SE God E-Book: How To Get A Free Dell Computer!
SE God E-Book: How To Get A Free Dell Computer!
SE God E-Book: How To Get A Free Dell Computer!
SE God E-Book
After that they should send you the information and if they dont add a
little extra. Call them and cry for god's sakes if you have to! Just get
creative and use some past experiences that pissed you off or made you
sad to REALLY get in character.
NOTE: In some cases you will require all the information needed
(emails, address etc but only if the service tag is registered, all you gotta
do is tell the company you need to change it to your name, address etc
and only then will you require all the information)
Step 2: After you have received all the information call up the computers
company that you want and get in contact with support by entering the
service tag and give them the number from the person you just
scammed asked politely for their number now comes the juicey part…
Step 3: this is by FAR the most important part of the entire guide so if
you need to, pause, read this a few times then proceed, alright here we
The employee who you have will most likely be saying something like
“oh how can I help you today sir, etc etc etc”
And now you have to either A: make up another sob story or B: say you
got the computer but there was a weird black liquid in the computer box
and the computer wont turn on (battery acid, this way is harder by the
way so for this exmple im going to use the sob story) DO NOT FORGET
You: Oh yes hey, so i just recently got this smoking hot (get it battery
acid haha, anyways) new desktop for my birthday from my grandparents
in “enter a random state here” and I don't really know a lot about
computers or the information you will need for me to get a replacement.
(they will probably tell you to unplug it, plug it back in, hold down power
button, make sure all cords are plugged in properly and nothing is
missing,) after all that just tell them it still wont turn on BUT before that
swear or curse or something and say you cut yourself on one of the
parts and got blood on it, a lot of blood (or you can say you found some
weird black liquid ex: battery acid, no company in their right mind will
take a bloody pc back or put a pc with battery acid leaking on a plane, if
they say they are going to launch an investigation just agree to what they
say ex: please wait a few days sir while i review the case etc etc” then
they will ship you the new computer (if they ask for any original adresses
you have them) then just supply them with your address and all your info
then boom, wait a few weeks and enjoy your new computer :)
© written by pickleback
Tip: hit your town where it hurts, if tragedy struck and people were
raising money for that say you donated xxx amount and that you always
had the towns side,
Step 4: watch the money role in and feel like a heartless bitch as you
scam your friends and family.