Cartel-Playmaterials RC3 20200429

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The Basic Moves

Justify Your Behavior Get the Truth Turn to Violence

When you try to justify your behavior to someone, roll When you try to get the truth out of someone, roll When you turn to violence, roll with Savagery. On a
with Face. For NPCs: On a hit, they accept your logic. with Hustle. On a hit, clear one stress. On a 10+, hit, mark stress and trade harm as established. On a
On a 7-9, they have a few questions; mark a stress if pick 2. On a 7-9, pick 1. 10+, choose 3. On a 7-9, choose 2.
you answer with anything other than total honesty. ĵ they can’t mislead you with the truth ĵ you inflict terrible harm
For PCs: On a 10+, both. On a 7-9, choose 1: ĵ they can’t confuse you with falsehoods ĵ you suffer little harm
ĵ if they accept your reasoning, they mark xp ĵ they can’t stonewall you with silence ĵ you resist marking stress
ĵ if they keep their own counsel, they mark stress ĵ you avoid collateral damage
Pressure Someone
Propose a Deal When you pressure someone to go along with you, Strain Your Finances
When you propose a deal to get what you want, roll roll with Hustle. On a hit, they see your point; When you strain your finances to get what you
with Face. On a hit, they choose: take the deal or they have to follow your lead (for now) or mark want, roll. Add +1 for each:
mark stress. On a 7-9, they can instead choose one: stress. On a 7-9, you let something important slip ĵ you’ve recently come into a large sum of money
ĵ impose a condition on your offer as you bring your pressure to bear. ĵ you will accept something counterfeit/stolen
ĵ adjust the price (+/-30%) and accept ĵ you have an amigo with useful connections
ĵ point you at an interested party Size Someone Up
When you size someone up, roll with Savagery. On a On a 10+, you have enough cash on hand to make
Push Your Luck hit, ask their player questions. When you act on the your purchase. On a 7-9, you scrape together
When you push your luck, roll with Grit. On a 10+, answers, take +1. On a 10+, ask 3. On a 7-9, ask 1. enough dinero...but someone notices your largesse.
fortune favors the bold. On a 7-9, things don’t ĵ what are your current weaknesses / strengths? On a miss, your purchase remains frustratingly out
work out like you hoped; the MC will tell you how ĵ how can I show you dominance / submission? of reach. The GM will tell you why you find youself
you can turn things around if you act quickly, ĵ what do you intend to do next? unexpectedly short at the last moment.
make an ugly choice, or tough it out. ĵ what do you wish I’d do right now?
ĵ how could I get you to _________? Help or Interfere
When you help or interfere after a PC has rolled,
wager stress (max+3) and roll with stress marked.
On a hit, give them a +1 or -2 to their roll, your
choice. On a 7-9, you mark however much stress
you wagered. On a miss, mark the stress you
wagered and prepare for the worst.
Stress Moves Drug Moves Heat Moves
All sorts of fictional situations may cause stress— If the MC tells you to make a drug move, pick one: When you roll with Heat, the results are reversed:
getting shot at, doing something horrific, fighting you want to roll low to avoid consequences.
with a spouse—and the only way to keep that Cocaine
stress in check is through stress moves: ĵ start a fight with a mouthy pendejo or puta Avoid Suspicion
ĵ throw yourself at someone you shouldn’t When you try to avoid suspicion while handling
Verbally Abuse or Shame ĵ spend your money stupidly or carelessly business in public, roll with Heat. Add one for each:
When you verbally abuse or shame someone you ĵ you’re carrying a lot of drugs or money
care about, roll with Face. On a hit, your words Heroin ĵ you’re transporting at least one body, dead or alive
hit hard: tell them to mark stress. On a 10+, clear ĵ push someone who cares about you away ĵ you’re equipped with military weaponry
your stress track. On a 7-9, clear one stress. On a ĵ overlook a crucial deadline or event On a miss, you don’t atract any attention; most
miss, your cowardice is clear: take -1 ongoing to ĵ steal funds in preparation for your next fix civilians know better than to get in your way. On a
Face until you make amends. 7-9, only the local policia take an interest; make a
Crystal Meth threat or flash some dinero to smooth things over.
Lose Yourself in a Substance ĵ accuse a loved one of theft or betrayal On a 10+, someone dangerous has been looking
When you lose yourself in a substance, roll with ĵ push a place you keep toward squalor for you. And here you are. Mierda, cabrón.
Grit. On a hit, clear your stress track. On a 7-9, the ĵ hurt yourself to keep your diablos at bay
drugs take a toll: make a drug move off the list. On Leave a Messy Crime Scene
a miss, you’re in deep. Buena suerte, cabrón. Alcohol When you try to leave a messy crime scene before
ĵ make a scene about how you’ve been wronged the authorities arrive, roll with Heat. On a miss,
Confess Your Sins ĵ let slip something to the wrong person you exit the scene; tell the MC what potentially in-
When you confess your sins to a priest, roll with ĵ wreck something meaningful, carelessly criminating evidence you’ve left behind. On a 7-9,
Hustle. On a hit, you find forgiveness; clear your the authorities respond before you can get away,
stress track. On a 7-9, you must perform your Get Fucking Shot but they are isolated or unprepared for what they
penance before you return to confession. On a When you get fucking shot, roll. Add +1 for each: find when they arrive. On a 10+, la polica arrives in
miss, the priest sees through your false contrition; ĵ it’s a handgun or other small weapon. force…with los federales or an American in tow.
take a -1 ongoing to Hustle until you truly repent. ĵ the shooter is an amateur or isn’t trying to kill you.
ĵ you have cover, body armor, or a bodyguard. Flee from Los Federales
Dish Out a Beatdown On a hit, you’ll live. On 10+, it’s a minor but heroic wound. When you flee from los federales, roll with Heat.
When you dish out a beatdown, roll with Savagery. On a 7-9, you choose one and the shooter chooses one: On a miss, you get away clean. On a 7-9, you can
On a 10+, you assert your dominance: clear your ĵ it’s bloody; you’ll die without immediate aid. escape the authorities by sacrificing something;
stress track. On a 7-9, you hurt them, but it’s not ĵ it’s messy; the wound will leave an ugly scar. the MC will tell you what your freedom will cost
enough: clear one stress. On a miss, the violence ĵ it’s painful; -1 ongoing until you get some help. you this time. On a 10+, you’re fucked, güey: mark
gets out of hand. Enjoy the consequences, pendejo. On a miss, you’re pretty much finished, pendejo. The 3 stress, get caught, or get shot (your choice).
MC will tell you when you go and how it happens. Whatever you choose, the chase is over.
El Cocinero
Your Name Tus Llaves
• Consuelo, Isabel, Lourdes, Magda, Rosario, Choose two keys:
Soledad, or Yolanda … Secrets: Mark xp when you lie to someone close to
• Armando, Ignacio, Joaquín, Juan, Miguel, Pedro, you about your illicit activities. Clear this key and
Ramon, or Rodrigo advance when you finally come clean to someone
who trusts you about your lies and deceptions.
Your Look … Debt: Mark xp when you take on a new loan or
• Man, woman, ambiguous, transgressing strain your finances to meet your family’s needs.
• Clear eyes, cunning eyes, sad eyes, wicked eyes Clear this key and advance when you find a way—
• Casual clothes, filthy clothes, professional clothes, legal or illegal—out from under your obligations.
work clothes
… Arrogance: Mark xp when you use your superior
knowledge or experience to verbally shame or abuse
Your Gear
someone you care about. Clear this key and advance
• a stable lifestyle
when you admit to a loved one that you’re in over
• a decent car, two cell phones
your head and urgently need help
Your Stats Los Enlaces
Add +1 to one of your stats:
• Face -1, Grit +1, Hustle +1, Savagery +0 ______________________________ is familia. Close
family. They don’t know what you do para el cartel, and
Your Stress Track you’re not sure you can keep your secrets for long.
Each session you start with two stress already marked,
provided you didn’t end the last section with more. If ______________________________ got you into this
your stress track is ever filled, güey, you’re in a bad spot. business to help you with your financial troubles but
didn’t tell you the whole story. Now you’re both stuck.

