Financial Statements 2020: Half Yearly
Financial Statements 2020: Half Yearly
Financial Statements 2020: Half Yearly
Consolidated Balance Sheet (Unaudited) Consolidated Profit & Loss Account (Unaudited) Balance Sheet (Unaudited)
as at 30 June 2020 for the period ended 30 June 2020 as at 30 June 2020
Amount in BDT Amount in BDT Amount in BDT
30-June-2020 31-Dec-2019 01 January 2020 01 January 2019 01 April 2020 to 01 April 2019 to 30-June-2020 31-Dec-2019
to 30 June 2020 to 30 June 2019 30 June 2020 30 June 2019
13,508,096,612 24,369,196,716 Legal & professional expenses 27,481,798 55,215,817 1,595,570 37,725,385 17,105,950,987 28,956,894,306
Postage, stamp, telecommunication etc. 67,901,158 69,655,468 31,487,149 37,384,030
Money at call and short notice - 594,300,000 Stationery, printing, advertisement, BP etc. 166,131,464 172,030,152 58,669,795 89,356,820 Money at call and short notice - 594,300,000
Managing director's salary and allowances
Investments 14,017,143 13,133,143 6,873,572 6,445,572
(Bank only) Investments
Directors' fees & expenses 1,682,507 2,480,762 576,405 1,279,179
Government 51,868,144,370 31,927,657,258 Government 51,868,144,370 31,927,657,258
Repairs, maintenance and depreciation 415,634,730 293,586,739 216,062,347 160,016,882
Others 12,066,019,241 10,138,813,514 Other operating expenses 295,713,049 298,595,249 107,315,777 157,221,231 Others 9,746,416,874 7,869,354,690
Total operating expenses 3,310,489,175 3,278,626,318 1,544,422,399 1,665,315,108
63,934,163,611 42,066,470,771 61,614,561,244 39,797,011,947
Profit before provisions 3,716,274,892 4,382,229,257 1,494,765,721 2,275,471,582
Loans and advances Provision for loans and off-balance sheet Loans and advances
Loans, Cash Credits, Overdraft etc. 224,944,520,580 218,070,540,410 General provision (loans and OBS Loans, Cash Credits, Overdraft etc. 223,444,014,781 216,620,580,285
(82,919,745) 70,597,752 (158,371,950) 178,268,866
Bills discounted and purchased 16,697,553,234 21,024,167,598 Specific provision (net off w/off recovery) 659,578,619 1,034,018,095 355,571,460 471,687,395 Bills discounted and purchased 12,623,746,046 15,430,454,478
241,642,073,815 239,094,708,008 Other Provisions 226,328,927 163,189,779 42,566,317 113,673,365
236,067,760,827 232,051,034,763
Total provisions 802,987,801 1,267,805,627 239,765,827 763,629,626
Fixed assets including land, building, furniture and fixtures 7,512,075,085 7,407,132,303 Profit before tax for the period 2,913,287,090 3,114,423,630 1,254,999,893 1,511,841,956
Fixed assets including land, building, furniture and fixtures 7,443,410,154 7,349,051,230
Current tax expense 1,373,850,636 1,772,008,412 551,151,634 909,694,818
Other assets 7,019,447,652 4,869,888,926
Deferred tax (income)-net (36,580,000) (240,403,333) (36,580,000) (120,000,000) Other assets 8,745,389,750 6,616,216,326
Non banking assets 108,736,495 108,736,495 Provision for tax made for the period 1,337,270,636 1,531,605,079 514,571,634 789,694,818
Non banking assets 108,736,495 108,736,495
Profit after tax for the period 1,576,016,454 1,582,818,551 740,428,259 722,147,138
Earnings per share (EPS) 1.94 1.95 0.91 0.89 TOTAL ASSETS 348,122,618,698 335,163,467,726
TOTAL ASSETS 350,761,566,109 338,200,720,024
Liabilities Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary (Acting) Managing Director & CEO Liabilities
Borrowing from other banks, financial institutions and agents Borrowing from other banks, financial institutions and agents
Non-convertible subordinated bond 6,000,000,000 6,500,000,000 Non-convertible subordinated bond 6,000,000,000 6,500,000,000
Borrowing from other banks, FIs, Agents etc. 58,436,146,776 46,348,235,988 Director Director Borrowing from other banks, FIs, Agents etc. 56,408,231,500 44,320,788,208
Current deposits & other accounts, etc. 23,830,628,984 24,837,018,432 EASTERN BANK LIMITED AND ITS SUBSIDIARIES Current deposits & other accounts, etc. 24,273,961,521 24,936,423,379
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (Unaudited)
Savings bank deposits 54,980,413,185 50,214,304,541 for the period ended 30 June 2020 Savings bank deposits 54,980,413,185 50,214,304,541
Fixed deposits 124,187,131,390 131,735,401,586 Amount in BDT Fixed deposits 124,187,131,390 131,735,401,586
Others-special notice deposits 34,666,552,492 32,061,412,240 01 January 2020 01 January 2019 Others-special notice deposits 34,845,300,300 32,146,167,911
to 30 June 2020 to 30 June 2019
Bills payable 1,183,930,770 1,131,830,685 Bills payable 1,183,930,770 1,131,830,685
A) Cash flows from operating activities
Bearer certificates of deposits - - Bearer certificates of deposits - -
Interest receipts in cash 10,482,948,556 10,880,093,262
238,848,656,821 239,979,967,485 Interest payments (9,647,030,897) (7,656,319,944) 239,470,737,165 240,164,128,102
