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Some of the key topics discussed across the passages include development challenges in Sub-Saharan Africa and Kosovo, as well as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The passages discuss how Sub-Saharan Africa has been caught in a cycle of poverty that has been exacerbated by diseases like HIV/AIDS and the link between poverty and civil conflict, crime, corruption and state failure.

One passage discusses that in 2008, Kosovo unilaterally declared independence from Serbia after 9 years of UN administration, with most countries recognizing Kosovo's independence. Kosovo's population is mostly Muslim Albanians and they argue their rights were abused under Serbian rule.

● enforcement of human rights in industrializing societies

● universality of human rights

● effects of globalization on development (see Four Asian Tigers for Success)

Case Studies for Global Politics

Strongly Related -> 3 points
related -> 2 points
Can be related -> 1 point
Not related at all -> no points

Case Study Unit 1: Power & Unit 2: Human Rights Unit 3: Development Unit 4: Peace and Conflict
Sub- Sub-Saharan Africa has
been caught in a poverty
saharan cycle that has made it
Africa difficult or impossible to
break out of poverty.
This has been
exacerbated by the link
between poverty and
disease. HIV/AIDS has
been a particular blight
on sub-Saharan Africa,
accounting in 2007 for
some 68 per cent of HIV/
AIDS cases worldwide
and 76 per cent of all
AIDS deaths. The
association between
poverty and civil
conflict, crime,
corruption and state
failure has also seriously
disadvantaged sub-
Saharan Africa
Kosovo In 2008 Kosovo unilaterally Although Serbia never
declared its independence recognized Kosovo as an
from the republic of Serbia independent state, the two
after 9 years of being states started negotiating in
under UN rule. Most March of 2011. The talks are
countries recognized mediated by the EU and are
Kosovo’s independence and aimed at three main topics:
the ICJ stated that they regional cooperation,
did not violate freedom of movement and
international Law. the rule of law. So far, the two
population in Kosovo is 92% states ended the trade
Muslim Albanians and 5% embargo, agreed on freedom
Christian Serbians. The of movement across
Justification for the administrative borders,
legitimacy of Kosovo’s recognized each other’s
declaration is rooted in university diplomas and so on
the argument that (emerging positive peace).
Kosovars’ rights were Kosovo was nominated to
abused under the Serbian join to the UN as a sovereign
regime. The intervention state, but Russia (who is an
of NATO in 99’ and the ally with Serbia) vetoed.
presence of international
forces in Kosovo ifor a
decade are evidence to
the human rights abuse
that took place. Raises the
question of what the
criteria for minority is to
justify secession.

Former 1990s Civil War

The Kosovo was 1994-1998
Crimea and After Ukraine’s 2014
revolution, Ukraine’s
Ukraine sovereign region, Crimea,
was annexed by Russia.
Why Ukraine is This was made easier by
trapped in the fact that Crimea’s
endless demographics consist of a
conflict?- Vox strong ethnic Russians
majority (65% ish). (Can
Documentary: mention political concepts
Winter on Fire like identity, ethnicity,
(on Netflix) language, constructivism,
realism, etc.)

