Arch197-MYYulo Arch Program

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A Design

of the College of Fine Arts,

Photography Learning Facility:
Architectural Program Document

Millet Yraola-Yulo

An undergraduate design proposal

submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for
ARCH 197: Design Proposal
College of Architecture
University of the Philippines
August 13, 2010

A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo


The building is for the University of the Philippines,

College of Fine Arts. It will be used as a teaching venue of the
Photography Department of the said college. The data indicated
in this section are synthesis from client interview, literature
research of the building type and fieldwork.

The building users can be full time, part time and
occasional users. Full time users are the enrolled
students, faculties, staff and laboratory technicians.
They use the use the building between 4 to 10 hours
four times a week. Part time users are visiting lectures
and workshop students. They use the facility for 4 to
10 hours but only once a week.

Category User User Number

Full time ID Students 140
ID Faculty 4
Lab technicians 2
Custodian 1
Partial Workshop students Varies from 50 to 100
Visiting Lecture Varied from 1 to 3
Occasional Guests Varies – up to 200

Figure 1Current User

Category User User Number
Full time ID Students 270
ID Faculty 4
Lab technicians 2
Custodian 1
Partial Workshop students Varies from 50 to 100
Visiting Lecture Varied from 3 to 5
Occasional Guests Varies – up to 200

Figure 2 Projected User

A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo

1.2.Evaluation of Existing Facilities
The facility for photography is currently housed
in the Visual communication Wing of Bartlett Hall.
Three lecture rooms are assigned for photography.
They have one darkroom with 10 enlarger stations.

ROOM No of Remarks
Lecture Rooms 3 Common with CFA Building
AVR 1 Common with CFA Building
Shooting Studio none
Processing Lab 1 54 m2 room located in the west
wing of Bartlett hall
Dark Room 1 54 m2 room located in the west
wing of Bartlett hall
Finishing Room None Drying is done in the Processing
Digital Lab None Printing of colored and large
format are done in commercial

Technicians None
Chemical Stock None Chemicals are stored in the
Room Processing Room
Equipment 1 Common with CFA Building
Mech/ Elec Rm 1 Common with CFA Building

Exhibit Space 1 Common with CFA Building
Circulation Common with CFA Building
Restrooms 10 Common with CFA
Parking Space 20 Common CFA

Table 1 Facility Inventory

A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo

1.3.Site Analysis
The site is a 5254.8436 Meters ² lot inside the
UP Diliman Campus in Quezon City. It is roughly
72.5 mts. x 72.5 mts. See Figue 3.

Figure 3: The Site Aerial Shot

a) Vicinity

Figure 5 Vicinity Map 600m radius

b) Existing Pedestrian and Vehicular Traffic

The CFA complex is at the corner of Jacinto and
Lacandula Street. Toki and Ikot jeep routes pass
by Jacinto and Lacandula Street. Taxi and private
Figure 4 Existing structures to Site vehicles have limited access via University Avenue
or through the Gate at the end of Jacinto Street.
Public utility buses do not have a route that enters

A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo

the University property.

Figure 6 Vehicular Route

c) Traffic Volume
The area has very light traffic volume from 5 to 25
vehicles per hour during school days.

d) Accessibility
The site is bound by a 4meter road way on all
sides, however, only the road north of the site is
directly linked to traffic.

e) Urban Context Views From/To Site

The site is inside the campus lot of the University
of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City.
Coming from the University Avenue, the Portal
landmarks is 350 meters away from the site.
Jacinto Street is at the right side of the University
avenue. Along Jacinto street is the College of Fine
Arts (Bartlett Hall) . Beside the Bartlett Hall is the
site for this project.

f) Utilities
Water Supply: Quezon City gets its water supply
from Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage
System (MWSS) and its private distribution
A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo
concessionaires, the Maynilad Water Service Inc.
(MWSI) and Manila Water Co. (MWC)
Power Supply: The electric power requirement of
the city is adequately serviced by the Manila
Electric Company (MERALCO)
Telephone Services: The area is supported by
PLDT, BayanTel and Globe Telecom. The
university also has a campus wide PBX system

g) Surrounding Physical Environment

The site is surrounded by a vacant lot on the North
providing a glimpse of the University avenue,
southward by the UP Veterinary Medicine
building, west by the CMO building. The
building s are single storey with GFA varying
Figure 7 Bartlett Hall
from 1500 to 3000 m2 and estimated building
heights of 10 to 15 meters.

