CH 05 Marketing and New Venture Devt

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Chapter Five

Marketing and new venture development

5.1 The Marketing Perspective

It is all well and good having a product or service idea, but will it prove to be a profitable business? Too
many businesses are set up without thinking about this essential question. The answer revolves around the
most important person in any business. The customer marketing is the process of matching the needs of the
consumer to the capabilities and resources of the firm.

Marketing is about making money from satisfied customers; without satisfied customers there can be no
more future for any commercial organization, though, marketing is an attitude of mind about satisfying the
customer rather than a set of sales techniques, and to understand the customer you need to take what is
called a marketing perspective. The customer is the buyer of the product or service. Understanding
customer and consumer needs and motivations in central to marketing for small firms.

In marketing terms customers buy benefits. They do not buy features or characteristics of a product or
service. We do not buy oil for our cars because we like it, but because it makes the engine run smoothly,
extends the engine’s life and reduces our repair bills. What is more, the benefits that customer’s value may
be different to those valued by the consumers of a product or service. Understanding the differences
between the features of a product or service and the benefits that it offers the customer is the cornerstone of
marketing. The customer is really only interested in benefits. The features simply prove to the customer
that he will receive those benefits. However, that customer is actually buying a whole package of benefits
that the product or service has to offer. That package can include things like after sales service, image,
reliability, ease of use, easy of availability, etc.

It is the value to the customer of the total package that the firm is seeking to maximize in marketing. The
higher the total value to the customer, the greater their loyalty to the product or service and the higher the
price they are likely to pay for it.

5.2 The Marketing Mix

Marketing mix consists of product, price, promotion and place (distribution) or 4P’S.

i) Product (Service)

This is often the heart of the marketing mix. However, the product or service must not be a straight jacket
constraining that mix. It must be flexible and capable of adoption to the changing needs of the customer.

It is always important to know why customers buy products and what particular features and benefits they
value most. A particular product or service might include:- design and technical features, performance,
quality, range (size, color etc), maintenance and running cost, safety, before and after sale, product
availability and image (fashion).

Even a company selling products will have a strong service element to this component of the marketing
mix. Indeed, personal service is a vital way that any small firm can differentiate itself from larger
competitors. The personal service and personal relationship build up with the customer is something that
large firms find it difficult to replicate and offers one obvious area in which small firms have a competitive

When translating the features of both the ‘core product’ and the ‘service’ element that accompanies it into
benefits, you may wonder whether they are real benefits of value to the customer.

The more real, valued benefits that a firm offers, the more likely it is to attract buyers and convert them
into satisfied customers who may return for repeat purchase.

This also explains why customers may prefer a particular supplier of an apparently identical product;
despite the fact they are more expensive than Rivals. The other benefits offered, such as service, add up to
a more attractive and valued benefit package.

ii) Price

Pricing is of course, an important part of the marketing mix. Too many small firms, however, compete
primarily on price simply because the other elements in the marketing mix are insufficiently different from
their competitors. However, price is more usually a barrier to sales rather than a positive inducement.

The price charged for a particular product or service ought to reflect the value of the ‘package of benefits,
to the customer, often the value to the customer for a product or service can be different in different

Many firms, of all sizes, use a ‘cost-plus’ pricing formula with this approach you simply add up all the
costs and add on a margin. The option of pricing high or ‘skimming may seem strange at first, Higher
prices implies lower volume of sales, unless you are able to offer something that is uniquely different from
the competition and highly valued by the customer.

However, for many smaller firms lower sales volume is not necessarily a bad thing. It means that greater
attention can be paid to quality, customer service and other elements of the marketing mix, there by
justifying the higher price. The price charged out to reflect what the market will bear for that product or
service. Normally, the market will bear arrange of prices, reflecting different marketing mix offerings. The
final decision on pricing, then, is a question of judgment reflecting the value of that mix to consumers.

iii) Promotion

This is concerned with how well a firm communicates its sales message to existing and potential
customers. When products or services are very similar, this is often one of the few ways that they can
differentiated from the competition.

There are many ways of promoting a business. When a company promotes its products and services
directly to potential customers it is called direct promotion. Often this is undertaken through the sales force.
It includes:- direct face-to-face selling, telephone selling, direct mail, exhibitions and special
demonstrations but this method is expensive.

On the other hand indirect presentation is concerned with the mass techniques of communication. One of
these techniques is advertising, which seeks to inform, persuade and remained (reinforce) messages to
existing & potential customers. Most small firms start out relying heavily on personal selling, but as they
grow the real cost of this activity become more apparent. However it is important that advertising
campaigns are properly costed and planned in advance.

Public relation, or PR, is a very good way of getting publicity without paying for it. Most firms have news
worthy things happening within them, such as contracts won, new plant or equipment installed, expansion
plans, new developments, awards or even local charity work. The big advantage of this sort of publicity is
that it is ‘editorial’ rather than advertising and therefore has more credibility.

