6 ABB SACE Solutions For Protection Against Earth Fault: General Aspects

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Technical Application Papers

6 ABB SACE solutions for protection against earth fault

- Moulded-case circuit-breakers (Table 2)
6.1 General aspects - RC221residual current release, to be coupled with
6 ABB SACE solutions for protection against earth fault

As already seen in the previous chapters, in most electrical circuit-breakers Tmax T1, T2, T3 with rated currents
systems a reliable and safe protection is realized by from 16 A to 250 A;
combining the protection functions against overcurrent - RC222 residual current release to be coupled with
with those against earth faults, together with an effective circuit-breakers Tmax T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 with rated
earthing arrangement. uninterrupted currents from 16 A to 400 A;
This choice allows to obtain, besides protection against - RC223 residual current release to be coupled both
indirect contact, also a reliable and timely protection
with the circuit-breaker Tmax T3 with rated currents
against earth faults of small value where prevention from
fire risks is absolutely necessary. up to 225 A (which is the maximun current threshold
The proper choice of the protection devices must permit adjustable on the circuit-breaker) as well as with the
also the realization of tripping selectivity against earth circuit-breaker Tmax T4 with rated currents up to
faults besides that against overcurrents. 250 A;
In order to fulfill the requirements for an adequate pro- - electronic release type PR222DS/P, PR223DS/P,
tection against earth faults ABB SACE has designed the PR223 EF LSIG for circuit-breakers Tmax T4, T5,
following product categories: T6 with rated uninterrupted currents from 100 A to
- Miniature circuit-breakers (Table1) 1000 A;
- RCBOs (residual current operated circuit-breakers with - electronic release type PR331, PR332 LSIG for the
integral overcurrent protection) DS9 series with rated circuit-breaker Tmax T7 with rated uninterrupted
current from 6 A up to 40 A; currents from 800 A to1600 A;
- RCBOs (residual current operated circuit-breakers with - PR332 electronic release with residual current inte-
integral overcurrent protection) DS200 with rated cur-
grated protection for the circuit-breaker type Tmax
rent from 6A up to 63A;
T7 with rated uninterrupted currents from 800 A to
- RCBOs (residual current operated circuit-breakers with
integral overcurrent protection) DS800 with 125A rated 1600 A.
Table 2: Moulded-case circuit-breakers type Tmax with protection
current; against residual current and earth faults
- RCD blocks (residual current blocks) DDA 200 type to PR331
be coupled with the thermal magnetic circuit-breakers PR222 PR223 PR332 PR332
type S200 with rated current from 0.5 A to 63 A; In [A] RC221 RC222 RC223 LSIG LSIG LSIG LSIRc
- RCD blocks (residual current blocks) DDA 60, DDA 70, T1 16 ÷ 160 • • - - - - -
DD 90 type to be coupled with the thermal magnetic T2 10 ÷ 160 • • - - - - -
circuit-breakers type S290 with rated current from 80 T3 63 ÷ 250 • • •1 - - - -
A to 100 A with C characteristic curve;
T4 100 ÷ 320 - • •2 • • - -
- RCD blocks (residual current blocks) DDA 800 type to
T5 320 ÷ 630 - • - • • - -
be coupled with the thermal magnetic circuit-breakers
T6 630 ÷ 1000 - - - • • - -
type S800N and S800S with rated current up to 100 A.
These blocks are available in two sizes: 63 A and 100 T7 800 ÷ 1600 - - - - - • •
A; 1
The maximum setting is 225 A
Only for T4 250
- RCCBs (residual current circuit-breakers) F200 type,
with rated current from 16 A to 125 A.
- Air circuit-breakers (Table 3)
Table 1: Thermal-magnetic miniature circuit-breakers System pro M
with residual current protection
- electronic release type PR331, PR332, PR333 LSIG
DDA DDA DDA DDA DDA for the circuit-breaker Emax X1 with rated uninter-
In [A] 200 60 70 90 800 rupted currents from 630 A to 1600 A;
S200 0.5÷63 • - - - - - air circuit-breakers equipped with electronic release
- type PR121, PR122, PR123 LSIG for circuit-break-
S290 80÷100 • • • -
ers Emax E1 to E6 with rated uninterrupted currents
S800 10÷100 - - - - • from 400 A to 6300 A;
- PR332 electronic release with residual current inte-
grated protection for circuit-breaker Emax X1 with
rated uninterrupted currents from 630 A to 1600 A;

22 Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault
- PR122 electronic release with residual current in- able to provide a protection aimed at the different ty-
tegrated protection for circuit-breakers Emax E1 to pologies of single-phase circuits of modern electrical

6 ABB SACE solutions for protection against earth fault

E6 with rated uninterrupted currents from 400 A to engineering.
6300 A.
All the circuit-breakers are characterized by a single red/
Table 3: Air circuit-breakers type Emax with protection against green operating lever and a residual current tripping flag
residual current and earth faults on the front part of the apparatus.
PR331 PR121
PR332 PR122 The DS 9.. range satisfi es all the protection requirements
PR333 PR123 PR332 PR122 of single-phase circuits by offering in two modules the
possibility of choosing among three different breaking
X1 630 ÷ 1600 • - • -
capacity values, fi ve different residual current tripping
E1 400 ÷ 1600 - • - •
values and, for each of them, the possibility of choosing
E2 400 ÷ 2000 - • - •
between residual current protection type A or AC.
E3 400 ÷ 3200 - • - •
In the series DS 951 also the antidisturbance version A
E4 1250 ÷ 4000 - • - -
AP-R is available.
E6 3200 ÷ 6300 - • - -
The range DS 9... consists of three series:
• DS 941 with 4.5 kA breaking capacity
- Residual current releases with external transformer:
• DS 951 with 6 kA breaking capacity
- RCQ: switchboard electronic residual current re-
• DS 971 with 10 kA breaking capacity.
- RD2: residual current monitor for fi xing on DIN
Overload and short-circuit protection is provided by the
same thermomagnetic component as the S9.... MCBs
6 .2 The solution with residual current devices range; see the technical catalogue for further information.
For each series all sensistivity values required by these
6.2.1 Miniature circuit-breakers System pro M circuit-breaker types are available: 30 mA - 100 mA - 300
and System pro M compact with residual mA - 500 mA - 1000mA (DS 951 type A AP-R excluded,
current protection since it is available with sensitivity I∆n=30mA).
RCBOs DS9.. series The possibility of choosing between type A, AC or A AP-R
The range of thermal magnetic residual current circuit- (with DS 951) allows to obtain a dedicated protection
breakers (MCBs) DS 9.. series, single pole plus neutral, by against indirect contact, according to the load connected
ABB SACE satisfi es the requirement for circuit-breakers to the protected line.

Residual current operated circuit-breakers (RCBOs) DS9...series

DS941 DS951 DS971
Reference Standard IEC/EN 61009, IEC/EN 60947-2
Type (waveform of the leakage current sensed) AC, A AC, A A AP-R AC, A
Tripping characteristics instantaneous
Rated current In [A] 6 ≤ In ≤ 40 6 ≤ In ≤ 40 6 ≤ In ≤ 32 6 ≤ In ≤ 32
Poles 1P+N
Rated voltage Ue [V] 230
Insulation voltage Ui [V] 500
Rated frequency [Hz] 50...60
Rated breaking capacity IEC/EN 61009 Icn [A] 4500 6000 6000 10000
Rated breaking capacity Icu [kA] 6 10 10 10
IEC/EN 60947-2 two poles - 230 V Ics [kA] 4.5 6 6 10
Thermomagnetic release B: 3 In ≤ Im ≤ 5 In • • •
characteristics C: 5 In ≤ Im ≤ 10 In • • • •
0.01-0.03-0.1- 0.03-0.1- 0.03-0.1-0.3-
Rated sensitivity I∆n [A] 0.03
0.3-0.5-1* 0.3-0.5-1* 0.5-1*

* Type AC only

Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault 23
Technical Application Papers

Thermal-magnetic residual current circuit-breakers

(RCCBs) DS200 series
6 ABB SACE solutions for protection against earth fault

The thermal-magnetic residual current circuit-breakers

series DS200 L, DS200, DS200 M and DS200 P, in two-,
three- and four-pole versions, offer both the function of
protection against indirect contact as well as the ther-
momagnetic functions typical of automatic circuit-break-
ers (disconnection due to overload or short-circuit).
The series of thermal-magnetic RCCBs are derived by the
corresponding series of automatic CBs S200 compact
of which they maintain the same characteristics in terms Y1Y2
of breaking capacity, tripping curve and rated current. In
particular, in DS200 L series the part for the protection T
against overcurrent is constituted by a thermomagnetic OFF
release S200L series, in DS200 series by a release S200
series, in DS200 M series by a release S200M series and
in DS200 P series by a release S200 P series.
The residual current releases DS200 and DS200 M series
are type AC and type A, while in DS200 L and DS200 P
series they are respectively type AC and type A.
In the versions size 50 and 63 A there are two additional The operating voltage range for the circuit-breakers
terminals Y1 Y2 for remote tripping of the residual current DS200 series is:
release through external pushbutton, as the following • 110-254V for the two-pole version
picture shows. • 195-440V for the three- and four-pole versions.