h) Catchment Area Location

A 2 x 2 m. catchment is located at the southwest
corner of the site. The sewer line runs parallel to
the east side of the site.

i) Solar and Wind Patterns

The north and west side of the site is bound by 10
hectares of open space. Considerable exposure to
Figure 8 Site prevailing North-Western wind must be expected

A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo

Figure 9 Solar and Wind patterns
j) Topography/ Existing Vegetation/ Land Features
The site has a 2 meter variation on its elevation
from the west side sloping down the east side.
There were several trees lining the south side of the
site. They were approximately 3 to 4 meters apart
and ranging from 1 to 1.75 foot in trunk diameter.
The rest if the site is grassy with no other distinct

Figure 10 Topo Map

k) Buildable Areas
The lot is 98% physically buildable. The
remaining 2% accounts for the existing trees and
sewage catchment onsite.

A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo

BUILDABLE LOT AREA (98%) 5149.74 m2


Max PSO (50%) 2574.87 m2
Max ISA (20%) 1,029.94 m2
Min USA (30%) 1544.92 m2

l) Existing Structures & Land Acquisition Potential

There are no existing structures on site. The land is
a public domain that is assigned to the University
of the Philippines. Acquisition of land title is not
necessary although a ruling from the UPBOR must
be secured in order to build on site.

m) Zoning Regulation
Based on the University land use map of 1994, the
site is inside the 107 has area assigned for
academic units. More specifically it is located in
the west end of the Arts and Culture Park.

1.4.Climate Analysis
The micro climate on the site is identical to the
general climate pattern of Metro Manila. The average
temperature of 27.7 °C (82 °F) to 31.7 C. The highest
monthly average high temperature is 34 °C (93 °F) in
May while the lowest monthly average low
temperature is 22 °C (72 °F) in January & February.
The site receives an average of 2061 mm (81.1 in) of
rainfall per year, or 172 mm (6.8 in) per month. The
driest weather is in February when an average of 7 mm
(0.3 in) of rainfall (precipitation) occurs across 3 days

A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo

while the wettest weather is in August when an
average of 474 mm (18.7 in) of rainfall (precipitation)
occurs across 22 days. The average annual relative
humidity is 73.8% and average monthly relative
humidity ranges from 64% in April to 82% in August
& September. Sunlight hours range between 4.3 hours
per day in July & August and 8.6 hours per day in
April. There is an average of 2105 hours of sunlight
per year with an average of 5.8 hours of sunlight per

1.5.Code Survey
Based on the National Building code of the
Philippines, the facility is classified as under Division
C-1 Education and Recreational Facilities. The
maximum building height for such structure is set at
15 meters, minimum of 1 parking space per 5
1.5.1 Requirements based on IRR of PD 1096

Rule XIII Handling and storage of photographic and

X-ray films

A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo

Section 2.0 Film Laboratory
2.1 Construction
2.1.1 Areas in which photographic
processes are performed shall be completely enclosed.
The walls shall be not less than 100 millimeters thick
load bearing concrete hallow blocks or equivalent.
Ceiling shall be of 60 millimeter fiber cement board
hung on or supported by metal frames
2.1.2 The floor shall be of
reinforced concrete not less than 211 kg./
rendered smooth and should be not less than 50
millimeters below the level of the main floor.
2.2 Doorways
Every film laboratory shall have atleast
two (2) doorways set apart by not less than one-third
(1/3) the perimeter of the room. In case the maximum
travel distance is seven (7.00) meters or less, one door
will suffice. Each doorway shall be not less than six
hundred (600) millimeters wide and two (2) meters
high and equipped with self-closing fire door assembly
constructed of 44.5 millimeters solid wood panel lined
on the inside with 6.35 millimeter thick fire retardant
board or its equivalent. Such door shall not be
equipped with any latch and shall open outward
leading to proper exits.
2.3 Shutters
Every opening in the laboratory wall,
every fresh air inlet, excluding exit doors and exhust
ducts shall be provided with a self closing fire shutter
of not less than 2.4 millimeters on all sides of the
opening and shall be arranged to slide without binding
in guides constructed of material equal to the shutter in
strength and fire resistance. Shutters may be omitted
when only acetate safe film is used.