Israeli- UN Security Council

Resolution 242 was passed
Palestinian in 1967. It requires Israel
Conflict to withdraw to the borders
that existed before the
1967 Six Day War, when
Just keep in
Israel occupied the West
mind that IB
Bank, Golan Heights and
has a rule on
Gaza Strip. UN Security
Council resolutions are
case studies.
binding in international
law, yet Israel has not yet
outside of the
withdrawn to the pre-1967
borders. Furthermore, it
lifetime can be
has built a security wall
used for
around, and settlements
context but
within, territory that is
the bulk of
beyond the pre-1967
case studies
borders are no longer
should be
relevant and that the
security wall is needed to
(ASA within
protect the state of Israel
the learner’s
from terrorist attacks from
Nigeria - Boko Haram emerged in While south of Nigeria is
2002 as an anti-west mostly Christian due to
Boko group. Although they influences from British
Haram didn’t start as a military powers, the north is
organization, their acts mostly Muslim. The
became more and more country is divided almost
violent. They gained world perfectly to 50/50.
recognition when in 2014 136th on CPI, 152nd on
they kidnapped 274 girls HDI, gini coefficient of
from school. Today they
48. This obviously
control the most northern
part of Nigeria with an shows a correlation
extreme Sharia law. they between corruption
are using children as and
soldiers and young girls as underdevelopment,
suicide bombers. which is accentuated if
one considers that
Nigeria’s debt towards
the IMF increased by
500% since the 1990s
because the money
disappeared instead of
going to development.
Venezuela Venezuela had great 75% of Venezuela’s Venezuela used to be
economic and soft power, population lost 20 one of the richest
The collapse of with the biggest oil pounds, hospitals are countries in Latin
Venezuela, reserves in the world and a lacking 98% percent of America, and its
explained - democratic government medical supplies and 85 democracy and
Vox that was praised world- out of 100 drugs are government was praised
Inflation rate, wide. However, although totally unavailable. worldwide. Venezuela’s
average the money was invested in Venezuela is in a serious economy is solely based
consumer education and health, it humanitarian crisis, on oil, and it has the
prices - IMF increased the dependence however, when aid biggest proven oil
Venezuela on oil. After the oil crisis, arrived to the country it reservoir in the world,
Needs Maduro’s government has been confiscated by following the oil price
International became more the military. crisis in 2014, the
Intervention. authoritarian and more Venezuelan economy
Now. - The and more power was given collapsed. Average
New York to the army. To keep being consumer prices index
Times in charge Maduro must changed from around
prevent a military coup, 100$ in 2014 to over 2K
which is done by paying a in 2018. It has the
lot of money to the army. highest inflation rates in
Since the country is in the world (around 950%).
deep financial crisis, it It GDP dropped by 35%
loans billions of dollars, percent in the last 6
especially from China. years and the murder
China invested over 50$ rates are standing at 91
billion in Venezuela, an people per 100,000, one
investment that seems to of the highest in the
have very low probability world. The poor in
of having any profit. Venezuela make about
However, it gives china a 82% of the population
very strong hold in the
region, and access to the
world’s biggest oil
Afghanista Taliban and US Facts and stats:
intervention: - Has received 60bn $ in
n - Taliban is a terrorist aid since 2002 and yet is
group that was in power in 169th on CPI and 169th on
Afghanistan between HDI (impact of
1996-2001 corruption)
- UNSC accepted - 7.2% of Afghanistan’s
interventions against GDP came from
threats to global investments by foreign
terrorism, and in res. 1386 MNCs in 2016
they created the ISAF to - Since 2016, foreign AID
assist Afghani security has made up on average
- The official government 76% of Afghanistan’s GDP
of Afghanistan was - Adult illiteracy is 61.8%
reinstated with the - Worst score for Gender
support of US and Northern development in the
Alliance (rebels) world
EU The EU is an IGO which has Hungary: Bulgaria:
many rules that “bend” - violations of asylum - 5% of Bulgaria’s wealth
How the euro state sovereignty: seekers’ rights by comes from EU
caused the - Schengen agreement allowing them to only investment
Greek crisis? - 1985 aimed at abolishing ask for asylum from - In 2013, the EU’s
Vox border control inside the transit zone, not budget for Bulgaria was
EU and creating a common allowing them to enter 144 million€,
Visa policy for all states Hungary representing 39% of
- EU regulations that are - Their “deep border Bulgaria’s GNI
adopted and binding and control” policy allowed - EU co-financed the
directly applicable to police since 2017 to motorway that crosses
every individual member deport people out of almost the entire
state Hungary involving country
- Common external physical abuse if - Since Bulgaria joined
barriers to trade, meaning necessary the EU the average
that individual countries - Removed people income per agricultural
are not allowed to make between the ages of worker increased by 49%
individual trade, the 14-18 from the child
common market does so as protection system, going
a whole against UN regulations
of Rights of the Child
- Since 2017 the
Hungarian police has
been accused of beating
and torturing asylum
seekers to discourage
them from coming into

Iraq The question of

development and
whether it would be
better with or without
US intervention.

