Claret College of Isabela Roxas Avenue, Isabela City Senior High School Unit
Claret College of Isabela Roxas Avenue, Isabela City Senior High School Unit
Claret College of Isabela Roxas Avenue, Isabela City Senior High School Unit
Alaida A. Amil
Christine Bautista
Alanisa Gandawali
Coleen Kate Ramos
Maida Rahma Salisa
Also euthanasia can urge other people to do the same. Euthanasia, like
suicide has a psychological effect on people and society. According to experts,
people with family members who have committed suicide are prone to doing
the same and this also goes with the act of mercy killing. If society will accept
it as a normal practice, it can influence more people to consider euthanasia.
This can be bad especially if the sickness was wrongly diagnosed but the
patient was already euthanized.
Mercy for a hopelessly ill and suffering patient and, in the case of
voluntary euthanasia, respect for autonomy, have been the primary reasons
given by those who have argued for the moral permissibility of euthanasia.
Today, there is widespread popular support for some forms of euthanasia and
many contemporary philosophers have argued that euthanasia is morally
They continuously argue that euthanasia means that people who have a
bad quality of life, for example people with terminal diseases that are in
constant pain, do not have to live like that anymore. It costs a lot of money to
keep brain-dead people on life-support machines. And our answer to this
would be Euthanasia is seen as murder in lots of countries, and murder is
against the law.
It is implied in the Human Rights act that everyone has the right to die.
Euthanasia is much more dignified than dying slowly of a degenerative illness.
But no, this is wrong because accepting Euthanasia, we are saying that
people who are disabled and ills lives are worth less than normal people.
Euthanasia gives too much power to doctors- they may use it to a
disadvantage and kill lots of people they want dead under the umbrella of
Allowing Euthanasia puts pressure on ill people to end their lives so that
they are no longer a burden to their families. They may also feel moral
pressure to free up medical resources. If we do not allow Euthanasia we will
not have this problem. Campaigning to end certain people's lives doesn't end
suffering – it passes on the suffering to other similar people, who now have to
fear they are the next people in line to be seen as having worthless lives.
Seeing suicide as a solution for some illnesses can only undermine the
willingness of doctors and society to learn how to show real compassion and
address patients' pain and other problems. There would be other long-term
consequences of legalising euthanasia that we cannot yet envisage. We can
be sure that these consequences would be pernicious, however, because they
would emanate from an initiative which, while nobly motivated, is wrong in
principle - attempting to deal with the problems of human beings by killing
The empirical slippery slope cannot be ignored when one looks at the
facts across the world… [T]here remains a real possibility of the extension of
euthanasia to infants, those with mental incapacities or disabilities, and the
elder. Denying euthanasia honours the sanctity of life and the equal,
underived, intrinsic moral worth of all persons, including the very weakest
who can no longer contribute to society – principles of which so many other
laws pivot." One might say that it is an individual’s right to choose whether
when he/ she dies but no. Ladies and gentlemen, let me ask you, is there
more sacred than life on this earth? With this, our team proudly opposes the
idea of euthanasia and assisted suicide or the so-called mercy-killing.