Dental Foundation Training - National Applicant Guide 2015
Dental Foundation Training - National Applicant Guide 2015
Dental Foundation Training - National Applicant Guide 2015
Prior to 2012, the recruitment to Dental Foundation Training (DFT) posts was held at
deanery or local practice level. In order to standardise this process across England and
Wales, and to ensure a fair and equitable process for all applying to these posts, a nationally
coordinated recruitment process was introduced in 2012. This was led by COPDEND and
administered by London Deanery (currently known as London Recruitment (HESL), with
participation and input from individual deaneries at local selection centres.
We are pleased to confirm that this process continued for 2013 and 2014 placements
and that Northern Ireland also participated, and that it will continue to be in place for 2015
DFT posts consist of placements in General Dental Practice and, occasionally, the Salaried
Dental Services or as part of longitudinal schemes working in both the primary and
secondary care environment. Dental foundation training introduces dentists to general dental
practice and is a requirement for dental graduates from UK Dental Schools who wish to join
a NHS Performers List. Trainees are employed under a standard contract for one year for 35
hours per week. One day per week during term time is designated a study day, usually at a
local postgraduate centre. There is a minimum of thirty study days per year that must be
attended in order to complete the programme.
There are approximately seventy-one schemes in total, located in thirteen Local Education
and Training Boards (LETBs) and deaneries across England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The majority of these schemes (approximately sixty nine) are for September 2015 start
dates; two schemes have March only start dates and one has an August start date. Please
note that the number of schemes have not yet been finalised.
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2. Enquiries
3. Eligibility
7. References
8. Expressing Preferences
9. Deferred Entry
10. Longlisting
14. Feedback
15. Enquiries
16. Expenses
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Thank you for your interest in applying to Dental Foundation Training (DFT) national
recruitment in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Please ensure you read and fully understand the contents of this guidance and the
‘Oriel Applicant System Guide’ before submitting your application. Failure to do so
may result in you missing vital information in relation to your application.
If you have any questions, please contact London Recruitment, Health Education South
London dedicated applicant enquiries by visiting the relevant section of the website. We aim
to answer all emails in 48 hours (not including weekends or bank holidays) and the service is
staffed from 9.00am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday. Alternatively you can also call the phone
service which is available Tuesday – Friday 11.00am-12.00 noon and 2.00pm- 4.00pm on
0207 863 1653.
In submitting an application form, applicants confirm that they have read and
understood the application process. You will NOT be able to change your application
once it has been submitted; if you have any questions please ensure you email the
team prior to submitting your application.
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1. How to apply and the Dental Foundation Training (DFT) national recruitment portal
All applications must be made via the recruitment portal hosted by Health
Education England using the nationally agreed application form.
Applications open at 12.00 noon (UK local time) on Monday 1 September 2014 and
close at 12.00 noon (UK local time) on Monday 22 September 2014.
It will not be possible to submit an application after the deadline of 12 noon
(UK local time) on 22 September 2014.
An advert will appear on NHS Jobs, Job Centre Plus, and the COPDEND website, as
well as LETB/Deanery websites, advising interested applicants to visit the national
recruitment portal of application.
Information about the LETBs and DFT schemes will be available to applicants via the
recruitment portal, as well as on individual LETB’s websites.
To register with the recruitment portal you must ensure you have a valid email
address. We recommend that you use an alternative email address to the one
provided by your university or employer as these may expire prior to DFT start
Communication between London Recruitment and applicants will be primarily via
email. Applicants should check their email account and online recruitment account a
minimum of once every 24 hours. Failure to do so may result in you missing vital
information in relation to your application. Please also check ‘spam’ or ‘junk-mail’ to
ensure correspondence has not been filtered by your provider.
2. Enquiries
Applicant enquiries regarding the process should be made by visiting the relevant section of
the website.
3. Eligibility
Before beginning your application it is important for you to determine whether you are
eligible to apply. Applicants must meet certain eligibility criteria in order to be considered for
Dental Foundation Training (DFT). These criteria are in place to meet GDC, legal and other
requirements and will be assessed during the longlisting/selection centre stages.
These criteria include:
BDS (or equivalent) – your application form needs to state either date awarded OR
anticipated date of award. Please note, you will not be eligible for a start date in
March unless you will be awarded BDS by 1 January 2015. For an September start,
you must have BDS (or equivalent) awarded by 1 July 2015. Equivalent qualifications
must be achieved by the same timelines. If your primary qualification is not in English
you will need to provide a certified translation prior to the start date.