FACE GRIT HUSTLE SAVAGERY HEAT You and ______________________________ have an

understanding. You need each other for now, but both
+0 of you know the current situation won’t last.

STATS Stress
El Cocinero
Your Moves Tu Laboratorio Advancement
You get this one and two more: By default, your lab (small fixed unstable indebted) is in a When you fill your xp track, select an advance from this list:
■ Cocinar: If you’re fully stocked and cooking, at the basement or warehouse, set up to make cocaine, heroin, or … get +1 Grit (max+3)
start of session, roll with Grit. On a hit, you make meth, your choice. … get +1 Hustle (max+3)
enough to meet your commitments. On a 10+, you … get +1 Savagery (max+3)
also make a little surplus for yourself. On a 7-9, your Choose 2 features: … choose a new laboratorio feature
investment in the operation causes someone close to … your lab is a food truck or RV. Replace fixed with mobile. … get a new cocinero move
you to grow suspicious. On a miss, one of your lab’s … your lab has professional equipment, capable of larger … get a new cocinero move
problems comes to bear con todo. cooks. raise your lifestyle; change small to medium. … get a move from another playbook
… Ciencia, Cabrón: When you try to juryrig some- … your lab has equipment designed to dispose of … get a move from another playbook
thing with science, roll with Grit. On a hit, you dangerous chemicals. Remove unstable.
create an opportunity or buy yourself some time. … you have an assistant who prepares the chemicals in After 5 advances, you can choose from this list instead:
On a 7-9, your efforts are messy: mark stress. On a advance for your cooks. Take +1 to Cocinar; add payroll. … get +1 to any stat (max+3)
miss, you’re missing something rare and illegal or … resolve a laboratorio trouble
your work fills your stress track, MC’s choice. Choose 2 troubles: … retire your character (to safety)
… your lab is sometimes inaccessible. Add inconvenient. … change your character to a new type
… Chillón: When you justify yourself with an upsetting
… your lab gives off a byproduct or odor that makes it … raise your lifestyle one level
emotional outburst, roll with Grit instead of Face.
easy to uncover and report. Add detectable.
… De Calidad: When you propose a deal that relies on … your lab is poorly secured or locked down against
the quality of your product or your special training and intruders and thieves. Add exposed.
skills, roll with Grit instead of Face. … your lab relies on uncommon chemicals. Add shortages.
… Afortunado: You get +1 Grit (max+3).
… Pozolero: When you get rid of a body using chemicals
Tus Misterios
You’ve fallen on hard times. Now you must keep your
in your lab, roll with Grit. On a 10+, all 3. On a 7-9, pick 1.
work secret from the people closest to you. Choose 3:
• you aren’t forced to mark stress.
… an esposa or novio who asks too many questions
• you aren’t missing any supplies or equipment.
• you aren’t interrupted getting it done. … a niño who thinks you’re beyond reproach
… an elderly madre or tio who relies on you financially
On a miss, you dispose of the body, but it haunts
… a prima who works in federal law enforcement
you. You can’t clear any stress until you find a way
… an old coworker who feels badly about your troubles
to atone for what you’ve done.
… a community leader who feels responsible for you
La Esposa
Your Name Tus Llaves
• Andrea, Carolina, Dolores, Esperanza, Gloria, Choose two keys:
Paula, Sofia, or Victoria … Loyalty: Mark xp when you accept the lies or half-
• Alberto, Antonio, Carlos, Francisco, Manny, truths of a trusted friend or lover. Clear this key
Martín, Pablo, or Rolando and advance when you confront a loved one with
evidence of their betrayals and deceptions.
Your Look … Family: Mark xp when you violate your family
• Man, woman, ambiguous, transgressing members’ boundaries to protect them. Clear this
• Bright eyes, cold eyes, focused eyes, wide eyes key and advance when you allow one of them to be
• Casual clothes, luxury clothes, hi-femme clothes, harmed when you could have intervened.
professional clothes
… Pride: Mark xp when you claim an asset on the
grounds that you or your family deserves it. Clear
Your Gear
this key and advance when you give up something
• your spouse’s lifestyle
to keep yourself or a loved one safe from harm.
• a reasonable car, a cell phone, and a cheap laptop
Los Enlaces
Your Stats
Add +1 to one of your stats: ______________________________ and your spouse
• Face +1, Grit +0, Hustle +1, Savagery -1 spend time together, but you’d prefer it if they weren’t in-
volved in your life. Tell them what they did to anger you.
Your Stress Track
Each session you start with two stress already marked, ______________________________ es familia. A
provided you didn’t end the last section with more. If sibling, maybe, or a cousin. Someone close. They mean
your stress track is ever filled, güey, you’re in a bad spot. well, but you worry about them. Tell them your fears.

