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The document discusses the content and structure of a heat transfer course for chemical engineering students.

The topics covered include approximations and errors, solving equations, curve fitting, finite differences and interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration.

The three main modes of heat transfer discussed are conduction, convection and radiation.




Subject Theory Theory Practical Practical

SR NO. Category Subject Subject Name Lectures Tutorial Practical Credit Total
Code External Internal Internal External

1 Project Work 3140005 DE I B Design Engineering 1 B 0 0 2 1 0 0 20 80 100

2 3140503 HT Heat Transfer 4 0 2 5 70 30 20 30 150

3 Professional Core Course 3140507 CET II Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II 3 1 0 4 70 30 0 0 100

4 3140510 NMCE Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering 3 1 0 4 70 30 0 0 100

Humanities and Social

5 3140509 PCSM Pollution control & safety Management 3 0 2 4 70 30 20 30 150

6 Basic Science 3140508 UPCT Unit Processes & Chemical Technology 4 0 2 5 70 30 20 30 150
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3140510
Semester – IV
Subject Name: Numerical methods in chemical engineering

Type of course: Core Professional course

Prerequisite: Algebra

Rationale: It is necessary for Chemical Engineering students to solve complex problem.

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total

L T P C Theory Marks Practical Marks Marks
ESE (E) PA (M) ESE (V) PA (I)
3 1 0 4 70 30 0 0 100


Sr. No. Content Total


1 Approximations and Errors: 3

Types of Errors, Significant figures, Accuracy of Numbers, Precision, Error Propagation,
Applications in Chemical Engineering
2 Solution of Algebraic and Transcendental Equations: 8
Basic Properties of Equations, Relations between Roots and Coefficients, Descartes Rule
of Sign, Synthetic Division of a Polynomial by a Linear Expression, Bracketing Methods
(Bisection, Secant, Method of False Position or Regula Falsi, etc.), Convergence of
Iterative Methods, Newton-Raphson Method, Newton-Raphson Method for Non Linear
Equations in Two Variables (Numericals based on application in chemical engineering)
3 Solution of Linear Equations: 7
Mathematical Background, Matrix inversion, Gauss Elimination, Gauss-Jordan Method,
Gauss-Seidel Iteration Method, Jacobi’s Method, Gauss-Seidel Method, Eigen Value
Problem (Numericals based on application in chemical engineering)
4 Curve Fitting 7
Method of Least Squares, Fitting a Straight Line and a Polynomial, Fitting a Non-linear
Function, Fitting Geometric and Exponential Curves, Fitting a Hyperbola, a Trigonometric
Function, etc (Numericals based on application in chemical engineering)
5 Finite Differences & Interpolation: 6
Finite Differences: Forward, Backward and Divided Differences Table, Central
Differences, Newton’s Forward, Backward and Divided Differences Interpolation
Formula, Interpolation Polynomials, Lagrange Interpolation Formula, Inverse Interpolation
(Numericals based on application in chemical engineering)
6 Numerical Differentiation & Integration: 6
Differentiation Formula based on Tabulator at Equal and Unequal Intervals, Newton-Cotes
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3140510
Integration Formulas, Trapezoidal Rule and Simpson’s 1/3 and 3/8 Rule (Numericals
based on application in chemical engineering)
7 Ordinary Differential Equations : 8
Taylor’s Series and Euler’s Method, Modifications and Improvements in Euler’s Method,
Runge-Kutta 2nd Order & 4th Order Methods, Milne’s Predictor-Corrector Methods,
Boundary Value Problems (Numericals based on application in chemical engineering)

Suggested Specification table with Marks (Theory): (For BE only)

Distribution of Theory Marks

R Level U Level A Level N Level E Level C Level

17 18 10 11 7 7

Legends: R: Remembrance; U: Understanding; A: Application, N: Analyze and E: Evaluate C:

Create and above Levels (Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy

Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.