Thermal magnetic residual current circuit-breakers (RCCBs) DS200 series

DS200L DS200 DS200 M DS200 P

Reference Standard IEC/EN 61009, IEC/EN 60947-2
Type (waveform of the leakage current
Tripping characteristic instantaneous
Rated current In [A] 6...32 6…63 6…63 6…25 32
Poles 2P 2P, 3P, 4P 2P, 3P, 4P 2P
Rated voltage Ue [V] 110-254 (2P)/195-440 (3P, 4P)
Insulation voltage Ui [V] 500
Rated frequency [Hz] 50...60
Rated breaking capacity
Icn [A] 4500 6000 10000 25000 15000
IEC/EN 61009

Rated breaking capacity * Icu [kA] 6 10 15 25 15

IEC/EN 60947-2 Ics [kA] 4.5 7.5 11.2 12.5 10
B: 3 In ≤ Im ≤ 5 In • •
release character- C: 5 In ≤ Im ≤ 10 In • • •
K: 8 In ≤ Im ≤ 14 In • • •
0.03, 0.3 (only type 0.03, 0.3 (only type
Rated sensitivity I∆n [A] 0.03 0.03
AC car. C - 2P, 4P) AC car. C - 4P)

*1P+N@230Vac, 2P, 3P, 4P @400Vac

24 Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault
Residual current blocks DDA 200 series to be coupled voltage between phases would be 115-125V x 1.73 =
with the thermal magnetic circuit-breakers (MCBs) type 200/215V which are voltage values included in the op-

6 ABB SACE solutions for protection against earth fault

S200 erating range of the test pushbutton).
The residual current blocks (RCD blocks) are coupled with
DDA204 25-40A
MCBs having corresponding or lower rated currents, so
that protection is provided against both earth fault cur-
rents as well as overload and short-circuit currents.
The DDA 200 blocks are suitable for assembly with
S 200 MCBs by means of fixed coupling elements and
plastic pins. Ut = 195-440V
They are available in the following types: AC, A, AP-R
(antidisturbance versions), S (selective version), AE (with
emergency stop function) and B (also sensitive to residual Rtest
continuos currents or with minimum residual ripple); the
range includes all the sizes up to 63 A for all sensitivity
values and pole configuration. Besides, 63 A sizes are
provided with terminals allowing remote opening control
2 mod.
by means of NO pushbuttons.
The DDA 200 blocks, 25-40 A standard version, thanks to In the four-pole blocks, 63A size, the test pushbutton has
their design and to the choice of the operating range for an operating range from 195 to 440V and is connected
the test pushbutton are suitable to be used in electrical as shown in the following figure:
and naval installations (where the voltage phase-neutral
is 115-125V). DDA204 63A

In fact, the two-pole residual current blocks are available

with operating range 100-264V for the test pushbutton
as shown in the figure:

Ut = 195-440V
DDA202 25-40-63A

Ut = 100-264V However, there are the blocks DDA 200 115V for which
the operating range of the test pushbutton is from 100 to
264V; thus, also for this size, the blocks DDA 200 can be
Rtest used in naval installations with 115-125V voltage between
phase and neutral.

DDA204 63A

In the compact four-pole blocks with two modules (avail-

able size 25-40A), the test pushbutton is connected at
Ut = 100-264V
a point between the two central phases, with operating
range from 195 to 440V; for this configuration in particu- Rtest
lar, it results to be suitable both for systems with 400V
between the phases (as in the standard situations) as
well as for electrical installations with 115-125V voltage
between phase and neutral conductor (in this case the

Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault 25
Technical Application Papers

RCD blocks DDA 200 type

6 ABB SACE solutions for protection against earth fault

DDA200 DDA200 DDA200 DDA200 DDA200 DDA200 DDA200 DDA200

Reference Standard IEC/EN 61009 Annex G
Type (waveform of the leakage cur-
rent sensed)
Tripping characteristic instantaneous selective
Rated current In [A] 25, 40, 63 25, 40, 63 63 25, 40, 63 25, 40, 63 63 63 63
Poles 2P, 3P, 4P
Rated voltage Ue [V] 230/400 – 240/415
Insulation voltage Ui [V] 500
Rated frequency [Hz] 50...60

Rated breaking capacity

Icn [A] Icn of the associated MCB
IEC/EN 61009

Rated breaking capacity Icu [kA]

Icu/Ics of the associated MCB
IEC/EN 60947-2 2 Ics [kA]

Rated sensitivity I∆n [A] 0.01...1 0.01...1 0.03...1 0.03 0.03 0.1...1 0.1...1 0.03-0.3

RCD blocks DDA 60, DDA 70, DDA 90 series to be coupled with MCBs S290
For assembly with MCBs type S 290 the following RCD blocks are available: DDA 60 type AC, DDA 70 type A and
DDA 90 type S.

RCD blocks DDA 60, DDA 70, DDA 90 series

Reference Standard IEC/EN 61009 Annex G
Type (waveform of the leakage cur-
rent sensed)
Tripping characteristic instantaneous instantaneous selective
Rated current In [A] 100
Poles 2P, 4P
Rated voltage Ue [V] 230/400
Insulation voltage Ui [V] 500
Rated frequency [Hz] 50...60
Rated breaking capacity
Icn [A] Icn of the associated MCB
IEC/EN 61009
Rated breaking capacity Icu [kA]
Icu/Ics of the associated MCB
IEC/EN 60947-2 2 Ics [kA]
Rated sensitivity I∆n [A] 0.03 - 0.3 0.03 - 0.3 0.3 - 1

26 Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault
RCD blocks DDA 800 series to be coupled with the thermal magnetic circuit-breaker type S800N and S800S
For assembly with MCBs S 800N and S800S the RCD blocks type DDA 800 are available in the followings type: AC,

6 ABB SACE solutions for protection against earth fault

A, A selective and A AP-R (antidisturbace version).

RCD blocks DDA 800 series

DDA800 AC DDA800 A DDA800 A S DDA800 A AP-R
Reference Standard IEC/EN 60947-2 Annex B
Type (waveform of the leakage cur-
AC A A (selective) A (antidisturbance)
rent sensed)
Tripping characteristic instantaneous selective instantaneous
Rated current In [A] 63-100
Poles 2P, 3P, 4P
Rated voltage Ue [V] 230/400; 240/415; 400/690
Insulation voltage Ui [V] 690
Rated frequency [Hz] 50...60
Rated breaking capacity Icu [kA]
Icu/Ics of the associated MCB
IEC/EN 61009 Ics [kA]
Rated sensitivity I∆n [A] 0.03 - 0.3 0.03 - 0.3-0.5 0.3 - 1 0.3

Residual current circuit-breakers (RCCBs) F200 series

The new range of residual current circuit-breakers System pro M compact offers a large number of RCCBs F200.
The types AC and A, both in instantaneous as well as in selective versions, are integrated with some confi gurations
for special applications, such as the type AP-R antidisturbance and the version with the neutral on the left.
All sizes up to 63 A are available, with all sensitivity values up to 1 A, in two-pole and four-pole versions.
There are also RCCBs with 80-100-125A rated currents, and sensitivity from 0.03 to 0.5A, type A, AC, A antidistur-
bance and A selective.
The range of RCCBs F200 includes also the types B, with size 63A and sensitivity 0.03- 0.3 A, and B selective, 63A
with sensitivity 0.3A.

Residual current circuit-breakers (RCCBs) F200 series

F200 AC F200 A F200 AC AP-R F200 A AP-R F200 A S F200 B/B-S
Reference Standard IEC/EN 61008
Type (waveform of the leakage
current sensed)
Tripping characteristic instantaneous selective
Rated current In [A] 16, 25, 40, 63 25, 40, 63 40, 63 40, 63
Poles 2P, 4P 4P
Rated voltage Ue [V] 230/400 - 240/415
Insulation voltage Ui [V] 500
Rated frequency [Hz] 50...60
Rated sensitivity I∆n [A] 0.01…0.5 0.03 0.1…1 0.03-0.3

Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault 27
Technical Application Papers

6.2.2 Residual current releases for Tmax guaranteed even with a single phase plus neutral or with
moulded-case circuit-breakers two phases supplied with voltage and in the presence of
6 ABB SACE solutions for protection against earth fault

All Tmax circuit-breakers are preset for combined as- unidirectional pulsating currents with direct components
sembly with residual current releases. In particular, Tmax (type A).
T1, T2 and T3 circuit-breakers, three-pole and four-pole The residual current release RC222 allows remote open-
versions, can be combined with RC221 or RC222 series, ing control of the circuit-breaker through an external
four-pole T4 and T5 with RC222 to be installed below pushbutton NC, thus realizing a positive safety circuit
the circuit-breaker, whereas for T3-T4 circuit-breakers (AE).
can be combined with the residual current release of
RC223 series. RC222 residual current releases for T4 and T5
Apart from the protection against overloads and short- With T4 and T5, in the four-pole version, it is possible to
circuits typical of automatic circuit-breakers, the residual use an RC222 residual current release mounted below
current circuit-breakers derived from them guarantee also the circuit-breaker.
protection of people and protection against earth fault This RC222 residual current release, in the fixed version,
currents, thereby assuring protection against indirect can be easily converted into a plug-in device by adding
contact and fire hazards. The residual current releases the special conversion kit.
can also be mounted on Tmax T1D, T3D, T4D and T5D The RC222 release is constructed using electronic tech-
switch-disconnectors; in that case, the derived apparatus nology and acts directly on the circuit-breaker by means
is a “pure” residual current-circuit breaker, i.e. one which of a trip coil, supplied with the residual current release,
guarantees residual current protection only and not the to be housed in the special slot made in the left-hand
protections typical of automatic circuit-breakers. “Pure” pole area. It does not require an auxiliary power supply
residual current circuit-breakers are sensitive to the source as it is supplied directly by the network and its
earth fault current only and are generally applied as main operation is guaranteed even with only a single phase
switch-disconnectors in small distribution switchboards plus neutral or two phases supplied with voltage and in
towards terminal loads. the presence of unidirectional pulsating currents with
The use of “pure” or “impure” residual current circuit- direct components.
breakers allows continuous monitoring of the insulation The RC222 residual current release can be supplied either
status of the plant, thus ensuring effective protection from above or from below. A disconnection device from
against indirect contact, fire and explosion hazards and, the power supply during the insulation test is available.
in case of devices with I∆n = 30 mA, they provide additional The residual current release RC222 allows remote open-
protection of people against direct contact. ing control of the circuit-breaker through an external
The residual current releases comply with the following pushbutton NC, thus realizing a positive safety circuit
Standards: (AE).
• IEC 60947-2, Annex B
RC223 residual current releases (type B) for T3 and T4
• IEC 61000: for protection against unwanted tripping Together with the family of residual current releases
• IEC 60755 (RCQ): for insensitivity to direct current previously described, ABB SACE has developed the
components. RC223 residual current device (type B), which can be
combined with Tmax T4 four-pole circuit-breaker, in the
RC221 and RC222 residual current releases for T1, T2 fixed or plug-in version and with Tmax T3 four-pole in
and T3 fixed version.
The residual current releases type RC221 and RC222 It is characterized by the same types of reference as the
can be installed both on the automatic circuit-breakers release type RC222, but it can also boast the compliance
series Tmax T1, T2, T3, as well as on T1D and T3D with type B operation, which guarantees sensitivity to
switch-disconnectors. The versions available make their residual fault currents with alternating, alternating pulsat-
use possible both with three-pole as well as four-pole ing and direct current components.
circuit-breakers, in the fixed version. The residual current release RC223 allows remote open-
They are constructed applying electronic technology and ing control of the circuit-breaker through an external
act directly on the circuit-breaker by means of a trip coil, pushbutton NC, thus realizing a positive safety circuit
supplied with the residual current release, to be housed (AE).
in the special slot made in the left-hand pole area. They The reference Standards are: IEC 60947-1, IEC 60947-2
do not require an auxiliary power supply source as they Annex B and IEC 60755.
are supplied directly by the network and their operation is Apart from the signals and settings typical of the re-

