Five Factor Model of Personality, Assessment Of: December 2015
Five Factor Model of Personality, Assessment Of: December 2015
Five Factor Model of Personality, Assessment Of: December 2015
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From Boudreaux, M.J., Ozer, D.J., 2015. Five Factor Model of Personality, Assessment of.
In: James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social &
Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Vol 9. Oxford: Elsevier. pp. 230–235.
ISBN: 9780080970868
Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. unless otherwise stated. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy
The Five Factor Model (FFM) is a hierarchical taxonomy of personality traits. At the superordinate level are five factors labeled
Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability (vs Neuroticism), and Intellect (or Openness). Below
this level are several more specific personality traits that are summarized by these five higher-order dimensions. In this article,
we briefly describe the lexical and questionnaire approaches that led to the development of the FFM, and review measures
that derive from these two traditions, measuring both higher- and lower-order traits. In addition, we discuss abbreviated
instruments, measures that assess variants of the FFM, an open source personality item pool, and a structured interview.
Future research will improve upon FFM assessment by examining the five factor structure across languages and develop-
mental periods, and detailing the structure of personality traits at lower levels of the trait hierarchy.
The Five Factor Model (FFM) is a hierarchical taxonomy of Below, we describe various English language measures of
personality traits organized around five broad dimensions. the five factors that evolved out of these two traditions, as well
While the lower levels of this taxonomy are only partially as efforts to create abbreviated Big Five/FFM measures. While
explored, the highest order level is composed of the super- there has been considerable consensus surrounding the five
ordinate factors labeled Extraversion, Agreeableness, Consci- factors, there are close variants of six- and seven-factor
entiousness, Emotional Stability (vs Neuroticism), and measures that merit attention. Finally, we discuss an open
Intellect (or Openness). Given the comprehensiveness of the source personality item pool, a structured interview for an FFM
FFM, one could understand any assessment of personality assessment, and studies that have examined the comparative
traits as an assessment of at least a portion of the FFM. For validity of Big Five/FFM measures.
example, the Woodworth Personal Data Sheet, published in
1920, perhaps the first modern standardized self-report
measure of personality, is an assessment of Neuroticism. Goldberg and the Lexical Approach
However, our focus here is on more contemporary measures
of personality traits that explicitly embrace or are close vari- The lexical hypothesis asserts that the most salient and socially
ants of the FFM. relevant ways in which people differ from one another will
Evidence supporting the FFM is necessarily linked to eventually become encoded as words. Allport and Odbert’s
assessment efforts. The model arose out of the assessment catalog of English language trait descriptive terms, published in
tradition (see Wiggins, 1973, for a description of that tradition 1936, provided a starting point for studying the structure of
just as the FFM was beginning to emerge), and measures of the personality trait adjectives. In subsequent years, various investi-
five factors were developed to improve, elaborate, supplant, or gators examined the factor structure of these terms in both self-
shorten prior trait measures. The consensus that emerged and observer reports. As early as 1963, Warren Norman suggested
among personality trait assessors, that the FFM might indeed that the reappearance of the same factors across different studies
possess substantial generality, arose from two largely separate and samples suggested that five factors might provide an
but converging research programs: the lexical and question- adequate taxonomy of personality traits, though this solution
naire approaches. The goal of the lexical approach was to was not named the ‘Big Five’ until 1981, by Lewis Goldberg.
