ANGELES - 1 - Republic vs. Silim

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LEON SILIM and ILDEFONSA greater reciprocity of interest in the gratuitous and onerous contract of
MANGUBAT, respondents. donation. It would be illogical and selfish for the donor to technically preclude
the donee from expanding its school site and improvement of its school
G.R. No. 140487            April 2, 2001 facilities. But it is a well-settled rule that if the contract is onerous, such as the
Deed of Donation in question, the doubt shall be settled in favor of the greatest
reciprocity of interests, which in the instant case, is the donee.
CA: Reversed. Declared the donation null and void on the grounds that the
In 1971, respondents Spouses Silim donated a 5,600 square meter parcel of land donation was not properly accepted and the condition imposed on the donation
in favor of the Bureau of Public Schools in Zamboanga del Sur (BPS). In the Deed was violated.
of Donation, respondents imposed the condition that the said property should
"be used exclusively and forever for school purposes only." This donation was
accepted by Buendia, the District Supervisor of BPS, through an Affidavit of ISSUES:
1. WON the CA erred in declaring the donation null and void for the
A school building was constructed on the donated land. However, the Bagong reason that the acceptance was not allegedly done in accordance with
Lipunan school building that was supposed to be allocated for the donated Articles 745 and 749 of the New Civil Code?
parcel of land could not be released since the government required that it be 2. WON the donation is void since the acceptance was not noted in the
built upon a 1 hectare parcel of land. To remedy this predicament, the Assistant Deed of Donation as required in Article 749 of the Civil Code?
School Division Superintendent authorized District Supervisor Buendia to 3. WON the acceptance by BPS District Supervisor Buendia of the
officially transact for the exchange of the 1/2 hectare old school site of donation was ineffective because of the absence of a SPA from the
Kauswagan Elementary School to a new and suitable location which would fit Republic of the Philippines?
the specifications of the government. Pursuant to this, Buendia and Teresita 4. WON the donee, in exchanging the donated lot with a bigger lot,
Palma entered into a Deed of Exchange whereby the donated lot was exchanged violated the condition in the donation that the lot be exclusively used
with the bigger lot owned by the latter. Consequently, the Bagong Lipunan for school purposes only?
school buildings were constructed on the new school site and the school
building previously erected on the donated lot was dismantled and transferred
to the new location.
Respondent Leon Silim was surprised when he saw Vice-Mayor Palma
constructing a house on the donated land. When he inquired, he was told that 1. YES. Donations, according to its purpose or cause, may be categorized
Palma already owns the property. Silim endeavored to stop the construction of as: (1) pure or simple; (2) remuneratory or compensatory; (3)
the house on the donated property but Palma advised him to just file a case in conditional or modal; and (4) onerous. A pure or simple donation is one
court. Respondents filed a Complaint for Revocation and Cancellation of where the underlying cause is plain gratuity. This is donation in its
Conditional Donation, Annulment of Deed of Exchange and Recovery of truest form. On the other hand, a remuneratory or compensatory
Possession and Ownership of Real Property with damages against Vice Mayor donation is one made for the purpose of rewarding the donee for past
Wilfredo Palma, Teresita Palma, District Supervisor Buendia and the BPS before services, which services do not amount to a demandable debt. A
the RTC. conditional or modal donation is one where the donation is made in
consideration of future services or where the donor imposes certain
RTC: dismissed the complaint, stating that there was no breach or violation of conditions, limitations or charges upon the donee, the value of which is
the condition and the exchange is proper since it is still for the exclusive use for inferior than that of the donation given. Finally, an onerous donation is
school purposes and for the expansion and improvement of the school facilities that which imposes upon the donee a reciprocal obligation or, to be
within the community. The Deed of Exchange is but a continuity of the desired more precise, this is the kind of donation made for a valuable
purpose of the donation made by Silim. The donee, being the State had the
consideration, the cost of which is equal to or more than the thing constructed after the donation was executed. Respondents had
donated. knowledge of the existence of the school building put up on the donated
lot through the efforts of the PTA. It was when the school building was
Of all the foregoing classifications, donations of the onerous type are being dismantled and transferred to the new site and when Palma was
the most distinct. This is because, unlike the other forms of donation, constructing a house on the donated property that respondents came to
the validity of and the rights and obligations of the parties involved in know of the Deed of Exchange. The actual knowledge by respondents of
an onerous donation is completely governed not by the law on the construction and existence of the school building fulfilled the legal
donations but by the law on contracts. In this regard, Article 733 of the requirement that the acceptance of the donation by the donee be
New Civil Code provides: Donations with an onerous cause shall be communicated to the donor.
governed by the rules on contracts, and remuneratory donations by the
provisions of the present Title as regards that portion which exceeds the
value of the burden imposed. 3. His acceptance was authorized under Section 47 of the 1987
Administrative Code which states: Contracts or conveyances may be
The donation involved in the present controversy is one which is executed for and in behalf of the Government or of any of its branches,
onerous since there is a burden imposed upon the donee to build a subdivisions, agencies, or instrumentalities, whenever demanded by the
school on the donated property. exigency or exigencies of the service and as long as the same are not
prohibited by law.
The Court of Appeals held that there was no valid acceptance of the
donation because there is not document showing that it was ever
accepted. We hold that there was a valid acceptance of the donation in
4. NO. Without the slightest doubt, the condition for the donation was
accordance with articles 745 and 749 of the NCC.
not in any way violated when the lot donated was exchanged with
another one. The purpose for the donation remains the same, which is
Private respondents admit that in the offer of exhibits by the
for the establishment of a school. The exclusivity of the purpose was
defendants in the trial court, an affidavit of acceptance and/or
not altered or affected. In fact, the exchange of the lot for a much bigger
confirmation of the donation, marked as Exhibit "8," was offered in
one was in furtherance and enhancement of the purpose of the
evidence. However, private respondents now question this exhibit
donation. The acquisition of the bigger lot paved the way for the release
because, according to them "there is nothing in the record that the
of funds for the construction of Bagong Lipunan school building which
exhibits offered by the defendants have been admitted nor such exhibit
could not be accommodated by the limited area of the donated lot.
appear on record." Respondents' stance does not persuade. The written
acceptance of the donation having been considered by the trial court in
arriving at its decision, there is the presumption that this exhibit was
properly offered and admitted by the court. Moreover, this issue was
never raised in the CA. Nowhere in their brief did respondents question
the validity of the donation on the basis of the alleged defect in the
acceptance thereof. If there was such a defect, why did it take
respondents more than 10 years from the date of the donation to
question its validity? In the very least, they are guilty of estoppel.

2. NO. The purpose of the formal requirement for acceptance of a

donation is to ensure that such acceptance is duly communicated to the
donor. In the case at bar, a school building was immediately

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