighten to obtain a perfect seal. If using a stovetop
moka pot, place it on the stove on medium to medium-high heat. When hot, the air and water
trapped inside the bottom tank expand due to the heat being applied the device. As this happens,
it pushes the hot water up a tube, through the coffee grinds, and out of the spout into the top
chamber of the pot.

6)    When the water in the tank has been exhausted, that's when you hear the ‘gurgle,’ that
signifies the drink is ready to pour (approximately 4-5 minutes). Brewing is completed when all
the water has been percolated into the top chamber. Remove the moka pot from the stove.

Do not put the pot in the dishwasher. Wash the pot in mild detergent and water and dry  
thoroughly after each use. Always keep your moka pot scrupulously clean. Disassemble the
moka pot after every use and clean the filter and top pot, being sure that you clean the underside
of the top pot. Every few weeks, run some vinegar through the moka pot as if you were brewing
coffee to get rid of any mineral deposits left behind by hard water.

 Pot Method

·         Warm an earthenware pot or jug. Put in 3 level teaspoons of fresh coffee powder (coarse   
grind) for each 250 ml cup.
·         Pour water which has started to boil over the powder and stir. Cover the pot and let it stand
near the fire for 5 to 7 minutes.

·         Pour the coffee through a fine meshed sieve or cloth. Add milk and sugar to taste.

 Filter Method

Several types of filters are available. Stainless steel or brass filters are the best, but the latter
should be properly tinned, or else the coffee will be spoilt. Glass or china containers are good but
are fragile. Copper should not be used because of possible copper poisoning.

·         Put in 3 level teaspoons of coffee powder (fine or medium grind) to each 250 ml. or 8 oz.
cup. Press the plunger down lightly over the powder.

·         Pour water which has just come to boil over (he plunger in a circular motion. Let it stand
for 5 to 7 minutes.

·         Coffee can be poured out straight from the lower vessel and milk and sugar added as

 Percolator Method

·         Place the ground coffee powder in the center section of a clean warm percolator on a fine
strainer fitted inside and resting on a paper filter (a pinch of salt is mixed with the coffee).

·         Pour fresh boiling water slowly through the top section.

·         The water passes through the coffee, is strained and collects in the bottom section of the

Espresso or Café Espresso

Espresso is a concentrated coffee beverage brewed by forcing very hot, but not boiling water
under high pressure through coffee that has been ground to a consistency between extremely fine
and powder.

The defining characteristics of espresso include a thicker consistency than drip coffee, a higher
amount of dissolved solids than drip coffee per relative volume, and a serving size that is usually
measured in shots, which are between 25 and 30 ml (30ml=1 fluid ounce) in size. Espresso is
chemically complex and volatile, with many of its chemical components quickly degrading due
to oxidation or loss of temperature. Properly brewed espresso has three major parts: the heart,
body, and the most distinguishing factor, the presence of crema, reddish-brown foam that floats
on the surface of the espresso. It is composed of vegetable oils, proteins and sugars. Crema has
elements of both emulsion and foam colloid.

Instant Coffee

A thick coffee decoction is prepared first and then it is either spray dried to a fine powder or
freeze dried to granules. When added to hot water it dissolves completely leaving no residue.

Turkish Coffee

It is heavily laced with cardamom and is quite thick in consistency. It is a traditional after meal
drink in many Arab countries. Rules to observe while making Coffee

ü  Use freshly roasted and ground coffee.

ü  Buy the correct grind for the right type of machine.

ü  Clean the equipment.

ü  Use a set measure.

ü  Add boiling water to the coffee.

ü  Use freshly drawn and freshly boiled water.

ü  Infusion time is according to the type of coffee being used and the method of making.

ü  Control the temperature. Do not boil it.

ü  Strain: serve.

ü  Add milk/cream separately.

ü  Serving temperature – Coffee – 82 C, Milk – 68 C.

Characteristics of good coffee:

ü  Good flavor

ü  Good aroma

ü  Good aroma of milk/ cream

ü  Good body

Reasons for:

Weak Coffee

·         Water has not reached boiling point.

·         Insufficient coffee.

·         Infusion time is too short.

·         Stale or old coffee has been used.

·         Incorrect grind of coffee used for equipment in operation.

Flat Coffee

·         Coffee has been left in the urn for too long before use/ kept at a wrong temperature.

·         Dirty urn / equipment.

·         Water is not fresh / boiling too long.

·         Coffee is reheated.

Bitter Coffee

·         Too much coffee is used.

·         Infusion time too long.

·         Coffee has not been roasted properly.

