Review Quiz 2 12102020
Review Quiz 2 12102020
Review Quiz 2 12102020
1. Abby, Ben, Carlo are solidarily indebted to Xianne for the selling of a
property. If Abby, Ben, Carlo are sued, none can be held liable. This is a
complete defense.
Abby, Ben, Carlo are solidarily indebted to Xianne for Php 3 million but
Abby’s consent had been obtained by intimidation.
2. A and B are solidarily bound to give C some drugs worth P1,000,000. Later,
the law prohibits the transaction of said drugs, and declares the drugs to be
outside the commerce of man. Knowing this, A nevertheless delivers the drugs
to C. May A now get reimbursement from B?
4. A, B, and C are jointly liable to give a particular car worth P1.2 million in
favor of D, E, F, and G. A is insolvent and the debtors, therefore, cannot
purchase the car to give to the creditors. D and E have renounced their rights.
The debtors are not in default. How much can each of the creditors get from
each of the debtors?