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Table of Contents
What is Flexibility? ............................................................................................................... 5
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WON’T Make
You Flexible
By Brian Klepacki, MS, CSCS, FMS
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What is Flexibility?
Flexibility training could possibly be complicated than simply being able to
the most misunderstood and perhaps do a single stretch.
the most undervalued component of
wellness and physical conditioning.
Ongoing debates really fog up its role
From climbing up a ladder to
in muscle recovery, injury prevention, changing a light bulb to sitting
joint range of motion and athletic down on the toilet, being flexible
and moving well are super
You would probably know what someone important in our daily lives.
is talking about when they talk about
being flexible. Take it one step further for athletes
whether it’s a volleyball spike or a rugby
To you this probably means that they drop kick, flexibility of the body’s muscles,
can reach down and touch their toes tendons and joints plays an integral part
or get deep into a squat. But the in many of life’s movements, regardless if
definition of flexibility is so much more it’s a daily chore or a sports competition.
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According to the American Council on One way to think of muscles and
Exercise (ACE) flexibility is defined tendons is to compare them with rubber
as “the range of motion of a given bands. When we are young, muscles
joint or group of joints or the level of and tendons have natural elastic
tissue extensibility that a muscle group properties; children and teenagers
possesses.” That means that each joint frequently do not have chronic pain.
and each group of muscles in your body The stretching exercises and activities
might have a different range of motion taught in physical education classes are
(ROM) or a different level of flexibility. intended to encourage a lifelong habit of
stretching and maintaining flexibility.
Certain areas of your body may be very
tight, meaning that the muscles feel short
and stiff. Some areas of your body may
feel very limber and you may be able to
lengthen and move those muscles freely.
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I didn’t say stretching) not as an add-
on element of your cardio or strength
The reason why I used the phrase
routine, but rather as a distinct aspect ‘flexibility training’ instead of
of your total conditioning program. Take stretching was intentional.
a look at the picture of the triangle. It
represents the three pillars of physical
Sure, stretching does help with
fitness: flexibility but I want you to
» Flexibility
understand that flexibility and
» Cardiovascular Conditioning stretching are very different.
» Strength Training
Even though they are mutually exclusive,
you most certainly can be flexible
Flexibility without ever stretching a day in your life
and being a Strength Coach, I’ve seen
➛ ➛
Cardiovascular Strength
Conditioning Training
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Types of Stretching
& Benefits of Each
Like I said, the actual definition apply certain training principles to
of stretching is misunderstood, improve your run speed.
undervalued, and confusing. Honestly,
it’s probably one of the most common
questions I get asked about, “When The same goes with flexibility. If
should I stretch?”, “What stretches are you want to improve your range
good for my back?”, “Is it good to stretch
before I run?” and so on.
of motion in your spine, you’d
apply certain training principles
Just like the other two pillars of
physical fitness, each pillar has an
to improve your range of motion.
extensive list of moving parts. If you You get the picture?
were wanting to improve your leg
strength, you’d apply certain training Here is a more detailed breakdown of
principles to improve your leg strength. stretching to help you better understand
If you wanted to run a faster 5k, you’d what I’m talking about:
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BALLISTIC STRETCHING: bit higher each time, to warm up your
hamstrings and hips before exercise.
This uses the momentum of the body to
force the muscles to stretch beyond the
normal range of motion. You will know
this as bouncing in the stretch. Ballistic
stretching is effective at increasing range
of motion but should only be used with
caution particularly if you have suffered
from a previous injury in the muscle you
are attempting to stretch.
A lot of problems have been identified
with using this type of stretching such
as it actually causes the muscles to
tighten up, and could lead to injury. So
this one is not recommended for most
people but can be very effective if used
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and flex your triceps, this will help
lengthen and stretch the biceps.
This is also referred to as relaxed
stretching. A passive or static stretch is
one where you gradually ease into the
stretch position and hold it with some
other part of your body, or with the KNEE HUGS-LEFT KNEE HUGS-RIGHT
assistance of a partner or some other
This distinct type of static stretching
(that is, involving no motion) aims at
increasing someone’s flexibility by
executing isometric contractions of the
stretched muscles. Like static stretching,
isometric stretching does not involve NOTE -
In addition to the usual benefits of
stretching, this particular stretch can PROPRIOCEPTIVE NEUROMUSCULAR
add the following extra benefits for the FACILITATION (PNF):
This type of stretching is an advanced
» It helps in achieving deeper form of flexibility training that involves
stretches and gaining a wider range contraction and stretching of muscles.