Reference Books:

S C Chapra and R P Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers, McGraw Hill International Edition.
S S Shastry, Introductory Methods of Numerical Analysis, Prentice Hall of India.
B S Grewal, Numerical Methods in Engineering & Science, Khanna Publishers.
M K Jain, S R K Iyengar and R K Jain, Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering
Computation, Wiley Eastern.
Course Outcomes:

Sr. CO statement Marks % weightage


CO-1 Find accuracy of numbers, errors and propagation of errors. 25

CO-2 Differentiate types of equation based on linearity and order 25

CO-3 Find the root of linear, non-linear and linear algebraic equations 15

CO-4 Analyze and solve finite difference-interpolation and numerical 15

integration problems.
CO-5 Arrange the data and find out coefficient of equation for curve fitting 10

CO-6 Compare variety of numerical methods for solving ordinary differential 10


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w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3140509
Semester – IV
Subject Name: Pollution control & Safety Management

Type of course: Humanities and social science

Prerequisite: Basic Concepts of chemistry and environmental science.

Rationale: This course is intended to familiarize students with the concepts of various traditional and
modern pollution control methods along with identifying various pollutants and prevalent industrial laws
and acts pertaining to safety, health and environment under Indian context. This course would enable
students to identify and assess hazards in any stage of operation, to quantify and manage them as well.
Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total

L T P C Theory Marks Practical Marks Marks
ESE (E) PA (M) ESE (V) PA (I)
3 0 2 4 70 30 30 20 150

Sr. No. Content Total


1 Impact of man on the environment; ecological systems and pollution, hydrologic and 5
nutrient cycles. Various types of environmental pollution in general and in chemical and
allied industry in particular, sources and causes of environmental pollution, effect of
pollution on environment.
2 Air pollution: Classification and properties of air pollutants, Emission sources, behavior 7
and fate of air pollutants with special reference to chemical reactions in atmosphere,
reactions at the earth’s surface, photochemical smog etc., air pollution meteorology
(generation, transportation and dispersion of air pollutants). Outlines of industrial air
pollution control and particulate control equipment: selection, design and performance
analysis; cyclone separator, fabric filters, gravity settling chambers, ESPs, wet scrubbers.
Control of gaseous emissions Stack sampling and analysis of air pollutants.
3 Water pollution: sources and classification of water pollutants, Physico-chemical 6
characterization of wastewater, water quality standards, Industrial water pollution
management: Wastewater treatment processes; Pretreatment, primary and secondary
treatment processes. Advanced wastewater treatment processes. Design of sedimentation
tanks and biological treatment processes.

4 Solid waste management: sources and classification, public health aspects, methods of 4
collection, potential methods of disposal: sanitary landfill, incineration, composting,
recovery and recycling.

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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3140509
5 Introduction to Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), Sources of exposure, exposure 7
evaluation, exposure-hazard control, Fire and explosion: types of fire, detonation and
deflagration, UVCE and BLEVE, Regulatory bodies and regulations; Safety by design-
sizing of specific devices such as, safety release valves, vents, flare systems;
Instrumentation for safety - specific devices such as alarms, interlocks, shutdown systems,
Hazard Identification Checklist procedure, Preliminary hazard analysis, What if analysis,
Failure mode effect analysis, Hazard and operability (HAZOP) studies, Hazard analysis
techniques: Fault tree analysis, Event tree analysis, General outline of DOW index.
6 Rules, regulations, laws etc. regarding environmental protection, pollution prevention and 7
control, waste disposal etc. Standards and legislation EIA, EIS and EMP. Air and water
pollution management through waste minimization. Industrial air pollution management,
Role of government, semi/quasi govt. and voluntary organizations. Industries Factory act,
concept of energy audit, environment Audit.
7 Safe industrial practices, Development of safety movement, Need for safety-general 4
introduction, historical background and growth of safety science, basic concepts of safety
8 Concept of Cleaner Production(CP), End of Pipe Solution, Good House Keeping checklist, 5
CP Methodology, Barriers and Drivers in cleaner production, Principles of sustainable
developments, Principles of green chemistry, atom economy, waste prevention and
minimization of waste generation.

Suggested Specification table with Marks (Theory): (For BE only)

Distribution of Theory Marks

R Level U Level A Level N Level E Level C Level

14 26 23 7 0 0

Legends: R: Remembrance; U: Understanding; A: Application, N: Analyze and E: Evaluate C:

Create and above Levels (Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy)

Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.