______________________________ and you were a

FACE GRIT HUSTLE SAVAGERY HEAT thing back in the day, but it never went anywhere. Most
people don’t know about it; you were young once también.

STATS Stress
La Esposa
Your Moves La Familia Advancement
You get this one and two more: Ask everyone else “Who is willing to be my spouse?” Pick When you fill your xp track, select an advance from this list:
■ Amor y Matrimonio: You are the only one who can whomever you like. If no one volunteers, choose an NPC. … get +1 Face (max+3)
be trusted to protect la familia. Take +1 ongoing when … get +1 Grit (max+3)
you try to get one of them to do the right thing. Choose 5 obligations you perform for la familia: … get +1 Hustle (max+3)
… Me Lo Chingué: When you reveal that you betrayed … change 2 obligations de la familia
a lover or friend, tell them to fill their stress track; pregnant/finalizing adoption, new baby, preschool child, … get a new esposa move
you clear one stress for each stress they mark. If their high school student, stepchild, corporate job, established … get a new esposa move
stress track is already full, they must immediately home business, starting a new business, real estate license, … get a move from another playbook
make a stress move; you clear one stress. social service job, managing family finances, elderly grand- … get a move from another playbook
parent, troubled sibling, school association, nonprofit
… Reina del Drama: When you put on a dramatic
board, parish volunteer, dinner parties, gossip and rumors After 5 advances, you can choose from this list instead:
performance to get out of a sticky situation, you
… get +1 to any stat (max+3)
can mark stress instead of rolling to push your luck
And choose 2 secrets you keep from la familia: … permanently resolve a secret
as if you rolled a 10+.
… +nest egg: you put away some serious cash in a secret … retire your character (to safety)
… Perderse: When you lose yourself in another per- stash ($20,000!) for a rainy day. … change your character to a new type
son, roll with Face. On a hit, you find solace in their … +addiction: some nasty drug has a hold on you. … raise your spouse’s lifestyle one level
embrace; clear your stress track. On a 7-9, they see … +affair: you have another love…or at least another
you truly; they can ask one question and you must lover you spend time with.
answer it honestly. On a miss, your dalliance leads … +debt: your spending has put you in a tough place,
you to neglect a key obligation to disastrous effect. beyond what your family currently knows.
… Comer Algo: When you share a meal with some- … +lovechild: you have a secret child that requires
one, roll with Face. On a 10+, hold 2. On a 7-9, attention…and money.
hold 1. You can spend your hold while you’re eating
together to ask their player questions: Whenever there is a stretch of downtime in play (or be-
• What do you want from me / my family? tween sessions), roll with Hustle. On a 10+, you juggle your
• What threat do you pose to us / our life? responsibilities with grace; clear your stress track. On a
• Who are you protecting / hunting? 7-9, one of your obligations (your choice) becomes unman-
On a miss, hold 1, but you let slip your secret fears ageable; the MC will tell you who might be able to assist.
about your family or spouse to your guest. On a miss, your secrets and obligations clash with disas-
trous (and obvious) results; tell the MC what went wrong.
El Halcon
Your Name Tus Llaves
• Ale, Britany, Carolina, Cecilia, Heura, Juanita, Choose two keys:
Lupita, Malena, or Paty … Ambition: Mark xp when you get someone import-
• Beto, Brayan, Diego, Enrique, Felipe, José, Mateo, ant to let you handle some business on their behalf.
Pepe, or Toño Clear this key and advance when you seize the day
and ask for forgiveness instead of permission.
Your Look … Duty: Mark xp when you complete a task or assign-
• Man, woman, ambiguous, transgressing ment for your superiors or colleagues. Clear this
• Lazy eyes, sharp eyes, tired eyes, quick eyes key and advance when you intentionally thwart the
• Casual clothes, gang clothes, street clothes, goals of your organization or employer.
work clothes
… Daring: Mark xp when you willingly enter a perilous
situation without precautions or deception. Clear
Your Gear
this key and advance when you retreat from a messy
• a destitute lifestyle
situation instead of risking further failure.​
• a 9mm (close loud), and a shit car or truck, a few
burner phones from your handlers Los Enlaces
Your Stats ______________________________ gave you some
Add +1 to one of your stats: new responsibilities lately, at your request. They have
• Face +1, Grit -1, Hustle +1, Savagery +0 their doubts, but you’ll prove them wrong soon.