Guantanam Guantanamo bay:
established in 2002 as
o Bay part of the war on
terror. Camp is known
for violating many
rights, namely 1, 5, 7,
10 and is justified in the
name of increased
security. Over the years
775 detainees have been
brought to the camp and
9 have died in custody.
Guantanamo costs the
US government 445
million dollars a year,
which is about 7 million
per prisoner per year.
The camp is not on US
soil (it is rented from
cuba for 4000$ a year)
which put Guantanamo
in a vague legal
situation, which means
that prisoners can be
held without charges for
years. out of 212 Afghan
detainees, almost half
were almost entirely
innocent, mere taliban
conscripts or had been
transferred to
Guantanamo with no
reason for doing so on
India - The second largest dam Despite democratic The dam is estimated to Local groups used non-
in the world on the character of Indian provide fresh water to violent protest methods
Sardar state, indigenous people 40 million people and coming from Mahatma
Sarovar Narmada river has been were not fully able to protect 210 indigenous Gandhi to protests against
opened on September pursue their rights as villages from flooding. flooding their villages.
Dam 17, 2017 after a case in the Supreme Court Yet, it would come at
the Indian Supreme allowed for expansion of the expense of
Court filed by Friends of the dam in year 2000. destroying natural
the Narmada River and 40 000 people was habitats in the valley of
deprived of their land the river. 

multiple protests by and not compensated.
 It is a question of
local communities. The There is breach of first- sustainable development
World Bank, an IGO, and second-generation whether to prioritise
initially provided 450 human rights. 
 environment or
million dollars loan for infrastructure. 

the project but
withdrew it later due to
unsolved social and
environmental concerns.

Yemen The Yemen Civil War Yemen has been in a
started as part of the Arab state of Humanitarian
The Middle Spring in 2011, with Crisis for a few years
East's cold war, demonstration calling to now: 1.8 million
explained - end the 33-year rule of the children are
Vox president. Due to malnourished, 7 million
the US maybe international pressure, the people are the break of
aiding war president resigned and was famine, around 2,000
crimes in replaced by his vice people died of a cholera
Yemen - Vox president. However, his epidemic and there are
attempts at constitutional over half a million
Why are the and budget reforms confirmed cases and
SAUDIES losing angered the Houthi group there are not enough
in YEMEN? - in the north. By 2014 they drugs as both sides in
VisualPolitik took over the capital of the war are blocking
EN Yemen, forcing the humanitarian aid –
government to relocate. Doctors Without Borders
Yemen - World The Saudis, that do not had to evacuate its
Report 2018 | want volunteers from the
Human Rights a Shia government on their country. The Saudis are
Watch border back the using cluster bombs
government, while the which are forbidden
Iranians are supporting the under international law,
rebels. This one out of and are destroying
three current proxy wars schools and hospitals, all
(the others being Iraq and backed and fueled by
Syria) carried between the US. since great
Saudi Arabia and Iran. powers as using Yemen
for their own interests
(with Saudi Arabia and
the USA backing the
government and Iran
backing the rebels) it is
not probable that
intervention will take
place in the foreseeable
Syria According to the World
The Islamic State began Bank, more than
seizing control of territory 400,000 people have
in Syria in 2013. After a been killed in Syria since
series of terrorist attacks the start of the war. The
coordinated by the Islamic UN reports that more
State across Europe in than 5.6 million have
2015, the United States, fled the country, and 6.5
the United Kingdom, and million have been
France—with the support internally displaced.
of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Many refugees have fled
and other Arab partners— to Jordan and Lebanon,
expanded their air straining already weak
campaign in Iraq to include infrastructure and
Syria. Together, these limited resources. More
nations have conducted than 3.4 million Syrians
over eleven thousand have fled to Turkey, and
airstrikes against Islamic many have attempted to
State targets in Syria, seek refuge in Europe.
while the U.S.-led
coalition has continued its
support for ground
operations by the SDF
(Syrian Democratic Forces.
a military group led by
Kurds from the Democratic
Republic of Northern Syria
together with other ethnic
groups). Turkish troops
have been involved in
ground operations against
the Islamic State since
2016, and have launched
attacks against armed
Kurdish groups in Syria.
Meanwhile, at the request
of the Syrian government
in September 2015, Russia
began launching airstrikes
n in USA
Russians linked
to U.S.
despite Trump
calling probe a
hoax - PBS

Zapatistas An anarchist movement in Zapatistas oppose There is continuous military