identify the structure of self- and observer-rated trait descriptive In the early 1980s, Goldberg initiated a series of studies
adjectives, whereas the questionnaire approach sought to designed to verify the five-factor structure. He returned to the
identify the common trait dimensions underlying extant mul- lexicon of personality and constructed an inventory of 1710
tiscale personality inventories. trait descriptive adjectives. He replicated the Big Five factor
The term ‘Five Factor Model’ derives from the questionnaire structure across a variety of samples and factor analytic
tradition and is exemplified by the work of Paul Costa methods, and subsequently developed several abbreviated
and Robert McCrae. Those working in the lexical tradition, marker scales for the Big Five. In one of these (Goldberg, 1990;
including Warren Norman and Lewis Goldberg, have preferred Study 2), he reduced the terms to 479, grouped into 133
the label ‘Big Five.’ One superficial difference between these clusters. Then, in study 3, he removed the least homogenous
traditions is in the naming of the fourth factor, ‘Emotional items from each cluster (i.e., those with the lowest item-total
Stability’ (Big Five) or ‘Neuroticism’ (FFM). A more telling correlations), as well as single-item categories, resulting in
difference is in the conceptualization of the fifth factor as a set of 100 clusters based on 339 trait adjectives. The 100
‘Intellect’ (Big Five) or the broader ‘Openness to Experience’ clusters and adjectives defining each cluster are available in
(FFM). There is some movement toward a preference for the Goldberg (1990; Table 3).
shorter label of ‘Openness,’ which suggests not only intellectual The 100 synonym clusters have several merits. Most notable
but also imaginative and affective components as well. is the balance between bandwidth and fidelity. The clusters
230 International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, Volume 9
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, 2015, 230–235
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Five Factor Model of Personality, Assessment of 231
sample a broad range of personality characteristics, and each attitudes, and are responded to on a 5-point, Likert-type scale
provides specific information that can be used for predictive ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The
purposes. However, the use of 100 synonym clusters is still NEO-PI-R comes in two forms: Form S, for self-reports, and
time-consuming, so Goldberg (1992) developed two shorter Form R, for observer ratings. Form R contains the same items as
measures: 50 bipolar rating scales (e.g., timid vs bold, rude vs Form S, but is written in the third person. A more recent version
polite, angry vs calm) and 100 unipolar markers (e.g., ener- of the NEO (NEO-PI-3, McCrae and Costa, 2010) was made to
getic, cooperative, relaxed). The rationale for using paired terms be applicable to a wider range of individuals, including school-
is that they can help clarify the ambiguity of some adjectives; aged children and respondents with lower levels of education.
however, Goldberg (1992) found that they are less robust The NEO-PI-3 is thus appropriate for individuals who are
across samples than factor markers presented in unipolar 12 years of age or older.
format. The bipolar rating scales are now less often used in The NEO-PI-R enjoys more than 30 years of research to
research, but have been used in educational settings to support its reliability and validity. The scales are internally
demonstrate the nature of the Big Five (see Goldberg, 1992; consistent, with alpha reliabilities for the domain scales in the
Table 1). range of 0.86–0.92 (Mdn. ¼ 0.89), and for the facet scales in
Goldberg’s (1992) 100 unipolar markers is an efficient and the range of 0.56–0.81 (Mdn. ¼ 0.76). Scores show long-term
widely used measure of the Big Five. It contains 20 items per stability, with retest values for the domain scales ranging
factor, with 10 items representing each pole of each factor (with 0.63–0.83 over 3–6 years. Six-year retest coefficients in spouse
the exception of Emotional Stability, which has 6 positive and ratings, using Form R, are similar to those found in self-reports.
14 negative terms). From an initial pool of 566 terms, items The scales have also shown evidence of convergent and
were selected with high loadings on targeted factors and low discriminant validity across instruments and observers. The
loadings on other factors. Then, those items that maximized NEO-PI-R has a clear internal structure, though some of the
internal consistency and had a replicable factor structure were facet scales have large secondary loadings (i.e., >0.40) which
selected into the final list. Goldberg showed each of the five contribute to modest correlations among the five NEO-PI-R
20-item scales to be highly reliable (alpha coefficients above domain scores. To obtain truly independent domain scores,
0.80) and to converge with larger and more representative sets factor score weights can be applied to each of the 30 facets
of trait adjectives, as well as with other inventories. The 100 (provided in the NEO-PI-R professional manual).