·         Sediment remaining in storage or serving equipment

·         Infusion at too high a temperature.

·         Coffee left in urn too long. Storage:

ü  Roasted coffee bean can be stored for some time, and can be re-roasted briefly immediately
before    use. Ground coffee should be used within two or three days of grinding.
ü  Vacuum-packing extends storage life much. Roasted coffee, whether ground or not, can be
kept in an airtight container in a freezer to lengthen shelf life. Cover:

ü  Coffee cup

ü  Saucer

ü  Demi tasse spoon

Coffee Pot, Creamer with milk or cream, Sugar basin with sugar tongs (Teaspoon for granulated
sugar) Service:

ü  Place a coffee cup, saucer and tea spoon from the right side of the guest.

ü  Ask how much sugar is needed.

ü  Add as required.

ü  Ask whether black coffee or with milk.

ü  Pour the black coffee. If with milk, leave some space at the top of the cup.

ü  Ask whether milk or cream is required.

ü  Pour the requirement. Brand Names

·         Coorg – 100% pure filter (no chicory)

·         Coorg – 53% coffee (47% chicory)

·         Nescafe – Class instant

·         Bru – instant

·         Sunrise- instant

·         Kothas – Filter

·         Green label – filter

·         Lavazza

·         Illy

·         Java

·         Starbucks

Decaffeinated – Nestle, Star Bucks, Brook.  (The stimulant caffeine is removed.)

2.1.3 COCOA

Cocoa, besides being a stimulant, is also a food. It is prepared from the seeds (beans) of a tree
called theobromo cacao, grown in South and Central America, the West and East Indies and
along the Gold Coast and adjacent areas in Africa. Common Commercial verities are criolo (fine
quality) and trinitario (medium quality). The pods are gathered in heaps and cut open with sharp
rounded knives. The cocoa beans which are covered with a moist, glistening sweet white pulp
(mucilage) are scooped out. Oxidation

begins almost at once causing the beans to become brown. Therefore, as soon as possible, they
must be placed on fermenting heaps and are spread in the sun to remove the moisture so that
spoilage does not set in. However, fermentation is necessary to get the finest possible flavor.
This is accompanied by a rise in temperature and the transformation of natural sugars to acetic
and other acids. After several days, this operation is complete and the beans are allowed to dry.
They are then ready to be packed and shipped. ORIGIN: - The first chocolate beverage is believed to have been created by the Mayan
people around 2000 years ago. The beverage became popular in Europe after being introduced
from Mexico after its introduction to Europe, the drink slowly gained popularity. Until the
19th century, hot chocolate was even used medicinally to treat ailments such as stomach diseases.
Today, hot chocolate is consumed throughout the world and comes in multiple variations
including the very thick cocoa served in Italy and the thinner hot cocoa that is typically
consumed in United States.

Nearly 70 % of the world crop is grown in West Africa. MANUFACTURING OF COCOA: -

Producing cocoa is one of the complicated processes. It requires expert monitoring, technology
and a lot of patience. To simplify it the cocoa is a byproduct of making block chocolate process.

·         Chocolate is made from the dried and partially fermented seeds of cocoa tree.

·         When the pods ripen, they are harvested from the cocoa tree.

·         The pods itself is green when ready to harvest, rather than red or orange.

·         Normally red or orange pods are considered to be of inferior quality, because their flavors
and aromas are poor.

·         The harvested pods are opened, the pulp and cocoa seeds are removed and the rind is

·         The pulp and seeds are then piled in heaps, placed in bins or laid out on crates, for several

·         During this time, the seed and pulp undergo “sweating”, where the thick pulp liquefies as
it ferments. The fermented pulp trickles away, living cocoa seeds behind to be collected.

·         The seeds are then dried, cleaned, roasted (roasting develops the flavor and color),
cracked (passed through corrugated rollers to break their shell and separate the germ) to
remove the nibs (roasted, de-hulled and de-germed beans are called nibs) and then ground to a
smooth   liquid containing 55% fat.

·         The fat is then pressed out to leave about 25 % of the original and the resultant mass   is
ground into fine powder, mixed with flavoring materials and homogenized, is the cocoa from
which beverage is prepared.

Cocoa contains the bromine, caffeine as well as starch, fat, nitrogenous compounds and salts. So,
apart from being a stimulating drink, it is also a food. Cocoa can be prepared in milk only, or in
milk and water, mixed to suit the taste of the individual. The powder is mixed with sugar to
avoid lumping. A little cold milk is added and a thick even paste made. Either hot milk or hot
milk and water are pored over. The preparation is then allowed to boil for a few minutes which
improve the flavor. A pinch of salt added at the beginning enhances the flavor.