Chiapas, Mexico that capitalism and have coercion between Zapatistas
established an autonomous collectivism-based, self- and Mexican government,
government. sufficient economy. including checkpoints and
Roles in the Juntas of Good Prices of goods are assassinations.
Government are rotating decided by the local
between representatives community.
from different Focus on self-realisation
communities. is expressed through
learning practical skills
in indigenous languages.
Yet, level of poverty is
extremely high.
Kurdistan A rough geographic region Amnesty International During the war in Syria, the
where ethnic Kurds live. Claims that the Kurdish party the Democratic
and the There’s a movement to Democratic Union Party Union Party installed a
Democratic create a sovereign Kurd was committing human system where the vowed to
Federation Nation-State in partitioned rights violations against protect the human rights of
areas of Northern Iraq, non-ethnic Kurds. all ethnic groups (including
of Northern Syria, and Turkey. Assyrian and Turkmen) and
Northern promoted gender equality.
Syria After the involvement in Then in 2014, ISIS began
the Syrian war (see unit 4 attacking, and with foreign
How Syria’s column), the Kurds were support from the US, the
Kurds are able to strengthen their Kurds maintained and retook
Trying to fight for an independent occupied land. The Syrian
Create a Kurd territory. Multiple Kurds had some of the armies
Democracy- ethnicities in Northern that were the most effective
Vox Syria joined to form the against ISIS in the Syrian war
Democratic Federation of which lead to continued US
SYRIA: US Northern Syria with an support.
ALLY’S RAZING organized multi-ethnic
OF VILLAGES militia to fight both Assad Despite the countering
AMOUNTS TO and ISIS actions of Turkey, in 2017 the
WAR CRIMES- Democratic Union Party took
Amnesty After the Strengthening of ISIS’ capital in Syria, Raqqa.
International the Democratic Federation
of Northern Syria, Turkey Later in 2017, Turkey
Who are the grew worried that they are launched Operation Olive
Kurdistan merely a front for the Branch, to suppress Kurdish
Workers’ Party violent Turkish Kurd forces. Without the common
(PKK) rebels?- separatists the PKK, so enemy of ISIS, and with the
BBC Turkey sent in troops into US no longer providing an
Syria in September 2016. abundance of support, the
Democratic Union Party is at
TLDR; Kurds want a severe disadvantage.
independence, infringing
on Sovereignty
Democratic Burundi and Uganda don’t Workers in the coltan Apple and Samsung The DRC has been through
respect the borders of the mines work 12 hours per electronics use the two civil wars – no positive
Republic of DRC and just cross the day and receive 5$ for a coltan exploited from peace. The government is
the Congo borders to exploit coltan day of work. the DRC to make phones very unstable, which also
worth of 500 – 1000$. allows for other actors to
violates the DRC’s
sovereignty and exploit its

Costa Rica
Bolivia Example of the use of Counter Argument for
Collective rights for Liberal Democracies
Indigenous Peoples being needed for
We should look Development:
to Bolivia for
inspiration- Evo Morales, a leader
The Guardian sometimes accused of
Bolivia|Data - being overly
the World Bank Authoritarian and leader
of Bolivia’s Socialist
Regime has been able to
lower levels of extreme
poverty and decrease
income inequality while
raising minimum wages
and social spending, with
sub focuses on
indigenous rights and the
importance of protecting
the environment.
GDP increase from 20
Billion $ in 2010 to 34
Billion in 2016. literacy
rates are above 90%.
percentage of people
underneath the national
poverty line dropped
from 52% in 2009 to 38%
in 2015
ranked 118 on the HDI
FARC The FARC are communist the war between the FARC
guerrilla movement and the Colombian
Inside FARC's fighting the Colombian government took the life of
Political government since 1964. 250 thousand people and
Future (HBO) only in 2012 did peace displaced around 7 million,
The UN’s new negotiation start, which in the past 50 years. the
role in took 4 years to sign. this Havana accord signed
Colombia can was following a crack between the Colombian
strengthen the down from the colombian government and the FARC
peace process government which brought insurgency group is based on
during its most the FARC down from a new tripartite verification
vulnerable 20,000 fighters to mechanism with the UN as a
phase | the 6,000-7,000, what third party. This has never
London School eventually made them been tried before, but from
of Economics come to the negotiation the case study of Colombia it
and Political table. The FARC agreed to seems to have promising
Science stop all drug trafficking results. it is not a blue
UN Verification and give all weapons to a helmets operation, and there
Mission in UN supervised committee are no UN troops in
Colombia in return for no jail time Colombia. the role of the UN
and saved five sits in each was to guarantee the trust
of the houses of congress between the two parties in
in Colombia. this fragile state of the
negotiations. it was done by
the UN being responsible for
collecting weapons from
FARC combatants (with
average of 1 weapon per
fighter, much higher than
similar operations) and
overlook integration of FARC
fighters into civilian life.

