Guide Lines For Factory Act

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– XI
♦    Natural Hazard
The probability of occurrence, within a specific period of time in a given area, of a potentially damaging
natural phenomenon.
  ♦    Natural Hazard Prone Areas
Areas likely to have moderate to high intesity of earthquake, or cylconic storm, or significant flood flow or
inundation, or land slides/mud flows/avalanches, or one or more of these hazards.
Note : Moderate to very high damage risk zones of earthqualkes are as shown in Seismic Zones III, IV and
V specified in IS: 1893; moderate to very high damage risk zones of cyclones are those areas along the sea
coast of India prone to having wind velocities of 39 m/s or more as specified in IS:875 (Part 3;) and flood
prone areas in river plains (unprotected and protected) are indicated in the Flood Atlas of India prepared by
the Central Water Commission.
A detailed plan (required copies) showing the plans, sections and elevations of the proposed development
work to a scale of 1:100 showing the following details wherever applicable :
a)       Floor plans of all floors together with the covered, area; clearly indicating the size and spacing of all
framing members and sizes of rooms and the position of staircases, ramps and lift wells.
b)       The use of all parts of the building.
c)       Thickness of walls, floor slabs and roof slabs with their materials. The section shall indicate the height
of building and height of rooms and also the height of the parapet, the drainage and the slope of the roof.
Atleast one section should be taken through the staircase. The position, form and dimension of the
foundation, wall, floor, roofs, chimneys and various parts of the building, means of ventination and accesses
to the various parts of the building and its appurtenances also should be shown in one cross section.
d)       The building elevation from the major street.
e)       The level of the site of the building, the level of lowest of building in relation to the level of any street
adjoining the cartilage of the building in relation to one another and some known datum or crown of road.
f)         Cabin plan.
g)       The north point relative to the plans.
h)     The forms and dimensions of every water closets, privy, urinals, bathrooms, cesspools, well and water
tank or cistern to be constructed in connection with the building.
i)     One copy of the detailed working drawing including structural details based on the approved building
plan as verified and approved by the expert and shall submit the same before 7 days of commencement of
the construction work at site for information and record. The applicant will inform the authority the date for
commencement of work”.
Provided that in the case of individual residential building upto G+2 on a plot not more than 500 sq. mts. in
size, the Competent Authority shall not enforce, on request of the owner/developer, to submit such details,
subject to the condition that for such area similiar types of structures and soil investigation report are
already available on record.
(2)   CERTIFICATE OF UNDERTAKING : Certificate in the prescribed form No. 2(a), 2(b), 2(c), and 2(d) by the
registered Architect/Engineer/Structural Designer/Clerk of Works/ Developer/Owner.
(a) A person who is required under relevent section of the Act to give any notice or to furnish any
plans/sections or written particulars by these Development Control Regulations, shall sign such notice,
plans,, sections or written particulars or cause them to be signed by him and his duly authorised registered
Architect, Engineer, Developer etc. as the case may be. Such person or authorised registered Architect,
Engineer, Developer shall fursnish documentary evidence of his Authority. If such authorised registered
Architect signs such notice or other document, Engineer, Developer it shall state the name and address of
the person on whose behalf it has been furnished.
b)    Any notice or document shall be delivered to the office of the Competent Authority, within such hours
as may be prescribed by the Competent Authority.
c)    The forms, plans, sections and descriptions to be furnished under these Developments Control
Regulations shall all be signed by each of the the following persons :-
i)      A person making application for development permission under relevent section of the Act.
ii)     A person who has prepared the plans and sections with description who may be
registered engineer or an architect.
iii)    A person who is retained or engaged to supervise the said construction
iv)     A person who is responsible for the structural designs of the construction i.e. a structural designer.
v)      A clerk of works who is to look after the day-to-day supervision of the construction.
vi)     A Developer
d)    A person who is engaged either to prepare pain or to prepare a structural design and structural report
or to supervise the building shall give an undertaking in Form No. 2(a), 2(b), 2(c), 2(d) prescribed under
these Development Control Regulations.
e)    Every person who under the provision of the relevant sections of the Act may be required to furnish to
the Authority any plan or other documents shall furnish copies (in required numbers) of such plans and
other documents and copies (if required) of such documents which he may be called upon to furnish. One
copy of each such plan and document shall be returned, on approval, to the applicant duly signed by the
Competent Authority of the Authority or authorised officer.
f)      It shall be incumbent on every person whose plans have been approved to submit amended plans for
any deviation amounting to increase in built-up area, F.S.I., building height or change in plans, he proposes
to make during the course of construction of his building work, and the procedure laid down for plans or
other documents here to before shall be applicable to all such amended plans.
g)    It shall be incumbent on every person whose plans have been approved, to submit a completion plan
showing the final position of erected or re-erected building in duplicate or in required numbers and one copy
of plan to be returned to the applicant after approval.
h)    Approval of drawing and acceptance of any statement, documents, structural report, structural
drawings, progress certificate, or building completion certificates shall not discharge the owner, engineer,
architect, clerk of works and structural designer, Developer, Owner from their responsibilities, imposed
under the Act, the Development Control Regulations and the laws of tort and local acts.
No land shall be used as a site for the construction of building.
(a)   If the Competent Authority considers that the site is in sanitary or that it is dangerous to construct a
building on it or no water supply is likely to be available within a reasonable period of time;
(b)   If the site is not drained properly or is incapable of being well drained;
(c)   if the building is proposed on any area filled up with carcasses, excreta, fifhy and offensive matter, till
the production of a certificate from the Competent Authority to the effect that it is fit to be built upon from
the health and sanitary point of view;
(d)   if the use of the said site is for a purpose which in the Competent Authority’s opinion may be a source
of danger to the health and safety of the inhabitants of the neighbourhood,
(e)   if the Competent Authority is not satisfied that the owner of the building has taken the required
measures to safeguard the construction from constantly getting damp;
(f)    if the level of the site is lower than the Datum Level prescribed by the Competent Authority depending
on topography and drainage aspects.