of motion PNF requires the help of a partner or an
» It promotes muscular strength object. To perform a PNF stretch, you will
through muscle activation alternate between a static stretch-and-
» Generally less ‘pain’ is experienced hold and an isometric contraction of the
through this stretching technique, muscle being stretched.
at least when compared with other
styles. This stretch technique has been proven
to improve active and passive range
Example: To stretch out the calves of motion in nearly all individuals. It
assume the lunge position while standing has also been shown to help athletes
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Stretch: Have your partner move your
leg into a static stretch by pressing it
gently toward your face. Hold the static
stretch for 10 seconds.
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certain circumstances, certain kinds of contraindicated for people who have
stretches can increase the chances of various injuries.
certain types of injury in certain activities.
Another example (yes, I love
For example, too much static stretching examples), if you’ve had a lower
of the primary muscles about to be used back injury, some stretches for the
immediately before performing dynamic hamstrings and hip flexors could strain
movement can result in increased that area further and cause pain or
likelihood of muscle strain due to over- exacerbate your injury. And any time
relaxation and temporary lengthening of an injury occurs in the body, it’s natural
the muscle fibers. response is to shorten and tighten
the surrounding musculature for self-
In short, that means that stretching the preservation.
snot out of a muscle will ‘hyper-loosen’
the muscle, and if you do this before The point is yes, stretching can make
an activity that requires that muscle to you worse off than you were before
contract quickly, it might not be prepared but if you pay close attention to the
to respond, and you could hurt yourself following points below, you’ll be less
causing you to become tighter. susceptible to injury and on your way to
improving your flexibility and personal
There are also certain stretches that are performance.
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When to Stretch
& When Not to Stretch
First off I can’t exactly tell YOU what is tried and true and is a great way to
YOU need to do. There are too many warm up and cool down properly and
variables, such as which joints you safely.
should be stretching, how far, how often,
and for how long. It also matters what Here is a guideline to follow when
else you are doing to warm up, how stretching:
flexible you are before stretching, the
amount of time between stretching and DYNAMIC (BALLISTIC & ACTIVE):
participating in sports, and which activity
you are preparing to undertake after » Before training or competition
stretching. » 8-12 minutes of increasing intensity
becoming more dynamic
These variables need to be sorted » 3-4 repetitions of movement in
circuit form
out by you and then you are to » Examples but not limited to:
make an educated decision on brisk walking, jogging, rowing,
calisthenics, ladder & hurdle drills,
which stretching will work best etc.
for your exact situation.
However, in general, dynamic stretching
(movement related techniques) should » After training or as a separate
come before you train and static session dedicated for stretching
stretching (holds and isometric related » 5-10 minutes of 15-30 second hold
techniques) after you train. This method per stretch
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Most researchers and training
professionals will agree that not I don’t know what it is about
everyone needs to improve their range of
motion through flexibility training. Think
stretching that turns so many
about a gymnast that can already stand people off but in retrospect it’s
with her hands flat on the floor without such a small percentage of the
bending her knees. Stretching before
training wouldn’t be expected to provide
time spent trying to ‘be healthy’.
any benefit, and the gymnast would likely
be better off doing a longer dynamic I’ve heard all of the excuses why people
warm-up before practicing. don’t stretch but that’s not what I’m
about to touch on, quite the opposite
Now if you’re just like one of the many actually. If you hate to stretch but really
fitness enthusiasts who really do try to need to improve your flexibility, you’re
do things right but when it comes to their in luck because here are the seven
stretching, they come up short. Some ways to becoming more flexible without
may even call it their kryptonite. stretching.
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7 Ways to
Become Flexible
Without Stretching
Though flexibility and mobility might
sound similar, they are definitely not
interchangeable. Mobility is the ability
to move or to be moved freely and
easily before being restricted by the
surrounding tissue such as tendons, MIDDLE - TSPINE
muscle, and ligaments.
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ligaments and tendons of each person after. By relaxing stressed muscles and
function in their own way and randomly stimulating circulation, this offers your
choosing a mobility workout might not be joints a greater range of motion.
suitable for you. It is important to choose
the right mobility techniques through
your own practice and listen to the body
With the right type of massage
and what it needs. therapy, this can prevent lactic
acid from building up in your
POSTURAL CORRECTION: blood, which then not only helps
Correct posture aligns everything in your
to enable free movement but also
body. Bones, muscles, ligaments and helps you work out longer while
tendons are all able to function properly
when you’re in proper alignment. A
decreasing muscle soreness after.
person who slumps over or slouches Can’t afford to hire a massage therapist?
all day may find that these habits That’s not a problem. Foam rolling offers
quickly lead to restricted movement and a great alternative to this service. It may
shortened muscles. not be as soothing and relaxing but the
benefits are tremendous.