Your Stress Track ______________________________ disapproves of

Each session you start with two stress already marked, your cartel work, and wants to get you out. You’re not a
provided you didn’t end the last section with more. If niño; you can handle your own business.
your stress track is ever filled, güey, you’re in a bad spot.
You and ______________________________ have
FACE GRIT HUSTLE SAVAGERY HEAT a plan to make some real money. They worry it’s not
going to work, but you know it’s a sure thing, cabrón.

STATS Stress
El Halcon
Your Moves Tu Pandilla Advancement
You get this one and two more: By default, your pandilla has three loyal amigos you’ve When you fill your xp track, select an advance from this list:
■ Hermanos: When you try to get your pandilla to known a while. Give them names: … get +1 Face (max+3)
follow your lead on something dangerous, costly, … get +1 Grit (max+3)
or out of the ordinary, roll with Hustle. On a 10+, Azul, Blanco, Calaca, Charo, Chino, Flaco, Gordo, Lola, … get +1 Hustle (max+3)
all 3. On a 7-9, choose 1: Moco, Nacho, Paco, Raki, Torpe, Zanahoria … choose a new pandilla feature
• they all go along with the plan … get a new halcón move
• they follow your instructions precisely • Who is there to cheer you up when mierda gets tough? … get a new halcón move
• they don’t demand drugs, cash, or answers • Who is a real pendejo, but you just can’t cut them loose? … get a move from another playbook
On a miss, your pandilla fights amongst itself about • Who is truly solid, ready to entrarle and get things … get a move from another playbook
mierda you thought was settled, screwing up your done when you need them?
plans before you even start. After 5 advances, you can choose from this list instead:
Choose 2 features: … get +1 to any stat (max+3)
… Mercado: When you sell product on the street, roll
… your crew has crews that work for you, cabrón. Your … resolve a pandilla vulnerability
with Hustle. On a 10+, sales are brisk; clear your
crew becomes a gang (small untrained unequipped). … retire your character (to safety)
stress track. On a 7-9, you make some money, but
… your crew is down for a fiesta. Roll with Hustle instead … change your character to a new type
someone takes issue with your crew; clear one
of Grit when you get all get lost in a substance juntos. … raise your lifestyle one level.
stress. On a miss, someone takes a run at you, and
… your crew is down for a fight. Roll with Hustle instead
it probably isn’t the cops.
of Savagery when you dish out a beatdown as a crew.
… Bendito: When you’re completely focused on escaping, … your crew is in touch with high-level smugglers and
push your luck with Hustle instead of Grit. Add +1 to producers from other cartels. It gets +connected.
your roll if you get fucking shot while trying to flee. … your crew is employed outside the cartel, officially or
… Vendedor: When you propose a deal to someone unofficially. Take +1 when you strain your finances.
and they pick an option off the 7-9 list you don’t
like, mark stress to make them pick a different Choose 2 vulnerabilities:
option off the list. You can do this multiple times, … your crew is on la policía’s radar: +known.
provided you can keep marking stress. … your crew is into heavy stuff: +addiction.
… your crew owes favors to someone: +obligation.
… Matador: Fill your stress track—marking at least one
… your crew has enemies, cabrón: +turf war.
stress—to turn to violence against an unsuspecting
target as if you rolled a 10+.
El Narco
Your Name Tus Llaves
• Alejandra, Beatriz, Guadalupe, María Elena, Choose two keys:
María Luisa, or Raquel … Dirty Hands: Mark xp when you personally tackle a
• Alfonso, Damien, Fernando, Guillermo, Isidro, messy problem instead of sending goons. Clear this
Juan Carlos, or Santiago key and advance when you send someone to deal
with a problem you should have attended to directly.
Your Look … Family: Mark xp when you violate your family
• Man, woman, ambiguous, transgressing members’ boundaries to protect them. Clear this
• Angry eyes, focused eyes, skeptical eyes, warm eyes key and advance when you allow one of them to be
• Junta clothes, luxury clothes, buchón clothes, harmed when you could have intervened.
ranchero clothes
… Paranoia: Mark xp when you try to get the truth
out of someone about their true loyalties. Clear
Your Gear
this key and advance when you expose someone’s
• a lifestlye based on your plaza
betrayal to their family or employer.
• an expensive sidearm (close loud), a luxury car,
and a burner phone Los Enlaces
Your Stats ______________________________ is familia, but
Add +1 to one of your stats: you’ve tried to shield them from the worst of the cartel.
• Face +1, Grit +0, Hustle -1, Savagery +1 Tell them what they know about your dealings.

