Tsicet-2019 Admissions Application For Leftover Seats in Minority Colleges
Tsicet-2019 Admissions Application For Leftover Seats in Minority Colleges
Tsicet-2019 Admissions Application For Leftover Seats in Minority Colleges
2 Father’s Name
3 Date of Birth
4 Gender
5 Caste Category
6 Minority: Muslim/Christian
Marks obtained in Total
Maximum Marks Percentage
aggregate in qualifying Marks
examination (Degree or its Obtained
8 Region (OU/AU/SVU)
12 Mobile Number
13 Email Address
14 Aadhaar Card No
Address for
15 Communication
I declare that the information given above is correct to best of my knowledge and
belief, I am here with sending Xerox copies of marks list of qualifying examination,
Study Certificate, Minority Certificate, and a Demand Draft for an amount of
Rs. 500/- ( Rupees Five Hundred only) drawn in favour of Convenor, TSCET
Admissions, payable at Hyderabad. I am aware that I will be considered for
leftover seats in Minority colleges only after exhausting all the qualified minority
candidates and also not eligible for Tuition Fee Reimbursement Scheme.
Date: Signature of the candidate