28 Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault
sidual current release RC222, the RC223 allows also In particular, the types of electronic release which can
the selection of the maximum threshold of sensitivity at guarantee this function are:

6 ABB SACE solutions for protection against earth fault

the residual fault frequency (3 steps: 400 – 700 – 1000 • PR122/P LSI Rc and PR332 LSI Rc with “measurement
Hz). It is therefore possible to adapt the residual current module”
release to the different requirements of the industrial plant • PR122/P LSIG and PR332/P LSIG with “measurement
according to the prospective fault frequencies gener- module” and Rc rating plug
ated on the load side of the release. Typical installations • PR123/P LSIG and PR333/P LSIG with Rc rating
which may require frequency thresholds different from the plug.
standard ones (50 – 60Hz) are the welding installations The releases PR332 and PR333, which provide residual
for the automobile industry (1000Hz), the textile industry current protection, can be supplied with the circuit-breakers
(700Hz), airports and three-phase drives (400Hz). type Tmax T7 (only with PR332), Emax X1 in three-pole
and four-pole version, whereas the releases PR122 and
6.2.3 Electronic releases PR…series for PR123, which provide the same function, can be sup-
moulded-case and air circuit-breakers plied with the circuit-breakers type Emax E1 and E2, in
three-pole and four-pole version and Emax E3 (three-pole
with integrated residual current version only).
protection Thanks to the wide range of settings, these electronic
Emax and Tmax T7 circuit-breakers can be equipped releases are suitable for applications where a system with
with a toroid mounted on the back of the circuit-breaker residual current protection co-ordinated with the various
so that protection against earth faults with detection of distribution levels - from the main switchoard to the end
the residual current is ensured. user – is required.

Table 4
RC221 RC222 RC223
Circuit-breaker size T1-T2-T3 T1-T2-T3 T4 and T5 4p T3-T4 4p
Type “L” shaped “L” shaped placed below placed below
Technology microprocessor-based microprocessor-based microprocessor-based microprocessor-based
Action with solenoid with solenoid with solenoid with solenoid
Primary service voltage(1) [V] 85…500 85…500 85…500 110…440
Operating frequency [Hz] 45…66 45…66 45…66 0-1000
Test operation range(1) 85…500 85…500 85…500 110…500
Rated service current [A] up to 250 A up to 250 A up to 500 A up to 250 A (2)
0.03 - 0.1 - 0.3 0.03 - 0.05 - 0.1 - 0.3 0.03 - 0.05 - 0.1 0.03 - 0.05 - 0.1
Rated residual current trip [A] 0.5 - 1 - 3 0.5 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 10 0.3 - 0.5 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 10 0.3 - 0.5 - 1
instantaneous - 0.1 - 0.2 instantaneous - 0.1 - 0.2 instantaneous - 0 - 0.1
Time limit for non-trip [s] instantaneous
- 0.3 - 0.5 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 0.3 - 0.5 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 0.2 - 0.3 - 0.5 - 1 - 2 - 3
Tolerance over trip times ±20% ±20% ±20%
Local trip signalling
Trip coil with changeover contact for trip signalling
Input for remote opening
NO contact for pre-alarm signalling
NO contact for alarm signalling
Indication of pre-alarm from 25% I∆n (tolerance ± 3%)
Indication of alarm timing at 75% I∆n (tolerance ± 3%)
Automatic residual current reset
Type “A” for pulsating alternating current, “AC” for alternating current
Type “AE” for remote release device
Type “B” for pulsating current and direct current
Type “S” selective
Button for insulation test
Power supply from above and below
Assembly with three-pole circuit-breakers
Assembly with four-pole circuit-breakers
Kit for conversion of circuit-breaker with residual current release from (3)
fi xed to plug-in/withdrawable

Operation up to 50 V phase-neutral (55 V for RC223)
Up to 225 A for T3
For T4 only

Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault 29
Technical Application Papers

These electronic releases for residual current protection contact and represents an additional measure against
are suitable to be used in the presence of: direct contact also in the presence of particularly high
6 ABB SACE solutions for protection against earth fault

– alternating earth currents (type AC) earth resistance values (for example in TT systems).
– alternating and/or pulsating earth currents with direct Such residual current relays are of the type with indirect
components (type A). action: the opening command given by the relay must
The following table shows the main technical character- cause the tripping of the circuit-breaker through a shunt
istics of residual current protection: opening release (to be provided by the user).
Table 5
SACE RCQ switchboard electronic residual current
Sensitivity I∆n [A] 3 - 5 - 7-10 - 20 - 30 relay
Tripping times [s] 0.06 - 0.1 - 0.2 - 0.3 - 0.4 - 0.5 - 0.8 System pro M compact MCBs, Tmax moulded-case
Type AC and A circuit-breakers and Emax air circuit-breakers can be
combined also with SACE RCQ switchboard electronic
residual current relay with separate toroid (to be installed
6.2.4 Residual current relay with external externally on the line conductors) and fulfi ll requirements
transformer with trip thresholds up to 30 A and times up to 5 s.
Thanks to its wide range of settings, SACE RCQ switch-
ABB SACE circuit-breakers can be combined also with
board electronic residual current relay is suitable for
the residual current relays RCQ and RD2 with separate
applications where a system with residual current pro-
toroid (to be installed externally on the line conductors) tection co-ordinated with the various distribution levels
in order to fulfi ll the requirements when the installa- - from the main switchoard to the end user – is required.
tion conditions are particularly restrictive, such as with It is particularly recommended both when low sensitivity
circuit-breakers already installed, limited space in the residual current protection is required, such as in partial
circuit-breaker compartment etc. (current) or total (chronometric) selective chains, as well
Thanks to the setting characteristics of the residual cur- as for high sensitivity applications (physiological sensi-
rent and of the trip times, the residual current relays with tivity) to provide additional protection of people against
external transformer can be easily installed also in the fi - direct contact.
nal stages of the plant; in particular, by selecting the rated SACE RCQ is a type A residual current relay and detects
residual current I∆n = 0.03 A with instantaneous tripping, the residual currents both of alternating as well as of
the circuit-breaker guarantees protection against indirect pulsating type with direct components.
Table 6

Residual current relays SACE RCQ

Power supply voltage AC [V] 80…500

DC [V] 48…125

Operating frequency [Hz] 45÷66

1st range of settings/adjustments [A] 0.03 - 0.05 - 0.1 - 0.3 - 0.5

Trip threshold adjustment I∆n
2nd range of settings/adjustments [A] 1 - 3 - 5 - 10 - 30

Trip time adjustment [s] 0 - 0.1 - 0.2 - 0.3 - 0.5 - 0.7 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 5

Pre-alarm threshold adjustment % x I∆n 25…75% x I∆n

Toroidal transformer Ø 60[mm] [A] 0.03…30

Range of use of closed transformers Toroidal transformer Ø 100[mm] [A] 0.03…30

Toroidal transformer Ø 185 [mm] [A] 0.1…30

Toroidal transformer Ø 110 [mm] [A] 0.3…30

Range of use of transformers that can be
Toroidal transformer Ø 180[mm] [A] 0.3…30
Toroidal transformer Ø 230 [mm] [A] 1…30
Yellow flashing LED 1 NO change-over contact
Signalling for alarm pre-threshold
6 A - 250V AC 50/60 Hz
Yellow magnetic fl ag change-over contacts (NO, NC; NO)
Residual current relay trip signalling
6 A - 250 V AC 50/60 Hz
NO contact
Remote opening control
Trip time 15 ms
Connection to the toroidal transformer By means of 4 twisted conductors. Maximum length 5m

Dimensions L x H x P [mm] 96 x 96 x 131.5

Drilling for assembly on door [mm] 92 x 92

30 Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault
RD2 residual current monitor (RCMs) in the technical catalogues. The following table shows
As just said, System pro M compact MCBs and small size the available settings:

6 SACE solutions for protection against earth fault

Tmax moulded-case circuit-breakers can be combined
also with RD2 residual current monitors with separate
toroid (to be installed externally on the line conductors) Table 7
and fulfi ll requirements with trip thresholds up to 2 A and I4 t4
times up to 5 s. 0.2 – 0.25 – 0.45 – 0.55 – 0.75 – 0.8 0.1s, 0.2s, 0.4s, 0.8s
- 1×In manual setting manual setting
The applications of RD2 RCM are similar to those al- PR222 I2t=k
0.2…1×In (step 0.1× In) 0.1…0.8s (step 0.01s)
ready described as regards the RCQ relay; therefore it electronic setting electronic setting
is particularly recommended both when low sensitivity PR223 I2t=k 0.2…1× In (step 0.1× In)
0.1…0.8s (step 0.01s)
electronic setting
residual current protection is required, such as in partial
PR331 I2t=k - t=k 0.2 – 0.3 – 0.4 – 0.6 – 0.8 – 0.9 - 1× In 0.1s, 0.2s, 0.4s, 0.8s
(current) or total (chronometric) selective chains as well PR332 – PR333 I2t=k - t=k 0.2…1× In (step 0.02× In) 0.1…1s (step 0.05s)
as for high sensitivity applications (physiological sensi- PR121 I2t=k - t=k 0.2 – 0.3 – 0.4 – 0.6 – 0.8 – 0.9 - 1× In 0.1s, 0.2s, 0.4s, 0.8s
tivity), to provide additional protection of people against PR122 - PR123 I2t=k - t=k 0.2…1× In (step 0.02× In) 0.1…1s (step 0.05s)
direct contact.
RD2 device is a type A residual current relay and detects Figure 1
the residual currents both of alternating as well as of uni- (I2t=k, t=k)
t [s] 104
directional pulsating type. Through special minidips, it is
possible to select the tripping times and adjust sensitivity.
Besides, RD2 can be directly fi xed on DIN rail. G

Technical characteristics
Operating voltage [V] 230÷400 a.c. (RD2)
48÷150 a.c./d.c. (RD2-48)

Frequency [Hz] 50/60

Sensitivity setting I∆n [A] 0.03; 0.1; 0.3; 0.5; 1; 2 101

Trip time settings [s] Fast (instantaneous); 0.3; 0.5; 1; 2; 5

Contact capacity [A] 10 at 250 Va.c. (ohmic)

Contact type change-over 1

Operating temperature [°C] -5…+ 40 ±5

Modules [n°] 2
Standards IEC/EN 62020 10-1

6.3 The solution with function G 10-2

10-1 1 101 102
As regards the range of rated currents from 100 A to
6300 A, protection against earth faults is provided by ABB SACE electronic releases have been designed by
ABB SACE circuit-breakers combined with electronic using microprocessor-based technology. This allows the
releases: realization of protection functions guaranteeing high reli-
- PR222DS/P (PR222DS/PD), PR223DS and PR223EF ability, accuracy of tripping and insensitivity to external
for Tmax moulded-case circuit-breakers T4, T5 and T6 environment.
with uninterrupted rated currents from 250 A to 1000 A; The electronic microprocessor-based releases are self-
- PR331 and PR332 for moulded-case circuit-breakers supplied and guarantee the proper operation of the
Tmax T7 with rated currents from 800 A to 1600 A; protection functions also when the current flows through
- PR331, PR332 and PR333 for air circuit-breakers type one phase only. The protection release is constituted by
Emax X1 with rated currents from 630 A to 1600 A; current transformers (three or four based on the circuit-
- PR121/P, PR122/P and PR123/P for Emax air circuit- breaker polarity) of the protection unit PR... and by one
breakers with rated currents from 400 A to 6300 A. opening solenoid which acts directly on the operating
The above mentioned releases can be provided with func- mechanism of the circuit-breaker.
tion G for protection against earth faults with inverse time The current transformers supply all the energy necessary
delay or independent time delay tripping characteristics. for the correct functioning of the protection and the signal
All the technical characteristics are described in details necessary for current detection.

Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault 31
Technical Application Papers

Advantages deriving from the use of the electronic 1.5 is a coefficient keeping into account the increase
releases for protection against indirect contact of the resistance value during the short-circuit;
6 ABB SACE solutions for protection against earth fault

As an example, the protection against indirect contact of ρ is the resistivity of the conductor material at 20°C
a terminal load in a TN-S system shall be considered. (0.018 Ω mm2/m for copper);
The installation characteristics are: m is the ratio between the cross section of the phase
- three-phase system without neutral conductor and the cross section of the protective
- TN-S distribution system conductor;
- voltage 400 V Ia is the current causing the circuit-breaker to trip
- frequency 50 Hz within the times prescribed by the Standard plus
- short-circuit current Ik = 30 kA the tolerance (usually 20%);
- length of the conductor L = 200 m
S is the cross section of the phase conductor.
- load current Ib = 187 A
- PVC insulated single-core copper cable
- cross section of the phase conductor S= 95 mm2
- cross section of the protective conductor SPE = 50 mm2
- current carrying capacity of the cable IZ = 207 A
T3N250 In 200 A circuit-breaker with thermomagnetic
Once established the suitability of the circuit-breakers release In = 200 A
type T3N250 In = 200 A with thermomagnetic release
thermal setting range I1 = 140 – 200 A
and type T4N250 In = 250 A with electronic release type
PR222DS/P LSIG, as regards rated current, breaking tripping current within 5s Ia =2400 A
capacity and cable protection against short-circuit and tolerance on the tripping current ±20%
overload, the maximum protected length against indirect
Figure 2
contact1 is verified by examining as an alternative the
performances of the two circuit-breakers with thermo- 1E4s
magnetic and electronic release.
The test on the cable length protected against indirect 1E3s
contact is carried out in compliance with the Italian Stan-
dard CEI 64-8/5 as regards the check of the timeliness
of tripping of the protective devices against short-circuit
by taking into account the analogy between the problem
of the maximum protected length against short-circuit
and that one of the maximum protected length against
indirect contact. 1s

The following formula (derived from Ohm’s Law applied

to the fault circuit) allows to calculate the maximum 0.1s
protected length against indirect contact: <5s

0.8 . U0 2400 A
Lmax =
1.5 . ρ . (1+m) . 0.1kA 1kA 10kA
U0 is the phase to earth supply voltage in volt (230 From the formula it results:
V); Lmax=(0.8⋅230⋅95)/[1.5⋅0.018⋅(1+95/50)⋅2400]=93 m
0.8 is a coefficient keeping into account a 80% reduc- The length of the cable of the plant is 200 m and therefore
tion in the supply voltage due to the effect of the the protection provided is not complete.
short-circuit current;

The verification of the maximum protected length results from the relationship for
protection against indirect contact in TN systems ZsxIa≤U0 expressed as a function of the
cable length. By introducing in the formula the minimum value of current which causes
the instantaneous tripping of the circuit-breaker, it is possible to obtain a maximum length
corresponding to a minimum short-circuit current for phase to earth fault, which can be
eliminated by the circuit-breaker in short times, thus guaranteeing protection against
indirect contact.

32 Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault
T4N250 circuit-breaker with electronic release
6.4 Protection function G or residual current

6 ABB SACE solutions for protection against earth fault

rated current In = 250 A protection?
setting range of function G I4 = 50 – 250 A As described in the previous chapters, ABB SACE offers
tripping current within 5s at two typologies of products for earth fault protection:
minimum setting Ia =61 A per I4 = 50 A • residual current protection to be coupled with the
tripping current within 5s at circuit-breakers;
maximum setting Ia =305 A per I4 = 250 A • earth fault protection function G integrated in the elec-
tolerance on the tronic releases of the circuit-breakers.
tripping current ±10%
Residual current protection uses a toroid of ferromagnetic
material through which the live conductors of the circuit
Figure 3 pass; in the presence of an earth fault, the vectorial sum
of the currents flowing in the conductors is different
from zero and, when it is higher than the set threshold, it
1E3s causes the tripping of the protection. ABB SACE residual
current releases allow the adjustment of the tripping cur-
rent threshold from 30 mA to 30 A with delay times from
100s 0 (instantaneous) to 5s (refer to the technical catalogue
for further details).
The operating principle of function G is similar to that
of the residual current protection but the vectorial sum
1s of the currents is processed by a microprocessor and
there are no toroidal transformers. Function G of ABB
SACE releases makes it possible to set the tripping
0.1s current threshold from 0.2 to one time the rated current
of the coupled circuit-breaker and the delay times from
61 A 305 A
0.1 to 1 s (for further details please refer to the technical
0.1kA 1kA 10kA catalogue).

