Indymag3 (Feb 2015)
Indymag3 (Feb 2015)
Indymag3 (Feb 2015)
Feb 2015 3
Disney’s Bob David Mattingly
Iger speaks! Diego Cobo
by Ronny
Art of Gold Down
Glass! Under!
19 Diego Cobo
We speak with Diego Cobo, who
has become the Spanish go-to guy
for Indy art.
32 T of this Mag?
he magazine is 3 issues old
and we can now see one of
our principal ideas taking
shape. The idea of bringing our
community together and finding a
Cor way to better support those around
Blimey! There is a perception that Indy gets
lost beneath the weight of Star Wars
and that we do not get the same
consideration when it comes to
developing the product.
Sometimes it feels that we are not
being heard.
People tend to forget the dark times
the Star Wars Fandom had to endure
after Jedi and how they built
themselves to be such an influential
community that Lucas began empire
building in the mid 90s.
A big part of this was keeping the
flame alive by ensuring that Star Wars
was not forgotten.
Indymag can help by supporting our
diversity in getting our voice heard at
different levels. If someone has had a
good experience with the magazine
they will pass that on to someone else.
Indymag is here for you and we
would hope that you will be there for
Let’s get ourselves out there and
show some love for Indy and see
where it will take us.
32 Eyecandy 37 My Indy Cosplay Staff Writers - Jon Talley, Josephine Mori, Charles
Anderson and Jimmy PS Hayes
16 bit posh totty Sophia Featuring Haiko Albrecht. Contributors and checkers - Stuart Pittman, Dominic
'Chuck Berry' Cooper, Charles Anderson, Josephine Mori,
Hapgood! Ben Sharples, Jennifer Wells, Eric Wells, Jon Talley, Steve
Anderson, Lance Quazar, Jonathan Harris, Pasquale
39 Stoo’s EPIC Puzzle Marsella, Haiko Albrecht and Canyon Nobrega-Jones.
. The Indiana Jones Special thanks to - Fred Kingsley for being there at the
Quadrilogy Blu-ray 40 Indyquiz
This magazine is not endorsed by Lucasfilm Ltd/Disney or
Another set of diabolical Paramount Pictures and is intended for entertainment and
Ed Dolista’s Indy Cast questions. informational purposes only. The official Indiana Jones site can
Episode 204 . be found at Indiana Jones names and
images, any other Indiana Jones related items are registered
trademarks and or copyrights of Lucasfilm Ltdor their respective
Akubra Federation. 31 Scene it trademark and copyright holders. All original content of this
magazine is the intellectual property of the unless otherwise indicated.
We look at a scene from Temple
36 Indy’s Hat! of Doom that was never to be.
Indymag Autumn 2014 03
Iger talks
Indy V
Hope for a new Indy adventure
I f you think saving the world is easy, try doing it with a hangover.” So goes the tag
line for Raiders of the Lost Shaker of Salt, a genre-busting, groundbreaking parody
blend of the worlds of Indiana Jones and Jimmy Buffett’s tropically tipsy
Magaritaville. The web series will be shown on Margaritaville TV, a streaming internet
channel recently launched by Buffett and producer Frank Marshall of Indy franchise
fame. It is also featured in the documentary, Parrot Heads, which opens the film portion
of the South by Southwest multimedia festival and conference held in Austin, Texas in
In this parallel universe Raiders we are
introduced to Indiana James, ruggedly dashing
Professor of Mixology at the New England
University of Mixology. One is almost tempted
to say “part time”, since Dr. James is often off
campus in pursuit of rare and mystical objects.
Here we find him traversing the globe hot on
the trail of the elusive Salt Shaker whose praises
were sung Buffett’s classic “Margaritaville”.
Seems the mysterious saline sprinkler may
possess strange powers, courtesy of the great
Tiki God himself. It is even rumored to contain
the Seven Deadly Sins.
I t may end up being a reality no matter how you feel. I know that’s a bitter pill to
swallow but just hear me out. I am one of those fans that have been around since the
beginning who grew up with the character and I still want more Harrison Ford!
