EMULSIONES EN CAPILARES 1-S2.0-S0301932209000366-Main
EMULSIONES EN CAPILARES 1-S2.0-S0301932209000366-Main
EMULSIONES EN CAPILARES 1-S2.0-S0301932209000366-Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The flow of oil-in-water emulsions through quartz micro-capillary tubes was analyzed experimentally.
Received 30 October 2008 The capillaries were used as models of connecting pore-throats between adjacent pore body pairs in
Received in revised form 4 February 2009 high-permeability media. Pressure drop between the inlet and outlet ends of the capillary was recorded
Accepted 23 February 2009
as a function of time, for several values of the volumetric flow rate. Several distinct emulsions were pre-
Available online 12 March 2009
pared using synthetic oils in deionized water, stabilized by a surfactant (Triton X-100). Two oils of differ-
ent viscosity values were used to prepare the emulsions, while two distinct drop size distributions were
obtained by varying the mixing procedure. The average oil drop size varied from smaller to larger than
the neck radius. The results are presented in terms of the extra-pressure drop due to the presence of
Enhanced-oil recovery the dispersed phase, i.e. the difference between the measured pressure drop and the one necessary to
Porous media drive the continuous phase alone at the same flow rate. For emulsions with drops smaller than the cap-
Pore blockage illary throat diameter, the extra-pressure drop does not vary with capillary number and it is a function of
Mobility control the viscosity ratio, dispersed phase concentration and drop size distribution. For emulsions with drops
larger than the constriction, the large oil drops may partially block the capillary, leading to a high extra
pressure difference at low capillary numbers. Changes in the local fluid mobility by means of pore-throat
blockage may help to explain the additional oil recovery observed in laboratory experiments and the
sparse data on field trials.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0301-9322/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
508 S. Cobos et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 35 (2009) 507–515
is still required to develop reliable models of emulsion flow McAuliffe (1973a) described a field pilot test at the 5K of the Mid-
through porous media. Sarma et al. (1998) visualized emulsified way–Sunset oil field in California, in which 33,000 bbl of emulsion
solvent flooding for heavy oil recovery and clearly pointed out that were injected. This field trial is the first significant reported case of
emulsion mobility in porous media is not directly related to emul- EOR based on macroemulsion flooding. A total of additional
sion viscosity. Instead, trapping of emulsions droplets at pore 55,000 bbl of oil were attributed to 0.4% PV, 14%-oil emulsion
throats is the dominant mechanism in mobility control by oil-in- treatment. The results indicate better sweep efficiency of water
water emulsions. Results in bead-packed visual models showed chasing an emulsion bank, with lower water-oil ratio (WOR) in
the apparent mobility control exerted by the emulsified solvent, production wells.
reflected also as better heavy-oil recovery. Experiments with Otta- Early work by Alvarado and Marsden (1979) presented an anal-
wa sand packs showed that mobility control can be an important ogy between rheograms in capillary tubes and pressure drop–flow
recovery mechanism for emulsion flooding. Therefore, understand- rate (superficial velocity) response of emulsion flow in rock sam-
ing how emulsion flows through a porous media is not only rele- ples to develop a rheological model of macroemulsions in porous
vant to describe the effective single-phase flow behavior, but also media. Oil-in-water macroemulsions prepared with mineral oil,
will help shed light on the oil recovery mechanisms in emulsion water and a surfactant were shown to behave as Newtonian fluids
flooding. at a volumetric dispersed phase concentrations less than 50%. At
This paper presents visualization and pressure drop measure- higher concentration values, the emulsions became pseudo-plastic.
