Omaya Report Final
Omaya Report Final
Omaya Report Final
Submittes to:
Sir Shams Tabraiz
Group Investigators
Zainab bibi
Omaya Tariq
All praise and thanks for ALLAH ALMIGHTY The most gracious and Merciful, real
bless of the universe, whom I never heard ‗Nay, whenever I knocked at His door,
who gave me the ability to contribute a drop of awareness and cognition from the
existing ocean of knowledge and wisdom. I offer my countless salutation on the
‗HOLY PROPHET MUHAMMAD‘ (PBUH) the entire source of guidance for
humanity as a whole forever.
We pay thanks to all our teachers and professors. We are extremely thankful
to our Advisor MR.SHAMS TABRAIZ who not only helped us in selecting this
project but also worked hard with us in each and every field of this project in short
we may not be able to complete this project without his kind support.
It is a fact that we would not be successful in our aim without the sincere
prayers, help and Encouragement of our Parents, Brothers, sisters and Friends.
1.4 objective 11
1.5 Strategies 12
1.7 Administration 13
1.8 Finance 13 Reservoirs 16
3.3 fire
Fire demand 36
3.3.1 Direct system 36
4.2.7 Flow 52
4.2.8 Diameter 52
Water is important for living things including plant, soil, commercial, industrial and public use its
most important use is as a fire hydrant.
Water is synonymous to life as living object cannot live without water. People are wasting water
on daily basis no one can understand the needs and importance of water. We feel it greater
importance when water get scarce due to pollution because fresh and clean water is a limited
resource as water portion on earth is mostly consist of 97% saline water. It is consumed only
when undergoes desalination which is an expensive process. Due to human activities drought and
contamination conditions further limits the excess to water so people have to take step to reduce
water use, avoid waste and save much water as possible. Water plays an important role in
religion, mythology and art. Water in many religions cleanness the soul through the holy water.
The moment of ocean has a direct effect on atmosphere. The atmosphere is envelope of gas that
keeps organism living in planet. Ocean and atmosphere interact to give as weather. In the United
State it is mandated by the law that citizen should be given clean and abundant water.
75% of human body is consists of water so it is clear that water has a prime importance on earth.
Adult body contains 42 liters of water on average. If the water lose is about 2.7 liters then he can
suffer from dehydration, and shows symptoms of irritability, fatigue, nervousness, dizziness,
weakness, headache, and finally reach a stage of pathology. 50% of diseases cause by unhygienic
water. 3.4 million people‘s died due to water born diseases caused by unhygienic water. Water
born diseases more affect the children because they have low immunity. Human body primarily
Water hydrate the body by serving the purpose of lubricant to moistened and to protect eyes,
brains, and spinal cord. The digestive system use water for bold saliva and digestive fluid to help
in the transportation of nutrients and removal of waste product. Water helps the food to move
through intestine which is important in preventing constipation.
Water provide medium for electrolytes to circulate throughout your body. Electrolyte are the
minerals sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, magnesium, these provide transportation of
glucose and amino acids in and out of cell. Each electrolyte is balance by equal but opposite
charge of another to manage the flow of nutrients to cells and waste from cells.
Water has a chemical property to absorb and release heat to maintain the temperature of
environment. Body temperature must be maintains within a narrow range and water removes
excesses heat from the body through the evaporation of sweat.
Establish the purpose of the water supply. Why is the water supply needed? Who will use the
water and for what activities? What is the problem with the current situation and how will the
proposed water supply project alleviate the problem?
Set broad objectives, or goals, first for the operational phase and then for the project phase. It is
important to look at operational objectives first, and use these to establish the objectives for the
project phase; otherwise there is a risk that the water supply system will operate inefficiently,
even if the project phase was completed successfully. The objectives of a water supply project
should include the following:
An overall strategy is needed to guide the project through various stages into the operational
As a general guide, design of all water services distribution network infrastructure take into
account the following core principles:
Regulatory framework - planners must be aware of the regulatory framework and its
potential impact on options and implementation programs relating to the provision of water
supply and sewerage services. The regulatory framework includes legislative drivers relevant to
the water services businesses as well as quasi regulatory requirements applied by local
governments within the SEQ water service area;
Planning and design process – planning and design should follow an iterative process which
seeks to balance infrastructure, operation and maintenance, financial, and environmental aspects
to achieve the defined outcomes;
Option Analysis – design should include a comprehensive and rigorous identification of all
options to meet the defined outcomes. These options are to include non-asset solutions; and
Stakeholder involvement - key stakeholders should be identified and involved at all stages of
the process.