Another form of indirect promotion is the sales promotion. This is essentially a short term campaign to
influence customers to buy more or to motivate your sales force to sell more. There is a wide range of sales
promotions offering money, goods or services as inducements. The essential element is that it is intended to
give a short-term boost to sales.

iv) Place (distribution)

The place element of the marketing mix is about getting the goods or services to the right place at the right
time for the customer. For a shop that means location, frequently the most important element of the mix for
them. For other business it is about physical distribution (moving goods) and distribution channels (which
outlets to use).

Physical distribution is concerned with transport and it addresses the following questions.

 Should a small firm use vehicles or the train?

 Should it use its own vehicles or hire a carrier?
 How frequently should it deliver?

Distribution channel is concerned with the outlets you use for selling to customers. Ideally, you would seek
to have channels that give you maximum control at the most reasonable cost. However, remember that the
choice of distribution channel could create a very real competitive advantage for you.

Many small firms sick to the distribution channels they have traditionally used or know best. In doings so
they may be losing out on new market opportunities. It pays to think creativity about all elements of the
marketing mix.

5.3 Marketing research

Marketing Research: is an indispensable marketing tool for assessing buyer wants and behavior and
market size. Marketing research is a formalized means of acquiring information to assist in the making of
marketing decisions. The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines marketing research as the
function that links the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through information--information
used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing
actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process.  Marketing

research is the systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data relevant to specific marketing
situation facing an organization.

Market research is the first activity of marketing management process. The American marketing
association defined market research as the systematic gathering, recording and analyzing of data about
problems relating to the markets of goods and services. “The essence of marketing research is to provide
information used in decision making, and for the entrepreneur, there are fundamental differences between
market information needed prior to start up and after a firm is established.

Prior to opening for business, the entrepreneur wants to know whether a market exists for a new product or
service, who is likely to be a primary customer, how to position the enterprise in the market, and how the
product or service is priced, promoted and distributed. Addressing these issues becomes part of the pre-
start-up planning process. Once a firm has become established, much of this information is authenticated
through actual experience, and market research expands to include a continuous competitive analysis.

We study the market because; it can considerably reduce the risk involved in making decisions. Facts
identified from marketing research can forms the basis of planning, sales, sales promotion, advertising and

Sources of information

A low-cost approach to marketing research and data collection begins with desk research. Personal files,
company or public libraries, on-line databases, government records, and trade associations are just a few of
the data sources that can be tapped with minimal effort and often at no cost. Data from these sources
already exist. When data are not available through published statistics or studies, direct collection is
necessary. Survey research, interviews, and focus groups are some of the tools used to collect primary
market data.

By analyzing the collected data a company can gain a better picture of the size of each market

Marketing research gathers information about the marketing environment that is micro and macro

Understanding consumer markets

 How many households plan to buy products?

 Who buys and why do they buy?
 What are they looking for in the way of features and prices?
 Where do they shop?
 What are their images of different brands?

Methods of collecting market information

1. Personal interviews – these are for collecting qualitative data particularly on attitudes, behavior
and even the language the customer might use. However, interviews are time consuming and expensive.

2. Telephone interview – there are increasingly being used simply because they are for cheaper than
personal interviews. However, the sample may be biased by considering only telephone owners and it is
difficult to contain ‘body language’ that is possible on interview.
3. Postal questionnaires – these are quick & low cost. However, it is easy for the respondent to
refuse or forget to respond. Questionnaires are used to collect simple, factual information.

Attention to competitors

Anticipating in competitors’ moves and knowing how to react quickly and decisively. It may want to
initiate some surprise moves; in which case it needs to anticipate how its competitors will respond.

5.4. The Marketing Intelligence System

Whereas the internal records system supplies results data, the marketing intelligence system supplies
happenings data. A marketing intelligence system is a set of procedures and sources used by managers to
obtain everyday information about developments in the marketing environment. Marketing intelligence
refers to any useful information that could be used by marketing managers to enhance their competitive

Marketing managers collect marketing intelligence by reading books, newspapers, and trade publications,
talking to customers, suppliers and distributors, and meeting with other company managers.

Marketing intelligence is systematic collection and analysis of available information about competitors
and developments in the market place (marketing environment).

Marketing intelligence can collected from people inside the company (executives, engineers, and scientists,
purchasing agents, and sales force,) and outside the company (suppliers, resellers and key customers) or it
can be get good information by observing competitors and also by buying and analyzing competitors’
products, monitor their sales, check for new patents and examine various types of physical evidence.

