September: On The 1St of The Month
September: On The 1St of The Month
September: On The 1St of The Month
We recite the 1st Section of Blessed is the man. At Lord, I have cried
we insert 10 Stichera, and we sing 3 Prosomia of the Indiction, 3 of
the Saint and a further 4, Idiomels, of the Saint.
As the limbs of the Hebrews who truly disobeyed you, the Master of
all, were once fittingly strewn across the desert, so now too, O Christ,
as the Psalm says, scatter the bones of the impious and unbelieving
Hagarenes at the mouth of Hell.
Christ God, who once on Mount Sinai wrote the tables of the law,
now too, according to the flesh, in the city of Nazareth yourself took
the book of the prophet to read; and having closed it began to teach
the peoples that the Scripture had been fulfilled in you.
Venerable Father, if the pillar could speak it would not cease crying
out your toils, your hardships, your laments. Though it supported, it
was itself supported, nourished like a tree with your tears. Angels
were amazed, mortals marvelled, demons cowered at your
endurance. Venerable Symeon, intercede that our souls may be
A good fruit sprouted from a good root, Symeon, holy from infancy,
nurtured on grace rather than milk, and, having raised his body on a
rock and his mind yet higher towards God, with virtues he built a
habitation in the air, and walking on high with the divine Powers he
became a dwelling place of Christ, who is God and the Saviour of our
One with the Holy Spirit, O Word and Son without beginning, co-
maker of all and co-creator of all things visible and invisible, bless the
crown of the year, guarding in peace the multitudes of the Orthodox,
at the prayers of the Mother of God and of all the Saints.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me. He
has sent me to preach good tidings to the poor, to heal the broken-
hearted, to proclaim forgiveness to prisoners and sight to the blind;
to declare an acceptable year of the Lord, and a day of recompense
for our God; to comfort all who mourn, that there may be given to
those who mourn Sion, glory instead of ashes; an anointing of joy for
those who mourn, clothing of glory instead of a spirit of
despondency; and they will be called a generation of righteousness, a
plant of the Lord for glory. And they will rebuild everlasting deserts,
those formerly quite deserted; they will raise up and renew deserted
cities, deserted from generation to generation. And strangers will
come shepherding your flocks, and foreigners will be your
ploughmen and your vinedressers. But you will be called Priests of
the Lord, ministers of our God. You will be told, ‘Devour the
strength of nations’, and in their wealth you will be marvelled at;
instead of your double shame and instead of humiliation their
portion will rejoice. Therefore they will inherit their land a second
time, and everlasting joy shall be upon their head. For I am the Lord,
who love righteousness and hate robberies from injustice; and I shall
give their calf to the righteous, and I shall make an everlasting
covenant with them. And their seed will be known among the
nations, and their offspring in the midst of the peoples. And the one
who sees them will recognise them, because they are a seed blessed
to the ages by God, and with joy they will rejoice in the Lord.
A just man, even if he die early, will be at rest; for an honoured old
age is not so because of length of time, nor is it measured by the
number of years. Understanding is men’s true grey hairs, and a ripe
old age is a spotless life. Being pleasing to God, he was loved; and
while living among sinners, he was taken away. He was snatched
away lest wickedness alter his understanding, or trickery deceive his
soul. For the witchery of evil dims the good, and the waywardness of
desire undermines an innocent mind. Made perfect in a short time,
he fulfilled long years; for his soul was pleasing to the Lord;
therefore he hurried him from the midst of evil. But the peoples have
seen and not understood, nor laid such a thing to heart: that grace
and mercy are with his holy ones, and his presence with his chosen
The entrance of the year is here, summoning all the shining ones to
honour it, Kallisti, Evodos and Hermogenes, brethren and
champions; Symeon the equal of the angels; Jesus son of Navi; the
Seven Youths of Ephesus, and the choir of Holy Women, beacon of
forty fires. As we celebrate their memories together, lovers of
festivals, let us eagerly cry out: O Lord, bless the works of your
hands, and grant that we may pass profitably through the course of
the year.
Christ our God, who created all things with wisdom and brought
them from non-being into being, bless the crown of the year and
preserve our city unbesieged; make glad our faithful Sovereigns by
your power, giving them victories against enemies, through the
Mother of God granting the world your great mercy.
Tone 2.
Verse 2: We shall be filled with the good things of your house: holy is
your temple, wonderful in righteousness.
