JPT 2020-10 PDF
JPT 2020-10 PDF
JPT 2020-10 PDF
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An Official Publication of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. Printed in US. Copyright 2020, Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Content from SPE’s
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TECHNOLOGY FOCUS To view these papers go to OnePetro
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How Uniformity Drives Production
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2020 President
Shauna Noonan, Occidental Petroleum
2019 President
Moving Energy
Sami Alnuaim, Saudi Aramco
2021 President
Tom Blasingame, Texas A&M University
Mark Rubin, Society of Petroleum Engineers
Qasem Al-Kayoumi, ADNOC Robert Pearson, Glynn Resources
Faisal Al-Nughaimish, Saudi Aramco
for Oilfield Pump Systems
NORTH AMERICA Erdal Ozkan, Colorado School of Mines
Steve Cheung, SteveIOR Consultants As an expert manufacturer
Zachary Evans, WSP
Barry Hanson, Sproule
DIRECTOR FOR ACADEMIA of downhole and surface
Ramona Graves, Colorado School of Mines (Ret.)
pumps, we produce oilfield
Aizhana Jussupbekova, ExxonMobil
pump systems according
to the highest quality
Tapas Kumar Sengupta, ONGC (Ret.)
standards. The viscosity of
oil or its percentage of gas
or sand makes no difference
to the NETZSCH positive
displacement pumps.
US Opens Alaska Wildlife Refuge to Oil and Gas Enterprise Pipeline Project Cancellation Indicates
Leasing a Lasting Slowdown Ahead
➪ ➪
The US approved a leasing program making nearly 1.6 million
acres in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge available for
oil and gas leasing and future exploration, development, and
transportation with a potential of 4.3 billion to 11.8 billion bbl of
technically recoverable oil reserves.
Most of you reading this are thinking, I ask that you keep our colleagues who are struggling in
okay, he’s SPE President, he must know mind. Reach out and let them know you are thinking about
something I don’t know, see something them and ask them (sincerely) if they need any help. If they
I don’t see, etc. The truth is we are all in say they do, then do whatever you can. If entry-level col-
the same storm of pandemic+economic leagues (i.e., students) are in your sphere, don’t tell them
crisis=chaos. how tough it was during your career or give them platitudes.
Our salvation is that humans have Be honest and direct and guide them toward activities and
evolved and survived not despite adver- tasks that keep them sharp and focused. If asked difficult
sity but because of it. Humans do not like uncertainty—real questions such as “Should I leave the industry?”, be kind
or perceived. Uncertainty causes anxiety, and anxiety clouds but candid. My reply is “If you really want to be a petroleum
one’s thinking. My advice is to focus on what you know, what engineer, you will have that opportunity, but you must be
you believe in, and what you can do. These actions are tangible prepared for competition.”
and necessary.
The recent industry news is truly unnerving. Nearly 50 com- What Can We Do?
panies in North America have filed for bankruptcy during the I recently attended a virtual conference where one of the lead-
second and third quarters of 2020, while others are making ership speakers made a comment that I paraphrase here: “As
deep cuts in their workforce. Globally, multinational oil and an industry, we became arrogant—not so much in our abili-
gas operators and oilfield services providers are reducing staff ties, but in our stubborn perception that the future will look
by 10–20% (15% appears to be an average). The result is job very similar to the past. We now know it doesn’t.” I noted this
losses totaling more than 100,000. As the pandemic drags because that is the most succinct definition of a lesson learned
on and demand remains contracted, these numbers are only in this storm of pandemic+economic crisis.
expected to rise. We must rebuild our industry and our attitudes from the
This hit to our industry is personal for me (and likely for ground up. Yes, we will continue to find, develop, and produce
most of you). Many of my former students, friends, and fam- oil and natural gas (and if granted a moment of pride, I would
ily are affected by the economic calamity that we are currently comment we are highly skilled at this task). Still, we need to
experiencing, some more severely than others. Please keep in look beyond what we do and think more about why we do it.
mind that many of us are faring reasonably well, but to some- If we focus on the “why,” then we can adapt to the future; if we
one who has lost their job, it is more than their livelihood—it focus on the “what,” I believe we are tied to the past.
could also be that they have lost their sense of purpose. My near-term goal is to urge people of our industry to focus.
The numbers don’t lie. The demand side of the equa- This storm is upon us, much like a hurricane. We can prepare
tion has contracted by roughly 10%, and the expectation for it, we can even predict its path to some degree, but the
for recovery is that demand will continue to increase by reality is that we cannot affect that path—it needs to run its
about 1% per month. That means demand will return to course. The smart move, at least when it comes to hurricanes,
late-2019/early-2020 levels around mid-2021. This assumes, is to get out of the way. Being from south Louisiana, I can tell
of course, that the pandemic does not worsen. you that sometimes we do, and sometimes we don’t.
Financially, as an industry we are in survival mode. There I have family who were severely affected by Hurricane
are segments that are strengthening, and ironically, several Laura in late August. They can and will rebuild, just like every
of my former students and industry colleagues in leader- other time.
ship positions for companies undergoing bankruptcy are However, we can’t run away from this pandemic+economic
remarkably optimistic about the future. I think it comes storm—where should we go? Some of you might say New
down to the uncertainty/anxiety syndrome I discussed above Zealand (which coincidentally is where my family resides), but
(i.e., as a business, once there is clarity the confidence exists given what we know, we may be in the eye of this storm and
to do what must be done). the next punch may be worse than the first.
Good tools
shouldn’t be too
The most powerful tool is not always the best. That’s why we
set out to develop software that is easy to use and provides
simple documentation, MAASP calculation and risk assessment
based on technical standards. In the future, you will no longer
manage the integrity of your wells using a complex tool, but
rather focus your efforts on the essential.
Pam Boschee, JPT Managing Editor Maria Capello, Kuwait Oil Company
Frank Chang, Saudi Aramco
Simon Chipperfield, Santos
Alex Crabtree, Consultant
SPE has always weathered the ups and downs of serving a
Gunnar DeBruijn, Schlumberger
cyclical industry by adapting as necessary to continue provid-
ing our members with high-quality content in JPT and across Galen Dino, Dino Engineering
our wide variety of offerings such as events, webinars, training Mark Egan, Retired
courses, and other member programs. Alexandre Emerick,
This year’s simultaneous pandemic and oil and gas market Petrobras
downturn has led to challenges requiring difficult decisions Niall Fleming, Equinor
throughout our industry. As SPE President Tom Blasingame Stephen Goodyear, Shell
wrote in his column this month, “The truth is we are all in the same storm of Subodh Gupta, Cenovus
pandemic+economic crisis=chaos.” Omer M. Gurpinar, Schlumberger
SPE has made the difficult decision to stop printing and mailing JPT magazine as Birger Velle Hanssen, OneSubsea
a cost-savings measure as of the November 2020 issue. For now, this change will be
Greg Horton, Retired
effective only through March 2021 but may extend as we consider future economic
Morten Iversen,
conditions and member response. The degree of uncertainty surrounding the oil and Karachaganak Petroleum Operating
gas supply/demand outlook and the global course of COVID-19 will be determining
Leonard Kalfayan, Hess Corporation
factors in this decision making.
Thomas Knode, Kirby Corporation
In addition to the October print issue, we’ll also provide a new digital edition, avail-
Sunil Kokal, Saudi Aramco
able to SPE members who normally receive the print JPT. It offers the convenience of
a mobile app or a web browser experience. Douglas Lehr, Baker Hughes
Members often note that JPT is their most-valued member benefit, and we under- Silviu Livescu, Baker Hughes
stand that a portion of membership will still prefer print. However, the cost savings Shouxiang (Mark) Ma, Saudi Aramco
are necessary to continue providing JPT and our other member programs. Also, mem- John Macpherson, Baker Hughes
bers who previously received their JPT issues at their office and are now working from R.V. Marathe, Consultant
home may not have been receiving it. Some international members are also not receiv- Stéphane Menand, DrillScan
ing their issues due to countries’ restrictions on shipping and mailing. The digital
Graham Mensa-Wilmot, Chevron
edition brings access to JPT to you at any time or place.