Over the last few years of waiting for Indy 5 news I have started to wonder if it will
Now that Disney has the property I have been hoping for news any day of
production starting with Ford in the lead but alas nothing has come. In recent weeks
there are mounting rumors of a reboot with Chris Pratt being looked at for the lead
Now that may sound blasphemous and from what I have seen on the Facebook
groups that opinion sparks heated arguments. I believe it’s a waste of time
feuding over whether Indy will still be Ford or rebooted with a
new actor. None of our opinions will matter once the decision is
made. Ford’s not getting any younger and to be a viable franchise the
decision most likely will be reboot or Retcon with a younger actor to
ensure a future for the franchise. A disappointment, nonetheless but at least
we will get more Indy!
With that being said here is what I hope happens and why if Ford is
replaced I believe Chris Pratt would be a great choice.
F ree Ford to at least co-star in the new one to hand off the franchise in some
way. I hope Ford can grace the screen at least as bookend cameos ala
The Mystery of the Blues and pass the torch to the newcomer. Similar
to Nimoy in the new Star Treks. It needs to be a poignant role though as not to cheapen
his involvement. Similar to how Nimoy’s Spock shows up and is actually a pivotal part
to the story of the trek retcon/reboot.
f all the names being bounced around over the last year the top of the heap would
be Pratt in my opinion. He’s likable, down to earth, and is already excited to do
the role if offered. He is an every day normal guy and I believe that would
help smooth over the fans. Harrison’s vulnerable take on Indy would still be there with
Pratt as well as the humor. Pratt would probably bring more humor to the role and
with it being Disney plenty of it.
John Williams...
“Obviously, being a train set it needs the circus train from Last ‘Film Night’ with John Williams will return to Boston
Crusade. Some of my viewers have asked if I'll make it this year for two performances, May 22 & 23.
remotely controllable on the internet with a webcam etc. I might Williams will lead the Boston Pops Orchestra with
potentially show it off at the local model railway shows if I can a selection of his own compositions as well as
muster the time. Or perhaps it might ultimately find it's way to a other popular film music themes. More details
museum somewhere. I'd really like to see it fulfill it's original and ticket information at
intention of being a public showpiece and interactive
amusement for kids.”
Vic Armstrong...
Find out more about Dave and his work at Way back in 1993, Vic Armstrong made his or watch Dave’s amazing video
directorial debut with the Dolph ‘Drago’ Lundgren
action vehicle Joshua Tree. Now, more than
20 years later, Vic flexes his directorial muscles
by returning to the big screen with the new
thriller Left Behind. We guess this beats
jumping onto moving tanks.
Pepe LeBeouf...
*Sigh* Putting together Shia LaBeouf and a 12 year
old girl cage dancing in your music video, you might
expect to see a few raised eyebrows. Which is exactly
what happened when Australian singer Sia enlisted
Pepe and the 12 year old for her Elastic Heart clip.
They are seen wearing nude, dirt-smeared outfits and
wrestling like animals in the Elastic Heart video, which
she insists is not intended to be sexual. Words, as usual, fail us
Derek Lyons...
“There are no small parts, only small actors." Never a
truer word spoken than of Mr Lyons. Formerly of IJLC
(he went on holiday rather than star in ROTLA. Doh!)
and Star Wars, Derek has etched out a career of
small TV parts propping up the background scenery
with his most recent appearance in Z-Listers as a
BBC producer.
Frank Marshall...
As much as he destroyed our dreams, you’ve got to
hand it to Frank for continually mentioning Indy
through his twitter account. Recently, Le Doctor
has retweeted a video about matte paintings in
Indiana Jones and Indiana Bones! In his spare time,
when not producing all the films in the world, he wins
awards like ACE's Golden Eddie Filmmaker Of
The Year.
focus The star of Diego Cobo is rising amongst the
Indy community. In this exclusive
interview we find out why.
Diego: It was my
father´s work,
definitely. When
I was a child
my father was
painting at
Diego: The next thing I have in hands right now is the cover
of the second issue of the Adventure Magazine
commissioned by the organizators of,
and also I´m preparing my second personal drawing
magazine called "The Pin-Up and Dinosaur Sketchbook". It's a
selection of drawings of beautiful girls or "good girl art" if
you like, combining with drawings of dinosaurs and fossil
because I began to study on my own time a little bit of
Paleontology three years ago.
