Highlights of A Forum Combating Synthetic Identity Fraud: Accessible Version
Highlights of A Forum Combating Synthetic Identity Fraud: Accessible Version
Highlights of A Forum Combating Synthetic Identity Fraud: Accessible Version
Combating Synthetic
Identity Fraud
Accessible Version
July 2017
Combating Synthetic Identity Fraud
Appendix I: Panelists from the Comptroller General Forum on Synthetic Identity Fraud 23
Table 1: Select Federal Agencies and Their Role in Investigating
and Prosecuting Identity Fraud 6
Figure 1: Traditional Identity Fraud versus Synthetic Identity Fraud 5
Figure 2: Typical Process to Create a Synthetic Identity 11
Figure 3: Threats Posed by Synthetic Identity Fraud 12
Synthetic identity fraud (SIF) is a crime in which perpetrators generally
combine real and/or fictitious identifying information, such as Social
Security numbers (SSN) and names, to create new identities with which
they defraud financial institutions, government agencies, or individuals.
As such, the resulting identity and credit profile is not associated with a
real person. In contrast, traditional identity fraud is a crime in which
perpetrators obtain personally identifiable information belonging to an
individual and assume that individual’s identity to commit fraud. Criminals
and other fraudsters rely in large part on the credit reporting system to
create and use these synthetic identities. According to experts we
interviewed as the financial industry has developed tools to combat
traditional identity fraud, criminals have increasingly turned to SIF. These
experts agreed that financial institutions and government agencies have
been affected by SIF. However, there are many questions about SIF; the
threat it poses to the financial system, government programs, and
national security; and the most effective partners and methods for
combating SIF.
Credit bureaus are companies that collect and sell information about the credit history of
individuals and businesses, and include Experian, Equifax, and Transunion. Data brokers
are companies with a primary line of business of collecting, aggregating, and selling
personal information to third parties. A data broker is different from a credit bureau in that
a data broker does not focus on consumer trade lines but instead collects other individual
information from public records such as date of death and real estate purchases.
We invited officials from the Social Security Administration (SSA) to participate, but they
were unable to attend. However, we held separate discussions with SSA officials that
helped to inform this report.
of the forum agenda; and app. III for details on our objectives, scope, and
We conducted our work from July 2016 to July 2017 in accordance with
all sections of GAO’s Quality Assurance Framework that are relevant to
our objectives. The framework requires that we plan and perform the
engagement to obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence to meet our
stated objectives and to discuss any limitations in our work. We believe
that the information and data obtained, and the analysis conducted,
provide a reasonable basis for the findings and conclusions in this report.
I want to thank again all of the forum participants for their time and their
thoughtful contributions to the forum discussion. The range of
perspectives we heard enhanced our understanding of SIF, how criminals
create synthetic identities, the magnitude of SIF, challenges related to
combating such fraud, and potential steps the nation can take to address
this important issue. GAO will continue to undertake additional work in
this area in the future.
Traditional Identity Fraud Compared to Synthetic Identity
In traditional identity fraud, criminals may, for example, use a person’s
credit card information to make unauthorized charges or use another
person’s established identity to apply for credit or government benefits for
which he or she would not be eligible, such as Social Security benefits. In
SIF, criminals do not take over existing identities; instead, they create
new identities (see fig. 1). Based on discussions with experts and articles
we reviewed, for the purposes of this report, we defined SIF as the
combination of real or fake information, such as a SSN, with nonmatching
personal information, such as a name or date of birth, for the purposes of
creating a new identity with intent to defraud or evade government or
private-sector entity safeguards. While synthetic identities are fabricated,
an individual can face negative ramifications if the perpetrator uses his or
her real SSN (as illustrated below).
Panelists generally agreed with this definition and cited three general
categories of SIF: (1) fraud for nefarious activities, (2) fraud for living, and
(3) fraud for credit repair.