By Kyprianos.
Wonderful are you, O God, and wonderful are your works, and your
ways are unsearchable; for you are the Wisdom of God and perfect
substance and power, co-operation like him without beginning and
without end; therefore by your all-powerful authority you came
inexpressibly, unchanged in your Godhead, from a Mother who did
not know man, to visit the world, seeking the creature you had
beautified, setting bounds and times, O Unchangeable, for our
salvation. Therefore we cry out to you: Loving Lord, glory to you!
The same.
Verse 3: You will bless the crown of the year with your goodness,
and our fields will be filled with fatness.
By Monk John.
You who created all things with wisdom, Word of the Father before
the ages, and established the whole creation by your all-powerful
word, bless the crown of the year with your goodness, and
overthrow heresies, through the Mother of God, for you are good
and love mankind.
You, O King, Who Are and who abide even to ages without end,
accept the supplication of sinners who beg salvation; and grant, O
Lover of mankind, abundance to your land, giving it temperate
weather; as once with David, fight alongside our faithful King
against godless barbarians, for they have entered your tabernacles
and defiled your all-holy place, O Saviour. But grant victories, Christ
God, at the intercession of the Mother of God; for you are the victory
and boast of the Orthodox.
Fashioner of all creation, who fix times and seasons by your own
authority, bless the crown of the year with your goodness, Lord,
preserving the Kings and your city in peace, at the prayers of the
Mother of God, and save us.
And Dismissal.
After the 1st Psalter reading, Kathisma of the Indiction.
O God, who grant fruitful seasons and rains from heaven for those
on earth, now too accept the petitions of your servants and deliver
your city from every constraint; for your acts of pity are for all your
works. Therefore bless our comings and goings, direct the works of
our hands for us and grant us forgiveness of offences; for you, the
Powerful One, brought all things from non-existence into being.
You adorned your life with self-mastery, and having slain the body,
you wiped out the assaults of the foe, blessed Father; and, as a
worthy heir, you passed over to God, to everlasting life; therefore do
not cease to intercede that our souls may be saved.
You came to the starting block of martyrdom, Kallisti, with your two
brothers faithfully proclaiming Christ our God; for having nurtured
them with love you made them true spiritual vessels of Christ’s
Church; therefore, as a Martyr, you were joined with them for the life
on high.
Rational Lambs, having finished your course and kept the faith,
faithfully you were offered through martyrdom to the Lamb and
Shepherd. And so today with joy we praise your sacred memory,
noble Saints, as we magnify Christ.
As to the Master of the universe and Giver of good things, with faith
we fall down before you, as we fervently cry out: Entreated by your
compassion, Saviour, and by the prayers of her who gave you birth,
and of those who have ever been well pleasing to you, as you are
good vouchsafe to grant a prosperous year to those who honour you
in two natures and faithfully glorify you.
You who created all things with wisdom, Word of the Father before
the ages, and established the whole creation by your all-powerful
word, bless the crown of the year with your goodness, and
overthrow heresies, through the Mother of God, as you are good and
love mankind.]
Let us all sing a song of victory to Christ, through whom all things
were established, and in whom they continue unerringly, as to the
subsistent Word born of God, the Father without beginning; for he
has been glorified.
Let us all sing a song of victory to Christ, who at the Father’s good
pleasure appeared from a Virgin and proclaimed an acceptable year
of the Lord, redemption for us; for he has been glorified.
Let us, all Believers, ever praise in song the Maiden beyond marvels,
who made Christ dawn on the world and who filled all things with
the joy of everlasting life; for she has been glorified.
The weakness of the flesh forgotten, wounded by love for him who
for us endured cross and death, the holy women followed in his
All spotless one, strengthened by the grace of him who dawned from
your womb, the young maidens escaped the swell of tortures and
were brought in your train rejoicing.
By Monk John.
You were filled with spiritual grace; for, like Jacob, David and Moses,
you appeared from the sheepfolds as leader of spiritual flocks, O
blessed one.
A Cross Moses traced out as he cut the Red Sea in a straight line with
his rod for Israel as they marched on foot; and then united it again,
overwhelming Pharao with his chariots, as with another line he
marked out the invincible weapon. Therefore let us sing to Christ our
God, for he has been glorified.