Although it’s slim picking for
fans we try to find the latest
Indy goodies to waste
your cash on! 1 We think this is
ace. A paper
model kit of the
Knights temple from the
Last Crusade. Ingeniously
done by PaperLandmarks
this, is a fun item to get
your scissors, glue and
folding skills out in
assembling the flat kit. If
you think you would enjoy
this Paperland Marks offer a
wide range models
SCAM legends, producers of rather
vulgar and possible quite offensive film
based tie-ins, have produced a selection of
badges that include an Indiana Jones type
figure. Well, when we say Indiana Jones type figure
we mean Indiana Jones as it couldn’t really be
anyone else. Following on where the Bad Taste Bears
left off, the SCAM range has reached a new low. And
all this from a company, that has absolutely no idea
about the morals of Indy. We guess there are those
collectors who will pick this up but who will pick this
up but will never put it on!
British artist Graham Kennedy has been working in
the art business for over 30 years with his work
published worldwide in promoting products
He has worked for Marks and Spencers, ITV, National
Geographic, Parragon and Cambridge University Press.
Graham has a big passion for movie poster art, particularly
during the 60s, 70s and 80s and laments the fact that
illustration has been dropped in favor of photomontage.
Graham's skill is being able to employ a wide range of artistic
styles ranging from big foot, children’s illustrations to tight,
realistic work. Graham has been able to bring his skills to
Indiana Jones and produce by hand (using only marker pens)
the amazing prints below. If you are interested in
commissioning Graham or purchasing a print, e-mail or Graham Kennedy Illustration on Facebook.
Indymag: We understand
you’re a big Steranko and
Buscema fan. Can you tell
us how their work
influenced you.
© Marvel Comics
history, but of world art
history. Steranko inserted
references to surrealism, pop
art and cubism in his own
work. I like to think I inherited Indymag: Can you tell us how my favorites are Jacques-Louis
Steranko's love for detail in my the world of classical art might David (whom my parents named
paintings, and his pure have influenced your work. me after), Ingres, Sandro Botticelli,
imaginative spirit. John Thomas Hart Benton, Grant
Buscema is a different type of I loved Jackson Pollack's work as a Wood, Andrew Wyeth, John
artist. While he wasn't an kid and still do. I don't think he Singer Sargent, Auguste Rodin,
innovator, his figure work influenced my work directly. What Albert Bierstadt,Claude Monet...
ranks among the best in the I took from Pollack was the the list goes on and on.
annals of comics. I love how freedom of his expression, the
powerfully he draws muscular sense of pushing the boundaries Indymag: Tell us the story of
men, sexy woman, and even of what art could be. I love so your trip to the cinema to see
dwarves and gnomes. His many artists from so many Planet of the Apes.
work has a purity that still different periods that it would be
takes my breath away. impossible to list them all. Among It was 1968, and my father took
me to see Planet of the Apes. It
was my kind of movie: at 12 years
Jackson Pollock takes
on updating Google of age, I put myself in the place of
Maps. the protagonist, Charlton Heston,
fearlessly challenging a society
ruled by sentient apes. The two
hours flew by. In the film’s final
shot, the camera pulls back to
reveal the Statue of Liberty, three-
quarters of which is buried in
sand at the ocean’s edge. This
iconic shot still packs a wallop to
this day! In dumbstruck awe, I
wondered aloud how the scene
was done. My father, an inventor
and college professor, suggested
that it was a model. I couldn’t
believe a model could look that
I lived in a small town where few a big coffee table book of his
people were knowledgeable work my parents gave me when I
about the then-arcane art of was eight years old. Rockwell was
special effects. Nevertheless, an proud of being an "illustrator,"
older friend who was active in and never called himself an
community theater informed me "artist." I suspect that 1,000 years
that it was a “matte shot.” What from now, people will still look at
exactly that was remained a Rockwell's work and find
mystery until I made a visit to meaning in it. Like Vermeer,
Denver. Rockwell captured the ethos of
In a well-stocked bookstore, I his time in pictures.
happened to stumbleupon a book
on special effects called The Indymag: Tell us about your
Technique of Special Effects love for Matte Art and the skills
Cinematography, by Raymond doing anything else. involved?