The community should be involved in the planning, implementation and maintenance phases of
the project (preferably through an independent committee of community representatives).
Subsidisation of the scheme by bodies outside the community is restricted to the provision of the
basic level of service prescribed in government policy documents. The community must also be
able to bearthe operational costs involved. There are, however, exceptions to the rule, which can
be found in the policy documents. No water supply system should be planned in the absence of a
tariff structure and expense-recovery mechanism, agreed to by the client community. The client
community must be able to pay for its basic operation and maintenance, with due regard to the
free basic water policy of the National Government.
Maximum use should be made of local manpower and materials, with training given where
appropriate. Where possible, local contractors and entrepreneurs should be employed. However,
the technologies employed – including labour-based construction methods – should be cost-
The improvement of the quality of services should be driven by increased community awareness
of health related problems and their causes. For example, improvements in living standards and
public health in a community may be impossible to achieve unless hygiene education is provided
and sanitation improvements are made concurrently with an improvement in water supply.
The objectives, strategy and policies must provide sound guidelines for formulating and executing
the activities, tasks and sub-tasks required to reach the given set of objectives. The completion of
an activity should result in an objective being met.
„In collection works we manage source that can provide enough quantity water for
future and for future‟
In collection work a quantity/amount of water is arranged for a community. The design of this
system is for next 25 years according to the budget, it means the life of system is based on budget.
A water supply system cannot service its customers unless there is a continuous supply of water
to meet domestic consumption needs in the broadest sense and water needs for structural fire
protection. So in collection work we count/people of community and supply them water from the
source according to their needs.
In this system untreated or raw water is collected from either the ground water (A unit of rock or
an unconsolidated deposit is called an aquifer when it can yield a usable quantity of water) or
from the surface water (stream, river, wetland or ocean). We sort out the sources which can
provide required amount of water.
Ground water generally will be considered the most readily available source of water because it
can be tapped from below the water table beneath the earth. In contrast, surface waters may not
be readily available. In many cases, impounding reservoirs provide adequate water for large
communities. The water then must be piped some distance to service the community. The
quality of the water also may need to be considered when investigating surface waters because of
pollution, which may render available water unusable for potable water supplies, even if complete
treatment is provided. But this is not true for all the cases, although are first preferences is ground
water but sometimes it may get contaminated for example in Kasoor, tanneries Chromium Salt
concentration is higher because this salt is used in made leather.
Surface water is naturally replenished by precipitation, and naturally lost through discharge to the
ocean, evaporation and sub-surface seepage.
Natural surface water system can be augmented by importing surface water from anther
watershed through a canal or pipeline.
A reservoir is an enlarged natural or artificial lake, storage pond or impoundment. The purpose of
reservoir is the storage of water. They can be constructed in river valley using a dam. The term
reservoir can also be referred to as an underground reservoir which occurs naturally such as water
wells or oil wells etc
b) Unconfined reservoir
When a well is constructed into an unconfined aquifer, the water level in the well remains,
temporarily, at the same altitude at which it was first found in drilling
1. Ground water requires only tertiary treatment for the removal of heavy metals. But surface
water requires primary, secondary and tertiary treatment.
2. Groundwater is cheaper than constructing Compounding reservoir
3. Ground waters have uniform temperature throughout the layer but surface water does not
have. In surface water reservoirs there is a certain layer below which the temperature of water
changes. That layer is called THERMOCLINE LAYER.
4. In ground water only only boring is required to pull water.
5. Fewer impurities are present in ground water because it is naturally filtered through strata.
Depending upon the types of impurities a design need treatments. In this work water is treated
according to its requirement or its usage. For surface water more treatment is required and for
ground water less treatment is required because surface water is more liable to contamination. The
major objective of water purification is to make water safe for different purposes. Treated water is
used for drinking purposes and irrigation purposes etc. treatment can be done at any point either at
the intake structure or after the transmission lines.
Raw water may contains different types of pollutants. There are different types of impurities
present in raw water.
Types of impurities
In surface the chances of physical impuities are more. These impurties in physical treatment can
be removed by screeing,settling, sedimentation, filtration, distillation.