Jordan Mimoun, ExxonMobil
The JPT digital edition offers more features than a standard flipbook, including
◗ Article popouts allow you to read an entire article without turning pages Rohit Mittal, Boston Consulting Group
◗ Clickable links are included in articles to other related resources Badrul H. Mohamed Jan, University of Malaya
◗ The search feature works within the current issue or the archive Keshav Narayanan, BHP Billiton
◗ Coming soon: Article translations will be available using Google Translate Ehsaan Nasir, Baker Hughes
All members will still have access to the JPT website and to the PDF of the issue Ardian Nengkoda, Saudi Aramco
available on the homepage, providing a variety of options to suit your lifestyle and Yagna Oruganti, Baker Hughes
reading preferences. Zillur Rahim, Saudi Aramco
SPE is a key resource for technical knowledge, offering publications, events, training
Martin Rylance, BP
courses, and online resources that enable the global oil and gas E&P industry to meet
Robello Samuel, Halliburton
the world’s energy needs in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. It is also a
community where members come together to learn and network with each other and Otto L. Santos, Louisiana State University
• Article pop-outs for you to read an entire article without turning pages
• Links in articles to other related resources
• Search feature that works within the current issue or the archive
• Coming soon: Article translations using Google Translate
Members will still have access to the JPT website and to the PDF
of the issue, providing a variety of options to suit your lifestyle
and reading preferences.
In recent years, the oil and gas indus- that result in new functional features, edge computing that can host models and
try has placed significant emphasis on cost efficiency, enhanced reliability and algorithms, creating capabilities beyond
digital transformation. For most early greater operational performance. But remote intelligence. These machines
adopters, this journey began with real- there are now myriad opportunities to can now take advantage of both edge
time monitoring and remote operation enhance hardware in ways that maximize and cloud digital capabilities to learn
of equipment. This has been followed the value of data capture. Thus, the emer- and gain intelligence, thus continuously
by the increasing application of mod- gence of connected, intelligent hardware improving operational performance and
ern data science techniques in order to is key to realizing the vision of the digi- service delivery.
extract actionable insight from the grow- talized oil field. By populating oil fields with con-
ing volumes of data. The emergence of nected and intelligent hardware, opera-
highly scalable data storage and compute Connected, Intelligent tors gain access to optimized, secure, and
power has provided a step change in the Hardware Explained sustainable operations. Connected and
ability to derive actionable insights from Much conventional hardware has little to intelligent hardware enables advanced
data and perform simulations at a scale no digital enablement or means of moni- planning, real-time performance optimi-
previously inaccessible. What we derive toring its own function or state. In a first zation, and higher levels of automation
from this combination allows us to deliv- step, it is largely trivial to make it con- and health management. It is a criti-
er new levels of performance and effi- nected to cloud-based data stores, thus cal part of a broader architecture that is
ciency. But, in addition to these now well enabling the use of modern data analy- adapted to problems where latency, com-
recognized elements of the digital trans- sis techniques such as artificial intelli- munications fallibility, and system reli-
formation, there is a need to evolve our gence (AI) and machine learning (ML). ability are important considerations that
industry hardware through the applica- Each piece of hardware in this scenario make a central command-and-control
tion of enhanced edge computing and the will benefit from remote intelligence to approach inappropriate.
application of intelligence at the edge. enrich its capabilities.
There will, of course, continue to be Intelligent hardware takes the “con- Developing Intelligence
engineering innovation in our hardware, nected” concept in another direction Intelligence in this context is mostly
resulting from creative new designs and refers to equipment with embedded based on models that describe equip-
ment status and operational behavior.
These models, depending on their inten-
Demos Pafitis is the chief technology officer at Schlumberger, a tion, may be hosted in the cloud or at the
position he assumed in February 2020. He is responsible for edge, and can be considered to consti-
Schlumberger New Technology Development, Digital tute a virtual representation of the equip-
Technology Development and Manufacturing. Prior to his cur- ment, often referred to as an avatar.
rent appointment, Pafitis served as senior vice president of These models are frequently described
Schlumberger 4.0 Platforms. He joined Schlumberger in 1991 as being driven by data, which means
and worked in the research and engineering organization in they adapt as more data are acquired and
Cambridge, UK, and Houston. In 2000, he assumed responsibil- nuances in behavior emerge that better
ity for marketing and technology introduction of Schlumberger rotary steerable describe the true nature of the equip-
systems and directional drilling services. He later held research management posi-
ment. Models may require a combina-
tions in Boston, Massachusetts, and Cambridge. In 2007, Pafitis was appointed vice
tion of operational data, life cycle data,
president engineering for Schlumberger Oilfield Services. In 2012, he assumed the
position of GeoMarket manager for Malaysia, Brunei, and Philippines. In 2014, he such as manufacturing and maintenance,
served as global vice president engineering, manufacturing, and sustaining. He and contextualization data, such as loca-
holds a bachelor’s degree in materials science and engineering from the University tion and environment, to provide the
of London and a doctorate in materials science and engineering from the University best representation. They are also best
of Cambridge. He is a Chartered Engineer in the UK. generated by the application of expertise
Reservoir-Analysis Solution from 8- to 36-in. diameter and either Liquid Casing Protector
Stratagraph introduced RockProp ad- 2½- or 2⅝-in. cast steel male hex con- A variety of mechanical casing protec-
vanced reservoir analysis software in nections, the augers are configured for tors are used to prevent or mitigate cas-
partnership with its Cuttings Alliance digger derricks or production-type dig- ing wear during drilling. However, the
consortium. The software delivers analy- gers. Auger teeth and pilot bits can be application of mechanical casing protec-
sis for cuttings, logs, and drilling data. configured to suit any environment from tors not only increases the additional rig-
The aim of the companies forming the 1030 blocks for solid surface conditions up time, but its easy-wear property is also
consortium was to combine mud logging, to bullet teeth for gravel or dirt. associated with mechanical failures and
cuttings analysis, and well interpretation ◗ For more information, visit lost-in-hole risks. Vertechs has developed
into one product to reduce costs and a liquid casing protector to prevent cas-
improve well productivity. The software ing wear. With the use of nanotechnol-
combines log and drilling data with phys- Rotary Steerable Service ogy, nanobonding molecules can be mag-
ical properties measured from cuttings Baker Hughes introduced the Lucida netically bonded to metal surfaces. While
to output reservoir parameters. Mineral advanced rotary steerable service, which drilling, a weak electromagnetic field is
models, total porosity, effective poros- integrates hardware, software, automa- created between the drillpipe and cas-
ity, and bound vs. mobile fluid estimates tion, and remote connectivity to help ing because of friction, helping the nano-
are obtained. This provides an assess- oil and gas operators drill faster and bonding molecules in the active mud to
ment along vertical or horizontal well- deliver precise, higher-quality wells. form a wear-resistance barrier around
bores independent of log models that The service is designed to maximize the metal surfaces, reducing mechani-
can be used to refine 2D and 3D reser- directional-drilling performance and cal wear and heat while withstanding
voir models, improve geosteering, opti- well productivity. The service’s integrat- high pressure and temperature. The liq-
mize completion designs, and character- ed bottomhole assembly (BHA) includes uid casing protector is capable of reduc-
ize well potential better. a customized drill bit and proprietary ing friction and heat generated, result-
◗ For more information, visit high-strength connections to maximize ing in total wear reduction up to 80%. penetration rates (Fig. 2). The BHA also ◗ For more information, visit
includes near-bit sensors to gather more
Pin-On Augers downhole data and multichip module
Auger Technologies introduced the Alas- electronics, which have been tested exten- Pressure-Relief System
kaug line of pin-on augers, which are sively at temperature cycles approaching CORTEC introduced the CX-RV2.6 Pneu-
essentially two augers in one that can be 400°F to provide reliability in demand- matic Pressure Relief System. The sys-
fitted with two different styles of head to ing drilling environments. The service’s tem, API 6A PSL 3 monogrammable
suit the project at hand (Fig. 1). Initially 16-sector gamma ray sensors are situated and comprised of Safety Integrity Level
developed for operations in the Alas- close to the bit and provide real-time for- 3-rated components, provides rapid
kan tundra, these heat-treated cast steel mation data that enable quick decisions pressure relief within high-pressure sys-
heads provide maximum performance to navigate the reservoir more precisely. tems, including mud pumps, managed-
and service life, with the convenience ◗ For more information, visit pressure-drilling manifolds, and frac-
of interchangeable heads. With flighting relief systems. The system is designed
Equinor will drill three new wells at a The Jupiter area is in the BMS24
cost of $219.3 million at the Martin Petrobras Concludes concession, where Petrobras is the
Linge field in the Norwegian North Sea Drillstem Test in Santos operator with an 80% interest; Petrogal
to ensure safe production after an analy Basin Brazil holds 20% interest.
sis found four previous wells drilled Petrobras completed a drillstem test
there did not have necessary barriers. (DST) in the Júpiter Discovery Assess
The wells were drilled before the com ment Plan, located in the Santos Basin Total Resigns Operator Role
pany took over as operator of the field presalt carbonate reservoir. The well for Five Blocks in Brazil
from Total in 2018. Apollonia (3BRSA1246RJS) located Total resigned its operator role for
The company will keep the four wells approximately 295 km from Rio de five exploration blocks located in the
plugged and under continuous moni Janeiro in a water depth of 2183 m pro Foz do Amazonas Basin, 120 km off
toring until it has reduced the pres duced fluid samples with a high gas/oil shore Brazil, referenced as FZAM57,
sure in the formation by producing from ratio (GOR) and high CO2 content. FZAM86, FZAM88, FZAM125, and
other wells. The fluid samples will be used to vali FZAM127.