Dividend receipts 66,975,556 85,840,194
Other liabilities 19,918,950,598 19,410,763,266
Fees and commission receipts in cash 1,353,580,982 2,093,287,946 Other liabilities 19,107,398,023 18,611,065,064
TOTAL LIABILITIES 323,203,754,194 312,238,966,740 Income from investment (other than dividend received) 1,876,132,406 1,009,009,032
Recovery of loans previously written off 81,152,534 199,382,112 TOTAL LIABILITIES 320,986,366,687 309,595,981,374
SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Cash paid to employees (including directors) (2,226,069,727) (2,135,055,964)
Share Capital-Paid up capital 8,117,995,470 8,117,995,470 Cash payment to suppliers (662,537,069) (811,746,520)
Income taxes payment (1,788,949,227) (1,076,758,316) Share Capital-Paid up capital 8,117,995,470 8,117,995,470
Statutory reserve 8,117,995,470 8,117,995,470
Received from other operating activities 101,453,027 105,064,033
Statutory reserve 8,117,995,470 8,117,995,470
Asset revaluation reserve 2,776,762,927 2,758,085,527 Paid for other operating activities (295,713,049) (298,595,249)
Operating cash flow before changes in operating assets and liabilities (658,056,907) 2,394,200,585 General reserve 603,493,370 603,493,370
General reserve 603,493,370 603,493,370
Increase/(decrease) in Operating Assets & Liabilities
Asset revaluation reserve 2,691,344,560 2,672,667,160
Dividend equalisation reserve 356,040,000 356,040,000 Sale/(purchase) of trading securities (8,095,517,160) (402,449,203)
Loans and advances to customers (1,805,257,836) (14,018,299,942) Dividend equalisation reserve 356,040,000 356,040,000
Foreign currency translation difference 4,838,752 5,365,748
Other assets (1,774,120,445) (305,479,179)
Foreign currency translation difference 1,536,083 2,050,701
Profit & loss account -retained earnings 7,580,685,926 6,002,777,699 Deposits from other Banks (1,260,582,117) (3,015,884,436)
Deposits from customers (other than banks) 1,732,666,732 27,774,684,906 Profit & loss account -retained earnings 7,247,847,058 5,697,244,180
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 27,557,811,915 25,961,753,284
Liability for tax 451,678,591 (454,846,762) TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 27,136,252,010 25,567,486,351
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 350,761,566,109 338,200,720,024
Liabilities for provision (884,140,336) (1,467,187,738)
Other liabilities 751,702,249 2,725,089,178 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 348,122,618,698 335,163,467,726
Operating cash flow from operating assets and liabilities (10,883,570,322) 10,835,626,824
Contingent liabilities Net Cash received from / used in operating activities (11,541,627,229) 13,229,827,409 OFF BALANCE SHEET ITEMS
Acceptances and endorsements 39,737,626,436 45,008,741,219 B) Cash flows from investing activities Contingent liabilities
(Purchase)/sale of non-trading securities (13,754,757,681) (4,225,371,208)
Letters of guarantees 24,289,344,535 23,321,243,725 (Purchase)/sale of property, plant and equipment (402,864,122) (99,237,391) Acceptances and endorsements 39,737,626,436 45,008,741,219
Irrevocable letters of credit 14,588,140,357 23,139,697,761 Net cash used in investing activities (14,157,621,803) (4,324,608,600) Letters of guarantees 24,289,344,535 23,321,243,725
C) Cash flows from financing activities
Bills for collection 6,934,845,809 7,963,765,179 Irrevocable letters of credit 14,588,140,357 23,139,697,761
Borrowings from other banks, financial institutions and agents 11,587,910,787 1,018,382,202
Other contingent liabilities - - Dividend payment (cash dividend) - (1,475,999,178) Bills for collection 6,934,845,809 7,963,765,179
Net cash received from financing activities 11,587,910,787 (457,616,976)
85,549,957,138 99,433,447,884 Other contingent liabilities - -
D) Net (decrease) / increase in cash (A+B+C) (14,111,338,245) 8,447,601,834
E) Effects of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 1,364,776 3,830,280 85,549,957,138 99,433,447,884
Other commitments
F) Opening cash and cash-equivalents 44,658,148,121 27,787,746,049
Other commitments
Documentary credits and short term trade-related transactions - - G) Closing cash and cash-equivalents (D+E)* 30,548,174,652 36,239,178,163
Documentary credits and short term trade -related transactions - -
Forward assets purchased and forward deposits placed 586,490,584 347,552,793 *Closing cash and cash-equivalents
Cash In hand (including foreign currencies) 3,350,275,356 3,133,937,329 Forward assets purchased and forward deposits placed 586,490,584 347,552,793
Undrawn note issuance and revolving facilities - - Balances with Bangladesh Bank and its agent bank (s) 13,686,697,484 13,779,524,916
Undrawn note issuance and revolving facilities - -
Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and other Balances with other Banks and Financial Institutions 13,508,096,612 19,053,404,617
