Placement Management System
Placement Management System
Placement Management System
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET)
ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429
Volume 9 Issue I Jan 2021- Available at
Abstract: The increasing advantages of automated systems now are at the highest position as a result many manual processes are
automated. Since the automated system is in demand nowadays, educational infrastructures like colleges are making their manual
or semi-automated system to function completely on a computer. One such system that concerns a college is the placement
system's automation. The project aims at developing a web application for the placement cell.
Placement Management System provides two distinct modules for students and placement officers. It enables students to register
online and upload their academic and personal details. They will have their portals to update information as necessary and can
view recent and upcoming job postings on their dashboard. Whereas, the Placement Officers will be able to utilize it to manage the
student data as well as the hiring company's data concerning the available jobs.
The benefits of the system will be to provide enhanced facilities and assemble all the placement related tasks carried out on
various platforms to a single application. This will give both the location officer and students an accurate channel and reduces
repetitious work that has got to be administered. Additionally, email alerts can be provided to students in case if any new activity
takes place which ensures that no important announcement is missed.
Keywords: Authorization, eligible, student, admin, placement, management system, file system, TPO, automation.
In today’s date campus recruitment is common in all colleges yet the drive brings a lot of stress to students as well as
placement officers. Various software and other sector companies are conducting campus selections for selecting merit
candidates. When campus selections are conducted the students are to submit their details to the concerned placement officer
to apply for the hiring process. This routine process is maintained manually, like gathering student details and shortlisting
eligible students based on company criteria.
Traditionally, all important information is displayed on the notice board as a result many students are not able to get the
information within the time limit. Moreover, students manually submit their details, thus there are chances of errors or
students failing to update their information on time. Hence, there is a requirement to computerize the system to reduce the
chances of error and provide more efficiency.
The admin module plays an important role in our project. They provide validation of students’ registration and updating of
details. The admin will be able to see the students registered for any particular company and their status.
A. Within the existing system, maximum work goes manually hence, is an error-prone system. It takes time for any changes.
B. This big problem is that the searching; sorting and updating of the scholar data and no any notification method available for
giving information to the scholar except the bulletin board.
C. The proposed system gets automated in the online registration all the user, activation of the user and deactivation of the user,
personalization to the user, resources to be provided online, communication between the users, and provides online feedback.
D. The admin can see the user information which he will validate, generate the student list based on company criteria.
E. Company details are often provided to the user, searching and sorting are often done, and reports to be generated.
F. Alumni data to be maintained. Overall, all the method of the training and placement department is automated.
G. The earlier system is not computerized. All transactions within the system are done manually maintaining records
H. The management and every one the departments that are completing this job using manually makes the work more complicated
and tedious most of the days.
I. Within the earlier system placement officer has got to collect student details for placements. Approving those student details
takes ample time. Placement officer and students need to consult one another directly if any information is required.
J. Here checking out eligible candidates takes much time. And sometimes a few candidates' details may be missed.
In the Placement Management System, there are following module and their design details are as follows:
A. Student Module
B. Admin Module
C. Company Module
A. We can give more advance software for placement management system including more facilities.
B. We can modify the project with a better approach with more graphics.
C. The back-up procedure can be comprised to make sure of the database integrity.
Presently our placement system appears to be quite user-friendly but it needs to be more enhanced for it to be efficient according to
present needs. There are many features to the present system yet the most prominent drawback to it is maximum human intervention
in procedures. With this Placement Management System, most of the TPO's time is saved. The features of the system are often
further enhanced in some ways. The documentation that has enclosed can enable even an individual with minimum knowledge to
know it well. Our project is only a humble venture to satisfy the needs to manage the placement work. Several user-friendly coding
methods have also been adopted. The project shall prove to be a powerful package in satisfying all the requirement of placement
officer as well as students.
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