The decision of which protections to choose has to be

made by analysing carefully not only the distribution
From the formula it results:
system, but also the short-circuit current value; compli-
Lmax = (0.8⋅230⋅95)/[1.5⋅0.018⋅(1+95/50)⋅61] =3659 m ance with the Standard prescriptions implies that the
with I4 = 50 A circuit-breaker must be able to detect and extinguish
and a fault current within the times necessary to avoid the
Lmax = (0.8⋅230⋅95)/[1.5⋅0.018⋅(1+95/50)⋅305] = 731 m harmful effects of the current.
with I4 = 250 A
6.4.1 Typical applications of residual current
Therefore it can be concluded that, thanks to the use circuit-breakers
of the electronic release, the cable is protected for the Residual current circuit-breakers are particularly suitable
entire length of 200 m. for protection of people against indirect contact and for
Protection is obtained by adjusting the function G with additional protection against direct contact.
all the values ranging from 50 and 250 A. The use of residual current circuit-breakers for protec-
This wide range of possibilities and the quite low value tion against indirect contact is absolutely necessary, for
of the setting currents contribute to make protection example, in the following cases:
coordination easier, by concretizing the previous state- • TT distribution system: as already seen, the fault current
ments as regards the advantages deriving from the use returns to the power supply through the ground and
of protection against earth faults for people safety and takes a small value in comparison with the instanta-
plant reliability. neous tripping current of a thermal magnetic circuit-
• earthing of the exposed-conductive-parts is defi-

Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault 33
Technical Application Papers

However, it may be necessary or useful to implement

these protections also in other cases, such as in confi gu-
6.5 Advanced protection systems against
6 ABB SACE solutions for protection against earth fault

rations with a single earthing arrangement (TN-S system) earth fault

if one of the following conditions is present:
• normal protections are not suffi cient to provide protec-
6.5.1 General aspects
tion that falls within the limits set by the Standards; Making reference to the typical diagram of a line con-
• dangerous environmental conditions (e.g. excessive stituted by transformer, cable and main circuit-breaker,
humidity); three zones can be singled out, depending on the fault
• faults with impedance values not negligible. location, and three different types of protections can be
Some of the plants in which these circuit-breakers are identifi ed:
particularly useful include: 1. The Unrestricted Earth Fault Protection (UEFP) is the
• all types of construction sites (building, naval, etc.) protection against the earth faults occurring on the load
• mobile equipment or plants; side of the circuit-breaker terminals at the secondary
• hospital environments and operating rooms; winding of the transformer. This type of protection
• excavations and mines; (Figure 4), a subject already dealt with in the previous
• campground electric installations; chapters, is obtained by using function G, residual
• pools, saunas, canteens and, generally, environments current protection (RC..) or normal phase protections
with high humidity levels; against high earth fault currents.
Figure 4
• aquarium and fountain lighting; G, Id
• agricultural premises;
• craftsmen laboratories;
• school laboratories.
Homopolar toroid
for RCQ
Besides, residual current circuit-breakers are suitable for
protecting installations with fi re or explosion hazards or, in
general, where a leakage current could cause economic
2. The Source Ground Return, which is also called “Stand-
damages, such as:
by Earth Fault Protection” (SEFP), is the protection
• chemical factories;
against earth faults occurring both on the load and on
• dusty environments or with infl ammable materials; the supply side of the circuit-breaker terminals at the
• oil refi nery plants; secondary winding of the transformer. This protection
• gas treatment plants; is implemented by using the homopolar toroid for the
• battery charger installations. earth conductor of the transformer star point, as shown
in the fi gure below:
Figure 5

6.4.2 Typical applications of moulded-case

and air circuit-breakers equipped with Homopolar
function G against earth fault
Air and moulded-case circuit-breakers equipped with
function G are currently used in MV/LV transformer 3. The Restricted Earth Fault Protection (REFP) is the pro-
substations to protect both transformers as well as tection against the earth faults both of the transformer
distribution lines. secondary winding as well as of its connection cables
Function G is usually provided with short time delay and to the circuit-breaker terminals.
therefore guarantees selectivity with regard to the residual The fi gure below shows the earth fault areas.
current releases located on the load side. Figure 6
Apart from the applications for which the residual current MV LV
release is explicitly required, function G can be used for
protection against indirect contact, when allowed by
the installation conditions, and to improve protection Restricted Unrestricted
against earth faults with regard to the normal phase Earth Fault Earth Fault

protections. Earth Fault or Source Ground Return

34 Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault
6.5.2 Source Ground Return the external protection (function G with external toroid,
as described in the above paragraph).

6 ABB SACE solutions for protection against earth fault

The protection “Source Ground Return” represents the
protection function against the earth faults which occur Function “double G” allows simultaneous protection of
on both the load and the supply side of the circuit- the installation both against earth faults of the secondary
breaker terminals at the secondary winding of the MV/LV of the transformer and of its connection cables to the
transformer. This protection is implemented by using a circuit-breaker terminals (restricted earth fault protec-
homopolar toroid embracing the conductor which con- tion), as well as against earth faults on the load side
nects the star point of the transformer to earth. of the circuit-breaker (outside the restricted earth fault
Figure 7
The following fi gure shows an earth fault on the load side
of an Emax circuit-breaker: the fault current flows though
one phase only and, if the vectorial sum of the currents
transformer detected by the four current transformers (CTs) results to
secondary winding
be higher than the set threshold, the electronic release
activates function G (and the circuit-breaker trips).
Figure 8
transformer L1
L3 secondary
winding Emax internal
current sensors

homopolar L2


In this way, the toroid shall be able to detect : N

• phase-PE fault currents; PE

• phase-earth fault currents; external
• wiring errors (for example, if a single-phase load is con- toroid
nected wrongly between phase and PE conductor);
• connections to earth of the neutral at points different
from the star point. With the same confi guration, a fault on the supply side of
the circuit-breaker (Figure 9) does not cause intervention
ABB SACE electronic releases type PR122, PR123, of function G since the fault current affects neither the
PR332 and PR333 for Emax and Emax X1 air circuit- CT of the phase nor that of the neutral.
breakers can be used combined with an external toroid Figure 9
located on the conductor connecting the transformer star transformer L1
point to earth. The rated current of the toroid can be ad- winding Emax internal
current sensors
justed at 100 A, 250 A, 400 A and 800 A thus making the
earth fault protection threshold (function G) independent
of the size of the primary current transformers installed L2
on the circuit-breaker phases.


6.5.3 Restricted Earth Fault Protection N

The Restricted Earth Fault Protection (REFP) is the pro-
tection against the earth faults occurring between the PE

transformer secondary winding and the circuit-breaker

Emax series circuit-breakers equipped with the electronic
releases type PR123 and PR333 (Emax X1) allow two 1
For MV protections it is difficult to eliminate this type of fault, in particular when a delta-star
transformer is used, since the fault current phase-earth or phase-neutral at the secondary
independent curves for protection G: one for the internal winding is seen at the primary reduced by 3 .
protection (function G without external toroid) and one for

Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault 35
Technical Application Papers

The use of function “double G” allows an external to- If, with the same confi guration as in the fi gure, the fault
roid to be installed, as shown in the following fi gure, so occurred on the load side of the Emax circuit-breaker,
6 ABB SACE solutions for protection against earth fault

that earth faults on the supply side of the Emax circuit- the fault current would affect both the toroid as well as
breaker can be detected as well. In this case, the alarm the current transformers on the phases. To defi ne which
contact of the second G is exploited in order to trip the circuit-breaker is to trip (MV or LV circuit-breaker), a
circuit-breaker installed on the primary and to ensure suitable coordination of the trip times is required: in
fault disconnection. particular, it is necessary to set the times so that the LV
Figure 10 circuit-breaker opening due to internal function G is faster
transformer than the realization of the alarm signal coming from the
Emax internal
external toroid.
current sensors Therefore, thanks to the time-current discrimination
between the two protection functions G, before the MV
circuit-breaker on the primary of the transformer receives
the trip command, the circuit-breaker on the LV side is
able to eliminate the earth fault. Obviously, if the fault oc-
L3 curred on the supply side of the LV circuit-breaker, only
the circuit-breaker on the MV side would trip.

36 Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault
7 Discrimination of the protections against earth fault
For safety reasons, the Standard IEC 60364-5-53 recom- 2. vertical residual current discrimination (Figure 2): it
mends discrimination between residual current protective is achieved with residual current circuit-breakers in

7 Discrimination of the protections against earth fault

devices in series to provide continuity of supply to the series.
parts of the installation not involved in the fault. This Figure 2: Vertical residual current discrimination
discrimination can be achieved by installing the residual
current devices so that only the device closest to the
fault disconnects the supply.
Id 1 A
This is called residual current discrimination and can be Id t1s
distinguished into two types:
1. horizontal residual current discrimination (Figure 1): it
consists in protecting each single line with a residual
current circuit-breaker; in this way, in the event of an Id Id 0.3 A
earth fault, only the outgoing affected by the fault t 0.5 s
shall be disconnected, since the residual current cir-
cuit-breakers are not interested by any fault current.
However, it is necessary to take other measures than
the residual current device to provide protection against Id Id 0.03 A
t inst.
indirect contact in the part of the switchboard and of
the installation on the supply side of the residual cur-
rent release;
In compliance with IEC 60364-5-53, to ensure discrimi-
nation between two residual current protective devices
Figure 1: Horizontal residual current discrimination in series, these devices shall satisfy both the following
conditions :
- the non-actuating time-current characteristic of the
residual current protective device located on the supply
side (upstream) shall lie above the total operating time-
current characteristic of the residual current protective
device located on the load side (downstream);
- the rated residual operating current on the device
located on the supply side shall be higher than that of
the residual current protective device located on the
Id 0.3 A Id 0.3 A
t 0.5 s t 0.5 s load side.
Id Id The non-actuating time-current characteristic is the curve
reporting the maximum time delay during which a residual
current higher than the rated non–actuating one (equal
to 0.5 I∆n) flows in the residual current circuit-breaker
without making it trip.

Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault 37
Technical Application Papers

To summarize, in order to guarantee discrimination be- To ensure a correct coordination to the purpose of re-
tween two residual current devices in series, the following sidual current discrimination, it is necessary that tripping
7 Discrimination of the protections against earth fault

conditions shall be satisfi ed: current and time thresholds are adjusted properly, by
a) for delayed time residual current circuit-breakers taking into account also the tolerances.
type S located on the supply side (in compliance with Obviously, the requirement of the Standards shall be
Standards IEC 61008-1 and IEC 61009), it is necessary verifi ed for each circuit-breaker, as regards protection
to choose downstream non- selective circuit-breakers
against indirect contact.
having I∆n three times lower;
The possible settings to achieve discrimination are:
b) for residual current electronic releases (RC 221/222/223,
RCQ and RD2), it is enough that the tripping times and
• E1N 1250
currents of the device on the supply side are immedi-
ately higher than those of the device on the load side, G (Earth fault): t=const - Current - 250 [A] - Time 0.8 [s]
by taking due account of the tolerances. • T5N 400
RC: Current 1 [A] - Time 0.3 [s]
The following example (Figure 3) shows a part of an in- • T1B 160
stallation where there are three circuit-breakers in series RC: Current 0.3 [A] - Time instantaneous
equipped with residual current and electronic releases
with protection function G against earth fault. The circuit-
breakers considered are: The tripping curves relevant to such settings are repre-
• E1N 1250 PR121/P-LSIG In=1250A 4p sented in Figure 4:
• T5N 400 PR222DS/P-LSI In =400A with residual
current device type RC222
Figure 4
• T1B 160 TMD In=160A with residual current device
type RC221


Figure 3 100s

U 1s



E1N 1250 PR121/P-LSIG In-1250A 4p 1E-5s

1E-3kA 1E-2kA 0.1kA 1kA 10kA 100kA 1E3kA 1E4kA

T5N 400 PR222DS/P-LSI In400



T1B 160 In160-1600



38 Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault
Annex A
Direct current distribution systems 1. TN-S – the conductor of the polarity connected to earth
and the protective conductor PE are separated;

Annex A
The direct current distribution systems are defi ned by
the Standard IEC60364-1 in an analogous way to those System a)
in alternating current:
~ PEL (d.c.)

TT System: a polarity of the system and the exposed-

– L-
conductive-parts are connected to two electrically inde- Optional
pendent1 earthing arrangements. of a battery

If necessary, the middle point of the supply can be Exposed-conductive-parts

earthed. Earthing
of system
System a) TT System b)

~ L+
~ L+
– L- –
PEM (d.c.)
PE ~
Optional – L-
application PE
of a battery
Exposed-conductive-parts of a battery

Earthing Earthing of Exposed-conductive-parts

of system exposed-conductive-parts
System b) Earthing
of system
~ L+
– M
– L- 1. TN-C – the functions of earthed polarity and protective
PE conductor are combined in a single conductor called
application PEN
of a battery

System a)
of system
Earthing of
~ L+

TN System: a polarity, or the middle point of the supply, of a battery

is directly earthed; the exposed-conductive-parts are Exposed-conductive-parts

connected to the same earthed point. Earthing of system

Three types of TN system are considered according to

whether the earthed polarity and the protective conductor System b)

are separed or not, as follows: ~ L+

– PE
– L-

of a battery

Earthing of system

The choice of connecting to earth either the positive or the negative polarity is made for
reasons not considered in this annex.

Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault 39
Technical Application Papers

3. TN-C-S – the functions of earthed polarity and pro- To the purpose of protection against indirect contact,
tective conductor are partially combined in a single the Standard IEC 60364-4 prescribes that a protective
Annex A

conductor PEN and partially separated. device automatically disconnects the supply to the circuit
so that, in the event of a fault between a live part and
Sistem a) TN-C-S an exposed-conductive-part or a protective conductor,
L+ a prospective touch voltage exceeding 120 V ripple-free
– PE d.c. does not persist on the exposed-conductive-parts for
a time suffi cient to cause a risk of harmful physiological
effect in a person2.
of a battery
Exposed-conductive- Exposed-conductive-
Disconnecting time and voltage values lower than those
parts parts just indicated may be required for special installations
or locations.
Earthing of system

TN-C system TN-S system

Further requirements for direct current power systems
TN-C-S d.c system are being studied.
In direct current power systems the main aspects of
Sistem b) electromechanical corrosion due to direct leakage cur-
L+ rents must be taken into account.
– PE
– L-

of a battery
Exposed-conductive- Exposed-conductive-
parts parts

Earthing of system

TN-C system TN-S system

TN-C-S d.c system

IT System: the supply network is not earthed, whereas

the exposed-conductive-parts are earthed

System a)
~ L+
– L-

Optional 1)
of a battery

Earthing of system Earthing of


System b)

~ L+
– M
– L-

Optional PE
application 1)
of a battery


Earthing of system Earthing of

exposed-conductive-parts 2
In IT systems, the automatic disconnection of the circuit is not usually required on the
1) The system may be connected to earth via sufficiently high impedance occurrence of a first fault.

40 Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault
Annex B
Protection against direct contact Based on these considerations, the safety measures can
be distinguished into:

Annex B
Protection of persons and live stocks against direct • total protections;
contact implies avoidance of the dangers that may arise • partial protections.
from contact with live parts of the installation. In order to Total protections prevent persons from both unintention-
avoid direct contact it is necessary to realize an electri- ally as well as intentionally touching of live parts and are
cal installation having defi nite characteristics so that the measures usually taken in the case of installations ac-
safety of persons is ensured. cessible to persons who do not have adequate technical
This protection can be achieved through one of the fol- knowledge (ordinary persons).
lowing methods: The measures used in locations accessible only by
• preventing a current from passing through the body trained people are defi ned partial protections, since
of any person; they provide a protection against accidental but not
• limiting the current which can pass through a body intentional touching.
to a value lower than the shock current, which is The main measures for the protection against direct
physiologically harmful. contact are:
It is necessary to remember that the protective mea- • covering completely the live parts with insulation
sures shall be appropriately integrated between them, which can only be removed by destruction (in this
according to the installation type and the environmental case the protection is total);
conditions. • placing the live parts inside enclosures or behind

The following table shows the degrees of protection of the enclosures complying with Stds. IEC/CEI EN 60529

FIRST NUMERAL: protection against ingress of solid foreign objects SECOND NUMERAL: protection against ingress of water with harmful effects
IP Complete description IP Complete description
0 Non-protected Particular protections not provided Non-protected Particular protections not provided
1 Protected against solid A large surface of the human body, for example Protected against verti- Vertically falling drops shall have no harmful
ø50 mm foreign objects of 50 mm a hand (voluntary protection is not provided) or cally falling water drops effects
diam. and greater (uninten- solid foreign objects of 50 mm diam. and greater 1 (condensate)
tional contact with hands) shall not fully penetrate
15° Protected against vertically Vertically falling drops shall have no harmful
falling water drops when en- effects when the enclosure is tilted at any angle
2 closure tilted up up to 15° up to 15° on either side of the vertical
2 Protected against solid Fingers or similar objects exceeding 80 mm length
ø12 mm foreign objects of 12.5 mm or solid foreign objects of 12 mm diam. shall not
diam. and greater (hand fully penetrate 60° Protected against spraying Water sprayed at an angle up to 60° on either side
fi nger) water at an angle up to 60° of the vertical shall have no harmful effects
3 of the vertical

Protected against splash- Water splashed against the enclosure from any
3 Protected against solid Tools, wires etc. of 2.5 mm diam. or thickness and ing water from any direc- direction shall have no harmful effects
ø2,5 mm foreign objects of 2.5 mm greater, or solid foreign objects of 2.5 mm diam. 4 tions
diam. and greater (tools, and greater shall not penetrate at all
Protected against water Water projected in jets against the enclosure shall
jets from any directions have no harmful effects
5 (water jetting pumps)
4 Protected against solid Wires or straps 1.0 mm thick or greater or solid
ø1 mm foreign objects of 1.0 mm foreign objects of 1.0 mm diam. and greater shall Protected against powerful Ingress of water in quantities causing harmful
diam. and greater not penetrate at all water jets (like sea waves) effects shall not be possible in case of heavy
6 waves or powerful water jets

Protected against the ef- Ingress of water in quantities causing harmful

5 Dust-protected Ingress of dust is not totally prevented, but dust fects of temporary immer- effects shall not be possible when the enclosure
shall not penetrate in a quantity to interfere with
7 sion in water is temporarily immersed in water under standard-
satisfactory operation of the apparatus ized conditions of pressure and time
Protected against the ef- The enclosure is suitable for continuous immer-
15 cm

fects of continuous immer- sion in water with no harmful effects under the
8 sion in water conditions specifi ed by the manufacturer
6 Dust-tight No ingress of dust

Additional letter: protection against access to hazardous parts

IP Complete description
Protected against access The access probe, sphere of 50 mm diam., shall
ø50 mm

with the back of the hand have adequate clearance from hazardous parts

Protected against access The jointed test fi nger of 12 mm diam., 80 mm

ø12 mm ø2.5 mm

80 mm
with a fi nger length, shall have adequate clearance from
1 hazardous parts

100 mm Protected against access The access probe of 2.5 mm diam., 100 mm
with a tool length, shall have adequate clearance from
2 hazardous parts

100 mm Protected against access The access probe of 1.0 mm diam., 100 mm
ø1 mm

with a wire length, shall have adequate clearance from

3 hazardous parts

Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault 41
Technical Application Papers

barriers providing at least the degree of protec- As known, the residual current device operates certainly
tion IP2X or IPXXB; as regards horizontal surfaces with I∆≥I∆n (where I∆n is the sensitivity of the residual cur-
Annex B

within reach and larger than barriers or enclosures, rent device).

a degree of protection at least IPXXD or IP4X is
According to the hazard curve (see Chapter 5), a per-
necessary (the protection is total);
son does not suffer any damage if the current flowing
• the use of obstacles intended to prevent uninten-
through the human body is lower than or equal to 30mA
tional contact with live parts (the protection prevents
(I∆n≤ 30mA).
from unintentionally touching only, but not from
intentional one and therefore it is only a partial pro-
tection); Instead, Figure 2 shows the case when direct contact
• placing live parts out of reach to prevent uninten- occurs on two polarities with different potential.
tional contact with these parts (partial protection); Figure 2
• the use of residual current devices with a rated
operating residual current not exceeding 30mA.

Protection by residual current circuit-breakers is defi ned

by the Standards as additional protection intended only to
integrate the measures of protection previously described
but not to replace them. In order to better understand
this, Figure 1 shows the case where the direct contact
occurs with one live part only.