(g)   for assembly use, for cinemas, theaters, places of public worship, residential hotels, lodging and
boarding houses, unless the site has been previously approved by the Competent Authority and the
Commissioner of Police;
(h)   unless it derives access from an authorised street/means of access described in these Regulations;
(i)    for industrial use other than a service industry unless the application is accompanied by a no objection
certificate from the appropriate officer of the Industrial Location Policy;
(j) if the proposed development is likely to involve damage to or have deleterious impact on or is against
urban aesthetic of environment or ecology and/or on historical / architectural/eshetical building and
precincts or is not in the public interest.
(k) unless the owner/developer produces a certificate from an expert confirming that the site is not liable for
liquefaction except in cases where adequate protective measures are taken as per the advice of the expert.
The owner/developer/builder shall provide necessary protection for safety for soil liquefaction as per advice
and suggestions made by structural engineer based on teh report of soil test made by soil testing
laboratory. The owner/developer/builder shall be responsible for getting such reports and identify such
protection measures.
(I) If the proposed development falls in the area liable to storm surge during cyclone, except where
protection measures are adopted to prevent storm surge damage.
A Degree in Civil Engineering recognised by All India Board of Technical Education. In addition to above
qualification, the applicant should have atleast five years experience in structural design, two years of which
must be in a responsibility capacity in form of structural designer.                                                     OR
A master’s degree in structural engineering from a recognised institute and at least two years experience in
structural design work.                          OR
A Doctor’s degree in structural design from a recognised institute and at least one-year experience in
structural design work.
To prepare & submit structural details fro –
i) All types of Buildings.
ii)  Special structures.
(a)   To prepare a report of the structural design.
(b)   To prepare detailed structural design and to prescribe the method and technique of its execution
strictly on the basis of the National Building Code or relevant Indian Standard specifications.
(c)   To prepare detailed structural drawings and specifications for execution indicating thereon, design live
loads, safe soil bearing capacity, specifications of material, assumptions made in design, special precautions
to be taken by contractor to suit the design assumptions etc. whatever applicable.
(d)   To supply two copies of structural drawings to the site supervisor.
(e)   To inspect the works at all-important stages and certify that the work being executed is up to the
satisfaction of the Architect/Engineer.
(f)     To certify the structural safety and overall structural soundness of the building to the
(g)   To advise the Owner/Architect/Engineer for arranging for tests and their reports for soil, building
material etc. for his evaluation and design consideration.
(h)   He shall prepare the revised calculations & drawings in case of any revision with reference to the earlier
submission of drawing & design in a particular case.
(i)     To submit the certificate of structural safety and over all structural soundness of building to Competent
(i)    The registration fees if any shall be payable as prescribed by the Competent Aurhority from time to
(ii)   If he/she is found negligent in his/her duties & responsibilites. The Competent Authority may black-list
an Engineer in case of serious defaults or repeated defaults and shall inform the Institution of Engineers,
India to take suitable action against such person. The registration shall be liable to be revoked temporarily
or permanently by the Competent Authority in such cases of negligence and default.
(1)  Inspection at various stages :-
The Competent Authority at any time during erection of a building or the execution of any work or
development, make an inspection thereof without giving prior notice of his intention to do so.
(2)  Inspection by Fire Department :-
For all multi-storied, high-rise and special building the work shall also be subject to inspection by the Chief
Fire Officer, or Competent. Authority shall issue the occupancy certificate only after clearance by the said
Chief Fire Officer / Competent Authority.
(3)  Unsafe Building :-
All unsafe building shall be considered to constitute danger to public safety hygiene and sanitation and shall
be restored by repairs or demolished or dealt with as otherwise directed by the Competent Authority, in
accordance with advise of the expert/s, if required, as prescribed in paragraph 13.
In the cases of restoration the owners/occupiers shall submit the structure stability certificate in Form No.
11 to the Competent Authority after restoration/repairs or strengthening.
“On receipt of the application for Development Permission, the Competent Authority after making such
inquiry as it thinks fit may communicate its decisions granting with or without condition including condition
of submission of detailed working drawing/structural drawing alongwith soil investigation report before the
commencement of the work as per clause 2(i) or refusing permission to the applicant as per the provisions
of the Act.
The Competent Authority, however, may consider to grant exemption for submission of working drawing,
structural drawing and soil investigation report in case the Competent Authority is satisfied that in the area
where the proposed construction is to be taken, similiar types of structure and soil investigation reports are
already available on record and such request is from an individual owner/developer, having plot of not more
than 500 sq. mt. in size with a maximum 3 storied residential building.”
(a) Recognised stages for progress certificate and checking :-
1)    Following shall be recognised stages in the erection of every building or the execution
of every work :-
i)       Plinth, in case of basement before the casting of basement slab.
ii)      First Storey.
iii)     Middle Storey in case of High-rise building
iv)     last storey.
2)     At each of the above stages, the owner/developer under these Development Control Regulations shall
submit to the competent designated officer of the Competent Authority a progress certificate in the given
formats [Form Nos. 6(a) – 6(d)]. This progress certificate shall be signed by the Architect and supervising
3)     No person in-charge at any stage shall, except with previous written permission of the Competent
Authority, carry out further work after the issue of any requisition of these Development Control Regulations
in respect of the any previous stage unless the requisition has been duly complied with and the fact reported
to the Competent Authority.
4)     (a) The progress certificate shal not be necessary in the following cases :
i)       Alteration in Building not involving the structural part of the building
ii)      Extension of existing residential building on the ground floor upto maximum 15 sq. the area.
(b) On receipt of the progress certificate from the owner/developer, it shall be the duty of the Competent
Authority to check any deviation from the approved plan and convey decision within 7 days to the
owner/developer for compliance.
In case of deviation from working drawings or structure design at any stage of construction the
owner/developer shall produce necessary certificate from architect/structural designer with certificate that
the construction confirms to these regulations. In that case the revised working drawing and structural
design shall be submitted in accordance with this regulations.
(c) Completion Report
1)      It shall be incumbent on every person whose plans have been approved, to submit a completion
report in Form No. 7.
