Influence of Teacher On Student' Learning Motivation in
Influence of Teacher On Student' Learning Motivation in
Influence of Teacher On Student' Learning Motivation in
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Muhammad Ammar
MS Scholar, Lahore Lead University
The aim of this research was to explore various issues of motivation for the students
with respect to teachers’ behavior and teaching style in business student scenario- to
identify some strategies used by teacher in order to achieve the higher level of motivation
among the students. Six teachers of Management Sciences Department, The Islamia
University of Bahawalpur participated, and in-depth interviews & focus groups conducted
which explored the key contributing factors for student learning motivation. Findings of
this study revealed that there are many aspects regarding teachers’ behavior and teaching
styles which influence learning motivation of students. This study also showed that
management sciences teachers can successfully motivate their students by keeping in view
following techniques, e.g. formal lesson planning, lesson elaboration, students’ counseling,
de-emphasizing grades, promoting active participation, and using positive emotions- all
these techniques can increase students learning motivation level. This study may help the
other instructors of the business schools to analyze motivational issues and improve the
motivation in students to get better learning.
Influence of Teacher on Student’ Learning Motivation in Management Sciences Studies 77
The purpose of this qualitative research was to explore various strategies used by the teachers to
motivate student for their learning. A qualitative approach was used in this study, as it provides
prospect to generate the understandings and perceptions of individuals, and include their data in same
manners as they have expressed (Creswell, 2007). The research inspected the degree to which the
chosen teachers think that achievement and learning is forced by their behavior.
There are a lot of studies have been done on the motivation during last half century. Despite,
many quantitative studies have empirical investigation on the role of teacher on student learning
motivation, still fewer qualitative studies are found on this topic. Quantitative studies also confirm that
motivation has strong positive role on students’ class performance, choosing their subjects, showing
interest in the class, and taking responsibility (Singh et al, 2002; Legault et al, 2006). This study is
done by keeping on students and teachers prospective correlated to motivation in business studies.
There are many theories of motivation and different factors which have influence on student
learning motivation. Along with all the other factors, teachers’ behavior also plays a pivotal role in
creating, enhancing and maintaining the motivation level of students. Students normally expect from
teachers to increase their motivation level. Teachers should adopt different techniques to enhance the
motivation level of students towards learning. Although students are naturally enthusiastic about
learning particular course but they need specific driving force to pull them and this force is normally
provided by the teachers in number of ways. Davis (1993) asserted that class behavior and teaching
style of teachers are the key factors that can motivate students to learn. He also said that following
aspects regarding class behavior of teachers enhance students’ motivation to learn: Provide more
frequent and in time feedback. Make students find personal means in the course. Create open,
interactive, participative learning class environment. Let students feel to be an important member of
the environment etc.
Therefore, The key focus of this research is to explore one of the vital issues i.e. “teachers’
behavior and teaching style” that influences the students’ motivation to learn. Literature contains the
importance and analysis of different factors, on the part of teachers, that are the cause of changing the
motivation level of students towards learning. The purpose of current research is to explore the
importance of implementation or avoidance of different techniques by teachers that can help them to
enhance the learning capacity of their students by motivating them.
Students who are more motivated can do their work with greater passion. Motivation has a direct
impact on cognition including mental abilities that enhance the decision making power (Martin, 2010).
Types of Motivation
The self determination theory tells that motivation is categorized into intrinsic and extrinsic, prior
based on movement per se, later relates with rewards Intrinsic and extrinsic are two types of students
which determine the positive and negative motivation (Lucas et al, 2010).
The attainment of knowledge can at times be started from within the student. They students
think themselves that learning is fruitful and will also provide fun and enjoyment, they become
internally motivated and such feelings referred as intrinsic motivation. White (1959) was the first
person to define intrinsic motivation, according to him it is related with natural characteristics of
individual to interact well with own environment and to get sense of own world. It is desire of students
to enthusiastically to look for and conquer educational challenges. It changes with the passage of time
and in different circumstances, still, it considers as long-lasting and progressive (Khon, 1993). Students
who have intrinsic motivation keep on challenging, when in front of some issues and problems,
performs some challenging tasks, think and act in different way, and carry on doing cognitive activities
over a longer period of time as compared to looking for extrinsic reward. Intrinsic motivation is a
better source of learning for students, as they can teach themselves (Chance, 1992). Students, who are
intrinsically motivated, can learn and examine by experiencing problems of life.