Your Stress Track You’re sure ______________________________ is up

Each session you start with two stress already marked, to something, maybe with another cartel or los federales.
provided you didn’t end the last section with more. If Keep your eyes open, cabrón. Trust no one.
your stress track is ever filled, güey, you’re in a bad spot.
You’ve taken ______________________________
FACE GRIT HUSTLE SAVAGERY HEAT under your wing. You respect their skills and talents,
and you want to see them thrive. ¡Qué generoso!

STATS Stress
El Narco
Your Moves La Plaza
You get these two moves: By default, you’ve got: Choose 2 troubles:
■ La Plaza: At the beginning of the session, roll with • a staff of unsophisticated narcos, coordinated via a … you are in the middle of a … the narcos you displaced
Control. On a hit, you get an opportunity to engage network of burner phones (trouble: +los federales) violent dispute with an- to take control of la plaza
one your troubles (your choice) on your terms. On • a mix of protection rackets and smuggling opera- other cartel, probably Los remain at large. - 1 Control.
a 7-9, the opportunity is short-lived and risky: act tions (lifestyle: stable) Zetas. Trouble: +gang war. Trouble: +rivals.
quickly or you may find that you miss your moment. • 5-10 loyal enforcers (gang small untrained impa- … your plaza has been recently … greedy agents of the Mex-
On a miss, one (or more) of your troubles catches tient) and 1 or 2 corrupt cops (greedy informed) infiltrated by someone work- ican tax authority (SHCP)
you in a vulnerable spot, jefe, before you can adjust. • a few halcones to keep you informed about what ing for los federales or the are bleeding you dry with

■ Mandamás: When you order your enforcers or goes on in your city (Control = +1) CIA/DEA. Trouble: +mole increasingly expensive

agents to solve a problem on your behalf, roll with demands for bribes and

Face. On a 10+, all 3. On a 7-9, choose 1. Choose 4 features: mordidas . -1 lifestyle.

… your plaza is profitable, … your enforcers have exten-
• they keep their wits and focus.
• they minimize incriminating evidence.
bringing in substantial, sive military training. Drop Advancement
obvious sums. Lifestyle: +1 untrained and add savage. When you fill your xp track, select an advance from this list:
• they avoid collateral damage.
level & trouble: +robberies. Take +1 when you order
On a miss, everything goes to shit, but it wasn’t
… for income, add kidnap- kidnappings or ambushes. … get +1 Face (max+3)
your people’s fault. You know how it is, jefe: no plan
ping. Lifestyle: +1 level … your enforcers recruit … get +1 Hustle (max+3)
survives contact with the enemy.
& trouble: +vigilantes. heavily from the local … get +1 Savagery (max+3)
El Jefe de Jefes … your enforcers have access population, making them … get +1 Control (max +3)
You run la plaza, a pathway for narcos hoping to move prod- to military weaponry and a medium gang (10-20) … choose a new plaza feature
uct across the border and a lucrative area for local drug sales. body armor. Add armored instead of small. … choose a new plaza feature
The city of Durango is yours as long as you hold it, jefe. and armed to your gang. … you have halcones at all … get a move from another playbook
… you have a reputation for chokepoints and smug- … get a move from another playbook
When you took control, the cartel gave you a contact violence. Roll with Face gling roads. +1 Control.
who collects what you owe them, usually once a month. instead of Hustle when … only a few know your real After 5 advances, you can choose from this list instead:
You only know their nickname, so you can’t sell them you pressure someone name and appearance. … get +1 to any stat except Control (max+3)
out if you get flipped by los federales (pick one): by threatening their life, Take -2 heat; describe the … permanently resolve a plaza trouble
limbs, or loved ones. business that you use as a … permanently resolve a plaza trouble
Barbie, Basura, Bruja, Chuke, Chuy, Chata, Lancha, Luchi, cover for your activities. … retire your character (to safety)
Mochomo, Osito, Puerca, Roco, Selena, Z-36 … change your character to a new type
La Polizeta
Your Name Tus Llaves
• Coco, Isabel, Luz, Marisol, Mercedes, Silvia, Choose two keys:
Tilde, or Yoli … Schemes: Mark xp when you take advantage of
• Bimbo, Eduardo, Gustavo, Javi, Lacho, Luis, someone who believes you’re working on their
Teto, or Vicente behalf. Clear this key and advance when you openly
choose one of your loyalties over the other.
Your Look … Debt: Mark xp when you take on a new loan or
• Man, woman, ambiguous, transgressing strain your finances to meet your family’s needs.
• Clever eyes, dead eyes, watchful eyes, young eyes Clear this key and advance when you find a way—
• Business clothes, plain clothes, street clothes, legal or illegal—out from under your obligations.
uniform clothes
… Pride: Mark xp when you claim an asset on the
grounds that you or your family deserves it. Clear
Your Gear
this key and advance when you give up something
• a stable lifestyle
to keep yourself or a loved one safe from harm.
• a government vehicle, a service weapon (close loud)
• a work cellphone and two SIM cards Los Enlaces
Your Stats You grew up with ______________________________
Add +1 to one of your stats: on the streets of Durango. You still have a beer after
• Face +0, Grit +1, Hustle +1, Savagery -1 work if you’re both free; it’s nice to know someone who
isn’t involved with either side of your double life.
Your Stress Track
Each session you start with two stress already marked, ______________________________ is the target of
provided you didn’t end the last section with more. If an active investigation. You’re not the lead investigator,
your stress track is ever filled, güey, you’re in a bad spot. but you’re regularly briefed on the case.