unipolar markers are available in Goldberg (1992; Appendix The Revised NEO Five-Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI-R;
A), and a 40-item, abbreviated version, the Big Five Mini- McCrae and Costa, 2004) is an abbreviated version of the
Markers, is available in Saucier (1994; Appendix). More NEO-PI-R. It consists of 60 items to measure the five global
recently, Saucier (2002) developed three sets of marker scales dimensions of the FFM, with 12 items per scale. In the original
designed to reduce the interscale correlations often observed version of the instrument, items were selected based on their
within Big Five measures, called the Ortho-Markers (Ortho- correlations with factor scores from the NEO-PI. The revised
40), Modular Markers, and Mini-Modular Markers-40 (3M40). version replaced 14 of the original items, thus improving its
factor structure, reliability, and validity. In an even more recent
version, the NEO Five-Factor Inventory-3 (NEO-FFI-3; McCrae
Costa and McCrae and the Questionnaire Tradition and Costa, 2010), one additional item was replaced. All items
correspond with the NEO-PI-3. McCrae and Costa (2007)
Numerous structured questionnaires to assess personality reported excellent psychometric characteristics of the
have been developed, with highly varied content and scales. NEO-FFI-3 in adolescent, adult, and middle-school samples.
Among these instruments was the NEO, developed by Paul McCrae and Costa (2007) also developed a brief measure of
Costa and Robert McCrae in 1980, which measured the three all 30 facet scales, corresponding to the first 120 items of the
domains of Neuroticism, Extraversion, and Openness to NEO-PI-3, the NEO-PI-3 First Half (NEO-PI-3FH). For those
Experience, and included 18 facet scales (6 per domain). who desire a differentiated yet brief measure of the FFM, the
Observing the findings reported by studies of the lexical NEO-PI-3FH provides a flexible alternative to both global and
structure noted above, they added (in 1985) scales to assess longer multitrait inventories.
Agreeableness and Conscientious, and later developed (in The NEO Inventories have been used extensively in research
1992) facet scales to assess these domains. In a series of and applied contexts as diverse as counseling and clinical
studies, Costa and McCrae found that the scales of some of the psychology, behavioral medicine, industrial-organizational
most widely known and frequently used personality measures psychology, and educational psychology (Costa and McCrae,
could be placed within a five-factor framework. To be clear, 1992), and are commercially available through their
their claim was not that all inventories measured all five publisher, Personality Assessment Resources.
factors (this was clearly not the case), but rather that inventory
scales were largely related to the five (or a subset of the five);
and scales that were outside the five-factor space were largely Brief Measures of the Big Five
idiosyncratic to each inventory.
The Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R; Costa As personality assessors increasingly regarded the five super-
and McCrae, 1992) is a 240-item questionnaire designed to ordinate factors as an adequate summary view of personality
measure the five major personality trait domains. Within each traits, there arose an interest to include measures of these traits
domain are six facet scales, with eight items per facet. The items in various research contexts – contexts where the inclusion of
are simple sentences that describe behaviors, preferences, and a number of other measures led to a desire for a brief measure
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, 2015, 230–235
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232 Five Factor Model of Personality, Assessment of
of the Big Five. These short measures are now widely used in 1 min to complete, and is provided in Gosling et al. (2003; see
a number of research settings. Appendix A).
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, 2015, 230–235
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Five Factor Model of Personality, Assessment of 233
Extraversion (X), Agreeableness (A), Conscientiousness (C), validity when compared with the NEO and Hogan personality
and Openness to Experience (O). The HEXACO factors are inventories.
alternative rotations of the Big Five, and are defined by 24 facets
(four per factor) within the HEXACO-PI-R. The major differ- Measures Derived from the International Personality
ence between the models is the separate dimension of Honesty- Item Pool
Humility within the HEXACO model, defined by sincerity,
fairness, lack of greed, and modesty. Additionally, Emotion- The International Personality Item Pool (IPIP; Goldberg, 1999)
ality (i.e., Emotional Stability) and Agreeableness (as well as is a repository of over 2000 personality items that have been
Extraversion to a slight degree) have been reinterpreted. The used to develop a number of personality inventories, including
HEXACO-PI-R (100- and 60-item versions) and a list of measures of the FFM. Freely available in the public domain
references are available on the HEXACO web site (http:// (, many of these measures serve as proxies for constructs measured by commercially available inventories,
such as the NEO-PI-R and HPI, as well as nonproprietary
Hogan Personality Inventory instruments, such as the HEXACO-PI, the AB5C, and 100
unipolar markers. Tables comparing the psychometric charac-
The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI; Hogan and Hogan, teristics of the original scales with the IPIP proxies can be found
1995) was designed to assess the FFM from the perspective of on the IPIP web site. As Goldberg et al. (2006) noted, alpha
socioanalytic theory. According to socioanalytic theory, the reliabilities of these scales generally match or exceed those of
FFM represents personality from the view of the observer in the original scales, and the IPIP scales correlate highly with
terms of a person’s ability to ‘get along’ with other group their parent scales.