Rise of Far
Right in
Rising China has been Despite economic For the last 30 years,
increasing its soft power capitalism, China China has been the
China fastest growing economy
by taking position of the remains to be a
Martin in the world with annual
US, for example in terms country with growth of GDP at rate of
China's rise to of climate action. China restricted political 9%, becoming the largest
power | CGTN is the largest producer freedoms. economy in the world.
America of solar panels and solar 300 million people
China's trillion energy. moved to cities in that
dollar plan to China is also investing a time.
lot of money in Absolute poverty in
global trade -
Vox Atlas countries such as The China fell from 250
Why China is Democratic Republic of million in 1978 to 28
building the Congo and million in 2001.
islands in the Venezuela, gaining soft In 1978 China started
South China power and economic reforming its communist
Sea - Vox Atlas economy. Since then it
influence. doubled its gdp 6 times.
More than 200M people
moved from the rural
areas to the urban ones.
Its downsides are:
increase in inequality,
mainly between the
urban and the rural
societies which brought
its GIni index from 0.16
to 0.45; massive
pollution causing massive
illness and shoten in life
spans; A lot of separated
families due to
Rwanda After the genocide of After the genocide, there
1994, Rwanda was one of were over 800,000 dead,
How is the poorest countries in million of Rwandan displaced
RWANDA the world. In 2000 in neighboring countries,
stepping out of president Paul Kagame 130,000 suspects accused of
MISERY? - came into power, and by genocide crimes and only 36
VisualPolitik looking at development judges and 14 prosecutors
EN models from Thailand, available. the UN set the
How did Singapore and China, he International Crime Tribunal
Gacaca started to rebuild for Rwanda (ICTR) in
combine Rwanda. He did that Tanzania, where the most
elements of using a plan called serious violators of the IHL
both “vision 2020” which is a (International Humanitarian
retributive and list of 44 clear and Law) were tried. France
restorative accountable goals, which offered to send judges to
justice and are being checked help speed up the system,
how effective regularly by the but Rwandan refused to have
was it in government. one of foreign involvement. The
reconciling them was promoting solution was to re-establish
Hutus and gender equality, and the Gacaca courts which is a
Tutsis in today Rwanda is the community based justice
Rwanda after country with the most system from pre-colonial
the 1994 female representatives times.In its retributive form
genocide? | in the parliament. Gacaca punished those who
Global Politics Besides that, its GDP is committed war crimes during
EE growing 8% annually the genocide, treating crime
(rate similar to countries as done against the state.
like china). Paul Kagame However in its restorative
has been president for form it also acknowledged
the past 18 years and crimes between people and
wins over 94% percent of focused on efforts to
the votes in elections. reconcile communities
- Rwanda is in the top through dialogue. During
tier for Gender their time of operation, the
development, scoring Gacaca courts completed
higher than many EU roughly 1.5 million cases,
countries, and yet has an and held punishments which
HDI ranking of 159 ranged from life
imprisonment to community
Crisis in
Chechnya Since the beginning of There were two wars
2017 more than 100 between Chechnya (which
male LGBT Chechens declared independence from
were abducted and Russia in 1991) and Russia, in
detained in torture 1994-1996 and 1999-2000.
camps because of their Between 2000 and 2009
sexual orientation, and Russia has had an ongoing
at least 3 have been anti-terrorist operation in
killed extrajudicially. Chechnya to help the country
The local government transit from Islamic
justifies this because of radicalism to positive peace.
Chechnya’s semi- In 2007 Ramzan Kadyrov was
autonomous governing appointed President of
system, and the Islamic Chechnya with Russia’s
background of the support. He has since then
population and culture. fully supported Russian
policies on security and
fought Islamic radicalism,
while at the same time
economically developing the
country with financial
assistance from the Kremlin.

Oil crisis of
South South china sea is one of There have been military
the richest areas in the clashes involving Chinese,
China Sea world: it contains 11 Vietnamese, Malaysian and
Why China is billion barrels of oil and Filipino military vessels as
building 5.4 trillion cubic meters of well as incidents of harassing
islands in the natural gas. Moreover, 30% fishermen. 