ments of oil-in-water emulsions flowing through a glass model of A fitting procedure was developed to bring porous media rheo-
an expansion–contraction–expansion micro-capillary tube. The grams to match capillary tube rheograms. A critical dispersed-
physical model is intended to mimic a pore-throat connecting phase concentration, between 40% and 50% in their experiments,
two adjacent pore-bodies of a high permeability porous media. was found to be a function of the emulsifier concentration. A mod-
Emulsions prepared with mineral or synthetic oils and a surfactant ified Darcy law, accounting for permeability reduction by plugging,
solution were pumped through the glass capillary and the pressure was used to describe the flow behavior of oil-in-water Newtonian
response was recorded as a function of time for a range of imposed macroemulsions in porous media.
flow rates. The extra-pressure drop due to the presence of the dis- Soo and Radke (1984) studied the flow of stable oil-in-water
persed phase was determined as a function of operating conditions emulsions through porous media, by using emulsions with average
and liquid properties, indicating the range of parameters at which droplet diameters of 2, 3, 5, 7 and 10 lm, flowing through two Ot-
partial blocking of the pores could be observed. The results can be tawa sandpacks with mean pore-throat diameters of 17.3 and
used in the development of a capillary network model to study the 29.5 lm, respectively. Micromodel experiments were also carried
flow of emulsions through a porous medium. out, in which Ottawa sand was sandwiched between glass plates.
Before describing the experimental analysis and results of this They clearly showed that, besides the straining of large droplets
work, we discuss some of the past work directly related to flow in pore throats, interception in crevices or pockets between grains
of emulsions in porous media and analysis of the flow of a single was also a capture mechanism. The authors developed a filtration
drop through straight and constricted capillaries. model for dilute emulsions (Soo and Radke, 1986; Soo et al.,
1986). Deep-bed filtration theory concepts were used to describe
1.1. Experiment and models for emulsion flow through porous media dilute, stable emulsion flow in porous media, including flow redis-
tribution and large permeability reductions (see Soo and Radke,
Romero et al. (1996) carried out a three-stage study to develop 1986). The important parameters in the model are kp (the filter
a deep-penetrating oil-in-water emulsion to improve sweep effi- coefficient) and bp (which measures the effectiveness of the re-
ciency in heterogeneous and fractured formations. The average tained drops in pores of throat diameter Dp). The former parameter
emulsion droplet size used was 2.10 lm, obtained by mixing the determines the droplet capture, while the latter one controls per-
oil with an alkaline solution. The idea of flooding the pore space meability reduction. These parameters, for lack of theoretical treat-
with droplet diameter similar to rock pore-throat size was pre- ment, were determined empirically, leading to the concept of flow
sented earlier by McAuliffe (1973b). The injectivity index in the diversion, characterized by a parameter a. Darcy law completed
experiments of Romero et al. (1996) with consolidated rock the model. Soo et al. (1986) showed how to estimate filtration
dropped 96–99% of its original value and the emulsion maintained parameters of their model from experimental data. Emulsions
its plugging ability even after the injection of 27 PV of water. ranging from 0.5% to 2.5% dispersed phase concentrations were
Bai et al. (2000) presented the results of an emulsifying treatment used to test the filtration theory for emulsion flow in porous media.
yielding viscous emulsions for water shutoff applied to 238 wells The model successfully described emulsion flow results up to
in Liaohe field, China, in the period from 1991 to 1999. An 83.6% approximately 1% concentration of the dispersed phase.
success rates was reported, with an average effective term of 4.5 Hofman and Stein (1991) presented experimental results on the
months. influence of electrostatic repulsion and emulsion stability on the
McAuliffe (1973b) carried out experiments with oil-in-water permeability impairment caused by emulsion flow through porous
emulsions, between 10% and 80% oil fraction, using three crude media. The dispersed-phase concentration was 1% (v/v) in all their
oils, and sodium hydroxide as the caustic agent (alkaline compo- experiments. Significant permeability reduction was observed for
nent). Emulsion viscosity was low for an oil fraction 650%, because average droplet diameter equal to 5.1 and 8.9 lm, respectively,
water was the continuous phase. Apparent permeability after being larger for the larger average diameter. Hofman and Sten re-
emulsion injection in a 1360 mD-core was a strong function of port this as a striking result, because the pore-size distribution had
the mean droplet size. Significant drop in permeability was ob- a large fraction of all the pores well above the average droplet size.