Two remaining wells from the devel date the company’s HISEP highpressure The company informed the National
opment and operation plan will also be separation technology, which includes Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and
drilled for the field’s originally planned separation and reinjection in the reser Biofuels of the decision which opens a
production. The field is designed for voir rocks of the CO2 contained in the 6month period for a new operator to be
a mixture of oil and gas and needs gas produced oil. The HISEP technology is appointed. During that period, Total will
wells that produce at a certain rate for in the early stages of development but continue monitoring all regulatory pro
startup and production. has the potential to enable the Jupiter cesses on behalf of its partners Petro
Equinor is the majority shareholder production development pilot project bras and BP.
and operator of Martin Linge (70%); and other projects with high GOR and
Petoro holds 30% interest. CO2 fluids, Petrobras said.
ReconAfrica To Advance
Kavango Basin Work
A recent round of funding which raised
$18 million positioned ReconAfrica to
proceed with drilling and seismic pro
grams for the Kavango basin in Namibia,
said CEO Scot Evans.
The company will initiate and com
plete a threewell drilling program with
the initial goal of establishing an active
Permian aged petroleum system.
Well designs are complete, and the
drilling service program was tendered
in full. All bids have been received
and are under evaluation with con
tract awards to have been awarded last
month. The spud of the first well (62)
is scheduled for early December. The
company is also making upgrades such
as installing a 250ton topdrive, a third
Equinor will drill three new wells at the Martin Linge field to ensure safe mud pump, and key upgrades to safety
production. Source: Equinor. related systems.
The funding will also allow the accel- plays, near stepout opportunities, and Karavan O&G Participações e Con-
eration of the 2D seismic acquisition, stranded fields. sultoria will hold 51% of the SPE and
processing, and interpretation pro- equity provider Seacrest Capital Group
gram. The initial 2D program will cover will hold the remaining 49%.
400 km with a targeted start in late Petrobras Sells Stakes
Q4 2020. in Espírito Santo
Petrobras will sell its stakes in 27 Barron Petroleum Makes
onshore exploration and production Permian Basin Discovery
CGG Expands North Sea concessions located in Espírito Santo, Barron Petroleum drilled a new discov-
Multiclient Survey called the Cricaré Cluster, to Karavan ery well in Val Verde County, Texas,
CGG began a multiclient 3D survey in SPE Cricaré SA, a specific-purpose entity finding an estimated 417 Bcf (74.2 mil-
the Northern North Sea to provide a (SPE), for $155 million. The deal is part lion bbl) in oil and gas reserves. The
second azimuth over its existing North- of Petrobras’ plan for portfolio optimi- discovery is located approximately
ern Viking Graben (NVG) multiclient 3D zation and capital allocation improve- six miles southwest of the Massie
survey and extend into open acreage on ment, shifting its resources to deep and (Strawn) field, which has produced
offer in the UK 32nd License Round. ultradeep waters. more than 157 Bcf. The Sahota Carson
The survey will acquire approximately Petrobras said that the average 20BU #1 was drilled to a total depth of
2,000 km2 of additional data in an east- production at the Cricaré cluster 12,650 ft. Approximately 70 ft of gas-
west direction, which will be processed was approximately 1,700 BOPD and bearing Strawn porosity was encoun-
with existing north-south data to pro- 14,000 m3 of natural gas per day from tered. Following stimulation, the well
duce a dual-azimuth volume. The added January to June this year. tested at rates up to 5 million ft3 of
azimuth will improve the imaging of The cluster comprises the fields gas per day.
multidirectional fault patterns preva- Biguá, Cacimbas, Campo Grande, Cór- The company identified 67 high-
lent in the region. Improved resolution rego Cedro Norte, Córrego Cedro Norte graded Strawn formation locations
will help resolve complex and marginal Sul, Córrego Dourado, Córrego das and is refining future location place-
reservoir stratigraphy. Pedras, Fazenda Cedro, Fazenda Cedro ment based on results of the first well.
The new survey is the first in a planned Norte, Fazenda Queimadas, Fazenda Testing and potential development in
multiyear project, leveraging strategic São Jorge, Guriri, Inhambu, Jacutinga, the Canyon formation is being con-
partner Shearwater GeoServices. It also Lagoa Bonita, Lagoa Suruaca, Mariricu, sidered at an approximate depth
builds on CGG’s 44,000 m2 of existing Mariricu Norte, Rio Itaúnas, Rio Preto, of 9,000 ft and Ellenburger at about
coverage in the Northern North Sea to Rio Preto Oeste, Rio Preto Sul, Rio São 16,000-ft depth.
further the de-risking of the existing Mateus, São Mateus, São Mateus Leste, Barron Petroleum holds a 100%
fields and unlock the potential of new Seriema, and Tabuiaiá. working interest in the prospect and
On the left, a core plug from the Eagle Ford Shale after being hydraulically
fractured with slickwater. On the right, another sample from the same
formation that has been split in half using a new thermochemical formula that
may displace large numbers of pressure-pumping units. Source: URTeC 2439.
Temperature (°F)
Initial Pressure: 0 psi
Pressure (psi)
resources it is not relying solely on the Maximum Pressure: 16,651 psi
North American experience or its suite 10,000
of established technologies. 150
The tests highlighted during the con-
ference showed that when pumped into 6,000
core and other rock samples at the initi- Temperature
ation of small-scale hydraulic fracturing Pressure
treatments, the chemical agents under- 50
go an exothermic reaction that creates a 2,000
pressure pulse strong enough to induce
0 0
a fracture in the rock. Meanwhile, as 21:36 22:04 22:33 23:02 23:31 0:00 0:28
the chemicals reach temperatures that Time (hrs)
may exceed 270°F, nitrogen gas is rap-
The result of a thermochemical reaction, the intensity of a pressure pulse
idly generated inside the fracture which is shown here during a test conducted in a high-temperature/high-pressure
increases its in-situ pressure. reactor. Source: URTeC 2439 presentation.
As it is drawn up for a real-world
application, pumping the thermochem- Aside from displacing pressure- “synthetic sweetspots.” These are essen-
icals downhole would take roughly pumping equipment, the researchers tially areas of weaker rock caused by a
5 minutes. Once the reaction is acti- are optimistic about another poten- critical byproduct of the pressure pulse:
vated, the pressure pulse lasts only milli- tial deliverable which they refer to as microfractures. Al-Nakhli is hopeful
seconds. The high-temperature reaction
continues for no more than 10 min-
utes before all the heat is absorbed
into the surrounding formation.
However brief this action may be,
the researchers believe that the pres-
sure pulse and subsequent expansion of
gas can be engineered to leave behind a
lasting impression in the form of a much
weaker rock fabric.
The next thing to do is to follow up
with a slickwater treatment, typical in
everything except for its abbreviated
duration. With more chemical energy
leveraged downhole, Al-Nakhli said far
less hydraulic energy is needed to be
generated mechanically.
He added that one difference with this
pressure-pulse technique and existing
methods is that it requires no propel-
lants or sources of ignition—the ther-
mochemicals are aqueous. Saudi Aramco
has devoted much of its research efforts
to developing the additives and activa-
tors that allow it to control reaction
times and pressures. The company has
several formulas with a capability to pro-
duce pressure pulses that range from A cutaway of a cement block used during testing shows the presence of
3,800 psi on the low end to 20,000 psi microfractures around the borehole due to the thermochemical treatment.
on the extreme. Source: URTeC 2439.
On the left, a scanning electron microscope image of a Scioto sandstone sample before being treated with
thermochemicals. On the right, that same rock after being treated with thermochemicals. It was found that the sample’s
Young’s modulus dropped by over 12%, while porosity increased by 5% and permeability by 10%. Source: SPE 196540.
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Digging Beneath the Surface
Judy Feder, Technology Editor
Pilot Lessons
Chesapeake’s Shale EOR Program Stalls
But Still Offers Bold Vision
Trent Jacobs, JPT Digital Editor
Williams Companies announced a near-term goal of a 56% absolute reduction from 2005
levels in greenhouse-gas emissions by 2030, aiming for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
Source: Getty Images.
Why is this significant, and where can emissions be mitigated in the midstream natural gas
gathering and boosting segment?
The SPE Distinguished Lecturer Program will be presented virtually for the entire season of
September 2020–June 2021. We look forward to resuming the in-person program when it is safe to do so.