5.5. Industry and Competitive analysis

A. Industry Analysis

An industry is a group of firms producing a similar product or services. Such as soft drink or financial

Porter’s Approach to Industry Analysis (The Five-Force Model of Competition)

Michael porter, in his book on competitive advantage provides a structural analysis of industries that he
claims goes some ways towards profitability.

Porter claims that five forces determine competitiveness.

a) Threat of new entrant

b) Competitive rivalry
c) Threat of substitute products
d) The bargaining power of suppliers
e) The bargaining power of buyers (customers)

a. Threat of new entrant

Entry barrier: - is an obstruction that makes it difficult for a company to enter an industry. New entry to an
industry brings new capacity, the desire to gain market and usually substantial resource. The seriousness of
the treat of an entry mainly depends on the barriers present and on actions from existing competitors that
the entrant can expect.

Some of the major barriers of entry include:

 Higher capital requirement

 Problems in getting distribution channels: A new entrant will likely face a problem of getting a
proper distribution channel. Since the company is new wholesalers, retailers and other distributors may
not be interested to take the responsibility the new company’s product.
 Economic of scale- indicates how the total cost per unit produced changes as more units are produced.
Economies of scale make entry difficult because it forces potential competitors either to enter on a
large-scale basis (and costly method) or to accept a cost disadvantage (and lower profitability).
Besides, the average size of business varies from industry to industry. For example, the average size of
chemical firm is very large; whereas the average size of retail firms is relatively small. The most
fundamental reason for these differences in the extent of economies of scale in an industry: that’s how
the total cost per unit produced changes as more units produced. Generally, this can be expected to
decline up to some point.
 Government policy: in some industries the government may not allow companies to join some
industries because of many reasons. For instance, in our country the banking and insurance is totally
reserved for local investors and a foreigner is not allowed to involve in this industry.
 Customer loyalty-buyers are often attached to established brands. High brand loyalty means that a
potential entrant is expected to work hard to build a network of distributors and dealer, and then be
prepared to spend enough money for promotion to overcome customer loyalties and build its own
 Product Differentiation - create high entry barriers through their high level of adverting and

b. Competitive rivalry

Competition is normally a game in which one player loses at the expense of the other. A move on the part
of a player may cause other players to make countermoves, or initiate efforts to protect themselves from the
danger posed by the initial move.

The competition among companies in an industry will tend to be high in the following conditions:

 When there are many competitors (compared to other industries)

 When competitors are equal in size and/or very large.
 When there is slow growth in demand.
 When the products are similar in features.
 When there are high exit barriers.
c. Threat of substitutes products
Substitute products or services are those that apparently are different but satisfy the same set of customers’
needs. Coffee and tea are substitute products because they satisfy similar desire. Those industries that have
no close substitutes are more attractive than those that have one or more of such substitutes. Obviously,
firms in an industry having no close substitutes can change a higher price and earn higher returns.

d. The power suppliers /Bargaining power of suppliers/ The bargaining power of suppliers constitutes
their ability, individually or collectively, to force an increase in the price of the products or service, or
make the buyers accept a lower quality of products or service, A high supplier bargaining power constitutes
a negative impact feature for existing firms or new entrants of an industry. A low supplier bargaining
power enables a firm to negotiate price increase in its favor or to make the suppliers offer higher quality of
inputs at a lower price.

The bargaining power of suppliers is high under these conditions

 When the suppliers are few and the buyers are many.
 When the products or services are unique and are not commonly available.
 When the switching costs of a supplier from one buyer to the other is low.
 When the supplier is not critically dependent on the products or services supplied.
e. The power of Buyers (Bargaining power of buyers)
The bargaining power of buyers in an industry constitute the ability of the buyers, individually or
collectively, to force a reduction in the prices of product or services, demand a higher quality or better
services, or to seek more value for their purchase in any way. Monopsony: - a market in which there are
many suppliers and one buyer.

The bargaining power of buyers is high under the following conditions:

 When the buyers are few in number.

 When the buyers place large orders.
 When alternative suppliers are present and are willing to supply at a lower price.
 When the switching costs of buyers from one supplier to other is low.
 When the buyer itself charges a low price for its products and is sensitive to price increases.
2. Competitors Analysis

We must consider the strategies of the firms’ competitors. A competitor analysis becomes a vital part of
strategic planning. The goals of competitors’ analysis are to understand.

 With which competitors to compete.

 Competitors’ strategies and planned actions.

 How competitors might react to firms’ actions.
Competitor analysis is the process of identifying key competitors; assessing their objectives, strategies,
strength and weaknesses, and reaction patterns; and selecting which competitors to attack or avoid.
Steps in analyzing competitors

i. Identifying the company’s competitors

ii. Assessing competitors’ objectives, Strategies, Strength and weakness and Reaction patterns.

iii. Selecting which competitors to attack or avoid.