For haevy metal ions ——> reverse osmosis, ion exchange process, membrane filtration.
The microbiological impurities can br removed by ozonaton, chlorination, UV disinfection. They
can also be removed by slow sand filters and biologically active carbon.
If fecal coliform is used as an indicator for the treatment, then it is the strong possible of presence
of pathogens. Fecal coliform are very senstive means they require suitable/favourable conditions,
in which they can grow easily. So if they are present then the chances of the present of other
sensitive bacteria is more. The fecal coliform are present in very high concentration in human
faeces. So if coliform are present, it indicate presences of sewage.
Depending upon their state they may be radium, radon, UV which gives alpha particles on decay.
They can also be removed by chlorination, UV radiation process.The concntration of radiological
particles in drinking water must be zero.
The standards of water safe for drinking by governments or by international standards. Turbidity
should be less than 5 NTU
The design period for transmission work is for 25 years. It is designed on average work.The
transmission lines carry water from the intake e.g stream, river, oceans and carry that water to the
city. The material for pipe line is selected by considering ground fabrication, corrosion resistance,
durability, abrasion through chemicals, pipe are being tested as in case of water supply and waste
water project of Bangalore. Most appropriate coating is advised both internally and externally. If
necessary, catholic protection is given. The installation cost should also be less and economical.
In this we made pumping stations which supply water to the communities. If the source is far
away then intermediate pumping stations are used.
These are the pipes which carry water after transmission lines and provide water within the city.
Water distribution system consists of an interconnected series of pipes, storage facilities, and
components that convey drinking water and meeting the fire protection demand for domestic,
Commerical, industrial, fire fighting purposes. The purpose of distribution system is to deliver
water to consumer with appropiate quality, quantity, and pressure. Distribution system is used to
describe collectively the facilities used to supply water from its source to the point of usage.
a) In this system water can be particular point only through one route. So supplies fire fghting
can not be divided from any other pipe.
b) The area receiving water from a pipe under repair is without water untill the work is complete.
c) It is difficult to maintain chlorine residual at the dead end of the pipe.
d) Stagnation of water occur.
It is suitable for cities with retangular layout, where water mains and branches are laid in
It is possible when source of water, lake, well etc. are at high elevtion as compared to community.
In this case water will flow under gravity very luckily the planner find source at higher elevation.
There will be no pumping unit. OHT is required. Water flows under the gravity.
In this method pump frces water directly into the main as consumption varies. As pressure
fluctuating into the main. If pumping is done electrically then increase of consumption or problem
in pump. So OHT tank is preferrable in this case.
a) Continuous supply
b) Intermittent supply
In this case, water is supplied at regular intervals throughout the day. For example water may be
supplied for a few hours in the morning and few hours in the evening. As it is not continuous
supply so the consumption is less. Due to negative pressure, the quality of water is not so good
compared to the case of continuous supply. But the main advantage of this system is that wastage
of water is reduced. The disadvantage of this supply is that no fire flow when supply is off and
when the tap is remained open then air enters the pipe and then we close the tap. The water behind
it applies a pressure due to which there are chances of pipe bursting.
B ) fiberglass
This includes the systems designed to overcome the fire. They are:
Fire hydrant:
Fire hydrants are the devices or the systems which are used during emergency or fire. It is an
active fire protection measure, and a source of water provided in most urban, suburban and rural
areas with municipal water service to enable firefighters to tap into the municipal water supply to
assist in extinguishing a fire. Buildings near a hydrant may qualify for an insurance discount since
firefighters should be able to more rapidly extinguish a fire on the insured property.
All fire hydrants shall have one 4.5-inch pumper nozzle and two 2.5-inchhose nozzles with the
city's standard threads; shall have a main barrel valveopening of not less than 5.25 inches; and
shall be placed on mains of not less than six inches in diameter. Six-inch gate valves shall be
placed on all fire hydrant leads. All fire hydrants shall have a valve at the main with flange to
flange fittings.
Distribution reservior are also called service reservoir are the storage reservior which store the
treated water for supplying water during emergencies and also help in absorbing the hourly
fluctuations in the normal water demand.