served for average droplet diameter of 12 lm. In all cases, plugging The results indicate that both stable and unstable emulsion caused
stopped once the reduction in permeability reached 1–10% of the permeability reduction, being the latter more effective in plugging
original rock permeability value. McAuliffe related this result to porous media.
the threshold pressure drop across the length of a pore throat nec- Islam and Farouq Ali (1994) developed a Darcy-level model for
essary to mobilize a droplet through the throat. Oil recovery with flow of stable emulsions in porous media, including in situ gener-
emulsion flooding in cores was attributed to corrections of hetero- ation. Their model was based on conservation equations for water,
geneity in the rock, and not to miscibility. This was perhaps the oil and emulsion phases, coupled to a transport equation. The fil-
first time that emulsion flooding was proposed for EOR purposes. tration model of Soo and Radke (1984, 1986) was used to account
S. Cobos et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 35 (2009) 507–515 509
for capture mechanisms. The results were compared to the exper- is determined by competing mechanisms, such as the deformation
imental data of Soo and Radke (1984). of the drop, interaction between the drop and the wall and the sim-
Abou-Kassem and Farouq Ali (1995) reviewed pseudo-plastic ple replacement of suspending liquid by a dispersed phase liquid of
fluid models of emulsion flow in porous media and discussed their different viscosity. At high capillary numbers, they explored situa-
underlying assumptions. They proposed a Darcy-law type model tions with drops less and more viscous than the suspending liquid.
based on the flow of a power-law liquid through a bundle of tubes. For all cases explored, both small and large drops, the oscillation of
The mapping of porous-media rheograms on capillary-tube type the pressure signal was very small and the extra-pressure differ-
rheograms followed from Alvarado and Marsden (1979). ence did not vary much with capillary number, but was a strong
Khambhratana et al. (1997) developed a simulator for flow of function of the viscosity ratio between the phases and the drop
emulsions in porous media and compared the results with experi- size.
mental data obtained in Berea and an Ottawa sand pack core floods The pressure oscillation due to the flow of a single drop through
presented by Khambhratana et al. (1998). The best match between a constricted capillary was predicted by the analysis presented by
simulation results and experimental data were obtained when a Tsai and Miksis (1994) using a boundary integral method.
multiphase non-Newtonian rheological model of an emulsion with It is important to note that all the experimental results dis-
interfacial tension-dependent relative permeability curves and cussed in the previous paragraphs were obtained with tubes with
time-dependent capture were used. diameter in the order of 1–5 mm, much larger than the flow chan-
As for the review presented, it appears that an accurate model nels in a porous media. Moreover, the range of capillary number
for flow of emulsions in porous media is still not available. A better explored, 102 < Ca < 1, is also outside the typical local capillary
understanding of the flow of drops immersed in a continuous li- number in a pore flow. In this work, we extend these analyses to
quid phase through a constricted capillary is crucial in this devel- micro-capillaries, with constriction diameter of 50 lm, and much
opment. In the following sub-section, we discuss some of the lower capillary numbers. Since we are interested in understanding
first attempts in this direction. the fundamental oil-recovery mechanisms upon emulsion injec-
tion, we focus our analysis on drops more viscous than the contin-
1.2. Flow of a single drop immersed in a continuous phase through uous phase, range not explored in the literature at the low capillary
straight and constricted capillaries number regime.
