Swift Brochure
Swift Brochure
Swift Brochure
on the Fly
Gamma-ray bursts are distant explosions that represent the greatest release of energy
the Universe has ever seen outside of the Big Bang. Satellites detect about one of Do gamma-ray
these bursts a day, and scientists do not know what causes them. bursts signal the
birth of a black
Now there’s a satellite dedicated to addressing the gamma-ray burst mystery. Swift,
hole in a massive
a NASA mission with international participation, is planned for a 2003 launch. Swift
will find hundreds of these powerful flashes of light each year. star explosion, or
maybe the colli-
Swift’s three telescopes will scrutinize each burst from beginning to end, looking for sion of two neu-
clues to its origin. In addition, Swift’s trigger system will notify telescopes around trons stars?
the globe -- both on the ground and in orbit --about the location of the burst. This
way, even the mighty Hubble and Chandra telescopes can turn and get a chance to see
the burst’s afterglow.
Do gamma-ray bursts signal the birth of a black hole in a massive star explosion, or
maybe the collision of two neutrons stars? Perhaps both scenarios are true, or some
other exotic phenomenon beyond our comprehension is at work. No one is certain.
Catching a burst is no easy task. A gamma-ray burst can appear from any direction
without warning and may last for only a few milliseconds to just over a minute. Sci-
entists can seldom get a good look before the bursts fade away, never to return in the
same location. Swift, in fact, is not an acronym; it is named for the small, nimble
bird. Swift is built to be agile, to swiftly turn and point its instruments at the burst
and relay burst locations within seconds. No satellite turns faster. Swift, the satel-
lite, will snap up flickering gamma-ray bursts just like the swift bird gobbles up buzz-
ing flies. And when Swift isn’t feeding on gamma-ray bursts, its telescopes will be
searching the sky for other fascinating objects and phenomena.
A Billion Trillion Suns...
In their brief moment of glory, gamma-ray bursts outshine the entire gamma-ray
universe. One burst is as powerful as a billion trillion suns. No other single
explosion, not even a fantastic supernova, comes close to releasing this much
energy. It’s easy to see why scientists want to solve the mystery of gamma-ray
bursts. The bursts are awesome, plain and simple.
In their brief
moment of glory, Gamma rays are the most energetic form of electromagnetic radiation, far more
gamma-ray bursts energetic than the visible light our eyes can perceive. Electromagnetic radiation,
outshine the entire also known as light, comes in many colors, and is quantized into discrete packets
of energy that we call photons. Radio waves and microwaves are
gamma-ray uni-
forms of electromagnetic radiation with the lowest energy photons.
verse. Infrared radiation is most familiar to us as heat, and has slightly
less energy per photon than does visible light. Visible or optical
One burst is as light, the rainbow of colors we can see, is mid-range on the energy
powerful as a bil- chart and is actually but a tiny slice in the entire electromagnetic
lion trillion suns. spectrum. Ultraviolet light is more energetic than optical light; we
cannot see it, but we can feel its effects when it causes sunburn.
X-rays are so energetic that they can pass right through our skin and
soft tissue to create shadows of our bones; that’s how doctors make
medical X-rays of a broken arm. Gamma-rays make up the huge
chunk of the electromagnetic spectrum beyond X-rays.
Our Sun shines mostly in infrared, optical and ultraviolet light. The
Sun’s corona, or atmosphere, which is thousands of times hotter 2704 B
than the solar surface, is hot enough to shine in X-rays. For the
most part, the X-ray and gamma-ray sources in the Universe represent the most
terrific and violent upheavals, such as the explosions of stars or the flow of fast-
moving gas onto a black hole or neutron star.
-2 -5 -6 -8 -10 -12
10 3 10 10 .5x10 10 10 10
Wavelength (meters)
4 8 12 15 16 18 20
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Frequency (Hertz)
-10 -4 2 6
10 10 4.13 10 10
Energy (eV)
So Energetic, Yet So Mysterious...
Swift’s gamma-ray burst detector is called the Burst Alert Telescope, or BAT for
short. The BAT has two key features for catching gamma-ray bursts. It has a
large field-of-view, which means that it can observe large regions of the sky all
at once. The BAT is also a coded aperture instrument, which enables it to locate
the position in the sky where a burst originates. Coded apertures are like pinhole
cameras, but with many tiny holes to let in light. By determining the shadow
pattern cast by the light through the hole onto the detector below, scientists can
calculate the location of the burst on the sky.
The BAT will detect and locate, on average, about one gamma ray burst per
day. That’s over 1,000 bursts during the mission’s expected three-year lifetime.
Photons are like gold to a high-energy astronomer. The fact that the BAT can
detect so many bursts and has the sensitivity to provide many photons for analysis
has many astronomers excited. The BAT may confirm or refute existing theories
about differing types of gamma-ray bursts and find new properties as well.
