These Beldjoudi Samia
These Beldjoudi Samia
These Beldjoudi Samia
Pour obtenir le diplôme de
Docteur 3éme cycle
Filière : Informatique
Spécialité : Sciences et Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication
Préparée par
Samia Beldjoudi
Jury :
Collaborative tagging which is the keystone of social practices in web 2.0 has been highly
developed in the last few years. The powerful of social tagging activities allows the wide set
of web users to add free annotations on resources to express user interests, preferences and
also automatically generate folksonomies. Folksonomies have been involved in many web
searching and recommendations approaches, consequently, it seems logical to use information
about and derived from social network structures in the context of information retrieval
systems. The presented PhD thesis addresses different challenges in the social web area. The
main focus of our dissertation is how to exploit social aspect of folksonomies within
information retrieval, especially in searching and recommendation.
We proposed a new method to analyzing user profiles according to their tagging activity in
order to improve resource recommendation. We based upon association rules which are a
powerful method to discover interesting relationships among large datasets on the web. Our
aim is to recommend resources annotated with tags suggested by association rules, in order to
enrich user profiles. The effectiveness of recommendation depends on the resolution of social
tagging drawbacks. In our recommender process, we demonstrate how we can reduce tag
ambiguity and spelling variations problems by taking into account social similarities
calculated on folksonomies, in order to personalize resource recommendation.
In this context, a social personalized ranking function is proposed; this function merges the
social aspect of folksonomy and events detection in order to estimate the relevance of given
Keywords: Web 2.0, Semantic Web, folksonomies, Social Tagging, Social Interactions.
Le tagging collaboratif qui est la clé des pratiques sociales du Web 2.0 a été fortement
développé ces dernières années. La puissance des activités d’étiquetage social a permet aux
utilisateurs d'ajouter des annotations sur les ressources en utilisant des tags. Ces tags
expriment les intérêts des utilisateurs, leurs préférences et leurs besoins, mais aussi génèrent
automatiquement des folksonomies. Les folksonomies ont été impliqués dans plusieurs
approches de recherche d’informations et de recommandations. Cette thèse de doctorat aborde
différents défis dans le domaine de web social afin d’exploiter l’aspect social des
folksonomies dans les systèmes de recherche d'information et de recommandation.
Nous avons proposé une nouvelle approche pour analyser les profils des utilisateurs en
fonction de leurs tags afin d’améliorer la recommandation des ressources. Nous nous sommes
basés sur les règles d'association qui est une technique puissante de data mining pour
découvrir des relations intéressantes entre les données du web. Notre objectif est de
recommander des ressources annotées avec des étiquettes proposées par ces règles
d'association afin d'enrichir les profils des utilisateurs. L'efficacité de la recommandation
dépend de la résolution des problèmes d'étiquetage social. Dans notre processus de
recommandation, nous montrons comment nous pouvons réduire l’ambiguïté des tags et le
problème de variations orthographiques en tenant compte les similitudes sociales calculées sur
les folksonomies afin de personnaliser la recommandation de ressources.
Dans ce contexte, une fonction de classement des ressources est proposée; cette fonction
s'appuie sur l'aspect social et la détection des événements au sein des folksonomies pour
estimer la pertinence des ressources proposées aux utilisateurs.
Mots clés : Web 2.0, Web Sémantique, Folksonomies, Tagging Social, Interactions sociales.
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This thesis is based on the following original articles:
Abstract ..................................................................................................................................... iii
Résumé ...................................................................................................................................... iv
......................................................................................................................................... v
Publications .............................................................................................................................. vi
Contents ................................................................................................................................... vii
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................ x
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................. xi
Chapter 1 : Introduction…………………………………………………………………….. 1
1.1 General Context.................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Thesis Context ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Motivations........................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Research Questions and Issues ............................................................................................. 4
1.4.1 Resources recommendation in folksonomies ................................................................ 4
1.4.2 Retrieval and Ranking Models ..................................................................................... 5
1.5 Main Contributions .............................................................................................................. 6
1.6 Thesis Organization.............................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 3 : Social Information Retrieval: State of the Art ............................................... 34
3.1 Social web search .............................................................................................................. 35
3.1.1 Collaborative Tagging and Searching ........................................................................ 35
3.1.2 Personalization ............................................................................................................. 45
3.1.3 Ranking ........................................................................................................................ 50
3.2. Social Recommender Systems ......................................................................................... 52
3.2.1 Traditional Recommender Systems ............................................................................. 53
3.2.2 Challenges and Limitations ......................................................................................... 54
3.2.3 Ranking in Recommendations ..................................................................................... 55
3.2.4 Tagging and Social recommender systems.................................................................. 57
3.2.5 Group Recommender Systems for the Social Web ..................................................... 62
3.2.6 Medical recommendation system in Social Tagging Activities ................................. 63
3.2.7 Areas for further research ............................................................................................ 68
3.3 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 69
Part II : Contributions
5.1.8 The impact of α value in the ranking function ........................................................... 98
5.1.9 Scale-up Experiment ................................................................................................... 99
5.1.10 Comparative Analysis ............................................................................................. 100
5.1.11 General Discussion .................................................................................................. 103
5.2 Experiments of Resources Recommendation: A Real World Application for Diabetes
Disease .................................................................................................................................. 104
5.2.1. Resource Recommendation in Medical Social Networks ....................................... 105
5.2.2 A Real World Application for Diabetes Disease ....................................................... 107
5.2.3 Dataset ....................................................................................................................... 109
5.2.4 Experimental Methodology ....................................................................................... 109
5.2.5 Experimental Results ................................................................................................. 112
5.2.6 General Discussion .................................................................................................... 114
5.3 Evaluation of Searching and Ranking Model in Collaborative E-learning ..................... 115
5.3.1 Motivating Example ................................................................................................. 116
5.3.1 Evaluation Methodology .......................................................................................... 119
5.3.2 Experimental Results ................................................................................................. 119
5.3.3 Analyze the Approach Accuracy in Resources Retrieved ........................................ 120
5.3.4 Scalability evaluation................................................................................................. 121
5.3.5 General Discussion .................................................................................................... 122
5.4 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 122
Chapter 6: Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 124
6.1 Contributions .................................................................................................................... 125
6.1.1 Resources recommendation in folksonomies ............................................................ 125
6.1.2 Retrieval and Ranking Models .................................................................................. 127
6.2 Future Work ..................................................................................................................... 128
Bibliography ......................................................................................................................... 130
List of Figures
N° Title Page
2.1 Important Processes in web information retrieval 12
2.2 Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0 26
2.3 The folksonomy triangle: users, tags and resources 28
2.4 A model for social information retrieval 30
4.1 Process of surmounting the tag ambiguity problem 80
4.2 An illustrative example with and without an association rule sport football 83
4.3 Overall of process in collaborative environment 85
5.1 Optimal value of minimum support 95
5.2 Optimal value of minimum confidence 96
5.3 Distribution of users’ similarity with cosine formula over many thresholds 97
distributed in the interval [0, 1]
5.4 Evaluation the impact of α values on average of F1 score and mean reciprocal 100
5.5 Performance of our approach when the database size increases 101
5.6 Overview of the system design 107
5.7 The home page of our application 109
5.8 Example of resources recommendation for a doctor 112
5.9 A set of learners with their tags 116
5.10 An illustrative example 117
5.11 The phase of similarities calculation 118
5.12 Evaluation Performance of our approach when the database size increases 122
List of Tables
N° Title Page
2.1 The main difference between data and information 11
3.1 Summary of some functionalities in many social web approaches 71
4.1 An illustrative example of a dataset with user tags 78
4.2 Example of a folksonomy 80
4.3 Matrix RU of tag apple 81
4.4 Matrix UT 81
4.5 Matrix UU 81
4.6 Example of a folksonomy 84
5.1 Average precision, recall and F1 of the recommendations 92
5.2 Average precision, recall and F1 of the recommendations 92
5.3 The average values of the three metrics concerning the problem of tags’ 94
ambiguity and spelling variations without following our proposed approach
5.4 The standard deviation value of the three metrics concerning tags ambiguity 94
5.5 The standard deviation value of the three metrics concerning spelling 94
variations problem
5.6 Example of a matrix UU 98
5.7 A comparison between our approach and three related ones 101
5.8 Average Precision, Average Recall and Average F1 achieved by our approach 101
and three related ones
5.9 Average Precision, Average Recall and Average F1 achieved by our approach 102
and two related ones
5.10 A comparison between our approach and two related ones 103
5.11 The average values of the three metrics following our proposed approach 112
5.12 The average values of the three metrics without following our proposed 113
5.13 The standard deviation value of the three metrics 113
5.14 The average values of the three metrics concerning the problem of tags 114
5.15 The average values of the three metrics concerning the problem of spelling 114
5.16 The average value of the three metrics 120
5.17 The average values of the three metrics concerning the problem of tags’ 121
ambiguity without following our proposed approach
5.18 The standard deviation value of the three metrics concerning tags ambiguity 121
Chapter 1 1
Chapter 1:
Chapter 1 2
Chapter 1:
The powerful of social tagging activities allows the wide set of web users to add free
annotations on resources. Tags express user interests, preferences and needs, but also
automatically generate folksonomies. These later can be considered as gold mine to provide
effective information. Folksonomies have been also involved in many web searching and
recommendations approaches, therefore it seems logical to use information about and derived
from social network structures in the context of information retrieval systems. The presented
PhD thesis addresses different challenges in the social web area. The main focus of our thesis
is how to exploit social aspect of folksonomies within information retrieval, especially in
searching and recommendation. This chapter explains the research context, motivations and
questions we addressed in our study. Contributions are based on different approaches to
solving the addressed research questions. In the last section, we present the organization of
the presented thesis.
1.3 Motivation
With web 2.0 technologies, the web has become a social space where users create, annotate,
share and make public resources which they find interesting on the web. Folksonomies are
one of the keystones of these new social practices: they are systems of classification resulting
from collaboratively creating and managing tags to annotate and categorize contents.
Despite the strength of folksonomies, there are some problems hindering the growth of these
systems: tag ambiguity (or polysemy) is one of the famous problems in folksonomies. It
comes from the fact that a tag can designate several concepts (i.e., a tag can have several
meanings), for example when a user employs the tag ''apple'' to annotate a resource, the
system will not understand if the user means the fruit or the company. Also the variations in
writing a same concept (spelling variations or synonymy) can cause some problems during the
search phase, for example ''cat'' and ''chat'' both denote the same concept (animal) in English
and in French, but when a user searches resources annotated by the tag ''cat'', the system will
not offer him those tagged with the word ''chat'' because it cannot understand that the tag ''cat''
has the same meaning that the tag ''chat''. In addition, tags that are freely chosen in these
systems are likely to contain spelling errors and therefore make the retrieval of resources
more uncertain than the metadata recovering from a word list examined by information
professionals. Consequently resource retrieval within folksonomies needs some improvements
to increase the quality of the results obtained in these systems.
Chapter 1 4
The interest in recommender systems still remains high because it constitutes a problem-rich
research area. Applying such systems within folksonomies recognized a real success in the
last years, however due to the above-mentioned folksonomies problems it is clear that
resource retrieval and so resource recommendation within folksonomies needs some
improvements to increase the quality of results obtained in these systems. Consequently, it is
interesting to analyze user profiles to overcome folksonomies problems and thus to improve
the effectiveness of recommending personalized resources.
In folksonomies a relatively large number of resources can match users’ queries. Therefore,
ranking these web resources is a key problem, since a user cannot browse all them.
Consequently, in this thesis we are interested by exploiting the power of social interactions
between folksonomy users and event detection to improve resources retrieval in collaborative
RQ1. How to analyze user profiles within folksonomies to overcome tag ambiguity and
spelling variation problems and thus improve the effectiveness of recommending personalized
Diabetes affects millions of people in the world leading to substantial negative effects and
expensive healthy penalties in our life. Recently with the emergence of social networks in the
internet and their use in different field, we want to use this technology in clinical practice by
showing a system based on giving doctors relevant medical resources can be annotated by
them. Thus the second research question we address is:
RQ2. How to help doctors discovering the best practices to patient diseases, diagnosis and
treatments by analyzing doctors’ profiles according to their daily tagging activity in order to
personalize recommendation of medical resources?
Part 1:
State of the Art
Chapter 2 9
Research Issues and Background
Chapter 2: Research
Issues and Background
Chapter 2 10
Research Issues and Background
Chapter 2
Research Issues and Background
This chapter reviews the main concepts addressed in this thesis. Firstly, we present the
background knowledge required to understand information retrieval and its basic process. In
section 2, the social web and the main models of social relationships will be introduced; this
includes specially folksonomies in the context of web 2.0. In the last section, we introduce
social information retrieval, which is defined as the bridge that fills the gap between
information retrieval and the Web 2.0.
bubble-sort algorithm.
In the above examples their location is not known In the above examples their location are
and hence the meaning cannot be given to this known and hence they have a specified
data. meaning.
Table 2.1: The main difference between data and information
Data retrieving systems can be found in the operating system search. Windows search is a
best example for the data retrieval system. We would have to specify the exact name of the
file that we desire. Where information retrieval systems are like web search engines. The best
well-known is Google. It treats the natural language and generates the result including the
most set of documents matching the query.
Recently, it became very important to retrieve the data in a faster manner. Previous there used
to linear search mechanisms where the complete set of documents in the database are read and
then sorted according to the query and displayed. This had varied complexities and took
greater time compared to the advanced techniques available these days.
In an information retrieval system, the documents are scanned for the query. To decrease the
computation time of the system, the documents are scanned only for the repeated key words
which are considered relevant to the document. The result displayed sends a feedback as an
input for the next query. In this way with every query there is an increase in the performance
of the system.
The difference between an information retrieval system and a data retrieval system is that:
– IR deals with unstructured/semi-structured data while data retrieval (a database management
system or DBMS) deals with structured data with well-defined semantics.
– Querying a DBMS system produces exact/precise results or no results if no exact match is
– Querying an IR system produces multiple results with ranking. Partial match is allowed
document characterization.
In the next section, a description of IR Systems modules will be given.
- The system retrieves documents that are relevant to the query from the index and displays
that to the user. (Ranking step))
- User can give relevance feedback to the search engine.
engine (Relevance Feedback step)
The goal of any information retrieval system is to satisfy user's information need.
Unfortunately, characterization of user information need is not simple.
si User's often do not
know clearly about the information need. Query is only a vague and
a incomplete description
de of
the information need. Query operations like query expansion, stop word
w removal etc. are
usually done on the query.
Figure 2.1:
.1: Important Processes in web information retrieval
The web crawler retrieves documents from the web by following some defi
fined strategies. The
crawler creates a copy of all the documents it crawls
craw to be treated by the search engine. The
crawler starts from a list of documents called seed.
seed The crawler visits the documents (URLs),
identifies the outgoing hyperlinks
perlinks there and adds them to the list of documents to be visited.
This way the crawler traverses the web graph following
following hyperlinks. It saves a copy of each
document it visits.
a) Selection policy
Selection policy decides the links to crawl first. Usually the web graph is traversed in a
breadth firstt way to avoid being lost at infinite
infinite depth. As the number of documents is
Chapter 2 13
Research Issues and Background
enormous, the selection policy becomes important so as to select which documents to crawl
and which documents not to crawl. Generally page importance measures like PageRank are
used as a selection strategy.
b) Revisit policy
The crawler needs to crawl frequently to keep the search results up-to-date. The revisit policy
determines how frequently the crawling process should be restarted. There is a cost associated
with an outdated copy of a document. The mostly used cost functions are freshness (is the
stored copy outdated?) and age (how old is the stored copy). There may be two revisit
Uniform policy revisit all the documents in the collection with same frequency and
proportional policy revisit documents that change frequently more often.
It is interesting to note that proportional policy often incurs more freshness cost. The reason
being, pages in the web either keep static or change so frequently that even the proportional
policy cannot keep them up to date.
The documents crawled by the search engine are stored in an index for efficient retrieval. The
documents are first parsed, and then tokenized, stop-word removed and stemmed. After that
they are stored in an inverted index. The process is discussed below.
a) Tokenization
This stems extracts word tokens (index terms) from running text. For example, given a piece
of text: “Places to be visited in Algeria” it outputs [places, to, be, visited, in, Algeria].
b) Stop-word eliminator
Stop-words are those words that do not have any disambiguation power. Common examples
of stop words are articles, prepositions etc. In this step, stop words are removed from the list
of tokens. For example, given the list of token generated by tokenizer, it strips it down to:
[places, visited, Algeria].
c) Stemmer
The remaining tokens are then stemmed to the root form (e.g. visited visit). For example,
after stemming the list of tokens becomes this: [place, visit, Algeria].
d) Inverted index
The ordinary index would contain for each document, the index terms within it. But the
inverted index stores for each term the list of documents where they appear. The benefit of
using an inverted index comes from the fact that in IR we are interested in finding the
Chapter 2 14
Research Issues and Background
documents that contain the index terms in the query. So, if we have an inverted index, we do
not have to scan through all the documents in collection in search of the term. Often a hash-
table is associated with the inverted index so that searching happens in O (1) time.
Inverted index may contain additional information like how many times the term appears in
the document, the offset of the term within the document? etc.
When the user gives a query, the index is consulted to obtain the documents most relevant to
the query. The relevant documents are then ranked according to their degree of relevance,
importance, etc.
a) Relevance Feedback
Relevance feedback is one of the classical ways of refining search engine rankings. It works
in the following way: Search engine firsts generate an initial set of rankings. Users select the
relevant documents within this ranking. Based on the information in these documents a more
appropriate ranking is presented (for example, the query may be expanded using the terms
contained in the first set of relevant documents).
Sometimes users do not enough domain knowledge to form good queries. But they can select
relevant documents from a list of documents once the documents are shown to him. For
example, when the user fires a query 'matrix', initially documents on both the topics (movie
and maths) are retrieved. Then say, the user selects the maths documents as relevant. This
feedback can be used to refine the search and retrieve more documents from mathematics
- Types of relevance feedback
Explicit: User gives feedback to help system to improve.
Implicit: User doesn't know he is helping e.g. "similar pages" features in Google.
Pseudo: User doesn't do anything! Top 'k' judgments are taken as relevant. Being fully
automated it has always this risk that results may drift completely away from the intended
document set.
- Issues with relevance feedback
The user must have sufficient knowledge to form the initial query.
This does not work too well in cases like: Misspellings and Mismatch in user's and
document's vocabulary.
Relevant documents has to be similar to each other (they need to cluster) while similarity
between relevant and non-relevant document should be small. That is why this technique does
Chapter 2 15
Research Issues and Background
not work too well for generic topics that often appear as disjunction of more specific
Long queries generated may cause long response time.
Users are often reluctant to participate in explicit feedback. [Spink et al., 2000: Only 4% of
users participate. 70% doesn't go beyond first page.]
where freq(w, d) is the term frequency of w in d and nd is the number of distinct terms in d. tf
captures the importance of a term w in a document by assuming that the higher tf score of w,
the more importance of w with respect to d. Intuitively, terms that convey the topics of a
document should have high values of tf.
idf is the inverse document frequency weight of a term w. It measures the importance of w
with respect to a document collection. idf can be seen as a discriminating property, where a
term that appears in many documents is less discriminative than a term appears in a few
documents. idf can be computed as:
Where N is the total number of documents in a collection, and nw is the number of documents
in which a term w occurs. Finally, a tf-idf weight of a term w in a document d can be
computed using the function tf-idf (w,d) given as:
Finally, a query q and a document d can be represented as vectors of tf-idf weights of all terms
in the vocabulary as:
! "# $ % # $& '
! "# ( % # (& )
Where i,q is tf-idf weight of a term wi in q and i,d is tf-idf weight of a term wi in d.