Fielding. I bought the book, and it
answered many of my questions, Indymag: Once on this path you Matte painting is basically realistic
including what a matte shot was. took an academic path. Can painting. When I got started, we
In those days, artists who you tell us about this and how it worked on glass, since there was
created matte paintings were may have supported your no digital compositing. The best
given scant screen credit; and future works? glass matte paintings have an
without the internet or a DVD you impressionistic quality. The details
could rewind, it took some I studied at Art Center College of don't have to be tight, and in fact
sleuthing to find out who did the Design in Pasadena, CA. It was the best of the old school matte
mattes on a movie. All through there, under the tutelage of gifted artists were surprisingly loose in
my childhood, I sat through artists like Barron Storey and Jack their approach. If you ever get to
effects films to the final frame, Leynnwood, my personal style see a matte painting by one of
hoping to discover who did the developed as a realist. Although I the masters, like Peter Ellenshaw
mattes. I felt special, knowing enjoy modern art, especially or Albert Whitlock, you will be
about the invisible painted Pollack, DeKooning and Rothko, I surprised by how loose they are.
creations of Peter Ellenshaw, never seriously considered In modern matte paintings things
Albert Whitlock and Matthew becoming an abstract artist. have tightened up, since viewers
Yuricich. These artists, along with Storytelling in pictures is what
Frank Frazetta, James Steranko, interested me. Becoming an
and Jack Kirby, were my heroes. illustrator was a natural path for
Indymag: Was there a defining I also adore Norman Rockwell's
moment or person during that work, and spent hours looking at
time that brought you on that
path to be an artist?
teaching compositing at Pratt
Institute along with Matte
painting. I also continue to
freelance as a cover artist and
matte painter. I love what I do. I
just hope the horizon holds more
of the same!
AFIJ Adventure is a
Spanish magazine* that is
dedicated to the world
THE PIN of Indiana Jones. Made by
All the The Tablet fans, for fans with original
secrets and the Holy
Grail Diary content and features.
Pull-Odes This is a completely
Poster ut
free printed magazine
that can be mailed
directly to your
THE M O elloq
B KV bag
The watch of
of Marcus W:
The binoculars INTE
IN ver
ECTIO Julian Glo
In this feature we delve into the career of Karen Allen and in her own words,
describe the key moments in the creation of Marion Ravenwood.
“ Well, that's such a sweet scene in the film. I think it was one of the most lovely scenes that they wrote between
us after all that we'd been through in the course of the film for us to end up together it's so kind of perfect for
Indiana Jones. “Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch! Well, it doesn't hurt here” (points at lips), I actually quite love that
scene and as Marion was a bit aggravated that by the time she actually get to starting to kiss him he's like snoring. It's
like, “What?” I didn't really quite understand why they had written it that way but then you see it and it makes perfect
sense. I mean, a little funny aside is that I hadn't seen the film for many years and I was watching it a couple of years ago
and suddenly for the first time I noticed that when I wake up in that scene that I don't have my night gown on and that I
reach back behind me and grab the night gown, and it suddenly occurred to me, “Oh, you know, something actually went
on between the two of them!”
Josephine Mori
Ty and artifact
Available Now!
Alan Eisenstock
with EricZala and
Chris Strompolos
Native Texan Jeremy Coon's past films include producing and editing Napoleon
Dynamite among others. Raiders! is his directorial debut. Tim Skousen makes docs,
narratives, and commercials and is known for Zero Percent and The Sasquatch Gang.
Raiders! is his 2nd feature doc and his first chance to bring together his love of comedy
and documentary.
true sex symbol for the 16-bit generation, Sophia Hapgood was
Photograph Martin Jösson © Jano Me -
F or those who want to shell out the moolah for You can see little details clearer but I was hoping for
the Blu Ray release of the Indiana Jones some added scenes that would have been remastered
“Quadrilogy”, it is worth the money. The but sadly none were found in the cuts. The extras are
enhanced viewing of the originals hold up pretty well. very few and some were nothing new except the
with a few noticeable flaws of the original film. You original television behind the scenes documentaries. I
actually see some lighting in Raiders that is brighter. had hoped for deleted scenes or alternate endings but
Skull is still the better quality since it was already nada. With all the in depth material you got with the
released prior on Blu Ray. The disappointments to be Star Wars Blu Ray sets, you would think they would
had are few but very important. have spent some time on thiss et as well, but sadly no.
Whipping the world of podcasting
From the moment Raiders of the Lost Ark hit our screens hat-makers have been
exploiting Indyfan’s fetish in wanting to have that screen prefect fedora If Herbert
Johnson, the original makers, can’t get it right what hope have the others! Our
Indygear reviewer Charles Anderson takes a look at the Akubra Federation to
see if the hat takes the crown!