Extrinsic motivation comes from external sources i.e. rewards e.g. money, grades, threat for
punishment etc. that lead to make the students courageous to outperform and beat others (Pan et al,
2010). Banbridge (2010) stated this thing bit differently in a manner that students who are motivated
extrinsically may or may not find an interest in the task, they want to have assured rewards. But, some
researchers believe that it is a permanent enticement, generate only short term results (Kohn, 1993).
Some studies also show that extrinsic rewards are necessary to create engagement and eventually
intrinsic motivation (Theobald, 2006). These rewards can be as minor as smile or as major as
recognition (Bjorklund, 2001). When teachers are upset from the results of students, they use extrinsic
motivation to control the behavior of students.
Influence of Teacher on Student’ Learning Motivation in Management Sciences Studies 79
Talking about motivated students it is asserted that they are enthusiastic about learning their
courses and new things, they show interest and find purpose in studies and keep up their energies. They
have a desire to go with the course and studies and complete all the requirements of that course and
study. Many studies confirm that students, who have intrinsic motivation, get more enjoyment from
their work, better learning, as well as high level of confidence (Raffini, 1996). Still, intrinsic
motivation has disapprovingly relationship with concern of students (Pintrich & Shunck, 2002).
Therefore, teachers should use a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation to get maximum
learning and achievements (Sansone & Harackiewicz, 2000).
Miller (2003) discussed that incremental impact of enhanced student-teacher relationship ultimately
builds motivation as cited by Lens and Ulrich (2009). Another point emphasized by Said and Al-
Homoud (2004) is that the teachers who try to teach but do not inspire their students with a desire to
learn are getting nothing. For this it is must for teachers to be self motivated and wholehearted for the
subject so that they can cause an increase in student learning motivation.
Although Lens and Ulrich (2009) researched that most of the teachers are of opinion that the
universally accepted factor of motivation represents the students’ inner force compelling to involve in
their own education. On the other hand, the analysis of different factors of motivation revealed that the
teachers play a very vital role and have a greater impact on the students’ academic career, which in turn
affects their professional career. Therefore they cited various authors to prove motivation as the
imperative factor of the students’ learning style and motivation. Now developed is the conceptual
framework which reveals the factors that influence students’ learning motivation depicting that
teacher’s behavior, an important factor, links with it different variables or factors causing either an
increase or decrease in students’ motivation.
a thirst for reward as Blanchard and Thacker (2004) whereas Harris (2010) said that reward is a
greater source to motivate students who are not intrinsically motivated. This sort of reward serves as
extrinsic source of motivation. It is also very important to give right reward at the right time as it has a
great impact on students’ motivation (5 Easy Ways to Motivate Students, n.d.). Moreover a teacher
should distribute rewards and praise students, even with smile, on equal and fair basis; this will
motivate other students to have reward next time (Helping Students Become Motivated Learners, n.d.).
Davis (1993) also said that positive rewards and feedback influence students positively and help them
build their self confidence and satisfy their ego.
Create learning environment: Said and Al-Homoud (2004) said that teacher should create an
environment of challenging and involving others; this will encourage them and let them participate.
Harris (2010) described involving others as a key factor to motivate students. Davis (1993) cited Lucas
(1990) who also emphasized on active contribution by the students. Moreover he asked teachers to
introduce the concept of “learning by doing”. It is important to note here that when students actively
participate in class discussions they learn many new things and their intellectual abilities are sharpen as
well, this thing supports their motivation and they try to outperform and show best of their levels
throughout the learning process of a particular course.
Usage of positive emotions to enhance learning and motivation: Harris (2010) discussed that
this factor is important in enhancing and motivating students and what they learn in such a way and
environment remains in their memory for a longer time. Creating a happy and funny learning
environment affects students’ memory positively and they remember the topic material for a greater
period of time. Thacker (2004) also stated the importance of this factor by adding that teachers should
show positive behavior in and outside the class room. In happy and safe learning environment, students
feel more comfortable and show their constructive participation in class discussions.
Lesson elaboration: Harris (2010) said that teachers are required to explain the topic in such a
way that creates and enhances the interest level of students. Teachers should explain each and every
aspect of related course and desired assignment. Explanation should be given in a detailed manner
along with focusing upon the facts that how learning can be increased. Becoming capable at explaining
the principles, every teacher should be able to explain to students: “This is what you need to know.