The similarity of the term-weight vectors of q and d can be computed using the cosine
similarity as:
! ! #/ $ - #/ (
*+ ! !
, !, - . !. 12/ $ - 12/ (
0 / /
The advantages of the vector space model over the Boolean retrieval model are: 1) it employs
term weighting which improves the retrieval effectiveness, 2) the degree of similarity allows
partially matching documents to be retrieved, and 3) it is fast and easy for implementing.
However, there are some disadvantages of the vector space model. First, it makes no
assumption about term dependency, which might lead to poor results [Baeza-Yates and
Ribeiro-Neto, 2011]. In addition, the vector space model makes no explicit definition of
relevance. In other words, there is no assumption about whether relevance is binary or
mutivalued, which can impact the effectiveness of ranking models.
Chapter 2 17
Research Issues and Background
Probabilistic Model
The probabilistic model was first proposed by Robertson and Jones [Robertson and Jones,
1976]. The model exploits probabilistic theory to capture the uncertainty in the IR process.
That is, documents are ranked according to the probability of relevance. There are two
assumptions in this model: 1) relevance is a binary property, that is, a document is either
relevant or non-relevant, and 2) the relevance of a document does not depend on other
Given a query q, let 4 and 45 be the set of relevant documents and the set of non-relevant
documents with respect to q respectively. A basic task is to gather all possible evidences in
order to describe the properties of the sets of relevant documents and non-relevant documents.
The similarity of q and a document d can be computed using the odd ratio of relevance as:
6 4,
*+ 7
6 45 ,
In order to simplify the calculation, Bayes’ theorem is applied yielding the following formula:
6 4, 6 4 6 ,4 6 ,4
*+ 8 9
6 45 , 6 45 6 ,45 6 ,45
Where 6 4 is the prior probability of a relevant document, and 6 45 is the prior probability
of a non-relevant document. For a given query q, it is assumed that both prior probabilities are
the same for all documents, so they can be ignored from the calculation.
6 ,4 and 6 ,45 are probabilities of randomly selecting a document d from the set of
relevant documents 4 and the set of non-relevant documents 45 respectively.
In the probabilistic model, a document d is represented as a vector of terms with binary
weighting, which indicates term occurrence or non-occurrence.
! "# ( % # (& :
Where i,d is the weight of a term wi in a document d, and i,d Щ {0, 1}. In order to compute
6 ,4 and 6 ,45 , it assumes the Naive Bayes conditional independence [Manning et al.,
2009], that is, the presence or absence of a term in a document is independent of the presence
or absence of other terms in the given query. Thus, the computation of similarity can be
simplified as:
6 ,4 ;/ 6 / ,4
*+ 8 8 <
6 ,45 ;/ 6 5
/ ,4
the probability that a term wi occurs in non-relevant documents. By modeling relevance using
Chapter 2 18
Research Issues and Background
probability theory makes the probabilistic model theoretically sound compared to the Boolean
retrieval model and the vector space model. However, a drawback is an independence
assumption of terms, which is contrary to the fact that any two terms can be semantically
related. In addition, the probabilistic model is difficult to implement because the complete sets
of relevant documents and non-relevant documents are not easy to obtain. Thus, in order to
compute 6 / ,4 and 6 5 , it is needed to guess prior probabilities of a term wi by
/ ,4
retrieving top-n relevant documents and then perform iterative retrieval in order to recalculate
probabilities. This makes it difficult to implement the model. In addition, the probabilistic
model ignores the frequency of terms in a document.
Language Modeling
Originally, language modeling was employed in speech recognition for recognizing or
generating a sequence of terms. In recent years, language model approaches have gained
interests from the IR community and been applied for IR. A language model MD is estimated
from a set of documents D, which is viewed as the probability distribution for generating a
sequence of terms in a language. The probability of generating a sequence of terms can be
computed by multiplying the probability of generating each term in the sequence (called a
unigram language model), which can be computed as:
6 2 = ,>? 6 ,>? 6 2 ,>? 6 = ,>?
The original language modeling approach to IR is called the query likelihood model [Manning
et al., 2009].
In this model, a document d is ranked by the probability of a document d as the likelihood that
it is relevant to a query q, or P(d|q). By applying Bayes’ theorem, P(d|q) can be computed as:
6 , 6
6 ,
Where P(q) is the probability of a query q, and P(d) is a document’s prior probability.
Both P(q) and P(d) are in general ignored from the calculation because they have the same
values for all documents. The core of the query likelihood model is to compute P(q|d) or the
probability of generating q given the language model of d, MD. P(q|d) can be computed using
maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) and the unigram assumption where nq is the number
of terms in q. The equation above is prone to zero-probability, which means that one or more
terms in q may be absent from a document d. In order to avoid zero-probability, a smoothing
technique can be applied in order to add a small (non-zero) probability to terms that are absent
from a document. Such a small probability is generally taken from the background document
Chapter 2 19
Research Issues and Background
collection. For each query term w, a smoothing technique is applied yielding the estimated
probability @A , of generating each query term w from d as:
6B , C 6 ,>( D EC 6 ,>F
Where the smoothing parameter Щ [0, 1]. C is the background document collection. >F is
the language model generated from the background collection.
Learning to Rank
Many researchers have applied machine learning algorithms in order to optimize the quality
of ranking, called learning-to-rank approaches. In general, there are three main steps for
modeling a ranking function using learning-to-rank approaches [Liu, 2009]:
1. Identify features. A set of features {x1, x2, . . . , xm} are defined as sources of the relevance
of a document di with respect to a query qj . Normally, a value of each feature xi is a real
number between [0, 1]. The same notation will be used for both feature and its value that is xi.
Given a query qj , a document di can be represented as a vector of feature values, di = (x1, x2, .
. . , xz) indicating the relevance of di with respect to qj .
2. Learn a ranking model. Machine learning is used for learning a ranking function h(q, d)
based on training data, called supervised learning. Training data is a set of triples of labeled or
judged query/document pairs {(qj , di, yk)}, where each document di is represented by its
feature values, i Щ {1, . . . , n} and j Щ {1, . . . ,m}. A judgment or label yk can be either
relevant or non-relevant yk Щ {1,г1}, or a rank representing by natural numbers yk Щ N.
3. Rank documents using models. The ranking function h(q, d) learned in the previous step
will be used for ranking test data, or a set of unseen query/document pairs {(qj , di)} where i
G {1, . . . , n} and j G {1, . . . ,m}. The result is a judgment or label y k for each
query/document pair.
A ranking model h(d, q) is obtained by training a set of labeled query/document pairs using a
learning algorithm. A learned ranking model is essentially a weighted coefficient wi of a
feature xi. An unseen document/query pair (d , q ) will be ranked according to a weighted sum
of feature scores:
K / - L/$J '
each document and ignores the positions of documents in a ranked list. The pairwise approach
considers a pair of documents, and relevance prediction is given as the relative order between
them (i.e., pairwise preference). The listwise approach considers a whole set of retrieved
documents, and predicts the relevance degrees among documents [Liu, 2009].
specified, and 2) those with implicit temporal intents. An example of a query with time
explicitly specified is the occupation of Algeria in 1830.
In this case, a temporal intent is represented by the temporal expression “before 1830”
indicating that a user wants to know about colonization events in Algeria in the year 1830.
Similarly, the temporal part of a query or qtime can be represented using any time models
defined above.
Note that, there is no standard terminology for referring a query in this research area. Previous
work [Kulkarni et al., 2011, Metzler et al., 2009, Nørvåg, 2004, Wang et al., 2010] mainly
uses the term temporal queries, however, the term time-sensitive queries has been used
recently in some work [Dakka et al., 2008, Dong et al., 2010, Zhang et al., 2009].
Precision measures among the retrieved documents, how many are relevant. It does not care if
we do not retrieve all the relevant documents but penalizes if we retrieve non-relevant
Precision at Rank k
In web search systems the set of retrieved document is usually huge. But it makes a lot of
difference if the relevant document is retrieved early in the rank list that late. To take this into
account, precision at a cut-off rank k is introduced. Here the list of relevant documents I is
cut-off at rank k. Only documents up to rank k are considered to be retrieved set of
Mean average precision or MAP score
To represent the order in which the result was given, the mean average precision or MAP
measure gives the average of precision at various cut-off
ranks. It is given by:
Chapter 2 23
Research Issues and Background
/ U@ H*I S
>R6 3
Recall is a measure of completeness of the IR process. If the actual set of relevant document
is denoted by I and the retrieved set of document is denoted by O, then the recall is given by:
,Y P Z,
Recall measures how much of the relevant set of documents we can retrieve. It does not care
if we retrieve non-relevant documents also in the process.
Precision and Recall are not independent measures. It is seen that if we try to increase
precision, the recall is reduced and vice versa.
F-Score (F1 metric)
F-Score tries to combine the precision and Recall measure. It is the harmonic mean of the
two. If P is the precision and R is the recall then the F-Score is given by:
6 4
[ 9
Information Retrieval Evaluation Forums
IR Evaluation forums provide framework to test various IR techniques against standard
benchmarks. They provide the following things: [Manning et al., 2009]
- A Document collection
- A test suite of information needs expressible as queries
- A set of relevance judgments. Usually, a set of documents is manually judged as relevant or
One key thing to note is that relevance is judged against information needs and not queries
[Manning et al., 2009]. The task of converting an Information Need to a system query must be
done by the system itself and becomes a part to be evaluated [Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto,
1999]. Here we discuss four such evaluation forums namely TREC 1 , CLEF 2 , FIRE 3 and
Chapter 2 24
Research Issues and Background
TREC stands for Text REtrieval Conference. It started in 1992. The purpose of TREC is to
support research within the information retrieval community by providing the infrastructure
necessary for large-scale evaluation of text retrieval methodologies. Also increase
communication among industry, academia, and government by creating an open forum for the
exchange of research ideas. In addition TREC aimed at speed the transfer of technology from
research labs into commercial products by demonstrating substantial improvements in
retrieval methodologies on real-world problems and increase the availability of appropriate
evaluation techniques for use by industry and academia, including development of new
evaluation techniques more applicable to current systems.
TREC is divided in different research areas called TREC Tracks. These tracks act as
incubators of new areas and creates necessary infrastructure for the area. Each track has a task
to be performed. Multiple groups across the globe participate to do the task. The participating
groups are provided with data sets and test problems. Each Track has an open-to-all mailing
list to discuss the task. Tracks may be added or removed from TREC depending on changing
research needs.
TREC retrieval tasks are to be performed with reference to certain test information requests
(needs) specified in TREC topics. Each topic is a description of information need in natural
language. The task of convert a topic into a system query must be done by the system itself
[Baeza-Yates and Ribeiro-Neto, 1999].
CLEF or Cross Language Evaluation Forum is an IR evaluation forum dealing in multilingual
information retrieval in European languages. It was founded by European Union in 2000
[Manning et al., 2009]. The aims of CLEF according to its official website are developing an
infrastructure for the testing, tuning and evaluation of information retrieval systems operating
on European languages in both monolingual and cross-language contexts and also creating
test-suites of reusable data which can be employed by system developers for benchmarking
The evaluations are concentrated on cross-language information retrieval in European
Like TREC, CLEF is also divided into topics (tracks) that researches on different areas. The
key areas are: searching on a text (ad-hoc task), geographical information search (GeoCLEF),
search of information on the web (WebCLEF), image retrieval (ImageCLEF), question
Chapter 2 25
Research Issues and Background
answering systems (QA@CLEF), etc. Each track offers a task (problem) which is relevant to
that research area. A collection of objects (documents, news, images etc.) is given to the
participants. They are also given certain search objectives (topics) and queries. Based on
these, the participants build indexes and the ranking system. They execute their searches and
send the result in a standard format. The organizers select the best groups based on the
precision they achieve.
Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation (FIRE) is an evaluation forum coordinated by
Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. The goals of FIRE can be summarized in encouraging
research in South Asian language Information Access technologies by providing reusable
large-scale test collections for experiments. Also exploring new Information Retrieval /
Access tasks that arise as our information needs evolve, and new needs emerge. Provide a
common evaluation infrastructure for comparing the performance of different IR systems
NII Test Collection for IR Systems (NTCIR) is coordinated by National Institute of
Informatics (NII), Japan. It is an information retrieval evaluation forum like TREC or CLEF,
specifically focused towards East Asian languages like Japanese, Chinese and Korean. The
goals as given in the official website are:
- To encourage research in Information Access technologies by providing large-scale test
collections reusable for experiments and a common evaluation infrastructure allowing cross-
system comparisons
- To provide a forum for research groups interested in cross-system comparison and
exchanging research ideas in an informal atmosphere
- To investigate evaluation methods of Information Access techniques and methods for
constructing a large-scale data set reusable for experiments.
As this thesis is concerned with the improvement of social information retrieval, in the next
section we will introduce some related concept to social web.
A wiki is a single or set of web pages that can be edited by anyone who is allowed access
[Ebersbach et al., 2006]. The popular success of Wikipedia has meant that the concept of the
wiki, as a collaborative tool that assists the production of a group work, is extensively
understood. Wiki pages have an edit button allows users editing, change or even delete the
contents of the page in question. Simple, hypertext links between pages are used to generate a
navigable set of pages. Wikis can also include images, sound and videos.
Different to blogs, wikis usually have a history function, that allows earlier versions to be
examined, and a rollback function, that restores previous versions.
Tagging and social bookmarking
A tag is a keyword that is added to a web resource (e.g. a website, photo, video, etc.) to
describe it. Tagging concept has been extended far beyond website bookmarking, and services
like Flickr, YouTube, and Odeo allow a variety of digital web resources to be socially tagged.
The idea of tagging has been expanded to include what are called tag clouds that are groups of
tags from a number of different users of tagging service, which collates information about the
tags frequency. This information is often displayed graphically as a cloud in which tags with
higher frequency of use are displayed in bigger text.
Multimedia sharing
One of the principal increase areas has been amongst services that facilitate the storage and
sharing of multimedia content. These services take the idea of writeable web where users are
not just consumers but contribute actively to the production of Web content and enable it on a
massive scale. Actually a big number of users contribute in the sharing and exchange of these
forms of media by producing their own podcasts, videos and photos. This progress has only
been made possible through the extensive adoption of high quality, but relatively low cost
digital media technology such as hand-held video cameras.
Podcasting is a method to let audio or video files accessible in the internet that can either be
exploited on a personal computer or downloaded to a hand-held tool such as an iPod or mp3
player. A podcast will be treated as an audio podcasts or a video podcasts. It may also
comprise photos, like PowerPoint presentations. There may be several levels of copyright in a
podcast, depending on the content of this later. If there is a broadcaster or a subject being
interviewed, they will not only own copyright in their presentation or interview but they will
have performers’ rights. There will also be a separate copyright in the actual recording itself.
Chapter 2 28
Research Issues and Background
Each of these services will have copyright implications that require to be managed. The
copyright issues will differ depending on the kind of content that can be produced or
contributed and how users of the site will act with the material on the site.
RSS and syndication
Certainly, in its earliest picture, RSS was understood to stand for Rich Site Summary
[Doctorow, 2002]. For a multiplicity of historical causes, there are a number of RSS formats
(RSS 0.91, RSS 0.92, RSS 1.0, RSS 2.0) and there are some issues of incompatibility. It is
worth noting that RSS 2.0 is not simply a later version of RSS 1.0, but is a different format.
This is a web based system or solution that allows information from a web site to be
subscribed to by other persons. It allows the data from that web site to be automatically
‘pumped’ out to subscribers of that web site. The data is referred to as a feed or a channel.
RSS feeds can be obtained from many different online sources and web sites including: Blogs,
wikis, podcast, etc.
Subscribing to sites via RSS allows one to focus on the topics and subjects that they find
interesting and purposeful.
RSS is a set of formats which let users find out about updates to the content of RSS-enabled
websites, blogs or podcasts without in fact having to go and visit the site. Instead, information
from the website is composed within a feed (which uses the RSS format) and piped to the user
in a procedure recognized as syndication.
Precisely, RSS is an XML-based data format for websites to swap files that contain publishing
information and summaries of the site’s contents.
In this thesis, we are interested by a famous technology of social bookmarking which is
folksonomies. In the following section a detailed description of this technology will be given.
2.2.3 Folksonomies
In the following subsections, a general overview about folksonomies will be presented:
Origin and definition
A folksonomy is a classification system derived from the process of collaboratively creating
and exploiting tags to annotate web resources; this practice is also recognized as collaborative
and social tagging.
This term introduced by Thomas Vander Wal, is a portmanteau of folks and taxonomy that
particularly refers to indexing systems produced within internet communities. According to
Vander Wal "a folksonomy is the result of personal free tagging of information for one's own
Chapter 2 29
Research Issues and Background
New associations between the entities become apparent: Individuals appear in their role as
information producers or information consumers, queries relate to an individual’s information
needs, or describe a topic about which an individual possesses knowledge.
A social IR system is characterized by the presence of all three types of entities: documents,
queries, and individuals. Most systems will only use a subset of the possible associations
between the entities, depending on the domain of the system. Modeling the relations between
individuals is mandatory for a social IR system; all other types of associations are optional, as
long as all three entities have an association with at least one other.
Subsets of the web provide more suitable domains. The entirety of blog sites on the web is
one such domain: Blog entries can usually be associated with an author, and via comments,
communication between blog authors can be ascertained, leading to a social network. Wikis
are also an environment that allows ascertaining authorship of a document, usually via the
revision history. Interaction between users can be determined by co-authorship, or by
discussions on dedicated talk pages; however, this information is often not portable between
different wikis. Direct access to the underlying database often makes extraction of this
information much easier.
Traditional information retrieval techniques which are based solely on analyzing document
content, while very successful in many contexts, fail badly when the information need is
underspecified, and when a large number of relevant documents exist. In this sense, social IR
can be understood as a formalization of search techniques we commonly use to assess the
quality of information by looking at the author’s standing in his community.
Social IR aims at providing relevant content and information to users in the areas of
information retrieval, and research; covering topics such as social tagging, collaborative
querying, social network analysis, subjective relevance judgments, and collaborative filtering
[Goh and Foo, 2007].
Several existing platforms investigate this track in order to improve the search paradigm.
These platforms include Social Bing, Google+, etc. The research in this field has emerged and
became very present in the daily life of users. Investigating the IR field from this perspective
seems to be very promising to improve the representation, the storage, the organization, and
the access to information.
2.4 Conclusion
In this chapter, we presented the fundamental concepts we are using. We introduced the
notion of: (i) Information Retrieval by presenting its basic process, (ii) Social web by
Chapter 2 33
Research Issues and Background
presenting and defining the main models of social relationships, and (iii) Social Information
Retrieval by defining it as the concept that bridges the gap between IR and social web.