Types of Reservoir:
Depending upon the elevation there are two main tyoes of reserviors.
a) Surface reservoir
b) Elevated reservoir
Surface Reservoir:
o They are also called ground reservoir.
o Mostly circular ar rectangular tanks.
o Underground reservoir are preffered when the size is large.
o These reservoir are contructed are high natural grounds and are usually made of stones, bricks,
plain or reinforced concrete cement.
Elevated Reservoir:
o It is also referred to as overhead tanks are required at distribution area which are not governed
and controlled by the gravity system of distribution.
o These are rectangular, circular, elliptical in shape
o If the topography of the town not suitable for under gravity, the elevated tank or reservior are
o These tanks may be steel or RCC.
There are different types and sizes of pipes. They may be classified into three groups according to
the material used in their manufacturing.
• Metallic pipe
• Cement Pipes:
The pipes such as Cement Pipes, Asbestos cement (AC) pipes, cement concrete pipes.
The pipes such as Un-plasticized PVC (UPVC ) pipes, Polythene Pipes (low denisity).
Material of pipe:
Material of the pipe depends upon us. Different materials have different roughness coefficients. We
can use PVC pipe or HPVC pipe. Roughness coefficient for PVC is 150 and for HPVC is 140
Area of the pipe depends upon the diameter of the pipe, which is changed accordingly with respect
to discharge and velocity. It should be such that the velocity is in the range 1 to 1.5m/s3.3.6.
Earth cover:
Earth cover of 1m should be present above the pipe to keep it intact with the soil and to make it
safe from atmospheric attacks. The minimum cover depends upon the type of traffic.
PVC Pipes:
PVC stands for polyvinyl Chloride. This type of pipe has a wide variety of plumbing uses from
drainage pipe to water mains. It is most commonly used for irrigation pipping, home and building
supply piping. PVC is also very common in pool and spa system. PVC is often white but it can also
come in a wide variety of colour.
Steel Pipes:
Steel is used for water mains because of its high tensile strength , it is particularly advantageous
where the distribution system may be subjected to impact pressures from railroad tracks ,
highways , industrial machinery and such or in areas where the danger of earthquake is great.
Gate Valves
Gate valves are used in high-pressure applications such as water feed lines from an elevated water
tower. Gate valves are used to open and close straight-line flow but rarely (if ever) to regulate
flow. The water is either on or off. Gate valves come in various materials for use with different
media. Stainless-steel gate valves can remain hygienic for potable water but are relatively
expensive. Cast-iron or galvanized gate valves can control the flow of waste water when sanitary
concerns are not important.
Globe Valve
A globe valve uses a plug-and-aperture design to regulate flow. Globe valves can handle large
volumes of water and control the flow variably from off to total flow. A globe valve is used to
control water flow between a treatment facility and an elevated water tank. Water usage will drain
the water tank at different rates. The pump used to raise the water to the tank will require flow at
different rates. The globe valve regulates the amount of water necessary to maintain proper levels
to the pump and up into the tank.
Globe valves can also be used for handling waste-water flow into different holding tanks. Water
from the sewer line is piped into treatment facilities, and flow is controlled depending on a
particular facility's capacity.
Isolation valves
Perhaps the most common valve in the water distribution system is the isolation valve, which can
be manually closed to block the flow of water. As the term ―isolation‖ implies, the primary
purpose of these valves is to provide means of turning off a portion of the system. Well designed
water distribution systems have isolation valves throughout the network.
Butterfly valve
A butterfly valve uses a flat disc rotating in the valve. The disc rotates 90 degrees from fully
closed to fully open. The butterfly valve is used to control water with heavy levels. The open disc
offers little obstruction to the flow and reduces opportunities for clogging and reduced flow
Butterfly valves can also be used as pressure-release valves in potable water holding tanks and
reservoirs. The rotating disc can be opened quickly to allow water to drain before problems occur
due to increased weight and pressure from overfill.
Check valve is used when flow is unidirectional and are generally used to prevent reversal flow,
when pumps are shut down
There are three types of well, which are as follows:
• Ordinary well or tube well (unconfined aquifer)
• Artesian well (confined aquifer)
It is a well in which water rises above the level at which it is encountered because of pressure in
• Flowing well (confined aquifer)
Water works intake is a structure placed in a surface water source to draw water from surface
water source.
It is used to draw water from lakes, ponds etc in which there is wide fluctuation in water level.
Design considerations for intake structure:
1. It is found that water should be drawn from 30-35cm below water source because at the top
their can be impurities like oil, greese and floating material.