· Fraud for nefarious activities is the category that results in most of the
financial losses and poses the greatest threat to the financial system,
government programs, and national security, according to panelists
and our research. Fraud for nefarious activities refers to a deliberate,
organized, and sometimes large-scale scheme to liquidate credit
accounts, launder money, or fraudulently obtain government benefits.
According to panelists, criminals use these large-scale schemes to
fund organized crime, terrorism, and other illicit activities.
· Another category is fraud for living, in which an individual assumes a
created identity to live or work in the United States. The perpetrator
who commits fraud for living may be someone who is in the United
Federal Agencies’ Roles in Identity Fraud Investigations
Financial institutions and government agencies that administer benefits
programs may contact various federal agencies to investigate suspected
identity fraud. The jurisdiction of these federal agencies varies depending
on the type of fraud. For example, the United States Postal Inspection
Service has jurisdiction over crimes that involve the use of U.S. Mail (that
is, mail fraud). Mail fraud relates to identity fraud in instances where, for
example, criminals fraudulently obtain credit cards from financial
institutions via the mail. Table 1 details selected federal agencies that
investigate traditional identity fraud and SIF and their jurisdictions.
Table 1: Select Federal Agencies and Their Role in Investigating and Prosecuting
Identity Fraud
Agency Role
Offices of the United · Prosecutes a broad range of complex white collar crimes,
States Attorneys including fraud and violations of the Bank Secrecy Act
and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.
· Works closely with law enforcement agents in specialized
areas such as health care fraud and cybercrimes.
One expert told us that a parent may use the SSN of their child to, for example, open a
utility account.
Agency Role
Federal Bureau of · Investigates criminal activities such as public-sector
Investigation corruption, identity theft, money laundering, corporate
fraud, securities and commodities fraud, mortgage fraud,
financial institution fraud, bank fraud and embezzlement,
fraud against the government, election law violations,
mass marketing fraud, and health care fraud.
· Generally focuses on investigations with a nexus to
organized crime activities that are international, national,
or regional in scope.
United States Secret · Investigates and analyzes information in support of
Service financial analysis, infrastructure protection, and criminal
· Safeguards nationwide payment and financial systems
by, for example, fighting against counterfeiting, financial
fraud, and forged identity documents, and combating
transnational organized crime and technology-based
threats that target the citizens and financial institutions of
the United States.
United States Postal · Investigates all allegations of fraud within the Postal
Inspection Service Service’s programs and operations, including identity
theft and mail fraud, as well as allegations that become
national or multi-jurisdictional.
· Investigates any crime in which the U.S. Mail is used to
further a scheme—whether the crime originated via mail,
telephone, or Internet; use of U.S. Mail in furtherance of
the scheme constitutes mail fraud.
Federal Trade · Hosts a database that identity-theft victims use to self-
Commission report complaints.
· Supports law enforcement by, for example, providing
sample indictments, programmed data searches, and
access to key databases.
Inspectors General · Investigates the administration of federal programs and
operations to prevent and detect fraud and abuse.
· Investigations can include criminal, civil, and
administrative matters; and are based on information
received from a variety of sources, including Office of
Inspector General’s fraud, waste and abuse hotline;
federal agencies program offices, GAO, and Department
of Justice referrals; congressional requests, and referrals
from the Office of Special Counsel regarding
whistleblower disclosures.
Source: GAO. | GAO-17-708SP
Social Security Administration’s Role in Social Security
Number Verification
The Social Security Administration (SSA) began issuing nine-digit SSN in
1936 to track workers’ earnings and to pay future benefits. The SSN used
How do perpetrators create synthetic identities?
Perpetrators combine stolen or fake Social Security
numbers with fabricated identifying information.
A typical process to create and build a synthetic identity involves the
steps below (see fig. 2):4
Step 2: Perpetrators use the synthetic identity to apply for a line of credit,
typically at a bank. The bank submits an inquiry to credit bureaus about
the applicant’s credit history. The credit bureaus initially report that an
associated profile does not exist and the bank may reject the application;
however, the credit inquiry generates a credit profile for the synthetic
identity in the credit bureaus’ databases.