FACE GRIT HUSTLE SAVAGERY HEAT ______________________________ is your main

contact in the cartel. Tell them where you two go to
-1 speak directly when you need a face-to-face meeting.

STATS Stress
La Polizeta
Your Moves Anti-Cartel Task Force Advancement
You get this one and two more: You work for los federales on an anti-cartel taskforce When you fill your xp track, select an advance from this list:
■ Infiltrado: At the start of session, roll with Grit. On a assigned to Durango. You’ve been a federal for a while, … get +1 Face (max+3)
hit, you get wind of a development in the anti-cartel case but you were recently assigned to this region and city. … get +1 Grit (max+3)
before things get messy. On a 10+, you can take advantage Tell the MC why you’ve returned to your hometown. … get +1 Hustle (max+3)
of the situation: you have access to vital evidence or wit- … choose a new department toy
nesses, your choice. On a miss, the department catches a You work closely with 5 NPCs (at least) in the unit: … get a new polizeta move
hot lead on the cartel before you can intervene. A la verga. … get a new polizeta move
… Seguir: When you follow someone through the Delgado, Moreno, Ortiz, Reyes, Zamora … get a move from another playbook
streets, roll with Grit. On a hit, where they go, you … get a move from another playbook
follow. On a 7-9, you overstep; mark a stress to Who is your new partner? ____________________
avoid being spotted. On a miss, you end up exposed After 5 advances, you can choose from this list instead:
without backup or cover. ¡Mierda! Who is suspicious of you? ____________________ … get +1 to any stat (max+3)
… get promoted to lieutenant
… Verdadero: When you get the truth from someone in
You also end up working with a few NPCs from the cartel: … retire your character (to safety)
during an official interrogation, pick an extra option,
… change your character to a new type
even on a miss.
Elisa, Esteban, Gata, Tomas, Zola … raise your lifestyle one level
… En Asunto: Mark stress to show up in a scene
alongside la policia or los federales, assuming that Who almost gave you away? ____________________
you aren’t unavailable. Mark three stress to show
up instead of the authorities; you’ll have a few min- Who offered to scam el narco? ____________________
utes solo in the scene before anybody else arrives.
… Escolta: When you draw attention away from some- Your department has some new toys—¡gracias, Calderón!—you
one, they can roll with your Heat instead of their can use, provided you have some “official” business (pick 2):
own. On a 10+, they suffer the consequences...but … military-grade body armor (resilient bulky)
you attract demasiada attention: raise your Heat by 1 … full-scale surveillance van (hi-tech expensive)
until the end of the next session. … tracking devices or bugs (hi-tech concealable)
… court-approved wiretap (hi-tech persistent)
… Disciplinado: When you turn to violence after de-
… network of criminal informants (informed costly)
claring yourself as a federal, roll with Grit instead of
Savagery. If you get shot as a result, take +1 forward.
La Rata
Your Name Tus Llaves
• Adriana, Fiona, Laura, Luna, Maite, Micaela, Choose two keys:
Teresa, or Verónica … Guilt: Mark xp when you confess a recent betrayal or
• Álvaro, Arturo, César, Jorge, Marco, Oscar, deception to someone you shouldn’t trust. Clear this
Rafael, or Ricardo, key and advance when you use a moment of intimacy
to trick someone into advancing your schemes.
Your Look … Mercy: Mark xp when you try to head off a violent
• Man, woman, ambiguous, transgressing encounter with negotation or persuasion. Clear
• Clear eyes, pained eyes, sad eyes, worn-out eyes this key and advance when you greatly injure or kill
• Casual clothes, gang clothes, street clothes, someone who is defenseless or unaware.
uniform clothes
… Paranoia: Mark xp when you try to get the truth
out of someone about their true loyalties. Clear
Your Gear
this key and advance when you expose someone’s
• an impoverished lifestyle
betrayal to their family or employer.
• a reliable car, an old revolver (close loud), and a
burner phone Los Enlaces
Your Stats ______________________________ knows that
Add +1 to one of your stats: you’re an informant. They haven’t told anyone, but
• Face +1, Grit +1, Hustle -1, Savagery +0 they’ve started to blackmail you to get what they want.
Your Stress Track ______________________________ works with you
Each session you start with two stress already marked, regularly on cartel business. You don’t trust them, but
provided you didn’t end the last section with more. If you’re confident they don’t know your secrets…yet.
your stress track is ever filled, güey, you’re in a bad spot.
You and ______________________________ started
FACE GRIT HUSTLE SAVAGERY HEAT sleeping together a few weeks ago. Tell them why you
haven’t been able to end things, despite the dangers.