2. It should be protected from flood.
3. Availability of power for pumps.
4. It should be located upstream of reservior area to avoid disposal of use of inhabitants.
5. Entrance velocity should not be greater than 1.5cm/sec.
6. Velocity within pipe should not exceed 60-90cm/sec
7. Avoid disposal of use of inhabitnats.
8. To find area of openings of stainer or mesh for water to enter.
Q = AV
9. Effect of seasonal variation on water quality in the water body should be kept in mind whle
placing the intake structure
‗The amount of water consumed by one person in one day and it is based on yearly average not
on single particular day consumption‘.
Q = flow required (number of liters used in gallons)
P = population of community
q = liter per capita per day (lpcd)
Domestic demand:
As This include the water required in private building for drinking, bathing, cooking, sprinkling in
lawn, sanitary purpose is 200 lpcd (with fully flushing system)135 lpcd (for weaker section and
Its range is from 100-400 lpcd, and it varies according to the living standards of communities and
many other factors. It is generally 50% of total water consumption of communities.
Further breakdown:
In the cities having population more than 25,000, commercial water consumption is expected to
be 15% of the total. The water demand for industries which are earlier existing or likely to be
started in future is:
As per IS: 50 lpcd (for normal industries)
450 lpcd(industries cities)
The water requirements in industries also depend upon the processes in industries.
Industries employers water requirement= (12.2 m3) /(1000 m3 )
Public demand:
It represents the water demand for public utility purpose like washing of public parks, gardening,
washing on roads, public fountain.
Consumption of water requirements for public use is 50%-70% of the total water use.
In populated and industrial areas fires generally breakout and may lead to serious problems. For
control that situation requires sufficient quantity water that is called fire demand.
Direct System:
Indirect System:
In this case we use fire hydrant in distribution system. The fire hydrant should not place or
installed on a pipe having diameter less than 6 inch
Maximum flow required is 45.2 m3/min. the spacing of fire hydrant should not be less than
150mm and should not be less than 50m.
The pressure head should not less than 20 psi.
ISO formula for fire demand = F = 18C A (Gallons/min)
F = 223.17C A (liters/min)
F = fire demand
C = coefficient (depend on type of building material)
Values of C:
C for wooden structure = 1.5
C for ordinary structure = 1
C for fire resistant = 0.6
C for non- combustible = 0.8
This includes the water lost in leakage and stolen water due to unauthorized water connection.
They are present even if the system is very efficient, metered, no unauthorized connection or
water stealing. Losses can never be less than 10%. So 10% of total water estimation should be
added to total water demand. It is also known as unaccounted water i.e. water which is not used
by anyone or is unaccounted.
In summer we used more water as compared to winters because summer are hot and dry so much
amount of water is consumed and much of the water is used for bathing, drinking and for cooling
On the other hand, in cold weather the water consumption demand is low.
Water depend also depends upon the amount of rainfall. Due to more rainfall, water demand
decreases .A study shows that
Rainfall (inch/year) Water consumption
<15 210
15-25 156
25-35 143
35-45 139
>45 119
Size of city:
For a big city water consumption will be more. This is because there are more industries and
factories where more water is used.
Water pressure:
If the aim is to provide for building users‘ needs while also using water efficiently, the right water
pressure is crucial. If water pressure is too low, this will be inconvenient for building users – for
example, because showers have poor water flow, and baths take a long time to fill. If pressure is
too high, this will lead to wastage of water, as well as high wear and tear on the system.
Typically, new buildings in areas with mains water supply will have mains pressure systems.
Existing buildings, and buildings that are not connected to mains water, may have low pressure
systems or unequal pressure systems (with different pressures for hot and cold water supply).As
an example of the difference in water usage, a low pressure hot water system shower flow may
average about 7 liter per minute, while a mains pressure shower may average about 12.5 liter per
Quality of water:
The following four categories are used to describe drinking water quality:
Physical characteristics relate to the quality of water for domestic use. They include color,
turbidity, temperature, and, in particular, taste and odor.
Chemical characteristics of waters are sometimes evidenced by their observed reactions, such as
the comparative performance of hard and soft waters in laundering. Most often, differences are
not visible. However, in some cases, such as the oxidation of iron, the reactions result in highly
objectionable color.