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Eligible for full registration with the GDC by time of commencement of post. Please
ensure you check the GDC website to determine whether you meet their eligibility
Eligibility to work in the UK.
Fitness to practise.
Eligible to join an NHS Dental Performer List (England and Wales only) by time of
Dental Foundation Training (DFT) is designed for applicants to complete the
necessary training required for entry on the UK Performers List (‘UKPL’) and hence
to work unsupervised as a dentist in the NHS.
DFT is the only route available for many dental applicants to be included on the
UKPL. Other applicants can be included on the UKPL without completing DFT, as
they are exempt from needing to complete it or able to undertake Foundation
Training by Assessment of Competences.
There are a limited number of DFT places available in England, Wales and Northern
Ireland (‘DFT Places’). Previous recruitment rounds have been oversubscribed.
Therefore, priority will be given in the 2015 DFT national recruitment process to those
applicants for whom DFT is the only route available to be included on the UKPL. For
the avoidance of doubt, this scheme is also open to Scottish graduates.
In the 2015 DFT national recruitment process, applicants who can be included on the
UKPL without completing DFT will only be considered for DFT Places if there are
insufficient suitable applicants who have no alternative route for entry on the UKPL.
The 2015 DFT recruitment process will be undertaken in one of two ways:
1. At the close of the application stage, if it is deemed that there are sufficient
numbers of suitable applicants for whom DFT is the only route available to be
admitted on the UKPL to fill all of DFT Places available, then applicants with
alternative routes for entry will not progressed any further in the recruitment
2. If at the close of the application stage it is deemed there is no certainty that there
will be sufficient numbers of such suitable applicants to fill all DFT Places, then
eligible applicants who have alternative routes for entry on the UKPL will be
progressed to the selection stage of the recruitment process. If following the
selection centre process there are sufficient suitable appointees for whom DFT is
the only route available to be admitted on the UKPL to fill all available DFT
Places, then priority will be given to such applicants. Should there be insufficient
number of such suitable applicants to fill all DFT Places, then applicants with
alternative routes to entry on the UKPL may be offered DFT Places in the initial
round. Any remaining applicants may be eligible for a second stage of offers (if
needed) following the outcome of UK BDS/BChD results in July 2015.
Please note that this programme is designed to meet the requirements of the NHS
Performers List and to allow those with little or no clinical experience post qualification to
consolidate undergraduate learning.
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It is important to note that your application is likely to be rejected prior to assessment at the
selection centre should you fail to demonstrate a criterion assessed at longlisting. Please
refer to the person specification for full details. Please see Appendix I.
Applicants who answer “yes” to one or more of the ten questions listed on the
application form under the Fitness to Practise section must provide full details via
email to by the application closing
date (Monday 22 September at 12.00 noon). In this email please indicate clearly the
question(s) to which you have provided a positive response. Please ensure you state
that you have applied to DFT recruitment.
Failure to do so will result in your application being withdrawn.
For full details of the Fitness to Practise process please see Appendix II.
Applicants who wish to discuss the possibility of an adjustment at the selection centre
(for example a prayer room or specific requirements relating to a disability) must
provide full details via email to by
the application closing date, failure to do so will result in no action being taken.
In this email please indicate what your requirements are, providing evidence if
applicable (for example, applicants with dyslexia will need to provide their work
psychology report).
Please see the following flow diagram.
No Yes No
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Failure to provide details prior to the application closing date may result in an
inability of London Recruitment HESL to make reasonable adjustments for your
requirements at the selection centre. Reasonable adjustments WILL NOT be made if
you do not inform London Recruitment HESL in advance. Individual selection centres
will only make adjustments as advised by London Recruitment HESL and not by
applicants directly.
Please see ‘Supporting trainees with a disability’ for further information.
7. References
Candidates will not be asked to submit any reference details as part of their application.
These will be requested after offers have been accepted.
8. Expressing Preferences
This year expressing preferences will be completed via the Oriel recruitment system, and will
be done separately from the submission of your application form.
