Mens's 6-8 Minute Workout
Mens's 6-8 Minute Workout
Mens's 6-8 Minute Workout
The following 6 programs have been designed to maximize the time spent on your Total Gym.
Follow the program and exercises as you workout with John Carleo in the 6-8 Minute Workout video,
or use the following sheets as a reference when you can’t watch the workouts.
Day 1 Workout
Date Card # Exercise Name Resistance Reps Sets
7 Pull-Up
26 Leg Curl: Lying or Seated
52 Sit-Up
8 Chin-Up
26 Leg Curl: Lying or Seated
52 Sit-Up
Standing Aerobic
62 Step 1: Arm Pulldown
62 Step 2: Arm Pulldown w/ Rotating Thumbs
63 Step 3: Snow Angel/Iron Cross
64 Step 4: Arm Pullover
65 Step 5: Single Leg Pullover (switch)
65 Step 6: Single Leg Pullover w/ Rotating Thumbs (switch)
Day 2 Workout
Date Card # Exercise Name Resistance Reps Sets
27 Squat
31 Calf Raise
29 Single Leg Squat (switch)
31 Single Leg Calf Raise (switch)
29 Single Leg Squat (switch)
31 Single Leg Calf Raise (switch)
9 Cross Cable Row
73 Toe Touch Row
9 Cross Cable Row
73 Toe Touch Row
*Remember to consult a physician prior to beginning this or any exercise program. As your begin your program, take breaks and drink water as needed.
©2010 Total Gym Fitness LLC. For more information or product upgrades visit us online at For additional workouts and product
accessories visit us online at All workout cards can be found in the Total Gym Training Deck at
Mens’s 6-8 Minute Workout
Day 3 Workout
Date Card # Exercise Name Resistance Reps Sets
19 Shoulder Press
54 Oblique Twister
19 Shoulder Press
54 Oblique Twister
Standing Aerobic
62 Step 1: Arm Pulldown
62 Step 2: Arm Pulldown w/ Rotating Thumbs
63 Step 3: Iron Cross/Snow Angel
64 Step 4: Arm Pullover
65 Step 5: Single Leg Pullover (switch)
65 Step 6: Single Leg Pullover w/ Rotating Thumbs (switch)
Day 4 Workout
Date Card # Exercise Name Resistance Reps Sets
2 Seated Chest Press - Narrow grip
1 Seated Chest Press - Shoulder width grip
2 Seated Chest Press - Wide grip
64 Arm Pullover
55 Crunches
2 Seated Chest Press - Narrow grip
1 Seated Chest Press - Shoulder width grip
2 Seated Chest Press - Wide grip
12 Iron Cross/Snow Angel
55 Crunches
55 Crunches with Feet Up
*Remember to consult a physician prior to beginning this or any exercise program. As your begin your program, take breaks and drink water as needed.
©2010 Total Gym Fitness LLC. For more information or product upgrades visit us online at For additional workouts and product
accessories visit us online at All workout cards can be found in the Total Gym Training Deck at
Mens’s 6-8 Minute Workout
Day 5 Workout
Date Card # Exercise Name Resistance Reps Sets
3 Seated Chest Fly
45 Lying Triceps Extension
3 Seated Chest Fly
45 Lying Triceps Extension
43 Seated Biceps Curl
20 Upright Row
43 Seated Biceps Curl
20 Upright Row
Seated Aerobic Routine
66 Step 1: Leg Curl w/ Seated Fly
67 Step 2: Leg Curl w/ Straight Arm Lift
68 Step 3: Leg Curl w/ Biceps Curl
68 Step 4: Leg Curl w/ Reverse Curl
69 Step 5: Leg Curl w/ Upright Row
70 Step 6: Leg Curl w/ Seated Surfer
Day 6 Workout
Date Card # Exercise Name Resistance Reps Sets
21 Front Deltoid/Lateral Raise
18 Inverted Iron Cross/Snow Angel
44 Lying Triceps
21 Front Deltoid/Lateral Raise
18 Inverted Iron Cross/Snow Angel
44 Lying Triceps
*Remember to consult a physician prior to beginning this or any exercise program. As your begin your program, take breaks and drink water as needed.
©2010 Total Gym Fitness LLC. For more information or product upgrades visit us online at For additional workouts and product
accessories visit us online at All workout cards can be found in the Total Gym Training Deck at