Classical, Medieval or Renaissance Art Cheat Sheet

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Classical, Medieval or Renaissance Art Cheat Sheet

The Classical Period The Medieval Period The Renaissance

What Is the Classical Period? What Is the Medieval Period? What Is the Renaissance?
 The classical period refers to the  The term “medieval” refers to the  The word “renaissance” means
ancient civilizations of ____________ period immediately after the fall of the ____________.
and ____________. ____________________ in Europe  The Renaissance began in roughly in
 The classical period encompasses the  The medieval period encompasses the the year _____ and lasted until _____.
years from ________ to __________. years from ________ to __________.
Types of Art from the Renaissance?
Types of Art from the Classical Period? Types of Art from the Medieval Period? 
  
  
 
Six Characteristics of Renaissance Art
Six Characteristics of Classical Art Six Characteristics of Medieval Art 1) Artists drew ______________ and non-
1) Figures were often ________ or semi-nude. 1) Art was almost always about ___________.
religious scenes.
2) If figures wore clothes, they were 2) Important figures were shown __________.
2) Art showed a renewed interest in ________.
__________ in robes called _________. 3) Figures looked very _____________, not
3) Advances in _________________ resulted
3) Art showed people leading ________ and realistic and without much _______________.
in art that was lifelike, detailed and three-
________ lives. 4) _________________ were fully-clothed,
4) People were portrayed as being often ______________ in clothing.
4) Figures could be either _____________ or
____________ and intelligent. 5) Faces looked ___________ or
5) Art focused on people doing ________________.
5) People were once again shown to be
_____________________. 6) To attract attention, artists used color that
___________ and _________________.
were __________________ and often had a
6) _____________ were viewed as heroic and
background of a single color – like gold. 6) Paintings often involved _____________ -
thoughtful. the Dark Ages were over!

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