This is what you need to do. This is how we'll get you there” as said by Manthey (2004).
Students’ counseling: Harris (2010) said that care is the most important and basic factor for
teachers which they should show for their students. Showing extra care and response let students give a
better response due to that care and affiliation. One of the best examples in which teacher can show
students that how they do care is that they should ask students about their problems, which they might
be facing during work and what are their plans for future. Sleigh (2009) stated this thing briefly in a
manner that teachers have an obligation of care or an accountability to help out all those students who
are associated to them in the teacher-student relationship.
Teach inductively: Harris (2010) explained that to better motivate students, teachers must teach
them inductively in a way that they should give relevant examples to the students, discuss with them
the relevant scenarios and then let them find out conclusions from those examples and scenario. If
teacher tells the conclusion first and then give them example, it will lose the interest of the students.
The inductive method, usually deduced as the systematic way is extensively used as a guide for
inspection and analysis based teaching method as said by Botha (2010).
Fulfillment of students’ needs: Students’ needs may include queries about the topic; push up
from their teachers etc. According to Harris (2010) it is important to address the need of the students to
keep them motivated and interested. Different students are having different criteria of needs e.g.
someone wants power, fun, entertainment, so teachers should design their study schedules in a way that
help them to fulfill the needs of the students. Davis (1993) cited Forsyth and McMillan (1991) who
said that teachers ought to maximize their concern on the students’ current needs.
Make learning visual: Harris (2010) said that teachers should teach their students by using
visual means that is possible through video, charts, images, pictures, drawings, paragraphs and bullets
Muhammad Asif Tanveer, Muhammad Farooq Shabbir,
82 Muhammad Ammar, Shahid Iqbal Dolla and Hassan Danial Aslam
lists etc. Learning in this way is easier for students rather than cramming because it helps and
stimulates the students to learn. According to the research conducted, students better keep in mind
information which is represented and provided visually. Visual learning helps students in illustrating
thoughts, systematizing and inspecting information, combining new knowledge and to think
Farooq-Asif Model
Engagement of
students in analysis
Usage of positive
Avoid intense
competition Student
Teachers’ Environmental
Teach inductively Learning
Behavior Motivation Factors
Make learning
Create learning
counseling Intrinsic
Enthusiasm and
Fulfillment of
students’ needs
Research Design
Research Approach
This exploratory research, supported by focus group interview and survey strategy is conducted to
identify the issues or factors which motivate students. These issues are supposed to be related with
teachers’ behavior in and outside the classroom and their teaching style preferences. The researchers
have used survey method and focus group interviews. Using focus group in exploratory study is worth
considering as Malhotra (1993) explained that focus group technique is basically non structural
interview supervised by moderator with few respondents, the constituent group of respondents when
discuss the topic lead to different insights i.e. a) enormous information b) distinctive ideas and c)
exposed perceptions. He also said that the biggest advantage of this popular qualitative research
procedure is that it produces flexibility and depth to the topic. The approach used is quite efficient
because it leads to proper data collection and analysis.
Influence of Teacher on Student’ Learning Motivation in Management Sciences Studies 83
Research Method
Initially data was collected using survey method, later focus group interview was also conducted in
order to get deeper insight on motivational issues for students regarding teachers’ behavior and
teaching pattern. With semi structured interview, 6 teachers of Management Sciences Department, The
Islamia Univeristy of Bahawalpur- were the potential candidate for this study, took participate in focus
groups. Main focal point of using these tools was to explore the teaching practices, professional
environment and considerations of teachers on student. Moreover, it also measures that how teachers
think that their role in motivating student, factors affecting student motivation, problems in student
motivation, and teachers successful strategies to motivate the students.
Intense competition is the next issue which has been investigated in the current research.
Discussion discovered that promoting competition engages a student in leg pulling i.e. the team work
and integration greatly reduces. Competition should not be promoted in sense of grades or numbers
rather it should be for mastery of knowledge, in different activities and in participative discussions. It
should be promoted from learning point of view and in a manner that student himself scratches out his
talent, works hard for and gives the desired results.
As said by one of the participants
“There should be team competition as in this case there would be more discussion on issues of
learning and how to perform best and less discussion on individual issues.”
