Opr 505
Opr 505
Opr 505
Course Code: OPR 505 Course Title: Logistic and Supply Chain Management
Academic Task No.: 02 Academic Task Title: Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Date of Allotment: 19th December 2020 Date of submission: 9th January 2021
Evaluation Parameters:
I declare that this Assignment is our individual work. I have not copied it from any other student’s
work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made explicitly in the text,
nor has any part been written for me by any other person.
Student signature:
Winnie Stella
Prerana Rout
Shipra Tyagi
Sachin Katoch
Evaluator’s Signature and Date:
Role of Global Logistics in
wheeling International Trade
I. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………. 03
1.1 Role of Global Logistics……………………………………………………………………... 05
1.2 Transportation…………………………………………………………………………………... 06
III. SOLUTIONS………………………………………………………………………………….. 08
3.1 Tips to Create an Effective Logistics Strategy……………………………………….... 09
IV. CONCLUSION……………………………………………………………………………….. 10
V. REFERENCE……………………………………………………………………………………11
An effective logistical framework for transportation and trade is a prerequisite for sustained economic
growth for every nation in the world. That is the more essential, in particular, for an emerging
economy like India, which the transactional cost of doing business in the area is one of the highest.
The key reasons for high transactional costs in foreign trade in India weak logistics infrastructure in
India, poor logistics management in India practices, and lower use of logistical operations of
Logistical benefits and an effective transport system also play an important role. Major role in
fostering backward growth regions, like hinterland countries, lead to successful economic efficiency
and integration into the mainstream economy of such areas by opening them up investments and
An effective transport network, including an efficient transport network, in a liberalized set-up digital
as well as physical facilities and overall changes the more effective the country's logistics system
becomes, the more essential in order to increase productivity and to boost productivity the economy's
success in the world market.
Globalization has helped to do business outside national borders and, in a real sense, the planet has
become a global village. The Internet has made it easy to do business all over the world. Cargo
movements need to be conducted physically, using the means of transport available. Speed &
quality are more focused on the transportation of products. It is necessary to physically transfer
freight, to intermediate freight forwarders, to custom house.
Globalization of international commerce and convergence of transport logistics has now become
a general direction and an important theme of the growth of the world economy since the advent
of modern times. More and more funding and focus has also been paying to the growth of the
logistics industry, not just that it is a kind of specialised management strategy or a means of
organising on its own. With the in-depth progress of change and opening up, and the increasingly
rapid pattern of economic globalisation and internationalisation of trade, international trade, which
is like the near relation between China and the rest of the world, has generated a certain influence
on China's and the world's economic development and is also subtly becoming the centre and focus
of global economic rivalry. The international logistics and international exchange joint is a kind
of development status as well as a development status in our own day. Via economic globalisation
and the introduction of information technology, several countries have adopted international
commercial exchange and international business services to achieve the maximisation of the
economic gain and effectiveness of the international trade industry.
The restructuring of Shandong Province's foreign exchange has grown rapidly after the complete
introduction of the five-year plan for 2011 to 2015, modifying framework, improving economic
growth methodology. In 2011, the overall import and export value of Shandong province first
broke the $200 billion mark, totalling $235.87 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 24.7, hailing
it as a "milestone" for Shandong province's foreign trade. At the same time, Shandong, whose
foreign logistics industry retains its steady and rapid growth, is one of the China's established
province The Shandong Province logistics market has been growing steadily since the "Twelve
Five-Year" strategy. And that number accounts for 6.5 percent of regional GDP and 14.9 percent
of the third sector's share. Its steady growth model protects the progress of Shandong province's
foreign trade, playing a crucial role in promoting and safeguarding it. And with growing attention
paid to the logistics industry, Shandong Province has made significant progress either in the
building of infrastructure and the growth of industrial ties or in the development of international
trade and logistics knowledge processes.
Global logistics ties essential supply chain elements from the point of production of a product to
the point of consumption to ensure timely and reliable delivery of products from suppliers to
customers. According to the World Trade Organisation, the total volume of goods trading was $16
trillion in 2016. This worldwide movement of merchandise is supported by the multinational
logistics sector.
Global logistics is the method of controlling the movement of commodities through the supply
chain, primarily a science but also an art, from the place where they are manufactured to the place
where they are consumed. It could include shipping seeds and fertiliser to a grain farmer, sending
harvested grain to a manufacturing plant, delivering meal to an industrial bakery, sending
containers full of bread loaves to a distributor. Global logistics includes the transportation of goods
in distribution centres and other logistics real estate facilities, by bus, rail, aeroplane, or aircraft,
as well as planning, packing and storing of goods.
In global logistics, growth is driven by three fundamental trends: Rising consumption, the e-
commerce and continuing supply chain reconfiguration to transfer goods quicker and more
effectively. The continuing intensity of these world-wide developments suggests that global
logistics will continue to play a vital role in the global economy.
In global logistics, time, expense and efficiency are main factors of performance. As a result, a
leading factor is venue. Other variables include expense and sufficient labour availability; the
involvement and efficiency of key business partners; geopolitical and regional risk and stability.