The next chapter is devoted to the state of the art of the most popular social information
retrieval applications.
Chapter 3 34
Social Information Retrieval: State of the Art
Chapter 3:
Social Information
Retrieval: State of the Art
Chapter 3 35
Social Information Retrieval: State of the Art
Chapter 3
Social Information Retrieval: State of the Art
There are two information access paradigms that users undertake each time they need to meet
particular information needs on the web: searching by query and recommendation.
Querying a search engine is an effective approach that directly retrieves documents from an
index of millions of documents in a fraction of a second. Details about this basic approach on
social web, including collaborative tagging, personalization and ranking will be presented in
the first section of this chapter (section 3.1). The other dominant information access paradigm
involves recommendation-based systems that suggest items, such as movies, music or
products by analyzing what the users with similar tastes have chosen in the past. Section 3.2
of this chapter details the main concepts and challenges related to social recommender
network of connections between resources and tags, and among those tags themselves. The
more frequently tags are used for one resource; the stronger becomes the connection among
them. Analogously, the more often two tags co-occur for one resource, the stronger they are
related to each other. When aggregating all tags from a community, a collective representation
of the connections between related tags and their strengths of association will emerge. These
associations are typically visualized by tag clouds, in which different font sizes represent the
strength of association of tags to a related tag or a resource.
Social tagging systems augment the collective structure of a community with the individual
knowledge representations of individual users. Tag clouds externalize the community’s
associations between tags and the strengths of associations. In this way, social tags are able to
provide visual representations of the conceptual structure of a domain, which is built upon the
knowledge of individuals who belong to a large web community. In this section we outline
the principle of collaborative information retrieval, then we address the principal challenges in
social tagging activities, and next we survey works that tackled these defies in social
information retrieval.
Collaborative information retrieval
Social platforms allow users to provide, publish and spread information, like commenting or
tweeting about an event. In such a context, a huge quantity of information is created in social
media, which represents a valuable source of relevant information. Hence, many users use
social media to gather recent information about a particular content by searching collection of
posts and status. Therefore, social content search systems come as a mean to index content
explicitly created by users on social media and provide a real-time search support [Jansen et
al., 2010].
There are several social content search engines, which index real-time content spreading
systems. This includes TwitterSearch, Social Bing, etc. Social content search systems deal
with a different kind of content than classic search engines. Indeed, posts and statuses
published on social media are often short, frequent, and do not change after being published,
while web pages are rich, generated more slowly, and evolve after creation [Teevan et al.,
2011]. Dealing with such content is challenging, because it requires real-time and recency
sensitive queries processing.
Sensitive query refers to a query where the user expects documents, which are both topically
relevant as well as fresh [Dong et al., 2010]. A study has been performed by [Teevan et al.,
2011] that give an overview of “What is the motivation behind a user to use a social content
Chapter 3 37
Social Information Retrieval: State of the Art
search system rather than a classic search engine?”. This study reveals that social content
search systems are interrogated with queries, which are shorter and more popular. The main
goal is to find temporally relevant information and information related to people. One of the
weaknesses of search engines available today (e.g. Google, Yahoo!, Bing) is the fact that they
are designed for a single user who searches alone. Thus, users cannot benefit from the
experience of each other for a given search task. [Morris, 2007, 2008] conducts a survey on
204 knowledge workers in a large technology company in which she revealed that 97% of
respondents reported engaging in one of collaborative search task described in the survey. For
example, 87,7% of respondents reported having watched over someone’s shoulder for query
suggestion, and 86,3% of respondents reported having e-mailed someone to share the results
of a web search.
In such a context, [Morris and Horvitz, 2007] developed SearchTogether, a collaborative
search interface, where several users who share an information need collaborate and work
together with others to fulfill that need. The authors discuss the way SearchTogether
facilitates collaboration by satisfying criteria like awareness, division of labor, and
persistence. Similarly, [Filho et al., 2010] proposed Kolline, a search interface that aims at
facilitating information seeking for inexperienced users by allowing more experienced users
to collaborate together.
[Paul and Morris, 2009] investigate sense-making for collaborative web search, which is
defined as the act of understanding information. The study revealed several themes regarding
the sense-making challenges of collaborative web search, e.g. Awareness, Timeliness and
sense-making hand-off. Based on their finding, they proposed CoSense, a system that
supports sense-making for collaborative web search tasks that provides enhanced group
awareness by including a time-line view of all queries executed during the search process.
Even though these features help to enhance participants’ communication and sense-making
during their search activities, users still have to sort among different documents and analyze
them one by one to find relevant information.
Because we are interested in chapter 5 by information retrieval in collaborative E-learning; an
overview about the main contributions related to this field will be presented.
In [Westerski, et al., 2006], the authors proposed an approach based on gathering all student
interactions and activities to exploit it on data about student’s current course progression. In
[Torniai et al., 2008], the authors tried to leverage the social semantic web paradigm where
Chapter 3 38
Social Information Retrieval: State of the Art
According to [Wang et al., 2011], learning efficiency can be greatly improved if E-learning
users’ social networks properties can be effectively utilized. The focus of the authors’ study is
on E-learners’ positive influence between their relationships, where the authors proposed a
new model and selection algorithm named Weight Positive Influence Dominating Set
(WPIDS) and analyzed its efficiency through a case study.
In the work of [Shi et al., 2014], the authors proposed a set of contextual strategies, which
apply flow and self-determination theory for increasing intrinsic motivation in social e-
learning environments. The authors also present a social e-learning environment that applies
these strategies, followed by a user case study, which indicates increased learners’ perceived
intrinsic motivation.
In their work, [Chavarriaga et al., 2014] proposed a system to recommend activities and
resources that help students in achieving competence levels throughout an online or blended
course. This recommender system takes into consideration experiences previously stored and
ranked by former students.
[Palazuelos et al., 2013] exposed how social network analysis can be a tool of considerable
utility in the educational context for addressing difficult problems, e.g., uncovering the
students’ level of cohesion, their degree of participation in forums, or the identification of the
most influential ones.
[Köck and Paramythis, 2011] present an approach based on the modeling of learners’ problem
solving activity sequences, and on the use of the models in targeted, and ultimately automated
clustering, resulting in the discovery of new, semantically meaningful information about the
learners. The approach is applicable at different levels: to detect pre-defined, well-established
problem solving styles, to identify problem solving styles by analyzing learner behavior along
known learning dimensions, and to semi-automatically discover learning dimensions and
concrete problem solving patterns.
In [Li and Iribe, 2012], the authors described a practical use of social networking service to
support continued communication among adult students in an e-learning program.
To position our contribution in collaborative E-learning, we will propose, in chapter 5, a new
approach for personalize the results proposed to each learner when he seeks to find relevant
resources by using tags.
In another side, event detection in social web has recognized a real success in the last years
especially in information retrieval processes. For example, in the contribution of [Sakaki et al.,
2010] the authors investigated the real-time interaction of events such as earthquakes, in
Chapter 3 40
Social Information Retrieval: State of the Art
Twitter, and proposed an algorithm to monitor tweets to detect a target event. In another
contribution, [Becker et al., 2011] explored approaches to analyze the stream of Twitter
messages to distinguish between messages about real-world events and non-event messages.
The approach relies on a rich family of aggregate statistics of topically similar message
clusters. The main contribution of [Wang et al., 2012] is to incorporate online social
interaction features in the detection of physical events. In another contribution, [Abdelhaq et
al., 2013] presented a framework to detect localized events in real-time from a Twitter stream
and to track the evolution of such events over time. To determine the most important events in
a recent time frame, the authors introduced a scoring scheme for events. [Psallidas et al.,
2013] discussed both the unknown and known event identification scenarios, and attempted to
characterize the key factors in the identification process. Furthermore, the authors proposed
novel features of the social media content to exploit it as well as the modeling of the typical
time decay of event-related content. The approach of [Alonso and Shiells, 2013] based on
constructing a particular game’s timeline in such a way that it can be used as a quick summary
of the main events that happened along with popular subjective and opinionated items that the
public inject. In this work, the authors introduced a timeline design that captures a more
complete story of the event by placing the volume of Twitter posts alongside keywords that
are driving the additional traffic.
In folksonomies a relatively large number of resources can match users’ queries. Therefore,
ranking these web resources is a key problem, since a user cannot browse all them.
Consequently, in this thesis we want to benefit from the dependence between the presence of
an event and the high number of similar queries transmitted in the same period to improve
resources retrieval and ranking in collaborative applications. Details will be presented in the
following chapter.
Challenges and limitations
The Web 2.0 consists essentially in a successful evolution of traditional web applications
supported by some principles and technologies. Social tagging and the resulting folksonomies
can be seen as two of those principles that have emerged and met a big success within social
web applications. The simplicity of tagging combined with the culture of exchange allows the
mass of users to share their annotations on the mass of resources. However, the exploitation of
folksonomies raises several issues highlighted by [Mathes, 2004] and by [Passant, 2009]:
Chapter 3 41
Social Information Retrieval: State of the Art
unambiguous. The niceTag project of [Limpens et al., 2010] is focused on using ontologies to
extract semantics between tags in a system. In addition, the interactions among users and the
system are used to validate or invalidate automatic treatments carried out on tags. The authors
have proposed methods to build lightweight ontologies which can be used to suggest terms
semantically close during a tag-based search of documents. [Pan et al., 2010] addressed the
tag ambiguity problem by extending folksonomy with ontologies. They proposed to expand
folksonomies in order to avoid bothering users with the rigidity of ontologies. During a
keyword-based search of resources, the set of ambiguous used terms is concatenated with
other tags so as to increase the precision of the search results. [Wu and Zhou, 2011] tried to
estimate the semantic relations among tags to judge if tags are related from semantic view or
isolated. The authors proposed to perform several measures of semantic relatedness to
discover semantic information within a folksonomy.
To sum up, most of the works aspire to bring together ontologies and folksonomies as a
solution to resolve tag ambiguity and overcome the lack of semantic links between tags. Sure
enough the approaches described in this section show that the social nature of resource
sharing is not in contradiction with the possibilities offered by ontology-based systems. But
the rigidity that characterizes ontologies and the need for an expert who must control and
organize the links between terms as in [Gruber, 2005] seem a little cumbersome and too much
expensive. Even the structures automatically extracted as in [Mika, 2005] still suffer from the
ambiguity of concepts. Regarding the work of [Specia and Motta, 2007], we can say that the
use of semantic web ontologies for extracting relationships between terms is not sufficient,
because as the semantic web includes some specific domain ontology, that will push back the
problem. Also the expertise of users which was introduced in [Limpens et al., 2010] is
characterized by the complexity of its exploitation. As a result, in chapter 4 we propose an
approach of tag-based resource recommendation where we aim to resolve tag ambiguity and
spelling variations without explicitly using ontologies. We base upon association rules which
are a powerful method to discovering interesting relationships among a large dataset on the
web. Our aim is to enrich user profiles based on similarities between users and association
rules and by doing so to increase the community effect when suggesting resources to a given
b) Dealing with spelling variations problem
The goal here is to detect and group tags that are equivalent in their meanings or in the topic
they describe but are spelled with some variations, such as in “math” and “mathematic” for
Chapter 3 44
Social Information Retrieval: State of the Art
example. In this part, we do not consider the structure of folksonomies but simply focus on
the morphological similarity of tags two by two. The main types of methods are the
-String-based methods: this type of method measure the difference between the strings of
characters of the tags. It has been used, for instance, by [Specia and Motta, 2007] to group
spelling variants tags.
-Linguistic methods: These methods seek to exploit some linguistic or semantic properties of
the words to draw comparison between them. For instance, stemming algorithms consist in
extracting roots from words (e.g. “links” and “linked” become “link”) and grouping tags
sharing the same roots. It is also possible to exploit additional resources. For example, [Specia
and Motta, 2007; Van Damme et al., 2007] suggest using online resources (such Wikipedia,
or online dictionaries) to check the correct spelling of tags or to find an appropriate
representative for a cluster of equivalent tags (grouped together thanks to string-based method
for instance).
[Euzenat and Shvaiko, 2007] also give a detailed overview of these two types of methods
when they utilized for matching similar concepts from different ontologies.
A first distinction among the different metrics to be used to compare tag labels is the
difference between distance functions and similarity functions. Distance functions associate a
real number d to a pair of strings (s1,s2), where the smaller the value of d, the closer the
strings. Similarity functions associate a real number o to a pair of strings (s1,s2), where the
greater the value of o, the closer the strings. In the SimMetrics1 package, all measures are
implemented so that they can be considered as similarity metrics, even though they can make
use of distances, like edit distances, to compute a similarity.
The similarity metrics of this package fall into several categories: (a) edit distance based
methods, which consider the set of operations needed to turn string s1 into string s2, such as
e.g. Levenshtein, or Gotho; (b) token-based methods, which decompose strings into sets of
substrings such as Overlap Coefficient or Monge-Elkan ; (c) token-based methods using
vector representations of strings such as the cosine similarity; and finally (d) other types of
metrics such as QGram or Soundex metrics that compare different features of strings
(Soundex e.g. associates an arbitrary code to letters composing a string so that string that
sound similar have the same code, as e.g. “robert” and “rupert”).
Chapter 3 45
Social Information Retrieval: State of the Art
A simple way to detect equivalent tags using these distance metrics consists in choosing a
threshold value above which two tags are considered equivalent.
Although the methods described in the above-mentioned works are able to deal with spelling
variation, the main disadvantage of those approaches is don’t consider the social structure of
folksonomies but merely focus on the morphological similarity of tags two by two. In our
contribution, we present a method to treat spelling variations problem based on social relation
between users.
3.1.2 Personalization
Recently, several search tools for the web have been developed to tackle the information
overload problem. Some make use of effective personalization, adapting the results according
to each user’s information needs. This contrasts with traditional search engines that return the
same result list for the same query, regardless of who submitted the query, in spite of the fact
that different users usually have different needs.
In the last few years, attention has focused on the adaptation of traditional IR system to the
web environment, and related implementations of personalization techniques. For this reason,
sophisticated search techniques are required, enabling search engines to operate more
accurately for the specific user, abandoning the “one-size-fits-all” method.
Personalized search aims to build systems that provide individualized collections of pages to
the user, based on some form of model representing their needs and the context of their
activities. Depending on the searcher, one topic will be more relevant than others. Given a
particular need, e.g., a query, the results are tailored to the preferences, tastes, backgrounds
and knowledge of the user who expressed it.
This section provides a brief overview of the personalized search approaches with a broad
description of the various methods and techniques proposed in the literature. We begin with a
general idea about content and collaborative-based distinction. We then move on to how user
profiles are implemented in the personalized systems and the typical sources employed to
recognize user needs. An overview of the different personalized search approaches in
collaborative tagging systems closes this section.
Content and Collaborative-Based Personalization
The content of documents is used to build a particular representation that is exploited by the
system to suggest results to the user in response to queries. The searching by query paradigm
is definitely quicker when the user is aware of the problem domain and knows the appropriate
discerning words to type in the query [Olston and Chi, 2003]. However, analyzing search
Chapter 3 46
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behavior, it is possible to see that many users are not able to accurately express their needs in
exact query terms. The average query contains only 2 to 3 terms [Lawrence and Giles, 1995;
Spink and Jansen, 2004].
Due to polysemy, the existence of multiple meanings for a single word, and synonymy, for the
existence of multiple words with the same meaning, the keyword search approach suffers
from the so-called vocabulary problem [Furnas et al., 1987]. This phenomenon causes
mismatches between the query space and the document space, because a few keywords are
unlikely to select the right resources to retrieve from sets of billions [Freyne and Smyth,
2004]. Synonymy causes relevant information to be missed if the query does not contain the
exact keywords occurring in the documents, inducing a recall reduction. Polysemy causes
irrelevant documents to appear in the result lists, affecting negatively the system precision.
For these reasons, users face a difficult battle when searching for the exact documents and
products that match their needs. Understanding the meaning of web content and, more
importantly, how it relates to the real meaning of the user’s query, is a crucial step in the
retrieval process.
When the algorithm used to build the result list also takes into account models of different
users, the approach is usually named collaborative [Goldberg et al., 1992; Resnick et al.,
1994]. The basic idea behind collaborative-based approaches is that users with similar
interests are likely to find the same resources interesting for similar information needs. Social
navigation is the word coined by [Dieberger et al., 2000] to refer to software that allows
people to leave useful traces on web sites, such as reviews, comments, or votes, used by other
people during browsing and searching-by-query.
User Modeling in Personalized Systems
Tracking what pages the user has chosen to visit and their submitted queries is a type of user
modeling or profiling technique, from which important features of users are learned and then
used to get more relevant information.
In the simplest cases, user models consist of a registration form or a questionnaire, with an
explicit declaration of interest by the user. In more complex and extended cases, a user model
consists of dynamic information structures that take into account background information,
such as educational level and the familiarity with the area of interest, or how the user behaves
over time. In personalized search systems the user modeling component can affect the search
in three distinct phases:
Chapter 3 47
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– Part of retrieval process: the ranking is a unified process wherein user profiles are
employed to score web contents.
– Re-ranking: user profiles take part in a second step, after evaluating the corpus ranked via
non-personalized scores.
– Query modification: user profiles affect the submitted representation of the information
needs, e.g., query, modifying or augmenting it.
The first technique is more likely to provide quick query response, because the traditional
ranking system can be directly adapted to include personalization, avoiding repeated or
superfluous computation. However, since the personalization process usually takes a long
time compared with traditional non-personalized IR techniques, most search engines do not
employ any personalization at all. Time constraints that force the system to provide result lists
in less than a second cannot be met for all users.
On the other hand, re-ranking documents allows the user to selectively employ
personalization approaches able to increase precision. Many systems implement this approach
on the client-side, e.g., [Pitkow et al., 2002; Micarelli and Sciarrone, 2004; Speretta and
Gauch, 2005], where the software connects to a search engine, retrieving query results that are
then analyzed locally. In order to avoid spending time downloading each document that
appears in the result list, the analysis is usually only applied to the top ranked resources in the
list, or it considers only the snippets associated with each result returned by the search engine.
Because of the time needed to access a search engine and retrieve the resources to be
evaluated, the re-ranking approach implemented via client-side software can be considerably
slow. Nevertheless, complex representations of user needs can be employed, considerably
improving the personalization performances.
Finally, profiles can modify the representations of the user needs before that retrieval takes
place. For instance, if the user needs are represented by queries, the profile may transform
them by adding or changing some keywords to better represent the needs in the current
profile. Short queries can be augmented with additional words in order to reduce the
vocabulary problem, namely, polysemy and synonymy, which often occur in this kind of
keyword-based interaction. Alternatively, if the query retrieves a small number of resources, it
is possible to expand it using words or phrases with a similar meaning or some other
statistical relations to the set of relevant documents. The major advantage of this approach is
that the amount of work required to retrieve the results is the same as in the unpersonalized
scenarios. Nevertheless, user profiles affect the ranking only by altering the query
Chapter 3 48
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representations. Unlike ranking that takes place in the retrieval process, the query
modification approach is less likely to affect the result lists, because it does not have access to
all the ranking process and its internal structures.