The flow of a single drop immersed in the liquid flowing 2. Materials and methods
through a straight capillary was analyzed experimentally by Ho
and Leal (1975) and Olbricht and Leal (1982). They measured the 2.1. Materials
extra pressure drop due to the presence of a single drop in the flow
as a function of the ratio between the drop diameter and the cap- Five oil-in-water emulsions were prepared for the experiments,
illary diameter, viscosity ratio and flow rate (capillary number). as shown in Table 1. The continuous phase was a dilute solution of
The same situation was studied using a boundary integral method Carbopol (a low molecular weight polymer), with a concentration
by Martinez and Udell (1990). For small drops, e.g. ratio of drop equal to 0.1 wt%, in deionized water. The polymer was added to in-
diameter to tube diameter less than 0.7, the extra pressure drop crease the continuous phase viscosity and therefore delay the seg-
does not depend on the capillary number. For drops larger than regation of phases due to density differences. The aqueous solution
the tube diameter, the extra pressure drop falls with capillary presented a shear thinning behavior, and its viscosity at
number and rises with viscosity ratio. The extra pressure drop is c_ ¼ 0:01 s1 was g 0:2 Pa s. A surfactant was added to the aque-
negative when the drop is less viscous than the continuous phase, ous phase to lower the oil–water interfacial tension and limit the
and positive in the reverse case. The extra pressure difference is a coalescence of oil drops. A nonionic surfactant, Triton X-100, was
strong function of the drop to capillary diameter ratio d=D. Marti- used to avoid pH changes of the polymeric solution and therefore
nez and Udell (1990) have shown that for d=D K Oð1Þ, the extra changes in its viscosity. The surfactant concentration was approx-
pressure difference scales with ðd=DÞ5 . For drops much larger than imately 10 times the critical micelle concentration. Two synthetic
the capillary diameter, i.e. d=D 1, Ho and Leal (1975) observed oils were used as the dispersed phase. The first oil was SHELL Tive-
that the increase in the extra pressure difference with the drop la 160, with density and viscosity equal to qo = 993 kg/m3 at 20 °C
diameter can be predicted simply by the taking into account the in- and lo = 350 cP at 25 °C, respectively. The second oil used was
crease in length of the large drop. SHELL Tivela 460, with density and viscosity equal to
Olbricht and Leal (1983) reported experimental results on the qo = 997 kg/m3 at 20 °C and lo = 950 cP at 25 °C, respectively. The
flow of a single drop immersed in a liquid flowing through a hori- interfacial tension of both oils with respect to the continuous
zontal tube with periodically varying diameter. As the drop flows phase was r = 5 mN/m. Each oil and water + polymer + surfactant
through the converging–diverging channel, the pressure difference mixture was sheared in a homogenizer (Ultramax). The rotation
oscillates. Each oscillation of the pressure signal corresponded to a of the dispersing tool and the time of mixture were used to control
drop’s passage through a constriction. The extra-pressure differ- the drop size distribution of the emulsion. A sample of each emul-
ence response was characterized by the arithmetic average of the sion was placed under an optical microscope and the size of
signal and the amplitude of the oscillation. The results are analyzed
separately for low and for high capillary regimes. At low capillary
number, the analysis was restricted to drops less viscous than
the continuous phase. For drops smaller than the capillary con-
striction, the pressure oscillation was smaller than the uncertainty Table 1
Main properties of the oil-in-water emulsions used in the experiments.
of the measurements, but it rises with the drop diameter, being rel-
evant when the drop is larger than the constriction diameter. The Emulsion Internal phase lo (cP) Concentration Drop size
extra-pressure difference was higher at low capillary number, 1S Tivela 160 350 30/70 Small
when all the other flow parameters were kept the same. At a fixed 1L Tivela 160 350 30/70 Large
capillary number, the extra-pressure difference was positive for 2S Tivela 460 950 30/70 Small
2L Tivela 460 950 30/70 Large
small drops, but falls and becomes negative as the drop size rises.
3S Tivela 460 950 60/40 Small
Olbricht and Leal (1983) discuss that the extra-pressure difference
510 S. Cobos et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 35 (2009) 507–515
Fig. 2. Shear viscosity as a function of shear rate of the dispersed phase (carbopol
solution in water) and emulsions 1S and 1L. m and n are the power-law model
Fig. 1. Drop size distribution for the five emulsions tested. coefficients.