2)      It shall also be incumbent on every person who is engaged under this Development Control
Regulations to supervise teh erection of re-erection of the building, to submit the completion report in form
No. 8 prescribed under these Development Control Regulations.
3)      No completion report shall be accepted unless completion plan is approved by the Competent
(d) The final inspection of the work shall be made by the concerned Competent Authority within 21 days
from the date of receipt of notice of completion report.
Height of the building shall be measured from teh road level/plot level whichever is higher, to the highest
point in the building, excluding the parapet not exceeding 1.5 m.
9.       RELAXATION IN F.S.I. :
The Competent Authority shall permit the F.S.I, of any plot or a building unit on the basis of its original
area, if the owner of such a land is prepared to release the effected land by road widening or for
construction of new road without claiming any compensation thereof. The_minimum setback shall be
provided from new road line subject to other regulations.
The addition to any existing structure shall only be permitted unless if it complies with the provision of
regulation No. 13.
(i)    Load bearing walls of the building shall be of Brick stone or pre cast block in any mortar. In the case of
R.C.C. framed structure or wooden framed structure filler walls may be of suitable local materials.
(ii)   Roof of the building shall be of galvanized iron sheets, asbestos sheet, tiles roof or R.C.C. roof in the
case of upper storied buildings middle floor shall be of wooden or R.C.C. and rest as per choice.
(iii)  Doors and windows of building shall be of any material.
(iv)   Rest of the work of building shall be as per locally available resources and as per choice.
(v)    For structural safety and services, regulation 13 below shall be applicable.
12.     PLINTH :
Provided that the ground floor of the building may be permitted on stilts/pillars instead of a solid plinth with
a clear height of 2.4 Mts. in case of slabs with beams height should not exceed 2.8 Mts. and further that this
space shall at all times be kept free from any enclosure except for genuine stair-case.
Provided further that a electric meter room, room for telephone D.B.; bath-room, water-room, stair-case
room, pump room, water closet, servant room, security cabin may be allowed with a minimum plinth of 30
cms. and that the parking garage may have no plinth.
In case the ground floor is on stlilts/pillars provisions of regulation 13 shall be followed.
The structural design of foundations, elements made of masonry, timber, plain concrete, reinforced
concrete, pre-stressed concrete and structural steel shall conform to the provisions of part VI Structural
Design Section-1 Loads, Section-2 Foundation, Section-3 Wood, Section-4 Masonry, Section-5 Concrete,
Section-6 Steel, National Building Code of India, taking into consideration the Indian Standards and
Guidelines for hazards safety as given below :
1.     IS : 1893:1984 “Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
(Fourth Revision)”
In case the ground floor is on stilts/pillars and other soft stories in buildings/floors not specifically provided
for taking shear generated by earthquake forces shall be so designed to have sufficient lateral stiffness to
provide structural stability as per IS: 1893.
2.    18:13920-1993 “DUctile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures subjected to Seismic Forces –
Code of Practice”
3.    18:4326-1993 “Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Buildings – Code of Practice (Second
4.    IS:13828-1993 “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Low Strength Masonry Buildings – Guidelines”
5.    IS:13827-1993 “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Earthern Buildings -Guidelines”
6.    18:13935-1993 “Repair and Seismic Strengthening of Buildings -Guidelines”
7.    “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Buildings – Guideline”, by Expert Group, Government of India,
Ministry of Urban Affairs & Employment, published by Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council,
8.    IS 875 (3) – 1987 “Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than Earthquake) for Buildings and
Structures, Part 3, Wind Loads”
9.    “Improving Wind / Cyclone Resistance of Buildings – Guidelines”, by Expert Group, Government of
India, Ministry of Urban Affairs & Employment, published by Building Mateials and Technology Promotion
Council, 1998.
NOTE : Whenever an Indian Standard including those referred in the National Building Code or the National
Building Code is referred, the latest version of the same shall be followed.
(2) In pursuance of above, a certificate as indicated in Form – 2(c) shall be submitted alongwith building
plans/drawings and other building information schedule annexed thereto.
(3) Quality Control Requirements
(i)     The quality of all materials and workmanship shall conform to accepted standards and Indian Standard
Specifications and Codes as included in Part V Building Materials and Part VII Constructional Practices and
Safety, National Building Code of India.
(ii)    All borrow pits dug in the course of construction and repair of buildings, embankments etc. shall be
deep and connected with each other in the formation of a drain directed towards the lowest level and
properly stepped for discharge into a river, stream, channel or drain, and no person shall create any isolated
borrow pit which is likely to cause accumulation of water that may breed mosquitoes.
(iii)   Alternative materials, method of design and construction and tests :-
The provisions of the Regulations are not intended to prevent the use of any material or method of design of
construction not specifically prescribed in them provided any such alternative has been approved. Nothing of
the provisions of these Regulations is intended to prevent the adoption or architectural planning and layout
conceived as an integrated development scheme. The Competent authority may approve any such
alternative if it conforms to the provisions of the relevent parts of the National Building Code, regarding
material, design and construction, and the material, method, or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at
least equivalent to that prescribed in these Regulations in quality, strength, compatibility, effectiveness, fire
and water resistance, durability and safety.
(iv)   All buildings shall be constructed on a Quality Control Requirements.
(4) TESTS :
Whenever there is insufficient evidence of compliance with the provision of the Regulations or evidence that
any material or method of design or construction does not conform to the requirements of the Regulations,
in order to substantiate claims for alternative materials, design or methods of construction, the Competent
Authority may require tests, sufficiently in advance, as proof of comliance. These tests shall be made by an
approved agency at the expense of the owner as follows :-
(i)     TEST METHODS :- Test methods shall be as specified by the Regulations for the materials or design or
construction in question. If there are no appropriate test methods specified in the Regulations the
Competent Authority shall determine the test procedure. For methods or tests for building materials,
reference shall be made to the relevant Indian Standards as given in the National Building Code of India
published by the Bureau of Indian Standards.
(ii)    TEST RESULT TO BE PRESERVED :- Copies of the result of all such tests shall be retained by the
Competent Authority for not less then two years after the acceptance of the alternative material
The testing of the materials as per Indian Standards shall be carried out by laboratories approved by the
competent authority in this behalf.