Steps may vary somewhat when commiting fraud for living or credit repair. For example,
with fraud for living the perpetrator may use the Social Security number of his or her own
child and thus not need to acquire one. Moreover, in fraud for credit repair, often there is
no planned “bust-out” in step 5, and instead the accounts may or may not remain in good
standing based on the perpetrator’s personal financial situation.
A SIF criminal may also combine their real name with a Credit Protection Number (CPN)
or Credit Privacy Number. These numbers are fictitious Social Security numbers (SSN)
that are used to facilitate credit transactions. In the case of credit repair, panelists told us
that a person who uses a CPN may not realize that he is commiting synthetic identity
fraud. For example, an Internet site we reviewed falsely claimed that using a CPN rather
than a SSN is legal. Panelists informed us that this process is illegal because providing a
number other than one’s SSN when asked on a credit application is a false statement and
is considered fraud.
Step 4: SIF perpetrators maintain good credit over time to build up credit
limits and apply for more cards. They also exploit credit bureau
procedures to improve their credit history by getting legitimate credit
users to act as accomplices and add synthetic identities as “authorized
users” on accounts in good standing. Criminals may also build credit
history by adding the synthetic identities as “authorized users” to other
credit accounts they have obtained using different synthetic identities.
This type of fraud, in which the fraudster established a positive repayment history and
maxed-out the line of credit before defaulting, is sometimes referred to as bust-out fraud.
According to an expert, some government agencies may use credit bureaus and data
brokers to verify certain identity information for participants in government programs. We
did not identify the specific agencies that use information from credit bureaus or data
brokers during this engagement.
What threats does SIF pose to the private
sector, government, national security, and
The magnitude of the threat that SIF poses is unknown, but panelists
shared their views about potential threats. As shown in figure 3, SIF
poses threats to the financial industry, government, national security, and
individuals. Each of these is discussed in greater detail below.
Although the full extent of losses to the financial industry is unknown, the
threats posed by SIF may be significant, according to our panelists.
Panelists said it is difficult to estimate losses related to SIF because SIF-
related losses often look like a typical credit loss (that is, a loss made by a
financial institution on its lending activities). For example, when a
customer commits a bust-out, a bank may initially view it as a customer
who can no longer pay his bills on time and will ultimately charge-off the
debt (that is, stop trying to collect the delinquent account, typically after
180 days, with the option to sell the account to a debt collector who
continues to try to collect the debt). While the full extent of financial losses
due to SIF cannot be determined, some panelists were able to offer
estimates of the financial sector’s losses. For example, one panelist
estimated, based on his experience, that many financial institutions likely
experience $50 million to $250 million in financial losses each year due to
SIF. Another panelist estimated 10-15 percent year-over-year growth in
SIF from 2011 through 2016, with approximately $1 billion in credit card
losses across all financial institutions in 2016.
Panelists stated that when criminals use stolen SSNs, they typically steal
them from individuals who are less likely to use their credit actively, and
these victims may face difficulties obtaining credit or other related
problems in the future. According to panelist and the literature we
reviewed, perpetrators target children’s SSNs because criminals can
commit SIF for long periods of time until the individual begins to apply for
credit.10 Further, children born after 2011 have randomized SSNs, which
are preferred by SIF criminals because financial institutions are no longer
able to independently determine whether the SSN is valid. According to
panelists, this can cause problems for victims when they begin to use
their SSNs because the first user of a SSN is generally assumed by
financial institutions to be the “owner of that SSN.” As such, the victim
may face difficulties in establishing credit and proving that he or she is the
true owner of the SSN. Other vulnerable populations include the elderly,
people who do not have bank or credit accounts, and homeless.
Further, panelists said that victims whose SSNs are stolen for SIF may
face potential health risks if their health records are connected to
The Federal Trade Commission publishes information on protecting a child’s identity
information. This can be found at: https://www.consumer.ftc.gov/articles/0040-child-
How do private- and public-sector entities
prevent and detect synthetic identity fraud?