Reference Books:

1. Environmental Pollution Control Engineering by C.S.Rao, New Age International Publishers, New

2. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment & Reuse by Metcalf and Eddy, McGraw Hill Publication

3. Pollution control in process industries, S P Mahajan, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New
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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3140509
4. Safety and Accident Management in the Chemical Process Industries Ed. by H. Heinmann, M.
Dekker3Instrumental Methods of Analysis, B. K. Sharma, Goel Publishing house.

5. .HAZOP and HAZAN by Trevor Kletz, 4th Edition, Institution of Chemical Engineers, IChemE,

Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the students will be able to

Sr. CO statement Marks % weightage

CO-1 To understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and 20
societal context
CO-2 To uunderstand and apply appropriate control and preventive measures 35
for different types of pollution
CO-3 To identify major process and health hazards and apply hazard analysis 20
techniques for risk assessment
CO-4 To acquire knowledge about the various environmental and safety 25
standards and legislations

List of Open Source Software/learning website:

Preparation of power-point slides, which include videos, animations, Pictures, graphics for better
understanding theory – The faculty will allocate chapters/ parts of chapters to groups of students so that the
entire syllabus of Advanced analytical techniques is covered.

Suggested list of experiments to be performed (At least 10 experiments are to be given)

1. Characterization of a given sample of wastewater by determining its pH, conductivity, TDS, TSS.

2. To find out the quantity of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) present in the given water sample by Winkler’s

3. Determination of acidity, alkalinity & hardness of a given sample of water or wastewater.

4. To determine Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) exerted by the given wastewater sample.

5. To find out Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of the given wastewater sample.

6. Determination of total residual chlorine in a given water sample.

7. To determine the color intensity of the dye contaminated wastewater using spectrophotometer.

8. To determine the ion exchange capacity of a given cation or anion exchanger.

9. Study of adsorption of dye from aqueous solution on any adsorbent (e.g. activated carbon ) and
examine the validity of (i) Freundlich isotherm and (ii) Langmuir iostherm

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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3140509
10. Determination of composition of volatile organic compounds dissolved in water by using (i)
Refractometer or (ii) Karl-Fisher Apparatus.

11. Determination of efficiency of cyclone separator for separation of dust particles from mixtures.

12. Analysis of SOx and NOx compounds present in gaseous mixture using GC or any other

13. Separation of mixture of dyes using thin layer chromatography.

14. Separation of metallic ions by paper chromatography.

15. Characterization of municipal solid waste (physical and chemical).

16. To study the quality of a sample of water collected or provided.

17. To make an audit of the electrical energy consumption by various household appliances.

18. Preparation/compilation and study of MSDS of certain chemicals used in your laboratory.

19. Demonstration of portable fire extinguisher and other personal protective equipments used in the

List of Open Source Software/learning website: Software:

PollutionTech - Air Pollution Control Software

Safety Management Software, MSDS Software, CSafe, DR software’s ChemGes, Periscope software,
MAUS OHS Planning software (Occupational, Health & Safety Planner), CINTELLATE

Students can refer to video lectures available on the websites including NPTEL

Students can refer to the CDs which are available with some reference books for the solution of problems
using softwares.

Students can develop their own programs for the solutions of problems.

Websites: www.safetyforlife.com.au , SmartOHS.com.au


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w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3140508
Semester – IV
Subject Name: Unit Processes & Chemical Technology

Type of course: Basic Science.

Prerequisite: Basic Organic and Inorganic Chemistry

Rationale: Chemical Unit Processes is essential for chemical engineering as it gives an overview of
all chemical process industries.

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total
L T P C Theory Marks Practical Marks Marks
(E) (M) Pr/Viva (V) (I)
4 0 2 5 70 30 30 20 150


Sr. No. Topics Teaching Hrs.