5.6 Marketing strategies and Market Segmentation

Market segmentation is breaking down a market into groups of customers with similar characteristics. The
key for most small firms is to concentrate their efforts and resources on one-or at most two or three-clearly
defined markets. In this way resources can be focused on the needs of that group.

The purpose of segmentation is to find a way of describing groups of customers so that the firm can better
communicate with them. This allows the firm to tailor the marketing mix to the needs of that segment and
communicate the offering in an appropriate way, through an appropriate medium.

There are many ways of breaking down a market in to segments. For consumer markets the most likely
way of segmenting a market will be personal characteristics, called demography such as sex, age, socio-
economic group, occupation, location etc. For industrial markets, the most useful forms of classification are
likely to be the type of industry, size of business, location nature of technology, etc,..

1. Niche marketing

The policy differentiation can be followed most effectively if the product offering is focused on a specific,
narrowly defined market segment, thus allowing the elements of differentiation to be greatest and resources
to be focused on that target. This focused differentiation is called niche marketing. It involves filling or
creating markets that larger firms would find un suitable because of their large investment capacity. It
involves creating barriers to entry in that market segment through the reputation or brand loyalty of the
firm. The key to successful segmentation is the ability to identify the unique benefits that a product or
service offers to potential customers.

One apparent problem with niche strategy is that it is based on a limited market. Frequently, entrepreneur’s
pursuing niche strategies find further growth by diversification. This diversification is particularly effective
if it pursues further niche opportunities.

2. Diversification Strategies

Diversification is the process of entry in a field of business which is new to an enterprise either in terms of
the market or the technology or both. It is a strategy in which the growth objective is sought to be achieved
by adding new products or services to the existing ones.

Diversification is possible along two separate paths, first, we can diversify the product (i.e., introduce new
products). Second, we can diversify the market (i.e., go in to new markets). In doing so, it is important to
bear in mind the risks involved.

For example, we could introduce a new product or service related to our existing product lines, this is a
low-risk strategy. Similarly, we may decide to diversify in to completely new markets, either
geographically or by type of customer. This would be a major risk, since the business has no experience in
this area.

In search for further growth, a business has four options:

1. It can stay with its base product or service and its existing market, and simply try to penetrate the
market further. This dealing very much with the familiar and normally the lowest risk option.
2. It can develop related or new products for its existing market and this is called product
3. It can develop related or new markets for its existing products. This is called market development.
4. It might try moving into related or new markets with related or new products this strategy involves
unfamiliar products & unfamiliar markets with high risk.

Market and product development should be incremental from the familiar to the unfamiliar. Further it is
claimed that market developments are to be preferred to product development because new customers is
less risky than developing new products. The strategies discussed above are called ‘horizontal’ strategies.
Two further strategies for growth are open to the small firm:

First, ‘Backward Vertical integration’ – the firm becomes its own supplier of some basic raw materials
or services.

Secondly, ‘forward vertical integration’ – the firm becomes its own distributor or retailer. Both strategies
entail new product or service technologies and new customers and are therefore relatively risky. It is
generally accepted the vertical integration is not successful, for small firms and that vertical integration
should only be a reaction to competitor’s activities, for example, to prevent them from controlling raw
materials and services.

Developing marketing strategy for business organization includes:

i. Target market selection strategy

ii. Product positioning strategy
iii. Price setting strategy
iv. Distributions channels strategy
v. Promotion strategy

1. Target market selection strategy

Strategic decisions involving target markets includes:

I. Follow mass marketing approach:-

This is the method of producing a product in bulk amount and supply to the whole market. This approach
sometimes does not work for small business enterprises, as they do not have financial strength to
manufacture goods and services in bulk.

II. Concentrate only on the portion of the market:-

In this case a business organization produces a limited amount of product and supplies it to a specified
market segment. Compared with mass marketing, this strategy does not require large amount of money and
that is why most small business enterprises prefer this strategies.

2. Product positioning strategy:-

Following production, the product will be introduced or offered to the market for the first time. At this
stage, the product may not be known and wanted by the customer. Thus, the product should be promoted to
get the attention of customers. In short, business enterprises should have clear cut product positioning
strategy that makes the product alive and profitable, and attract, satisfy and retain customers at different
stages of product life cycle.

3. Price setting strategy:-

The third component of business enterprise strategy is price setting. Once the product is positioned, the
next step is to set the price based on different price setting strategies.

4. Distribution channel strategy:-

It is clear that, a product of any enterprises does not have value unless it is taken to the market and reached
customers. Thus, business enterprises should design and exercise a distribution strategy that could allow
them to make available their products at the right time and place.

5. Promotional strategy:-

A quality product will not be sold unless a customer knows about its benefits and usage. Nowadays,
promotion is becoming vital for the success of business organization. Therefore, business organizations
should have to design promotional strategy that enables them to introduce their product, services and their


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