Microbiological agents are very important in their relation to public health and may also be
significant in modifying the physical and chemical characteristics of water.
Radiological factors must be considered in areas where there is a possibility that the water may
have come in contact with radioactive substances. The radioactivity of the water is of public
health concern in these cases.
Cost of water:
Living standard:
The effect of water consumption depends largely upon economic status of community. In high
value residual of a city , water consumption per capita will be high.
Metering controls wastage of water ad use. Through metering leakages can also be detected. In a
community of one million water consumption was 182 gpcd when metering was absent.
After 100% metering system was introduced the consumption reduced to 119 gpcd per capita per
day. 35% of water consumption is reduced after metering.
a) Wastage is control.
b) Load in waste water treatment is reduced.
c) Leakages can be quantified
d) Waste survey is easier so unauthorized use is reduced.
e) People are charged in their proportion to their use of water.
f) Careful user can be given advantage and careless user will be fined.
Water demand for a particular community can vary from season to season, month to month, day
to day, hour to hour depending upon their activity.
climate conditions, working days, holidays tend to cause wide variation in water use.
Throughout the year one month show high annual consumption of water. In great majority of
cities the peak months are July, August. Dry weather will cause maximum consumption of water.
Peak demand also occurs during the day, there will be peak in the morning as the activities start or
one peak in the evening.
The system shall be designed to meet the greater of either of the following demands:
If individual data is not available, the following typical numbers should be used in order to
establish the daily average flow demand for light commercial and industrial facilities.
The average daily water demand is sized to the community using the following equation:
Average community daily water demand = Average daily water demand × Number of people
1- Design population
2- Design period
3- Minimum velocity
4- Maximum velocity
5- Minimum residual pressure
6- Per capita water demand
7- Flow
8- Minimum diameter
9- Roughness coefficient
“It is expected population at the end of the design period of water supply or drainage
scheme is called design population”.
Populating for costing we estimate the present and future population with the help of past data.
Several methods are used to estimate the future is important to note that conditions
in this country differ to a great extent from those in other countries, and population growth is
influenced by a host of demographic factors, which include migration and urbanization. It is
therefore important to consult demographers and town planners. They are best equipped to deal
with the socio-economic planning and hence future population of a given area. Designer should
take note of the consequences of accepting an excessive growth rate but recognizance should also
be taken of the characteristics of the study area. Factors like employment opportunities, available
residential area, infrastructure services and HIV/AIDS can have a significant effect on growth
In this method the graph is made with the help of past historical data of population of that town
and extends the graph with same manner up to design period with same gradient. And draw a
projection on x –axis to the graph at design period and meet that point on corresponding
population on y-axis.
Arithmetic method:
And Ka
Geometric method:
= g
Logistic method:
a= ln )
This technique, involves the graphical projection of the past population growth curve, continuing
whatever trends the historical data indicate. This method includes comparison of the projected
growth to the recorded growth of other cities of larger size. The cities chosen for the comparison
should be as similar as possible to the city being studied
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 4:
Step 6:
Assumes that the population growth rate of any given community can be related to a larger
region, i.e. county, state.
Use of the appropriate scale factor allows correlation
P2 P1
P2R P1R = KR
P2 = Projected population
P2R = Projected population in the larger region
P1 = Population at last census for the projected region
P1R = Population at last census for the projected region in the larger region
KR = ratio or correlation constant
To illustrate the procedure used in the ratio method, a sample projection for the years 1970
and 1980 will be made of the population of a hypothetical study area by projecting the historic
ratio with the State.
The first step is to list the historic population data for the study area and the State in order to
derive the necessary historic rates. The type of information required may be obtained from census
In developing the ratios, care must be taken to see that the geographic boundaries of the area used
in each census year are the same as for each of the other years. Thus, if a four-city area is the
study area in 1960, the same geographic area of the four cities must be used in the time series.