Service: Tea cup, saucer, tea spoon (served from right hand side)

2.2 Refreshing:

2.2.1 Water:

Waters can be classified as-

·         Still

·         Naturally sparkling

·         Carbonated during bottling Bottled Water: It is of two types- Mineral and spring water. Mineral water: is the water containing minerals or other dissolved substances, which are
strictly controlled. This alters its taste or gives it therapeutic value. Salts, sulfur compounds, and
gases are among the substances that can be dissolved in the water. Mineral water can often be
effervescent. Mineral water can be prepared or can occur naturally.

According to their chemical properties, they are classified as:

·         Alkaline waters- Help treatment of gout and rheumatism.

·         Aperient waters- Have saline constituents like sulphate of magnesia or sulphates of soda.

·         Lithiated waters- These are rich in Lithia salts.

·         Table waters: These are less mineralized than other natural spring waters and are mainly
alkaline. They may be taken at meal times, either as water or may be mixed with light wine or
spirits. Spring water: is often bottled and sold as mineral water with some regulations
concerning hygiene. Natural spring water:  spring water is the water derived from undergroundformation
from which water flows naturally (artesian) to the surface of the earth. Minerals become
dissolved in the water as it moves through the underground rocks. This may give the water flavor
and even carbon dioxide bubbles, depending upon the nature of the geology through which it
passes. The uniqueness of these mineral waters is that they have medicinal value.


Name Style Country

Abbey Well Still England

Evian Still France

Perrier Sparkling France

Strathmore g Scotland

Pellegrino Sparkling Italy

Still/sparklin Switzerlan
Henniez g d

Himalayan Still India

Service: Most guests prefer mineral water in place of tap water. Mineral waters are served
chilled at temperatures range of 7-10-degree C. but without addition of ice unless requested by
the guest. It can be served in Paris goblet, Highball, or slim jim glass. Mineral water may also
be mixed with alcoholic drink and consumed.

2.2.2 Soft Drinks:  

                              these beverages are charged or aerated with carbonic gas. The charging with
carbonic gas imparts the pleasant effervescent characteristic of these beverages. Carbonation
occurs when carbon dioxide is dissolved in water or an aqueous solution. This process yields the
"fizz" to carbonated water andsparkling mineral water. Drinks are acidified, sweetened, colored,
carbonated, and often chemically preserved. The water used should be well purified and is free
of microorganism, dissolved metals, and organic compounds. These aerated drinks are available
in different flavors and colors. Example: soda water, dry ginger, fizzy lemonade, ginger beer,
Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and others. Synthetic flavors are generally used because

·         Natural flavors added to the drinks do not give standard products.

·         Natural flavor extracts undergo changes in the presence of light, acid and storage.

·         Natural flavors do not transport pigments of sufficient depth.

·         Natural flavors are unstable in acidic conditions. Acids used are Citric, Malic, Tartaric,
and phosphoric. Dissolved carbon dioxide also produces acidity.

Sodium Benzoate is a common preservative used in soft drinks.

2.2.3 Tonic- It is an aerated drink, sweetened and flavored with natural fruit and plant extracts
including quinine. It is drunk straight with ice and a slice of lemon or added in cocktail. It is
generally used with gin.

2.2.4 Ginger ale- Consists of aerated water with coloring and ginger essence.

2.2.5 Lemonade- Consists of lemon juice, sugar and aerated water.

Service: They can be taken chilled anytime of the day- Neat or mixed with alcoholic drinks or
syrups. They are served in highball glasses or Tom Collins. Straw holder is placed on the table.

2.3 Nourishing:

2.3.1 Juice:

                  Juice is prepared by mechanically squeezing or macerating fresh fruits or vegetables

without the application of heat or solvents. Popular juices include, but are not limited to, apple,
orange, prune, lemon, grapefruit, cherry, pineapple, tomato, carrot, grape, strawberry, cranberry,
pomegranate guava, and celery. It has become increasingly popular to combine a variety of fruits
into single juice drinks. Popular blends include cran-apple (cranberry and apple) and apple and
blackcurrant. Juices are also used for cocktails and mixing with spirits. Fruit juices can be either
fresh or preserved (canned or bottled or tetra packs). Tomato juice and carrot juice are from
vegetable family that fall under the category of nourishing drinks.

Juices are served with or without ice in Paris goblet/Highball/ Tom Collins. The pre poured
glass is brought from dispense bar/still room to the table and placed on a coaster from the right-
hand side of the guest. Straw holder may be placed on the table.
·         Fresh fruit juices are served in a highball glass on a doily covered under liner, with tea
spoon; Sugar syrup is served separately.