Sources of Personalization
The acquisition of user knowledge and preferences is one of the most important problems to
be tackled in order to provide effective personalized assistance. Some approaches employ data
mining techniques on browsing histories or search engine logs, while others use machine
learning [Webb et al., 2001] to analyze user data, that is, information about personal
characteristics of the user, in order to learn the knowledge needed to provide effective
assistance. The user data usually differs from usage data. The latter are related to a user’s
behavior while interacting with the system. Examples of sources of user data are: personal
data, e.g., name, address, phone number, age, sex, education; or geographic data, e.g., city and
Techniques such as relevance feedback and query expansion introduced in the IR field [Salton
and McGill, 1983; Allan, 1996] can be employed in the personalization domain in order to
update the profile created by users. Basically, to improve ranking quality, the system
automatically expands the user query with certain words that bring relevant documents not
literally matching the original query. These words are usually extracted from resources in a
previously retrieved list of ranked documents that have been explicitly judged interesting by
the user through relevance feedback.
Besides considering important synonyms of the original queries’ keywords that are able to
retrieve additional documents, expansion helps users to disambiguate queries.
For example, if the user submits the query ‘Jaguar’, the result list will include information on
the animal, the car manufacturer, the operating system, etc. Following relevance feedback on
a subset of documents relating to the meaning of interest to the user, the query is updated with
words that help the system filtering out the irrelevant pages. Using a lexicon, it is also
possible to expand queries such as ‘IR’ to ‘information retrieval’, increasing the chance of
retrieving useful pages.
Even though these techniques have been shown to improve retrieval performance, some
studies have found that explicit relevance feedback is not able to considerably improve the
user model especially if a good interface is not provided to manage the model and clearly
represent the contained information [Wærn, 2004]. Users are usually unwilling to spend extra
effort to explicitly specify their needs or refine them by means of feedback [Anick, 2003], and
Chapter 3 49
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they are often not able to use those techniques effectively [Spink, 2000; Teevan et al., 2005],
or they find them confusing and unpredictable [Koenemann and Belkin, 1996].
Moreover, studies show that users often start browsing from pages identified by less precise
but more easily constructed queries, instead of spending time to fully specify their search
goals [Teevan et al., 2004]. Aside from requiring additional time during the seeking
processes, the burden on the users is high and the benefits are not always clear, therefore the
effectiveness of explicit techniques may be limited.
Because users typically do not understand how the matching process works, the information
they provide is likely to miss the best query keywords, i.e., the words that identify documents
meeting their information needs. Moreover, part of the user’s available time must be
employed for secondary tasks that do not coincide with their main goal. Instead of requiring
user’s needs to be explicitly specified by queries or manually updated by the user feedback,
an alternative approach to personalize search results is to develop algorithms that infer those
needs implicitly.
Basically, implicit feedback techniques unobtrusively draw usage data by tracking and
monitoring user behavior without an explicit involvement. Personalized systems can collect
usage data on the server-side, e.g., server access logs or query and browsing histories, and/or
on the client-side, such as cookies and mouse/keyboard tracking.
Personalized searches in collaborative tagging systems
With the recent development of collaborative tagging systems, we have begun to see some
works proposed for personalized searches in the collaborative tagging systems. [Noll and
Meinel, 2007] proposed a simple effective approach to explore user and resource-related tags
based on TF. These authors re-ranked the non-personalized search results based on these
related tags. [Xu et al., 2008] proposed topic-based personalized searches in folksonomy in
which the personalized search is conducted by ranking the resources based not only on term
similarity matching but also on topic similarity matching. Instead of using TF in their work,
[Xu et al., 2008] used TF-IDF and BM25 (BM stands for Best Matching) to construct user
and resource profiles.
As a follow-on study to [Xu et al., 2008], [Vallet et al., 2010] used different techniques to
measure the user-resource similarities and compare the effect of these techniques.
Although the methods described in the above-mentioned work are able to handle personalized
searches with tag-based user and item profiles, there are some limitations. These limitations
are examined in following chapters where our contribution will be detailed.
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3.1.3 Ranking
When the user gives a query, the index is consulted to get the documents most relevant to the
query. The relevant documents are then ranked according to their degree of relevance,
importance, etc. In IR, ranking results consists in the definition of a ranking function that
allows quantifying the similarities among documents and queries. We distinguish two
categories for social results ranking that differ in the way they use social information.
The first category uses social information by adding a social relevance to the ranking process,
while the second uses it to personalize search results.
Ranking using social relevance
Several approaches have been proposed to improve document ranking using social relevance.
Social relevance refers to information socially created that characterizes a document from a
point of view of interest, i.e. its general interest, its popularity, etc. Two formal models for
folksonomies and ranking algorithm called folkRank and SocialPageRank have been
proposed in [Hotho et al., 2006] and [Bao et al., 2007] respectively. Both are an extension of
the well-known PageRank algorithm adapted for the generation of rankings of entities within
folksonomies. SocialPageRank intends to compute the importance of documents according to
the mutual enhancement relation among popular resources, up-to-date users and hot social
annotations. In the same spirit, [Takahashi et al., 2008, 2009] propose S-BIT (Social-
Bookmarking Induced Topic Search) and FS-BIT (Freshness Social-Bookmarking Induced
Topic Search), extensions of the well-known HITS (Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search)
[Kleinberg, 1999] approach. Finally, [Yanbe et al., 2007] proposed SBRank (Social
Bookmarking Rank), which indicates how many users bookmarked a page, and use the
estimation of SBRank as an indicator of Web search. All these algorithms are in the context of
folksonomies, and a number of them are reviewed and evaluated in [Abel et al., 2008].
Personalized ranking
In general, users have different interests, different pro!les, and different habits. Consequently,
in an IR system, providing the same documents sorted in the same way is not really suitable.
Thus, a personalized function to sort documents differently according to each user is expected
to improve search results.
Several approaches have been proposed to personalize ranking of search results using social
information [Bender et al., 2008; Carmel et al., 2009; Noll et al., 2009; Vallet et al., 2010;
Wang and Jin, 2010 and Xu et al., 2008]. Almost all these approaches are in the context of
folksonomies and follow the same idea that the ranking score of a document d retrieved when
Chapter 3 51
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a user u submits a query q is driven by: (i) a term matching process, which calculates the
similarity between q and the textual content of d to generate a user unrelated ranking score;
and (ii) an interest matching process, which calculates the similarity between u and d to
generate a user related ranking score. Then a merge operation is performed to generate a final
ranking score based on the two previous ranking scores.
Because we are interested with personalized ranking functions based on folksonomies, in this
section, we formally define some different personalized ranking functions. We each time
present the ranking score of a document d for a query q issued by a user u denoted Rank (d, q,
Profile Based Personalization: The approach presented by [Xu et al., 2008] assumes the
ranking score of a document d is decided by two aspects: (i) a textual matching between q and
d, and (ii) a user interest matching between u and d. Hence, their approach can be defined as
Where, is a weight that satisfies 0 1 and denotes the textual matching score
between d and q.
Topics Based Personalization (LDA-P): We present here a topics-based approach. This
approach is based on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) [Blei et al., 2003]. LDA-P relies on
the fact that the set of tags can be used to represent web pages and as input for LDA to
construct a model. Then, for each document that matches a query, LDA-P computes a
similarity between its topic and the topic of the user profile using the cosine measure (inferred
using the previous constructed LDA model). The obtained similarity value is merged with the
textual ranking score to provide a final ranking score for a document that matches a query
w.r.t the query issuer as follows:
Where, 0 1, !"#$ and !"#$ are respectively the vectors that model the user and the
document topics based on the constructed LDA model.
Social Context Based Personalization (SoPRa): The approach proposed by [Bouadjenek et al.,
2013] is similar to [Xu et al., 2008]. However, the authors proposed to enhance the ranking
process by considering a new aspect, which is the social matching score. This approach takes
into account the entire social context that surrounds both users and documents and is called
SoPRa. It is defined as follows ( is set to 0.5):
Chapter 3 52
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Recommender systems have become an important research area since the appearance of the
first contributions on collaborative filtering in the mid-1990s [Hill et al., 1995, Resnick et al.,
1994, Shardanand and Maes, 1995].
There has been much work done on developing new approaches to recommender systems
over the last decade. The interest in this domain still remains high because it constitutes a
problem-rich research area and because of the abundance of practical applications that help
users to deal with information overloads and provide personalized recommendations, content,
and services to them.
Social tagging systems have grown in popularity over the web in the last years on account of
their simplicity to categorize and retrieve content using tags. The increasing number of users
providing information about themselves through social tagging activities caused the
emergence of tag-based profiling approaches, which assume that users expose their
preferences for certain contents through tag assignments. Thus, the tagging information can
be used to make recommendations. After giving a general idea about traditional recommender
systems, this section will present an overview about how can social tagging systems be used
for extending the capabilities of recommender systems.
Chapter 3 53
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The “neighbors” refer to other users who have similar tastes in books (rate the same books
similarly). In the second step, only the books that are highly rated by the “neighbors” would
be recommended.
In contrast with the content-base approaches, the CF techniques rely on the availability of user
profiles that capture the past ratings histories of users [Breese et al., 1998] and don’t require
any human intervention for tagging content because item knowledge is not required.
Therefore, the CF techniques can be applied to virtually any kind of items: papers, news, web
sites, movies, songs, books, jokes, locations of holidays, stocks and promise to scale well to
large item bases [Massa and Bhattacharjee, 2004]. Collaborative filtering is the most widely
used approach to build online recommender systems. It has been successfully employed in
many applications, such as recommending books, CDs, and other products at,
Movies by MovieLens [Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2005]. Some methods combine both
content and collaborative filtering approaches to make recommendations [Schein et al., 2002].
items are available. In fact, the content-based predictions of similar users can also be used to
further improve predictions for the active user [Melville et al., 2002].
The new-user problem is dif!cult to tackle, since without previous preferences of a user it is
not possible to find similar users or to build a content-based pro!le.
As such, research in this area has primarily focused on effectively selecting items to be rated
by a user so as to rapidly improve recommendation performance with the least user feedback.
In this setting, classical techniques from active learning can be leveraged to address the task
of item selection [Jin and Si, 2004, Harpale and Yang, 2008].
As Recommender Systems are being increasingly adopted by commercial websites, they have
started to play a significant role in affecting the profitability of sellers. This has led to many
unscrupulous vendors engaging in different forms of fraud to game recommender systems for
their benefit. Typically, they attempt to in"ate the perceived desirability of their own products
(push attacks) or lower the ratings of their competitors (nuke attacks). These types of attack
have been broadly studied as shilling attacks [Lam and Riedl, 2004] or pro!le injection
attacks [Burke et al., 2005]. Such attacks usually involve setting up dummy pro!les, and
assume different amounts of knowledge about the system. For instance, the average attack
[Lam and Riedl, 2004] assumes knowledge of the average rating for each item; and the
attacker assigns values randomly distributed around this average, along with a high rating for
the item being pushed. Studies have shown that such attacks can be quite detrimental to
predicted ratings, though item-based Collaborative Filtering tends to be more robust to these
attacks [Lam and Riedl, 2004]. Obviously, content-based methods, which only rely on a users
past ratings, are unaffected by pro!le injection attacks.
While pure content-based methods avoid some of the pitfalls discussed above, Collaborative
Filtering still has some key advantages over them. Firstly, CF can perform in domains where
there is not much content associated with items, or where the content is dif!cult for a
computer to analyze, such as ideas, opinions, etc. Secondly, a CF system has the ability to
provide serendipitous recommendations, i.e. it can recommend items that are relevant to the
user, but do not contain content from the user’s pro!le.
3.2.3 Ranking in Recommendations
In many recommendation systems only the top-K items are shown to users. Recommendation
is a ranking problem in the top-K recommendation situation. Ranking is more about
Chapter 3 56
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predicting items’ relative orders rather than predicting rating on items and it is broadly
researched in information retrieval.
The problem of ranking documents for given queries is called Learning To Rank (LTR) [Liu,
2011] in information retrieval. If we treat users in recommendation systems as queries and
items as documents, then we can use LTR algorithms to solve the recommendation problem.
A key problem in using LTR models for recommendation is the lack of features. In
information retrieval, explicit features are extracted from (query, document) pairs. Generally,
three kinds of features can be used: query features, document features, and query-document-
dependent features. In recommendation system, users’ profiles and items’ profiles are not
easy to be represented as explicit features. Extracting efficient features for recommendation
systems is emerged and also very important for learning a good ranking model.
Some work tries to extract features for user-item pairs [Volkovs and Zemel, 2012;
Balakrishnan and Chopra, 2012] etc. In [Volkovs and Zemel, 2012], the authors extract
features for a given (u, i) pair from user u’s k-nearest neighbors who rated item i. They use
rating-based user-user similarity metric to find neighbors for a target user. However, in some
e-commerce systems users’ preferences to items are perceived by tracking users’ actions. A
user can search and browse an item page, bookmark an item, put an item to the shopping cart
and purchase an item. Different action indicates different preference to the item. For example,
if a user u purchased item i and bookmarked item j, we can assume that user u prefers item i
to item j. Mapping the user actions into a numerical scale is not natural and trivial. So it is
hard to accurately compute the user-user similarity in e-commerce systems where users’
feedbacks are non-numerical scores.
We will introduce ranking algorithms in recommendation system in this part. In [Cremonesi
et al., 2010], by considering the missing entries as zeros, the authors perform conventional
SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) on sparse matrix R and make top-K recommendation
based on the value of the test items in the reconstruct matrix. Over-fitting on training dataset
is avoided by only keeping high singular values. The algorithm shows good performance
(precision/recall) than SVD++ [Koren, 2010], which is a famous model based on matrix
Some collaborative ranking algorithms are proposed based on LTR and matrix factorization.
Ordrec [Koren and Sill, 2011] is an ordinal rank algorithm based on ordinal regression and
SVD++. It models user’s rating via SVD++ and aims at minimizing an ordinal regression
Chapter 3 57
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loss. It brings the advantage to estimate the confidence level in each individual prediction and
can also handle user’s non-numerical feedbacks.
In [Rendle, 2009], the authors present a generic optimization criterion (BPR-OPT: Bayesian
Personalized Ranking Optimization) for personalized ranking that is the maximum posterior
estimator derived from a Bayesian analysis of the ranking problem. Bpropt optimizes the
measure of the Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC) based on matrix factorization and adaptive
KNN (K-Nearest Neighbors) algorithm. It uses stochastic gradient descent with bootstrap
sampling to update parameters and converges very fast. PMF (Probabilistic Matrix
Factorization) [Balakrishnan and Chopra, 2012] uses pairwise learning to rank algorithm to
solve recommendation problem, both user-item features and the weights of the ranking
function are optimized during learning. ListRankMF [Shi et al., 2010] aims at minimizing the
cross entropy between the predict item permutation probability and true item permutation
probability. In [Liu and Yang, 2008], the authors propose a probabilistic latent preference
analysis model for ranking prediction by directly modeling user preferences by a mixture
distribution based on Bradley-Terry model. Some collaborative ranking work tries to directly
optimize evaluation measures. TFMAP [Shi et al., 2012] uses tensor factorization to model
implicit feedback data with contextual information, and directly maximizes mean average
precision under a given context.
In CLiMF (Collaborative Less-is-More Filtering) [Shi et al., 2012], the model parameters are
learned by directly maximizing the Mean Reciprocal Rank and in CofiRank [Weimer et al,
2009], the authors fit a maximum margin matrix factorization model to minimize the upper
bound of NDCG (Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gains). In [Volkovs and Zemel, 2013],
the authors extract features for a given (u, i) pair from user u’s k-nearest neighbors who have
rated item i. They use rating-based user-user similarity metric (e.g. Vector Space Similarity)
to find neighbors for a target user. Their work has some drawbacks. First, they cannot well
define user-user similarity when user’s feedbacks are not numerical scores. Second, they
choose neighbors by rating based user-user similarity metric, which is not corresponding to
the ultimate goal of ranking.
3.2.4 Tagging and Social recommender systems
There has been a tremendous increase in user-generated content (UGC) in the past a few years
via the technologies of Web 2.0. It is now well recognized that the user-generated content
(e.g., product reviews, tags, forum discussions and blogs) contains valuable user opinions that
can be exploited for many applications. By exploiting the UGC more effectively via the use of
Chapter 3 58
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the latest collaborative filtering and data mining techniques, more accurate and sophisticate
user profiles can be built which contain not only users’ item preferences (i.e., item ratings) but
also users’ topic interests and trustworthiness between users. Based on the enhanced user
profiles, high quality and reliable recommendations can be generated. Many significant
researches have been done to investigate new strategies available in Web 2.0 framework. In
this section, we review some new strategies for social recommender systems.
User generated content
Unlike the user rating data which is numeric data, the UGC comprises various forms of media
and creative works such as written, audio, visual, and combined created by users explicitly
and pro-actively. Therefore, it contains rich semantic information and provides a huge
potential to obtain deeper knowledge about users, items, and the various relationships among
users and items. It has become an important information resource in addition to traditional
website materials. From the UGC information, it is possible to acquire users’ opinions,
perspectives, or tastes towards items or other users. The growing and readily available user-
generated content is rising the new opportunity to construct user profiles accurately compared
with the existing personalized recommender techniques and to mitigate the cold start and
malicious rating problems considerably.
The UGC expresses users’ opinions or sentiments towards items and is transforming how
people seek advice and consider recommendations. The opinion mining and sentiment
analysis such as customer opinion summarization [Zhuang et al., 2006] and sentiment analysis
of user reviews [Ding et al., 2008] are possibly as augmentations to recommendation systems
[Tatemura, 2000], since it might behoove such a system not to recommend items that receive
a lot of negative feedback.
The individual users show their interest in online opinions about products or services. They
share their brand experiences and opinions, positive or negative, regarding any product or
service. The vendors of these items are increasingly coming to realize that these consumer
voices can potentially wield enormous influence in shaping the opinions of other consumers
and they are paying more and more attention to these issues [Hoffman, 2008]. There are
already many companies that provide opinion mining services and examples include,,
Blogs mining
As it is mentioned in chapter 2, the term web-log, or blog refers to a simple webpage
consisting of brief paragraphs of opinion, information, personal diary entries, or links, called
Chapter 3 59
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posts, arranged chronologically with the most recent first, in the style of an online journal.
Most blogs also allow visitors to add a comment below a blog entry. People express their
opinions, ideas, experiences, thoughts, and wishes through these free-form writings. A typical
blog post can combine text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media
related to its topic. The individuals who author the blog posts are referred as bloggers. The
universe of all these blog sites is often referred as Blogosphere [Stewart et al., 2007]. Linking
is also an important aspect of blogging as it deepens the conversational nature of the
blogosphere and its sense of immediacy. It also helps to facilitate retrieval and referencing of
information on different blogs.
Blogs notoriously contain quite a bit of subjective content. General topics include personal
diaries, experiences, opinions, information technology, and politics to name a few. Thus blogs
are more relevant than shopping sites for queries that concern politics, people, or other non-
products. However, the desired material within blogs can vary quite widely in content, style,
presentation. Mining opinions and sentiments from bloggers poses several challenges as
compared to the historic feedback and surveys.
State-of-the-art content analysis techniques could be used for basic clustering, classification
of the blog posts/blog sites. For example, a prototype system called Pulse [Gamon et al.,
2005] uses a Naive Bayes classifier trained on manually annotated sentences with
positive/negative sentiments and iterates until all unlabeled data is adequately classified.