Establish, O Good One, the fruitful vine, which your right hand has
planted with love upon the earth, preserving your Church, O All-
Grant, Lord, that those who in faith sing your praise as God of the
universe, may pass through this year abounding in spiritual works,
well-pleasing to God.
Let the circle of the year be calm for me, O merciful Christ, and fill
me with your divine words, which you appeared speaking to the
Jews on the Sabbath.
As the one who alone surpassing nature received the grace that
surpasses mankind, Christ our God, who dwelt unaltered in your
womb, we ever glorify you.
Made divine by your intent on God, O Victors, you beat off the chill
of polytheism and reached the warmth of the glory on high.
Of the Saint..
Swiftly fleeing the icy blast of the winds, you boldly reached a
dwelling of salvation, Symeon, from which you plucked the fruit of
life that does not age.
Gladly you inclined your obedient ear to the Master who promised
blessedness; and blessed was the way of life you found.
Having welcomed the seeds of the word in the furrows of your heart,
with floods of tears, you reaped for Christ a full ear of virtues.
Bride of God, ineffably you conceived the Saviour and Lord, who
from troubles delivers us who call on you in truth.
You created the universe in your ineffable wisdom, and fixed the
seasons by your authority; grant victories to your Christ-loving
people; may you bless our goings and comings of the year, directing
our works to your divine will.]
Burning with faith, wise Father, and despising all temporary things,
you followed Christ, in the power of the Spirit, having melted your
body, Venerable One, by self-mastery, ever looking towards the
glory of heaven; therefore you found for your divine ascent the
ladder of the pillar fitting your longing, holy Symeon. Intercede with
Christ God to grant forgiveness of offences to those who feast with
love your holy memory.
Glory. Of the Holy Women.
Rational Lambs, having finished your course and kept the faith,
faithfully you were offered through martyrdom to the Lamb and
Shepherd. And so today with joy we praise your sacred memory,
noble Saints, as we magnify Christ.
As to the Master of the universe and Giver of good things, with faith
we fall down before you, as we fervently cry out: Entreated by your
compassion, Saviour, and by the prayers of her who gave you birth,
and of those who have ever been well pleasing to you, as you are
good vouchsafe to grant a prosperous year to those who honour you
in two natures and faithfully glorify you.
The Irmos.
Your people offers you its annual firstfruits, glorifying you with
Angels’ hymns, O Saviour.
As you love mankind, grant, O Christ, that those who start the year
may complete it in a way pleasing to you.
Almighty, only Lord, grant to the world that the revolutions of the
years be calm.
Let us all hymn the Mother of God as harbour and sure hope of our
Having cast aside all the vanity of the world, you clung with your
whole soul to God and to him alone; therefore, Brides of Christ, you
endured most stoutly the toils of the ascetic life and of the martyr’s
The Lord came down as rain upon a fleece into your womb, as the
Prophet said of old, All-pure one, the Lord whom you bore in two
natures, to whom we cry: Glory, O Christ, to your power.
It was not on sand but on the deepest toils that you laid the
foundation of your ascetic life, All blessed one, and built an
unshakeable tower of virtues.
The roughest rope your body’s lot to nail it to the fear of the spirit,
you found, O Venerable one, the allotment of a divine inheritance.
The hidden passions of the body ebbed away in rotting decay, that
even the worms feared you as you slept.
Immaculate Mary, implore the God whom you bore to grant your
servants pardon of their offences.
O Christ, who fill all things with goodness, grant to your servants
that, crowned with blessings, the many circled time may be
temperate and prosperous.
Let the change of the year be an alteration for the better and a
condition of peace for us who know you, O Word, to be coeternal
with the Father.
Without beginning with the Father, you who are beyond time came
upon earth, announcing in the Father’s name forgiveness for
prisoners and new sight for the maimed.
Our hopes and our confidence we place in you, Mother of God, make
him to whom you gave birth kindly to us.
Slain in body, you were alive in soul, O Martyrs, for you imitated the
Cross, the death and the voluntary sufferings of him who slew the
strength of death.
Set me upright, who am fallen into a pit of temptations, and pilot me,
O only all-spotless one, who gave birth to God, the pilot who by his
goodness united things formerly separated.
Offering your whole self to the Lord, you bared yourself to the
hostile elements of snow, ice and heat.
Ever implore your Son and our God, pure Mary who knew not
wedlock, to send down his mercy upon us the faithful.