Private- and public-sector entities employ mechanisms or controls to
prevent and detect traditional identity fraud, but these efforts may be
ineffective for detecting SIF. These mechanisms and controls used by
financial institutions, data brokers, credit bureaus, and government
agencies are discussed in greater detail below.
Financial Institutions
We discussed this issue in the context of traditional identity theft. See GAO, Identity
Theft Services: Services Offer Some Benefits but Are Limited in Preventing Fraud,
GAO-17-254 (Washington, D.C.: Mar. 30, 2017).
too long for a credit decision; the industry has a business interest in
making the process efficient and expeditious for the customer. As such,
panelists did not believe the Form SSA-89 process reflected current
business processes and that revision to this process may make verifying
identity information more efficient. Panelists noted that financial
institutions may use this method when they suspect fraud or for loans that
have greater underwriting requirements to gain assurance of the
customer’s identity.
Panelists indicated that credit bureaus and data brokers employ data
analytics to identify potential identity fraud; however, panelists stated that
credit bureaus and data brokers do not proactively share this information
with financial institutions because of legal and other challenges. Credit
bureaus and data brokers employ data analytics that enable them to, for
example, flag individuals with limited collaborating information such as
utility accounts or other account history. They can identify active accounts
associated either with the SSN of a deceased person or with multiple
names. Credit bureaus and data brokers can also identify seemingly
unconnected active accounts that share some of the same customer
information (for example, customer phone number or address).
Panelists said that credit bureaus and data brokers were often positioned
to have the best information overall on possible SIF because they have
data from a cross-section of accounts and financial institutions. In
addition, credit bureaus and data brokers can often trace identities back
to an original source. However, because credit bureaus and data brokers
may not be able to state definitively that the person is using a synthetic
identity, only that he or she might be, they face concerns, such as
reputational risk, about incorrectly flagging an account as fraudulent and
reporting that information to financial institutions. In addition, according to
panelists, credit bureaus and data brokers are concerned that they may
violate Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) rules if they proactively notify
financial institutions about individuals they suspect may be using a
synthetic identity.12 Panelists indicated that clearer guidance on FCRA
and other related laws and regulations concerning the extent to which
private sector entities could share information to combat SIF could help to
facilitate more effective collaboration.
Government Agencies
For agencies that do not have an agreement with SSA, panelists said the
agencies likely use controls that are designed to detect traditional identity
fraud and not specifically designed to detect SIF. These tools rely on
victim self-reporting (that is, an individual whose identity has been stolen
will report the crime to the authorities). With SIF, however, the fraud can
run for long periods of time before a person realizes his or her SSN has
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), Pub. L. No. 91-508, 84 Stat. 1114 (1970)
(codified as amended at 15 U.S.C. §§ 1681-1681x), promotes the accuracy, fairness, and
privacy of consumer information contained in the files of consumer reporting agencies,
which may be used to determine individuals’ eligibility for such products as credit or for
insurance or employment. The act also allows individuals to access and dispute the
accuracy of personal data held on them. The FCRA sets rules for access and reporting of
credit information and provides for fines in cases where these rules are violated.
Additionally, as amended in 2003, FCRA imposes safeguarding requirements designed to
prevent identity theft and assist identity theft victims.
SSA may coordinate with and provide SSNs to a wide cross-section of federal agencies,
including agencies that administer benefit programs and law enforcement. See 20 C.F.R.
pt. 401, subpt. C.
How do private- and public-sector entities
investigate and prosecute synthetic identity
fraud and what are the associated challenges?
Private- and public-sector entities provide information to law enforcement
for further investigation; however, gathering timely evidence and obtaining
convictions is challenging. These processes and associated challenges
are discussed in greater detail below.
Law Enforcement
These provisions create a safe harbor from liability that allows financial institutions to
share information for certain permissible purposes (that is, when money laundering or
terrorist activity is suspected). See 31 C.F.R. § 1010.540.
and by the time law enforcement obtains the subpoena, the video has
been automatically erased.
Panelists also stated that law enforcement investigators have faced more
difficulties in obtaining assistance from SSA in recent years. During
investigations, law enforcement often contacts SSA to verify SSNs.