STATS Stress
La Rata
Your Moves El Trabajo Sucio Supervivencia
You get this one and two more: You are one of el narco’s trusted lieutenants…but you’ve You are a survivor, a rata who will not be drowned just
■ Conectada: When you go looking for a cartel güey in decided to betray the cartel. Choose a reason: because this sinking ship of a plaza is finally dragged
la plaza to help with a problem, name them and roll … you’re tired of the killing and death. beneath the surface of the drug war.
with Face. On a hit, you track them down and they’ve … you lost family or a loved one to el narco.
got what you need. On a 7-9, pick 1. On a 10+, both. … you want to move up in the organization. You can mark stress to:
• They aren’t caught up in their own problems. … you were arrested and flipped to avoid jail. • take a 10+ instead of rolling when you interfere
• You don’t owe them a favor or apology. … you’re an undercover cop on assignment. with someone trying to get the truth out of you.
On a miss, something has made them suspicious. • offer a PC an xp to accept your reasoning when
Tell the MC what you did to make them nervioso. You work regularly with 5 NPCs (at least) in the cartel: you justify your behavior, even on a miss.
• take +1 when you get fucking shot by another narco
… Escapar: When you try to exit a tense situation, roll
Elisa, Esteban, Gata, Tomas, Zola who suspects your treachery.
with Face. On a 10+, you’re gone! On a 7-9, you gotta
leave something behind or take something with you,
Who is always asking for help? ____________________ Advancement
your choice. On a miss, you’re exposed por completo.
When you fill your xp track, select an advance from this list:
… Amante: When you share a night of intimacy with a Who suspects your treachery? ____________________ … get +1 Face (max+3)
lover, roll with Face. On a hit, clear your stress track. … get +1 Grit (max+3)
On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7-9, ask 1. You go wherever they send you, but your crew tends to a few … get +1 Savagery (max+3)
• What do you know about _________? parts of el narco’s business in la plaza on the regular (pick 2): … get an NPC ally (detail with MC)
• What do you want from _________? … cutting, packaging, y preparing drug shipments … get a new rata move
• What is _________ planning to do? … counting money, tracking payments, y accounting … get a new rata move
On a miss, you let them get too close: they uncover … organizing el narco’s enforcers, sicarios, y halcones … get a move from another playbook
a secret you were hiding before you can intervene. … collecting protection money from businesses, los … get a move from another playbook
ricos, y los políticos
… Chimosa: When you betray a friend or ally to the
… protecting el narco’s esposa, niños, y padres After 5 advances, you can choose from this list instead:
authorities, roll with Face. On a 10+, your treason is
… get +1 to any stat (max+3)
useful and valued: clear your stress track. On a 7-9,
… get 4 weapons y 4 gear (La Sicaria)
your handler is pleased...and demands more: clear
… retire your character (to safety)
one stress. On a miss, the authorities act on your
… change your character to a new type
info in a way that puts you in the crosshairs.
… raise your lifestyle one level
… Mentirosa: You get +1 Face (max+3).
La Sicaria
Your Name Tus Llaves
• Alma, Alicia, Josefina, Leticia, Mina, Pera, Choose two keys:
Raquel, or Rocio … Indomitable: Mark xp when you go into battle sig-
• Ángel, Gabriel, Héctor, Jesús, Lorenzo, Ruy, nificantly outgunned or outmanned. Clear this key
Tiburón, or Vibora and advance when you surrender to your enemies
instead of fighting your way out of a messy situation.
Your Look … Mercy: Mark xp when you try to head off a violent
• Man, woman, ambiguous, transgressing encounter with negotiation or persuasion. Clear
• Blank eyes, somber eyes, quiet eyes, wild eyes this key and advance when you greatly injure or kill
• Casual clothes, luxury clothes, military clothes, someone who is defenseless or unaware.
street clothes
… Duty: Mark xp when you complete a task or assign-
ment for your superiors or colleagues. Clear this
Your Gear
key and advance when you intentionally thwart the
• an impoverished lifestyle
goals of your organization or employer.
• a reliable car or truck, and a few burner phones
• specialized weapons and gear (detail) Los Enlaces
Your Stats You owe ______________________________ for get-
Add +1 to one of your stats: ting you out of a tight spot. You won’t die for them, but
• Face -1, Grit +1, Hustle +0, Savagery +1 you both know you need to settle up soon.

Your Stress Track ______________________________ got you back in

Each session you start with two stress already marked, the business, after you had retired. Tell them how you
provided you didn’t end the last section with more. If feel about your return to the game, and don’t be shy.
your stress track is ever filled, güey, you’re in a bad spot.
______________________________ fucked up
FACE GRIT HUSTLE SAVAGERY HEAT something crucial; you had to clean up the mess before
things got messy with los federales or a rival drug cartel.