Scheme information will be made available to all applicants by visiting a dedicated page on
the London Recruitment HESL website. Applicants will be sent the relevant link via the e-
mail address stated on the application form no later than 26 September 2014. Applicants are
advised to look at this Scheme information carefully in order to inform decisions on
On 8 December 2014, eligible applicants will be sent an email to their registered email
account with full instructions on how to complete preferencing including use of the
recruitment system. This will involve logging into the system and submitting preferences by
15 December 2014. Once the preferencing window closes on 15 December 2014 no
changes to preferencing can be made.
Please note the email regarding preferencing will come from Please
ensure your email settings regarding SPAM allow emails to be received from Any emails from this address are authentic.
9. Deferred Entry
Deferment can only be considered on statutory grounds such as maternity leave or ill health.
Please ensure you inform London Recruitment (HESL) of your intention to defer as soon as
it is known, via the applicant enquiries service.
10. Longlisting
Longlisting will be conducted as one single national exercise, and will be conducted
to check the eligibility of applicants.
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Applications will be longlisted using the entry criteria from the person specification.
Please see Appendix I.
Newcastle University
20 - 21 November 2014 Newcastle Newcastle United Football Club
University of Leeds
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Station 1 – Communication in a Clinical Setting
This station will take the form of a role play. A medical role player will play the part of
a patient with a clinical problem. Applicants will be assessed on their interaction with
the ‘patient’. This station will last 10 minutes, and accounts for 25% of the final score.
Applicants will read a scenario five minutes prior to entering this station. For an
example Communication in a Clinical Setting scenario, please see Appendix III.
In this station the applicant will be asked to answer scenario based questions
by two DFT assessors in a standard interview format. This station will last 10
minutes, during which one scenario will be covered, and accounts for 25% of
the final score.
There will be a five minute break between Station 1 and Station 2. This is to allow for
reading time.
During the assessment process, it is necessary for the DFT assessors to be made
aware that the ten minute time for a station is nearing an end. A timekeeper will
signal after eight minutes have passed that there are two minutes remaining.
Each station will assess different aspects of the person specification and will include
one or more domains. The two stations will be scored by two DFT assessors. Please
note in the Communication in a Clinical Setting station one of the DFT assessors is
the actor. All DFT assessors will have experience and training and will have been
fully calibrated.
After completing the assessment process shown above, all applicants will complete
the Situational Judgement Test in exam settings. This will last for 105 minutes and
accounts for 50% of the final score. For an example SJT question, please see
Appendix V. For FAQs relating to the SJT please see Appendix VI.
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Lay Chairs
National and local Lay Chairpersons will oversee the selection process and ensure
that all panels are consistent and managed in accordance with the process agreed
by COPDEND. The role of the Lay Chair will be to:
- Attend and chair recruitment meetings organised by the centre
- Brief and advise on selection centre and allocation panels for compliance with
good employment practice
- Ensure that decisions are fair and equitable
- Ensure selection panels understand and comply with guidance on the
provision of feedback to applicants
Please note, external observers will be present at the Assessment Centres. They will
play no part in the assessment process and are present as part of the quality
assurance of this process. They will observe individual stations as well as the general
organisation of the day.
Important: Applicants will be asked to bring certain documentation with them to the
selection centre. Failure to bring the specified documents may result in applicants not
being assessed. Any applicants with concerns over their ability to bring the required
documents with them to a selection centre should make urgent contact with London
Recruitment in advance of the selection centre.
Full details of the documents required for the selection centre can be found in
Appendix VII. Please ensure you bring the original document plus a photocopy (as
stipulated below). This copy will be retained by staff at the selection centre.
The scores of all applicants from the six centres will be centrally collated to produce a
single national ranking based upon the scores from the six selection centres.
Offers of training placements will be made based upon applicant rank and
preferences, and will be subject to success at BDS or equivalent. If you are
unsuccessful in obtaining BDS or equivalent by either 1 January 2015 for March
schemes or by 1 July 2015 for September schemes, you will no longer be eligible to
take up the post.
As this selection constitutes a method by which an individual’s suitability for a
DFT post is assessed, applicants should be aware that based on their
performance they may be found unsuccessful in this process on this occasion.
This will exclude some applicants from receiving an offer of a training post, but
does not exclude them from future rounds of DFT recruitment.
Your allocation to a foundation scheme will depend on the ranking you achieve as a
result of your selection centre performance.