South China of the world’s shipping It is a traditional interstate
Sea? - Vox trade goes through it. Most conflict over territory.

south-east Asian countries
base their claims for some
part of it on the UN law of
the sea which states that a
country’s territorial water
extend 200 miles of their
shore. Everything within
these 200 miles is the
sovereign territory of that
state. China claims that
they have an historical
right to south china sea,
and they mark it using the
so-called 9 dash line (a
border made out of 9
dashed lines – obviously
imprecise). China is
building islands there and
placing military bases on
them to slowly but steadily
take control of the region.
So far, the US have
released statements
encouraging china and
other south-east Asian
countries to solve the
dispute, and sent its navy
to keep trading routes
open. However, actual
international intervention
does not seem likely.
Four Asian In the early 1960’s the
global economy was
Tigers recovering from WW2
(Taiwan, trauma. The four
Hong Kong, countries’ governments
took advantage of the
Singapore, opportunity to invest
and South heavily in
Korea) industrialization, and
offering tax incentives
(AKA Asian for foreign investors
Dragons) (globalization) , and
implementing mandatory
education for the young
people. Soon after they
began exporting a wide
variety of goods.

They are an anomaly in

Asia, and they fared well
through the 1997 Asian
Economic Crisis and the
2008 Financial Crisis.

Power in
s with Iran
Pakistani- Proxy war: India provides
military support to
Indian Afghanistan to fight
conflict Pakistani terrorists, like
Haqqani network, who are
behind attacks such as the
2007 and 2008 Indian
embassy bombings in
- Lashker-e-taibe Pakistan
group responsible for 2008
Mumbain bombings, and
Pakistani Taliban
responsible for 30% of
India’s terrorist attacks
- Pakistan isn’t focused on
eradicating terrorism, and
there are arguments that
say this is because the
terrorists damage India in
ways Pakistan otherwise
could not
Somalia UN peacekeeping:
- African Union mission with
UN approval to bolster peace
and remove Al-shabaab
forces from Somalia, started
in 2007
- Criticism because AMISOM
uses mostly military and
violent means to eliminate
Al-shabaab, and has not
focused on peacebuilding
and state-building
- Because of the previous
reason, AMISOM has not been
able to expand peace even in
the areas it liberated in
Northern Peacebuilding:
- 40 years of conflict
Ireland between IRA and British
government ended with Good
Friday Agreement in 1998
- since 1994 there had been
negotiations in place to bring
all fighting parties to the
table, including non-state
actors such as Ulster
Loyalists and the IRA which
renewed its 1994 ceasefire in
- the agreement itself in
1998 gave political stability
to Ireland and Northern
Ireland, being signed by all
political parties involved and
stating Northern Ireland’s
relationship with Ireland
while still being part of the
Mexico Mexico (gini coefficient
of 48)
× States in Mexico that
were least affected by
globalization are the
ones which were seen to
be lagging behind in
terms of poverty and
labour in the 1990s.
× Also, during the same
period income in states
of Mexico with low
exposure to globalization
decreased by 10%, and
the number of families in
poverty increased.
× In 2002 32% of Mexico’s
GDP was foreign
× NAFTA severely
damaged most Mexican
farmers because of the
import of US subsidised
× Poor Mexicans are
migrating to the US
because of their poverty
level impacted by
globalization, and are
then being employed by
the same companies that
put them out of work.
× After NAFTA, Mexican
average wages dropped
by 22%.
Sierra - Brief Summary: Britain
supported the Sierra
Leone Leone Army against the
revolutionary forces
trying to overthrow the
government. Operation
Palliser (7th May 2000 -
September 2000)On 18
January 2002, President
Kabbah declared the
Sierra Leone Civil War
(1991 - 2002) over.
- Stakeholders:
Revolutionary United
Front (RUF), Sierra
Leone Army (SLA),
British Army
- What happened? After
deciding that the RUF
would not disarm
voluntarily, the British
began training the SLA
for a confrontation
against the rebels.
- Results and facts: The
overall British operation
was mostly completed
by September 2000. The
RUF began to disarm
after political pressure,
and later economic
sanctions, were exerted
on Liberia—which had
supported the RUF in
exchange for conflict
diamonds smuggled out
of Sierra Leone. The
government signed a
ceasefire agreement
Rome Three of the major global The Rome statute from
powers, US, Russia and 1998 sets up an
Statute China didn’t sign the ICC(international
statute and are not criminal court) which is
accountable to the court. authorized to conduct
hearings for breaches of
international law and
for crimes against
humanity. They are also
authorized to issue
arrest warrants and
launch investigations of
against breaches and
crimes. As it is aimed to
complement existing
judicial system, it can
exercise its power only
when national courts
cannot or are unwilling
to prosecute a suspect
or when cases are
referred to the courts by
states or the UNSC.
Economic Economic embargo on Iraq Economic sanctions are Funds obtained from
was imposed on all trade likely to have inverse exports of oil merely
Sanctions from 1990 until 2003. 
 impact on citizens as allowed to fund
on Iraq Multinational Interception claimed by the UN. humanitarian aid and
Force was inspecting Approximately 500 000 there was little or no
vessels and cargoes children died in result of funds for development
carrying loads to or from sanctions, there was projects.
 severe malnutrition,
During sanctions period, lack of medical supplies
per capita income and spread of diseases.
decreased from 3500
dollars to 450 dollars.