The laboratory/agency shall work out in consultation with the construction agency a testing programme of
materials such as cement, steel and quality of concrete including its mixing, laying and strength at site as
well as in the laboratory.
=’margin-left:41.65pt;text-align:left; text-indent:0in;line-height:16.8pt’>iii)     Middle Storey in case of
High-rise building
iv)     last storey.
2)     At each of the above stages, the owner/developer under these Development Control Regulations shall
submit to the competent designated officer of the Competent Authority a progress certificate in the given
formats [Form Nos. 6(a) – 6(d)]. This progress certificate shall be signed by the Architect and supervising
3)     No person in-charge at any stage shall, except with previous written permission of the Competent
Authority, carry out further work after the issue of any requisition of these Development Control Regulations
in respect of the any previous stage unless the requisition has been duly complied with and the fact reported
to the Competent Authority.
4)     (a) The progress certificate shal not be necessary in the following cases :
i)       Alteration in Building not involving the structural part of the building
ii)      Extension of existing residential building on the ground floor upto maximum 15 sq. the area.
(b) On receipt of the progress certificate from the owner/developer, it shall be the duty of the Competent
Authority to check any deviation from the approved plan and convey decision within 7 days to the
owner/developer for compliance.
In case of deviation from working drawings or structure design at any stage of construction the
owner/developer shall produce necessary certificate from architect/structural designer with certificate that
the construction confirms to these regulations. In that case the revised working drawing and structural
design shall be submitted in accordance with this regulations.
(c) Completion Report
1)      It shall be incumbent on every person whose plans have been approved, to submit a completion
report in Form No. 7.
2)      It shall also be incumbent on every person who is engaged under this Development Control
Regulations to supervise teh erection of re-erection of the building, to submit the completion report in form
No. 8 prescribed under these Development Control Regulations.
3)      No completion report shall be accepted unless completion plan is approved by the Competent
(d) The final inspection of the work shall be made by the concerned Competent Authority within 21 days
from the date of receipt of notice of completion report.
Height of the building shall be measured from teh road level/plot level whichever is higher, to the highest
point in the building, excluding the parapet not exceeding 1.5 m.
9.       RELAXATION IN F.S.I. :
The Competent Authority shall permit the F.S.I, of any plot or a building unit on the basis of its original
area, if the owner of such a land is prepared to release the effected land by road widening or for
construction of new road without claiming any compensation thereof. The_minimum setback shall be
provided from new road line subject to other regulations.
The addition to any existing structure shall only be permitted unless if it complies with the provision of
regulation No. 13.
(i)    Load bearing walls of the building shall be of Brick stone or pre cast block in any mortar. In the case of
R.C.C. framed structure or wooden framed structure filler walls may be of suitable local materials.
(ii)   Roof of the building shall be of galvanized iron sheets, asbestos sheet, tiles roof or R.C.C. roof in the
case of upper storied buildings middle floor shall be of wooden or R.C.C. and rest as per choice.
(iii)  Doors and windows of building shall be of any material.
(iv)   Rest of the work of building shall be as per locally available resources and as per choice.
(v)    For structural safety and services, regulation 13 below shall be applicable.
12.     PLINTH :
Provided that the ground floor of the building may be permitted on stilts/pillars instead of a solid plinth with
a clear height of 2.4 Mts. in case of slabs with beams height should not exceed 2.8 Mts. and further that this
space shall at all times be kept free from any enclosure except for genuine stair-case.
Provided further that a electric meter room, room for telephone D.B.; bath-room, water-room, stair-case
room, pump room, water closet, servant room, security cabin may be allowed with a minimum plinth of 30
cms. and that the parking garage may have no plinth.
In case the ground floor is on stlilts/pillars provisions of regulation 13 shall be followed.
The structural design of foundations, elements made of masonry, timber, plain concrete, reinforced
concrete, pre-stressed concrete and structural steel shall conform to the provisions of part VI Structural
Design Section-1 Loads, Section-2 Foundation, Section-3 Wood, Section-4 Masonry, Section-5 Concrete,
Section-6 Steel, National Building Code of India, taking into consideration the Indian Standards and
Guidelines for hazards safety as given below :
1.     IS : 1893:1984 “Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
(Fourth Revision)”
In case the ground floor is on stilts/pillars and other soft stories in buildings/floors not specifically provided
for taking shear generated by earthquake forces shall be so designed to have sufficient lateral stiffness to
provide structural stability as per IS: 1893.
2.    18:13920-1993 “DUctile Detailing of Reinforced Concrete Structures subjected to Seismic Forces –
Code of Practice”
3.    18:4326-1993 “Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction of Buildings – Code of Practice (Second
4.    IS:13828-1993 “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Low Strength Masonry Buildings – Guidelines”
5.    IS:13827-1993 “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Earthern Buildings -Guidelines”
6.    18:13935-1993 “Repair and Seismic Strengthening of Buildings -Guidelines”
7.    “Improving Earthquake Resistance of Buildings – Guideline”, by Expert Group, Government of India,
Ministry of Urban Affairs & Employment, published by Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council,
8.    IS 875 (3) – 1987 “Code of Practice for Design Loads (other than Earthquake) for Buildings and
Structures, Part 3, Wind Loads”
9.    “Improving Wind / Cyclone Resistance of Buildings – Guidelines”, by Expert Group, Government of
India, Ministry of Urban Affairs & Employment, published by Building Mateials and Technology Promotion
Council, 1998.
NOTE : Whenever an Indian Standard including those referred in the National Building Code or the National
Building Code is referred, the latest version of the same shall be followed.
(2) In pursuance of above, a certificate as indicated in Form – 2(c) shall be submitted alongwith building
plans/drawings and other building information schedule annexed thereto.
(3) Quality Control Requirements
(i)     The quality of all materials and workmanship shall conform to accepted standards and Indian Standard
Specifications and Codes as included in Part V Building Materials and Part VII Constructional Practices and
Safety, National Building Code of India.