STATS Stress
La Sicaria
Your Moves Weapons (choose 4) Advancement
Choose three moves: … sniper rifle (far hi-tech loud) When you fill your xp track, select an advance from this list:
… Mirar: When you read a charged situation, roll with … assault rifle (close loud autofire) … get +1 Grit (max+3)
Savagery. On a hit, ask the MC questions; take +1 when … grenade launcher (close area messy) … get +1 Hustle (max+3)
you act on the answers. On a 10+, ask 2. On a 7–9, ask 1: … shotgun (close messy) … get +1 Savagery (max+3
• where’s my escape route / way in / way past? … submachine gun (close area loud) … choose 2 new weapons
• which enemy is most vulnerable to me? … magnum (close reload loud) … get a new sicaria move
• what should I be on the lookout for? … 9mm (close loud) … get a new sicaria move
• what’s my enemy’s true position? … stun gun (close reload) … get a move from another playbook
On a miss, ask one...but you reveal your position. … fireman’s axe (close messy) … get a move from another playbook
… Narcocorrido: When you meet someone importante … machete (hand messy)
(your call), roll with Savagery. On a hit, they’ve heard of … garrote (hand grapple) After 5 advances, you can choose from this list instead:
you. Say what they’ve heard, and they will act accord- … knives (hand infinite) … get +1 to any stat (max+3)
ingly. On a 10+, you also take +1 forward to dealing with … choose 2 new pieces of gear or 2 new weapons
them. On a miss, your reputation convinces them that Gear (choose 4) … retire your character (to safety)
you’re something you’re not. … Armor Piercing Ammo (+ap to all weapons): Some- … change your character to a new type
times putos wear vests. Gotta be ready. … raise your lifestyle one level
… Levantón: When you track down an NPC, roll with
… Body Armor (+armored): You want to live, right? Put
Savagery. On a hit, you catch them exposed or
on the fucking vest, pendeja.
vulnerable. On a 7-9, they have backup or it’s public.
… Explosives Kit (close loud area reload): You can create
On a miss, someone you’re avoiding finds you first.
improvised explosive devices (IEDs) if you’ve got time.
… Rematar: You get +1 Savagery (max +3). … Tracking Device (hi-tech far concealable): They can’t
… Encobijado: When you ditch a body somewhere, hide if you plant this somewhere on them.
roll with Savagery. On a hit, you lose the corpse, and … Secure Police Scanner (hi-tech hand): You can listen
it stays lost; clear one stress. On a 10+, dust to dust; in even when they try to keep you out.
clear your stress track. On a miss, the body surfaces, … Silencer (remove +loud from any weapon): Quiet as a
but without any obvious ties to you or your crew. mouse. Dead as a doornail. Eh, cabrona?
… Surveillance Gear (hi-tech close concealable): You can
… Duro: When you get fucking shot, add +1 to your
install cameras somewhere and watch all you want.
roll. On a miss, you have time for an act of ven-
… Police Uniform (official wearable stolen): Who is who
geance or kindness before you fall to your wounds.
anymore? You look like them and they look like you.
The Master of Ceremonies
Agendas Last Names Stress for NPCs
ĵ Make the drug war seem real Álvarez, Arias, Ávila, Balderas, Banderas, Bautista, NPCs can only mark one or two stress before they
ĵ Keep the players’ characters’ lives exciting Castillo, Chávez, De La Rosa, Díaz, Domínguez, start falling apart or making terrible decisions:
ĵ Play to find out what happens Éscobar, Fernández, Flores, Gallegos, García, ĵ 1-stress: visibly shaken, angry, paranoid, maybe
Garza, Gómez, González, Guerrero, Gutiérrez, afraid of/angry at whatever caused the stress.
Principles Hernández, Herrera, Iglesias, Jiménez, Juárez, ĵ 2-stress: exhausted and forlorn, unwilling to
ĵ Ground the story in Durango, Mexico López, Martínez, Molina, Morales, Navarro, Olive- confront opposition, quick to turn to escape.
ĵ Speak to the characters, not the players ra, Peralta, Perez, Ramírez, Ramos, Reyes, Rivera, ĵ 3-stress: complete breakdown, willing to violate
ĵ Make your move, but never speak its name Rodríguez, Rojas, Ruiz, Sánchez, Sandoval, Soria- social norms to get away or get what they want.
ĵ Name everyone, give them drives and instincts no, Taveras, Tejada, Tijerina, Torres, Valencia ĵ 4-stress: catatonic, unresponsive, or lost. Ready
ĵ Treat everyone as expendable and suspicious to break rules/laws/norms with little warning.
ĵ Fill the characters’ lives with secrets Businesses
ĵ Make the authorities a persistent presence laundromat, car wash, beauty salon, bakery, auto Notes
ĵ Be a fan of players’ characters and schemes parts store, taqueria, dry cleaners, watch repair,
ĵ Embrace the language of la guerra antidrogas head shop, computer repair, paper supply, tortilla
ĵ Sometimes, declaim decision making factory, pawn shop, office supply store, piñata
factory, taco truck, payday lender, corporate fast
Moves food, car dealership, local bank, coffeeshop
ĵ Inflict stress (as established)
ĵ Escalate a situation to violence If you get stuck...
ĵ Shoot someone ĵ Create chaos by introducing a rival faction,
ĵ Award an advantage gang, or leader. The PCs think the world
ĵ Threaten someone’s interests revolves around them, but the drug war is
ĵ Disrupt someone’s routine infinite, sprawling, and mysterious.
ĵ Offer a difficult compromise ĵ Involve the CIA or DEA on active investiga-
ĵ Turn their move back on them tions. They can’t be bought (usually), but they
ĵ Lean on a secret are rarely honest about their true intentions.
ĵ Announce future danger ĵ Focus on PC-NPC-PC triangles. If El Narco
ĵ Demand someone play their part wants Flaco dead because he screwed some-
ĵ Always ask, “what do you do?” thing up, is El Halcón really going to save his
friend if it costs him his life too?

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