Advance Geo 1 and 2 Questions

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Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana

Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana

Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School


Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana

Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

1. Describe characteristics of the Earth as a planet.

2. Analyze the composition of the Atmosphere.
3. Describe the atmospheric layers with their characteristics.
4. Outline the impact of Atmosphere on life.
5. Describe the shape of planet Earth and factors that might have
determined this shape.
6. Describe the features of the Earth‟s crust.
7. Explain the role of gravity in stability and dynamic state of the planet
8. (a) Define the term Isostacy.
(b) Explain the theory of Isostacy.
9. (a) Define the term “plate tectonic theory”
(b) State the importance of Plate tectonics theory.
10.(a) Define the term “Continental drift theory”
(b) State the importance of Plate tectonic theory.
11. At what point does the theory of continental drift relevant to Africa
12.Describe general materials the Earth.
13.Landforms formation is the result of process, stage and structure. Justify
this statement
14.Explain the theories of mountains building.
15.State major characteristics of rocks of the Earth.
16.Examine characteristics of minerals.
17.Explain importance of the materials and rocks of the Earth.
18.Classify rocks according to modes of occurance and age.
19.Classify igneous rocks according to place of occurrence and chemical
20. (a) Explain the meaning of the term Geological Time Scale (GTS).
(b) Describe events depicted by a Geological Time Scale.
21.Present the meaning of the following terms;

Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana

Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

(a) Earthquake (d) Epicenter (g) Focus

(b)Seismology (e) Seismograph
(c) Magnitude (f) Earthquake waves
22. Compile information on disasters caused by earthquakes.
23. Propose precautions to minimize the impacts of disasters caused by
24. Identify different forms of volcanism.
25. Identify different forms proposed by vulcanism.
26. Differentiate between volcanism and vulcanism.
27. Highlight the impacts of nature of volcanic materials on the resultant
28. Account for the emergence of volcanic activities.
29. Point out the consequences of volcanic activities.
30. (a) Determine the meaning of denudation.
(b) Point out different processes involved in denudation.
31.(a) What is deposition?
(b) Point out different processes involved in deposition.
32. State the factors and agents of erosion.
33. Briefly explain the types of soil erosion.
34. Account for the deposition of weathered materials.
35. Describe features of underground water.
36. Classify underground water.
37. Classify wells.
38. How water enter into underground.
39. How underground water is polluted.
40. Define the following terms;
(a) Acquifer (e) Acquiclude
(b)Zone of saturation (f) Acquitard
(c) Water table (g) Zone of non-saturation
(d)Permanent well (h) Intermittent well

Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana

Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

41.Describe hydrological cycle and its link to underground water.

42. Discuss the importance of underground water in life.
43. Define the following terms;
(a) Drainage systems (c) Inland drainage systems
(b)Drainage basin (d) Confluence (e) Watershed
44. Differentiate drainage basins.
45. Classify drainage system.
46. What are the irregularities/obstacles in attaining the graded profile of
the river?
47. Differentiate accordant and discordant drainage systems.
48. (a) What is drainage pattern?
(b) Classify drainage patterns.
49. Differentiate the types of lakes with their mode of formation.
50. Explain the importance of inland drainage.
51.Define the following terms;
(a) River (e) Yazoo stream
(b)Ox-bow lake (f) Meander
(c) Interlocking spars (g) Braids
(d)River rejuvenation (h) River regime
52. Evaluate economic importance of river basin in Tanzania and China.
53. How river regime influence climate of a place.
54. Describe the stages of the river.
55. How delta is formed?
56. Briefly explain stages for delta formation.
57. Explain factors for delta formation.
58. Explain the obstacles which make difficult in the process of graded
river profile.
59. Evaluate the problems facing river basin world wide.
60. Describe wetlands and swamps and differentiate them.
61.Evaluate the threats to the wetlands.

Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana

Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

62. Identify types of wetlands.

63. Examine the function and importance of wetlands and swamps.
64. Who is responsible in protection of wetlands and swamps?
65. Who is the owner of wetlands and swamps?
66. Describe oceans and seas and differentiate them from lakes.
67. Describe major groups of ocean basins according to their depth, size
and boundaries.
68. Determine the chemical composition of the oceans.
69. Analyze the distribution of water in percentage by volume.
70. Examine the type of ocean movements.
71.State the theories for the coral reefs formation.
72. Explain types of coral reefs and how they are formed.
73. Examine the conditions for coral growth and its importance to human
and other life forms
74. Differentiate types of corals and locate the distribution it globally.
75. Evaluate the threats to coral reefs and how to manage those threats.
76. Describe how water use influences life on Earth
77. Examine how water use can result in user conflicts
78. Evaluate the impact of pollution on water use and management
79. Examine the practice of water harvesting and wise use of water
80. Describe the following terms;
(a) Soil (e) Soil profile
(b)Soil pH (f) Soil porosity
(c) Cation exchange (g) Leaching
(d)Soil structure (h) Soil texture
81.Relate soils and rocks.
82. Describe soli characteristics.
83. Describe factors for soil formation.
84. Examine the processes of soil formation.
85. Examine simple processes of soil formation.

Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana

Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

86. Examine complex processes of soil formation.

87. Evaluate chemical properties of soil.
88. Evaluate physical properties of soil.
89. Why soil is referred to as a living entity?
90. Classify soil according to texture.
91.Structureless soil is not good to agriculture. Discuss this statement
92. Why the agriculturalists preferred to check soil structure to classify soil?
93. (a)Examine the meaning of soil fertility
(b) Explore the factors for soil fertility
94. Examine problems experienced in soil classification.
95. How one can handle problems occurred during soil classification?
96. Describe criteria based in soil classification.
97. Describe approaches or systems of soil classification.
98. (a) What is loss of soil fertility?
(b) Outline factors for loss of soil fertility.
99. Examine indicators of soil fertility
100. Identify indicators of loss of soil fertility.
101. Examine factors for soil degradation.
102. Differentiate soil conservation with soil management.
103. (a) What is soil erosion?
(a) Classify soil erosion
104. Identify roles of institutions in conserving and managing soils.
105. Demonstrate methods for soil conservation.
106. Distinguish between weather and climate.
107. Analyze major elements of weather.
108. Describe factors affecting temperature of a place.
109. Describe factors affecting amount of solar insolation of a place.
110. How climate influence human life?
111. Account for instability in the atmosphere.
112. Outline characteristics of atmospheric instability.

Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana

Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

113. Outline characteristics of atmospheric stability.

114. (a) Differentiate insolation and heat
(b)How heat relates with temperature
115. Explain how and why weather forecasting is done?
116. (a) Define climate change
(b) Describe changing patterns of weather and climate fluctuation
since 1850‟s
117. Examine the theories of climate change.
118. Explain factors for the occurance of ocean currents.
119. Describe factors for heat budge.
120. How heat is balanced at the areas?
121. Outline major causes of climate change on the Earth.
122. (a) What is fog?
(b) Classify fog
123. Write short notes of the following terms;
(a) Albedo (c) Mist
(b)Haze (d) Smog fog
124. Examine causes of precipitation.
125. (a) What is scattering?
(b) Classify scattering
126. Classify air masses.
127. How mountains generate their own climate?
128. Describe impact of climate change on Earth.
129. Debate on how to sustain climate and reduce its impacts at local and
global level.
130. Explain climatology and describe the typical characteristics of climatic
regions of the world.
131. Explain approaches or principles used in classifying climate.
132. Describe major types of climates of the world.
133. Explain factors which affect humidity at the atmosphere.

Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana

Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

134. Explain causes and effects of ozone layer depletion.

135. (a) What is typhoon?
(c) Explain features of typhoon
136. write short notes of the following terms;
(a) Hurricane (d) Tsunami
(b)Tornadoes (e) Cyclones
(c) Anti-cyclones (f) El-Nino (g) La-Nina
137. Classify winds,
138. (a) Define Plant colonization.
(b) Explain how plant colonization is successes.
139. (a) What is Plant succession?
(b) Explain the conditions necessary for plant succession.
140. (a) What is Plant community?
(b) Outline the components of the plant community.
141. (a) Define Ecology.
(b) Mention the constituents of ecology.
142. (a) What is Environment?
(b) Show two major constituents of environment.
143. (a) Define Ecosystem.
(b) How flora and fauna depends each other in the ecosystem?