Mechanisms and recent advances of following unit processes:
Alkylation and Acylation, e.g. alkylation of benzene, phenols, etc.
Halogenation, e.g. chlorination of toluene, Nitration and Sulfonation, e.g.
1 06
nitration, sulfonation of benzene, etc. Hydrogenation and Reductive
Alkylations, e.g. hydrogenation of nitrobenzene, reductive alkylation reactions
of anilines, Oxidation, e.g. oxidation of xylenes, etc.
Sulphur, Sulphuric acid & Fertilizer Industries:
Mining and manufacturing of Sulphur, Manufacture of Sulphuric acid by
DCDA process and its applications. Sulphur trioxide, Sodium Sulphate,
Sodium Thiosulphate, Manufacturing technologies & associated Engineering
2 problems. 10
Introduction to Fertilizer industries, manufacturing processes of Ammonia,
Urea, Nitric acid, Phosphoric acid their uses and applications, major
engineering problems, NPK fertilizer.

Chlor-alkali and Heavy Inorganic industry:

3 Manufacturing of Caustic Soda and Chlorine by membrane cell, mercury & 04
diaphragm process, Manufacturing of Sodium Bicarbonate.

Dye & its Intermediates, Paints and Pigment Industries:

Classification of Dyes according to its Constitution and Application,
Introduction to Disperse, Reactive, Azo, Anthraquinone & Vat dyes,
Manufacturing Processes of Chrome blue black, H-acid, Koch acid, Vinyl
4 08
sulphone, Vat dyes.
Introduction to Paints classification & its constituents, PVC of Paints, Different
types of pigments such as white, blue, red, yellow, green, brown. Introduction
to Varnishes, Solvent & Thinners & Industrial Coatings.

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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3140508
Drugs and Pharmaceuticals:
Classification of various drugs and pharmaceuticals, Introduction of
5 Antibiotics, Manufacturing of penicillin, Introduction of vitamins, 06
Manufacturing processes of Aspirin, Vitamin-D, B-12, & C (Ascorbic acid),
Introduction to Barbital & Phenol Barbital.

Sugar & Fermentation Industries:

Manufacturing of Sugar.
6 05
Fermentation, Industrial Alcohol, Absolute Alcohol, Beers, Wines and Liquors,
Manufacturing of Butyl Alcohol & Citric acid by fermentation.
Cement & Ceramic Industries:
Cement & Its types, Settling & Hardening of Cement, Cement manufacturing
7 by wet & dry process. 06
Introduction to Ceramic Industry, Manufacturing of Building bricks, Refractory
& its types.
Introduction to pulp and paper industries:
8 Pulp manufacturing by Kraft process, Difference between sulphate & sulphite 04
process, Manufacturing of Paper.

Petroleum Refinery and Petrochemicals:

Introduction to basics of refinery, Important properties of petroleum products,
9 08
Processing of petroleum and treatment techniques, cracking etc.
Introduction of C1, C2, C3, Petrochemical aromatics and polymers.

Suggested Specification Table with Marks (Theory):

Distribution of Theory Marks

R Level U Level A Level N Level E Level C Level
20 15 20 05 05 05
Legends: R: Remembrance; U: Understanding; A: Application; N: Analyze; E: Evaluate; C:
Create and above Levels (Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy)

Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The
actual distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.

Reference Books:

1. Dryden, C. E. “Outlines of Chemical Technology” (Edited and Revised by M. Gopala Rao and
M. Sittig) East West Press. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 3 rd Edition (1997).
2. Austin G. T. Shreve’s Chemical Process Industries”, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill (1984).
3. B K. Sharma, “Industrial Chemistry (Including Chemical Engineering)” Krishna Publishing
4. James A Kent, “Riegel’s Handbook of Industrial Chemistry” Springer Publication.
5. A H Patel, “Industrial Microbiology” Trinity Press, Laxmi Publication Pvt Ltd.
6. M Gopala Rao, Marshall Sittig, “Outlines of Chemical Technology” Affiliated East West Press
(Pvt) Ltd.
7. Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry ,Ullmann, VCH, 1996.
8. Industrial Organic Chemistry ,Weissermel K &Arpe H.J., Weinheim, 1978.
9. Pandey G.N., "A Text Book of Chemical Technology”, Volume 1 and 2, Vikas Publications11.
B. S. Mitchell.