According to panelists and our discussions with SSA officials, SSA is now
primarily focused on traditional fraud related to SSA benefits such as
false claims for disability benefits.16 As such, panelists noted that the
assistance SSA provides to law enforcement has become more difficult to
obtain and is more time-consuming in recent years. For example, one
panelist from law enforcement stated that it took 4 months for SSA to
verify a list of 2,400 SSNs. According to the panelist, previously he could
contact his local SSA field office and provide SSA field staff with a
spreadsheet of numbers to be verified, a process that typically was
completed in 1 day. However, now it appears that SSA has centralized its
verification process for law enforcement and now requires investigators to
make formal requests through headquarters, which has introduced
person. This can be difficult with SIF because often the criminal will either
make up a SSN or use a SSN he purchased via the Internet. As such, the
criminals likely know little about the person whose SSN was stolen. A
panelist said that they believed the light sentences associated with SIF
encourage criminals to commit this type of crime. Panelists indicated that
changing the law to remove the requirement that the defendant knew that
the identity belonged to a real person could make it easier to obtain
conviction for aggravated identity theft in SIF cases and could increase
the punishments for those convicted of SIF.
What is needed to help public and private
institutions combat SIF?
Panelists raised a number of challenges associated with SIF including
inefficiencies associated with SSA’s SSN verification process, limited
information sharing by the private sector, ineffective SIF detection
methods used by the private sector and government agencies, and weak
penalties for committing SIF. Panelist also proposed potential actions to
help address these challenges that are discussed below.
Current detection tools and internal controls are not designed to detect
and prevent SIF. To address this challenge, panelists suggested that
advanced data analytics and biometrics are among existing and emerging
technologies that could be useful in combating SIF. Advanced data
analytics involve a variety of techniques to identify patterns or exposure to
SIF. Biometrics is another tool panelists identified to address SIF.
Biometrics is automated recognition of individuals based on their
biological and behavioral characteristics. For example, one biometric
approach discussed by a panelist involved a computer program that
electronically compared pictures provided by an applicant to pictures on
the person’s passport as a method of verifying identity. Biometrics may
have limited effectiveness if financial institutions rely on biometric
information provided by perpetrators. There may also be privacy concerns
raised related to the use of biometrics. Implementing GAO’s framework
for managing fraud risks in federal programs could also help federal
agencies combat SIF. This framework could enable federal agencies to
develop controls that help prevent and assess their risks to various types
of fraud, including SIF.
Weak Penalties for Committing SIF
Penalties for SIF are not sufficient to deter SIF criminals. To address this
challenge, panelists suggested that the penalties for SIF could be
increased. They suggested changing the law to remove the required
element that the defendant knew that the identity belonged to a real
person, which would make it easier to obtain conviction for aggravated
identity theft in SIF cases, and would increase the punishments for those
convicted of SIF.
Appendix I: Panelists from the
Comptroller General Forum on
Synthetic Identity Fraud
Panelist Relevant Experience
Damon Asper, Internal Revenue Service Identity theft prevention, data modeling, and analytics.
Duen Horng (Polo) Chau, Georgia Institute of Machine-learning techniques (that is, an artificial intelligence that allows
Technology computers to handle new situations via analysis, self-training, observation,
and experience with minimal direction by humans) and human-computer
interaction to address challenges with large data analytics.
Lee Cookman, TransUnion Fraud analytics and monitoring tools related to synthetic identity fraud.
Robert Delaney, Discover Bank Investigation of synthetic identity fraud case and other financial crimes.
Tamera Fine, United States Department of Justice Prosecution of synthetic identity fraud.
Ben Johnson, Ten Eleven Ventures Industry solutions (that is, companies that financial institutions hire to
resolve issues related to fraud, for example) experience related to
addressing security technology issues.
Ken Meiser, ID Analytics Fraud mitigation, compliance, and authentication services related to
synthetic identity fraud.