The next step is to obtain State population forecasts for the years 1970 and 1980. These could be
obtained by stepping down from the national forecasts prepared by the U.S. Bureau of the Census
In addition to obtaining the population forecast for the State, it is necessary to prepare ratios of
the study area population to State population for the years 1970 and 1980. The preparation of
these ratios is the most important part of this forecasting technique. All of the factors which
influence population change as discussed in part I must be considered and analyzer as to their
probable future effect on the study area's share of the future State population. In this example the
study area share in the total State copulation has been increasing. Assuming that a study of births,
deaths, migration, employment, and economic trends indicate a continuation of an increasing
ratio, although at a declining rate, then the forecast ratios of 0.124 for 1970 and 0.126 in 1980 can
be considered reasonable. With this information, the study area population can be forecast for
1970 and 1980
Design period:
It is number of years for which excess amount of water is provided to the population as compared
to the present requirement The design period (also called the design life ) is not the same as the
life expectancy. The design period is the length of time it is estimated that the facility will be able
to meet the demand, that is, the design capacity. The life expectancy of a facility or piece of
equipment is determined by wear and tear. Typical life expectancies for equipment range from 10
to 20 years. Buildings, other structures, and pipelines are assumed to have a useful life of 50 years
or more.
New water works are generally made large enough to meet the demand for the future Selection of
an appropriate design period for a particular facility / component of water supply system is very
important and dependent upon following factors
Transmission line:
Pumping plant:
3- Minimum velocity:
4-maximum velocity:
It is basic term used in designing of water supply is defined as the amount of water
consume by one person in one day .it is based on nearly average not on a single particular day
consumption per control the overall project because on the basis of water consumption
minimum residual pressure and flow is decided and then pipe diameter and height of overhead
7-Flow: It is based on the per capita water consumption. And it is useful in the deciding of
minimum residual pressure, diameter of pipe , and pressure of water form pipes and height of the
overhead tank.
The minimum diameter available in market is 3inch
3 75 0.075
4 100 0.1
5 125 0.125
6 150 0.150
8 200 0.2
10 250 0.25
12 300 0.3
14 350 0.35
9-Roughnesss coefficient:
Commercial pipes come in many different materials and many different sizes. The internal
roughness of a pipe is an important factor when considering the friction losses of a fluid moving
through the pipe.
For each pipe material either a single pipe roughness value or a range of roughness values is
normally provided by the manufacturer. The roughness value, usually denoted as e, is used in the
calculating the relative roughness of a pipe against the size of its diameter.
1-Absolute roughness:
The roughness of a pipe is normally specified in either mm or inches and common values range
from 0.0015 mm for PVC pipes through to 3.0 mm for rough concrete pipes.
2-Relative roughness:
Hazen-Williams coefficients are used in the Hazen Williams equation or friction loss calculation
in ducts and pipes. Coefficients for some common materials used in ducts and pipes can be found
in the table below:
Corrugated Metal 60
Fiber 140
Glass 130
Steel, corrugated 60
Tin 130
Mass diagram:
It is used to calculate the volume of reservoir or storage capacity of reservoir.
1- Data of runoff recorded for each month and draft value
2- Calculate cumulative runoff and cumulative estimated draft
3- Draw graph between time on x axis and cumulative runoff on y-axis
4- Draw graph between time on x axis and cumulative draft on y-axis to get straight curve
5-Draw both curve on same graph
6-draw tangent on cumulative runoff curve parallel to cumulative draft .
7-The difference between the lines (a+b) tangent to the demand line (∑D) drawn at the highest
and lowest points (A and B, respectively) of mass curve (∑S) gives the rate of withdrawal from
reservoir during that critical period.
8-The maximum cumulative value between tangents is the required storage capacity (active
The Hazen–Williams equation has the advantage that the coefficient C is not a function of
the Reynolds number, but it has the disadvantage that it is only valid for water. Also, it does not
account for the temperature or viscosity of the water. It is experimentally proved formula,
V= KCR0.63S0.54
Hydraulic radius:
The hydraulic radius is a measure of channel flow efficiency. Flow speed along the channel
depends on its cross-sectional shape (among other factors), and the hydraulic radius is a
characterization of the channel that intends to capture such efficiency. Based on the constant shear
stress at the boundary' assumption, hydraulic radius is defined as the ratio of the channel's cross-
sectional area of the flow to its wetted perimeter.
Where ,
Hydraulic gradient:
Head loss:
Friction loss is the loss of pressure caused by water flowing through the pipe in a system. Flow in
pipes is usually turbulent and the roughness of the inside walls of pipes have a direct effect on the
amount of friction loss. Turbulence increases and consequently friction loss increases with the
degree of roughness. Friction loss is thus determined by the type, size and length of the pipe and
the amount of water flowing through it.