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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3140508
10. An Introduction to Materials Engineering and Science for Chemical and Materials Engineers,
John Wiley & Sons, 2004.
11. Kirk and othmer ,”Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology”, III Edition.
12. Srikumar Koyikkal,”Chemical Process Technology and Simulation”, PHI Learning Ltd (2013).
13. Unit Process by G H Groggins.

Course Outcome:

Sr. CO Statements Marks %

No. Weightage
1. Develop fundamental understanding of the process carried out in chemical 30%
2. Explain the basic reaction steps involved in the production of various grades 21%
of products.
3. Construct process flow diagrams for different chemical manufacturing plants. 28%
4. Predict all possible trouble shootings arise in chemical plants. 7%
5. To review the practical importance and relevance of process takes place in 7%
chemical industry.
6. Resolve all technological and economical problems arise in the chemical 7%
manufacturing plants.

LIST OF PRACTICALS: (Minimum 10 need to be performed)

Sr. List of Experiments

1. To prepare soap in the laboratory and carry out its cost analysis.
2. To determine saponification value of oil sample
3. To prepare detergent in the laboratory and to carry out its cost analysis.
4. To determine the acid value of the given sample of oil.
5. To prepare hydrated lime from the given calcium carbonate powder
6. To prepare caustic soda by chemical method.
7. To synthesis aspirin from salicylic acid.
8. Preparation of phenyl azo – β – Naphthol from aniline.
9. Preparation of disperse dye.
10. To prepare mordant yellow dye.
11. Preparation of fast green o dye.
12. Preparation of nitro benzene from benzene.
13. To study Alcohol Fermentation by Saccharomyces cereviceae (Baker’s Yeast).
14. Fermentative production of citric acid using the fungi Aspergillus niger.

Reference Books:

1. Vogel’s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry by Hannaford, Smith &Tatchell, Publisher:

Elbs with Longman
2. Vogel’s textbook of Quantitative/ Qualitative Chemical Analysis, by Arthur I Vogel, Revised
by Jeffery et al, Publisher: Addison Wesley,Longman Ltd, England
3. Engineering Vogel’s Textbook of Quantitative Chemical Analysis by Jeffery. G H Publisher:
Addison Wesley Longman/Pearson Education Asia.

Major Equipment:
1. Laboratory Oven, Stirrer Hot Plate, Hot plates.

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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3140508
2. Electronic Balance.

List of Open Source Software/learning website:

NPTEL, World Wide Web, etc.

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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3140507
Semester –IV
Subject Name: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics-II

Type of course: Professional Core Course

Prerequisite: Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics-I

Rationale: This subject introduces the concepts of fugacity, activity coefficient and other important
thermodynamic properties and its evolution for pure components and solutions. Starting with ideal gas
mixtures and ideal solutions, the concepts of bubble and dew points are introduced to enable flash calculations
and design of process components. Subsequently, various levels of non-ideality and complexity are
introduced. The course also provides fundamental insight into the underlying thermodynamic principles of
phase equilibria and reaction equilibria to solve complex problems.

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total

L T P C Theory Marks Practical Marks Marks
ESE (E) PA (M) ESE (V) PA (I)
3 1 0 4 70 30 0 0 100

Sr. Content Total
No. Hrs


Introduction, The Nature of Equilibrium, The Phase Rule; Duhem’s Theorem, VLE-
Qualitative Behaviour, Azeotropic Mixtures, Retrograde condensation, Simple Models
for Vapour/Liquid Equilibrium ,Raoult’s Law, Dewpoint and Bubblepoint Calucations
with Raoult’s Law , Henry’s law, VLE by Modified Raoult’s Law, VLE from K-Value
Correlations, Flash Calculations, The Gamma / Phi Formulation of VLE,

An introduction to Equilibrium and stability, liquid- liquid equilibrium (LLE), solid-

liquid equilibrium, Vapor-Liquid-liquid equilibrium (VLLE), Solid-Liquid equilibrium
(SLE), Solid-Vapor equilibrium (SVE) etc..


