Human Anatomy in Atharva Veda
Human Anatomy in Atharva Veda
Human Anatomy in Atharva Veda
XXXI - 2001 pp 1 to 10
Among the four Vedas, Atharvaveda is the fourth and last, which contains
vast information about the topics related to medicine. It gives details about
conception, development of foetus, complications of pregnancy and also
about parturition. Atharvaveda mentions about 360 bones and different
organs of the human body. The Atharvan terminology is being used in
Ayurveda. The anatomical information found in the Atharvaveda has been
presented in this article with appropriate references.
their knowledge that, semen contains seeds (sperms) which procreate a new life in
the womb of a woman (AV. Kanda.VI.11.1&2).
More interestingly there was a medicine which is to be given to mother before
conception i.e. for getting a male baby. It means technique to get a male baby is
also known to them and they used an auspicious herb called ‘Risabhaka’
. for the
above purpose (AV.Kanda.II.23.4).
Development of the foetus
It is mentioned that all the prevading and powerful Gods protect and strengthen
the womb and shape the joints (AV.Kanda.V.25.4
.. & 5).
According to V.W.Karambelkar, the author of “Atharvaveda and Ayurveda”
Atharvaveda did not give details of the subject of pregnancy but the “Garbha
. which declared as the “Paippalada Sastra” has given the details of
development of foetus, for example, the hard parts of the body are Prthvi
. (earth)
the liquid parts are Ap (water), that which is hot is Tejas (heat/light), that which
moves about is Vayu (air) and that which is vacuous is Akasa (space).
It is also said that, by the excess of semen over the blood, a male child is
produced. By the excess of blood a female child is born and when two (i.e. semen
and blood) are equal a hermaphrodite is produced. When air enters womb somehow
and divides the zygote into two, then twins are born. If the minds of the parents
are disturbed at the time of coitus, the issue becomes either blind or lame or dwarf.
Regarding the duration of pregnancy Atharvaveda mentions that, nourishing
God develops the foetus in a noble way in the body of the womb and the male child
is to be born in the tenth month. (AV. Kanda.
. . V. 25.10,11, 12 & 13; AV. Kanda.II.23.2).
Bones as mentioned in Atharvaveda
In Atharvaveda we also find clear information about anatomical descriptions
of the bones, joints and organs of the human body (AV. Kanda.X.2.1-8.).
Asthi - Bone
.. - Heels
Gulphau - Ankles
Angulih - fingers
Human Anatomy in Atharvaveda - Prasad 3
The above list of bones gives us the impression that Vedic people had carefully
studied the human skeleton. It is knot known that whether this study was made
with the help of some form of dissection of a dead or decayed body.
It seems that Atharvaveda has mentioned the number of bones in human
body as 360 (AV.Kanda.
. . X.8.4.) but in a fashion that it is very difficult to find now.
But Susruta, the Father of Surgery accepts 300 bones (Bones in the branches in arms
& feet are 120, bones in the pelvic region, back and the chest are 120 and above
the trunk are 60). He declared that Ayurveda and its surgical branch which he has
dealt was derived from Atharvaveda (Su. Sarira 5/18 & Su. Sutra 1/6).
4 Bull.Ind.Inst.Hist.Med.Vol.XXXI - 2001
. - Eyes ( AV Kanda
.. II 33 .1 )
Nasikabhyam - Nostrils ( “ “ “ “ “ )
. - Ears ( “ “ “ “ “ )
. - Chin ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Sirsa - Head ( “ “ “ “ “ )
. - Brain ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Jihva - Tongue ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Griva - Neck ( “ “ “ “ .2 )
Bahubhyam - Arms ( “ “ “ “ “ )
. - Heart ( “ “ “ “ “ )
. - Nape of the neck ( “ “ “ “ 3 )
Kikasa - Spinal column ( “ “ “ “ 2 )
Plasi/Kloma - Lungs/Pancreas ( “ “ “ “ 3 )
.. - Gall bladder ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Matasna - Duct of gall bladder ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Pliha - Spleen ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Yakna - Liver ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Antra - Intestine ( “ “ “ “ 4 )
Guda - Anus/Rectum ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Vanisthu - Rectum ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Udara - Abdomen ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Human Anatomy in Atharvaveda - Prasad 5
. - Side of abdomen ( ” “ “ “ “ )
Plasi - Colon ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Nabhi - Umblicus/Navel ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Puritat - Pitutary gland ( “ “ X 9 .15 )
.. - Oesophagus/ ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Bhasadya - Glans penis ( “ “ “ 33 .5 )
Bhasada - Buttock ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Bhamsasa - Vagina ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Majja - Marrow ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Snayu - Tendons ( AV Kanda
. . II. 33.7, VI. 50.9;
XI.8.11, 12; XII. 5. 69 )
Dhamani - Artery ( AV Kanda .. II 33 .6 )
. - Hand ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Angulih - Fingers ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Nakha - Nails ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Loman - Hairs ( “ “ “ “ 7 )
. - Skin ( “ “ “ “ “ )
Mehanam - Urinary passage ( “ “ “ 3 6 )
Vasti - Urinary bladder ( “ “ “ 3 7&8 )
Basti bila - Urinary orifice ( “ “ “ “ .8 )
Meda - Adipose tissue ( “ “ IV 27 .05 )
Lohitam - Blood ( “ “ XI 7 .25 )
Vapa - Omentum, greater ( “ “ XX 5 .02 )
Gavinyau - Follopian tubes ( “ “ I .3. .6 )
. - Testes ( “ “ VI 127 .02 )
6 Bull.Ind.Inst.Hist.Med.Vol.XXXI - 2001
. (Heart ) has been mentioned and its connection with Manas and
. has also been referred in Atharvaveda (AV.Kanda.-II.
.. 33.2 & III. 25.6 ).
Srotas (channels ) of the human body which allow the flow of bodily liquids
from one place to another are also refered by Atharvan (AV.Kanda
. . X.2 .11 ). The
same ideology has been followed by Caraka and Susruta.
Atharvan says that God had stored floods of blood in human body i.e. in Srotas
which turn in all directions, move in diverse organs and flow in arteries. Arteries are
hasty, red, purple and copperhued running in all the ways i.e. upward, downward
and oblique (AV. Kanda. . X.2 .11 ).
The term Nadi has also been referred to duct (but not in the sense of pulse )
while duscussing the ducts over the Muska
. (testes ) through which semen flows.
The word Nadi is related etymologically with Nada (reed) hollow with in and which
grows in the rainy season (AV. Kanda
. . VI.138.4 & 5 ).
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