1. Describe the following terms;

(a) Population (d) Development
(b)Human population (e) Demography
(c) Environment
2. Explain the relationship between population and development. (6
3. Explain the relationship between population and environment. (6 points)
Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana
Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

4. Explain the major characteristics of human population. (5 points)

5. Population can be an asset or liability. Justify with six points
6. Population explosion of a country can be sustainable. Justify with 6
7. Population explosion of a country can be unsustainable. Justify with 6
8. Analyze six (6) impact of population structure in focal countries on social
and economic development
9. Write short notes of the following demographic terms;
(a) Birth (e) Death
(b)Migration (f) Death rate
(c) Birth rate (g) Fecundity
10.Analyze the positive and negative effect of population change in county‟s
11. Examine six factors that influence population dynamics and quality of
12.Compare life expectancy of developed and developing countries and its
13.Why decennial population census?
14.Why quinquennial population census?
15.Why we conduct population census?
16.Examine the objectives of a good population census
17.Show the contributions of population census in the country
18.Examine the salient features of a quality population census
19.What is vital registration? Show its advantages
20. Examine the sources of vital data
21.What is sample survey? Show its significances
22. Examine eight causes and four negative impacts of migration both on
the area of origin and destination.
23. A. What are the negative impacts of high fertility rate in a given
country? Give four points. B. Explain six goals of National population
policy of Tanzania
24. Identify the indicators of an overpopulated country. Give eight points.
25. Describe nine strategies for manpower mobilization in Tanzania.
Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana
Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

26. Population explosion is the result of the interplay of a number of

factors. Explain the validity of the statement.
27. Briefly describe the following concepts as used in demography.
(i) Fecundity (iv) Infant mortality rate
(ii) Natural population growth (v) Stationary population pyramid
(iii) Sex ratio
28. “Physical factors are immensely responsible for internal migration”.
29. “Rapid population explosion in any country is a disaster”. Justify.
30. “A rapid growth of population can be an asset or liability”. Analyze
this statement.
31.Why the population in China is unevenly distributed?
32. Give explanatory notes on the following population characteristics;
(i) Age structure (iv) Population dispersion
(ii) Population density (v) Population size
(iii) Rapid population increase
33. Census is very important for a country‟s economy. Taking Tanzania as
an example, explain the significance of census.
34. Discuss the factors that contribute to overpopulation in Tanzania and
its associated problems.
35. Discuss the factors influencing fertility regulation.
36. (a) What is family planning? It is worth encouraging it? Discuss.
(b). Give an account of the family planning methods and devices used
37. Write short notes on the following;
(a) Optimum population (d) Mortality rate
(b) Age-sex structure (e) Gross Domestic Product
(c) Gross National Product
38. A. Explain how China is responding to the problem of rapid
population growth.
B. What are the effects of “one couple-one child” policy of China?
39. Show how Tanzania has achieved manpower mobilization since
40. Africa is said to be under-populated. Discuss.
41.A. Write short notes on the following concepts;
(i) Optimum population
Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana
Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

(ii) Life expectancy

(iii) Crude Birth Rate
B. What are the impacts of rural-urban migration in Africa?
42. A. Classify population census.
B. Show the significance of population census to a nation
43. Give a detailed account on the causes and effects of ageing
44. What are the causes and effects of labor migration?
45. Discuss the relationship between resource distribution and population
growth in Tanzania.
46. Explain the socio-economic and demographic importance of
population structure of a country.
47. Critically discuss the consequences of over-population and suggest
ways of solving the problems.
48. “The present rate of population expansion in sub-Saharan Africa is
unsustainable”. Critically analyze this statement.
49. A. Write short notes on the following;
(i) Migration
(ii) Fertility
(iii) Mortality
B. Discuss the factors for the population pressure in Africa
50. Describe the repercussions of national population census
51.Examine the constraints to the population policy of Tanzania. Give six
52. What are the areas of concern of the National population policy of
53. What are the types of population policy? Provide your answer with
relevant examples
54. Show the interrelationship between population and development
55. Why population migration is selective? Give 5 points
56. Why people migrate? Provide your answer with eight arguments
57. Define the following demographic terminologies;

Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana

Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

(a) Infecundity (d) General Marital fertility

(b) Ageing population (e) Stable population structure
(c) Implicit population policy
58. Explain the role played by population planning for social and
economic development. Give six points
59. Examine the effects of rapid population growth in a particular area
60. Write short notes of the following terms;
(a) Sex preference (d) Numerical population increase
(b) Population explosion (e) Anti-Natalist policy
(c) Step migration
61.Show the criteria for the classification of migration
62. Outline the classes of migration accordingly
63. Describe the cultural reasons which affect the population trend of a
64. A growing population can be an asset or liability. Prove this statement
with eight points
65. A. What are the major forms of population migration
B. Why people move from urban to rural areas?
66. Describe with eight points, why do we need to mobilize manpower?
67. With relevant examples, discuss the factors that contribute to
population pressure of an area.
68. Briefly describe the following concepts as used in demography;
(a) Population density (c) Vital registration of person
(b) Population policy (d) Induced population (e) Ageing
69. What are the salient features of population?
70. Compare the contribution of population policy of Tanzania and that
of China
71.Suggest various ways of controlling rural to urban migration
72. Identify and explain various factors that influence population
distribution in a country
73. Distinguish between population structure of the developing countries
and that of the developed countries
74. Write short notes of the following terms as applied in demography;
(a) Mortality rate (d) Fertility rate
Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana
Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

(b) General fertility rate (e) Age specific fertility rate

(c) Natural change (f) Artificial change
75. Write short notes of the following terms;\
(a) Movers from abroad (d) Net internal migration
(b)Net migration (e) Intercontinental migration
(c) Intracontinental migration
76. Define the following population terms;
(a) In-migration c) Out-migration
(b)Migration d) Immigration e) emigration
77. Describe the types of age-sex population pyramids
78. Explain the characteristics of the sustainable urban living life
79. Population census is said to be a research. Why?
80. Assess the contribution of population policy on population
81.Examine the limitations facing the implementation of population policy
of Tanzania.
82. Explain the meaning of;
(a) Agriculture
(b)Organic farming
(c) Livestock keeping
83. Highlight the contribution of agriculture to social-economic
development of Tanzania
84. Assess the use of rangelands for agricultural production
85. Assess the use of marginal lands for agricultural production
86. classify livestock keeping
87. Why the practice of keeping sheep in Australia was developed?
88. Examine factors for the development of beef farming in USA
89. Assess the mode of dairy cattle in Netherland
90. How pastoralism is practiced in East Africa?
91.Examine the problems caused by animal keeping to the environment
92. Examine the problems facing livestock keeping to the focal countries
93. Examine the contribution of animal keeping to economic
development of the country

Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana

Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

94. Analyze the impact of livestock keeping on the environment in

Tanzania and suggest appropriate techniques for the environmental
95. Describe the role of fuel energy in industrial development of the
96. Outline the dangers of nuclear power production, use references from
Japan, Russia or America
97. Describe the importance of petroleum in the world economy
98. Identify the place of coal production for industrial use with focus on
South Africa or China
99. Explore the alternative sources of energy
100. Identify the problems caused by power and fuel production on the
101. Evaluate the contribution of mining to the economic development of
102. Illustrate methods of mineral extraction
103. Name the main forest products and describe their sustainable use
104. Locate the areas endowed with various types of forestry resources in
the world.
105. Show the distribution of timber in the world.
106. Examine problems facing timber industry and describe the possible
solution to the problems
107. Appraise the contribution of fishing in social and economic aspects.
108. Point out sustainable fishing methods.
109. Point out unsustainable fishing methods.
110. Appraise the progress made in fishing industry in Russia.
111. Highlight the ways to contain effects of unsustainable fishing on the
112. (a) What is tourism?
(b) Who is the tourist?
(c) Describe types of tourism
113. Analyze the reasons for promoting environmental friendly tourism.
114. Examine the socio-economic significance of environmental friendly

Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana

Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

115. Compare the success and limitations of tourism of developing and

developed counties
116. Tourism of Switzerland referred to the playground of the world.
117. Outline the tourist honey pots of Tanzania.
118. Outline the tourist honey pots of Kenya.
119. Outline the tourist honey pots of Switzerland.
120. Outline the tourist honey pots of Namibia
121. Outline the tourist honey pots of South Africa
122. Outline the rules created by Tanzania National Parks (TANAPA).
123. (a) Describe types of manufacturing industry
(b) Outline the advantages of manufacturing industry
124. Outline necessary factors that have influenced the growth of industries
and their adverse effects to the environment.
125. Assess the contribution of manufacturing industries to social-economic
and technological development of the country.
126. Assess the challenges facing Tanzania to modernize her manufacturing
127. How Tanzania can modernize her industrial sector.
128. (a) Define transport.
(b)Define communication.
129. Differentiate between transport and communication.
130. Describe the prominent features of transport and communication.
131. Assess the contribution of transport and communication in economic
132. Analyze the problems facing transport and communication sector of
133. Examine the impacts of transport and communication development
on the environment.
134. Examine the factors for the location of industry.
135. Briefly examine the importance of water bodies found in African.
136. With the aid of diagram, explain the limitations facing Canadians and
Americans in the establishment of the St. Lawrence sea way project.
137. Examine eight causes and four negative impacts of migration both on
the area of origin and destination.
Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana
Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

138. A. What are the negative impacts of high fertility rate in a given
country? Give four points.
B. Explain six goals of National population policy of Tanzania
139. Identify the indicators of an overpopulated country. Give eight points.
140. Analyze eight factors which led to successful development of textile
industry in China.
141. A. Describe the world major zones of timber production.
B. What factors have influenced the development of timber activities
in Gabon?
142. Explore the influence of human and physical factors on the
development of agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa.
143. A. Describe five methods used in fishing.
B. Explain four prominent problems that hinder full exploration of fish
in Tanzania.
144. Examine the reasons as to why pastoralists are resistant to modern
their economy.
145. How climate is the key factor in rubber production in west and central
Africa and the problems facing rubber producers in these regions.
146. Describe nine strategies for manpower mobilization in Tanzania.
147. Population explosion is the result of the interplay of a number of
factors. Explain the validity of the statement.
148. Briefly describe the following concepts as used in demography.
(a) Fecundity (c) Infant mortality rate
(b)Natural population growth (d) Stationary population pyramid
(e) Sex ratio
149. Agricultural sector in Tanzania is not well developed despite being the
backbone of the economy. Discuss
150. Account for the change of the location of steel and iron industry in
Germany; explain four adverse impacts of iron and steel industry.
151. A. Explain the impacts of mining on the environment.
B. Suggest four ways which can be used to minimize the effects of
mining on the environment.
152. Describe the role played by transport and communication sector in the
economic development of a country.

Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana

Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

153. Examine measures taken by the government of Tanzania to promote

154. Fuel wood will continue to remain Tanzania‟s source of energy for
decades to come. Evaluate this statement.
155. Examine five limiting factors facing pastoral farming in tropical
156. “Agriculture can lead to a total environmental degradation if not
carefully managed.” Discuss.
157. With concrete examples analyze the conditions which influence the
development of Hydro-electric power production in a given area.
158. After independence tourism industry in Tanzania was given an upper
land due to its social and development significance. Show how tourism
industry has contributed to the economic development of Tanzania since
her independence.
159. “Physical factors are immensely responsible for internal migration”.
160. “Rapid population explosion in any country is a disaster”. Justify.
161. “A rapid growth of population can be an asset or liability”. Analyze
this statement.
162. Why the population in China is unevenly distributed?
163. Examine the problems facing lumbering in the tropical rainforests of
164. Describe the factors which influence the choice for the location of pulp
and paper industry.
165. Using rubber plantation in Malaysia as a case study. Explain the basic
characteristics of plantation agriculture.
166. Examine the problems associated with the exploitation of petroleum
and natural gases in the mid-East.
167. Identify the main physical problems facing pastoralist and explain
attempts taken to solve the problems.
168. Discuss the role of St. Lawrence Basin to the economy of Canada and
169. To what extent is power responsible for the low level of industrial
development in tropical Africa?

Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana

Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

170. Give an account of the factors for the location of automobile

industries in Germany.
171. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of different types of census.
172. Discuss the negative impacts caused by failure of African governments
to exploit the available energy resources.
173. Explain the roles played by transport and communication to the
economy of a given country.
174. In four points examine why air transport in Tanzania is not well
developed and in not less than four clear points discuss on the
advantages of transport in Tanzania.
175. “Africa has the greatest potential for H.E.P source of energy in the
world but it has the least output of electricity” why. Eight points
176. What are the salient features of population?
177. Compare the contribution of population policy of Tanzania and that
of China
178. Suggest various ways of controlling rural to urban migration
179. Identify and explain various factors that influence population
distribution in a country
180. Distinguish between population structure of the developing countries
and that of the developed countries
181. Write short notes of the following terms as applied in demography;
(a) Mortality rate (d) Fertility rate
(b)General fertility rate (e) Age specific fertility rate
(c) Natural change
182. Write short notes of the following terms;
(a) Movers from abroad (c) Net internal migration
(b)Net migration (d) Artificial change
183. Describe the types of age-sex population pyramids
184. Explain the contribution of agriculture to social and economic
development in Tanzania
185. Explain the characteristics of the sustainable urban living life
186. Show the location of some of the organic farming projects in Tanzania
187. Identify various organizations that promote organic agriculture in
188. Suggest various ways to address the challenges of organic farming
Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana
Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

189. Despite its advantages, organic agriculture has challenges. Identify

those challenges
190. Explain various organic farming methods
191. Why is organic farming referred to as sustainable agriculture?
192. Delineate the principles of organic farming
193. Identify and explain the general basic rules of organic farming
194. What are the major features of organic farming?
195. What factors hinder effective utilization of rangelands and marginal
lands in Tanzania?
196. Suggest ways in which rangelands and marginal lands can be used
sustainably in enhancing economic development of a country
197. Why organic farming is still encouraged in various countries
198. Suggest ways of improving cattle keeping in East African countries
199. Account for the development of sheep farming in Australia. Give eight
200. Identify and explain the factors that have forced some of the nomadic
pastoralists to settle in one place. Give six points
201. Explain the impact of nomadic pastoralist on the environment
202. Explain the negative impacts of agriculture to the environment only.
Provide your answer with six points
203. Explain the economic importance of the following energy sources;
a) H.E.P b) Fuel wood and charcoal
c) Coal and oil d) Biogas and thermal power e) Solar power
204. Suggest the ways that Tanzania can use in harnessing its H.E.P
205. Outline four factors that lead to the development of biogas and four
advantages of biogas
206. Mining in Tanzania has a bright future. Substantiate with six arguments
207. Identify and explicate different mining methods used in East Africa and
the world in general
208. Why Morocco referred to as the phosphate kingdom of the world?
Provide six reasons
209. Why Switzerland referred to as the playground of the world?
210. What are the honey pots of the tourism industry of Tanzania
Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana
Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

211. Show the problems caused by transport in Africa

212. Explain the problems associated with tourism in the country. Six points
213. To what extent is the transport system in East Africa related to needs
and interests of the people? Six points
214. Distinguish between transport and communication. Give six arguments
215. Mining is the economic mainstay of Zambia. Substantiate
216. Show the different uses of timber in the world. Give eight uses
217. Mention the forest zones of Canada and explain factors to the
location of timber industry in any region
218. Explain why fishing industry referred as robbery industry. Give six
219. Despite its long coastline, Africa has les developed fishing industry.
220. Identify and explain the problems facing fishing industry in any African
221. What factors have contributed to the development of active tourism
in the North of Sweden
222. Population census is said to be a research. Why?
223. Identify problems caused by power and fuel production on the
224. Analyze the reasons for promoting environmental friendly tourism
225. What are the objectives of the Green-tourism to the local community?
226. Compare the success and limitations of tourism in Tanzania, South
Africa and Sweden
227. Describe the types of manufacturing industry in focal countries
228. From all means of transport, choose the most suitable means of
transport and explain its reasons why you choose it
229. Describe the tourism circuits of Tanzania and Switzerland
230. Attempt the classification of animal rearing systems in the world
231. Explain eight the contribution of coal production in the industrial
232. Explain six importance of petroleum in the world economy
233. Suggest six ways of undertaking timber industry activities in sustainable

Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana

Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

234. Giving concrete examples, with six points explicate how timber
industry has contributed to environmental degradation in Tanzania
235. What do you understand by “sustainable timber industry?”
236. With examples, Identify and explain different types of fish species
found in the world
237. Assess eight challenges facing Tanzania in modernizing its
manufacturing industry
238. A. Tanzania has great potential for the development of iron and steel
industry. Discuss with eight points
B. Why textile industry referred to as a “Footloose industry”
239. Give explanatory notes on the following population characteristics;
i) Age structure iii) Population dispersion
ii) Population density iv) Population size
240. Give an account for poor development of iron and steel industry in
241. Outline the main factors which favor dairy farming in a country.
242. Describe the rationale for forest conservation in Gabon.
243. A. What factors have made fish farming to be more developed in
Kenya than in other East African countries?
B. How can Tanzania improve her fish farming process?
244. Give an account for poor development of iron and steel industry in
245. Census is very important for a country‟s economy. Taking Tanzania as
an example, explain the significance of census.
246. Discuss the factors that contribute to overpopulation in Tanzania and
its associated problems.
247. Discuss the problems facing air transportation in Africa.
248. Assess the consequences of oil crisis in the world and suggest ways to
overcome it.
249. Discuss the limiting factors towards transforming the East African
traditional livestock keeping in commercial livestock keeping.
250. Discuss the factors influencing fertility regulation.
251. A. What is family planning? It is worth encouraging it? Discuss.
B. Give an account of the family planning methods and devices used
252. Write short notes on the following;
Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana
Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

i) Optimum population iii) Mortality rate

ii) Age-sex structure iv) Gross Domestic Product v) Gross National
253. A. Explain how China is responding to the problem of rapid
population growth.
B. What are the effects of “one couple-one child” policy of China?
254. Locate and describe the important fishing grounds in Africa.
255. To what extent is phosphate mining the basis for the development of
economy of Morocco?
256. Citing example from Russia, describe the dangers of nuclear power
energy production.
257. What is Eco-tourism? Examine the possibilities of developing tourism
in the “southern tourist circuit” in Tanzania.
258. Give a detailed account on the development of dairy industry in
259. Show how Tanzania has achieved manpower mobilization since
260. Africa is said to be under-populated. Discuss.
261. Comment on the influence of geographical and non-geographical
factors on the development of tourism industry in Switzerland.
262. “The crop production sector is not well developed in spite of being a
backbone of the economy of Tanzania”. Discuss.
263. “Nuclear energy can be a blessing as well as curse”. Comment.
264. “Tanzania has many mineral deposits, yet there is high importation of
some minerals particularly iron ore”. Justify this statement.
265. Outline the factors that have led to successful fishing in Norway and
266. Give an account of the factors favoring the production of Hydro-
Electric power in tropical Africa. What are the shortcomings facing full
utilization of rivers for power production in the continent?
267. A. Describe the necessary conditions for growing cocoa.
B. Write down the setbacks which face cocoa production in Ghana
268. A. Write short notes on the following concepts;
i) Optimum population
ii) Life expectancy
Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana
Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

iii) Crude Birth Rate

B. What are the impacts of rural-urban migration in Africa?
269. A. Classify population census.
B. Show the significance of population census to a nation
270. Give a detailed account on the causes and effects of ageing
271. “Apart from mining of gold and diamond, farming is by far the most
important occupation in South Africa”. Justify this statement and state the
handicaps facing the farming sector.
272. With specific examples, discuss the contribution of steel rolling
industries in either Uganda or Tanzania and highlight the major
drawbacks facing the industry.
273. Analyze the major threats facing fishing sector in East African
countries. Suggest possible ways to safeguard this sector.
274. Using USA as an example, examine the role of coal to the current
“global energy crisis”. What are the limitations facing coal production?
275. What are the causes and effects of labor migration?
276. Discuss the relationship between resource distribution and population
growth in Tanzania.
277. What has made timber industry successful in Sweden?
278. Discuss the roles and setbacks of agricultural production in Africa south
of the Sahara.
279. Explain the meaning of industrialization. How industrialization is
made prosperous?
280. Explain the socio-economic and demographic importance of
population structure of a country.
281. Critically discuss the consequences of over-population and suggest
ways of solving the problems.
282. Account for the successful development of beef cattle industry in the
great plains of USA and Canada.
283. Discuss the factors for the development of fishing industry in Japan.
284. Explain how climate is the key factor in rubber production in west and
central Africa. Outline the problems which face rubber producers in these
Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana
Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