Fundamental Property Relation, The Chemical Potential as a Criterion for Phase
Equilibria, Partial Properties, Equations Relating Molar and Partial Molar Properties ,
The Partial Molar Gibbs Energy and the Generalized Gibbs-Duhem Equation, Partial
Properties in Binary Solutions, Relations among Partial Properties, The Ideal Gas Mixture
model, The Partial Molar Gibbs Energy and Fugacity, Fugacity and Fugacity Coefficient:
Pure Species and for Species in Solution ,The Ideal Solution Model , The Lewis/Randall
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w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3140507
Rule , Excess Properties , The Excess Gibbs energy and activity coefficient, nature of
excess property

Liquid-Phase Properties from VLE Data ,Composition Dependence of Liquid- Phase
Fugacities for Species in a Binary Solution, Excess Gibbs Energy, Data Reduction,
Thermodynamic Consistency by Integral or Area Test Method, Models for the Excess
Gibbs Energy, Margules Equations, VanLaar Equations, Local Composition Models such
as NRTL Equation, UNIQUAC Equation, UNIFAC Method
The reaction coordinates, Application of equilibrium criteria to chemical reactions, The
standard Gibbs free energy change and the equilibrium constant, Effect temperature on
equilibrium constant, Evaluation of the equilibrium constant, Relation of equilibrium
constant to composition for gas phase and liquid phase reactions, calculation of
equilibrium conversion for single reaction, The phase rule and Duhem’s theorem for
reacting systems, introduction to multi-reaction equilibria

Suggested Specification table with Marks (Theory):

Distribution of Theory Marks

Level Level Level Level Level Level
7 28 28 7 0 0
Legends: R: Remembrance; U: Understanding; A: Application, N: Analyze and E: Evaluate C: Create
and above Levels (Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy)

Reference Books:

1. Smith J.M, Van Ness H.C., Abbott M. M, "Introduction to Chemical Engineering

Thermodynamics", the McGraw Hill Companies, Inc., USA, 7th Ed., 2005.
2. Elliot J. R. and Lira C.T., "Introductory Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics", Prentice Hall,
3. Hougen O.A., Watson K.M., and Ragatz R.A., “Chemical Process Principles Part,II”
Thermodynamics, John Wiley 1970.
4. Perry’s chemical engineers handbook, 7th edition, McGraw,Hill, USA, 2000.
5. K.V.Narayanan “A Text book of chemical Engineering thermodynamics”, Prentice Hall of India
6. Stanley I. Sandler, “Chemical, Biochemical and Engineering Thermodynamics”, Wiley India Pvt.
Ltd., 4th ed., 2007.
7. B.G. Kyle,"Chemical Process Thermodynamics", 2nd Edn., Prentice Hall of India Pvt.Ltd., New
Delhi, 2000.
8. J.M.Prausnitz, R.N. Litchtenthaler, Molecular thermodynamics of fluid phase Equilibria, 3rd
Edition,Prentice Hall.
9. Stanley M. Walas, Phase-Equilibria in Chemical Engineering,Wiley India Private Limited
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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3140507

Course Outcomes:

Students should be able to

Sr. CO statement Marks %
No. weightage
CO-1 Explain fundamentals of Solution thermodynamics, phase equilibria and reaction 10
CO-2 Apply fundamental property relations to find thermodynamic properties of 15
CO-3 Calculate maximum extent of separation possible under prevailing operating 30
conditions for various multiphase multi component systems
CO-4 Determine thermodynamic properties like fugacity, activity coefficients, 20
constants of model equations etc.. for solutions
CO-5 Determine equilibrium conversions of reaction systems and its dependence on 25
various operating parameters

List of Tutorials: Numericals/problems based on topics of each theme of content.