The researchers [Joshi and Belsare, 2006] developed a blog mining program called Blog-
Harvest which searches for, and extracts, a blogger’s interests in order to recommend blogs
with similar topics. The program uses classification, links, topic similarity clustering and
tagging based on opinion mining to provide these features. The program design is based on
the knowledge that blogging communities are not formed randomly, but as a result of shared
interests. It is also designed to provide a useful search facility to bloggers while generating
large amounts of revenue for advertising services and providers.
Tag-based recommender systems
Recommender systems in general recommend interesting or personalized information objects
to users based on explicit or implicit ratings. Usually, recommender systems predict ratings of
objects or suggest a list of new objects that the user hopefully will like the most.
The approaches of profiling users with user-item rating matrix and keywords vectors are
widely used in recommender systems. However, these approaches are used for describing
two-dimensional relationships between users and items. In tag recommender systems the
Chapter 3 60
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recommendations are, for a given user u + U and a given resource r + R, a set T’ (u, r) 2 T of
tags. In many cases, T’ (u, r) is computed by first generating a ranking on the set of tags
according to some quality or relevance criterion, from which then the top n elements are
selected [Jäschke et al., 2007].
Personalized recommendation is used to conquer the information overload problem, and
collaborative filtering recommendation is one of the most successful recommendation
techniques to date. However, collaborative filtering recommendation becomes less effective
when users have multiple interests, because users have similar taste in one aspect may behave
quite different in other aspects. Information got from social tagging websites not only tells
what a user likes, but also why he or she likes it.
In the remainder of this section, we first describe the extension with integrating tags
information to improve recommendation quality. We then present well-known
recommendation algorithms for developing folksonomies.
a) Extension with tags
The current recommender systems are commonly using collaborative filtering techniques,
which traditionally exploit only pairs of two-dimensional data. As collaborative tagging is
getting more widely used social tags as a powerful mechanism that reveals three-dimensional
correlations between users–tags–items, could also be employed as background knowledge in
Recommender System.
The first adaptation lies in reducing the three-dimensional folksonomy to three two-
dimensional contexts: <user, tag> and <item, tag> and <user, item>. This can be done by
augmenting the standard user-item matrix horizontally and vertically with user and item tags
correspondingly [Tso-Sutter et al., 2008]. User tags, are tags that user u uses to tag items and
are viewed as items in the user-item matrix. Item tags, are tags that describe an item i by users
and play the role of users in the user-item matrix. Furthermore, instead of viewing each single
tag as user or item, clustering methods can be applied to the tags such that similar tags are
grouped together.
Supporting users during the tagging process is an important step towards easy-to-use
applications. Consequently, different approaches have been studied in the past to find best tag
recommendations for resources.
Tag Recommendation: The general aim of tag recommender systems is to help users choose
the appropriate tags when annotating resources. Among the many works addressing this
problem, let us cite that of [Schmitz et al., 2006] who showed how association rules can be
adopted to analyze and structure folksonomies and how these folksonomies can be used for
learning ontologies and supporting emergent semantics. Another noticeable contribution is
that of [Jäschke et al., 2007] who presented a formal model and a new search algorithm called
FolkRank, especially designed for folksonomies. It is also applied to find communities within
a folksonomy and is used to structure search results. [Gemmell et al., 2009] proposed a tag-
based recommendation method based on the adaptation of the K-nearest neighbors algorithm
so that it accepts as input both a user and a resource and gives out a set of tags. The interest of
this approach is to orient users to use the same tags, and thus increase the chance of building a
common vocabulary used by all the community members.
[Zanardi and Capra, 2011] proposed a method aimed to extend the searching capabilities of
digital collections targeting educational and academic domains. Given a document, the
approach finds similar documents that may be relevant to the user. [Versin et al., 2013]
developed a personalized web-based recommender system that applies recommendation and
adaptive hypermedia techniques to orient learner's activities and recommend pertinent links
and actions to him during learning. The proposed approach is based on using data clustering,
collaborative filtering and association rule mining techniques. A summary of those
contributions is presented in table 3.1.
In chapter 4, we aim propose a new approach to recommend personalized resources base on
association rules. Personalization can significantly improve folksonomy-based recommender
systems, because the man-machine interaction and therefore the user effort are considerably
3.2.5 Group Recommender Systems for the Social Web
Social systems encourage interaction between users and both online content and other users,
thus generating new sources of knowledge for recommender systems. The Social Web
presents thus new challenges for recommender systems [Geyer et al., 2010]. In the context of
group recommendations, we can highlight the following research directions:
-Developing new applications. The huge amount and diversity of user generated content
available in the social web allow investigating scenarios in which a group of individuals is
recommended with “social objects” such as photos, music tracks and video clips stored in
online multimedia sharing sites; stories, opinions and reviews published in blogs; and like-
minded people registered in online social networks. In such applications, user generated
content like ratings, tags, posts, personal bookmarks and social contacts could be exploited by
novel group recommendation algorithms [Geyer et al., 2010].
-Dealing with dynamics and diversity of virtual communities. In online social networks,
people tend to reproduce or extend their relations in the real world to the virtual worlds
conformed by the social networks. In [Szomszor et al., 2010], the authors show that
relationship strength can be accurately inferred from models based on profile similarity and
interaction activity on online social networks. Based on these findings, group recommender
systems could incorporate content and social interests of group members to perform more
accurate item suggestions. For such purpose, it would be necessary to investigate large group
characteristics that impact individual decisions, and explore new satisfaction and consensus
functions that capture social, interest, and expertise (dis)similarity among the members of a
Chapter 3 63
Social Information Retrieval: State of the Art
community [Gartrell et al., 2010]. With this respect, because of the evolving composition of
online communities, analyzing and exploiting the time dimension in the above characteristics
may play a key role to obtain more accurate recommendations for community members.
-Incorporating contextual information. The anytime-anywhere phenomenon is present in any
social system and thus, group recommenders for the social web should incorporate contextual
information [Adomavicius and Tuzhilin, 2011]. They would have to automatically detect user
presence from inputs provided by mobile, sensor and social data sources [Szomszor et al.,
2010], and adaptively infer the strength of the social connections within the group, in order to
provide accurate recommendations.
-Finding communities of interest. In the social web, it is very often the case that the
membership to a community is unknown or unconscious. In many social applications, a
person describes her interests and knowledge in a personal profile to find people with similar
ones, but she is not aware of the existence of other (directly or indirectly) related interests and
knowledge that may be useful to find those people. Furthermore, depending on the context of
application, a user can be interested in different topics and groups of people. In both cases, for
individual and group recommender systems, a strategy to automatically identify communities
of interest could be very beneficial [Cantador and Castells, 2011].
-Integrating user profiles from multiple social systems. Increasingly, users maintain personal
profiles in more and more Web 2.0 systems, such as social networking, personal
bookmarking, collaborative tagging, and multimedia sharing sites. Recent studies have shown
that inter-linked distributed user preferences expressed in several systems not only tend to
overlap, but also enrich individual profiles [Szomszor et al., 2008; Winoto and Ya Tang,
2008]. A challenging problem in the recommender system field is the issue of integrating such
sources of user preference information in order to provide the so called cross-domain
recommendations [Winoto and Ya Tang, 2008]. This clearly opens new research opportunities
for group recommenders, which e.g. could suggest to a virtual community sharing interests in
a particular domain with items belonging to other domain but liked by some of its members.
3.2.6 Medical recommendation system in Social Tagging Activities
Health social networking is a newly emerging health care service that facilitates information
exchange and collaboration within the communities of patients and caregivers. One of the
challenges of health social networking is finding and recommending communities that
patients can share their stories with and obtain social and emotional support from, as well as,
Chapter 3 64
Social Information Retrieval: State of the Art
clinical knowledge to enhance their self-care. In this section we report the recent approaches
discussed this issue.
The approach of [Lim and Husain, 2010] conveys web-based wellness system that enables
users to search for personalized wellness therapy for them. The authors suggest an
implementation of wellness community portal that supported by a case-based reasoning
(CBR) wellness recommender system. CBR wellness recommender system is to be used by
users in searching for personalized wellness therapy in the Internet.
In the contribution of [Lopez-Nores et al., 2011], the authors have enhanced an existing
recommender system to process information stored in electronic health records and in groups
of interest created within social networks.
The solution proposed in [Donciu et al., 2011] is a recommender system for running
professionals and amateurs, which is able to provide information to users regarding the
workout and the diet that best suits them, based on their profile information, preferences and
declared purpose. The solution mixes a social dimension derived from an expanding
community with expert knowledge defined within an ontology. Moreover, the proposed
model addresses adaptability in terms of personal profile, professional results and unfortunate
events that might occur during workouts.
In [Song and Marsh, 2012], the authors developed a new information-sharing scheme where
each patient is represented as a small number of (possibly disjoint) d-words
(discriminantwords) and the d-words are used to measure similarities between patients
without revealing sensitive personal information. The d-words are simple words like “food,”
and thus do not contain identifiable personal information. The d-words can be easily shared
on the Internet to find peers who might have similar health conditions.
In [Hamed et al., 2012], the authors introduced their initial work for developing a social
networks recommender system called T-Recs. The system is a time-aware Twitter-based
alternative medicine recommender system. They collected a set of tweets that contain specific
hashtags, and then the individual tweets were examined manually by a domain expert (a
medical doctor) who inspected the tweet sentiments along with the tweet’s timestamp. Using
this data, the domain expert assigned a preliminary label to the tweet/group of tweets. Next,
the authors trained a classifier using the hashtags and its labels taking into consideration other
factors (i.e., age, gender, co-morbidity conditions) that the Tweeter must provide by taking a
questionnaire. After the questions are answered, the recommender system makes
recommendations based on the Tweet contents and the questionnaire factors for never-seen-
Chapter 3 65
Social Information Retrieval: State of the Art
before tweets. The classifier, is the core component of the recommender system, is designed
as a Decision Tree algorithm to classify the Tweets. Each recommendation is made by the
system provides a medical advice to promote public health awareness, and a link to the
recommender systems’ web portal to answer the questionnaire. When the questionnaire is
submitted, the symptoms and Tweeter’s basic information are consolidated and a
recommendation is made available to the user at once.
The work of [Zaini et al., 2012] presents an online system that promotes audio therapy for
tuning users’ mental states to different modes. By using this system, users may tune and listen
to meditative audios to get the calming effects to relieve stress, listening to energizing audios
when feeling lethargic in the morning and listening to enlightening audios to help in learning.
Being a first timer to use such system, a new user may need assistance in choosing a suitable
and effective audio in getting the desired outcome. According the authors, one way in offering
such assistance is to deploy a recommendation platform, where ratings from other users of the
system; (especially friends of the user) are counted and adopted as the basis for
recommendations. The novelty of this system lies in the mechanism for constructing and
personalizing the recommendations on suitable therapy audios for a particular user.
In the work of [Rivero-Rodríguez et al., 2013], the authors proposed a Health Information
Recommender System to connect videos with trustworthy information from very trustful
medical sources, such as Medline Plus. According to video's data, this system detects the
main topic of the video and enriches it with information from very well-known resources.
In their contribution, [Zaman and Li, 2014] proposed a recommendation system which utilizes
semantic web technology and healthcare social networking to provide personalized
recommendation to speed patient recovery and improve healthcare outcomes.
[Li and Zaman, 2014] proposed a personalized healthcare recommending system to
recommend highly relevant and trustworthy healthcare –related information to users. The
system identifies key factors impacting the recommendation in a healthcare social networking
environment, and uses semantic web technology and fuzzy logic to represent and evaluate the
The growing amount of user generated content in healthcare social media requires new
methods to gain new insights about patients as users of online health communities.
One interesting general problem is filtering information and making relevant information
more conspicuous to users in Internet websites. Previously, collaborative filtering techniques
have been successfully applied in recommender systems for personalizing Internet shopping
Chapter 3 66
Social Information Retrieval: State of the Art
and movie portals. Current work uses network structures – inferred from patient interactions–
to enhance patient-similarity analysis, for predicting the top-N threads in online communities.
Using network structure properties unique to healthcare social networks, [Chomutare, 2014]
performed experimental results based on the Euclidean distance, Pearson correlation and
Tanimoto similarity. These findings have implications for designing personalized health-
related social media and confirm that community structure properties can enhance
In [Zhang and Yang, 2014], the authors utilized Naïve Bayes methods and proposed two tasks
for classifying posts and comments on QuitStop forum, an online community for smoking
cessation intervention, respectively: (1) classification of intentions and (2) classification of
social support types. Different text feature sets and user health feature sets are selected to
develop classifiers. Taking different evaluation indicators as optimizing goals, the authors
developed genetic algorithms to combine classifiers with different feature sets and optimize
the classification results. For comment classification, combining different text features could
reach the best result. In the future, the classification result could be applied to developing
recommender systems for topic recommendation and user prediction of online health forums.
The health care support system is a special type of recommender systems that play an
important role in medical sciences nowadays. This kind of systems often provides the medical
diagnosis function based on the historic clinical symptoms of patients to give a list of possible
diseases accompanied with the membership values. The most acquiring disease from that list
is then determined by clinicians’ experience expressed through a specific defuzzification
method. An important issue in the health care support system is increasing the accuracy of the
medical diagnosis function that involves the cooperation of fuzzy systems and recommender
systems in the sense that uncertain behaviors of symptoms and the clinicians’ experience are
represented by fuzzy memberships whilst the determination of the possible diseases is
conducted by the prediction capability of recommender systems. Intuitionistic fuzzy
recommender systems (IFRS) are such the combination, which results in better accuracy of
prediction than the relevant methods constructed on either the traditional fuzzy sets or
recommender system only. Based upon the observation that the calculation of similarity in
Intuitionistic fuzzy recommender systems (IFRS) could be enhanced by the integration with
the information of possibility of patients belonging to clusters specified by a fuzzy clustering
method, in the work of [Thong and Son, 2015], the authors proposed a novel hybrid model
between picture fuzzy clustering and intuitionistic fuzzy recommender systems for medical
Chapter 3 67
Social Information Retrieval: State of the Art
take profit of community effect strength which characterizes social networks with creating
and observing emergence of the intelligence captured from socials interactions between
doctors in the network by using a powerful method of Data Mining which is Associations
Rules. We show through an empirical scenario how we can evaluate and demonstrate the
efficiency of the medical resource recommender system in clinical decision.
3.2.7 Areas for further research
As described above, there has been much research done on tag-based recommendation
technologies, over the past several years that have used a broad range of information retrieval,
and other techniques that have significantly advanced the state-of-the-art in comparison to
early recommender systems that utilized collaborative and content-based heuristics.
There are also clearly great benefits in user tagging and folksonomies, especially in the
richness, currency, relevance and diversity of the terms used, and the collections of resources
created. The success of tagging services like Flickr, Delicious, etc. has shown that tagging is a
great collaboration tool. Tagging seems to be the natural way for people to classify objects as
well as an attractive way to discover new material. Tagging services provides users with a
repository of tagged resources that can be searched and explored in different ways. More and
more people use at least one tagging service and enjoy them as discovery tools.
The rapid development of collaborative tagging system and related emerging technology
suggests new ideas for personalized recommendation and determine a great number of
challenges for future work. Interesting additional features [Firan et al. 2007; Xu et al. 2006],
which are worth for further research, are listed below.
Incorporate relevance feedback into search-based recommendations, such that the user is able
to select negative tags or items he does not like.
Improve tag browsing experience by applying the same principles in constructing tag cloud,
e.g., by presenting tags with good facet mix while considering popularity and user interests.
Examining the distribution of tag use, that is, the most used tags are more likely for other
users since they are more likely to be seen. There will be a few tags that are used by a
substantial number of users. An order of magnitude more tags that are used by fewer users,
and another order of magnitude more used by only a handful of users. Examining this sort of
distribution of tag use could give a better indication of whether a folksonomy converges on
terms, or the distribution of terms flattens, perhaps indicating less agreement.
Examining user behavior through ethnographic observation or interview to understand his
motivations and cognitive processes in tagging items. Although it seems that some users are
Chapter 3 69
Social Information Retrieval: State of the Art
intending to facilitate communication through tag use, especially in the unintended uses,
interviews could make this point explicit. Interviews could also elucidate the conscious
intentions of users in “normal” use of the system, which is much harder to observe simply
from the documents and tags themselves.
Analysis of the frequency which users modify or change their tags, or future tagging behavior
based on the implicit feedback from the system in the form of what other documents are
tagged with a term.
The use of a folksonomy to supplement existing classification schemes and provide additional
access to materials by encouraging and leveraging explicit user metadata. The organizational
schemes developed by the users have the possibility to be of great interest to other users and
improve the recommendation systems.
Improve tag uniformity by normalizing semantically similar tags that are not similar in letters.
These extensions leave ample opportunity for future work in this area. They can improve tag-
based recommendation capabilities and make collaborative tagging systems applicable to en
even broader range of applications. Thus, in this thesis we propose a new approach to improve
resource recommendation within folksonomies.
3.3 Conclusion
In the first section of this chapter, we presented an exhaustive description about social web
search; this effective approach directly retrieves documents when querying search engines.
The presented details including collaborative tagging, personalization and ranking
demonstrated that tagging activities has a positive impact on social information retrieval.
Recommender systems made significant progress over the last decade when numerous
content-based, collaborative, and hybrid methods were proposed and several systems have
been developed. However, despite all of these advances, the current generation of
recommender systems still requires further improvements to make recommendation methods
more effective in a broader range of applications. With the increasing popularity of the
collaborative tagging systems, tags could be interesting and useful information to enhance
recommender systems’ algorithms. Besides helping user organize his or her personal
collections, a tag also can be regarded as a user’s personal opinion expression, while tagging
can be considered as implicit rating or voting on the tagged information resources or items.
Thus, the tagging information can be used to make recommendations. In this chapter, we
described social tagging systems which can be used for extending the capabilities of
recommender systems. We presented a comprehensive survey of the state-of-the-art in
Chapter 3 70
Social Information Retrieval: State of the Art
Social web
Tag recommendation Resource recommendation Social Semantic web Approaches
[Tso- [De Zanardi [Specia [Wu
[Schmitz [Jaschke [Gemmell [Zhao [Huang [Versin [Limpens [Pan et
Sutter Meo et and [Mika, [Gruber, and and
et al., et al., et al., et al., et al., et al., et al., al.,
et al., al., Corpa, 2005] 2005] Motta, Zhou,
2006] 2007] 2009] 2008] 2011] 2013] 2010] 2010]
2008] 2010] 2011] 2007] 2011]
Tags Ambiguity - - - - - - - - - - + - - + +
- - - - - - - - - - + + + + +
- - - - - - - - - - - - + - -
Personalization + + + + + + + + + - - - - - -
- - - + + + + + + + - - - - +
+ + + + - + + + + + + + + - +
Scalability - - + + + + + + + + - + + - +
- - - - - - - - - - - - + - -
Automatic + + + + + + + + + + - + + + +
- - - - - - - - - + + + + + -
Table 3.1: Summary of some functionalities in many social web approaches. (-) means the dimension (i.e. functionality) is provided, (-) means the dimension
is not provided. These marks do not imply any “positive” or “negative” information about the tools except the presence or the absence of the considered
Part 2 72
Part 2:
Chapter 4 73
Resources Recommendation in Folksonomies
Chapter 4:
Personalizing and Improving
Resource Recommendation in
Chapter 4 74
Resources Recommendation in Folksonomies
Chapter 4:
Personalizing and Improving Resource
Recommendation within Folksonomies
Collaborative tagging which is the keystone of the social practices of web 2.0 has been highly
developed in the last few years. In this chapter, we propose a new method to analyzing user
profiles according to their tagging activity in order to improve resource recommendation. We
base upon association rules which are a powerful method to discover interesting relationships
among large datasets on the web. Focusing on association rules we can find correlations
between tags in a social network. Our aim is to recommend resources annotated with tags
suggested by association rules, in order to enrich user profiles. The effectiveness of the
recommendation depends on the resolution of social tagging drawbacks. In our recommender
process, we demonstrate how we can reduce tag ambiguity and spelling variations problems
by taking into account social similarities calculated on folksonomies, in order to personalize
resource recommendation. We surmount also the lack of semantic links between tags during
the recommendation process.