(ii)    All borrow pits dug in the course of construction and repair of buildings, embankments etc. shall be
deep and connected with each other in the formation of a drain directed towards the lowest level and
properly stepped for discharge into a river, stream, channel or drain, and no person shall create any isolated
borrow pit which is likely to cause accumulation of water that may breed mosquitoes.
(iii)   Alternative materials, method of design and construction and tests :-
The provisions of the Regulations are not intended to prevent the use of any material or method of design of
construction not specifically prescribed in them provided any such alternative has been approved. Nothing of
the provisions of these Regulations is intended to prevent the adoption or architectural planning and layout
conceived as an integrated development scheme. The Competent authority may approve any such
alternative if it conforms to the provisions of the relevent parts of the National Building Code, regarding
material, design and construction, and the material, method, or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at
least equivalent to that prescribed in these Regulations in quality, strength, compatibility, effectiveness, fire
and water resistance, durability and safety.
(iv)   All buildings shall be constructed on a Quality Control Requirements.
(4) TESTS :
Whenever there is insufficient evidence of compliance with the provision of the Regulations or evidence that
any material or method of design or construction does not conform to the requirements of the Regulations,
in order to substantiate claims for alternative materials, design or methods of construction, the Competent
Authority may require tests, sufficiently in advance, as proof of comliance. These tests shall be made by an
approved agency at the expense of the owner as follows :-
(i)     TEST METHODS :- Test methods shall be as specified by the Regulations for the materials or design or
construction in question. If there are no appropriate test methods specified in the Regulations the
Competent Authority shall determine the test procedure. For methods or tests for building materials,
reference shall be made to the relevant Indian Standards as given in the National Building Code of India
published by the Bureau of Indian Standards.
(ii)    TEST RESULT TO BE PRESERVED :- Copies of the result of all such tests shall be retained by the
Competent Authority for not less then two years after the acceptance of the alternative material
The testing of the materials as per Indian Standards shall be carried out by laboratories approved by the
competent authority in this behalf.
The laboratory/agency shall work out in consultation with the construction agency a testing programme of
materials such as cement, steel and quality of concrete including its mixing, laying and strength at site as
well as in the laboratory.
This should cover various stages of construction from foundation to completion as per Regulation. The
laboratory shall maintain a duly authenticated report in a bound register, copy of which will be submitted to
the construction agency, which will in turn forward the testing report of the competent authority.
i.       The Competent Authority shall have teh assessment of structural and/or fire safety of an existing
building/structure damaged/undamaged carried out at stipulated periodical intervals through expert(s)
chosen from a panel of experts identified by teh Competent Authority.
ii.      The owner/developer/occupant on advise of such expert(s) shall carry out such repair/restroration and
strengthening/retrofitting of the building found necessary so as to comply with the safety standards laid
down in the National Building Code and the Indian Standards as specified.
In case, the owner / developer / occupant does not carryout such action, the competent authority or any
aganecy authorised by the competent authority may carryout such action at the cost of
iii.     The Competent Authority shall specify the period within which such compliance is to be carried out.
iv.     The Competent Authority may also direct the owner / developer / occupants, wheter the building could
be occupied or not during the period of compliance.
v.      In case of existing/building under construction based on approved building permission, structural
safety requirements shall have to be observed. However, due to such structural work of
strengthening/retrofitting if certain setbacks and margin get reduced, special permission shall be granted on
case to case basis.
(1)   GENERAL :- The planning design and construction of any building shall be such as to ensure safety
from fire. For this purpose, unless otherwise specified in these Regulations, the provisions of Part IV : Fire
Protection Chapter, National Building Code, shall apply. For multi-storied, high-rise and special building,
additional provisions relating to fire protection shall also apply. The approach to the building and open
spaces on all sides up to 6 m. width and their layout shall conform to the requirements of the Chief Fire
Officer. They shall be capable to taking the weight of a fire engine weighing up to 18 tones. These open
spaces shall be free of any obstruction and shall be moterable.
(2)   EXITS :- Every building meant for human occupancy shall be provided with exits sufficient to permit
safe escape of its occupants in case of fire or other emergency for which the exits shall conform to the
(i) TYPES :- Exits should be horizontal or vertical. A horizontal exit may be a door-way a corridor, a
passage-way to an internal or external stairway or to an adjoining building, a ramp, a verandah or a terrace
which has access to the street or to the roof Of a building. A vertical exit may be a staircase or a ramp, but
not a lift.
(iii)GENERAL REQUIREMENTS :- Exits from all the parts of the building, except those not accessible for
general public use, shall-
(a) provide coninuos egress to the exterior of the building or to an exterior open space leading to the street;
(b)    be so arranged that, except in a residential building, they can be reached without having to cross
another occupied unit;
(c)    be free of obstruction;
(d)    be adequately illuminated
(e)    be clearly visible with the routes reaching them clearly marked and signs posted to guide any person
to the floor concerned;
(f)      be fitted if necessary, with fire fighting equipment suitably located but not as to obstruct the passage,
clearly marked and with its location clearly indicated on both sides of the exit way;
(g)    be fitted with a fire alarm device, if it is either a multi-storied, high-rise or a special building so as to
ensure its prompt evacuation;
(h)    remain unaffected by any alteration of any part of the building so far as their number, width, capacity
and protection thereof is concerned
(i)     be so located that the travel distance on the floor does not exceed the following limits :
(i)   Residential, educational institutional and hazardous occupancies : 22.5 m.
(ii)  Assembly, business, mercantile, industrial and storage buildings : 30 m.
NOTE :-     The travel distance to an exit from the dead end of a corridor shall not exceed half the distance
specified aboe.
When more than one exit is required on a floor, the exist shall be as remote from each other as possible.
Provided that for all multi-storied / high rise and special buildings, a minimum of two enclosed type staircase
shall be provided, at least one of them opening directly to the exterior to an interior, open space or to any
open place of safety.