S. Cobos et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 35 (2009) 507–515 511
Fig. 8. Images of the emulsion flow just upstream of the capillary throat at the instants highlighted in the previous plot.
S. Cobos et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 35 (2009) 507–515 513
procedure of emulsion 2S, but with a oil concentration of 60%. The s_ w ¼ ; ð3Þ
results are shown in Fig. 10. As in the previous flows with emul- 1
þ 3 4Q
sions containing only small drops, pressure is virtually constant c_ w ¼ n : ð4Þ
4n pR3
at each flow rate, indicating that there is no partial blocking of
the capillary throat by the oil drops. The extra-pressure difference DP þ , in units of lc V=R, as a function of
As done by previous authors studying the flow of a single drop the capillary number Ca lc V=r for all the emulsions tested are
immersed in a liquid through a capillary, the flow rate–pressure presented in Fig. 11. The error bars indicate the standard deviation
difference relationship for the emulsion flow through a constricted of the pressure measurements at each flow rate. A large error bar
capillary is analyzed in terms of the extra pressure difference DPþ , indicates a large amplitude oscillation of the pressure signal.
defined as the measured pressure drop for the emulsion flow less The extra pressure DP þ obtained with emulsions with small
the theoretical Poiseuille pressure drop necessary to drive the con- drops, e.g. emulsions 1S, 2S and 3S, is not a function of the capillary
tinuous phase at the same flow rate. DPþ represents the pressure number and does not oscillate. This is the same behavior presented
drop due to the presence of the dispersed phase. by Olbricht and Leal (1982) and Martinez and Udell (1990) for flow
Because the continuous phase is shear thinning and the capil- of a single drop through a straight capillary and by Olbricht and
lary tube does not have a constant diameter, it is not simple to cal- Leal (1983) for flow of a single drop through a constricted capillary.
culate the Poiseuille pressure difference associated with the flow of The extra-pressure difference obtained with emulsion 2S, that
the suspending liquid and to define a characteristic value of the had the smallest average diameter, approximately 1/5 of the capil-
continuous phase viscosity, used in the definition of the capillary lary throat, and low concentration (30% by volume) was approxi-
The pressure drop Dpc of the continuous phase (a power-law li-
quid) in the flow through a capillary tube with a diameter that var-
Fig. 11. Extra-pressure difference as a function of the capillary number for the five
Fig. 10. Evolution of the inlet pressure as the flow rate varies for emulsion 3S. emulsions tested. The error bars indicate the standard deviation of the measured
Range of flow rate: Q = 0.04–0.1 ml/h. pressure drop through the capillary.
514 S. Cobos et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 35 (2009) 507–515
mately zero, i.e. the presence of the dispersed phase did not alter
significantly the flow, when compared to the flow of the continu-
ous phase alone. It is important to observe that the shear viscosity
of emulsion 2S, measured in a cone-and-plate fixture in a rota-
tional rheometer, was larger than the continuous phase viscosity,
as shown in Fig. 3. As expected, in this length scale, the flow of
emulsions cannot be described simply by its viscosity. The extra-
pressure rises with the average drop diameter (emulsion 1S) and
concentration of the dispersed phase (emulsion 3S).
Because of the smaller capillary diameter used here, closer to
that of a high permeability porous media, and the fact that we
are not analyzing the flow of a single drop, but of an emulsion,
the values of the extra pressure difference measured in this analy-
sis are orders of magnitude higher than those reported before in
the literature for the flow of a single drop suspended in the liquid.