285. What are the negative impacts of tourism in the country?

286. Describe the repercussions of national population census
287. Examine eight bottlenecks affecting the development of manufacturing
industries in Tanzania
288. Define the term “transport”
289. Why mining industries referred as the robbery industry?
290. Explain the aftermath of mining industry in the country. Eight points
291. What are the driving forces for the occurrence of land altercation in
least developing countries? Give eight points
292. Describe the activities of tertiary industries in the world. Give eight
293. By the use of relevant sketch map, describe the purposes of the St.
Lawrence sea way project to the people of USA and Canada. Provide six
294. Examine the constraints to the population policy of Tanzania. Give six
295. What are the areas of concern of the National population policy of
296. What are the types of population policy? Provide your answer with
relevant examples
297. Why manufacturing industry is referred as the robbery industry?
298. Show six rules and regulations provided in the National parks of
299. Examine four obstacles facing manufacturing industries and its
treatments respectively
300. Examine the reasons for the changes from intensive subsistence system
to extensive subsistence system. Give six points
301. Show the interrelationship between population and development
302. Why population migration is selective? Give 5 points
303. Why people migrate? Provide your answer with eight arguments
304. Define the following demographic terminologies;
i) Infecundity (iii) General Marital fertility
ii) Ageing population (iv) Stable population structure (v) Implicit

Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana

Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

305. Explain the role played by population planning for social and
economic development. Give six points
306. Examine the effects of rapid population growth in a particular area
307. Write short notes of the following terms;
i) Sex preference (iii) Numerical population increase
ii) Population explosion (iv) Anti-Natalist policy (v) Step
308. Show the criteria for the classification of agriculture
309. Show the criteria for the classification of migration
310. Outline the classes of migration accordingly
311. With six reasons, suggest the strategies that Tanzania can adopt in
modernizing its manufacturing industry
312. Provide six points on how aquaculture is important in Kenya and
313. Tanzania has a great potential for tourism industry development.
Justify with vivid examples
314. Tanzania has bright future for iron and steel rolling industries. Provide
your answer with concrete examples
315. Vividly describe the reasons for organic farming system and its
316. Husbandry has agonies to the implementers. Justify with eight points
317. What is the rationale of better improvement of infrastructure system in
a country? Eight points
318. The international migratory process for the short-time resting is
increasing rapidly now days. Justify this statement with great and critical
319. Agro-forestry is a remedy for the sylviculture. Justify with 6 arguments
320. A. Bakery is a „light industry‟. What is the truth of this statement with
three points
B. Coal is not located any place in the country. Mention four major
coal regions in the United States of America.
321. Describe the cultural reasons which affect the population trend of a
322. A growing population can be an asset or liability. Prove this statement
with eight points
Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana
Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

323. A. What are the major forms of population migration

B. Why people move from urban to rural areas?
324. Describe with eight points, why do we need to mobilize manpower?
325. With relevant examples, discuss factors that contribute to population
pressure of an area.
326. Briefly describe the following concepts as used in demography;
i) Population density iii) Vital registration of person
ii) Population policy iv) Induced population v) Ageing
327. Examine the future prospects of tourism industry in Tanzania. 8 points.
328. Discuss the role of gold mining in South Africa. 8 points.
329. Using eight clear points with examples, discuss on the problems which
might be caused by agriculture in Tanzania.
330. Comment on the alternative sources of energy for economic
development and environmental conservation in the developing
331. Account for the factors which influence the location of iron and steel
332. A. Giving examples, explain the factors which stimulate the tourism
industry in Mauritius.
B. What are the negative impacts of tourism in Mauritius?
333. Examine the factors for the development of manufacturing industry in
334. “The present rate of population expansion in sub-Saharan Africa is
unsustainable”. Critically analyze this statement.
335. A. Write short notes on the following;
(i) Migration
(ii) Fertility
(iii) Mortality
B. Discuss the factors for the population pressure in Africa

Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana

Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

Prepared by:
Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana
Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

Prepared by: Mwl. Baraka Ally Mbwana

Cell Phone: # 0769-049-663
SEBAMA Secondary Open School

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