Neurodiversity Strengths Checklist
Neurodiversity Strengths Checklist
Neurodiversity Strengths Checklist
___ Enjoys working independently ___ Explains ideas or concepts well to others
___ Has a good sense of his/her personal strengths and ___ Asks good questions
weaknesses ___ Is a good storyteller
___ Learns from past mistakes ___ Is a good joke teller
___ Has persistence in carrying out assignments or activities ___ Has good listening skills
___ Is courageous in dealing with adversity and/or the ___ Handles verbal feedback (especially negative feedback) well
unknown ___ Has good articulation ability
___ Keeps a personal diary or journal ___ Is able to effectively use non-verbal cues to communicate
___ Has a good sense of humor with others
___ Possesses a sense of responsibility ___ Is persuasive in getting someone to do something
___ Has strong opinions about controversial topics ___ Has good assertive skills without being pushy
___ Marches to the beat of a different drummer
___ Handles stressful events well (e.g. is resilient) Emotional Strengths
___ Has good character (e.g. honesty, integrity, fairness)
___ Has the ability to set realistic goals for him/herself ____ Is emotionally sensitive to perceiving the world around
___ Has a sense of confidence or high self-esteem him/her
___ Has good self-discipline ____ Has an optimistic attitude toward life
___ Has personal ambitions in life ____ Can tell how he/she is feeling at any given moment
___ Displays good common sense ____ Can easily pick up on the emotional state of another person
___ Possesses personal vitality, vigor, or energy ____ Is able to handle strong internal feelings in a
constructive manner
____ Receives gut feelings about things