(The following note to be added in Use Zone table)
In Natural Hazard prone areas namely the earthquake prone zones as per IS:1893, the cyclone prone areas
as per IS:875 Part-3 and flood prone areas as per the Flood Atlas prepared by the Central Water
Commission and/or the flood departments of the State, the development shall be regulated to ensure special
protection from hazards for any type of development irrespective of use zone. Whereas the hazard prone
areas identified as per the Vulnerability Atlas of lndia-1997 (or revisions thereof) prepared by Govt, of India
or as may be prepared by State Government from time to time shall be used for such regulations, as given
in Appendix-A. Further action for protection from these hazards is to be dealt with taking into consideration
the Guidelines given in Appendix – B.
Application for development permission under section 27, 34 and 49 of G.T.P. & U.D. Act. 1976/
To The
Chief Executive Authority/Municipal Commissioner, Urban Development Authority/Municipal Corporation.
I/We hereby apply for permission for development as described in the accompanying maps and drawings.
The names of the persons employed by me for the preparation of plans, structural details and supervision of
the work area as under:
a)     The plans are prepared by Registered Architect/Engineer Mr._____ .
b)     The structural report, details and drawings are to be prepared and supplied by Mr.         .
I have read the Development Control Regulation/Bye-laws framed by the Authority under the provisions of
the relevent Act and claim to be fully conversant with it. I shall fulfill my duties and responsibilities in
accordance with the provisions of the Development Control Regulation / Bye-laws.
Signature of Owner/Builder/Organiser/Developer or Authorised agent of owner:
1.     Applicant’s Name
2.     Postal Address for correspondence
3.     Applicant’s interest in land with respect of rights
4.     Description of Land, Village, Town Planning Scheme, Revenue Survey Numbers, Final Plot No.
5.     What is the present use of the land and/other building if they are to be put to more than one kind of
use, Please give details of each use
6.     Please describe in short the development work : stating the proposed use of land for the building. If
land and/or the building are to be put to more than one use, please give details
of each use
7.    Is this land included in a layout sactioned by the appropriate authority ?
If yes, please give date of sanction and reference No. with a copy of the sanctioned layout. If not, is it
approved by any other Authority ?
Give the name of such Authority with date of sanction and reference no with a copy of the sanctioned
8.     For residential use, number of dwelling units and floor.
9.     Name and manner of working of industrial / commercial establishment in case the proposed use is for
What separate arrangement have been proposed to be made for loading and unloading of goods from the
industrial or commercial goods vehicles ?
What arrangement have been proposed to be made for disposal of industrial waste effluent ?
Signature of Owner/Builder/ Organiser/Developer or Authorised agent of owner:
Date :
Instructions to applicant regarding maps and documents to be submitted along with the application :
A. The maps and drawings should be drawn or copies made on a paper of proper and durable quality so that
they are clearly and distinctly legible. Every map and/or drawing shall have to be signed by the
applicant/owner and his engineer/Architect/ and Organiser/Builder as the case may be. If copies of original
maps or drawings are submitted, they shall be true copies.
1.  LAYOUT PLAN (Three Copies)
Layout Plan of the whole land shall invariably accompany every application for permission to carry out
development by way of building construction. This map shall be drawn to a scale of not less than 1:500 and
show the following details.
a)     Boundaries of the S.No./Plots mentioned in the application and its lay out by showing subdivision.
b)     Existing buildings and new buildings proposed to be constructed. Roads, Streets and Carriage ways
constructed there on (existing construction should be shown distinctly from the proposed one). Proposed
new roads and streets, their levels and width.
c)     Proposed use of every building and open space not to be built over within a plot.
d)     If the layout is for residential use, maximum number of dwelling unit that can be accommodated with
any increase in future.
e)     If the layout is for industrial or commercial use, maximum area which can be built upon line, drainage
lines for the disposal of storm water as well as for sewarage.
f)      Existing facilities regarding water supply, sewarage etc, diameter and gradient of water supply line,
drainage lines for the disposal of storm water as well as for sewarage.
g)     Location of the plot in relation to the near by public road.
h)     Alignment and width of all the existing roads, including the road from which the plot has
access from the major road. Existing access road and proposed new road, if any, should be
shown clearly and distinctly
i)      Existing trees and natural scenery worth preserving.
j) Dimensions and areas of common plot, as required under these regulations, provided in the layout/sub-
division of plot.
k) Tree plantation as required under the law.
2.     An extract of the record of right of property registered card or any other document showing the
ownership of the land proposed for development.
3.     Certified part plan and zoning certificate from the certificate from the Authority shall be enclosed along
with the application.
4.     The applicant shall also submit a certified copy of approval layout of final plot from the concerned
authority for the latest approved layout of city survey numbers or revenue survey numbers from D.I.L.R.
showing the area and measurement of the plot or land on which he proposes to develop or build.
5.     a) Drawing (3 Copies) to a scale not less than 1 cm.=1 metre for the buildings existing as well as
proposed with floor area for each floor.
b) Layout showing parking arrangement with internal & surrounding roads and exit, and entry movement of
vehicles etc. as per regulation No. 19 to the suitable scale.
6.    in the case of lands falling within the Urban Land Ceiling (U.L.C.) Act, 1976 Limit,the applicant shall
submit along with application:
i) The N.O.C. from the competent authority under the U.L.C. Act, 1976
ii)   An affidavit and indemnity bond in the prescribed form under the U.L.C. Act, 1976.
7.     Structural Designer’s certificate duly signed by him.
8.     Certificate of Undertaking : Certificate in the prescribed form No. 2(a), 2(b) and 2(c) by the Registered
Architect / Engineer / Structural Designer / Clerk of Works / Developer / Undertaking the work.
9.     Full information should be furnished as prescribed in Form No. 3 and 4 under these Development
Control Regulations, as the case may be alongwith the plans.
10.  Certificates as prescribed in forms 2(a), 2(b), 2(c) and 2(d) are required to be submitted prior to the
commencement of construction.
11.  If during the construction of the building the Owner/Organiser/Builder/Architect/ Engineer/Surveyor is
changed, he shali intimate the Competent Authority by registered letter that he was no longer responsible
for the project, and the construction shall have to be suspended until the new Owner/Organiser/Builder/ as
prescribed in form 2(a), 2(b), 2(c) and 2(d).