It is envisaged that offers of a DFT place detailing the LETB/Deanery and scheme
will be available to successful applicants via the recruitment system by London
Recruitment (HESL) website on behalf of COPDEND by 7 January 2015 for all
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Applicants will be given 48 hours in which to accept, accept with upgrades or reject
an offer (including weekends and bank holidays) by logging in to the recruitment
system and responding. If applicants fail to respond during this 48 hour period, they
will be deemed to have rejected the offer made. In this case the system will
automatically decline the offer.
Applicants who reject an offer will not be offered any further placements.
Once an offer is accepted it cannot be changed to a training placement in another
LETB/Deanery or scheme.
- Please be aware that applicants will only be made one offer. If you limit the
number of schemes you are prepared to train in this could limit the possibility
of being offered a training placement.
- Any offer is made in accordance with rank and preference.
- The first ranked applicant will be offered their first preferenced scheme and so
- If you limit your preferences and you do not rank highly enough to be offered
any of them, you will not be offered a training post.
- This may mean that applicants who would be eligible for an offer based on
their score and rank will not receive an offer of a training post.
- In this case applicants are considered to have pre-emptively declined an offer
of a post as the only vacancies left are in schemes that the applicant is not
prepared to train in. This is indicated by the applicant having placed the
scheme in the ‘Not wanted’ column on the system.
At this stage of the process the offer is to an LETB/Deanery and scheme (not a
training practice).
In the event of a tied rank, the combined score from the Professionalism,
Management and Leadership stations will be used to differentiate between
applicants. If this score is also equal, the score received in the Communication in a
Clinical Setting will next be used as the discriminator. In the unlikely event this score
is also tied, the final score from the Situational Judgement Test will be used as the
final discriminator.
Once all offers have been accepted the list of successful applicants, with their
ranking within each scheme, will be sent to the LETB/Deanery hosting that scheme.
This ranking may then be used to inform the local allocation process of a training
post at individual dental practice.
Please note special circumstances will not be taken in to account when
allocating to a specific scheme or practice.
If you have a disability you must let us know by contacting at the time of application, with
details of any reasonable adjustments which might need to be made if you are
appointed (please see Section 6 Applicants with a disability, health concerns or
religious requirements for further details). We will pass these details on to your
allocated LETB/Deanery. The allocation of schemes may be made on the basis of
your ranking and your preferences.
If you are considered to be appointable but do not rank highly enough to receive an
offer in the first iteration made in January 2015 you will remain on the reserve list.
Should any training placements become available between January 2015 and the
start date of posts, due to appointees withdrawing or failing to meet eligibility
requirements, remaining eligible candidates on the reserve list will be offered a
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placement in rank order and in relation to preferences provided upon application.
This smaller iteration of offers will occur in early July after BDS results have been
announced, and will continue until all vacant posts have been filled.
All applicants will receive notification of the status of their application following selection
centre by 7 January 2015. This will be in the form of an email and will state one of the
Allocation to a training practice within a DFT scheme will be managed locally by the
LETB/Deanery hosting the scheme and DOES NOT constitute part of the England,
Wales and Northern Ireland national process.
Any applicant can decline the offer made to them but this will result in failure to
secure a DFT place for 2015.
For both March and September 2015 start dates, allocation to a practice will take
place from 7 January 2015.
14. Feedback
Individual feedback will be available to all applicants on 7 January 2015 from the recruitment
portal. The information will be specific to each applicant and will provide information
regarding their rank and score.
15. Enquiries
Any further enquiries should be made via the applicant enquiries service.
16. Expenses
Please note that any expenses incurred by applicants as part of the recruitment process will
not be reimbursed.
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17. Dental Foundation Trainee Salary
Dental foundation trainees are paid according to the nationally agreed salary in each of the
three UK countries involved in this nationally coordinated recruitment process.
For England and Wales the exact figure appears in the Statements of Financial Entitlement
published periodically by The Departments of Health for England and Wales. For Northern
Ireland this is published in the Statement of Dental Remuneration (SDR).
Please note that the figure published and applicable at the date of application may not be
the same as that in force at the time of starting in post.
Thank you for your interest in applying to 2015 Dental Foundation Training
recruitment. We hope you have found this guidance useful, however if you have any
further queries please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated Applicant Enquiries
You are required to read and fully understand the ‘Applicant User Guide’. In
submitting an application form, applicants confirm that they have read and
understood the application process. You will be unable to change your application
once it has been submitted; if you have any questions please ensure you email the
Applicant Enquiries team prior to submitting your application.