members and to ‘get ahead’ to earn social status. The HPI A noteworthy measure derived from the IPIP item pool is
assesses individual differences in a person’s ability to attain the Big Five Aspect Scales (BFAS; DeYoung et al., 2007),
these goals. It contains seven primary scales called, along with a 100-item inventory designed to assess two distinct (but
their FFM counterpart, Adjustment (Emotional Stability), correlated) ‘aspects’ of each factor (i.e., trait variables that
Ambition and Sociability (Extraversion), Likeability (Agree- occupy an intermediate level of personality structure between
ableness), Prudence (Conscientiousness), and Intellectance facets and domains). Item selection was based on correlating
and School Success (Openness). all of the IPIP items with scores derived from factor analyses of
The HPI consists of 206 true-false items, grouped into 41 all 75 NEO-PI-R and AB5C-IPIP (Goldberg, 1999) facet scales.
‘homogenous item clusters’ that define the seven primary Then, in an independent sample, the 20 items showing the
scales. Hogan and Hogan (1995) reported the scales to be clearest two-factor solution within each domain were selected.
internally consistent (alpha reliabilities for the primary scales The ten 10-item aspect scales demonstrated good psychometric
range from 0.71 to 0.86), to converge with other established characteristics, and were associated with factors derived from
Big Five measures, and to predict a variety of job performance studies in behavioral genetics.
criteria. The HPI has been used primarily in occupational
settings, and is commercially available through Hogan Assess-
ment Systems. Structured Interview
International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition, 2015, 230–235
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234 Five Factor Model of Personality, Assessment of
(present and may result in significant dysfunction). Follow-up several of which are reviewed in De Raad and Perugini (2002).
questions may or may not be asked depending on the Furthermore, measures designed to assess the Big Five/FFM in
response to the initial question. The SIFFM takes about 1 h to children have been developed. The adequacy of the five-factor
administer. framework to account for personality trait differences across
In samples of undergraduates and outpatients receiving languages and developmental periods remains to be fully
treatment at a community clinic, Trull et al. (1998) showed explored, as does a taxonomy of trait structure that fully
scores on the SIFFM to be internally consistent, stable across describes more specific personality traits. Research that extends
2 weeks, and to converge with scores on the NEO-PI-R domain the limits and explores the details of this hierarchical taxonomy
and facet scales and peer-ratings on the NEO-FFI. Trull et al. will inevitably lead to new and presumably improved person-
also demonstrated incremental validity of the SIFFM over the ality measures.
NEO-PI-R in predicting 10 of 13 personality disorders. Given
its relative emphasis on maladaptive aspects of traits associated See also: Agreeableness; Big Five Factor Model, Theory and
with the FFM, the SIFFM is primarily used by clinical Structure; Conscientiousness; Extraversion; Factor Analysis
researchers and practitioners to assess personality and person- and Latent Variable Models in Personality Psychology; Five
ality dysfunction. The SIFFM is commercially available through Factor Model of Personality, Facets of; Five Factor Model of
its publisher, Personality Assessment Resources. Personality, Personality Disorder; Five Factor Model of
Personality, Universality of; Honesty and Humility; Neuroticism;
Openness to Experience; Personality Assessment: Overview;
Comparative Validity of FFM Personality Inventories Personality Assessment; Personality, Trait Models of;
Personality: Historical and Conceptual Perspectives.
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