Focusing on how to fix your
posture is a great way to start Foam rolling elicits a very similar effect
as massage and has been known to
the lengthening process and is improve circulation, activate dormant
relatively easy to perform. muscle groups, and release tension from
overworked muscles.
The beautiful part of focusing on your
posture is that results can be seen Watching a brief tutorial on how best to
quickly. Something as simple as taking a foam roll the hips is all it requires and
2-minute walk break every 20 minutes of here is a great video to start with:
computer work can do wonders for your
hips and hamstrings.
Hip Flexor Stretches,
MASSAGE THERAPY: Exercises, Drills &
Now who doesn’t love a good massage?!
Warm Up Tips
I sure do and it’s not just for the relaxation https://youtu.be/1I6vW8x0__M
effect but my muscles feel darn good
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ACTIVE RELEASE TECHNIQUE (ART): If you only train one segment of
This is a patented soft tissue technique
this particular exercise instead
that is very similar to massage therapy of whole range of motion, you can
but differs in that it specifically treats only expect your bicep to work
problems with muscles, tendons,
ligaments, fascia (connective tissue), and efficiently in that specific range
nerves through having the patient (you) that you train.
actively moving the affected muscle or
ligament while the practitioner presses or Flexibility can be decreased if you
compresses the troubled area. only train in a short range. This is
very important for both beginners and
The main benefit of ART is recreational fitness enthusiasts to
preventing and breaking up dense
scar tissue, also called adhesions
which can be formed from injury
or overuse.
Adhesions limit the normal range of
motion of joints and muscles because
they cause abnormal binding between
muscle groups. These adhesions are START MIDDLE
very tough and are inflexible compared
to healthy tissue and are virtually
impossible to release by other forms of
flexibility training.
www.unlockyourhipflexors.com 19
full range of motion. If you force your
hips down, you will eventually loosen up
your hips and gain more flexibility.
Neuromuscular Activation exercises are
designed to enhance or quite possibly
form the communication between your BANDS FRONT STEP BANDS FRONT STEP
neurological system (nerves) and your
Like I just mentioned above, activation These moves might be my favorite form
exercises are meant to strengthen the of exercise. These moves, that we were
neuromuscular connections to specific given to us at birth, have an order and
muscle groups in order to restore natural flow to them that to a certain
biomechanics and optimize movement degree transfers over to where we are in
patterns. our stage of life today.
This is how this technique affects your I’m talking about rolling, crawling,
flexibility. When the body can use rocking, bending, twisting, climbing,
proper biomechanics, it will move more walking, jumping, running….
efficiency and will not be so restricted
due to the inhibition of dormant or These “primitive” resets can bring us
underutilized muscles. back to how we were before we became
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old, stiff, injured, and restricted. These reconnect our minds to our muscles and
moves also increase core strength, allow us to get back to moving how we
improve movement, improve flexibility, were made to move.
TRUNK ROTATION TRUNK ROTATION Even if you put in a little effort to improving
START FINISH your movement by adding a more diverse
flexibility and mobility pattern to your
With all of these unique and routine, you’ll see great improvements in
beneficial flexibility techniques the way you feel, the way you move, and
even the way you look.
and styles there should be no
reason why you shouldn’t be
performing at least one method
to help improve your flexibility
and range of motion.
www.unlockyourhipflexors.com 23
The Most Important
Muscle in the Body
to Unlock
I bet you can’t guess which muscle
in your body is the #1 muscle that
eliminates joint and back pain,
anxiety and looking fat.
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Click here
to discover which
“hidden survival muscle”
will help you boost
your energy levels, immune
system, sexual function,
strength and athletic
performance permanently!
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About the
Brian Klepacki has over 15 years
of experience and education in the
fitness and athletic world. He holds a
Master’s Degree in Exercise Science
and holds numerous highly recognized
certifications that have set his expertise
and training above most others. Brian
has learned that in order for you to
achieve your max performance, a
multitude of training regimes must be
implemented to stimulate all systems of
the body.
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