3.) Heat Exchanger
3.) Heat Exchanger
3.) Heat Exchanger
) Heat Exchanger
A heat exchanger tube of D=20 mm diameter conveys 0.0983 kg/s of water
(Pr=4.3, k= 0.632 W/m K, density=1000 kg/m3, viscosity= 0.651×10-3 kg/m s) on the
inside which is used to cool a stream of air on the outside where the external heat
transfer coefficient has a value of ho=100 W/m2 K. Ignoring the thermal resistance of
the tube walls, evaluate the overall heat transfer coefficient, U [Answer: 95.92W/m2 K]
Just like the Conduction with Internal Heat Generation, VBA was used in this
You need to change first the diameter into meter since other parameters are
in terms of meter. The givens are written in the white box namely; diameter, flow rate,
prandalt number, Thermal conductivity, density, viscosity and the outside heat
transfer coefficient. Do note that the thermal resistance of the tube walls is negligible.
In order to find the overall heat coefficient, we need to find the Area of the
tube and its volume. So doing it in the VBA, first we made a code for the values in
the spreadsheet and then we write the formula for solving the Area, � = 4
. The
code for the value of π is (Application.WorksheetFunction.Pi()) and it was used in the
After finding the Area, we also solve for the volume using the formula � = �� .
Since VBA can’t acknowledge the � as a symbol for density, we used “rho” as its
symbol in the VBA. We also make sure that the calculated area and volume can be
shown in the excel.
Since we now have the value of our volume, we can now solve the Reynolds
number using the formula �� = �
. In the code, we used the symbol “R: which
indicates the Reynolds number.
With the use of our Reynolds number, we can now find the value of the
Nusselt number, heat coefficient and the overall Heat coefficient. The Nusselt
number can be solve using the equation, �� = 0.027��0.8 ��0.4 (the equation is based
on the Perry’s Handbook). Multiplying the Nusselt number to the thermal conductivity
and divide it with the diameter, you will have the heat coefficient. The Nusselt
Number,Reynolds Number and even the heat coefficient were written in the
Using the heat coefficient, we can have the overall heat coefficient. Using the
1 1 −1
formula � = ℎ
. Where the h is the heat coefficient and ho is the outside heat
Excel shows the summary of the answers. The box with colored yellow
indicates that these are the calculated value. The white ones are the given variables
and these are the numbers needed in able to solve the problem. And the green one
shows the final answer to the question. This can be seen in the legend.
The Excel consist of a “Delete all” command button where it will delete all the
variables written. You can also change a variable in the white box and it will not
make a difference until you click the “Click to solve” command button.