Operations Scheduling: Dr. Md. Ahsan Akhtar Hasin
Operations Scheduling: Dr. Md. Ahsan Akhtar Hasin
Operations Scheduling: Dr. Md. Ahsan Akhtar Hasin
Operations Scheduling
Job1 : m1 m3 m4 m5
Job2 : m1 m2 m3 m4
Job1 FG1
m1 m3 m5
m2 m4
Infinite Loading
Finite loading
Backward scheduling determines the order due date, and then back tracks to
find possible order release date. An example of backward scheduling is MRP
Machine limited Process
Machine Limited process is also known as Machine Constrained process.
Here, machine is the critical resource that is scheduled.
Labor Limited
Capacity required
Simply multiply the standard cycle time (time/unit) by the number of parts and
divide by the part or process OEE % (Original Equipment Efficiency, or Overall
Equipment Effectiveness).
Capacity available
Capacity available
• Minimize lateness
• Etc.
Job Sequencing
Job sequencing means determination of which jobs to start first, the next,
etc. on a machine.
This is done using some rules known as “Priority Rule”, which is judged
against some performance criteria, such as minimization of flow time.
A 3 5 3 E 1 2 1
B 4 6 7 C 2 7 3
C 2 7 9 A 3 5 6
D 6 9 15 B 4 6 10
E 1 2 16 D 6 9 16
Total Flow time = 3 + 7 + 9 + 15 + 16 = 50 days Total Flow time = 1 + 3 + 6 + 10 + 16 = 36 days
So, mean flow time = 50 / 5 = 10 days So, mean flow time = 36 / 5 = 7.2 days
D 6 9 16 EDD 7.8