Natural gas
80% Other
non-fossil fuels
1900 1915 1930 1945 1960 1975 1990 2005 2020 2035 2050
Under the “rapid” energy transition scenario, the world is on pace to see what BP describes as a “fundamental shift” in
the global energy mix. Source: BP Energy Outlook 2020.
development, and consumer preferenc energy is set to soar. The outlook high there has never been a sustained decline
es will continue to evolve toward renew lights that fossil fuels accounted for in the consumption of any traded fuel,”
ables at generally the same pace as we 85% of primary energy demand in 2018 said Spencer Dale, the chief econo
have seen in recent years. but that by 2050 they may represent mist at BP.
Regardless, all three scenarios see the only 65 to 20% of the share. As fossil fuels face diminishing
consumption of coal, oil, and natural gas “This would be entirely unprece demand, renewable sources of energy
dropping while the role of renewable dented. In the modern history of energy, could all increase their share of the
–4% –3 Mb/d
–2 Mb/d
–5 Mb/d
–8% GDP
Primary energy
–10% Oil demand
–5 Mb/d
2025 2050 2025 2050
COVID-19 is assumed in BP’s forward-looking scenarios to have a long-lasting impact on global economic activity and
energy demand. Source: BP Energy Outlook 2020.
Pressure (psi)
Near-Field Cl
0 0
22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Total Pressure Drop (psi) Post Frac NF Cl Pre Frac NF Cl Tortuosity Friction (psi) Perf Friction (psi)
Fig. 1—Step-rate analysis showing total, perforation, and tortuosity friction pressure loss compared to measured
plug). However, ball-in-place bridge pre-frac NFCI measurement was con- numbers of open perforations (using
plugs were used from Stage 6 onward, siderably high (circa 60). The pre-frac step-rate analysis) but showed high
so pre-frac measurements were possible NFCI was measured before the ball was pre-frac NFCI and resulted in the treat-
and provided an opportunity to com- dropped to seal the bridge plug, but the ment of these stages achieving high
pare the results with step-rate tests. post-frac NFCI measurement of the pre- rates (designed rate was 85 bbl/min).
Fig. 1 shows the analysis of the step- vious stage was one-third that of the Stages 7, 12, 14, and 18 registered as high
rate tests for those stages for which this pre-frac NFCI measurement of Stage 3, risk (measuring closed system and/or
technique was used. The dark blue bars suggesting that a considerable portion lower than 7 NFCI). Significant pumping
represent the total friction with the yel- of the measurement was that of the near- problems were experienced with these
low dots representing the perforation field region of Stage 3. This suggests that stages, most notably stages 12 and 18
friction and the blue dots representing the stage should not be difficult to pump, screening out. Stages 11, 15, and 16 indi-
the tortuosity. The dotted red line rep- and in fact, the plot of pressure, rate, cated moderate risk and experienced
resents the pre-frac Near-Field Clus- and concentration of that stage should some difficulty pumping.
ter Index (NFCI) while the dotted gray not demonstrate challenging events
represents post-frac NFCI. Two obser- compared to other stages. Note the rel- Conclusions
vations are a relation between low pre- atively flat rate close to the designed A simple pre-frac assessment using
frac NFCI and high perf friction (psi) 85 bbl/min, effective breaks in the for- acoustic measurements can be readily
and between high post-frac NFCI and mation, and steadily increasing prop- performed in the time window between
high tortuosity. pant addition. the perforation operation and the begin-
To compare the value of step-rate Looking at the summary of all stages ning of the main fracture treatment.
tests to the pre-frac measurements of in the well (Fig. 2), significant chal- These measurements and analysis do
the perforation condition, Stage 3 mea- lenges occurred during pumping for not impact operations and can provide
surements of friction were evaluated. the stages with very low pre-frac NFCI a significant indication of the quality
Note the apparent high-pressure loss and a ball-in-place bridge plug (Stage 6 of the connection between the wellbore
due to perforation friction (20 out of 40 onward), as indicated by the aver- and the formation through the perfo-
holes are estimated to be open), yet the age rate. Stages 2 and 3 indicated low rations. This allows the operator(s) to
make informed decisions to the design
plan that will result in an improved
Avg Rate/ Perfs open/ Avg Rate/ Perfs open/ fracturing operation.
designed designed Pre Frac designed designed Pre Frac
Stage 85 (bpm) 39 NFCl Stage 85 (bpm) 39 NFCl The relationship between the pre-frac
1 73.5 n/a n/a 10 79.4 n/a 19.6 perforation evaluation and the treat-
2 83.3 23 15.99 11 72.5 17 11.8 ment of that stage has been observed
3 85 20 62.82 12 69.7 n/a 1.89 in three unconventional plays to date:
4 81.5 n/a 59.79 13 71.4 n/a 10.4
5 78.8 n/a 78.18 14 69.9 n/a 8.85
the Niobrara, the Eagle Ford, and the
6 72.1 n/a 19.16 15 66.3 22 11.91 Haynesville. While the rock type alone
7 71.5 23 4.61 16 77.1 22 11.81 can affect the perforation quality and
8 73.9 n/a 44.63 17 78.1 n/a 24.21 rate of success, a basin/field agnostic
9 78.7 n/a 24.9 18 6.5 20 2.14
series of results indicates that good con-
Fig. 2—Stages showing the calculated number of perforations, average tact with the formation when a high
pumping rate (bbl/min) that could be achieved, and respective pre-frac NFCI. pre-frac near-field conductivity index is
Distinguish Yourself
From the Crowd. Get Certified.
As the saying goes, “Time is the longest It’s never straightforward In deepwater, subsea, and extended-
distance between two places.” There is no reach wells, and any high-cost environ-
truer phrase when it comes to the oil field to be truly innovative. ment, a measurable reduction of rig time
and our offshore drilling and comple- You need the culture, the in whatever form will be matched by a
tions operations. While saving seconds
company, and the employees substantial economic benefit. Specifically
adds up to minutes and minutes eventu- targeting ingrained thinking, the selected
ally add up to hours, we need truly inno- to be aligned. papers demonstrate the game-changing
vative thinking to make major changes in results that can be achieved even when
the way we execute such operations. targeting long-established norms. They
It’s never straightforward to be truly and the industry today needs innovation demonstrate everything that our indus-
innovative. You need the culture, the com- badly if it is going to continue to operate try should be proud of and what we strive
pany, and the employees to be aligned. in some of these traditionally high-cost for. I hope you enjoy reading them as
That is often easier said than done. When environments. The papers I selected here much as I did and see the potential appli-
true innovation is achieved, however, the represent great examples of such impact- cations in your own business. JPT
resulting solution/approach often is self- ful innovation, insight, and opportunity
evident and marked by swift adoption by and are aimed at extensive rig-time and
the industry across the globe. Addition- trips out of the well, particularly the com- Recommended additional reading
ally, you need the drive to achieve this, pletion process. at OnePetro:
SPE 196261 Unique Screen and Sleeve
Martin Rylance, SPE, is senior adviser and engineering manager for Design Allows Selective High-Rate
Water Injection in Deepwater Horizontal
the Frac & Stim Group with BP. He has worked with BP and its
Openhole Completion by Kenneth Johnson,
partners and joint ventures for more than 29 years. Rylance holds a Halliburton, et al.
BS degree in pure mathematics. He has been involved in all aspects
of pumping operations, well control, well interventions, and pres- SPE 197770 Linerless Casing Design:
A Success Story of Synergy, Strong
sure service. Rylance has specialized in unconventional resources
Planning, and Flawless Execution Proving
and fracturing in tectonic and high-pressure/high-temperature for the First Time That a Significant
environments. During his career, he has been responsible for the Reduction in Well Construction Time Is
implementation of numerous intervention campaigns, pilots, and exploration programs. Possible in Nasr Field by Elena Cantarelli,
Having lived in 10 countries and pumped in more than 20, Rylance has created and man- Schlumberger, et al.
aged teams that have delivered thousands of fracturing and stimulation treatments SPE 198144 Innovative Milling
around the world. He has numerous papers and publications to his name. Rylance was Technology Enhances Plugging and
an SPE Distinguished Lecturer in 2008–09 and in 2013–14 and is a member of the JPT Abandonment Performance To Save 11 Rig
Editorial Committee. He can be reached at Days by Tomasz Stanko, Schlumberger, et al.
A s part of an improvement
program focused on increasing
standardization and efficiency
Haltenbanken in the Norwegian Sea
began 16 July 2019.