In another side, when inquiring folksonomies a large resources number can match users'
queries. Therefore, searching and ranking these web resources is required to release user who
cannot browse all them. Generally, search results are displayed in chronological order. This
ordering is not always effective; therefore a retrieval model should rank resources by the
degree of relevance with respect to time. An event-aware ranking model takes into account
event detection, which captures the fact that the relevance of resources may change over time
according to new events detection. We want to study whether exploiting other features
together with event detection can help improving the retrieval effectiveness in searching
resources within social applications. In this case, we need to find features used for capturing
the similarity between an information need and personalization of retrieved resources, and
combine such features with event dimension for relevance ranking. In this context, a social
personalized ranking function is proposed to leverage the social aspect of folksonomy and
events detection. The aim is to acquire relevant resources recommended to or inquired by
users’ tag-based query.
Chapter 4 75
Resources Recommendation in Folksonomies
4.1 Introduction
With web 2.0 technologies the web has become a social space where users create, annotate,
share and make public resources which they find interesting on the web [Beldjoudi et al.,
2011b]. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as ''a group of Internet-
based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of web 2.0, and
that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content'' [Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010].
Folksonomies are one of the keystones of these new social practices: they are systems of
classification resulting from collaboratively creating and managing tags to annotate and
categorize contents. This practice is known as collaborative tagging or social tagging. The
basic principle of social tagging relies on three main notions: the user, the resource and the
tag. The combination of these three elements enables exploiting annotations of web resources
by users with tags.
Despite the strength of folksonomies, there are some problems hindering the growth of these
systems: tag ambiguity (or polysemy) is one of the famous problems in folksonomies. It
comes from the fact that a tag can designate several concepts (i.e., a tag can have several
meanings), for example when a user employs the tag ''apple'' to annotate a resource, the
system will not understand if the user means the fruit or the company. Also the variations in
writing a same concept (spelling variations or synonymy) can cause some problems during the
search phase, for example ''cat'' and ''chat'' both denote the same concept (animal) in English
and in French, but when a user searches resources annotated by the tag ''cat'', the system will
not offer him those tagged with the word ''chat'' because it cannot understand that the tag ''cat''
has the same meaning that the tag ''chat''. In addition, tags that are freely chosen in these
systems are likely to contain spelling errors and therefore make the retrieval of resources
more doubtful than the metadata recovering from a lexicon examined by information
professionals. Therefore resource retrieval within folksonomies needs some improvements to
increase the quality of the results obtained in these systems.
In this chapter, we propose a method to analyze user profiles according to their tags in order
to predict interesting personalized resources and recommend them. In other words, our
objective is to enrich the profiles of folksonomy users with pertinent resources. We argue that
the automatic sharing of resources strengthens social links among actors and we exploit this
idea to reduce tag ambiguity and spelling variations in the recommendation process by
increasing the weights associated to web resources according to social similarities. We base
upon association rules which are a powerful method for discovering interesting relationships
Chapter 4 76
Resources Recommendation in Folksonomies
among a large dataset on the web. We insist on the fact that our final aim is not to suggest tags
to users: each time a resource is presented to a user, the tags already used to annotate this
resource are indicated but the user is free to tag the resource by choosing a tag among them or
by using a new one. Our aim is to recommend resources which are annotated with tags
suggested by association rules, in order to enrich user profiles with these resources. Our
approach comes from a new view on the community effect in folksonomies since it aims at
automatically strengthening existing correlations between different members of online
communities, without involving the user in this process. The fact of suggesting to each user
some resources considered useful or interesting for him without specifying explicit tags, this
can significantly improve folksonomy-based recommender systems, because the man-
machine interaction and therefore the user effort are considerably reduced.
In folksonomies a relatively large number of resources can match users’ queries. Therefore,
ranking these web resources is a key problem, since a user cannot browse all these resources.
Ranking in information retrieval consists of the definition of a ranking function that allows
quantifying the similarities among documents and queries [Bouadjenek et al., 2013].
To define a valued ranking function in collaborative environment we focused on two features:
social aspect and event detection. In the first feature, we base our approach on similarities
calculation to overcome tags ambiguity problem. While in the second feature, we introduce a
new dimension which is event detection to define the impact of resources popularity on
ranking the retrieved resources. Consequently, we want to benefit from the dependence
between the presence of an event and the high number of similar queries transmitted in the
same period by different users in order to improve resources retrieval in collaborative
The rest of this chapter is organized as follows: Section 4.2 is dedicated to our approach
concerning resources’ recommendation in folksonomies. In Section 4.3 we will present a
personalized ranking function in collaborative environment. Conclusions are described in
Section 4.4.
then suggest relevant resources. This allows limiting the problems of ambiguity, spelling
variations and the lack of semantic links between tags in folksonomies.
Our approach comes with a new view on the community effect in folksonomies, which
consolidates the social interactions between the different members of a community without
involving the user in the automatic realization of this process. Also, the fact of proposing to
each user resources considered useful to him without him identifying specific tags can
significantly improve folksonomy-based systems, because this reduces the man-machine
interactions. The user effort is reduced to a mouse click instead of a keyboard input and
therefore this should encourage users to use these systems.
Transaction ID Itemset
U1 Computer, Programming
U2 Computer, Apple
U3 Kitchen, Apple
U4 Programming
U5 Kitchen
Table 4.1: An illustrative example of a dataset with user tags
Our goal is to find correlations between tags, i.e. to find tags frequently appearing together, in
order to extract those which are not used by one particular user but which are often used by
other users close to him in the social network.
For example, let us consider a dataset in which it occurs that many users who use the tag
Software also employ the tag Java. We aim at extracting a rule Software Java so that we
can enrich the profiles of users who employ the tag Software but not the tag Java, by the
resources tagged with Java. Among the wide range of algorithms proposed to extract
interesting association rules, we use the one known as Apriori [Agraval et al., 1993].
Once the rules are extracted, our recommender system proceeds as follows: For each
extracted rule, we test whether the tags which are in the antecedent of the rule are used by the
current user. If it is the case then the resources tagged with each tag found in the consequent
of the rule are candidate to be recommended by the system. The effectiveness of the
recommendation depends on the resolution of folksonomies problems. In our approach we
tackle the problems of tag ambiguity, spelling variations (or synonymy) and the lack of
semantic links between tags. The detail of our approach is described in the following
have similar preferences and therefore adapt the recommendation to user profiles [Beldjoudi
et al., 2011b].
First step: For each extracted association rule A B whose antecedent applies to an active
user ux, we measure the similarities between this user and the users of his social network who
use the tags occurring in the consequent of the rule (see figure 4.1). The resources associated
to these tags are recommended to the user depending on these similarities. To measure
similarity between two users u1 and u2, both are represented by a binary vector representing
all their tags (extracted from matrix UT: see figure 4.1) and we compute the angle cosines
between the two vectors:
&' (&)
sim(u1, u2) = !"# "$ % *&' *) *&) *)
According to [Cattuto et al., 2008] and [Koerner et al., 2010], the cosine similarity gives good
quality results at a reasonable computational cost since it has linear complexity.
We insist on the fact that the distribution of tags over resources and users in folksonomies
follows a power law [De Meo et al., 2010]: most resources are tagged by only a small number
of users, and many tags are only used by a few users, a property which leads to a low values
of r (the number of resources in matrix RU: see figure 4.1) and n (the number of users in the
matrix UT: see figure 4.1). Therefore, our approach can scale to very large datasets.
Second step: To avoid the cold start problem which generally results from a lack of data
required by the system in order to make a good recommendation, when the user of the
recommender system is not yet similar to other users, we also measure the similarity between
the resources which would be recommended by the system (as related to a tag occurring in the
consequent of an association rule) and those which are already recommended to the user. To
measure the similarity between two resources r1 and r2, we represent each of them by the
binary vector representing all its tags (extracted from matrix TR) and we calculate the cosines
of the angle between the two vectors.
Third step: Each resource recommended by the system is first associated an initial weight
based on the similarities between users. Above a threshold fixed in [0..1], we qualify the
resource as highly recommended. Under this threshold, we consider the similarity between
resources and we similarly highly recommend the resources which weights calculated on the
product matrix RR = RT x TR are above a given threshold.
We note that our recommender system is flexible, since the user can interact to accept or
reject the recommended resources. Also, the very power low distribution of resources over
Chapter 4 80
Resources Recommendation in Folksonomies
users in folksonomies leads to a low value of r (the number of resources in matrix RU).
Therefore, the product matrix RR = RU x UR is not expensive in our case, which makes the
approach efficient and scale to very large datasets.
For instance, let us consider a folksonomy with five users who annotate five resources using
four tags. Each triple (u, t, r) represents a connection between a user, a resource and a tag (see
table 4.2).
Let the extracted association rule computer apple and the folksonomy described in table
4.2. Since the tag ''computer'' is used by user U1, then resources R3 and R5 tagged with the
tag ''apple'' (in the consequence of the rule) are candidates for a recommendation to U1.
Matrix UT (table 4.4) shows that ''apple'' is used by users U2 and U3. Then we calculate the
similarity between U1 and U2 and the similarity between U1 and U3, based on matrix UU =
UT x TU (table 4.5).
U2 U3
R3 1 0
R5 0 1
Table 4.3: Matrix RU of tag apple
U1 U2 U3
U1 2 1 0
U2 1 2 1
U3 0 1 2
Table 4.5: Matrix UU
!$ # +% , !# $ #% .
sim(U1,U2) = cos(UU1,UU2) = = = 0.73
-./#/+ , -#/./# -0+
!$ # +% , !+ # $% #
sim(U1,U3) = cos(UU1,UU3) = = 1 = 0.2
-./#/+, -+/#/.
U1 and U2 show higher cosine similarity than U1 and U3. Then, among the resources tagged
with ''apple'', namely R3 and R5, those tagged by U2 are highly recommended to U1: it is the
case of R3.
U1 and U3 are not similar, then, among the resources tagged with ''apple'', we compute the
similarity of those tagged by U3, namely R5, with those already recommended by the system,
namely R3. This computing is based on matrix RR = RT x TR:
!# +% , !+ #% +
sim(R3,R5) = cos(RR3,RR5) = = =0
-#/+ , -+/# #
Then R5 and R3 are not similar and R5 is weakly recommended to U1 [Beldjoudi et al.,
In order to make our approach scale to very large databases by avoiding repeated
recalculations, we enrich our dataset with facts extracted from similarities that have been
already calculated. These facts assert that a resource X is similar to a resource Y. For
example, let us suppose that we want to know if resource Rx is relevant for user U. In this
case before going to calculate the similarities between this user and the other taggers who
employed this resource, we first search for resources similar to resource Rx, by checking if
there exists a triple (Rx, IsSimilarTo, Ry) in the database. In this case our system will not
recalculate the similarity between user U and the taggers who used this resource, nor
Chapter 4 82
Resources Recommendation in Folksonomies
recalculate the similarity between these two resources. It will directly propose resource Ry to
U with the same recommendation level of Rx.
Let us note that the choice of this kind of facts was based on resources and not on users
because we are aware that user profiles can be changed at any time by adding or removing
new tags or new resources and therefore we cannot assert that two users will always have the
same tastes. On the contrary if a large set of users has already agreed that two resources are
similar, this information becomes an assertion even if the profiles of these users can be
changed in the future. And so we can assume that two resources are similar if they have
already been judged as similar by an important group of users.
In order to make our proposal more understandable, let us consider the following example:
Suppose that two resources R1 and R2 are two chapters about web 2.0. At a given time, 5000
users agree that these two resources are similar: they tagged these resources by common tags.
After a period the profiles of these users have changed (resources and/or tags have been added
or removed) and some of them changed their interests. This can affect the similarity value
between resources R1 and R2 which becomes lower than the similarity threshold. These
resources then become dissimilar in the system which is contradictory because these two
chapters treat the same subject. In our approach we represent and save such similarities in
order to avoid losing them.
Figure 4.2: An illustrative example with and without an association rule sport football
incorporate many features to be effective, e.g. features of the document, the query, the overall
document collection, the user, etc [Bouadjenek et al., 2013].
In this section, a personalized social ranking function is proposed to provide personalized
retrieved resources.
Within the context of folksonomies, we can formalize the ranking problem as follows:
Let’s consider a folksonomy F (U, T, and R) from which a user u∈ U receives recommended
resources or submits a query t to a search engine. We would like to rank the set of resources
that match t, such that relevant resources for u are highlighted and pushed to the top for
maximizing his satisfaction and personalizing the search results.
Folksonomies allow users to distribute and receive significant resources about real-world
events. This content may appear in various forms, including status updates, photos, and
videos, that can be created or posted before, during, and after an event. Furthermore, for
known and planned events, structured information (e.g., title, time, location) might be
available through event-aggregation social media sites (e.g., Facebook Events, Meetup,
EventBrite). Such prior knowledge, however, is not available for unknown or spontaneous
events (e.g., natural disasters). By automatically identifying the social media content related to
either known or unknown events.
The objective of this approach is improving resources retrieval by exploiting the dependence
between event detection and the high number of similar queries transmitted in the same
It is clear that with the presence of a particular event, the number of similar queries in search
engines increases considerably.
Chapter 4 86
Resources Recommendation in Folksonomies
The presence of an event e involves increasing the number of searches performed on this
event. Real time event (RTE) is a formula that can detect the presence of an event related to a
given query since the increase of similar queries in a particular period [Boughareb and Farah,
The RTE score is defined by the following equation:
8 6/7
234 5 9 (4.2)
Where A is the number of related queries in n time units, B is the number of queries in m units
during earlier times, such as n≥ 2 and m=n/2.
For example, taking a week as a time unit, if n = 2, the RTE score will determine the increase
of the number of queries submitted about a given topic in two weeks.
To achieve a good ranking, we must sort the retrieved resources according to some criterion
so that the most relevant results appear early in the retrieved list displayed to the user. Two
cases can be observed:
1) There is not an event detected during the recommendation phase (i.e. the RTE score is
lower than a defined threshold z): in this case the retrieved resources will be ranked only
according to social similarities values.
2) Otherwise, when the value of RTE is greater or equal than z, the proposed ranking function
incorporated two features to be effective: the social aspect and the number of visit of each
resource during the same time period of event detection.
Thus the proposed function 2:;< ! % is computed by merging the average similarities
=CDE >?@!A# A?%
values F
and GH I" ! %. This merge is computed as follows:
=CDE >?@!A# A?%
2:;< ! % J K F
L ! 9 J% K GH I" ! % (4.3)
Where, the parameter α denotes the weight that satisfies 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 and represents the
importance one wants to give to the two types of features, i.e. social similarities or most
popular resource in n time unites.
In fact, depending on the context, one may want to give a higher importance to users’
similarities. Another user may want to give more importance to special events that can be
occurring, and so prefers the most popular resources.
Note that, the first side of the formula (4.3) represents the average value of similarities
between u and (j) other users who tagged a given resource (r) with the tag (t). It is clear that if
Chapter 4 87
Resources Recommendation in Folksonomies
two users are dissimilar, then similarity between resources replace that between those two
The introduction of last feature in the ranking function is crucial, because the presence of an
event can have a real influence on the popularity of resources and thus influenced the meaning
of tags in the query even if those later are ambiguous.
In order to estimate the utility of taking into account event detection in the ranking function,
let us consider the following example where we have four users’ profiles described with their
tag list as follow:
U1 (TP, Java, Apple); U2 (Eclipse 3.4, TP, Java); U3 (Apple, Java, Programming, Eclipse)
and U4 (Eclipse 3.5, Java, TP)
If the system recommend to user U1 resources related to the tag ‘Eclipse’, all the resources
tagged with the tags (Eclipse 3.4, Eclipse, Eclipse 3.5) will be proposed to our user. But the
question in which order those resources should be retrieved?
We distinguish between two different cases:
Case 1: if there is not an event presented during this period, our approach was focused only on
social similarities (by taking the value of α equal to 1) in order to rank the retrieved resources.
Case 2: suppose that we have the following event: there is a new version of Eclipse in the net.
Thus, if U1 wants to obtain resources about the tag ‘Eclipse’, it appears relevant to him
propose firstly the resources tagged with eclipse 3.5 before those tagged with eclipse 3.4 and
even with eclipse.
We conclude that event detection can play a crucial role in ranking retrieved resources within
collaborative environments.
4.4 Conclusion
In this chapter we proposed a contribution about resources recommendation and ranking
within folksonomies. Firstly; we have exploited the strength of social aspect in folksonomies
to let each member in the community benefit from the resources tagged by his other neighbors
in the social networks based on resources recommendation. We have seen that it is very
important to analyze the users profile in order to realize a dynamic recommendation can be
adapted to each modification in the users’ interests. Starting from this point, we have found
that it is very significant to overcome the semantics problems within folksonomies during our
recommendation. The followed method is based on the similarities between users in some
cases and between resources in the other cases. We exploited association rules extracted from
the social relations in a folksonomy to recommend resources tagged with terms occurring in
Chapter 4 88
Resources Recommendation in Folksonomies
these rules in the social network. Our objective is to create a consensus among users of a same
network in order to teach them how they can organize their web resources in a correct and
optimal manner.
In another side, we proposed to take profit of social interactions between users where the
objective was the combination between social similarities and event detection to rank
retrieved resources. In the following chapter we will test our approach over different datasets
to measure its effectiveness.
Chapter 5 89
Evaluations and Experimental Results
Chapter 5:
Evaluations and
Experimental Results
Chapter 5 90
Evaluations and Experimental Results
Chapter 5:
''programming'' are annotating similar web resources, and so we can conclude that these tags
are not ambiguous.
5.1.2 Flickr Database
We have conducted a second experiment with the Flickr database. Our test base comprises
37967 tag assignments involving 11567 users, 26876 tags some of which are ambiguous or
have spelling variations and 9321 resources: here again each resource possibly has several
tags and several users. In this second experience we have also distinguished two classes of
users: those who employed ambiguous tags and those who did not. Our system has extracted a
set of 476 association rules from the analysis of the dataset with a support equal to 0.5 and a
confidence equal to 0.6.
