Product & Service Design-Operation Management
Product & Service Design-Operation Management
Product & Service Design-Operation Management
(Assignment Date)
Product and service design is a technique for manufacturers to fulfill customers and have
a differential advantage via product and service design that refers to the preparation of
components which jointly form a goods or services. It is concerned with the structure and the
product role. Walmart Inc. operates a retail store in various formats globally providing
merchandise at lower prices and operating under the mission to save money while having usual
living style (Jacques, 1970). Walmart creates a range of valid and competitive opinions on their
product and services to meet shifting customers’ needs or target individual niches. Walmart also
uses new tactics and production methods to make their product and service more competitive and
fulfilling to their clients. Walmart product strategy defines the length of the lines and associate
product choices to product life cycle, its capabilities, market share and dynamics, investment and
cash flow. Therefore, the product and service design for Walmart will do the following; the first
is translating customer requirements and necessities into product and service needs. Secondly,
developing new products and services. Thirdly, formulate cost targets. Lastly, document
What objective do we want to achieve? The general purpose, in the long run, is profit
generation. The second one is to accomplish the desired product quality. The third is to reduce
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time and cost development to the minimum. The fourth is having reduced product cost. And, the
Product and service designs are vital to any business. Key factors influencing product and
service design for Walmart are; customer need, the convenience of the user, trade off involving
function and forms, type of material used, work methods and equipment, price ration, product
quality and process capability. Other necessary information is the primary reasons for design
which are technological, cost or availability, competitive, economic, political liability, and legal,
Compare and contrast of two Walmart store about the product and service design?
Walmart in the U.S. and Walmart in Mexico have some differences in product and service
design. For instance, their cost target is different. Walmart took advantage of the Mexico cheap
labor to hold down their prices. It substituted the robots employed in U.S. distribution centers
with Mexicans being paid five dollars a day. Thus, Mexico City Walmart is the company most
Compare the product and service design from the past and now?
Walmart first store was started in Rogers, Ark in which Sam Walton’s strategy was
formulated on an unshakable foundation of the lowest prices anytime and anywhere. However,
presently, Walmart has many stores worldwide that operate under the same framework strategy,
but now they also make sure even though their product and service are affordable they are also of
quality and meet the customer demands. Currently, Walmart has a strategy for improving their
workforce wages which are a good motivation strategy that will boost service delivery. They are
also executing new training programs so that they can help them to familiarize with the customer
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needs and giving their associate more control of their schedule which in turn improves their work
performance. Besides, they have also invested in the e-commerce to reach more customers and
What should we do to help Walmart production and Service become more popular treats?
Several things can be done to help Walmart production and service become more familiar.
The first one is having training programs that will assist the company employees to understand
what it entails and its importance. Secondly, it must be included in the company overall
objectives that are achieved continuously. Finally, it should be a measure of the business
Work Cited
Jacques, Peter. Wal-Mart or World-Mart? A Teaching Case Study: Peter Jacques, 1970.
Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger. Product design and development: Irwin/McGraw-Hill,
Soderquist. The Wal-Mart Way: The Inside Story of the Success of the World's Largest
Otto. Product design: Pearson Education, 2001 pg. 10-15. ISBN 8177588214