The extra pressure difference DP þ obtained with emulsions that
have drops larger than the capillary throat diameter (emulsions 1L
and 2L) are a strong function of the capillary number. The extra
pressure difference falls as the capillary number rises. This behav-
ior was also reported by Olbricht and Leal (1982, 1983). Again the
values of the extra pressure difference measured here are orders of
Fig. 12. Scale factor to be used on the definition of the capillary mobility for flow of
magnitude larger because of the much smaller capillary diameter, emulsions.
capillary number and viscosity of the dispersed phase used in this
The comparison between the measured extra-pressure differ-
ence with emulsions 2S and 2L reveals an interesting phenomena, in the flow due to the presence of the dispersed phase is presented
not reported before. At low capillary number, e.g. Ca < 0:008, DPþ in terms of the ratio between the pressure differences, not the dif-
with emulsion 2L is much larger than that obtained with emulsion ference between them. Further investigation is necessary in order to
2S. At capillary numbers above this critical value, the pressure gra- construct a complete description on how the scaling factor f varies
dient–flow rate relationship for both emulsions is virtually the with the emulsion concentration, viscosity ratio, drop size distribu-
same. As discussed before, at high capillary number, the surface tion and capillary number.
tension induced force is negligible and so is the extra pressure
needed to deform the drop. The partial pore blocking mechanism, 4. Summary
that represents the larger extra-pressure difference, related to the
presence of large drops on the injected emulsion, that may explain The flow of oil-in-water emulsions through a pore-throat mod-
the improved reservoir sweep observed in some experiments, only el, represented by a converging–diverging quartz capillary tube,
occurs if the local capillary number is below a critical value that is has been characterized by the pressure–drop flow rate response.
a function of the emulsion properties. In this case, it is Cac 0:008. The flow response characterization has been paired with simulta-
If the emulsion properties and process conditions are such that the neous visualization under an optical microscope. The effect of the
local capillary number is higher than this value, there is no pore diameter of the dispersed phase on the pressure drop was analyzed
blocking on an oil recovery operation. This dependence on capillary by comparing the response of two emulsions with the same volu-
number may be used in order to define the location where the par- metric dispersed phase fraction, but with different drop size distri-
tial pore blocking should occur in the reservoir. This can be accom- bution; one with an average drop diameter smaller and the other
plished by tuning the emulsion properties, such as interfacial larger than the narrowest section of the capillary. The results indi-
tension, viscosity ratio and drop size distribution, in order to have cate that even for the relatively smooth geometry of the con-
the critical capillary number below which the mobility reduction stricted capillary employed, the flow of emulsion is dominated
occurs coinciding with the local capillary number at the displace- by blocking mechanisms caused by drops larger than the capillary.
ment front. Blockage of the pore-throat or constriction in the quartz model
These results can be used in the development of a capillary net- signals abrupt pressure oscillations, which are directly associated
work model for the flow of emulsions in porous media. The flow in with the passage of large drops through the capillary throat. The
each capillary q can be described in terms of the mobility of the increased curvature of the drop tip as it approaches the narrowest
capillary and the pressure difference applied to its extremities Dp: section of the capillary tube leads to pressure peaks, followed by
pressure relaxation. However, as the capillary number is increased,
q ¼ fK c ; ð5Þ leading to larger viscous effects, the average pressure response for
the coarser emulsion approaches that of the smaller-radius
where K c is the mobility of the flow of the continuous phase alone emulsions.
and f is a scaling factor to account for the partial pore blocking, de- The blocking mechanism has been characterized by comparing
fined as the ratio of the Poiseuille pressure difference necessary to the average measured response to that of flow of the continuous
drive the flow of the continuous phase alone to the one associated phase alone. The results indicate the effect of the dispersed phase
with the emulsion flow at the same flow rate: in the flow and that, as expected, the flow of emulsions through
Dpc micro-capillaries cannot be described by its viscosity alone. A
f ¼ : ð6Þ two-phase flow analysis is needed.
We speculate that as emulsions used for enhanced-oil recovery
Fig. 12 shows the scaling factor as a function of the capillary num- operations flow through reservoir rocks, they act as dynamic
ber for the five emulsions tested in the experiments. These results mobility control agents, by blocking water paths and diverting
are equivalent to those presented in Fig. 11, but now the change the displacing fluid toward upswept regions of the porous medium.
S. Cobos et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 35 (2009) 507–515 515
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