12.  The new Owner/Developer/Architect/Engineer shall before taking responsibility as stated above in
clause (12), check the work already executed is in accordance with the permission granted by the
Competent Authority. He may go ahead with the remaining work only after obtaining permission of the
Competent Authority.
Permission is hereby granted/refuesed under Section 29(1) (i) /29(1) (ii) /29(1) (iii), 49(1)(b) of the
Gujarat Town Planning and Urban Development Act, 1976
(name of the person)
(Description of work) on the following conditions/grounds Conditions :
(in case of grant, subject to the submission of detailed working drawings, and structural drawing(s)
alongwith soil investigation report before the commencment of the work).
Grounds : (in case of refusal)
a)     Documents / N.O.C. etc. :-
Following documents/plans/N.O.C./undertakings as mentioned in form no. 1 are not submitted.
b)     Site Clearance :
i)      Site is not cleared as per the provisions of Development Plan with respect to
–  road line
–  reservation
–  final plot
–  other (specify)
ii)     Site is’not cleared as per the provision of T.P. Scheme…………… With respect to
–  Road
–  reservation
–  final plot
–  other (specify)
iii)    Proposed use is not permissible according to the width of road as per the provision
No. 11.2.
c)     Scrutiny of Layout:
Following provisions are not as per the Development Control Regulations :
–  Set back
–  margin
–  common plot
–  internal roads
–  parking space
–  ground coverage
–  any other (specify)
d)     Scrutiny of Building Requirements :
Following provisions are not as per the Development Control Regulations.
–  F.S.I.
–  Height
–  Ventilation
–  Open air space
–  Provision for Fire protection
–  Any other (specify)
Chief Executive Authority/authorised office/Commissioner/ Urban / Area Development Authority/Municipal
Appendix – A
1.1     The basis objective of land use zoning is to regulate land use in hazard prone areas to minimise the
damage caused to the habitat, as a result of natural hazards viz. earthquakes, cyclonic storms and floods
which recur from time to time. Land Use Zoning, therefore, aims at determining the location and the extent
of areas likely to be adversely affected by the hazards of different intensities and frequencies, and to
develop such areas in a fashion that the loss to the development is reduced to the minimum.
1.2     Land Use Zoning envisages certain restrictions on the indiscriminate development of the
“unprotected” hazard prone areas and to specify conditions for safer development by protecting the area
from severe losses. In the former case, boundaries of different zones are to be established to prevent
unrestricted growth there.
2.    SCOPE
2.1    Areas covered under Development Plan
The guidelines for Land Use Zoning in Hazard Prone Areas are to be taken into consideration while
formulating the Development Plan and Area Plan under the Town Planning and Urban Development Act.
2.2    Areas not covered under Development Plan
In such areas, these guidelines may be issued to the various local bodies, Municipalities, Individual Areas
and Panchayats, enabling them to act while sitting various development projects and deciding on
construction of buildings, etc.
3.1 Earthquake Prone Areas
a.       Intensities of VII or more on Modified Mercalli or MSK intensity scale are considered moderate to
high. Areas under seismic zone III, IV and V as specified in IS 1893 are based on intensities VII, VIII, IX or
more. Therefore, all areas in these three zones will be considered prone to earthquake hazards.
b.       In these zones the areas which have soil conditions including the level of water table favourable to
liquefaction or settlements under earthquake vibrations will have greater risk to buildings and structures
which will be of special consideration under Land Use Zoning.
c.       Under these zones, those hilly areas which are identified to have poor stability conditions and where
landslides could be triggered by earthquake or where due to prior saturated conditions, mud flow could be
initiated by earthquake
d.       Whereas, earthquake hazard prone areas defined in ‘a’ above are identified on the map given in IS
1893 to small scale and more easily identified in the larger scale state wise maps given in the Vulnerability
Atlas of India, the special risky areas as defined in ‘b’ and ‘c’ above, have to be deternmined specifically for
the planning area under consideration through special studies to be carried out by geologists and geo-
technical engineers.
3.2 Cyclone Prone Areas
a.       Areas prone to cyclone storms are along the sea coast of India where the cyclonic wind velocities of
47 meter per second or more are specified in the Wind Velocity Map given in IS 875 (part 3) to a small scale
and easily identified in the Vulnerability Atlas of India where the Maps are drawn state wise to a larger scale.
b.       In these cylcone prone areas, those areas which are likely to be subjected to heavy rain induced
floods or to flooding by sea-water under the conditions of storm surge, are specially risky due to damage by
flood flow and inundation under water.
c.       Whereas, areas under ‘a’ are easily identified, those with special risk as under ‘b’ have to be identified
by special contour survey of the planning area under consideration and study of the past flooding and storm
surge history of the area. These studies may have to be carried out through the Survey of India or locally
appointed survey teams, and by reference to the Central Water Commission, Government of India and the
concerned department of Gujarat State.
3.3 Flood Prone Areas
a.        The flood prone areas in river plains (unprotected and protected by bunds) are indicated in the Flood
Atlas of India prepared by the Central Water Commission and reproduced on larger scale in teh state wise
maps in the Vulnerability Atlas of India.
b.       Besides the above areas, other areas can be flooded under conditions of heavy intensity rains,
inundation in depressions, backflow in drains, inadequate drainage, failure of protection works, etc.
c.        Whereas, the flood prone areas under ‘a’ are identified on the available maps as indicated, the areas
under ‘b’ have to be identified through local contour survey and study of the flood history of the planning
Such studies may be carried out through Survey of India or local survey teams, and by reference to the
Central Water Commission and the concerned department of Gujarat State.