Trestakk is tied back to the Åsgard A
requirements while still minimizing as-
sociated risk. Because the IMR vessel
used to install the VXT is not rigged
on subsea well operations on the floating production vessel. The Petro- for wireline operations, the goal was
Norwegian continental shelf, the leum Safety Authority Norway and the to achieve a wireline-intervention-free
operator aimed to standardize future Norwegian Petroleum Directorate ap- subsea completion. New or improved
subsea wells using vertical trees proved the application for extending technology was sought for temporary
(VXT) instead of horizontal trees. the lifetime of the installation to 2031 well suspension, from removal of the
This would enable batch completion as a result of the additional recover- BOP to installation and testing of the
of several wells with a rig, followed by able volumes from Trestakk, for which VXT. A glass plug with fluid bypass in-
XT installation with an installation, field production is expected to last stalled as part of the completion string
maintenance, and repair (IMR) vessel, for 12 years. was proposed.
eliminating the need for a rig or The goal for Trestakk was to achieve Glass-plug technology enables three
lightweight intervention (LWI) vessel. first recoverable oil at surface as soon positions—open, closed, and then open
The complete paper describes the as possible. The method selected was again. The glass plug is first installed with
development and implementation of deployment of the completion string the bypass ports in open position, allow-
a glass-plug solution that closed the and VXT from a rig. The proposed so- ing for standard completion activities to
technical gaps that had previously lution was a barrier valve to be inte- be conducted. For example, lighter fluid
inhibited fully intervention-free grated as part of the completion string. can be pumped into the tubing before
operation for completion installation. As an operational improvement, the setting a packer, allowing for bullheading
Trestakk team decided to design the in a well-control situation. The bypass is
Background and Field wells with the intention of excluding shifted to the closed position after a pre-
Information wireline. Common methods for suspen- defined number of tubing pressure cy-
Trestakk is an oil and gas field in the sion and initiation of subsea wells dur- cles have acted on the glass-plug system.
Norwegian Sea in Block 6406/3. The ing blowout-preventer (BOP) removal Once the bypass is closed, a well barrier
field lies in 300 m of water approxi- and VXT installation include installing is established. The glass-plug barrier is
mately 27 km southeast of Åsgard A. shallow-set bridge plugs in the tubing shattered only after the tubing above the
Trestakk was discovered in 1986 and or a tubing hanger plug. The plug is then glass has been subjected to a predefined
the plan for development and opera- removed using a riserless LWI vessel number of pressure cycles while apply-
tion was approved in 2017. Equinor op- or rig. This method is often associated ing a specific overbalance. After the bar-
erates the field with 59.1% ownership with high cost and enhanced opera- rier element has shattered the valve, it
interest, with Vår Energi owning the tional risk. activates its final open state, resulting
remaining 40.9%. A technology group was assem- in full-bore inner diameter through the
The field development covers a sub- bled to overcome the obstacles inhib- valve. To initiate production, the glass
sea template with four well slots and iting a fully intervention-free opera- plug can be opened either from a rig or
one satellite well. A total of five wells tion for completion installation. A joint from the Åsgard A platform. The solution
will be drilled—three for production operator/service company technology was developed and qualified according
and two for gas injection. Produc- team collaborated to develop a glass- to ISO 14310 V0Q1 / ISO 28781 V1Q1 and
tion from the Trestakk subsea field on plug solution that met all necessary was installed in less than a year.
Technical Challenges
This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Judy Feder, contains highlights of
and Design
paper OTC 30697, “From Completion to Production Without Intervention in a
The technical challenge was to develop
VXT Subsea Completed Well,” by Susanne Loen Ommundsen, Interwell, and a valve with a throughbore initial open
Berit Sara Schiefloe and Olle Balstad, Equinor, et al., prepared for the 2020 Offshore state, an intermediate closed state, and
Technology Conference, originally scheduled to be held in Houston, 4–7 May. The a final open state that could be inte-
paper has not been peer reviewed. Copyright 2020 Offshore Technology Conference. grated as part of the completion string
Reproduced by permission. above the production packer. To achieve
Tight Reservoirs
Leonard Kalfayan, SPE, Principal Adviser, Hess Corporation
The low-oil-price environment contin- Major operators are paper IPTC 20260, presents the results
ues to challenge and pressure our indus- of a geomechanics study on rock sensitiv-
try to reduce costs and optimize produc- increasingly stepping out, ity to increasing compressive stress, such
tion. While cost reductions and efficiency supporting development of as would be experienced with high draw-
improvements are always the primary
alternative, unconventional downs and accelerated depletion. The
focus during downturns such as we are paper describes and quantifies the stress-
now experiencing, history tells us that energy sources…as the dependence of compaction and permea-
many technology and application break- industry looks to the future. bility for anisotropic rock matrix, natural
throughs have been developed in such fractures, and hydraulic fractures.
periods. This is also a time for conduct- The second, paper SPE 197097, dis-
ing or supporting technical studies that parent-well proppant cleanouts as well as cusses the enhancement of frac-hit
can provide insight on how operators to maximize production from both par- mitigation treatments with surfactant
can optimize production—especially ent and child wells. With reduced new chemistry, showing that surfactant
from unconventional-resource develop- well activity, it is also increasingly impor- additive to the child-well treatments
ments. In the meantime, major operators tant to dampen the sharp early-time pro- can migrate to parent wells, activating
are increasingly stepping out, support- duction rate declines as much as pos- oil-recovery mechanisms.
ing development of alternative, uncon- sible, having longer-term recovery as Finally, for something different but
ventional energy sources, such as natural the objective rather than just high initial within the world of unconventional
gas production from gas hydrates, as the production. Unlike with conventional oil resources, the third paper featured this
industry looks to the future. wells, for example, unconventional wells month, paper SPE 29516, is a report on
With reduced new unconventional well have not seen the same degree of atten- several offshore gas hydrate production
activity, practices such as frac-hit mitiga- tion placed on the effects of high draw- tests in offshore sand reservoirs, which
tion—pressurization of parent wells dur- downs on productivity decline. have become more-viable natural gas
ing child-well fracture stimulation—have Two paper synopses featured this resource targets given the advancement
become increasingly important to reduce month are along those lines. The first, in hydrate production technologies. The
report focuses on key production tests
conducted in northern Canada, Alaska,
Leonard J. Kalfayan, SPE, is a principal adviser and technical Japan, and the South China Sea. JPT
authority for production engineering and stimulation with Hess
Corporation in Houston. He has 39 years of experience in the oil,
gas, and geothermal industries. Kalfayan’s background is in pro-
duction enhancement, new technology development and imple- Recommended additional reading
mentation, global technical support, and business development. at OnePetro:
Before joining Hess in 2009, he worked for the Union Oil Company
SPE 195910 Codevelopment of Multiple
of California and BJ Services and as an industry consultant. Targets in Permian Unconventional
Kalfayan was a 2005 SPE Distinguished Lecturer and a 2013 SPE Distinguished Reservoirs by Richard Cao, Shell, et al.
Member. He has served on several SPE program and technical committees. Kalfayan is
SPE 199689 Developing Upscaling
author of more than 30 SPE and other journal publications and holds 13 US patents. He
Approach for Swarming Hydraulic
is also author of the book Production Enhancement With Acid Stimulation, now in its Fractures Observed at Hydraulic Fracturing
second edition; co-author of the book The Energy Imperative; and co-editor of the SPE Test Site Through Multiscale Simulations
monograph Acid Stimulation. He is a member of the JPT Editorial Committee and can by Wei Fu, Lawrence Livermore National
be reached at Laboratory, et al.
W ells in unconventional
reservoirs can experience
sharp rate declines in the early
conductivities) of induced fractures, nat-
ural fractures (or laminations), and the
matrix. The increase in effective stress
EUR as much as 38% over a period
of 30 years of production.
