Raz lp24 Monalisamystery CLR
Raz lp24 Monalisamystery CLR
Raz lp24 Monalisamystery CLR
Mystery The
A Reading A–Z Level P Leveled Book
Word Count: 932
Mona Lisa
15 (bottom): © Bettmann/Getty Images; fingerprint icon (used throughout): ©
Grzegorz Kula/123RF
Mona Lisa
Everyone was upset. No one knew what “I have the Mona Lisa,” he said.
to do next. For the next two years, people The owner of the antiques store called
called the police almost every day. the director of a museum in Florence.
Everyone had a new theory about what They both went with Vincenzo to his
had happened to the Mona Lisa, or where hotel room.
it was. But there were no real clues.