Along with the BAT, Swift has two other instruments to study the afterglow of the
burst. Much of what we know about gamma-ray bursts comes from our study of
the afterglow.
While the burst (the gamma-ray portion of the explosion) only lasts for a few mil-
liseconds to about a minute, the afterglow of the explosion can linger in X-rays
and optical light for days -- sometimes even weeks for the biggest bursts. The
Italian-Dutch X-ray satellite BeppoSAX discovered this afterglow property of
gamma-ray bursts in 1997. From the afterglows, scientists have been able to mea-
sure the distance to many bursts and also study their host galaxies. We now know
that most gamma-ray bursts originate in the farthest reaches of the Universe.
Once the BAT detects a burst in its wide field of view, the Swift satellite auto-
matically turns within a minute
to aim its X-ray and UV/optical
telescopes at the burst. Scien-
tists in Italy, Great Britain and
at Pennsylvania State University
are building these two instru-
ments. The aptly named X-ray
Telescope (XRT) is similar to
an instrument now being flown
on the European Space Agen-
cy’s XMM-Newton. The XRT
provides an even more accurate Cosmological Dis-
burst location than does the BAT. tances
The XRT also captures the spec-
trum, or distribution of X-ray Swift will obtain a
energies in, a given burst. large sample of GRBs
over a wide range
With a spectrum, astronomers can determine the types of atoms in the burst envi- of distances. It will
ronment, as well as their temperature and the way the burst fireball interacts with also accurately locate
the gas surrounding it. Long, detailed X-ray observations of gamma-ray burst the bursts within indi-
afterglows have been difficult to come by because the few X-ray telescopes in vidual galaxies. By
operation have not been able to point in the right direction until hours or days after comparing the distri-
the burst. The swift repointing capability of the XRT ensures that most bursts bution of the distances
caught by Swift’s BAT will be studied in X-ray light. to GRBs to similar
existing distributions
The same holds true for the third Swift instrument, the UV/Optical Telescope for galaxies and qua-
(UVOT). The UVOT will capture the ultraviolet and optical properties of a sars, Swift will be
gamma-ray burst afterglow. The UVOT itself is a 30-centimeter telescope with able to determine how
intensified CCD detectors. In space, high above the Earth’s clouds and light pollu- the evolution of GRBs
tion, the UVOT is comparable to a four-meter optical telescope, until recently the compares to these
largest in the world. Together, the XRT and UVOT will determine the distances other two well-studied
to bursts and collect information about the bursts’ host galaxies. populations. Com-
paring the locations
of GRBs to regions
Calling All Telescopes... within a galaxy where
stars are forming may
help us see further
Within about 15 seconds after the burst, Swift will relay the burst location to back into the early
scores of other telescopes, both in orbit and on the ground, so that they can days when the very
observe the burst or its afterglow. first stars were form-
Swift will provide this location to within four arc minutes. That’s rather accurate.
For example, the full moon is 0.5 degrees in diameter or 30 arc minutes across.
The BAT will therefore locate bursts to within about 1/8 of the moon’s size. Such
accuracy takes much of the guesswork out of where to point a telescope. Earlier
gamma-ray burst detectors provided a location to within a few degrees, which left
astronomers hunting for the fading burst across vast areas of the sky.
Swift broadcasts the burst position over the Internet by way of the Gamma-ray
Burst Coordinates Network (GCN). A burst occurs, the BAT detects it, Swift
starts turning to the exact source, and a message goes out over the GCN -- all
within seconds. The message sets off beepers while zipping to astronomers
around the world via e-mail. Telescope operators then give the command to turn
their telescope, if available, to the burst location. After about another minute,
Swift’s XRT is trained on the burst and sends out an even more accurate location
for the burst through the GCN.
Often, robotic telescopes on Earth can aim directly at the burst within seconds,
for they are “plugged in” to Swift and do not need any human interaction to start
moving. If it is dark and not too cloudy in that region of the world, these
optical telescopes just might be able to catch the burst in optical light while
it is bursting. So far, this has only happened once, on January 23, 1999.
The ROTSE telescope caught a minute-long burst about 20 seconds into the
Reconstructing an Explosion...
Swift is planned for launch in 2003. Depending on the length of each mission,
two other NASA satellites may be studying gamma-ray bursts along with Swift.
Now that scientists know the bursts are everywhere, they want to zoom in on
gamma-ray bursts. Swift’s BAT can only see about one-sixth of the entire sky at
any given time, but it will be able to detect fainter bursts within that region... and
of course analyze and relay burst information.
The Answer Within Reach...
Written by:
Lynn Cominsky, Sonoma State University & NASA’s Swift Mission.
Christopher Wanjek, NASA/GSFC, MD.
Special thank-yous go to the following for their useful additions, suggestions and
Neil Gehrels, NASA/GSFC, MD .
Laura Whitlock, Sonoma State University, CA.