Review Quiz 2 12102020

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1. Abby, Ben, Carlo are solidarily indebted to Xianne for the selling of a
property. If Abby, Ben, Carlo are sued, none can be held liable. This is a
complete defense.

Abby, Ben, Carlo are solidarily indebted to Xianne for Php 3 million but
Abby’s consent had been obtained by intimidation.

• If Xianne sues Abby, how much Abby will be liable for?

• If Xianne sues Ben, how much Ben wil be liable for?

2. A and B are solidarily bound to give C some drugs worth P1,000,000. Later,
the law prohibits the transaction of said drugs, and declares the drugs to be
outside the commerce of man. Knowing this, A nevertheless delivers the drugs
to C. May A now get reimbursement from B?

3. A and B are solidary debtors of C to the amount of P1,000,000.

The debt prescribed. But A voluntarily paid C, nevertheless, because A felt
morally obliged to so pay.

• May A recover from C what he has paid?

• May A get any reimbursement from B?

4. A, B, and C are jointly liable to give a particular car worth P1.2 million in
favor of D, E, F, and G. A is insolvent and the debtors, therefore, cannot
purchase the car to give to the creditors. D and E have renounced their rights.
The debtors are not in default. How much can each of the creditors get from
each of the debtors?

5. X, a dressmaker, accepted clothing materials from Karla to make two dresses

for her. Day On the X was supposed to deliver Karla's dresses, X called up
Karla to say that 8 she had an urgent matter to attend to and will deliver them
the next day. That night, however, a robber broke into her shop and took
everything including Karla's two dresses. X claims she is not liable to deliver
Karla's dresses or to pay for the clothing materials considering she herself was
a victim of the robbery which was a fortuitous event and over which she had
no control. Do you agree? Why?

Submit your answer to on or before 5:30pm today, use

law1_activity2_your last name, write your complete name on your answer sheet
together with your subject and date today. Use the prescribed pattern in answering
the question ALAC (Answer, Legal Basis, Application and Conclusion).


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