5.1.3 Experimental Methodology
Normally, in order to evaluate the quality of a recommender system, we must demonstrate
that the recommended resources are really being accepted and added by the users. Because the
knowledge of this information requires asking the users of the selected databases if they
appreciated the proposed set of resources, which is impossible in our case because we don't
know this community, we have randomly removed some resources from the profile of each
user, and we applied our approach on the remainder dataset in order to show if it can
recommend the removed resources to their corresponding users or not. If it is the case, so we
can conclude that our approach enables to extract the user preferences.
In order to test the performance of our approach we have proposed to follow the following
a) Evaluating the capacity to overcome the ambiguity problem
To achieve this goal, we started by selecting a set of tags containing ambiguous tags; this set
consisted of 1154 tags from the database and 563 tags from the Flickr dataset.
Then we have randomly removed sets of resources tagged by these ambiguous tags. Let us
note that all the removed resources were randomly selected in order to preserve the justice and
the integrity of our evaluation. We repeated this process five times for each tag in order to
make a cross-validation. In other words for each tag we have divided its corresponding set of
resources randomly to five parts and then selected one part to be removed in each evaluation
in order to use it as a test set. This process was repeated five times and in each time we have
selected a different test set from the divided parts.
Chapter 5 92
Evaluations and Experimental Results
results indicate that the use of association rules and social similarities performed by our
approach are really able to take into account users profiles when recommending resources.
Not surprisingly, our experiment has showed that the resources associated to no ambiguous
tags are highly recommended. It has also showed that, in the case of ambiguous tags, our
system proposes to the user the resources which are close to his interests with a high level of
recommendation and, on the contrary, those which are far from his interests with a low level
of recommendation. It has also showed that when a user wants to obtain relevant resources
concerning a specific tag, the majority of pertinent resources related to the tags which are
spelling variations of the entered one are given to this user.
To sum up, the consensus among users who have similar interests for using the same tags or
the same resources plays an important role in the elimination of the ambiguity problem. Also
increasing the weights of these tags or these resources makes the semantics emerge even
when there are tags that can have several meanings. The results presented in the above tables
(table 5.1 and 5.2) show a rate of precision and recall very optimistic in the data set tested in
this experience. Indeed these results show that our approach succeeds in distinguishing
between ambiguous tags and taking into account spelling variations during the resources
recommendation. An analysis of our approver's correctness will be presented in the next
5.1.5 Analyze of the Approach Accuracy
In order to analyze the accuracy of our approach, we compared our results against the null
hypothesis where every resource tagged with an ambiguous tag is returned. We consider a
naive folksonomy without any method to overcome the semantics problems between tags. The
average rates of precision, recall, and metric F1 obtained are presented in table 5.3.
-Tags Ambiguity: When omitting the steps proposed in our approach, the rates of precision
become very low, which confirms that the folksonomy suffers from the precision of results
and so the ambiguity problem in the step of resources retrieval, and no respect of users’
preferences in the resources recommendation process. Also the metric F1 rate decreases
according to the diminution of precision. On the contrary the rates of recall are very high
(100%), this can be explained by the ability of our system to retrieve and so recommend all
the existing resources by a simple selection query.
-Spelling Variations: When omitting the steps proposed in our approach, the rates of
precision becomes very low, which confirms that the folksonomy suffers from the precision
of results in the information retrieval and so in resources recommendation. The rates of recall
Chapter 5 94
Evaluations and Experimental Results
are also much lower than with our approach. This can be explained by the inability of the
system to retrieve all the relevant resources tagged with tags related to the one found in the
rule consequence. The rate of the metric F1 also decreases.
To conclude, the values of precision and recall achieved with our approach are very
promising. Especially when we consider the F1 metric, we can observe that our approach
achieves the best values. This implies that it is the most adequate when the user wants to
obtain a trade-off between precision and recall. The use of association rules and social
similarities really enable to satisfy the user's need when recommending him a set of resources.
Tables 5.4 and 5.5 present the deviation value of precision, recall and the F1 metric in both and Flickr datasets for tags ambiguity and spelling variations problems
Precision Recall F1 dataset 5% 6% 5%
Flickr dataset 7% 5% 6%
Table 5.4: The standard deviation value of the three metrics concerning tags ambiguity problem
Precision Recall F1 dataset 8% 5% 4%
Flickr dataset 9% 4% 5%
Table 5.5: The standard deviation value of the three metrics concerning spelling variations problem
In both cases, these values are very small which indicates that the value of these measures for
each user tend to be very close to the average. Since the averages (presented in tables 5.1 and
5.2) are very promising for the community in general, the small values of standard deviations
indicate that the metrics are also promising for each user individually.
Chapter 5 95
Evaluations and Experimental Results
As can be seen in this figure, the most suitable value of minimum support that produces the
highest value of F1 metric is 0.5.
The second experiment concerns the search of the optimal value of minimum confidence
using also the two experimental dataset and Flickr where minimum support = 0.5.
In this experiment, different values of minimum confidence are used ranging from 0.1 to 1.
Figure 5.2 shows the value of F1 metric evolution based on the selected value of minimum
Chapter 5 96
Evaluations and Experimental Results
From this figure, the optimal value of minimum confidence that provides the best
performance is 0.6.
In the resulting experiments, the relevant support and confidence settings are 0.5 and 0.6
5.1.7 Similarity Threshold
The distribution of tags over resources and users in folksonomies follows a power law [De
Meo et al., 2010, Zanardi and Corpa, 2011]: most resources are tagged by only a few numbers
of users, and many tags are only used by a few numbers of users. This intensely impacts on
the similarity degree between two users. Figure 5.3 shows that almost all pairs of users
examined in the experimental datasets ( and Flickr) showed a very low similarity
In order to choose the relevant threshold value of similarity among users and among
resources, we have selected many thresholds distributed in the interval [0, 1]. In our
experiment we remarked that:
-when we choose law values of similarity threshold, our approach generates many incorrect
similarity relationships among users and among resources.
-on the other hand, when we choose high values, our approach cannot detect some similarity
relationship either among users or among resources.
-Intermediate values let our approach detect many correct similarity relationships and to
remove most of the incorrect ones.
Chapter 5 97
Evaluations and Experimental Results
Figure 5.3: Distribution of users’ similarity with cosine formula over many thresholds distributed in
the interval [0, 1]
In the literature, we find that most similarity measures are based on set intersection, union and
cardinality. These similarity measures range between a minimum and a maximum value.
Generally these two values are 0 and 1, i.e. the similarity between two objects X and Y is
limited as follows:
0 ≤ sim(X,Y) ≤ 1 (5.1)
To determine whether two objects are similar or not, we must compare their similarity with a
defined threshold. The problem of finding the relevant threshold setting is generally resolved
We propose a new formula that limits the choice of similarity threshold S during the
calculation of similarity within folksonomies.
The idea is to calculate the ratio between the number of common tags between two users and
the number of tags used by the user who has the richest profile.
-each cellule in the diagonal represents the number of tags used by user Uz, which gives us
-the values of other cells outside the diagonal represent the number of common tags between
two users Ux and Uy (i.e. |Ux ∩ Uy|).
U1 U2 U3 U4 U5
U1 278 146 0 132 0
U2 146 246 100 0 0
U3 0 100 144 0 44
U4 132 0 0 132 0
U5 0 0 44 0 44
Table 5.6: Example of a matrix UU
The reciprocal value of the mean reciprocal rank corresponds to the harmonic mean of the
0,4 Average of F1
0,3 score
0,2 Mean Reciprocal
0,1 Rank
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,9 1
Values of α
Figure 5.4: Evaluation the impact of α values on average of F1 score and mean reciprocal rank
Figure 5.5: Performance of our approach when the database size increases
We propose in this subsection a quantitative comparison between our approach and some
approaches for resource recommendation in folksonomies based on the enrichment of the
profiles of involved users; in particular, we consider the approaches described in [De Meo et
al., 2010], [Huang et al., 2011] and [Zanardi and Corpa, 2011].
These systems show different behaviors; this depends essentially on the different strategies
used by them to surmount the folksonomies problems in resources recommendation process.
In this context, we are going to analyze each approach from four points (Resolving Tags
Ambiguity Problem (RTAP), Resolving Spelling Variations Problem (RSVP), Modeling
Users’ Preferences (MUP) and Ranking Resources (RR)). In Table 5.7, we report a
summarization of three related approaches along with their similarities and differences with
Chapter 5 101
Evaluations and Experimental Results
We implemented the two approaches [Limpens et al., 2010] and [Pan et al., 2010] described
in chapter 3 and ran both of them and our approach on the dataset described in section 5.1.1.
Next, we have performed some queries for retrieving a set of resources related to a specific
tag. This one can be ambiguous and/or have several spelling variations. For each submitted
Chapter 5 102
Evaluations and Experimental Results
query we computed the corresponding values of Precision, Recall and F1 measure achieved
by each system. At the end of this experiment we averaged the values of these metrics across
all submitted queries. In Table 5.9 we report the obtained results which indicate that our
approach achieves high values of Precision and Recall, and also the best value of F1 metric.
Approach Precision Recall F1
[Pan et al., 2010] 75% 67% 71%
[Limpens et al., 2010] 70% 69% 70%
Our approach 90% 82% 85%
Table 5.9: Average Precision, Average Recall and Average F1 achieved by our approach and two
related ones
From the analysis of this table it is possible to observe that the three systems show different
behaviors; this depends essentially on the different strategies used by them to surmount the
folksonomies problems. In this context, we are going to analyze each approach concerning
three points: resolving tags ambiguity problem, folksonomy enrichment and resolving spelling
variations problem.
Starting with the approach presented in [Pan et al., 2010] that addressed the problem of tag
ambiguity by expanding folksonomy search with ontologies. The author proposed to expand
folksonomies in order to avoid bothering users with the rigidity of ontologies. During a
keyword-based search of resources, the set of ambiguous used terms is concatenated with
other tags so as to increase the precision of the search results. This contribution addresses tags
ambiguity problem, however neither the folksonomy enrichment nor the spelling variation
problem are tackled. The limits of this approach are listed in the following points: the results
of users’ queries are not adapted to each user profile; the approach didn't tackle the spelling
variations problem and there is no folksonomy enrichment in the proposed method.
In another contribution, [Limpens et al., 2010] focused on using ontologies to extract the
semantics between tags. Also, the interactions between users and the system are used to
validate or invalidate automatic treatments carried out on tags. The authors have proposed
methods to build lightweight ontologies which can be used to suggest terms semantically
close during a tag-based search of documents. This work tackled three kinds of relations
between tags which are: spelling variations, hyponyms (that include narrower or broader tags)
and related tags. The problem of tags ambiguity didn't tackled in this approach, therefore the
results obtained when a user wants to search resources annotated by an ambiguous tag can't be
personalized according the interest of each user.
Chapter 5 103
Evaluations and Experimental Results
Concerning the folksonomy enrichment, we find that the approach of [Limpens et al., 2010]
tackled this point by (1) enriching tag-based search results with spelling variants and
hyponyms, or (2) suggesting related tags to extend the search, or (3) hierarchically organizing
tags to guide novice users in a given domain more efficiently than with at list of tags or
occurrence-based tag clouds. The problem of Spelling Variation was tackled in this work,
where String-based similarity metrics are applied to tag labels to find spelling variants of tags.
The limits of this approach are listed in the following points: the expertise of users that was
introduced is characterized by the complexity of its exploitation; the queries results are not
adapted to each user profile, also this approach didn't tackle tags ambiguity problem.
In this context, we are going to analyze each approach from the following points (Resolving
Tags Ambiguity Problem (RTAP), Resolving Spelling Variations Problem (RSVP),
Supporting Related Tags (SRT), Supporting Hyponyms Tags, Supporting Folksonomy
Enrichment (SFE), Modeling Users’ Preferences (MUP) and Ranking Resources (RR)). In
table 5.10 we report a summarization of these two related approaches along with their
similarities and differences with ours.
[Pan et al., 2010] Yes No No No No No No
[Limpens et al., 2010] No Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Our approach Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Table 5.10: A comparison between our approach and two related ones
5.1.11 General Discussion
The results of our experiments are very optimistic and so we can say that the force of
community effect in folksonomies applied with association rules have showed its efficiency in
the enrichment of users’ profiles. At the same time in which our approach contributes to
increase the weights associated to the relevant resources, it reduces also tag ambiguity and
spelling variations problems. The extraction of association rules is based on tags rather than
on resources because we believe that tag popularity in folksonomies is greater than resource
popularity and the meaning of tags in these systems is more significant than it of resources.
The results presented in the above sections showed rates of precision and recall very
optimistic. We must note also that the methodology proposed to treat tags ambiguity and
spelling variations problems can be applied during a simple research by tag.
In order to get information about users’ feedback on the recommender system, we proposed a
real world application for diabetes disease.
Chapter 5 104
Evaluations and Experimental Results
The physical examination is the examination of the patient for medical signs of disease, which
are objective and observable, in contrast to symptoms which are volunteered by the patient
and not necessarily objectively observable. The healthcare provider uses the senses of sight,
hearing, touch, and sometimes smell (e.g., in infection, uremia, diabetic ketoacidosis).
The medical decision-making process involves analysis and synthesis of all the above data to
come up with a list of possible diagnoses (the differential diagnoses), along with an idea of
what needs to be done to obtain a definitive diagnosis that would explain the patient's
problem. On subsequent visits, the process may be repeated in an abbreviated manner to
obtain any new history, symptoms, physical findings, and lab or imaging results or specialist
We intend in this contribution to see the impact of social web applications such as
folksonomies in the assistance of physicians during their daily work with the enrichment of
their profiles with medical resources seems interesting for them. Our aim is to move towards a
general consensus among doctors in medical systems.
The proposed approach represents a social application intended for all doctors with their
different level of specialization and expertise. We argue that the automatic sharing of
resources strengthens social links among actors, and we exploit this idea to assemble doctors
around a single web application to let each one of them benefit from the others’ knowledge
and expertise.
We begin by giving an overview about the general design of the proposed application:
As presented in figure 5.6, the procedure begins with the arrival of a new patient to a doctor.
This latter is embedded in a social network composed of other colleagues with different
expertise levels. In this network, the doctors can use a set of tags and medical resources
related to their own knowledge and their different studied clinical cases.
Here, when the doctor begins his work, usually he asked the patient some questions about the
reason for the current medical visit, the chronological order of events of symptoms, what
drugs the patient takes, etc. Then he saves this information in the patient's profile by tagging
resources related to his symptoms, historic, etc. This procedure is repeated each time when a
patient comes to a consultation.
Like described in chapter 4, Based on this social network and association rules mining, the
system will extract a set of rules connecting tags that are frequently appear together. These
rules are of the form T1 , T2 indicate that often when a doctor uses the tag T1, he also uses
the tag T2. The usefulness of these rules appears in the following phases:
Chapter 5 107
Evaluations and Experimental Results
- Helping doctors to propose a best treatment (details will be cited in the next sections).
Once these rules are extracted, the system will recommend the resources tagged with the tag
T2 to doctors who have used only the tag T1.
The aim of this recommendation is to enrich doctors’ profiles with relevant medical resources
and thus enhancing the social network with other pertinent links between doctors, tags and
resources. This enhancement will help doctors to make an appropriate decision to treat their
patients’ cases. In the next subsection, we propose an experiment describes a real world
application carrying novel ideas about diabetes disease. Results will be analyzed and
related to the patients’ diseases, treatments or clinical cases. We propose to take profit of
community effect strength which characterizes social networks with creating and observing
emergence of the intelligence captured from socials interactions between doctors in the
network by using a powerful method of data mining which is associations rules. We show
through an empirical scenario how we can evaluate and demonstrate the efficiency of the
medical resource recommender system in clinical decision.
This choice is motivated by the necessity to avoid the problem of knowledge acquisition that
gene developers of expert systems since it is relevant to use online knowledge and online
community as a potential source of knowledge and moreover enhance traditional explanation
and justification with hyperlinks to other relevant web resources.
Because the calculation of the three metrics (Precision, Recall, and the metric F1) requires the
knowledge of all relevant resources for each user in order to compare the results provided by
our recommender system and those which are preferred by each user, we have built a real
database by inviting a set of users to participate in our experiment. Figures 5.7 and 5.8 show two
pages in our application.
We have chosen the diabetes disease as subject of this application, this latter is a group of
metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar.
Diabetes is no stranger to the 39.5 million people of Algeria, the largest country on the
Mediterranean Sea. There are approximately 3 million people with diabetes in this country,
part of a sobering reality in the region. According to the International Diabetes Federation,
North Africa and the Middle East have the second highest diabetes prevalence rate (9.3%)
after North America. Tackling the diabetes challenge in Algeria is complicated by low rates of
diagnosis and treatment-typical for many developing countries, resulting in poor gylcaemic
our website, and after that the use of the system can be done in parallel either by specialists,
residents, general practitioners or interns. All this to let the non-specialist physicians benefit
from the specialists experience within a web 2.0 application like folksonomies.
The profile of each physician is constructed from the set of tags and resources used by him
when he treats his patients.
Now in order to link the usual task of doctors to our application, we proceeded as follows:
When the doctor begins his work, usually he asked his patient some questions about his
symptoms, if he takes already some medicaments, if he suffers from a parallel disease, etc.
Then he saves this information in his patient's profile by tagging resources related to his
symptoms, his historic, etc. Next, the doctor will make a diagnosis in order to identify the
illness of his patient and then save this information in the system in the form of tags linked to
resources related to this disease. After the diagnostic phase, it is now the time of therapy. Of
course, the treatment proposed by the doctor will differ according to each patient's case. It is
the expertise of physician which will be intervened here for proposing the appropriate
treatment according to each case. Also this treatment must be cited in the application in the
form of tags related to a set of resources indicating information about the proposed
medicaments. And of course, this scenario will be repeated each time when a doctor will do a
new consultation with one of his patients.
Always we must insist on one of the most strong points in our application which is the
dynamism aspect of the users’ profiles. Whereas the profile of each patient can be changed in
each new consultation: by removing or adding some symptoms, changing one or more
therapies, etc. The same, the physician profiles will also be modified according to the arrival
of a new patient. Therefore we can say that our system can react according to these updates by
adding or removing new tags and new resources. In the next subsection, we will give an
overview about the impact of our application on the professional task of doctors:
a) Helping doctors to find the appropriate questions during their questionnaire
Since the specialists’ expertise in choosing the relevant questions posed to a patient will be
saved in our system, another doctor can benefit from this experience by providing him
information (in the form of recommended resources) about the questions or symptoms that he
can ask his patients about them in order to discover the correct diagnosis. For example, if our
system discovered that the majority of doctors whom found that their patients suffered from
the symptoms X and Y they asked them if they suffer also from the symptom Z, then as result
the system will generate an association rule X, Y Z. With this association rule our
Chapter 5 111
Evaluations and Experimental Results
application will recommend the resources tagged by the tag Z to the doctors whom detected
that their patients are suffer from the symptoms X and Y. All this for helping doctors to gather
all the necessary information required to make a right diagnostic.
b) Helping doctors to making an appropriate diagnostic
After the questionnaire phase, the doctor arrives at a stage where he must make a correct
diagnosis in order to discover the illness of his patient. Similarly, here too our system will
greatly help any doctor: an internal, general practitioner, resident and even a specialist for
discovering the patient disease focusing on the previous physicians’ expertise who have
treated similar cases. For example, if the system perceived that the majority of doctors whom
detected that their patients suffered from the symptoms X, Y and Z, they diagnosed the
disease D, so the system will generate an association rule X, Y, Z D.