3.1.   Land Use Zoning for Flood Safety
Some important considerations for regulating the land use in the planning areas are given below :
i.         Every settlement needs some open areas such as parks, play-grounds gardens etc. In one way it will
be possible to develop such areas by restricting any building activity in vulnerable areas. Such a
development will be in the interest of providing proper environment for the growth of such settlement.
ii.        On the same analogy, certain areas on either side of the existing and proposed drains (including
rural drains) should be declared as green belts where no building or other activity should be allowed. This
will not only facilitate improvements of these drains in future for taking discharge on account of growing
urbanisation, but will also help in minimising the damage due to drainage congestion wherever rainfall of
higher frequency than designed is experienced . These green belts at suitable locations can also be
developed as parks and gardens.
iii.      In the existing developed areas, possibilities of protecting/relocation/ exchanging the sites of vital
installation like electricity sub-station/power houses, telephone exchange etc. should be seriously examined,
so that these are always safe from possible flood damage. Similarly, the pump station the tube wells meant
for drinking water supply should be raised above the high flood levels.
iv.      Similarly, possibility of removing or bypassing buildings/structures obstructing existing natural
drainage lines should be seriously considered. In any case, with immediate effect unplanned growth can be
restricted so that no construction obstructing natural drainage or resulting in increased flood hazard is
Following two alternatives can be adopted for dealing with the disaster risk problems.
a.       Leaving the area unprotected. In this case it will be necessary to specify Land Use Zoning for various
development purposes as recommended under Para 6.
b.       Using protection methods for the areas as a whole or in the construction of buildings, structures and
infrastructure facilities to cater for the hazard intensities likely in the planning area as recommended under
it will be appropriate to prioritise buildings, structures and infrastructures in terms of their importance from
the point of view of impact of damage on the socio-economic structure of the society. Prioritisation scheme
is suggested under Para 5.
In regard to Land Use Zoning, different types of buildings and utility services may be grouped under three
priorities as indicated below.
Priority 1.           Defence installation, industries, public utilities like hospitals, electricity installations, water
supply, telephone exhange, aerodrums, railway stations, commercial centres, libraries, other buildings or
installations with contents of high economic value.
Priority 2.          Public institutions, Government offices, universities and residential areas.
Priority 3.      Parks, play grounds, wood lands, gardens.
i.         Installations and Buildings of Priorityl should be located in such a fashion that the area is above the
level corresponding to a 100 year flood or the maximum observed flood levels whichever higher. Similarly
they should also be above the levels corresponding to a 50 year rainfall flooding and the likely submersion
due to drainage congestion.
ii.       Buildings of Priority 2 should be located outside the 25 year flood or a 10 year rainfall contour,
provided that the buildings if constructed between the 10 and 25 year contours should have either high
plinth level above 25 year flood mark or constructed on columns or stilts, with ground area left for the
unimportant uses.
iii.      Activities of Priority 3 viz. play grounds, gardens and parks etc. can be located in areas vulnerable to
frequent floods.
Appendix – B
 i.         In those areas where there are no dangers of soil liquefaction or settlements of landslides, all
building structures and infrastructures should be designed using the relevant Indian Standards as provided
in the Building Regulations and the National Building Code
 ii.        Soils subjected to liquefaction potential under earthquake shaking, can be improved by compaction
to desired relative densities, so as to prevent the possibility of liquefaction.
 iii.       Buildings and structures could be founded on deep bearing piles going to non- liquefiable dense
 iv.       Steep slopes can be made more stable by terracing and construction of retaining walls and breast
walls, and by ensuring good drainage of water so that the saturation of the hill-slope is avoided.
 v.        Any other appropriate engineering intervention to save the building structures or infrastructure from
the fury of the earthquake.
Note: The protective action given under (ii) to (v) will usually involve large amount of costs and should only
be considered in the case of large and costly structures. For ordinary buildings the cost of improvement of
the site will usually be uneconomical, hence bad sites should be excluded by Land Use Zoning.
 i.         Buildings, structures and infrastructures in the cyclone prone areas should be designed according to
the Indian Standards and Guidelines as provided in the Regulations and the National Building Code.
 ii.        Light utility structures used for electrical transmission and distribution, and towers for
communications, chimney stacks of industrial structures require special design considerations against teh
cyclonic wind pressures, suctions and uplifts.
 iii.      In case the buildings, structures and infrastructures are founded on marine clay deposits it will be
advisable to adopt either under-reamed piled foundations, or individual column footing with a reinforced
concrete beam located at the level of the ground, or a continuous reinforced concrete strip footing.
iv.      Wherever, the top soil could become slushy due to flooding, the top layer of 30 cm depth of soil
should not be considered for providing lateral stability
 v.       In storm surge prone areas, it will be preferable to construct the community structures, like schools,
cyclone shelters, etc. by raising the level of the ground protected by provision of retaining walls at sufficient
distance away from the building, taken to such depth that no erosion takes place due to receding storm
surge. Alternatively, construct the community structures on stilts with no masonry or bracing up to the
probable maximum surge level.
This may require one or more of the following actions.
 i.         Construction of embankments against the water spills from the source of flooding like rivers, large
drain etc.
ii.        Construction of high enough embankments/bund around the planning area.
iii.       Raising the planning area above the high flood level.
iv.      Construction/improvement of drainage paths to effectively drain the water from the planning area.
v.        Construction of buildings and structures on deep foundations going below the depth of scour or on
stilts with deep enough foundations under water.
vi.      Flood proofing works such a» the following :
Providing Quick Drainage facility, consisting of
•        Revitalisation of secondary and primary drainage channels after establishing the drainage blockage
•         Provision of additional waterways;
•         Clearing of clogged cross drainage works;
Providing Human and Animal Shelters for population living within embankments in the form of raised
platform or use of available high ground.
vii.     Anti-erosion actions in affected areas.
viii.    Any other suitable measure.
1. Similar protection methods could be used against flooding caused in cyclone prone areas by high intesity
rains or by the storm surge.
2. The concept of land zoning should be kept in mind for areas where protection works are taken up to
decide inter-se priority for location of structures considering possibility of failure of protection works during
extreme disaster events.
FORM NO. 6 (a) – PROGRESS CERTIFICATE (Plinth Stage/ in case of basement casting of basement slab)
FORM NO. 6 (c) – PROGRESS CERTIFICATE (Middle Storey in case of high-rise building)
FORM NO. 6 (d) – [See Regulation No. 6.2(a)] – PROGRESS CERTIFICATE (Last Storey)
FORM NO. 10 – Registration for Architect/ Engineer/ Structural Designer/ Clerk of Work/ Site Supervisor/
Developer/ Owner.

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