◗ Montney formation: The operator
stage of production, especially when can lead to proppant embedment and applied downhole chokes vs.
experiencing aggressive drawdown. crushing, formation spalling, fines mi- surface chokes to manage
One key factor affecting rate decline gration, rock compaction, and closing drawdown, reduce liquid loading,
is rock sensitivity to increasing of natural fractures. Many of these pro- mitigate surface hydrate formation,
compressive stress. The complete cesses are irreversible and lead not only eliminate sand flowback, and
paper describes and quantifies the to rapid production decline but also reduce costs. The restricted
stress-dependence of compaction to reduction of estimated ultimate re- drawdown led to higher production
and permeability for anisotropic covery (EUR). performance and potentially
rock matrices, natural fractures, In 2011, analysis of a shale consortia increased EUR by 36% after 1 year
and hydraulic fractures, based database found that wells with restricted of production.
on comprehensive rock tests of a rate (limited drawdown) have 2 to 3 bcf ◗ Utica/Point Pleasant: A managed
fractured tight reservoir. higher EUR than wells with open rate drawdown strategy was applied
(unlimited drawdown). The analysis with a daily pressure drop of 15 to
Stress Sensitivity and also observed that the decline of stress- 25 psi to sustain the production at
Drawdown dependent permeability in propped frac- a flat rate for approximately 1 year
Laboratory data show that rock perme- tures (millidarcy) is not as severe as the with an increase of 30% in EUR.
ability can be reduced by 10 to 99% with reduction in unpropped fractures (mi- ◗ Eagle Ford: Rate transient analysis
increasing confining stress. Controlling crodarcy) and matrix (nanodarcy). with high-frequency data was
factors include rock characteristics such Many unconventional fields are nega- used to develop optimal choke
as authigenic cementation, pore struc- tively affected by rock stress sensitivity management and maximize well
ture, clay content, natural fractures, in terms of production and EUR. Fit-for- deliverability. The average 30- and
and pore volume compressibility. Addi- purpose strategies have been developed 90-day cumulative productions of
tional factors include pore throat size to manage drawdown and minimize more than 450 wells increased 100
and shape. Low-permeability rocks are rock and fracture damage. The complete and 87%, respectively.
more sensitive to stress changes than are paper provides several examples, includ- ◗ Vaca Muerta: Operators found
high-permeability rocks. ing the following: that an aggressive drawdown
A direct link exists between stress- ◗ Midland Basin: A 1- to 5-psi/ could lead to a 20% reduction in
dependent permeability reduction and hour drawdown rate reduced the EUR. A pressure drop of 0.25 to
production decline, especially in uncon- loading stress on the proppant 2 psi/hr for the initial 8 months
ventional reservoirs in which production pack significantly. Managed sustained high production without
declines rapidly during the first year. As pressure drawdown also reduced fracture degradation. The timing of
production starts and bottomhole pres- water production, maintained the choke change was critical, with no
sure is lowered, the effective stress on reservoir pressure above saturation substantial reduction in production
the rock near the wellbore, defined as pressure for a longer period, and after reaching pseudosteady
the difference between total stresses and mitigated sand production. pressure decline.
pore pressure, increases. Higher load- ◗ Haynesville: Restricted drawdown The complete paper describes a se-
ing stress reduces the permeabilities (or was found to improve projected ries of stress-sensitivity laboratory tests
on low-porosity, low-permeability rocks
with abundant natural laminations. The
This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Judy Feder, contains highlights of paper
effect of drawdown was simulated with
IPTC 20260, “Stress Sensitivity of Fractured Tight Reservoirs,” by Gang Han, SPE, increases of effective confining and load-
Aramco, and Kirk Bartko, SPE, Consultant, prepared for the 2020 International ing stresses. The tests include rock com-
Petroleum Technology Conference, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 13–15 January. The paper paction, anisotropic permeabilities of
has not been peer reviewed. Copyright 2020 International Petroleum Technology laminated rock, permeabilities of both
Conference. Reproduced by permission. tensile fractures and shear and acoustic
For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at
Shear Stress
dition, recent core and field experiments
s tre
indicate that proppants can only reach r
Sh ϕ1
tens of feet.
Compaction in Unconventional
Pore volume compressibility is a key
property in history matching unconven-
tional reservoir performance. Because of
the low modulus of kerogen, clay, and UCS1 UCS2
carbonate minerals, high total-organic- Cap Strength2 Cap Strength1
content shales or tight carbonate reser- Normal Stress
voirs are more susceptible to compaction Fig. 1—Mohr-Coulomb diagrams with compaction caps of a traditional rock
with drawdown and depletion. Further- (in black) and a tight unconventional rock (in red).
more, low porosity and small pores in
unconventional rocks exacerbate per- but also affect permeability anisotropy. Conclusions
meability degradation. In overpressured Space between laminations tends to close The complete paper presents a series of
reservoirs, grain/grain contacts are not with increasing confining stress. Second, stress-sensitivity tests on a low-porosity,
well developed. When pore pressure is because of low porosity, any small volu- low-permeability unconventional rock
reduced, the rock matrix needs to carry metric change in compaction has a sig- with abundant laminations. The tests
higher overburden stresses. Lack of nificant effect on pore throats and, there- have quantified the stress dependence of
strong grains and interlocking grain con- fore, permeabilities. compaction and permeability for aniso-
tacts leads to low pore collapse pressure tropic rock matrices, natural fractures,
in many unconventional rocks. Stress Sensitivity of Tensile and hydraulic fractures.
The complete paper discusses several (Hydraulic) and Shear (Natural) The study found that unconventional
compaction tests in detail. To identify Fractures rocks, especially those in overpressured
rocks with higher potential to fail by For unconventional rock with nanodarcy formations, have a high risk of compac-
compaction, various mechanical prop- matrix permeability, induced and natural tion failure and pore collapse, regardless
erties were investigated, and the friction fractures are the key to production and of their high UCS values. Contributing fac-
angle was identified as a key indicator. EUR. These fractures can be divided into tors include high friction angle; low com-
In Fig. 1, rock shear strength and com- two groups based on failure mechanisms, paction strength; low modulus of kero-
paction strength are defined by Mohr- tensile and shear. Hydraulic fractures are gen, clay or carbonate minerals; and weak
Coulomb criteria and compaction caps, tensile, and microseismic monitoring can grains and unstable grain contacts. Three
respectively. A typical high porosity rock only record shear events because of the sets of test data have been used to identify
exhibits a low friction angle ϕ1, low uni- low energy released by tensile fractures. rock compaction failures. Of these data
axial compressive strength (UCS1), and As a result, significant discrepancies sets, stress-dependent permeability is the
high cap strength. In comparison, a low- often exist between simulated reservoir most sensitive to pore space changes.
porosity unconventional rock has a volume (SRV) estimated from microseis- ◗ For rock matrices, abundant
higher friction angle (ϕ2), and therefore mic events and SRV estimated from hy- laminations correlate with
higher UCS2, but low compaction tol- draulic fracture geometries. severe permeability anisotropy.
erance (cap strength2). Combining fac- Tensile and shear fractures share two Increasing confining stress
tors such as low compaction strength; distinctive decline stages: a fast decline results in reducing anisotropy
low modulus of kerogen, clay, or carbon- with closing fractures, and a steady de- to negligible values. Horizontal
ate; weak grains; and weak grain/grain cline with collapsing pores and a com- permeability declines rapidly with
contacts in overpressured formations re- pacting matrix. Both also share a crit- small increases in confining stress.
sult in unconventional rocks possessing a ical confining stress of approximately ◗ Tensile fractures have higher
high risk of compaction failure. 2,300 psi that separates the two stag- initial permeability, but their
es. Rapid rate decline in unconventional permeability reduction is much
Stress Sensitivity of Laminated wells can result from the closure of un- faster than that of shear fractures.
Tight Rock propped natural and hydraulic fractures. ◗ Both tensile and shear fractures
Tight rocks are very sensitive to stress The goal of drawdown management is decline similarly with increasing
changes for two reasons. First, abundant to delay the bottomhole flowing pres- confining stress. The initial stage
laminations not only dominate rock me- sure from reaching the critical pore col- involves fast decline as fractures
chanical behaviors and permeabilities, lapse pressure. close. JPT
G as hydrates are an
important potential source
of unconventional natural gas.
A 12-m-thick sand-rich hydrate-
bearing reservoir was tested at a down-
hole flowing pressure of approximately
One of the notable scientific accom-
plishments of the trial was the identifi-
cation of a specific mixture of nitrogen
Significant progress has been made 7.3 MPa. The fact that gas hydrates can (N2) and CO2 gas that prevented the for-
with regard to understanding be produced by depressurization tech- mation of secondary CO2 hydrate in the
geologic and engineering limitations niques was demonstrated. The win- reservoir, which, in turn, allowed for
of the ultimate energy potential of ter 2006 operations included a 6-day the injection of CO2 into the reservoir
gas hydrate; however, more work depressurization flow, which was able being tested. The Iġnik Sikumi test dem-
is required. The complete paper to establish a sustained and stable gas onstrated successfully that CO2 could
reviews the results of gas hydrate flow rate averaging approximately be injected into a water-bearing reser-
engineering and production testing 3000 m3/d. The total volume of gas and voir under conditions that would usually
studies associated with northern water produced over the duration of form secondary CO2 hydrates, CH4 was
Canada and Alaska. The results of the test was approximately 13 000 and then produced from the reservoir, and
the marine gas hydrate producing 100 m3, respectively. N2/CO2 exchange technology was shown
testing efforts in Japan’s Nankai to be technically feasible.