The blue dotted line represents the current path under

normal conditions, whereas the red line shows the path
of the current which might flow through the person under
the above mentioned conditions.
Since there is not a fault to earth, the connection status
of the exposed-conductive-parts to earth has no influ-

Figure 1

The danger could arise when a person is insulated from

earth (e.g. a person leaned against a wooden ladder
or wearing shoes with rubber sole, etc.) or if his body
presents a high electrical resistance value to which the
earth resistance is added; in fact, under these condi-
tions, the leakage current I∆ had such a low value that
the residual current device would not be activated, but
anyway the person might be passed through by a current
which could cause hazards.
As a consequence, for these cases (even if quite uncom-
mon) the Standard defi nes the residual current protection
as additional protection to be integrated with the above
mentioned means.

42 Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault
Annex C
Protection against indirect contact without Protection by double or reinforced insulation

Annex C
automatic disconnection of the circuit This protection is ensured by using electrical equipment
which prevents a dangerous voltage from occurring due
In addition to protection against indirect contact by to a fault in the basic insulation.
automatic disconnection of the circuit, the installation To provide this protective measure it is necessary to use
Standards allow to realize this type of protection with- electrical equipment having defined particular features:
out automatic disconnection with evident advantages • double insulation or reinforced insulation (class II equip-
for service continuity; these protections are considered ment);
as preventive measures since they are used to prevent • components having an insulation equivalent to Class
dangerous conditions from occurring. II equipment (e.g. boards with complete insulation)
The main measures are the following: • supplementary insulation applied to electrical equip-
• protection by double or reinforced insulation; ment having basic insulation in the process of erecting
• protection by provision of a non-conducting loca- an electrical installation;
tion*; • reinforced insulation applied to uninsulated live parts as
• protection by earth-free local equipotential bond- a process in the erection of an electrical installation.
• protection by electrical separation for the supply of In addition to the above mentioned equipment, the Stand-
only one item of current-using equipment. ard prescribes the use of enclosures and conductors hav-
• protection by electrical separation for the supply of ing particular characteristics; as regards the prescriptions
more than one item of current-using equipment*. relevant to the above mentioned components reference
should be made to the Standard itself.
*These are protective measures for application only when the installation is controlled
under the supervision of skilled or instructed persons.

Figure 1

= live part

= functional isolation: in an electrical device it insulates the parts at different potentials thus enabling
= basic insulation is the insulation of the normally live parts

= supplementary insulation is applied in addition to basic insulation and guarantees insolation in case of a failure
of the latter

= reinforced insulation, that is a unique insulation which can guarantee the equivalent protection degree
which can be provided by basic insulation plus supplementary insulation

Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault 43
Technical Application Papers

Protection by non-conducting locations Protection by electrical separation

Protection by non-conducting locations consists in Protection by electrical separation, which represents
Annex C

providing through the environment particular arrange- a protective measure against indirect contact, allows
ments (spacing, interposition of obstacles and insulation) limiting the voltage on the human body thanks to the
suitable to prevent simultaneous contacts with parts at insulation impedance of the earthing system; to make
different potentials (e.g. caused by a failure in the basic this protective measure effective it is necessary that the
insulation of live parts). separated circuits are properly insulated.
Due to its particular features, this method of protection
is never applicable in civil buildings and similars. The supply source used to comply with the Standard
requirements shall have at least a simple separation with
a maximum voltage delivered to the separated circuit not
Figure 2
higher than 500V.
It is necessary to pay particular attention to the number
of items of current-using equipment supplied by the cir-
cuit; in fact, this protective measure is applicable for the
supply of more items only when the plant is controlled by
or under the supervision of skilled or instructed persons,
basic insulation
which is not required for the supply of only one item of
live current-using equipment.

Figure 3


Protection by earth-free local equipotential bonding

This type of protection consists in interconnecting all
simultaneously accessible exposed-conductive-parts.
By using this method, problems might occur in the event
of disconnection of an equipotential bonding, which could
expose persons to dangerous potential differences in
the installation.
This measure of protection is never applicable in civil
buildings and similars and, due to the diffi culties in fulfi ll-
ing the required conditions, there are few locations having
the appropriate features.

Disregarding the capacitive currents for cables of short length.

44 Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault
Annex D
Combined protection against both direct These characteristics are necessary to prevent the sys-
and indirect contact tem from having a voltage value higher than the rated

Annex D
The Standards allow to use a combined protection
against both direct and indirect contact. To this purpose, Protection Extra-Low Voltage (PELV)
it is necessary to realize a system with well defined A PELV system has the same characteristics of items 1.
characteristics. and 2. above, but it shall have an earthed point neces-
The main feature of these systems is having a circuit sary for functional reasons or for the safety of the control
rated voltage equal to 50Va.c. and 120Vd.c. (extra-low circuits.
voltage systems). PELV systems result to be less safe than SELV systems
This type of protection can be ensured by taking ap- because, through the connection to earth, the circuit
propriate measures so that the rated voltage shall rise might acquire a voltage exceeding the secondary rated
in no case, as it could occur in the event of a fault on voltage (extra-low voltage).
the secondary winding of a transformer with primary at This is one of the reasons because the PELV system is
U1>50V due to an insulation loss between the two wind- not admissible when more severe protective measures
ings or due to a contact with other circuits having higher are required (e.g. restrictive conductive locations).
voltage values.
Therefore, the extra-low voltage level can be obtained Considerations about direct and indirect contacts (in
using the following sources: SELV and PELV systems)
• a safety isolating transformer in accordance with By using the protection systems SELV or PELV, there is
the Standards (IEC 61558-2-6); no hazard of indirect contact since the supply voltage
• a source of current providing a safety degree equiva- has such a reduced value that it cannot be dangerous
lent to that of the safety isolating transformer; for human beings.
• an electrochemical source with suitable character- As regards direct contact for nominal voltages not
istics; exceeding 25V a.c. and 60V d.c., protection is already
• small generators; guaranteed for both types of system and therefore it is
• certain electronic devices complying with appropri- not required (however, as regards PELV systems it is
ate Standards (where measures have been taken in necessary that the exposed-conductive-parts and/or the
order to ensure that, even in the case of an internal live parts are connected by a protective conductor to the
fault, the voltage at the outgoing terminals cannot main earthing terminal).
exceed the above mentioned values).
These types of system are defined: For higher voltages (but however lower than 50V a.c. or
• SELV (Safety Extra-Low Voltage); 120V d.c.), the protection against direct contact shall be
• PELV (Protection Extra-Low Voltage); guaranteed by one of the following possibilities:
• FELV (Functional Extra-Low Voltage). • using barriers or enclosures with degree of protection
not lower than IPXXB or IP2X (for horizontal surface a
degree not lower than IPXXN or IP4X);
Safety Extra-Low Voltage (SELV) • covering completely the exposed-conductive-parts
A SELV system has the following characteristics: with insulation removable only by destruction.
1. it is supplied by either one of the independent
source or one of the safety source previously men-
tioned; Functional Extra-Low Voltage (FELV)
2. it is separated from the other electrical systems by When the system is extra-low voltage, but it does not
a protection, i.e. a double or reinforced insulation fulfill the above mentioned requirements for SELV and
or an earthed metallic screen; PELV circuits, the system is called FELV (Functional
Extra-Low Voltage).
3. there are no points connected to earth.

Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault 45
Technical Application Papers

Considerations on direct and indirect contacts (in FELV residual current device of the primary system shall
systems) trip for I∆≥ I∆n
Annex D

FELV systems can be supplied by a normal no-safety • the exposed-conductive-parts of the FELV circuit are
transformer; therefore it is possible that, due to a fault in connected to the earth-free equipotential bonding
the insulation, the voltage of the primary flows through insulated conductor (in a system where protection
the secondary. by electrical separation is provided).
Therefore, safety measures against both direct and indi-
rect contacts must be applied. Direct contact
As regards direct contact it is necessary that:
Indirect contact • live parts are placed inside enclosures or behind
As regards indirect contact it is necessary that: barriers affording a degree of protection of at least
• the exposed-conductive-parts of the FELV circuit IP2X or IPXXB
are connected to the protective conductor of the • an insulation corresponding to the minimum test
primary system, provided that protection by auto- voltage required for the primary circuit is guaran-
matic disconnection of the circuit is provided. Thus, teed.
in fact, as Figure 1 shows, in case of double fault the

Figure 1







46 Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault
Annex E
Considerations on the neutral and Figure 3

protective conductor Without the neutral, the sum of the currents must be zero, which

Annex E
results in a strong dissymmetry of the phase voltages.
Neutral conductor
General aspects Un
The neutral conductor is a live conductor that is con- L3
nected to the neutral point of the system1 and is able to
contribute to the transmission of electric power. IL1 IL2 IL3
Its other functions are:
• making available a voltage U0 that is different from
the phase-to-phase voltage U (Figure 1);
• making the single phase loads functionally inde-
pendent one from the other (Figure 2);
• limiting the shifting of the star point in the presence
of unbalanced three-phase loads (Figure 3);
• accomplishing also the function of protective con-
ductor (PEN), under specifi c conditions (Figure 4). The presence of the neutral binds the real star point to the
ideal one.

Figure 1 Un
L1 Uo
Uo Un N

Figure 2 Figure 4

With the neutral distributed the single-phase loads are always sup- In TN-C system, the neutral conductor is also the protective
plied by the voltage U0. conductor.
N L1

In absence of the neutral, the disconnection of a load could make

the other loads operate at a voltage equal to Un/2.