Now, when a new doctor detects that his patient suffers from the symptoms X, Y and Z and
he think about the corresponding disease, our system is going to him provide resources related
to the illness D for helping this doctor to make an appropriate diagnosis by giving him
interesting information about this disease in the form of relevant resources.
c) Helping doctors proposing a best treatment
We are now at the stage where the doctor must propose to his patient the best possible
treatment according to his case. In this step each physician must take in the account not only
the symptoms from which the patient suffer, but also other considerations such as if the
patient take another treatment, if the patient (if she is a women) is pregnant, etc. All this is to
avoid proposing a bad treatment for the patients. Here, the strength of our approach will be
involved to help the doctors to provide the right treatment for their patients. For example, if
the majority of doctors provide the medicine M when they detect the symptoms X, Y and Z,
then our system will generate an association rule X, Y, Z M and therefore it will offer to
the physicians who discovered these symptoms, and which are going to seek the appropriate
type of treatment, the resources related to the medicine M in order to give them a quick
reminder about this remedy and at the same time helping them to propose an appropriate
medicament for their patient.
Chapter 5 112
Evaluations and Experimental Results
In order to validate our approach efficiency, we propose two experimental scenarios: In the
first one we will incorporate the doctors’ community in the evaluation process since the
calculation of the metrics which will be used in the estimation requires the knowledge of all
the relevant resources for each user in order to compare them with the results provided by our
recommender system. In the second scenario, we will try to test our approach capacity
without involving the doctors in this task. More details will be given in the next subsections.
a) The Fist Scenario:
The aim of this experiment is seeing the impact of association rules in medical field to make a
new recommender system.
In order to evaluate the performance of this technique, we choose to calculate the rates of the
three metrics Precision, Recall and the metric F1. Based on our test dataset, we have extracted
114 association rules with a support equal to 0.5 and a confidence equal to 0.6. Afterwards we
have calculated the above three metrics for each physician. Table 5.11 presents the average
values of the metrics we obtained for our 65 doctors.
Precision Recall F1
Average 83% 81% 82%
Table 5.11: The average values of the three metrics following our proposed approach
These are quite encouraging results, showing that our approach of recommendation adapted to
doctor profiles is truly able to help doctors when searching for resources.
In order to give an efficient analysis to the obtained results, we have chosen to evaluate our
experimental dataset without following the steps and the hypotheses proposed in our approach
Chapter 5 113
Evaluations and Experimental Results
(presented in chapter 4), and then calculate the rates of precision, recall, and the metric F1.
After this evaluation we have obtained the results presented in table 5.12.
Precision Recall F1
Average 17% 100% 29%
Table 5.12: The average values of the three metrics without following our proposed approach
As we see in this table, when we have omitted the steps proposed in our approach, the rates of
precision became very low, which confirm that the current folksonomies suffer from the
precision of results in the information retrieval because they can't surmount the problem of
tags ambiguity, spelling variations and the semantics lack between terms. Also the rate of the
metric F1 is decreased according to the diminution of precision. In the contrary the rates of
recall show a complete degree (with 100%) which demonstrates the ability of the system to
retrieve all the existing resources by a simple select query.
To conclude, the values of precision and recall achieved with our approach are very
promising. Especially when we consider the F1 metric, we can observe that our approach
achieves the best values. This implies that it is the most adequate when the user wants to
obtain a trade-off between precision and recall. The use of association rules and social
similarities really enable to satisfy the doctor's need when recommending him a set of
resources. Table 5.13 presents the deviation value of precision, recall and the F1 metric in our
Precision Recall F1
Deviation 6.5% 8% 7%
Table 5.13: The standard deviation value of the three metrics
The presented values are very small which indicates that the value of these measures for each
doctor tends to be very close to the average. Since the average is very promising for the
community in general, the small values of standard deviation indicate that the metrics are also
promising for each user individually.
The obtained results are very promising and so we can say that the force of community effect
in folksonomies applied with association rules have showed its efficiency in recommending
medical resources to enrich doctors’ profiles. At the same time in which our approach
contributes to increase the weights associated to the relevant resources, it reduces also tag
Chapter 5 115
Evaluations and Experimental Results
ambiguity and spelling variations problems. The results presented in the above sections
showed rates of precision and recall very optimistic. We must note also that the methodology
proposed to treat tags ambiguity and spelling variations problems can be applied during a
simple research by tag.
In this section we have exploited the strength of social aspect in doctors’ community to let
each doctors benefit from the resources tagged by his other neighbors in the social networks
based on resources recommendation. We have tested our approach on a real world application
for diabetes disease where we have obtained promising results.
To sum up, in the above sections we have demonstrate the efficacy of our approach in
recommendation process. Now in order to test its impact within a search procedure, we
propose in the following section a motivating example and a scenario to overcome
folksonomy problem and obtain relevant ranked resources within a search process without
using association rules. Experiments are carried out within E-learning domain.
Let us suppose that learner L1 wants to retrieve resources related to the tag 'sun'. In the current
folksonomies, the obtained results will contain all the resources tagged with 'Sun' i.e. those
relative to geography and computer-science, even that it is clear to a human reading L1’s tags,
that his preferences are relative to computer and not to geography.
Chapter 5 117
Evaluations and Experimental Results
In this section, we demonstrate that by exploiting the proposed approach, if the learner L1
searches resources tagged with 'Sun'; the system will first propose him the resource
corresponding to the tag 'Sun' used by the learner L10 with a 'very strong' advice level because
the two learners L1 and L10 have similar preferences. On the contrary the resources
corresponding to the tag 'Sun' used by the learner L2 will be given to L1 with a percentage
'low' of advice because L1 and L2 do not share the same interests.
Now in the case of L12 for whom not much information about his interests is available, the
approach propose to measure the similarity between the resources corresponding to the tag
'Sun' used by L12 and the already proposed resources to L1 with a high percentage (i.e. those of
L10). If the resources are similar, the system will propose them to L1 with a 'very strong' advice
level, otherwise with a 'low' advice level.
Let us present the following illustrative example to give more details about the search process.
As we see in figure 5.10, the learner L1 want to obtain relevant resources (courses, video, etc.)
related to ‘sun’. It is clear that before seeing the profile of this learner, we cannot know his
preferences because the used tag is ambiguous. For a human reading L1’s tags, we can
conclude that L1’s preferences are relative to computer and not to geography.
To let the machine understand this, the approach proposes the following steps:
First, construct the matrix RL for the tag ‘sun’, in which we find the resources tagged with sun
and by who.
Second, construct the matrix LT that constitute the profile of each learner in the matrix RL.
It appears in the matrix RL that the resources tagged with ‘sun’ are R1, R2 and R3.
Our objective is proposing to L1 (the learner who makes the search) among these resources
those close to his preferences. To explain the followed process, we suggest conducted a
Chapter 5 118
Evaluations and Experimental Results
detailed calculation on R1, and the process will be the same concerning the two other
resources R2 and R3.
We interested by the data block extracted from the two matrices RL and LT, especially the
row related to R1 in the matrix RL and the rows of LT corresponding to L1 in addition to each
user tagged the resource R1 (who are L2, L10 and L12 for example) as is shown in figure
To decide if R1 is relevant to L1, we propose to calculate the similarity between L1 and these
users. At this stage, we was interested by three sub-blocks because we have 3 users (L2, L10
and L12), in each sub-block we have sub-matrices constructed from two rows of LT one of L1
and the other one from user among those used R1. We need also the transposed matrix (TL) of
this later in order to calculate the matrix LL= LT* TL.
Thus, to calculate the similarity between two learners, for example L1 and L2, we calculate the
cosines of the angle between their associated vectors v1 and v2 (designates a series of numbers
defined the set of learners’ tags).
After similarity calculation between L1 and the users who tagged R1, we calculated the
average value of the above similarities to obtain the final value that will be compared with a
defined threshold S. The rest of calculations are the same like explained in chapter 4 including
the ranking function.
5.3.2 Evaluation Methodology
Making evaluations for personalized search is a challenge since relevance judgments can only
be assessed by end-users [Bischoff et al., 2008]. This is difficult to achieve at a large scale.
However, different efforts [Bischoff et al., 2008, Krause et al., 2008] state that the tagging
behavior of a user of a folksonomy closely reflects his behavior of search on the web. In other
words, if a user tags a resource r with a tag t, he will choose to access the resource r if it
appears in the result obtained by submitting t as query to the search engine.
Thus, we can easily state that any bookmark (u, t, r) that represents a user u who tagged a
resource r with tag t, can be used as a test query for evaluations.
The main idea of these experiments is based on the following assumption [Bouadjenek et al.,
For a query q = {t} issued by learner (user) l with query term t, relevant resources are those
tagged by l with t.
Hence, we randomly select 500 pairs (l, t), which are considered to form a personalized query
set. For each corresponding pair (l, t), we remove all the bookmarks (l, t, r) - F, .r - R in
order to not promote the resource r in the results obtained by submitting t as a query in our
approach. By removing these bookmarks, the results should not be biased in favor of
resources that simply are tagged with query terms and making comparisons to the baseline
uniformly. Hence, for each pair, the learner l sends the query q = {t} to the system. Then, we
retrieve and rank all the resources that match this query. Finally, according to the previous
assumption, we compute the average precision and recall over the 500 queries.
Precision Recall F1
Ambiguous Tags 85% 80% 83%
Not ambiguous Tags 93% 85% 89%
From the analysis of the above table we can conclude that, in all scenarios, the Precision,
Recall and the metric F1 of our approach are very promising both in the case of ambiguous
tag-based queries and also not ambiguous tag-based queries. This result indicates that social
similarities performed by our approach are really able to help users when they query a
Not surprisingly, our experiment has showed that the resources associated to no ambiguous
tags are highly proposed. It has also showed that, in the case of ambiguous tags, our system
proposes to the user the resources which are close to his interests with a high level of
suggestion and, on the contrary, those which are far from his interests with a low level of
The results presented in the table 5.16 show a rate of precision and recall very optimistic
seeing the dataset tested in this experience. Indeed our approach is succeeded in distinguishing
between ambiguous tags.
5.3.4 Analyze the Approach Accuracy
In order to analyze the accuracy of our approach, we compared our results against the null
hypothesis where every resource tagged with an ambiguous tag is returned. We consider a
naive folksonomy without any method to overcome the semantics problems between tags. The
average rates of precision, recall, and metric F1 obtained are presented in table 5.17.
Tags Ambiguity: When omitting the steps proposed in our approach, the rates of precision
become very low, which confirms that the folksonomy suffers from the precision of results
and so the ambiguity problem in the step of resources retrieval, and no respect of users’
preferences in the resources retrieval process. Also the metric F1 rate decreases according to
the diminution of precision. On the contrary the rates of recall are very high (100%), this can
be explained by the ability of the system to retrieve all the existing resources by a simple
selection query.
Chapter 5 121
Evaluations and Experimental Results
Precision Recall F1
Tags ambiguity 10% 100% 18%
Table 5.17: The average values of the three metrics concerning the problem of tags’ ambiguity without
following our proposed approach
To conclude, the values of precision and recall achieved with our approach are very
promising. Especially when we consider the F1 metric, we can observe that our approach
achieves the best values. This implies that it is the most adequate when the user wants to
obtain a trade-off between precision and recall. The use of social similarities really enables to
satisfy the user's need when retrieving him a set of resources.
Table 5.18 presents the deviation value of precision, recall and the F1 metric in
datasets for tags ambiguity problem.
Precision Recall F1 6% 8% 7%
Table 5.18: The standard deviation value of the three metrics concerning tags ambiguity problem
These values are very small which indicates that the value of these measures for each user
tend to be very close to the average. Since the averages (presented in table 5.16) are very
promising for the community in general, the small values of standard deviations indicate that
the metrics are also promising for each user individually.
Execution time
2000 4000 6000 7000 7898
Nb of learners
Figure 5.12: Evaluation Performance of our approach when the database size increases
Figure 5.12 shows that the execution time of the approach linearly increases as the database
size increase, meaning that our approach have relatively good scale-up behavior since the
increase of the number of learners in the database will lead to approximately the linear growth
of the processing time, which is desirable in the processing of large databases.
Chapter 6:
Chapter 6 125
Chapter 6:
Information Retrieval is still a growing research area in computer science. Specifically,
classic models of IR are about to evolve with the socialization of the web. In this context, the
presented thesis investigated the social information retrieval in order to enhance and improve
the classic recommender systems and information retrieval process within social technologies
like folksonomies. Below, Section 6.1 presents a summary of our contributions and then
Section 6.2 presents the possible future directions of our research work.
6.1 Contributions
This thesis is set in the research effort to bridge social web with information retrieval. In
particular, we aimed at improving social information retrieval which is defined as the bridge
that fills the gap between information retrieval and the web 2.0.
Social tagging which is the keystone of the social practices in web 2.0 has been highly
developed in the last few years. Based on the motivation stated in chapter 1, our main
research question was: how to improve recommendation and the retrieval effectiveness when
searching personalized resources within social web applications?
In the presented thesis, we tried to resolve this research question by (1) analyzing users’
profiles in social networks to help understanding tags’ semantic during resource retrieval and
recommendation, and (2) explicitly modeling the event dimension into resources ranking.
Hence, the research questions we addressed were corresponding to two topics in social web:
resources recommendation and ranking models within folksonomies. More specific research
questions and solutions are presented below:
6.1.1 Resources recommendation in folksonomies
As it is motioned in earlier chapters, despite the strength of folksonomies, there are some
problems hindering the growth of these systems: tag ambiguity, spelling variations and the
lack of semantic links between tags.
Applying recommender systems within folksonomies recognized a real success in the last
years, however due to the cited folksonomies problems it is clear that resource retrieval and so
resource recommendation within folksonomies needs some improvements to increase the
quality of the results obtained in these systems. The first research question we addressed was:
Chapter 6 126
How to analyze user profiles within folksonomies to overcome tag ambiguity and spelling
variation problems and thus improve the effectiveness of recommending personalized
To answer this question, we proposed a new method to analyzing user profiles according to
their tagging activity in order to improve resource recommendation within folksonomies. We
based upon association rules which are a powerful method to discover interesting
relationships among large datasets on the web. Focusing on association rules we found
correlations between tags in a social network. Our aim was recommending resources
annotated with tags suggested by association rules, in order to enrich user profiles. The
effectiveness of the recommendation depends on the resolution of social tagging drawbacks.
In our recommender process, we demonstrated how we can reduce tag ambiguity and spelling
variations problems by taking into account social similarities calculated on folksonomies, in
order to personalize resource recommendation. We surmounted also the lack of semantic links
between tags during the recommendation process. We tested our approach on two baseline
datasets where we obtained good results.
In order to get information about users’ feedback on the recommender system, we proposed a
real world application for diabetes disease. Diabetes affects millions of people in the world
leading to substantial negative effects and expensive healthy penalties in our life. Recently
with the emergence of social networks in the internet and their use in different field, we
wanted to use this technology in clinical practice by showing a system based on giving
doctors relevant medical resources can be annotated by them. Thus the second research
question we addressed was:
How to help doctors discovering the best practices to patient diseases, diagnosis and
treatments by analyzing doctors’ profiles according to their daily tagging activity in order to
personalize recommendation of medical resources?
We tried to answer this question by exploiting the above approach in medical field. We
proposed a social application intended for all doctors with their different level of
specialization and expertise. We argued that the automatic sharing of resources strengthens
social links among users, and we exploited this idea to assemble doctors around a single web
application to let each one of them benefit from the others’ knowledge and expertise.
The usefulness of this application appeared in helping doctors to find the appropriate
questions in the medical interview, helping them to make an appropriate diagnostic and also
Chapter 6 127
to propose a best treatment. The results carried out to get information about users’ feedback
on the recommender system are very promising.
6.1.2 Retrieval and Ranking Models
In many cases, when searching web resources, search results are displayed in chronological
order where recently created resources are ranked higher than older ones. However,
chronological ordering is not always effective. Therefore, a retrieval model should rank
resources by the degree of relevance with respect to time. More precisely, documents must be
ranked according to both social and temporal similarity.
An event-aware ranking model should take into account event detection, which captures the
fact that the relevance of resources may change over time according to new events detection.
Thus, the third research question we addressed is:
How to explicitly model the event dimension into resources ranking?
To answer this question, we tried to improving resources retrieval by exploiting the
dependence between event detection and the high number of similar queries transmitted in the
same period.
Folksonomies allow users to distribute and receive significant resources about real-world
events. This content may appear in various forms, including status updates, photos, and
videos, that can be created or posted before, during, and after an event. Furthermore, for
known and planned events, structured information (e.g., title, time, location) might be
available through event-aggregation social media sites. Such prior knowledge, however, is not
available for unknown or spontaneous events (e.g., natural disasters). By automatically
identifying the social media content related to either known or unknown events. It is clear that
with the presence of a particular event, the number of similar queries in search engines
increases considerably. We used a formula that can detect the presence of an event related to a
given query since the increase of similar queries in a particular period.
In general, an event-aware ranking model gives scores to resources with respect to temporal
feature. However, we wanted to study whether exploiting other features together with event
detection can help improving the retrieval effectiveness in searching resources within social
applications. In this case, we needed to find features used for capturing the similarity between
an information need and personalization of retrieved resources, and combine such features
with event dimension for relevance ranking. Thus, the last research question we addressed in
this thesis was:
Chapter 6 128
How to combine other features like social similarities with event detection in order to improve
relevance ranking?
To achieve a good ranking, we sorted the retrieved resources according to some criterion so
that the most relevant results appear early in the retrieved list displayed to the user. Two cases
are observed: There is not an event detected during the search phase, in this case the retrieved
resources are ranked only according to social similarities values. Otherwise, the proposed
ranking function incorporated two features to be effective: the social aspect and the popularity
of each resource during the same time period of event detection. A parameter is introduced to
represent the importance one wants to give to the two types of features, i.e. social similarities
or most popular resource in n time unites. In fact, depending on the context, one may want to
give a higher importance to users’ similarities. Another user may want to give more
importance to special events that can be occurring, and so prefers the most popular resources.
The introduction of last feature in the ranking function is crucial, because the presence of an
event can have a real influence on the popularity of resources and thus influenced the meaning
of tags in the query even if those later are ambiguous.
- Use the map-reduce framework in order to let the approach scale with very large databases.
Some long term perspectives are in the context of social recommendation. In particular, the
topic that might interests our research team is to tackle the problem of diversity of
information, i.e. in order not to annoy users with similar information. Indeed, the problem is a
feeling that users have when they use Facebook in particular. Most of the time, when a recent
information appears, all Facebook friends of a particular user begin to publish articles that
deal with the same information, and the user is quickly overwhelmed by similar information.
We believe that, at a given time, the recommender system should know that the user is
already aware about this information and consequently it should be hidden.
Dealing with such issues is very interesting and motivating for our research team, even if we
don’t know how at the current moment. Do we have to deal with them by enhancing other
collaborative filtering algorithms such as KNN or SVM for example? Or maybe we should
propose new social recommendation algorithms? We believe that these problems should be
deeply investigated.
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