Trough and in the South China Sea Alaska North Slope (US)
are also summarized. The occurrence of gas hydrate on the Nankai Trough (Japan)
Alaska North Slope is associated closely In 2000, the Japan Oil, Gas and Metals
Mallik (Canada) with well-characterized petroleum sys- National Corporation led an effort to
The Mallik gas hydrate research site tems. The Mount Elbert gas hydrate test drill a gas hydrate prospect to confirm
in northern Canada has been the focus well, in 2007, showed a mobile water the occurrence of gas hydrate in the
of three important gas hydrate field phase within hydrate-bearing reservoirs Nankai Trough. Drilling, downhole log-
tests (in 1998, 2002, and 2007–08). even at very high gas hydrate satura- ging, and coring at the test site docu-
The Mallik 2L-38 gas hydrate research tions. The recognition of the presence of mented the presence of several thick
well (part of the 1998 testing project) a mobile water phase within gas hydrate hydrate-bearing coarse-grained reser-
was drilled to evaluate the geologic reservoirs was an important develop- voir sections.
controls on the occurrence of gas hy- ment in that it provided the means, or In 2001, the Ministry of Economy,
drate and to acquire specialized core pathway, to draw the pressure down Trade and Industry launched a new proj-
and well data needed to characterize on hydrate-bearing reservoirs. The PBU ect with a similar goal of assessing the
reservoir properties. L-Pad area was identified as the optimal energy resource potential of gas hy-
During the 2002 project, gas hy- site for the subsequent Iġnik Sikumi gas drates offshore Japan. However, this
drate was produced for the first time hydrate production test. project was intended to go much further,
by both depressurizing and heating the The 2011 Iġnik Sikumi field test in- with the goal of developing the technol-
reservoir. Depressurization alone ap- volved the drilling of a single near- ogy required to produce gas hydrates
peared to be the most-feasible method vertical test well and conducting wire- commercially. The multiwell drilling
for producing gas hydrates. However, line logging of targeted hydrate-bearing project was conducted in early 2004.
because of the limited nature and du- reservoirs. In 2012, the Iġnik Sikumi A total of 16 sites (32 wells) was estab-
ration of the 2002 tests, it was deter- field testing program included a carbon lished in water depths ranging from
mined that a longer duration test would dioxide (CO2)/methane (CH4) hydrate approximately 700 to 2000 m. The oc-
be required, leading to the 2007–08 production test and an extended dura- currence of pore-filling gas hydrate
research program. tion depressurization flowback test. in turbidite sand reservoirs was con-
firmed from the analysis of downhole
logs and cores.
This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights The MH21 program in 2013 com-
of paper OTC 29516, “Gas Hydrate Production Testing: Knowledge Gained,” by pleted the first test of gas production
Timothy Scott Collett, SPE, US Geological Survey, prepared for the 2019 Offshore from marine gas hydrates after a test
Technology Conference, Houston, 6–9 May. The paper has not been peer reviewed. site, named the AT1 site, was estab-
Copyright 2019 Offshore Technology Conference. Reproduced by permission. lished. At the site, a production test
For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at
Data Analytics
Luigi Saputelli, SPE, Senior Reservoir Engineering Adviser, ADNOC, and Managing Partner,
Frontender Corporation
Imagine the time when we are no models that support not only agile inno- The objective of paper SPE 196110 is to
longer concerned about the digital- vation but also robust deployment of enable the prediction of the spatial vari-
transformation issues we face today, such scaled-up solutions. This will require ation in new target wells’ decline type
as data availability, security, and many a multiparty framework for planning curves for gas production on the basis of
others. This would be the time when resources to support and sustain such existing data of production, completion,
companies make the best out of digi- applications from idea to reality. Such a and geological parameters through an
tal infrastructure. In this era, employ- framework shall assure that the portfo- automated machine-learning approach.
ees would not struggle to collect, gather, lio of ideas is translated into a coherent Paper OTC 29815 proposes a machine-
and transform the data. Instead, auto- applications road map, with clear deliv- learning/artificial-intelligence approach
mated algorithms would enable them ery milestones. Change management is using sequence-mining algorithms for
to quickly leverage information hidden required to embed these new tools in daily predicting the next drilling operation
in data sources. We may, however, face business processes, amalgamating with and classifying it on the basis of textual
other kinds of issues such as ensuring other solutions along with providing user descriptions, allowing automatic pattern
that computers and humans collabo- support and managing the evolution of discovery within drilling reports.
rate in the most-efficient way, provid- information-technology infrastructure. In the additional-reading suggestions,
ing business managers the best decision- As evidence of such progression, paper SPE 196011 investigates various
making framework. This era might be this month papers are showcased that deep-learning approaches to predict the
here sooner than expected. address common-use cases in petroleum long-term well performance on the basis
The upstream industry is not short of engineering and geosciences. of a moderate duration of early-life well
innovative ideas where machine-learning Paper SPE 196657 shows automating monitoring data.
algorithms have enabled new concepts 3D image processing that can signifi- The variable grid method presented
since a wide variety of digital tools for cantly improve the quality and speed of in paper SPE 196094 provides a robust
fast prototyping and implementation classifying the morphology of heteroge- method for quantifying and represent-
have become available. However, com- neous carbonate rock. The implications ing uncertainty in spatial data analyses,
panies need to establish digital operating for fluid-flow modeling are tremendous. simultaneously offering information
about the analysis and the associated
risks, knowledge of which is critical for
Luigi Saputelli, SPE, is a senior reservoir-engineering adviser with decision-making in upstream.
ADNOC. During the past 25 years, he has held various positions as Online library already
reservoir engineer, drilling engineer, and production engineer. offers a massive collection of new-use
Saputelli previously worked for 3 years with Hess Corporation, for 5 cases for machine-learning and artificial-
years with Halliburton, and for 11 years with Petróleos de Venezuela.
intelligence algorithms applied to typi-
He has worked in multiple global assignments in countries such as
Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, the UK, Thailand, Malaysia,
cal petroleum engineering and geoscience
Indonesia, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the UAE, and the US. problems. Our next challenge is to make
Saputelli is an industry-recognized researcher, invited lecturer, and SPE liaison and com- them part of the day-to-day business pro-
mittee member. He is a founding member of the SPE Petroleum Data-Driven Analytics cesses, transforming the way we work. JPT
technical section and recipient of the 2015 SPE International Production and Operations
Award. Saputelli has authored or coauthored more than 70 technical publications in the
areas of digital oil fields, reservoir management, reservoir engineering, real-time optimi-
zation, and production operations. He holds a BS degree in electronic engineering from
Recommended additional reading
Universidad Simon Bolívar, an MS degree in petroleum engineering from Imperial at OnePetro:
College London, and a PhD degree in chemical engineering from the University of SPE 196011 Deep Learning for Well Data
Houston. Saputelli serves on the JPT Editorial Committee, the SPE Production and History Analysis by Yuanjun Li, Stanford
Operations Advisory Committee, and the Reservoir Description and Dynamics Digital Oil University, et al.
Field subcommittee. He has served as a reviewer for SPE Journal and SPE Reservoir SPE 196094 Bringing Uncertainty to the
Evaluation & Engineering and as an associate editor for SPE Economics & Management. Forefront of Informed Decision Making in
Saputelli also serves as managing partner at Frontender, a petroleum engineering ser- Oil and Gas Exploration and Development
vices firm based in Houston. He can be reached at by Paul Wanjau, Varigrid Explorations, et al.
A utomated image-processing
algorithms can improve the
quality and speed in classifying the
image processing enables extraction of
meaningful data, then image analysis is
the ability to interpret this data through
morphology of heterogeneous carbonate numerical analysis.
rock. Several commercial products
have produced petrophysical properties Resolution Effects
from 2D images and, to a lesser extent, 3D µCT Images. Not every image comes
from 3D images. Images are mainly with the needed resolution for optimal
microcomputed tomography (µCT), image analysis. The authors acquired 3D
optical images of thin sections, or µCT images for dry (meaning the pore
magnetic resonance images (MRI). contains air only) carbonate rock. One
However, most successful work is from of the 2D slices is displayed in Fig. 1. The µCT Ð 40µm
homogeneous and clastic rocks. In figure demonstrates that micropores in
the complete paper, the authors have carbonate rock appear in more than one
demonstrated a machine-learning- gray value, although they should appear
assisted image-recognition (MLIR) as black. The cause of this is low resolu- Also pore, but
seen otherwise
approach to determine the porosity and tion, when the pore size is smaller than Pore because of
lithology of heterogeneous carbonate the pixel resolution used to acquired the resolution
rock by analyzing 3D images from µCT image. The pore must be black in color Fig. 1—The resolution effect is evident
and MRI. (as air fills pores), and the pixel must in three different zooming scales.