Major Equipment: None

List of Open Source Software/learning website:

1. Students can refer to video lectures available on the websites including NPTEL.
2. Students can refer to the CDs which are available with some reference books for the solution of problems
using softwares. Students can develop their own programs for the solutions of problems.
3. XSEOS–an Open Software for Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics

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w.e.f. AY 2018-19
Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3140503
Semester – IV
Subject Name: Heat Transfer

Type of course: Professional core course

Prerequisite: A good understanding regarding basic modes of heat transfer viz. conduction, convection
and radiation with governing laws underlying this heat transport mechanisms. Mathematical background is
also essential in this respect

Rationale: Heat transfer is a necessary process in virtually all forms of energy generation and use; from
coal fired to nuclear power stations, from automobile engines to rocket motors, from refrigerating cold
stores to air conditioning space vehicles. This subject is intended to make students aware about mechanisms
involved in heat transfer process in many of aforementioned applications. This ultimately will enable the
students to design the equipments for heat process viz., shell and tube heat exchangers, evaporators,

Teaching and Examination Scheme:

Teaching Scheme Credits Examination Marks Total

L T P C Theory Marks Practical Marks Marks
ESE (E) PA (M) ESE (V) PA (I)
4 0 2 5 70 30 30 20 150


Sr. No. Content Total


1 Introduction: 12
Overview of applications of heat transfer in different fields of engineering, modes of heat
transfer- conduction, convection and radiation, heat transfer with and without change of
Conduction: Mechanism of heat conduction, Fourier’s law, thermal conductivity of solids,
liquids and gases, effect of temperature on thermal conductivity, General heat conduction
equation in Cartesian coordinates, Boundary conditions, Formulation of heat transfer
problems without generation of heat, Conduction through systems of constant thermal
conductivity :- conduction through plane, cylindrical and spherical wall, combined
boundary condition systems (conduction-convection systems), conduction through
composite slab, cylindrical and spherical shells. Electrical analogy to heat flow, Critical
and Optimum thickness of Insulation. Unsteady State heat Conduction

2 Convection: 12
Mechanism, thermal and velocity boundary layers, boundary layer thickness, relationship
between hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer thickness for flow over flat plates, the
convective heat transfer coefficient, reference temperatures, thermal boundary layers for
the cases of flow over a flat plate and flow through pipe, dimensionless numbers in heat
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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3140503
transfer and their significance.
Forced Convection: General methods for estimation of convection heat transfer
coefficient, Correlation equations for heat transfer in laminar and turbulent flow for
external and internal flows for constant heat flux and wall temperature conditions- flow in
a circular tube Analogy between momentum and heat transfer: Development of Reynold’s
and Prandtl analogy. Overview of Colburn and Von-A
Natural Convection: Dimensional analysis, natural convection from vertical and
horizontal surfaces under laminar and turbulent conditions for plates, cylinders, physical
significance of Grashoff and Rayleigh numbers.

3 Heat transfer by radiation: Introduction- theories of radiation, electromagnetic spectrum, 6

thermal radiation, spectral emissive power, surface emission- total emissive power,
emissivity. Radiative properties, Emission, irradiation, absorptivity, reflectivity and
transmissitivity. Concept of black and grey body, radiation intensity, Laws of black body
radiation, non-black surfaces- Grey, white and real surface, radiation between black
surfaces and gray surfaces

4 Heat Exchangers: Classification of heat exchangers: Classification according to transfer 12

processes, number of passes, surface compactness, construction features, flow
arrangements, heat transfer mechanisms. Shell and tube heat exchanger, fouling, concept
of overall heat transfer coefficient, LMTD, correction factor for LMTD, Sizing and rating
problem using LMTD method in parallel flow, counter flow exchanger, cross flow and
multi-pass heat exchangers, Temperature – distance plots for different flow arrangements
in single and multi-pass heat exchangers. Determination of area, length, number of tubes
required for a given duty in different configurations using LMTD method of analysis.
Concept of Effectiveness- NTU method, definition of effectiveness, effectiveness NTU
relations for single pass exchangers in counter-flow and parallel flow configurations.
Double pipe heat exchangers: - construction, various steps for the design of double pipe
heat exchangers. Plate and spiral heat exchangers, Condensers

5 Boiling and Condensation: Pool boiling - Boiling curve, hysteresis in the boiling curve, 8
mechanism of nucleate boiling, Forced convection boiling - Brief over view of internal
forced convection boiling. Condensation: Physical mechanisms, types of condensation,
factors affecting condensation.

