2 Euphemisms: What Are Euphemisms and When Do We Use Them?

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2 E u p h e m is m s

W h a t a r e e u p h e m is m s a n d w h e n d o w e use t h e m ?
Euphemisms are a type of idiom used to avoid saying words which may offend or be
considered unpleasant. They are useful to learn, as they will help you communicate using
language which is appropriate for the situation you are in.
Euphemisms are used:
• to talk about subjects which may upset or offend, such as death.
It was obvious he was not long for this world, but he never lost his sense of humour,
[going to die soon]
• to avoid using direct words for body functions.
I’m just going to spend a penny, [use the toilet (UK public toilets used to charge a penny.)]
• for humorous effect when telling anecdotes.
My boss was effing and blinding because he had lost a confidential report, [swearing
(some common English swear words begin with f or b) (informal)]
How embarrassing! The door opened and my neighbour saw me in my birthday suit /
in the altogether! [naked]
• by the media or political institutions to tone down unpleasant situations.
Many soldiers have made the supreme / ultimate sacrifice for their country, [died]
He died in a friendly fire incident, [killed by his own side, not by the enemy]
O t h e r e u p h e m is m s
e u p h e m ism ex a m p le m e a n in g

four-letter words Th e play may offend some people, as it’s full of swear w ords (Many of these have
f o u r -l e t t e r w o r ds. fo ur le tters in English.)

pardon my French H e’s such a bloody idiot, p a r d o n m y F r e n c h . apologies for swearing (humorous)

powd er my nose I’m just going to p o w d e r m y n ose. use the toilet

answ er the call of G o behind a tre e if you need to a n s w e r t h e urinate (m ore direct)
nature ca ll o f n a t u r e .

a bit on the side Did you know she had a b i t o n t h e si d e? sexual partner in addition to the
p erson’s usual partner

play the field H e said he’s to o young to stop p la yin g t h e having many romantic o r sexual
fiel d and settle down. relationships with o ut committing
to one partner

have a bun in the Guess what! I’v e got a b u n in t h e o ve n! I’m pregnant (hum orous)

my number was 1 saw the car heading straight fo r me and 1 1 was about to die (informal)
up thought m y n u m b e r w as up.

breathe my last T h is is wh ere 1 was born and wh ere 1 will die

b r e a t h e m y last,’ said the old woman.

be six feet under W e ’ll all b e si x f e e t u n d e r by the time you be dead (informal)
finish writing yo ur novel!

28 English Idioms in U se A dv a nced

E x e rc ises

12.1 Which idioms do these pictures make you think of?

I 2.2 Correct the mistakes in these euphemisms.

1 The poet breathed his latest on 20 January 1891.
2 Older dogs need to be let out more often to answer the cry of nature.
3 He’d only been married for a year before he found himself a bit on the edge.
4 For one dreadful moment I thought my number was over.
5 I hate my daughter’s taste in music - it’s full of five-letter words.
6 The old lady asked where she could go to powder her chin.
7 Did you know Marta had a cake in the oven?
8 Don’t be such a bloody fool, pardon my German.

I 2.3 Complete each euphemism.

1 I could hear him effing a n d ...................................as he was fixing the car.
2 We are here today to honour those airmen who have made the ultimate

3 Laura will be back in a minute. She’s just gone t o a penny.

4 This problem won’t be solved until we’re all six fee t................................... !
5 ‘I’m afraid that your father may not b e for this world,’ said the doctor.
6 The nearest toilet is on the right, if you’d like to powder y o u r....................................

I 2.4 Rewrite each sentence using a euphemism from the opposite page. There may be more than
one possible answer.
1 She’s pregnant.....................................................................
2 He’s naked.....................................................................
3 I’m just going to the toilet.....................................................................
4 The old man knew he would soon die.....................................................................
5 He has lots of girlfriends.....................................................................
6 He’s always swearing.....................................................................
7 Excuse me for sw earing!...................................................................
8 We must reduce the number of times we accidentally fire on our own men.

I 2. 5 The underlined euphemisms below are not on the opposite page. What do you think they
mean? Use a dictionary to help you.
1 The doctors have just told him he’s got the big C .
2 I think you’re being economical with the truth.
3 The cat was so badly injured that we had to have it put to sleep.
4 Why didn’t you tell me your sister was eating for tw o?
5 Shall we pause the meeting for a comfort break now?

English Idioms in U se A dv a n ced 29

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