Correction For Radiation Dry Bias Found in RS92 Radiosonde Data During The MISMO Field Experiment
Correction For Radiation Dry Bias Found in RS92 Radiosonde Data During The MISMO Field Experiment
Correction For Radiation Dry Bias Found in RS92 Radiosonde Data During The MISMO Field Experiment
2008 004 13
Boehm et al. (2006) was used. PWV was then estimated Table 1. Launch time of RS92 and SW used for comparison.
from ZTD with surface pressure and temperature data Solar zenith angle indicates the value when RS92 radiosonde
(Bevis et al. 1992). Since the GPS-derived PWV is one of was launched.
the most reliable parameters and is often used to
evaluate the quality of radiosonde humidity data (e.g., Time (LST) Nominal RS92 Solar Zenith
Nakamura et al. 2004; Van Baelen et al. 2005; Wang and Day SW RS92 Time Serial No. Angle (deg)
Zhang 2007, manuscript submitted to J. Climate), com-
parison between PWVs derived from observed/cor- 1 Oct. 29 12:02 10:47 11:00 B3540428 15.9
rected radiosonde humidity data and from GPS was 2 Oct. 30 14:01 13:25 14:00 B3551054 33.5
made to evaluate the correction. In this study, hourly- 3 Nov. 1 11:10 10:30 11:00 B3550610 19.2
mean GPS-derived PWV data were used, since it took 4 Nov. 2 11:12 10:30 11:00 B3450300 19.4
about one hour for radiosonde sounding to observe the 5 Nov. 3 11:15 10:30 11:00 B3551140 19.7
entire troposphere. 6 Nov. 4 11:17 11:02 11:00 B3551142 16.1
7 Nov. 7 13:00 13:29 14:00 B3550592 35.3
8 Nov. 8 14:00 13:30 14:00 B3550725 35.7
3. Dry bias and its correction 9 Nov. 9 14:00 13:30 14:00 B3551261 35.8
10 Nov. 11 11:12 10:30 11:00 B3550625 21.6
Figure 1 shows the relative difference of relative 11 Nov. 12 11:13 10:45 11:00 B3551073 19.9
humidity (RH) between RS92 and SW as a function of 12 Nov. 13 11:09 10:47 11:00 B3550953 19.9
pressure height for 14 cases (No. 1 14 in Table 1). The 13 Nov. 14 11:13 10:31 11:00 B3610667 22.1
observations were conducted near local noon when the 14 Nov. 15 11:10 10:30 11:00 B3611007 22.5
influence of solar radiation was large. It is obvious that 15 Nov. 20 17:02 16:41 17:00 B3830442 80.0
RS92 data have a dry bias compared to SW data and
their difference increases with height. While the differ-
ence is almost zero at the surface, it reaches over 40% in
the upper troposphere above 150-hPa level. Figure 2 il-
lustrates the RH profiles of SW and RS92 for the case of
local evening launch (No. 15 in Table 1). It shows no sig-
nificant dry bias (mean difference calculated over the
troposphere is 0.6% RH). These results strongly suggest
that the dry bias found in Fig. 1 is attributed to the in-
fluence of solar radiation as discussed by V omel et al.
(2007). It is worth noting that the mean bias at the
surface is almost zero in this study, while relative differ-
ence of about 9% was found in the study of V omel et al.
(2007, see Figs. 6 and 8 of their paper). At present, we
cannot provide a definitive explanation on this differ-
ence. One possible factor, however, may relate to the dif-
ference of observational location; one is on land, while
the other is at sea, because of their different albedos.
Further studies may be needed. Note that we launched
radiosondes from the launcher system situated in the “
sea-container” on-board the Mirai. Thus, there should be
no influence of the so-called sensor arm heating error Fig. 1. Relative difference between RS92 RH and SW RH (= 100
(e.g., Wang et al. 2002) which is attributed to the radia- × (RHRS92 RHSW)/RHSW, black dot). Results are shown for 14 sets
of near local noon observation. The red line indicates the mean
tion heating of the senor arm prior to the launch and in- profile, and blue horizontal lines indicate the standard devia-
fluences the data only taken during the first minute tions. The green curve indicates the profile obtained by a poly-
from the launch. nomial fitting to the mean profile. See text for details.
As mentioned, Figure 1 is obtained from observa-
tions conducted near local noon, and we do not have
enough data at other local times for SW data. Thus, we
compare the PWVs derived from RS92 and from GPS to
examine the diurnal variation of dry bias. Figure 3a
shows the difference of PWV between RS92 and GPS as
a function of local standard time (LST; UTC+5). For
comparison, all the RS92 and GPS data from October 22
through November 25 were used. One should note that
similar results were obtained in both cases, when we
limited the analysis period to the one between October
29 and November 15 when SWs were launched, and
when we extended the period to December 10 including
entire 329 radiosonde data (not shown). In Fig. 3a, the
difference is significant only in the daytime, suggesting
again that the dry bias is primarily caused by solar ra-
diation. While the daily-mean difference of PWV is 1.6
mm with +/ 2.6 mm standard deviation, their mean dif-
ference at 1100 LST and 1400 LST are 3.7 mm and 4.1
mm, respectively. Note that we also calculated the PWV
from 14 SW near local noon data to confirm the rela-
tionship between two different data sets. In result, we
confirmed that they showed a good agreement having
their mean difference (SW-derived PWV minus GPS-
derived PWV) of 0.5 mm with +/ 1.5 mm standard de-
Based on these results as well as the work of V omel Fig. 2. RH profiles observed by SW (red) and RS92 (blue) which
et al. (2007), we will then determine the correction factor were launched in the local evening (No. 15 in Table 1).
SOLA, 2008, Vol. 4, 013 016, doi:10.2151/sola.2008 004 15
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available at of near-real time estimates of integrated water vapor
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Acknowledgments Wang, J., H. L. Cole, D. J. Carlson, E. R. Miller, K. Beierle, A.
Paukkunen, and T. K. Laine, 2002: Corrections of
The authors would like to express their sincere humidity measurement errors from the Vaisala RS80
thanks to technical staff of Global Ocean Development Radiosonde-application to TOGA COARE data. J. Atmos.
Inc. for their observation support on-board the Mirai. Oceanic Technol., 19, 981 1002.
Wang, J., D. J. Carlson, D. B. Parsons, T. F. Hock, D. Lauritsen, H.
They are also grateful to Dr. Junhong Wang of the L. Cole, K. Beierle, and E. Chamberlain, 2003: Performance
National Center for Atmospheric Research for providing of operational radiosonde humidity sensors in direct com-
useful comments on dry bias. Thanks are extended to parison with a chilled dew-point hygrometer and its
Ms. N. Miyamoto for her assistance with the preparation climate implication. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, 1860, doi:
of this manuscript. Comments from two anonymous re- 10.1029/2003GL016985.
viewers helped to improve the manuscript. Yoneyama, K., Y. Masumoto, Y. Kuroda, M. Katsumata, and K.
Mizuno, 2006: MISMO: Mirai Indian Ocean cruise for the
Study of the MJO-convection Onset. CLIVAR Exchanges,
References 39, 8 10, 16. (Available from
Bevis, M., S. Businger, T. A. Herring, C. Rocken, R. A. Anthes, Manuscript received 31 October 2007, accepted 6 February 2008
and R. H. Ware, 1992: GPS meteorology: Remote sensing SOLA:
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