Strength: 1) Theme Park - 2) Grab - 3) Restaurant
Strength: 1) Theme Park - 2) Grab - 3) Restaurant
Strength: 1) Theme Park - 2) Grab - 3) Restaurant
1) Theme park 2) Grab 3) Restaurant
- Will require a lot of - Poor time management for - The design at the
capital example will be late for restaurant were less
- Poor management picking up the customer attractive
systems - Grab service price are - Some of the staff maybe
more expensive than any does not have a discipline
other public transport and impurities
1) Theme park 2) Grab 3) Restaurant
- Does not have a - It becomes a trend - We can get raw materials
competitors at the nowadays for people to from the suppliers at a
location chosen use public transport such cheaper price
- People lifestyle at the as grab - Lifestyle of the people
location chosen love - Have a less competitors there is they do not have
outdoor activities because we have a rare enough time to cook
1) Theme park 2) Grab 3) Restaurant
- Availability of the place - Financial problem which - More competitors
were hard to find not all people are able to available at the location
- Do not have suitable use grab chosen
place for the theme park - Price of the grab service - Weather problem where it
- Trend nowadays is depends on the price of is hard to get a seafood
people only go to the the fuel during rainy season
theme park during
school season
Criteria Theme park Grab Restaurant
Experience - We do not have - We have two years - We have an
any experience in of experience of experience being
handling theme driving without any a waitress
park accidents
- Have been driving
for long journey
many times