John O’Neil, IBM Corporation Big data and analytics to combat money laundering, synthetic identity
fraud, and other fraud-related issues.
Marian Oster, LexisNexis Experience working with federal agencies on data-related issues.
Robby Perry, Chase Bank Investigation of synthetic identity fraud case and other financial crimes.
Marco Piovesan, InfoMart Risk mitigation concerning identity verification and due diligence.
Scott Robbins, United States Postal Inspection Service Investigation and assisting in the prosecution of synthetic identity fraud
Scott Straub, LexisNexis Data-related solutions for governments concerning fraud, waste, and abuse
prevention including synthetic identity fraud.
Amy Walraven, Turnkey Risk Solutions Detection of synthetic identity fraud and credit bust-out.
Source: GAO. | GAO-17-708SP
Bust-out fraud occurs after the SIF criminal establishes a solid repayment history and maxes out the
line of credit before defaulting.
Appendix II: Comptroller General
Forum Agenda
Comptroller General’s Forum on Synthetic Identity Fraud
February 15, 2017, 8:30am-4:30pm
National Academies, Room 105
500 5th Street NW Washington, DC 20001
Facilitator: Pamela Davidson
8:30-9:00am Opening Remarks by GAO
Lawrance L. Evans, Jr., Financial Markets and Community Investment Director, GAO
· Describe goals for the session
· Define synthetic identity fraud
· Set ground rules for discussions
9:00-9:30am Opening Remarks by Panelists
Provide one to two minutes per panelist to discuss backgrounds related to synthetic identity fraud.
9:30-12:30pm Panel I: Causes and Prevention of Synthetic Identity Fraud
· What information do perpetrators often rely on to commit synthetic identity fraud?
· To what extent do perpetrators use the following to commit synthetic identity fraud:
· Operational or internal processes used by private and public sector entities in their operations (e.g.,
sharing identity information ) or
· Regulatory processes, compliance with various laws and regulations (e.g., statutes related to privacy
· What steps could be taken, and by whom, to prevent synthetic identity fraud?
Break at facilitator’s discretion
12:30-1:30pm Lunch (Keck Cafeteria; 3rd Floor)
1:30-4:30pm Panel II: Detection and Consequences of Synthetic Identity Fraud
· How is synthetic identity fraud typically detected?
· What are the consequences and magnitude of synthetic identity fraud related to:
· Private industry,
· Federal programs,
· National security, or
· Other potential areas.
· What steps could be taken, and by whom, to make improvements in the detection of synthetic identify
Break at facilitator’s discretion
Working Definition of Synthetic Identity Fraud: For the purposes of this forum, we define Synthetic Identity Fraud as the combination of
real information (e.g., a legitimate Social Security number) with fictitious information (e.g., fictitious name, date of birth) for the
purposes of creating a new identity with intent to defraud or evade government or private-sector entity safeguards.
Appendix III: Objectives, Scope, and
To advance the national dialogue on combating synthetic identity fraud
(SIF), we convened and moderated a diverse panel of 14 experts from
government, law enforcement, credit bureaus, data brokers, financial
institutions, and academia. This report examines key topics related to
how criminals create synthetic identities; the magnitude of the fraud; and
issues related to preventing and detecting SIF, and prosecuting SIF
Appendix IV: GAO Contact and Staff
GAO Contact
Lawrance L. Evans, Jr., (202) 512-8678 or evansl@gao.gov
Staff Acknowledgments
In addition to the contact named above, the following staff made key
contributions to this report: Triana McNeil, Assistant Director; Robert
Lowthian, Analyst-in-Charge; Shaundra Patterson; Bethany Benitez;
Pamela Davidson; and Tovah Rom. Additional assistance was also
provided by Johana Ayers, Daniel Bertoni, Wayne McElrath, Toni Gillich,
Kathleen King, Nancy Kingsbury, Diana Maurer, Jonathan Oldmixon, Neil
Pinney, Matthew Valenta, Helina Wong, and Carolyn Yocom.
Page 27 GAO-17-708SP Synthetic Identity Fraud
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