The neutral point is usually - but not necessarily - connected to the starpoint of the
transformer or of the generator. In practice, in electrical installations, the neutral point of
the system has zero potential. In fact, if the system is balanced, from the vector diagram
of the phase-to-phase and of the star voltages, it results that the neutral point coincides
with the centroid of the triangle. From a physics point of view, the neutral point becomes
available in case of star connection of the phases. Otherwise, if the connection is of delta
type, the neutral point can be made accessible by deriving from the phases a set of three
star-connected impedances of equivalent value.

Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault 47
Technical Application Papers

Protection and disconnection of the neutral conductor • the maximum current likely to be carried by the
Under abnormal conditions, the neutral conductor may neutral conductor is, in normal service, clearly lower
Annex E

have a voltage to earth which, for example, may be due than the value of the current-carrying capacity of
to a disconnection caused by an accidental rupture or that conductor;
by the intervention of the single-pole devices (fuses or c) where the cross-sectional area of the neutral con-
single-pole circuit-breakers). Attention must be paid to ductor is less than that of the phase conductor, it
the fact that these anomalies can have heavy conse- is necessary to provide overcurrent detection for
quences if the neutral conductor is used also as protec- the neutral conductor, so that the disconnection of
tive conductor like in TN-C systems. As regards these the phase conductors, but not necessarily of the
distribution systems the Standards prohibit the use of any neutral conductor, is caused (neutral protected but
device (single- as well as multi-pole ones) which could not disconnected).
disconnect the PEN conductor and prescribe the mini- In TN-C systems, the neutral conductor serves also
mum cross-sectional areas (see the following paragraph) as protective conductor and therefore it cannot be
necessary to consider negligible the possibility of rupture disconnected. Besides, in case of disconnection
due to accidental causes. As just seen, in a four-pole cir- of the neutral conductor, during an earth fault the
cuit, the disconnection of the neutral conductor only may exposed-conductive-parts would take the rated
alter the supply voltage of the single-phase apparatus voltage to earth of the system.
which are supplied by a voltage different from the phase
voltage. Therefore, protection of the neutral conductor IT systems:
must not be provided by single-pole devices. Protection Where the neutral conductor is distributed2, it is
and disconnection of the neutral conductor are different generally necessary to provide overcurrent detection
according to the nature of the distribution systems: for the neutral conductor of every circuit, which will
• TT or TN systems; cause the disconnection of all the live conductors of
• IT systems. the corresponding circuit, including the neutral con-
TT or TN systems: Overload detection on the neutral conductor is not
a) where the cross-sectional area of the neutral con- necessary if:
ductor is at least equal to or greater than that of the • the neutral conductor is effectively protected against
phase conductors, it is not necessary to provide the short-circuits by a protective device placed
overcurrent detection for the neutral conductor or on the supply side (i.e. located at the origin of the
a disconnecting device for that conductor (neutral installation);
not protected and not disconnected)1; • the circuit is protected by a residual current device
b) overcurrent detection does not need to be provided with a rated residual current not exceeding 0.15
for the neutral conductor if the two following condi- times the current-carrying capacity of the cor-
tions are simultaneously fulfilled: responding neutral conductor. This device shall
• the neutral conductor is protected against short- disconnect all the live conductors, including the
circuit by the protective device for the phase con- neutral.
ductors of the circuit, and

TT systems always require that the neutral conductor is disconnected,
TN-S systems don’t require the neutral conductor is disconnected for three-phase circuit
plus neutral.
The Standard advises against the distribution of the neutral in IT systems, see Chapter 5.

48 Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault
Table 1 summarizes the items above.
Table 1
TT or TN-S systems TN-C system IT system

Annex E

(1) (1)

Three-phase +
(2) (2) – – (2)

(3) (3)


Phase + neutral (2) – – – (2)


Three-phase+ PEN – – (3)
(3) –

Phase + PEN – – –

(1) minimum requirement prescribed by the installation standards for TN-S systems only, whereas TT systems require the neutral conductor always disconnect
(2) configuration suggested by ABB
(3) feasible configuration if item b) is verified

Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault 49
Technical Application Papers

Figure 5: Flowchart “protection of the neutral conductor”

Annex E


upstream protection TT/TN system Sn≥Sf

no for the neutral no yes yes

circuit protected
by residual current neutral protected by the short-circuit
no device protection of the phase conductors

yes yes

neutral max. current

neutral current carrying capacity no


It is necessary to: It is necessary to: It is necessary to: It is necessary to: It is not necessary:
- detect the neutral current - open all the contacts - open the phase contacts - detect the neutral current; - the presence of a
in order to open all the contacts (phase and neutral) It is not necessary to: - open the phase contacts; breaking device
(phase and neutral). It is not necessary to: - detect the neutral overcurrent; It is not necessary to: for the neutral.
-detect the neutral current. - open the neutral contact. - open the neutral contact.

*in TT systems
neutral conductor
always disconnected.

Neutral shall not be disconnected before the phase conductors

Neutral shall be reconnected at the same time as or before the phase conductors

Determination of the minimum cross-sectional area of than the cross section of the phase conductor when the
the neutral conductor cross section of the phase conductor is greater than 16mm2
The neutral conductor, if any, shall have the same cross- with copper cable or 25 mm2 with aluminum cable, if both
sectional area as the line conductor in the following the following conditions are met:
cases: • the cross section of the neutral conductor is at least
• in single or two-phase circuits, whatever the cross 16 mm2 for copper conductors and 25 mm2 for alu-
section of the line conductor is; minum conductors;
• in three-phase circuits, when the cross section of the • there is no high harmonic distortion of the load
line conductor is smaller than or equal to 16 mm2 in current. If there is high harmonic distortion, as for
copper or 25 mm2 in aluminum. example in the case of discharge lamps, the cross
section of the neutral cannot be smaller than the
The cross section of the neutral conductor can be smaller cross section of the phase conductors.

50 Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault
To summarize:
QC (B + 20) θf – θi
K= In 1+

Annex E
Table 2
B + θi
Phase cross Min. neutral 20
section cross-section
S [mm2] SN [mm2] where:
• Qc is the thermal capacity per unit of volume of the
circuits Cu/Al
any S1 conductor material in [J/°C·mm3];
• B is the inverse of the temperature coeffi cient of the
Three-phase circuits S ≤ 16 S1 resistivity at 0° C for the conductor;
Cu S > 16 16 • ρ20 is the resistivity of the conductor material at 20°C
in [�·mm];
Three-phase circuits S ≤ 25 S1
• θi is the initial temperature of the conductor in [°C];
Al S > 25 25 • θf is the fi nal temperature of the conductor in [°C];
• θi and θf depend both on the insulating material as well
in TN-C distribution systems, the Standards prescribe for the PEN con-
ductors the minimum cross section of 10 mm2 if made by copper and 16
as on the type of cable used; for further details refer to
mm2 if by aluminum. the Standard.
Protective conductor
Table 4 shows the most common values of the above
Determination of the minimum cross sections
mentioned parameters:
The minimum cross section of the protective conductor
PE can be determined by using Table 3 below:

Table 3 Table 4

Cross section of the phase Cross-sectional area of the

conductor protective conductor QC (B + 20)
S [mm2] SPE [mm2]
B Qc ρ20
Material [°C] [J/°C·mm3] [Ω·mm] 20
S ≤ 16 S
Copper 234.5 3.45⋅10 -3
17.241⋅10 -6
16 < S ≤ 25 16
Aluminum 228 2.5⋅10-3 28.264⋅10-6 148
S > 25 S/2
Lead 230 1.45⋅10 -3
214⋅10 -6
For a more accurate calculation and assuming that the Steel 202 3.8⋅10-3 138⋅10-6 78
protective conductor is subjected to adiabatic heating
from an initial known temperature to a fi nal specifi ed
temperature (therefore applicable for fault extinction
times no longer than 5s), the minimum cross section of If the table of the Standards or the formula do not provide
the protective conductor SPE can be obtained by using a standardized cross section, it is necessary to choose a
the following formula: protective conductor with the immediately larger stand-
ardized cross-section.
I2 t Regardless of whether the table or the formula is used,
K the cross section of the protective conductor, which is
where: not a part of the supply cable, shall be at least:
• SPE is the cross section of the protective conductor
in [mm2]; - 2.5 mm2 if a mechanical protection is provided
• I is the r.m.s. current fl owing through the protective - 4 mm2 if no mechanical protection is provided.
conductor in the event of a fault with low impedance
in [A];
• K is a constant which depends on the material of the
protective conductor, on the type of insulation and on
the initial and fi nal temperature and which can be taken
from the tables of the Standards or calculated with the
following formula:

Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault 51
Technical Application Papers

PE Protection conductor

PEN Combined conductor (protection and neutral)

I∆ Residual current
I∆n Rated residual current
In Rated current
I3 Instantaneous trip threshold
RCD Residual current device
U0 Phase voltage (phase to neutral)
Un Nominal voltage (between phases)
Z Impedance
Ia Tripping current of the protection device
R Resistance
Rt Resistance of the earthing arrangement
N Neutral
S Cross section of the phase conductor
SN Cross section of the neutral conductor
SPE Cross section of the protection conductor
SPEN Cross section of the PEN conductor

52 Distribution systems and protection against indirect contact and earth fault
Technical Application Paper
ABB circuit-breakers inside LV switchboards

ABB circuit-breakers for direct current

Low voltage selectivity with ABB circuit-breakers

Arc-proof low voltage switchgear and controlge-
ar assemblies

MV/LV trasformer substations: theory and exam-
ples of short-circuit calculation

Distribution systems and protection against indi-
rect contact and earth fault

1SDC007102G0202 May ‘08

Printed in Italy
6000 - CAL

Due to possible developments of standards as well as of

materials, the characteristics and dimensions specified in this
document may only be considered binding after confirmation

A division of ABB S.p.A.

L.V. Breakers
Via Baioni, 35
24123 Bergamo - Italy
Tel.: +39 035.395.111 - Telefax: +39 035.395.306-433


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