You saved the Prophet from the whale, O Lover of mankind, bring
me too up from the deep of offences, I beg.
Grant, Master, that with the start of the year we may offer you the
first fruits of a life that is pleasing to you.
O you who gave birth to Christ our God, we beg you, deliver from
every threat those who flee to you.
You combined the ascetic life with the contest of martyrdom, and
now you have been joined without corruption to the Bridegroom of
souls, and with joyful souls you take your places in the divine bridal
Mounting wild waves of tortures could not sink the vessels of the
Martyrs, for with a strong hand they made for the divine havens.
We the faithful declare you, Mother of God, to be the temple and ark
of God, living bridal chamber and gate of heaven.
Jonas, stretching out his hands like a cross in the belly of the sea
monster, clearly prefigured the saving Passion. Escaping from there
on the third day, he was an image of the transcendent Resurrection of
Christ God, who was nailed in the flesh and by his rising on the third
day enlightened the world.
Seeking things above and joined to things below, you made your
column a chariot of fire, through which you have become a
companion of the Angels, with them unceasingly imploring Christ
God on behalf of us all.
The Ikos.
New year’s Indiction bless for us, we pray,
O you, both Ancient and, for mankind, New.
Note that the Church of God celebrates the Indiction, having received the tradition
from the ancients, for it was thought by the Romans that this Indiction marked the
beginning of the year (the word Indiction means for the Romans ‘boundary’).
Moreover because on this day Our Lord Jesus Christ entered the Synagogue of the
Jews and being handed a book (it was that of the Prophet Isaias), He opened it and
found the passage where it is written: ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, therefore He
has anointed me; He has sent me to preach the gospel to the poor; to heal the broken
hearted; to proclaim forgiveness for prisoners, and sight to the blind; to proclaim an
acceptable year of the Lord’ [Is.61,1-2]. Then he handed the book to the attendant, sat
down and said: ‘To-day this Scripture has been fulfilled in your ears’. When too the
crowds marvelled at the words of grace that came from his mouth [Lk. 4,16-22].
On the same day we commemorate the marvel which took place
through the Holy Mother of God in the Monastery of the Miasini;
and the fire that took place.
Strange was the catch that by itself came up
From harbour’s depth: the Virgin’s honoured image.
The commemoration of the Mother of God of the Miasini is kept because of the
wonder-working and holy ikon of the Mother of God which had been thrown into the
harbour of Zagouros, of the Monastery of the Miasini, through fear of the iconoclasts,
and was, by God’s good pleasure, returned unharmed after many years.
The commemoration of the fire; because of the great fire which took
place in Constantinople, because of our sins, in the reign of Leo the
great King, nicknamed the Pick-axe, in the year 450, and which
ravaged by fire most of the city in seven days.
Symeon the Stylite lived in the reign of Leo the Great and when Martyrios
was Bishop of Antioch. He came from the Eparchy of Cilicia, from the village
of Sesan. He adopted the monastic life and having ascended a column, he
persevered there for forty seven years and having become the worker of
many wonders he died in peace.
For virgins double twenty fire and sword
Secured as Bridegroom Christ the Son of God.
Fairest [kalliston] indeed the end Kallisti found,
With her two brothers, likewise fair[kalois], cut down.
These holy martyrs were sister and brothers, born from the same womb and
born again spiritually from the divine font, at the times of the preaching. But
when they were denounced to the Governor as Christians and the noble
courage and unshakeable resolve of their soul was realised, the Governor
passed sentence of death by the sword against them; and having thus
completed the race of martyrdom, they departed to the Lord.
As we begin the year let us the Orthodox people offer the first fruits
of our hymns to Christ who reigns over the kingdom without
bounds, as we devoutly sing: God of our fathers, blessed are you!
O Christ who exist before the ages, Lord for ever and ever, the source
of goodness, fill the year with your good gifts for us who sing: God
of our fathers, blessed are you!
How wise you are, Escort of the brides; with words of courage you
anoint the Martyrs: let them fix their gaze on the Bridegroom and
bravely endure the pains of the flesh as they cry: God of our fathers,
blessed are you!
The noble Martyrs in the stadium cried out: Maidens, let us not falter.
See, the stadium is open. Let us stand bravely; Christ is holding out
the crowns. Let us not spare our bodies.
You ended a drought for the despairing and opened for them the
gates of rain, and steadied the shaken land, and you taught peoples
to cry: Blessed is the God of our fathers!