Another participant also said that
“There should be no promotion of intense individual level competition rather teachers should
use different motivational techniques to motivate students to outperform, avoiding the competition
because you also need to keep in mind the sensitivity level of students before you take any action as a
They also said that
“We have to replace the word ‘competition’ with ‘motivational learning’ so that students’ focus
should be on performance not on grades or marks.”
Next issue examined in the study is that whether teachers have ever discussed the factor of
“motivation” itself with students i.e. asked them to analyze that which factors regarding our behavior
and teaching style motivate you more towards learning. Discussion results have shown that issue is of
immense importance but students are unaware of basic concept of motivation, that’s why they do not
respond properly.
On exploring “teaching inductively” as an issue of motivation for students, it is concluded that
this factor is extremely important and encouraging factor that can generate, maintain and enhance the
interest level of students. Discussion upon this factor revealed that when teachers teach by telling the
results in advance, students are unable to develop and maintain their interest, conversely if discussion
is started by taking few examples or scenario in consideration, students are motivated and encouraged
intrinsically to participate i.e. eventually they will show the good results which the teacher is in search
As one of the participants of focus group mentioned that
“To teach dry and boring subjects, he adopts the way to firstly prepare the session which he
has to teach, by spending a lot of time, starts lecture with related scenario on which discussion is
based and at the end telling this is what we were supposed to learn today.”
Teaching in this way lets students generate their interest and participate productively and
When the topic of participation was explored, it was revealed that participation is a strong
factor used by almost every teacher to encourage students that improves their competence, keeps them
on track and this factor further builds up interaction to be closely tied between teachers and the
students. Teachers stressed that participation facilitates students to reflect on their learning, and mostly
teachers create an atmosphere of learning by asking questions from students that facilitates students to
actively understand and participate. Acknowledging participants’ response further makes them feel
valued and encourages them to participate and respond.
When discussion was made upon usage of positive emotions, it was concluded that it should be
present, but up to learning environment only because often it leads to personal frankness and informal
discussion which ultimately diverts the attention from studies and results in disrespect of teachers.
One of the participants said that “Environment of the class should be friendly in sense of
sharing knowledge and participative discussion.”
Next issue assessed for motivation of students is importance of visual illustration. Participants
told that the usage of multimedia, flip charts, figures and pictures are ideal source of delivering the
Influence of Teacher on Student’ Learning Motivation in Management Sciences Studies 85
lecture, it enhances the learning abilities of students and it also increases their level of motivation.
There should be proper knowledge management as well as visual management of different courses, and
courses should be designed in such a way that motivate students and also increase their learning
The usage of visual graphics let the teachers easily elaborate the implementation of course.
Another factor discussed was that if work is up to the mark then there should be “reward
system”. Teachers should give rewards to students for doing well. Rewards can be in the form of smile
as well as appreciation etc.
Teachers’ focus should be on quality of discussion rather than quantity of discussion. There are
different mental levels of students in class room, so teachers’ should teach in such a way that is
understandable for each and every student. Lecture timings should not be more than 45 minutes,
because to generate good understanding by students, their absorption capacity should be main focus of
teachers in order to enhance their motivation level.
The concept of motivation is widely discussed and has various applications in many fields; many
theories have been presented to show linkages between human personality and learning with
motivation. By focusing more on student learning motivation in business studies, teachers will get
awareness and knowledge about student’s attitude, insight, interest and necessary skills for business
and business studies. Understanding students and keeping eye on their problems and challenges, and
motivating them to move further and get necessary proficiencies to live a successful life. The key
objective of this research was to explore various issues of motivation for students regarding teachers’
behavior and teaching style, in order to enhance their learning capacity and abilities. Different
variables regarding teachers’ behavior are found to have worth considering impact on learning
motivation of students.
The behavior of teachers is recognized to be a pivotal factor that can cause either positive or
negative change in students’ learning motivation. If teacher adopts required behavior and use proposed
and appropriate techniques there will definitely be an increase in students’ learning motivation,
absorption capacity and passion. It is found that adopting different techniques e.g. formal lesson
planning, lesson elaboration, students’ counseling, de-emphasizing grades, focus on team competition,
mastery in subject, promoting active participation, using positive emotions etc. can increase their
motivation level.
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