A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo

2.4 Ventillation
2.4.1 Film laboratories shall be well
ventilated by either natural or mechanical means.
2.4.2 Ventilation system shall be
controlled from within and shall have pilot lights to
indicate operation. The ventilation system serving the
processing room may be extended to cover rooms
associated therewith. Ducts shall be constructed
entirely of non-combustible material such as steel,
Iron, aluminum or other approved materials. Only fire
retardant lining shall be used on the inside of the ducts.

Section 4. Film Cabinets

4.1 All film cabinet shall be constructed of metal
either welded or bolted. No solder shall be used. All
shelves and fixtures shall be of incombustible
4.2 Films stored in the cabinet shall be placed in
individual roll container or ICC container. However,
if stored in cabinets with individual insulated
compartment, they need not be placed inside
individual containers.

Rule XVI Light and Ventilation

Section 2.0 Measurement and percentage of Site

2.3.1 Corner and/or Through Lot for
occupancy other than A&B must have a minimum
private open space of 5%

Section 10 Artificial Ventilation

10.2 The required air change per hour.

Use Cubic Meter 2.4 3 3.7

per min per
min max Air change

A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo

per hour

Laboratories .43 .57 6 6 4.5

1.5.2 Requirements as per BP344” Law to Enhance

Mobility of Disabled Person with Implementing rules
and regulation

Section 5
5.1.1 Educational Institutions (schools,
college, universities, vocational schools seminaries
and novitiaties) including schools auditoriums
gymnasia, reviewing stands, little theater and concert
Barrier-free facilities and features required
in : A (Stairway) , B (Walkway) ,C( Corridors), D
(Doors and Entrance) ,E (Washroom and Toilets) , F(
Lifts / Elevators), G(Ramps), H(Parking Areas) , I(
Switches, controls, Buzzers), J(Hand Rails), K (
Thresholds),L( Floor Finishes), M (Drinking
Fountains), N( Public Telephones), and O (Seating

The expansion is deemed necessary to be able to offer
specialization in the field of Photography. The college
intends to extend the “UP quality of education” to the said
field. The Photography Program is projected to undergo
three phases, the initial phase as marked by the introduction
of the certificate degree, the second phase on reaching
critical population and the final phase as marked by the
introduction of the bachelor program.

2.1. Organizational Structure

The learning facility will be used for lecture and
laboratory classes. The administration of the facility
will come from the College of Fine Arts Dean, whose

A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo

office is on the adjacent Bartllet Hall. The
chairperson and faculties of the department have an
assigned cubicle in the Faculty Room of Bartllet Hall.

2.2.Functional Relationship

Figure 11 Process of Creating Photographs

A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo

Table 2 Behavioral Flow Chart for Learning Photography

2.3.Space Matrix
The relationship between major spaces in the facility is
presented in Annex 1. The relationships are classified
as to spaces having direct relation, indirect relation and
no relationship.

2.4. Priorities
The facility will be used for specialization thus
laboratory spaces where hands-on learning is experienced
are given a priority.

2.5. Operational Concept

The efficiency of spaces would greatly be dependent on
the functional affinities of laboratories and its support.
The critical proximity between laboratory spaces is
illustrated in figure 12.

A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo

Figure 12 Critical Proximity

The building should be able to accommodate the growing
number of Photography enrollees from the existing CFA
programs, other colleges and the Photography program. The
projected enrollment is 270 students, 3 faculties and 4 laboratory
technicians for the initial phase of the Program.