Of old in the arms of the Elder, but now in the tables of your heart,
Venerable Symeon, Christ took his rest by his invisible power;
therefore you cried: Blessed is the God of our fathers!
It was fitting for him who took flesh without seed to come forth from
you, immaculate Virgin; for you, O Pure one, brought forth him who
surpasses all things, to whom with hymns we shout and cry: Blessed
is the God of our fathers!
Praise in hymns Christ God, who protected the Youths as they sang
praises in the furnace and who turned the roaring furnace into dew,
and highly exalt him to the ages.
The holy Church offers you, O Christ, as author of salvation, the first
fruits of the year as she cries: Praise in hymns and highly exalt Christ
to the ages.
The Creator who wisely made all things new out of nothing, and
arranges the revolutions of the seasons by his will, praise in hymns
and highly exalt him to the ages.
To God who arranges all things and alters the seasons for the varied
guidance of mankind we sing: Praise him in hymns and highly exalt
him to the ages.
In the passing and the revolutions of the years the ranks of Orthodox
mortals, pure Virgin Mother of God, sing your praise as God’s
Mother and salvation of all.
Women ran behind you, all pure Bride of God, sensing the sweet
fragrance of the perfumes of the only-begotten Son who shone forth
from your womb, and they reign with you indeed as they praise
Christ to the ages.
Of the Saint.
He who made Job shine brightly through suffering, when your flesh
was suppurating with rottenness turned you, servant of Christ, into a
priceless pearl, as he glorified you, Symeon, to all the ages.
Virgin Mother of God, who received the Angel’s ‘Hail!’, bore the
Lord of glory and made the light dawn on the world, we all hymn
you and glorify you.
O Youths, equal in number to the Trinity, bless the Creator, Father,
God; sing the praises of the Word who descended and changed the
fire to dew, and highly exalt the all-holy Spirit that grants life to all,
to the ages.
The bush that unburned blazed with fire showed an image of you
pure child-bearing; and now we beseech you to quench the furnace
of temptations which rages against us, that we me ceaselessly
magnify you, O Mother of God.
O Word and Power of God, true and hypostatic Wisdom, who hold
together and govern all things, dispose the season which now
confronts your servants in a condition of calm
Alone you existed before the ages, as maker and sovereign of ages,
three-personned, one indivisible Godhead; at the prayers of the holy
Mother of God proclaim the victory to your inheritance.
The godly Deacon Ammoun with Kelsina and forty other godly
minded holy women competed like trained athletes and received
their crowns; and now they dance with the Angels, while we, as is
right, call them blest.
Having raised your might against the foe you were exalted and have
become as Angels. You enjoy the tree of life in Paradise without
constraint, O Brides of God, and now you possess a source of
blessings, as you intercede for the world.
Blameless Maiden, you have been revealed as the place of the mighty
Wisdom beyond understanding, a living throne and gateway;
therefore virgins loved you as Queen, O Virgin, and have been
brought in your train, O Child of God.
Of the Saint.
You have walked the path of heavenly virtue, you have displayed
the prize from on high, you have reached the heavenly dwellings:
intercede that our souls may be saved.
You have been shown to be the bush that burned yet was not
consumed by fire, by conceiving without seed, O Virgin, the God and
Saviour of the world, whom we unceasingly magnify.
The death that came to the race through eating of the tree has,
through the Cross, today been made of no effect. For the curse on all
mankind of our mother Eve has been abolished by the shoot of the
pure Mother of God, whom all the Powers of heaven magnify.
Like a beacon, Venerable one, your light-bearing life blazed out and
enlightened the whole earth with the rays of your wonders; for
through a pillar, Father, you ascended as by a ladder to God, where
truly exists the goal of all desires, as you intercede for those who
honour you, blest Symeon.
As Saviour and Master of all creation, who fix times and seasons by
your authority, crown the circle of the year, O Merciful, with
blessings of goodness, preserving your people in peace, unharmed,
unhurt, we beseech you, at the prayers of her who bore you and of all
the godly Saints.
Word of the Father before time, who are in the form of God and who
brought all creation out of non-being into being; and who fix times
and seasons by your own authority: bless the crown of the year with
your goodness, granting peace to your Churches, victories to our
faithful Sovereign, abundant fruit of the earth and your great mercy.