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Appendix I
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LANGUAGE SKILLS Selection Centre
All applicants to have demonstrable
skills in written and spoken English
adequate to enable effective
communication with patients and
colleagues demonstrated by one of
the following:
that applicants have undertaken
undergraduate medical/dental
training in English; or
have achieved the following
scores in the academic
International English Language
Testing System (IELTS)in a single
sitting within 24 months at time of
application – Overall 7.5,
Speaking 7, Listening 7, Reading
7, Writing 7
If applicants believe they have
adequate communication skills but
do not fit into one of these examples
they must provide supporting
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Managing Others & Team
Capacity to work effectively with
Understands the importance of
working in teams
Vigilance & Situational Awareness:
Capacity to monitor developing
situations and anticipate issues
Coping with Pressure:
Capacity to operate under pressure.
Demonstrates initiative & resilience
to cope with changing
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Appendix II – Fitness to Practise process
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Appendix III – Communication in a Clinical Setting example scenario
Applicant Briefing:
You are a Dental Foundation trainee working in a busy multi surgery dental practice.
Mr Andrew Smith is a 40 year old male. He attended the practice for the first time 2 days
ago and was seen by one of the associates. At that visit Mr Smith was complaining of slight
discomfort with an upper tooth. The broken tooth had only caused slight discomfort for the
past few days and cleared when taking paracetamol. Mr Smith is an irregular attender for
dental treatment and his last visit was 5 years ago.
Intra oral examination revealed a carious upper left first premolar tooth. Special tests
undertaken at that first visit by the associate revealed a positive response to an electric pulp
test. In addition a periapical radiograph was taken of the maxillary left first premolar to
assess the extent of caries, root morphology and the presence/absence of any apical
pathology. The tooth was dressed by the associate and an appointment had been booked in
a week’s time.
Mr Smith has been booked in today for an emergency appointment. He is now complaining
of pain with the UL4 and it had affected his sleep for the past 2 nights. He cannot wait until
his appointment with the associate next week.
Before you see Mr Smith you study the previous clinical records including the medical history
as highlighted in the text above. You have read the radiographic report of the UL4
completed by the associate and visually examined the radiograph to confirm the findings.
The report states there is
Using appropriate language and communication undertake the necessary history when the
patient attends for this emergency appointment; discuss your clinical and radiographic
findings with the patient.
In addition outline the treatment options available and respond to any questions the patient
may have.
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Appendix IV – Professionalism, Management and Leadership example scenarios
Scenario 1
You are in your Dental Foundation training practice. A 21 year old female patient who does
not speak English is accompanied by her father who interprets.
The patient has a mesial cavity in the upper central incisor which is causing her some pain
but which is restorable. You suggest restoring the tooth but her father asks you to extract the
tooth as ‘she does not want to be bothered with fillings’
Scenario 2
You are in your Dental Foundation training practice. A patient returns following a recent
endodontic procedure which was carried out by a colleague in the practice. The patient is
complaining of pain and swelling associated with the tooth which you find has a fractured
instrument in situ.
The patient is not aware of the fractured instrument.
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Appendix V - Example SJT item
A new patient, Louise, asks you to veneer all her front teeth. She hopes to pursue a
career as a model and has been advised by a friend that veneers may help her do
this. On examination Louise’s teeth are perfectly healthy with no previous restorations
and just some very mild crowning. Her teeth are vita shade A3.
Rank in order the following actions in response to this situation (1=most appropriate,
5=least appropriate)
Fig 1
Fill in the box to indicate the rank for each option on the answer sheet. If you think A is the
most appropriate option in this question and B the second most appropriate, C the third, D
the fourth and E the fifth and least appropriate you would complete your answer as follows:
Most Least
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Fig 2
Fig 2 shows how to complete the answer sheet and is not an indication to correct
answer to the example scenario
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Appendix VI – SJT FAQs
Applicants will be assessed against the professional attributes expected of a trainee soon to
enter the Dental Foundation programme such as:
Professional integrity
Resilience and coping with pressure
Effective communication
Working effectively as part of a team
The recruitment process includes a panel interview and focuses on measuring the skills and
knowledge of applicants. Having an SJT as part of the selection process will measure a
wider set of skills which should identify the most suitable applicants for the DFT programme.