·         Preserved fruit juices are served in 8oz glass on a doily covered under liner. Since they
already have high sugar content, there is no need to give sugar syrup separately.

2.3.2 Syrup: Syrup is a thick, viscous liquid, containing a large amount of dissolved sugars (60
to 65% brix), but showing little tendency for crystallization of dissolved sugar. The main use of
these concentrated sweet fruit flavorings is as a base for cocktails, fruit cups or mixed with soda
water as a long drink. Someexamples of syrup are orgeat (almond), cassis (blackcurrant),
Citronelle (lemon),framboise (raspberry), cerise (cherry), Grenadine (Pomegranate) etc.

Service: Prepared drinks are served in highball/Tom Collins. Straw holder is placed on the

2.3.3 Squash: Squash is a highly-sweetened and concentrated pulp of fruits, which is diluted

with a liquid, most commonly water, before drinking. Typically, squash iscreated by mixing one-
part concentrate with four or five parts of water (depending on concentration and personal taste)
directly into a glass or mug or into a jug. Squashes are also mixed with spirits or cocktails. The
most common flavors are orange, apple and blackcurrant, lemon, peppermint, mixed fruit,
summer fruits, and lemon-lime. Other flavors include peach, strawberry, passion fruit, custard
apple and kiwi fruit.

Service: While taking order for squash, guest’s preference of mix should be noted. For example,
a guest may prefer orange squash with soda.

Items to be carried to the table on a salver:

ü  Measured quantity of required squash in 12oz. beer goblet/highball/Tom Collins.

ü  Ice bucket with tongs.

ü  Jug of chilled water/soda siphon/chilled mineral water as per guest’s preference.

ü  Coaster

ü  Straw

·         Place straw holder on the table and coaster in center of cover or on the right hand side of
the guest.

·         Place glass with squash on the coaster.

·         Ask guest if he/she wishes to have ice. If yes, place ice bucket next to the glass and add

·         Top it up with soda/chilled water/mineral water as per the order.

·         Take away the ice bucket.

(If ordered with soda or mineral water, soda siphon and mineral water bottle should be left on
the table)

2.3.4 Fruit Cordial:   is a fruit squash from which all suspended matter is eliminated and is clear.
It is filtered and clarified using fining agents. Sodium Benzoate or other preservatives are added.

2.3.5 Malted Beverages: The malted drinks such as Bourn vita, Milo, Oval tine, Complain, and
Horlicks fall in this category. These are sweetened powder mixes that dissolves readily in milk to
give a rich and wholesome drink.

These are portioned in coffee pots and served in a coffee cups. The serving procedure is same as

a)    Refreshment: Non-alcoholic beverages such as plain or carbonated water, lime juice, ginger
ale and other bottled beverages, fruit juices and iced tea or coffee are refreshingdrinks and are
used to relieve thirst.

b)    Nourishment: Pasteurized milk, butter milk, chocolate and cocoa drinks, eggnog made with
rum, fruit juices, glucose water, lemonade provide nutrients and help in nourishing the body.

c)    Stimulant: Tea, coffee, cocoa and chocolate beverages help in stimulating the system.

d)    Soothing Agent: Warm milk and hot tea have a soothing effect and are used for this purpose.

e)    Appetizers: fruit juice and alcoholic drinks in limited quantities increase an individual's

appetite and thereby food consumption.


                                  Short Terms

 Caffeine- An alkaloid that is present in coffee and cocoa. It stimulates the central nervous

Chicory - A bushy perennial herbaceous plant with blue, lavender, or white flowers. Its roots are
used as additive to coffee.

CTC- Acronym for crush, tear, and curl. It is used in tea production and grading.

Decaffeinated coffee- A type of coffee with less or no caffeine present in it.

Flushes- The topmost tender leaves of tea plant.

Theine - An alkaloid that is present in tea. It stimulates the central nervous system.

Tisane - A variety of fruit and herbal teas.


1.    What is laced coffee? List any 6 laced coffees?

2.    Explain in brief table waters?

3.    What is coffee? Explain the manufacture of coffee. List 3 methods of brewing coffee?

4.    Classify non alcoholic beverages with a neat chart? List 5 brand names of each?

5.    Classify Tea and its manufacturing. List the golden rules of tea making? How is tea stored?

6.    Brand names of tea and coffee.

7.    What are the reasons for bitter, weak, and flat coffee?

Visit a nearby food store or retail store and list the brands of aerated water, squashes, juices, and
syrups being sold.

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