Sirona Orthophos SL Dental X-Ray - Maintenance Manual
Sirona Orthophos SL Dental X-Ray - Maintenance Manual
Sirona Orthophos SL Dental X-Ray - Maintenance Manual
Cover page
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Table of contents
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
Table of contents
1 Safety ...................................................................................................................... 4
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1 Safety Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
1 Safety
Qualifications of service personnel
Installation and startup may be carried out only by personnel specifically
authorized by Sirona.
Perilous shock hazard!
You must switch off the unit and then wait at least 1 minute, for
measurements at the tube assembly at least 4 minutes, before you start
to connect test cables or remove a cover!
For measurements in the area of the power supply terminal, the unit
must be disconnected from the junction box of the building installation
before you start to connect test cables!
When performing the following tests, be sure to observe the radiation
protection regulations applicable in your country (see Operating
"Radiation" is signaled by the message "X-RAY active!", a beep, and an
X-ray LED.
Risk of damage to boards
Please observe the usual precautionary measures for handling printed
circuit boards (ESD). Touch a ground point to discharge static electricity
before touching any boards.
It is essential that you also observe the notes about the operation of the
unit in the Operating Instructions.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 2 Operation notes
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
2 Operation notes
Nominal line voltage The unit operates in the following nominal line voltage ranges:
● 200 – 240 V
● 50/60Hz
The permissible line voltage fluctuation is ±10%.
The internal line impedance must not exceed 0.8 Ω.
Only permanent electrical connection of the unit is allowed.
The regulation "Federal Performance Standard for Diagnostic X-ray
Units, Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21 CFR, Subchapter J"
requires a corresponding power supply connection.
Cooling period The cooling period between two exposures is maintained by an automatic
exposure blocking function according to the pulse/pause ratio (see
Operating Instructions). The decrementing waiting time count is displayed
on the control panel.
Measurements Always switch the unit off before connecting a measuring instrument.
For safety reasons, the power supply should be switched off at the
junction box of the building installation when performing measurements
in the vicinity of the power supply unit.
Select the correct current/voltage type and adjust the measuring range to
match the expected readings.
Perform continuity tests only on units which are switched off.
If several exposures with radiation must be taken to check a
measurement, make sure that the prescribed cool-down intervals are
observed. They are maintained by an automatic exposure blocking
function (see Operating Instructions).
The pulse/pause ratio is 1:20, i.e. a 20-second pause is maintained for
each second of radiation cycle. The pulse/pause ratio is automatically
maintained (automatic exposure blocking).
It is essential that you observe the radiation protection regulations
applicable in your country prior to radiation release.
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3 Auxiliary devices required Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
Only use a battery-operated digital multimeter with safety sockets.
It is essential that you observe the safety and operating notes provided
in the operating instructions of the multimeter.
Dosimeter USA
It is essential that you observe the safety and operating notes provided
in the operating instructions of the dosimeter.
Measuring wires
Use exclusively fully insulated measuring wires.
Check the measuring wires for damages before use.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 4 Visual check
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
4 Visual check
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5 Optical and acoustic signals Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 5 Optical and acoustic signals
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D 5.1 Checking the function of keys and buttons
The unit emits X-ray radiation.
Excess exposure to X-rays is detrimental to health.
➢ Use the prescribed accessories for radiation protection.
➢ Do not stay in the X-ray room during exposure. Move as far away
from the unit as the coiled cable for the release button allows you to.
✔ "Unit ON" LED display C lights up. Press the R key D to move the unit
to the starting position. As long as no connection has been made to
A SIDEXIS, the message is displayed in the comment line of the control
panel on the "Switch SIDEXIS to ready for exposure state"
1. Switch on the PC.
2. Start SIDEXIS (see SIDEXIS user manual).
B C For further information and possible error messages, see Operating
3. Use the -/+ keys to select a program E.
4. In the sub menu F, select a kV/mA combination with the -/+ keys.
5. Check whether the patient symbols on the touchscreen can be
selected in exactly the right position.
If problems occur during selection, adjust the touchscreen).
6. Press release button (A) and hold it down until the end of the
Ready for exposure
ª The exposure is released. "Exposure is performed" Appears in
the comment line on the touchscreen.
During radiation, the optical radiation indicator (B) lights up on the
Easypad; during radiation, an acoustic signal is also emitted.
Radiation can be triggered multiple times during exposure.
When the rotation and radiation switch off automatically, the
exposure is complete.
7. Let go of release button (A).
ª The exposure is completed.
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5 Optical and acoustic signals Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.1 Checking the function of keys and buttons Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
Defective indicators and keys represent a risk to the safety of both the
patient and the operator.