Countries through the
United Nations used their
economic power in order
to exercise pressure on a
target country.

State Norwegian government Government of Norway

owns a large number of gains high revenues from
capitalism shares in some of the shares as well as sales of
in Norway largest companies in the oil and it has established
country such as Statoil, the Government Pension
Telenor, Norsk Hydro, Yara Fund Global for post-oil
and Statecraft. Moreover, future. 

it holds 37% of Money is invested in
Oslo stock market. social services.

Government has economic
power in the country
rather than MNCs or
foreign investors.
affect on
Google Maps is
Different in

Kenya Electoral violence after

President Kibaki was
2007 declared winner.
Supporters of Raila
Odinga claimed there
was electoral
manipulation. Ethnic
violence occured
between the two
supporters. UN arrived a
month later and
violence ceased after
coalition set up; Odinga
was made Prime
Minister. kibaki was
made President
Ivory Coast Disputed election win
between former
2011 president Laurent
Gbagbo and Alassane
Outtara. Violent conflict
between supporters of
both sides with military.
Various war crimes
committed and Gbagbo
was taken to the ICC for
trail. Fighting ended

Past Paper 2 Questions

Power and Sovereignty
Specimen 2014
● To what extent is state sovereignty an outdated concept in the 21st century?
● “Global politics is characterized more by cooperation than by conflict.” Discuss.
May 2014
! Examine the claim that the significance of military power is diminishing in contemporary global politics.
o Oxford Exam Hints
! Discuss the impact of NGOs, MNCs, and international organizations on state sovereignty
o Oxford Exam Hints

May 2015
! Examine the claim that increased interactions and interconnectedness in global politics have fundamentally changed the
nature of state sovereignty.
o Nicolai example essay
o Oxford Exam Hints
! Power is often assumed to be linked to the possession of, or access to, resources. Discuss the validity of this view
o Oxford Exam Hints
May 2016
! Discuss the claim that power in global politics is mostly exercised through the use of force and

o Cecilia example essay
o Oxford Exam Hints
o Mark scheme
! Evaluate the claim that state sovereignty creates obstacles for the realization of justice for

individuals and communities.
o Omer Maly example essay
o Oxford Exam Hints
o Mark Scheme

May 2017
! Discuss reasons why the legitimacy of a state may need to be questioned.
o Mark Scheme
! Examine the claim that economically powerful states are able to manipulate global governance

institutions to their advantage.
o Mark Scheme

November 2017
! Examine the claim that state sovereignty is challenged by non-governmental organizations (NGOs), intergovernmental
organizations (IGOs) and other non-state actors (NSAs).
o Mark Scheme
! Evaluate the function and impact of one of the following in dealing with global challenges: Political parties,
Intergovernmental organizations (IGOs), Multinational corporations (MNCs), Informal forums.
o Mark Scheme

Human Rights
Specimen 2014
● “A national or regional approach to human rights enforcement is more effective than a global approach.” Discuss.
● “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights seeks to impose a Western perspective on human rights on non-Western
societies.” To what extent do you agree with this criticism?
May 2014
! Compare and contrast an institutional approach to the ratification and enforcement of human rights (for example, through
The Hague Courts) with non-institutional approaches (for example, through human rights NGOs, such as Amnesty
! To what extent do the complex realities and relationships of power in global politics make the concept of human rights an
unachievable ideal?
May 2015
! “Human rights covenants and treaties can limit development in newly industrializing economies.” To what extent do you
agree with this claim?
! Discuss the extent to which cultural relativism can be used to justify different concepts of human rights.
May 2016
! “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) is no longer relevant for dealing with human rights issues in the 21st
century.” To what extent do you agree with this claim?
o Sebas C example essay
o Mark Scheme
! Examine the effectiveness of non-state actors in advancing the protection of human rights.
o Uriel example essay
o Mark Scheme