Since global logistics ties essential components of the supply chain to ensure timely and effective
delivery, location is a crucial success factor for distribution centres, transport hubs, terminals and
other facilities from the point of production of a commodity to the point of use. Usually, close or
adjacent to heavily trafficked transit roads and concentrated urban centres to accommodate vast
quantities of users, the most functional and persuasive infrastructure is situated.
Three critical areas are domain awareness, networking and documentation. Global company
activities boost the scope of logistics. Impact on the cost of goods transfer & customer service.
In global logistical activities, reducing control over the flow of goods is fundamentally a task.
Due to the availability of a modern and reliable train network, railways are an important
development in Europe.
Logistics success is crucial to countries' economic
growth and productivity, both in foreign trade and
domestically, and the logistics industry is now
regarded as one of the main pillars of economic
We need to jointly ensure that all components and pillars around the globe will bear the heavy
loads coming through the supply chain in today's intertwined and interdependent world economy,
where customers and people benefit from the global flow of products.
The logistics solutions must be tailored to the customer needs. Customer needs the full
transparency in orders and all stages from raw material to final stage their must be visibility so that
the trust has been developed in customers. It is always a challenge to maintain a good quality
services because so many factors are involved in it.
• On time Delivery
It is a very challenging for the companies to provide their product on time to their customer in
logistics industry. In the case of vessels, it takes the months to discharge the products. But if we
talk about Air cargo it takes less time but they are very expensive.
• Infrastructure
Infrastructure is very important for storage of logistics but there is a lack infrastructure. Many
terminals were trying to make large vessels so that it can store maximum goods.
• Government Regulations
In logistic management the biggest problem is Government regulations because the goods are
move all around the world and they have to maintain the standards and follow all the rules and
regulations of each and every country. Many regulations are imposed by the federal, state and local
• Environmental Issues
By facing the issues related to the environment anti-idling and other emission reductions,
regulations bought about by the state and local governments has created concern that the
compliance costs could exceeds benefits.
• Transportation
For Global Logistics in International, companies should Check if there current transportation
strategies help the service levels or not.
• Outsourcing
Ask which outsourcing parties are used in the logistics function. Company must question if further
outsourcing with a third party logistics company would improve the service levels or not — if yes,
then how?
• Logistics Systems
For good logistics systems company should know that their current logistics systems offer the level
of data that is required for successfully implementing logistics strategy? Do you need any new
• Competitors
Most importantly take a look at what your competitors are offering. Check if you can make any
changes to your company’s customer service that can significantly improve service levels.
• Strategy Review
Companies should Examine if all your logistics and organizational objectives align with each other
or not.
Focus on Connectivity
Companies should design the logistics strategy in a manner that connects them to the suppliers,
corporations and manufacturers that are situated in various parts of the world. They should have
the technology to link all the entities in a way that offers consistency, enhances visibility and
streamlines processes so that they can meet challenges in real time. Make sure that they use
solutions that can deliver to everyone in the supply chain, regardless of their location.
Companies should make sure to choose implementing a configurable solution instead of the one
that is a forced fit. Find a solution that can be configured fully to various needs of your supply
chain. A configurable solution adapts to the company’s needs instead of forcing you to adapt to
Supply Chain Management
Proper preparation of the supply chain phase is necessary to reduce shipping and distribution costs,
key cost products in manufacturing, risk mitigation and loss avoidance to a minimal level. Because
the supply chain is determined by several variables and has a complex structure, the structure of
logistics should be formed accordingly. A logistics sector should have a complex structure that can
respond to the shifts in the supply chain that may arise. The operations plan must also be flexible
enough to respond to emergency scenarios.
Uninterrupted Communication
The logistics plan can be planned to ensure that vendors, enterprises and distributors situated at
various locations around the world have an uninterrupted link. For this cause, you must have the
technologies to keep you in real time in direct touch with the whole planet. They must have contact
networks, regardless of where they are, from which you can communicate with all the players in
the supply chain. You will take precautions to help the business achieve its full output in a faster
period if you can view the data in real time.
Logistics is a key enabler of the world's supply chains, which supply farms and factories with
resources, plants, fertilisers, products, components, machinery and equipment, as well as stores,
supermarkets and household goods.
The industrial sourcing, production and delivery of today does not exist without logistics. Logistics
bind sellers and buyers around the world and offer links to domestic and foreign markets for
enterprises. Linked resources affect the cost of goods and assess the productivity of economies.
Integrating them into world commerce and supply chains brings value to the global procurement,
manufacturing and distribution networks that are so important for job growth, national economic
development and wealth. In short, they are the cornerstone upon which economies are constructed
as logistics work as they should.
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There are 22 OECD countries and 14 members of the European Union in the top 30 of the Logistics
Efficiency Index. From 28 in 2014 to 27 in 2016, China changed. India, currently the fastest-
growing big economy in the world, this time did not make its way into the top 30 but jumped 19
positions to rank at number 38.
Strong nations rely on purchasing and selling in foreign countries and profit from it. Competition
is what moves them, and teamwork is what allows a country to capture its full potential.
V. References
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