The user is not permitted to operate the unit until the necessary repairs
have been made.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 6 Checking the power supply connection
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
1. DANGER! After disconnecting the unit from the junction box of the
building installation, wait at least 1 minute before starting to check the
line voltage!
Disconnect the unit from the junction box of the building installation.
2. Remove the "Bottom profile" cover (see Service Manual).
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6 Checking the power supply connection Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
In such a case, the unit must be switched off immediately and
disconnected from the junction box of the building installation. It must
not be placed in operation!
1. Switch the unit on via switch (A) (see also Operating Instructions).
2. Disconnect the unit from the junction box of the building installation.
3. DANGER! Wait at least 1 minute after disconnecting the unit from the
junction box of the building installation before removing the
measuring wires!
Remove the measuring units from the unit.
4. Re-attach the "Bottom profile" cover to the unit.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 7 Checking the tube current
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
3. Loosen the 4 screws (F) and remove the cover plate (G).
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7 Checking the tube current Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 7 Checking the tube current
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
4. DANGER! After switching off the unit, wait at least 4 minutes (LED
V500 on the DX6 must no longer be on) before removing jumper H
from the DX6 board.
Remove the jumper (H) from connector X302 on the DX6 board.
5. DANGER! Only use fully insulated measuring wires.
Connect the digital multimeter with the measuring wires to test points
MA- (X5-) and MA+ (X4+) at connector X302 on the DX6 board.
6. On the multimeter, select the current measuring range 20mA DC.
7. NOTICE! If the lid of the tube assembly cover is not attached, the ring
D circulation is impeded and the unit can be damaged.
Temporarily install the lid of the tube assembly cover (E) on the unit
using the screw (D).
8. DANGER! Do not touch any live components!
Set the main switch (A) to I (see also Operating Instructions).
9. Wait for approx. 1 minute.
Performing measurements
1 mA corresponds to a tube current of 1 mA. The permissible tolerance
is ± 20 %.
Analyzing measurements
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7 Checking the tube current Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
1. Switch the unit on via switch (A) (see also Operating Instructions).
2. Loosen the screw (D) and remove the lid of the tube assembly cover
D (E).
3. DANGER! After switching off the unit, wait at least 4 minutes before
removing the measuring wires or reinserting the jumper!
Remove the measuring wires and bridge with the test points MA+/
MA- on the DX6 board again with the jumper (H).
4. Reattach the cover plate (G) to the tube assembly with the 4 screws
F (F).
5. Reattach the lid of the tube assembly cover (E) to the unit and secure
D it with the screw (D).
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 8 Checking the tube voltage
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
Performing measurements
Analyzing measurements
The measured tube voltage must correspond with the tube voltage set
of 63kV. The permissible tolerance is ± 10 %.
➢ Switch the unit on via switch (A) (see also Operating Instructions).
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9 Checking the radiation time Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
5. Call the Service menu and the Service routine S002.3 (see Service
6. Use the arrow keys (A) in selection field 1 to select the kV/mA level
60 kV/8 mA.
7. Use the arrow keys (A) in selection field 2 to select the radiation time
0.5 s.
Performing measurements
➢ Initiate the radiation. Hold the release button pressed until the set
radiation time has expired.
Analyzing measurements
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 10 Checking the laser light localizers
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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10 Checking the laser light localizers Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 10 Checking the laser light localizers
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
1. Select the different volume programs one after the other with different
collimations and measure the distance of the light beams.
ª Minimum and maximum distances apply between the laser
ª Replace any light localizer that does not respond as desired.
2. Press on the light localizer key again.
ª The light localizer is switched back off again.
Tip: When checking or adjusting the light localizer, you may use a PA or
AP position on the ear plugs to assess the light beam.
1. Touch the light localizer key (B) on the touchscreen.
B ª The light localizers are switched on.
2. Check the position of the horizontal laser beam at the ceph.
ª The laser beam must run horizontally at the level of the ear plug
position between the template supports. If this is not the case,
adjust the laser localizer.
3. Press on the light localizer key again.
ª The light localizer is switched back off again.
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11 Test exposures/Test images Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 Test exposures/Test images
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D 11.1 Calling "Test exposures" menu
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11 Test exposures/Test images Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.2 2D test exposures Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
4. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal that indicates the end of the
exposure (double beep) sounds (if configured).
ª The exposure is displayed in the exposure window.
For notes on evaluating the exposure, refer to the section "Unit
adjustment and calibration"/"Pan aperture adjustment".
See service manual.
Reference to service manual
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 Test exposures/Test images
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D 11.2 2D test exposures
5. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal that indicates the end of the
exposure (double beep) sounds (if configured).
ª The exposure is displayed in the exposure window.
For notes on evaluating the exposure, refer to the section "Unit
adjustment and calibration"/"Pan symmetry adjustment".
