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Application of Matrices in
1408 words (6 pages) Essay

# 2nd Oct 2017 $ Mathematics %

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Application of matrix in daily life

Matrices are used much more in daily life than

people would have thought. In fact it is in front
of us every day when going to work, at the
university and even at home.

Graphic software such as Adobe Photoshop on

your personal computer uses matrices to
process linear transformations to render
images. A square matrix can represent a linear
transformation of a geometric object.

For example, in the Cartesian X-Y plane, the

matrix reflects an object in the vertical Y
axis. In a video game, this would render the
upside-down mirror image of an assassin
reflected in a pond of blood. If the video game
has curved reflecting surfaces, such as a shiny
metal shield, the matrix would be more
complicated, to stretch or shrink the reflection.

In physics related applications, matrices are

used in the study of electrical circuits, quantum
mechanics and optics. Engineers use matrices
to model physical systems and perform
accurate calculations needed for complex
mechanics to work. Electronics networks,
airplane and spacecraft, and in chemical
engineering all require perfectly calibrated
computations which are obtained from matrix
transformations. In hospitals, medical imaging,
CAT scans and MRI’s, use matrices to operate.

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Whereas in programming which is taught at the

university, matrices and inverse matrices are
used for coding and encrypting messages. A
message is made as a sequence of numbers in
a binary format for communication and it
follows code theory for solving.

In robotics and automation, matrices are the

basic components for the robot movements.
The inputs for controlling robots are obtained
based on the calculations from matrices and
these are very accurate movements.

Many IT companies also use matrices as data

structures to track user information, perform
search queries, and manage databases. In the
world of information security, many systems
are designed to work with matrices. Matrices
are used in the compression of electronic
information, for example in the storage of
biometric data in the new Identity Card in

In geology, matrices are used for making

seismic surveys. They are used for plotting
graphs, statistics and also to do scientific
studies and research in almost different fields.
Matrices are also used in representing the real
world data’s like the population of people,
infant mortality rate, etc. They are best
representation methods for plotting surveys. In
economics very large matrices are used for
optimization of problems, for example in
making the best use of assets, whether labour
or capital, in the manufacturing of a product
and managing very large supply chains.

Application of Statistics in real-life


Statistics can be defined as a type of

mathematical analysis which involves the
method of collecting and analyzing data and
then summing up the data into a numerical
form for a given set of factual data or real world

In our daily life, we collect information which

helps us in resolving questions regarding the
world in which we live, that is statistics.

One main example is weather forecast. These

charts and information that you see on the
television are obtained using statistics that
compare last weather conditions with current
weather to predict future weather.

Whenever there’s an election as the one

coming in a few days in Mauritius, the press
consult statistical surveys with the population
when they try to predict the winner. Candidates
use statistics to know for example that 20,000
of these voters will be between the age of 18
and 22, that is this will be their first election
and thus try to focus their campaign more on
benefits for these young adults. Statistics play
a part in which your elected government will be
consisted of.

In industries and businesses it is crucial to be

fast and accurate in decision making. They use
statistics to know what customers want and
therefore know what to produce and sell and in
what quantities. Statistics helps to plan
production according to the taste of the
customers, the quality of the products or
availability of materials. Good decisions can be
made about the location of business, marketing
of the products, financial resources etc…

Statistics are also used in agriculture to know

what amount of crops is grown this year in
comparison to previous years or what has been
the demand for a certain crop during the past 5
years or quality and size of vegetables grown
due to use of different fertilizers.

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Last Friday was the results day for the CPE

exams in Mauritius and statistics were used to
compare the different pass rates for girls
compared to boys and how the whole pass rate
have evolved during the past years. These
statistics helps the government to determine
whether the education system in the country
needs to be modified or completely re-

In medical studies scientists must show a

statistically valid rate of efficacy before any
drug can start to be prescribed in hospitals and
pharmacies. Statistics are behind every
medical study you hear about. For example an
ongoing case, the Ebola virus. Statistics are
used to determine the number of infected
persons in different countries and these data
helps to warn neighbouring countries about the
risks they are exposed to.

Application of Regression in real-life


Correlation and regression are largely used

methods to look into the relationships between
quantitative variables. A correlation looks at the
validity of the relationship between variables
and regression helps to determine the nature of
the relationship, or how it behaves. This allows
predictions to be made. These methods are
very useful, but easily misused.

Regressions can be used in business to

evaluate trends and make estimates. For e.g. if
a company’s sales have increased rapidly every
month for the past years, using a linear
regression on the sales data with monthly sales
on the y-axis and time on the x-axis would
produce a line that illustrates the ascending
trend in sales. After obtaining the trend line, the
company could use the slope of the line to
anticipate sales in future months.

A company can use linear regression to

determine the best sale price for a certain
product bought by customers. This can be
done by plotting a graph of price against
quantity. The resulting line would denote how
customers reduce their consumption of the
product as the price increases. This could help
in decision making of the prices of future

Linear regression can be used in assessing risk.

For e.g. a health insurance company shall plot
number of claims per customer against age and
by reading the graph deduce that older
customers tend to make more health insurance
claims. The results of such an analysis might
lead to important business decisions made to
account for risks.

Application of Correlation in real-life


For e.g. a researcher suggested that taller

people have higher self-esteem. After
analyzing his data and coming up with an r-
value of .08, he abandons his hypothesis
because the two variables do not appear to be
strongly related at all.

Another area where correlation is used is in the

study of intelligence where research has been
carried out to test the strength of the
relationship between the I.Q. levels of identical
and non-identical twins.

In medical studies, correlation is used widely

and one e.g. is the study to test if glucose level
is related to the age of a person.

Correlation is mostly used in research studies.

In schools for e.g. a use of correlation would be
the study of how a student who has many
absences has a decrease in grades or the more
years of education you complete, the higher
your earning potential will be.

In the sports area correlation is used broadly by

coaches to develop workout routines. Some
common correlations are: the more time a
person spends running on a treadmill, the more
calories he will burn or the more you exercise
your core muscles, the more stable your body

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