Ict Brochure

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What is the teacher’s What skills does a How can we help

role? teacher need? teachers succeed?

When using ICTs in For a teacher’s work to be Here is how you can help
schools the teacher’s role successful, the skills they teachers succeed at their
is to: need is: job:

• Design their lesson • Good knowledge on

• Provide seminars for
plan meticulously. using technological
teachers who are not
• Take the use of all equipment like tablets,
confident with their
available technologies laptops, etc.
technological skills.
under consideration. • Good knowledge on
• Give teachers and
• Provide students with using education
students one-to-one
extra advice about the applications and tools
access to technological
use of technologies. like Microsoft Office,
• Guide students into Cmap tools etc.
• Buy basic software that
using technological • Good time
will help with the
environments that are management skills that
lesson planning.
new to them. will ensure for a more
• Hire IT stuff that can
• Ensure the students effective lesson plan.
help with technical
stay protected as they • Good communicational
problems in school.
use the internet. skills so that they can
• Start a campaign on
• Communicate with open a discussion with
informing families
parents. parents about their
about the importance
• Make sure that ideas on using ICT’s in
of ICTs in education
electronic devices are school.
up to date.

The use of
technologies in
education is
becoming more So, it is time we ask ourselves:
popular than ever. - What is the role of teachers as they
start educating students with the use
of ICTS?
- What does a teacher need and how
can we support them?

Wishing for a better

educational system
Is not enough.
Teachers need

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