As seen middle below the rear and
1 981 was the year that would someone's personality. With Indiana
change the theatre audience's Jones being my hero since childhood it
view on what an adventure movie was inevitable that this would be the
should be like. It was also the year that character I always wanted to portray. And
KELLY established Harrison Ford being my I guess, one must thank the internet for
favorite actor and nothing has changed being able to get in touch with all the
BROOK ever since. Indiana Jones… Gee, how right people, that can at least provide the
We all know celebrities are cool was that guy! Wouldn't any boy, necessary gear in order to look like your
awesome and can do young or grown up man just love to be idol.
anything. However, can like him? More than 3 decades later I find Believe me when I say that back in the
they get down with the real
folk and pull off Indy myself getting at least a step closer to it… 80's this was a complete different ball
cosplay. We judge Kelly But first things first. My name is Haiko game.
Brook’s attempt to cosplay Albrecht and I am originally from I am sure, to many people it must sound
Indiana Jones.
Germany, but live together with my wife weird, that adults could actually do
Screen Accuracy in Belgium now. My cosplay name cosplay…as for them it's nothing else
It’s beige so that’s a good start. however is Kalanos Kalmanitas, which I than dressing up. And after all, isn't
Isn’t it? Nice bag strap.
Score 2 out of 10
kept dear since the early 80's, when I dressing up just for kids?! Hell No!
briefly got into RPGs. But all those other people out there,
Craftsmanship Indiana Jones has been a part of my who do cosplay, will understand what is
To get Ms Brook into such a life since I was that kid in 1981 so special about it. Once you wear the
figure hugging gear takes a lot a
skill and we can’t remember watching Raiders of the Lost g e a r, s o m e t h i n g e x t r a o r d i n a r y
Indy ever wearing such skin Ark. Thanks to my dad, happens… you become that character.
tight gear but if he did Indy who took me to the cinema Well, at least in your mind. And
would OWN it! whenever I wear that jacket and
Score 0 out of 10
all the time, I have been
a movie buff from young put on that hat, I can feel that
Presentation age onwards. So it was no transformation happening. And if you
If your are not looking at two surprise, that most of the can also get the setting right, then it's like
particular things then the PR
boys are doing something friends that surrounded me, the icing on top of the cake… And
wrong. The whip and the hat! would share my interests the feel of adventure is there. My
Or what did you think we as well. In the mid wife and I travel regularly to
Score 1 out of 10
80's I started getting Thailand, and last December
a taste of “light” it all came together: the
Audience Impact cosplay, when we gear was packed, the right
For those adolescent 20 decided that partying location was found and
something Indyfans who still
read old crumpled copies of could become more the adventure did start!
Nuts or Loaded, Christmas exciting if we were But just like watching
must have come early for them! to give the parties a an Indiana Jones movie
Score 2 out of 10 one adventure is not
certain motto or
Score dress code. And enough. So be on the
what can I say… lookout,because
Verdict: Put them away,
it was amazing to
see, what a different
adventure will be
Haiko in 1989 when
Ms Brooks! outfit can do to Madonna and Sean Penn
were still news.
This. Didn't. Happen.
A Stare in the eyes of Crystal Skull is that it's it's a hell
the Crystal Skull for 30
of a spectacular adventure ride.
seconds...don’t blink! The performances by this
Image © Mark Andrews (Indiana Andrews) on the
11 years
12 years
13 years
Tom Selleck
Peter Coyote
Harrison Ford 2. Who directed Paris,
October 1916?
3. Name illustrator of the
art below? 3.There were 3 monkeys
used in Raiders for the
Nazi Monkey. What were
their real names?
3. Who is this?
Richard Edlund
Dennis Muren
Stan Winston
/HARD 1.165,000 miles 2. John Rhys-Davies - Indiana Jones adventure 3.Peter G. Peterson 4.David Niven
Last months answers: SOFT 1.17 years 2.Pg13 3.Richard Amsel 4.New Jersey /MED 1. Paul Maxwell 2.KOTCS 3.Guy Hendrix Dyas
Regulars Willie wakes up in a moment of
crisis. But unlike the scene we
all know, this comes from an
early draft of...Death!
How do we know?
We’re making it up as we go along! AGAIN!!
The and present