6. Remove the needle phantom again.
See service manual.
Reference to service manual
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11 Test exposures/Test images Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.2 2D test exposures Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
2. Plug the contrast element (B) into the slot on the needle phantom
provided for that purpose.
The aluminum plate of the contrast element must be facing away from
the column of the unit.
Do not attach any additional aluminum plate to the unit.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 Test exposures/Test images
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D 11.2 2D test exposures
7. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal that indicates the end of the
exposure (double beep) sounds (if it has been configured).
ª The exposure is displayed in the exposure window.
For notes on evaluating the exposure, refer to the technical
documentation for acceptance/constancy testing.
8. Remove the needle phantom again with the constancy test phantom.
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11 Test exposures/Test images Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.2 2D test exposures Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 Test exposures/Test images
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D 11.2 2D test exposures
4. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal that indicates the end of the
exposure (double beep) sounds (if configured).
ª The exposure is displayed in the exposure window.
See below for reference image.
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11 Test exposures/Test images Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.2 2D test exposures Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 Test exposures/Test images
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D 11.2 2D test exposures
4. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal that indicates the end of the
exposure (double beep) sounds (if configured).
ª The exposure is displayed in the exposure window.
See below for reference image.
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11 Test exposures/Test images Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.2 2D test exposures Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
4. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal that indicates the end of the
exposure (double beep) sounds (if configured).
ª The exposure is displayed in the exposure window.
For notes on evaluating the exposure, refer to the section "Unit
adjustment and calibration"/"Adjustment of the ceph secondary
See service manual.
Reference to service manual
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 Test exposures/Test images
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D 11.2 2D test exposures
4. Fit the contrast element (A) with its hole onto the ear plug.
The aluminum plate of the contrast element must face the X-ray tube
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11 Test exposures/Test images Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.2 2D test exposures Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
6. Attach the ceph test phantom to the clip provided for that purpose.
7. Push the ceph test phantom with the clip from below on to the
secondary diaphragm of the ceph arm.
The clip must engage into the opening on the secondary diaphragm
provided for that purpose.
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 Test exposures/Test images
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D 11.2 2D test exposures
12. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal that indicates the end of the
exposure (double beep) sounds (if it has been configured).
ª The exposure is displayed in the exposure window.
For notes on evaluating the exposure, refer to the technical
documentation for acceptance/constancy testing.
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11 Test exposures/Test images Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.2 2D test exposures Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 Test exposures/Test images
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D 11.2 2D test exposures
4. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal that indicates the end of the
exposure (double beep) sounds (if configured).
ª The exposure is displayed in the exposure window.
See below for reference image.
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11 Test exposures/Test images Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.3 3D test exposures Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 Test exposures/Test images
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D 11.3 3D test exposures
4. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal that indicates the end of the
exposure (double beep) sounds (if configured).
ª The exposure is displayed in the exposure window.
See below for reference image.
No foreign bodies may appear on the image.
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11 Test exposures/Test images Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.3 3D test exposures Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 Test exposures/Test images
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D 11.3 3D test exposures
4. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal that indicates the end of the
exposure (double beep) sounds (if configured).
ª The exposure is displayed in the exposure window.
See below for reference image.
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11 Test exposures/Test images Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.3 3D test exposures Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 Test exposures/Test images
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D 11.3 3D test exposures
4. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal that indicates the end of the
exposure (double beep) sounds (if configured).
ª The exposure is displayed in the exposure window.
See below for reference image.
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11 Test exposures/Test images Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.3 3D test exposures Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 Test exposures/Test images
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D 11.3 3D test exposures
5. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal that indicates the end of the
exposure (double beep) sounds (if it has been configured).
ª The exposure is displayed in the exposure window.
For notes on the evaluation of the exposure, refer to technical
documentation for acceptance/constancy testing.
6. Remove the test phantom again.
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11 Test exposures/Test images Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.3 3D test exposures Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 Test exposures/Test images
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D 11.3 3D test exposures
4. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal that indicates the end of the
exposure (double beep) sounds (if configured).
ª The exposure is displayed in the exposure window.
See below for reference image.
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11 Test exposures/Test images Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.3 3D test exposures Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
6. Press the release button. Press and hold down the button until the
exposure is complete, the preview image is displayed in the exposure
window, and the acoustic signal that indicates the end of the
exposure (double beep) sounds (if configured).
7. Read off the dose from the Mult-O-Meter. The dose value must be
between 1.2 and 2.3 mGy.
8. Remove the Mult-O-Meter from the sensor unit again.
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Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D 11.3 3D test exposures
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11 Test exposures/Test images Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.3 3D test exposures Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Maintenance Instructions ORTHOPHOS SL 2D / 3D
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