- -
commitments Money at call and short notice - 269,000,000 Undrawn formal standby facilities, credit lines and other - -
586,490,584 347,552,793 Prize bonds 3,105,200 3,311,300 commitments
30,548,174,652 36,239,178,163 586,490,584 347,552,793
TOTAL OFF-BALANCE SHEET ITEMS 86,136,447,722 99,781,000,677
TOTAL OFF-BALANCE SHEET ITEMS 86,136,447,722 99,781,000,677
Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary (Acting) Managing Director & CEO Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary (Acting) Managing Director & CEO Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary (Acting) Managing Director & CEO
Amount in BDT
Statutory Foreign currency translation
Particulars Paid up capital General reserve equalisation Asset revaluation reserve Retained earnings Total equity
reserve difference
Balance as at 1 January 2020 8,117,995,470 8,117,995,470 603,493,370 356,040,000 2,758,085,528 5,365,748 6,002,777,699 25,961,753,284
Net profit for the period after tax - - - - - - 1,576,016,454 1,576,016,454
Adjustment of reserve for amortization of treasury securities (HTM) - - - - (24,666,308) - - (24,666,308)
Adjustment of reserve for revaluation of treasury securities (HFT) - - - - 43,343,707 - - 43,343,707
Adjustment for FCY RE balance - - - - - - 1,891,774 1,891,774
Currency translation difference - - - - - (526,996) - (526,996)
Balance as at 30 June 2020 8,117,995,470 8,117,995,470 603,493,370 356,040,000 2,776,762,927 4,838,752 7,580,685,928 27,557,811,914
Balance as at 30 June 2019 8,117,995,470 7,379,995,890 603,493,370 356,040,000 2,688,437,789 2,917,814 4,332,572,822 23,481,453,152
Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary (Acting) Managing Director & CEO Director Director
The details of the published financial statements are available at 100 Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka-1212.
Financial Statements 2020
Profit & Loss Account (Unaudited) Cash Flow Statement (Unaudited) Selected Explanatory Notes
for the period ended 30 June 2020 for the period ended 30 June 2020 as at and for the period from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2020
1 Activities of the Bank
Amount in BDT Amount in BDT
The principal activities of the Bank are to provide a comprehensive range of financial products (loans & deposits), personal and
commercial banking, trade services, cash management, treasury, securities and custody services.
01 January 01 January 01 April 01 April 01 January 2020 01 January 2019 The Bank does have a separate Off shore Banking Unit (OBU) which started its operation on 19 May 2004. The activities of the
2020 to 30 2019 to 30 2020 to 30 2019 to 30 to 30 June 2020 to 30 June 2019 unit is to give loans (on and off -balance sheet exposures) and take deposits only in freely convertible foreign currencies to and
June 2020 June 2019 June 2020 June 2019 from non-resident person/institutions, fully foreign owned EPZ companies etc.
A) Cash flows from operating activities Subsidiaries of the Bank
Interest Income 10,888,114,591 11,177,648,282 4,918,726,388 5,876,441,605
The Bank has four fully owned subsidiaries which has been in full fledged business operations. These are: EBL Securities Ltd,
Interest receipts in cash 10,219,346,600 10,649,561,252 a securities borkerage firm, ‘EBL Investments Limited’, a merchant bank , ‘EBL Finance (HK) Limited’, a foreign subsidiary for
Less: Interest paid on deposits and borrowings 7,848,183,908 6,918,349,736 3,804,948,896 3,696,021,337 trade finance & offshore banking business in Hong Kong, and ‘EBL Asset Management Limited’, an asset management for fund
Interest payments (9,518,926,537) (7,499,497,989) management, capital market operation, equity investment etc.
Net Interest Income 3,039,930,683 4,259,298,546 1,113,777,492 2,180,420,268 2 Basis of Preparation and Significant Accounting Policies
Dividend receipts 77,717,986 130,232,531 Basis of preparation, accounting policies and estimates applied in these financial statements as at and for the first quarter ended 30 June 2020
are same as those applied in the audited annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2019. Certain selected explanatory notes
Fees and commission receipts in cash 1,273,431,790 1,888,850,652 are given below:
Balance as at 30 June 2020 8,117,995,470 8,117,995,470 603,493,370 356,040,000 2,691,344,560 1,536,083 7,247,847,059 27,136,252,010
Balance as at 30 June 2019 8,117,995,470 7,379,995,890 603,493,370 356,040,000 2,603,019,422 335,990 3,950,548,174 23,011,428,317
Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary (Acting) Managing Director & CEO Director Director
The details of the published financial statements are available at 100 Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka-1212.