6 Evaporation: Principle of Evaporation, types of evaporators- their construction and 10

operation, Natural circulation evaporators, short tube vertical or calendria type
evaporators, basket type vertical evaporators, long tube vertical evaporators, forced
circulation evaporators, falling film evaporators, climbing or rising film evaporators,
agitated thin film evaporators, the plate evaporator. Single effect and multiple effect
evaporators, Performance of evaporators, capacity and economy of evaporators, Overall
heat transfer coefficient, effect of liquid head and boiling point elevation. Material and
energy balances for single effect evaporator and the calculations on single effect
evaporator. Multiple effect evaporators, Energy Balance.

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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3140503
Suggested Specification table with Marks (Theory): (For BE only)

Distribution of Theory Marks

R Level U Level A Level N Level E Level C Level

15 15 20 10 10 0

Legends: R: Remembrance; U: Understanding; A: Application, N: Analyze and E: Evaluate C:

Create and above Levels (Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy)

Note: This specification table shall be treated as a general guideline for students and teachers. The actual
distribution of marks in the question paper may vary slightly from above table.

Reference Books:

1. Kern D Q, Process Heat Transfer, McGraw Hill Book Co. (1997).

2. Binay. K. Dutta, “Heat Transfer Principles and applications” Prentice Hall of India
3. Coulson J M and Richardson J F, Chemical Engineering Volume 1, Pergamon Press (1999).
4. Holman J. P, “Heat Transfer”, McGrawHill.
5. Ozisik M. N, “Heat Transfer - A Basic Approach”, McGraw-Hill.
6. Incropera F. P. and DeWitt D. P, “Introduction to Heat Transfer”. John Wiley & Sons.
7. Sachdeva R.C, “Fundamentals of Engineering Heat and Mass transfer”, New Age International,
8. Rao Y.V.C, “Heat Transfer”, University Press, India
9. Cengel A. Yunnus. “Heat Transfer – A Practical Approach”, McGraw Hill
10. Geankopolis C J, Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles, Prentice Hall
of India, 4th Edition, Eastern Economy Edition (2004)
11. Kothandaraman C.P, “Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book” New Age International, India
12. Ramesh K. Shah and Dušan P. Sekulic, Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger Design,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2003
Course Outcomes:

Sr. CO statement Marks %

No. weightage

CO-1 To identify different different modes of heat transfer and understand 22

basic mechanism of conduction.
CO-2 To explain heat transfer under different convective regimes. 22

CO-3 To predict extent of heat flow by radiation through grey, white and real 12

CO-4 To analyze heat transfer through different types of heat exchangers used 18
for various applications

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Bachelor of Engineering
Subject Code: 3140503
CO-5 To describe industrial applications and regimes involved in boiling and 12

CO-6 To categorize different types of evaporators with their performance 14

evaluation and to analyze material and energy balance for single and
multi-effect systems

List of Experiments: (Minimum 10 experiments need to be performed)

1. Determination of thermal conductivity of insulating powder

2. Determination of thermal conductivity of given metal rod
3. Determination of heat transfer coefficient by natural convection
4. Determination of heat transfer coefficient by forced convection
5. Determination of overall heat transfer coefficient for counter flow in laminar regime in double pipe
heat exchanger
6. Determination of overall heat transfer coefficient of shell and tube heat exchanger
7. Heat Transfer in Composite walls- Determination of effective thermal conductivity and overall
8. Determination of overall heat transfer coefficient and efficiency in finned tube heat exchanger
9. Determination of overall heat transfer coefficient and efficiency in plate type heat exchanger
10. Determination of heat transfer coefficient in turbulent flow regime in a double pipe heat exchanger
11. Determination of Stephan boltzmann constant experimentally.
12. Determination of economy and capacity of open pan evaporator.
13. Determination of economy and capacity of multiple effect evaporator

Major Equipments

Thermal conductivity measurement apparatus, stefan boltzmann apparatus, composite wall apparatus,
emissivity apparatus, lagged pipe apparatus, various heat exchange equipment like shell and tube heat
exchanger, plate type heat exchanger, open pan evaporator, multi effect evaporator etc.

List of Open Source Software/learning website :

Reference to NPTEL lectures can be made for a better understanding regarding heat transfer under
different conditions.

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