3.1.Area Requirement Summary

The spaces required for a photography learning facility
includes a shooting studio with controlled lighting,
darkroom with provision for multiple enlarger stations,
processing lab, computer and digital lab, lecture and
seminar spaces, exhibit area, storage and service areas.

No of Unit Total NET Area
ROOM Capacity Unit (sq. m.) (sq.m.)
Teaching Facility
Lecture Rooms 20/class 5 54 270
AVR 70/session 1 108 108
Shooting Studio 2 150 300
Processing Lab 20/session 2 54 108
Dark Room 10/session 2 54 108

A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo

Finishing Room 20/session 1 54 54
Digital Lab 1 90 90

Technicians Office 3 1 24 24
Chemical Stock Room 1 24 24
Equipment Storage 1 54 54
Mech/ Elec Rm 1 24 24

Exhibit Space 1 30 30
Circulation 377
Restrooms 5 12 60

SPACE 1631

Outdoor Space 500

ISA 326


Figure 13

3.2. Detailed space requirement

For detailed space requirement please see Annex II.
Specification for critical spaces is as follow:
a) A Finishing Room & Processing Laoratory
includes a light-tight Film Room used for winding
bulk film on cassettes and winding exposed film on
developing reels. The Finishing Room contains a
film processing sink (doubles as a print toning sink).
A vent-hood is required at the sink to exhaust
hazardous fumes. A film drying cabinet adjacent to
the sink will expedite drying and protect negatives.
Slide-out print drying screens in base cabinets are
necessary to enhance drying. Provide lots of counter
tops (with storage below) and work tables where
students can finish their prints. The walls above the
counter tops make excellent print display areas
(students like to show their work).

A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo

b) The Darkroom is a large safelighted room with
enlarger stations at the walls on each side of a
central walk-around print processing sink with print
washer and squeegee board. The sink must be
equipped with a fume exhaust vent-hood. The sink
should be long enough to accommodate half to
three-quarters of the class at one time. An automatic
silver recovery system should be located below and
connected to the sink dump-trough. Provide
adequate storage space
c) The shooting studio is a large open room with
lighting equipment. Provision for hanging or
installing 6x 6 mts backdrops should be included.
Doors must be able to accommodate 2 to 3 meters
set up. Due to the load of lighting equipment, the
shooting studio should have its own circuit breaker
and control panel.


The Photography Learning Facility must be able to

accommodate the technical advancement in the
field of Photography. Since a high priority is
placed on encouraging specialization in the said
field the design should maximize the relationship
between lecture rooms and laboratories as a
learning tool.

Since the development is part of the CFA complex,
it is important to create access to the existing
facilities. The Photography Learning Facility must
be accessible to the College of Fine Arts.

A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo

Since the development of this site will serve as a
model for future growth in the area, the building
should communicate that “this quality institution is
adaptive growth and innovative ideas.”

4.3. Time
In view of the CFA’s position as a constantly
evolving its programs, the Photography Learning
Facility must be designed as a dynamic facility
that is highly responsive to the needs of the times.


Foz, Vincent B. ed. National Building Code of the Philippines

with its revised implementing rules and regulation. Manila,
Philippines, 2009

Johnson, Julie M. “Design for Learning: Values, Qualities and

Processes of Enriching School Landscapes.” Washington,
American Society of Landscape Architects, 2000

Lou, Michel. Light: The shape of space. Designing with space

and light. New York, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1996.

Mendoza, Anna Dominique M. Creative and Collaborative

Spaces: Redefining Learning Environment in the School and
Studio for Industrial Design. Thesis. University of the
Philippines College of Architecture, 2009.

A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo

Parshall, Steven A. & Peña ,William M. Problem Seeking-An
Architectural Programming Primer. New York, USA. .John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001

Pickard, Quentin , ed. The Architects’ Handbook. Oxford, UK:

Blackwell Publishing, 2006

O'Brien, Michael F. & Sibley, Norman. The Photographic

Eye-Learning to See with a Camera Worcester, Massachusetts.
Davis Publications, Inc.,1995.

A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo

A Design of the CFA Photography Learning Facility, Yulo

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