The SJT is a multiple choice paper based assessment; The SJT will last for 105 minutes and
will consist of 56 questions. Please note that only 50 of these questions will be used for the
overall SJT score. 6 questions are being asked as part of an evaluation process. Applicants
will not be made aware which questions are part of the evaluation process.
The SJT lasts 105 minutes. How long do I spend on each question? What if I don’t
finish on time?
The SJT is designed so that there is sufficient time for applicants to complete the test. It is
important that you try and plan your time carefully and attempt to answer all questions. You
will receive no marks for any questions that you do not answer, but you will not be negatively
marked (i.e. your score on other items won’t be reduced).
How much of my overall Interview score does the SJT account for?
The SJT will account for 50% of your final total score. The Communication in a Clinical
Setting, and Professionalism, Management and Leadership stations will account for 25% of
your total score each.
I usually have adjustments made for my university exams. Will this count for the SJT?
Any adjustments you have arranged for the recruitment process including the written exam
will be carried over to the SJT. You can do this by emailing
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SJT items are scored against pre-determined keys that have been derived from
consultations with multiple SMEs, so that the scoring of the test is standardised and fair to all
Ranking items: For ranking items, you will receive marks dependent on your responses’
proximity to the correct answers. Full marks for an item are awarded if your response
matches the correct answer and partial marks are awarded if your response is close to the
correct answer. There is generally a maximum of 20 points available for each ranking item.
The table below illustrates the scoring system in more detail. Imagine you are answering a
ranking question in the exam. You are given a list of five actions/options and are then asked
to rank in order the following actions in response to this situation (1 = most appropriate and 5
= least appropriate). Let’s say that the predetermined key for this question is CABDE. Option
C has thus been predetermined by multiple SMEs to be the ‘most appropriate’ option (and in
other words, ranked as 1 out of 5). If you note down on the answer sheet that Option C is the
most appropriate option you would be awarded 4 full marks. If you select instead one of the
adjacent options, Option B or Option D, you would still be awarded 3 points, and so on.
Therefore, an applicant does not need to get every option exactly in the correct order to
obtain a good score on the SJT.
Multiple choice items: For multiple choice questions, 4 marks are awarded for each correct
option chosen, with a maximum of 12 marks generally available for each question. Please
note that if you select more than three options then you will not be awarded any marks for
this question.
You will receive no marks for any questions that you do not answer, but you will not be
negatively marked (i.e. your score on other items won’t be reduced).
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Appendix VII
All of the documentation listed below is required, both in the form and number
specified. A summary checklist is attached for review.
Please note, failure to bring the required documents listed below may result in you not being
assessed. In most cases, a photocopy of the documentation is required to be given to
the recruitment staff at the assessment centre. It is the responsibility of all applicants
to obtain photocopies PRIOR to the assessment centre. There will be no provision for
this at the assessment centre.
Original, current passport and ONE clear photocopy of each of the following:
Front cover
Name/signature and photo page
Visa/right to work page (if applicable)
The original document at the selection centre, along with a clear photocopy
of the page/s in your passport showing current immigration status.
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Original and one copy of all supporting documentation from the Home
Office regarding your current visa status. This is the approval letter from the
UK Border Agency granting the visa. It will have a start date and an end date.
This should be accompanied by the relevant page of the valid current passport
showing the visa stamp OR the Biometric Resident Permit.
If applicable:
Original of your CURRENT GDC licensing letter and one photocopy – out of
date certificates will not be accepted as proof
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Appendix A:
Recent utility bill (gas, electricity or land line phone) or a certificate from a supplier of
utilities confirming the arrangement to pay for the services on pre-payment terms.
Current benefit book or card or original notification letter from Department of Work
and Pensions (DWP) confirming the rights to benefit.
Confirmation from an electoral register search that a person of that name lives at the
claimed address
Court order
All the above must be dated within the last six months and must contain the name and
address of the applicant. Please note we will not accept print-outs of online
accounts/statements. The requirements for ID checking are defined by the Cabinet
Office and employers are required to obtain original documents to comply with the HMG's
Minimum Requirements for the Verification of the Identity of Individuals (Version 2.0
January 2003).
If you are unable to provide photographic proof of identity, we can accept the
following non-photographic proof of personal identification documents.