May 2017
! Examine the claim that human rights as presented in treaties and covenants are not enforceable, and are therefore of
little use to vulnerable populations.
o Mark Scheme
! Discuss the claim that development in industrializing countries often violates universal rights to a clean environment and
to the humanitarian treatment of labour.
o Mark Scheme
November 2017
! To what extent has the Universal Declaration of Human Rights provided the basis for contemporary political movements for
social change?
o Mark Scheme
! “Universal rights should take precedence over cultural relativism in the formation of human rights treaties and covenants.”
Discuss this view.
o Mark Scheme

Specimen Paper 2017

● ‘the universal declaration of human rights (1948) seeks to impose western view of human rights on non western societies’
to what extent do you agree with this claim?
○ Uriel Example Essay

Specimen 2014
● Evaluate the claim that development is impossible to measure.
● “The biggest obstacle to development in developing countries is debt.” Discuss.
May 2014
! Evaluate the claim that development through aid relies heavily on a stable government and a lack of corruption.
! The fundamental weakness of development goals (such as the Millennium Development Goals) is their lack of focus on how
targets are actually to be achieved. To what extent do you agree with this claim?
May 2015
! Evaluate the view that globalization harms rather than benefits the poorest people in countries with the lowest incomes.
o Sebas C Example Essay
! Discuss the view that sustainable development will never be achieved until state and non-state actors can be persuaded or
forced to act in the common interest.
o Benjy Example Essay

May 2016
! Discuss the view that social factors such as gender relations or migration can both help and hinder development.
o Khan T example essay
o Mark Scheme
! Examine the view that successful development cannot be achieved without addressing political

o Sebas C example essay
o Mark Scheme
Specimen 2017
● Discuss the view that the biggest obstacles to development in today’s world are political.
May 2017
! Evaluate the claim that inequality encourages, rather than prevents, development.
o Mark Scheme
! To what extent is the achievement of political and social stability essential for development?
o Mark Scheme

November 2017
! “Definitions of development that stress meeting basic needs should be replaced with definitions that focus on well-being.”
Discuss this statement.
o Mark Scheme
! Discuss the view that harmful environmental factors represent the greatest threat to successful development
o Mark Scheme

Peace and Conflict

Specimen 2014
● “Truth and reconciliation commissions are the most effective way to foster peace.” To what extent do you agree with this
● Evaluate the claim that humanitarian intervention is a justifiable intrusion into the sovereignty of a state.
May 2014
! “Transforming armed conflict towards peace relies on an interrelationship of peacemaking, peacekeeping and peace
building.” Discuss.
! “If a person died from tuberculosis in the eighteenth century it would be hard to conceive of this as violence since it might
have been quite unavoidable, but if he dies from it today, despite all the medical resources in the world, then violence is
present” (Galtung). To what extent do you agree with the view that those in power have an obligation to identify and
prevent structural violence?
May 2015
! Peacebuilding is arguably more important than peacemaking, yet it is given much less funding and attention. To what
extent do you agree with this claim?
! Discuss why non-violent protest is sometimes able to achieve success against even the most powerful of opponents
May 2016
! Evaluate the success of third-party involvement in transforming one intra-state conflict away from violence and towards
positive peace.
o Mark Scheme
! “The use of violence can never be legitimate.” Discuss the validity of this claim, with reference to at least one violent
conflict you have studied.
o Caterina example essay
o Mark Scheme

Specimen 2017
● Examine the view that peace can be defined as the absence of physical violence
May 2017
! Compare and contrast two different approaches to peacemaking in one armed conflict you

have studied.
o Mark Scheme
! Discuss the view that peace is more than simply the absence of war
o Mark Scheme

November 2017
! Examine the claim that contrasting material interests are the main cause of conflicts.
o Giang Example Essay
o Mark Scheme
! Discuss the view that non-violent protest are the only way to achieve lasting change in conflicts between the state and
non-state actors.
o Mark Scheme

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