Q = AV ......................①
As we know that
V= 0.894CR0.63S0.54
1-Valve fittings
2-Bend fitting
2- Assume the velocity of flow of water in pipe ranging from 0.3 -1.5 m/sec.
3- Check the flow (Q) in that pipe convert it into peak hourly demand and then convert its unit
into m3/sec.
5- Assign diameter according to available diameter in market by round off the diameter to upper
6- Find the head loss by using Hazen William equation of head loss
7- Find the height of overhead tank by adding all the head losses in the way to the farthest point
in branch system to the minimum residual pressure and round off it to upper side.
The Hardy Cross method is an iterative method for determining the flow in pipe network systems
where the inputs and outputs are known, but the flow inside the network is unknown. The method
was first published in November 1936 by its namesake, Hardy cross a structural engineering
professor The Hardy Cross method is an adaptation of the moment distribution method which
was also developed by Hardy Cross as a way to determine the moments in indeterminate
The introduction of the Hardy Cross method for analyzing pipe flow networks
revolutionized municipal water supply design. Before the method was introduced, solving
1- Sum of inflow to the junction must be equal to sum of outflow from the junction in a closed
2- Sum of head loss in a closed loop must be equal to assuming head losses in
anticlockwise loop as negative and in clockwise direction as positive head loss.
1- A trial distribution of discharges is made arbitrary in such a way that continuity equation is
satisfied at each junction.
2- with the assumed of Q the head loss is calculated with the help of Hazen William equation.
4- Sum all the head loss is the net head loss is zero then assumed values of Q are correct if not
then apply correction till the correction is balanced.
5- If the Correction factor comes out to be positive, then it should be added to the flows in the
CW direction and subtracted from the flows in the CCW direction.
6- After the corrections have been applied to each pipe in a loop and to all loops, a second trial
calculation is made for all loops. The procedure is repeated till Delta Q becomes negligible.
Some of the flow will out from one path and in to the next path so
H=K =k [ ]
1-leakage test
2-disinfection test
Leakage test:
This test is applied on the length of pipe not exceeding more than 300m.close the one end of the
pipe with air relieve valve. And apply 50 % more pressure than the average demand pressure.
Attach flow meter and pressure gauge at this point. Apply pressure for 30 min according to
literature and according to experimental evidence pressure for 24 hours,
L=(ND ) /C
D=diameter (mm)
P= test pressure
C= 32 , constant
Disinfection test:
In this method flash the pipe to remove dust from pipes with the water and then add 1mg/l of
chlorine water in the water distribution network for 24 hours.
1-After 24 hours check the residual chlorine it should be > 0.5mg/l if it is not then repeat the test
until it meet the desired results.
Task was to design the water supply scheme for bahria town phase-6 by keeping in mind various
parameter and figures, and task is finally fulfilled.
average daily usage of water per capita, which is different for different areas depending upon the;
Availability of water
Climatic parameters like temperature, rainfall etc.
Life style of the population
First, should know the per day per capita demand for water, then estimate the population for
whole building, then decide for how much time/years you are going to design the storage tank,
then decide for how many days you want to store the water, consider the population growth rate
Per capita demand depends upon the various factors such as:
• Cost of water
• Metering
• Standard of living etc.
Water used per capita is the sum of all types of uses such as:
• Domestic purposes
• Non-domestic purposes i.e., for commercial areas (15% of domestic purposes)
• Unaccounted water (10% of domestic)
• Fire demand (5 lpcd)
Considering all these parameter we calculate the per capita water demand
Mosque 50 lpcd
Demand multiplier:
We calculate the average daily demand but we are going to design the water supply scheme on
peak hourly demand so to convert average daily demand into peak hourly demand, demand
multiplier will be 2.25
B-Draw pipeline:
Water pipes should be laid out in loops to avoid dead-ends that create stagnant water. Water pipes
must be buried at least 48 inches below the ground surface in Ohio to protect them from freezing.
1- draw pipeline throughout the plan and draw node where two pipe meet and layout pipeline
according to grid iron system or looped system
2- name each length and node of having elevation 220 m
3-Measure length of each pipe
4- calculate demand on each node in litre per sec
Overhead tank :
locate the tank near mosque on meadow with
Finally we had designed the water supply scheme for bahria town phase -6 with minimum
residual pressure at each node and diameter of each pipe having head loss less than 0.001 meter