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You will need TWO DOCUMENTS from the list AND an ADDITIONAL passport sized
photograph of yourself, endorsed on the back with the signature of a “person of
standing”. This should be someone from your community who has known you for at
least three years.
Document giving your permanent National Insurance Number and name - this could
be a P45, P60, National Insurance card, or a letter from a Government agency
Original full birth certificate issued in the UK, which includes the name of at least one
of your parents; (issued within six weeks of birth)
Original birth certificate issued in the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Ireland;
Current benefit book or card or original notification letter from the Department of
Work and Pensions (DWP) confirming legal right to benefit.
Most recent tax notification from HM Revenue and Customs (Formerly Inland
Letter issued by the Home Office to you which indicates that you can stay indefinitely
in the UK, or has no time limit on your stay
Letter issued by the Home Office to you which indicates that you can stay in the UK
and this allows you to do the type of work we are offering
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Appendix B:
Passport showing that the holder is a British citizen or a citizen of the UK and
colonies having the right of abode in the UK
Passport or national ID card showing that the holder is a national of the EEA or
Residence permit indicating permanent residence issued by the Home Office or UKVI
to a national of a EEA country or Switzerland
Permanent residence card issued by the Home Office or UKVI to the family member
of a national of an EEA country or Switzerland
Biometric Immigration Document issued by the UKVI which indicates that the person
named in it is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK or has no time limit on their stay in the UK
Passport or other travel document endorsed to show that the holder is exempt from
immigration control, is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK, has the right of abode in the UK
or has no time limit on their stay in the UK
Immigration Status Document issued by the Home Office or UKVI to the holder with
an endorsement indicating that the person named in it is allowed to stay indefinitely in the
UK or has no time limit on their stay in the UK, when produced in combination with an official
document giving the person's permanent NI number and their name
Full birth certificate issued in the UK which includes the name(s) of at least one of the
holder's parents when produced in combination with an official document giving the person's
permanent NI number and their name
Full adoption certificate issued in the UK which includes the name(s) of at least one
of the holder's parents when produced in combination with an official document giving the
person's permanent NI number and their name
Birth certificate issued in the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Ireland when
produced in combination with an official document giving the person's permanent NI number
and their name
Adoption certificate issued in the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Ireland when
produced in combination with an official document giving the person's permanent NI number
and their name
Version 1 (22/08/2014) 28
Letter issued to the holder by the Home Office or UKVI indicating the person named
in it is allowed to stay indefinitely when produced in combination with an official document
giving the person's permanent NI number and their name
Passport or travel document endorsed to show that the holder is allowed to stay in
the UK and is allowed to do the type of work in question, provided that it does not
require the issue of a work permit
Biometric Immigration Document issued by the UKVI which indicates that the person
named in it can stay in the UK and is allowed to do the work in question
Work permit or other approval to take employment issued by the Home Office or the
UKVI when produced in combination with either a passport of another travel
document endorsed to show the holder is allowed to stay in the UK and is allowed to
do the work in question
Certificate of application that is less than 6 months old issued by the Home Office or
the UKVI to, or for, a family member of a national of an EEA country or Switzerland
stating that the holder is permitted to take employment, when produced in
combination with evidence of verification by the UKVI Employer Checking Service
Residence card or document issued by the Home Office or the UKVI to a family
member of a national of an EEA country or Switzerland
Application Registration Card issued by the Home Office or UKVI stating that the
holder is permitted to take employment, when produced in combination with evidence
of verification by the UKVI Employer Checking Service
Immigration Status Document issued by the Home Office or UKVI to the holder with
an endorsement indicating that the person named in it is allowed to stay in the UK
and is allowed to do the type of work in question, when produced in combination with
an official document giving the person's permanent NI number and their name
Letter issued by the Home Office or UKVI to the holder or the employer or
prospective employer with an endorsement indicating that the person named in it is
allowed to stay in the UK and is allowed to do the type of work in question, when
produced in combination with an official document giving the person's permanent NI
number and their name
None of the document descriptions reflect the precise wording contained in the legislation.
If you would like to obtain a full account of the legal changes, this will be available in the
booklet the Home Office will be producing alongside this guidance. Further guidance on
preventing illegal working can be found at
This information comes from NHS Employment Check Standards – published by
Version 1 (22/08/2014) 29
Applicants with any concerns regarding their ability to provide documentation at the
selection centre must contact the relevant LETB/Deanery prior to the selection centre
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