Your kingdom, Christ God, is the kingdom of all the ages, and your
dominion is from generation to generation; you have made all things
in wisdom, fixing for us times and seasons; therefore we thank you
for all things and through all things we cry out: Bless the crown of
the year with your goodness and grant that we may all cry out to you
without condemnation: Lord, glory to you!
Your paths, O God, your paths are great and wonderful; therefore we
magnify you for the might of your dispensation, for, light from light,
you visited your wretched world, and in your good pleasure, O
Word, did away with the first curse on ancient Adam, and you fixed
for us times and seasons for glorifying your all-pervading goodness.
Lord, glory to you!
Tone 2. By Germanos.
When by your Passion, Lord, you established the whole world, then
the weak clothed themselves in power: women showed manly
courage against the villainous tyrant, and having reversed the
mother’s defeat of old, they have reached the pleasure of Paradise, to
your glory, who were born of a woman and have saved the human
A good fruit sprung from a good root, Symeon, holy from infancy,
was nurtured on grace rather than milk; and having raised his body
on a rock and his mind yet higher towards God, with virtues he built
a habitation in the skies, and walking on high with the divine Powers
he has become a dwelling place of Christ, God and the Saviour of our
O Word, Christ God, who brought the whole universe into being,
who fix times and seasons for us, bless the works of your hands, by
your power make our faithful Sovereign glad, granting him strength
against barbarians, for you alone are good and love mankind.
Typika and Beatitudes, and from the Canons of the Indiction and the
Saint from Odes 3& 6.
8. Establish, O Good one, the fruitful vine, which your right hand has
planted with longing on the earth, preserving your Church, O All
7. Grant, Lord, that those who in faith hymn you, the God of all, may
pass through this year abounding in spiritual works, well-pleasing to
6. Let the circle of the year be calm for me, O merciful Christ, and fill
me with your divine words, which you appeared speaking to the
Jews on the Sabbath.
5. As the one who alone above nature received the grace beyond
humanity, Christ our God, who dwelt unaltered in your womb, we
ever glorify you.
Fashioner of all creation, who fixes times and seasons by your own
authority, bless the crown of the year with your goodness, O Lord,
preserving the Kings and your city in peace, at the intercessions of
the Mother of God and save us.
You created the universe in your ineffable wisdom, and fixed the
seasons by your authority; grant victories to your Christ-loving
people; may you bless our goings and comings of the year, directing
our works to your divine will.
Seeking things above and joined to things below, you made your
column a chariot of fire, through which you have become a
companion of the Angels, with them unceasingly imploring Christ
God on behalf of us all.
Joachim and Ann were freed from the reproach of childlessness, and
Adam and Eve from the corruption of death by your holy Nativity, O
Immaculate. Freed from the guilt of offences your people also
celebrates it, as they cry to you: The barren woman bears the Mother
of God and the nourisher of our life.
Prokeimenon. Tone 4.
Great is our God, and great his strength: * and there is no measuring
his understanding.
Verse: Praise the Lord, for to sing his praise is good: may our praise
delight our God.
Alleluia. Tone 4.
And of the Saint. From that according to Matthew. See January 20th.,
Matthew 11:27-30. [The current Greek Gospel book gives that for St
John Chrysostom, November 13th, John 10:9-16.]
Bless the crown of the year with your goodness, O Lord. [Alleluia.]
The present Menaion gives a Polyeleos and Gospel for Matins, but
this is modern, and the texts used as Kathisma and Idiomel are used
elsewhere in the office. The Typikon of Dionysiou makes no mention
of this addition, nor, in fact, does the Typikon printed in the
Menaion. This section has therefore been printed within square
brackets. There are also some differences over the Apostle and
Gospel for the Saint. The Menaion prescribes for the Liturgy the
Gospel for Matins of St Efthymios, not that for the Liturgy, which is
Luke 6:17-21. These two Gospels are in fact interchangeable between
Matins and Liturgy. See, for example December 4th , St Savvas.
In the following notes the parts in square brackets are taken from the
Typikon of Dionysiou and represent the fuller, monastic, use.
[After the Prayer behind the Ambo at once the Apolytiokion and
Kontakion of the Saints are sung with the one to the Mother of God.
After the blessing of the Kollyva the Priest enters the sanctuary,
while we begin Psalm 142 and the usual Lesser Blessing of water for
the 1st of the month is sung.]