hold a value of 0. To measure porosity
Introduction accurately, images must be corrected to a rates, meaning different slice thick-
The authors’ literature review has re- 0 value for pores. The challenge is how to nesses along the z-axis, along with the
vealed the pressing need to perform 3D achieve this correction without mistak- core-sample cylindrical shape. This pro-
image processing instead of 2D. Achiev- enly converting true nonvoid to void. In cess is detailed in the complete paper.
ing this goal requires an interdisciplin- the figure, the top image shows a 38-mm-
ary approach. This study deployed new diameter sample acquired with 40-µm Resolution Enhancement
analysis and verification approaches, in- resolution (each pixel is 40×40 µm). The To solve for the resolution effects, an ex-
cluding 3D micromodels (3DMM) with image inside the red circle is the zone of periment was performed involving build-
various micropore sizes and uses 3DMM interest for identifying pores (black) and ing 3DMM. Several types of micromodels
as an image-processing calibration ref- solids (light). To solve the resolution ef- were created to enable quantifying the
erence. Additionally, a new image- fect, a convolutional Gaussian kernel was blurriness of the image and correcting for
resolution enhancement for quality seg- created for improving the resolution of it. To increase resolution and reduce blur-
mentation is developed. Porosity was 3D images. riness, an image-correction model had to
determined mainly using two methods. be built and, at the same time, efficiency
The first is a standalone image process- 3D MRI Images. For the same carbon- had to be ensured. Therefore, a convolu-
ing, in which image-information extrac- ate rock, 3D MRI images were acquired. tional Gaussian image-processing filter
tion was successful. The second is MLIR. Pores of this rock sample were flooded was the first choice. After several trials,
The difference between image process- with crude oil. 3D MRI images were ac- a novel optimized convoluted Gaussian
ing and image analysis is important. If quired with three different sampling image-processing algorithm was devel-
oped. The authors call the new algorithm
an image-resolution-optimized Gaussian
This article, written by JPT Technology Editor Chris Carpenter, contains highlights
algorithm (IROGA).
of paper SPE 196657, “Machine Learning for 3D Image Recognition To Determine
Porosity and Lithology of Heterogeneous Carbonate Rock,” by Omar Al-Farisi, SPE, Methodology of MLIR
Hongtao Zhang, and Aikifa Raza, Khalifa University of Science and Technology, The study followed the following steps.
prepared for the 2019 SPE Reservoir Characterization and Simulation Conference The machine-learning step is detailed in
and Exhibition, Abu Dhabi, 17–19 September. The paper has not been peer reviewed. the next section.
For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at
For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at
Sand Management
Imran Abbasy, SPE, Vice President, Wells and Facilities, Heritage Oil
Our industry currently is challenged Keep your sand control be engineered as such. Job planning
with developing more and more com- is the key.
plex and difficult-to-produce reservoirs. simple if you can. Technology trends that hold promise
Exploration and production companies Complex is not include materials that conform to the
are now compelled to develop assets
necessarily better. borehole behind screens (i.e., shape-
that were not deemed viable in the past. memory polymer) and downhole wire-
Deepwater, remote, deep, hot, and vis- line logs to identify sand-producing
cous oil comes to mind; however, sand- a good overview. Testing remains a key intervals. To date, these technologies
producing reservoirs also rank high on element of any sand-control endeavor. are not as mature as one would like.
this list. As reservoirs age, sand produc- Several derivatives of screens are now During my time as a production tech-
tion becomes more difficult to manage, on the market; however, the original nologist, I craved these tools and did not
and is perhaps one of the most-difficult wire-wrapped screens are still used have them. I’m glad to see this is begin-
tasks engineers face today. extensively. The so-called segmented ning to change.
Sand control has evolved over the completions are a relatively new addi- A final thought: Keep your sand con-
years; however, the fundamentals tion to the engineer’s arsenal. Splitting trol simple if you can. Complex is not
of screen sizing have not changed. the wellbore into several sections, along necessarily better. I have managed to
Particle-size distribution remains the with flow-control devices, offers ben- flow unconsolidated sands with simple
basis for most designs. Laser diffrac- efits where heterogeneities are preva- slotted liners with great success. JPT
tion has provided better definition of lent. Several operators have attempted
fines, and greater focus is placed now through-tubing sand remediations—
on particle-shape characterization. For consolidation, gravel pack, straddle Recommended additional reading
those of you interested in delving into screens—with mixed results. Suffice at OnePetro:
these topics, paper SPE 199335 provides to say, every job is unique and must
SPE 196250 Unlocking Potential of
Handil Shallow Oil Reservoir by Using
Resin Sand Consolidation Technique
Imran Abbasy, SPE, has 35 years of industry experience with a by Aen Nuril Hadi, Pertamina, et al.
major service company and several midsized and large operating
SPE 197351 The First Application of a
companies. He has held technical and leadership roles in produc- Novel Cased Hole Selective Multizone
tion technology, drilling, completion engineering, and operations. Sand-Control Completion in the Gulf of
Abbasy has worked in the North Sea, Middle East, Australia, Thailand by Thanudcha Khunmek,
Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea, supporting completion design, Mubadala Petroleum, et al.
artificial lift, well integrity, and production optimization. Currently,
SPE 199062 Sand-Control Optimization
he is managing a mature producing asset in west Africa. Abbasy for Rubiales Field: Tradeoff Between
has authored several SPE papers and participated in SPE Applied Technology Sand Control, Flow Performance, and
Workshops. He holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and a master’s Mechanical Integrity by Edgar Alberto
degree in aerospace engineering. Mayorga Cespedes, Ecopetrol, et al.
For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at
206 160
204 140
16 205
THP (barg)
202 120
200 15 100 204
198 80 203
196 60
194 40
192 20
190 12 0 200
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
(a) Time (days) (b) Time (days)
Downhole Pressure (barg) THP (barg) Dry Oil Flowrate (Sm3/d) Total Water (Sm3/d)
Downhole Pressure (barg)
Fig. 1—(a) Measured downhole pressure and TBH pressure for 1 month. (b) Measured oil and water rates and downhole
pressure between Days 23 and 30.
a ssumed to occupy the gap between the to medium rates, and mobile at higher the slugging cycle, elaborated upon in
mule shoe and the packer and, therefore, rates during the slugging cycle. Choos- Fig. 6 of the complete paper.
reduce the effective diameter of the gap. ing a larger-diameter particle would re-
This analysis was conducted on sev- sult in immobility leading to permanent Slugging Mechanism
eral combinations of sand-particle sizes, particle blockage because the particles On the basis of the study’s findings, the
sand-particle densities, and PI values. would accumulate and would not be pro- cyclic slugging mechanism is better un-
For each combination of sand-particle duced. On the other hand, choosing a derstood and is explained by the follow-
density and PI, certain particle sizes re- very-small-diameter particle causes the ing process:
sulted in slugging dynamics similar to particles to be produced at the wellhead 1. Production declines as the particle
those observed in the field with parti- without causing slugging. The complete gradually builds up, leading to a
cles being immobile or less mobile at low paper provides a detailed discussion of packed state with small flow through
the porous blockage (35% porosity s imulator for Well X1, which exhibits long the lower completion section together
was used in simulations). cyclic slugging behavior. A scenario ac- with either tubing-size reduction or
2. BHP builds up as the pressure counting for flow from both the zones at electrical-submersible-pump (ESP) in-
behind the blockage builds up, which constant PI and sand production at high stallation] or implementing an appropri-
is gradually transferred downstream drawdown predicts slugging behavior ate sand-control or sand-consolidation
because of porous blockage. very similar to that observed in the field. method. Reducing the tubing size and
3. Particles slowly move up the tubing Cyclic slugging is believed to be caused the gap between the mule shoe and the
at medium rate (200 to 250 Sm3/d by the flow dynamics generated by par- packer (for both 3-in. or 2.441-in. inner
liquid) but are still not produced; ticles of small to medium size. Slugging is diameter) could be a potential solu-
thus, BHP is relatively high. a result of complete blockage by particles tion because the well would able to lift
4. BHP falls because of reduced head at the gap between the mule shoe and the larger-diameter particles than the ones
as particles are eventually produced packer and subsequent pressure buildup that the well produces from the sand-
(also, increasing THP indicates behind to gradually release the block- face in cycles. Reduction of the gap be-
increased flow rate). age. The particle bed is not mobile at low tween the mule shoe and the packer to
5. Fresh particles are produced rates (50 to 100 Sm3/d), moves very slow- 4-in., in combination with ESP installa-
from the reservoir at increased ly to the 4.5-in. tubing section at medium tion, could be another potential solution.
drawdown at higher rates of rates (200 to 250 Sm3/d), and eventually The ESP should be able to deliver a liquid
approximately 400 Sm3/d liquid). produces out of the tubing at higher rates rate of 1115 Sm3/d to ensure continuous
6. BHP falls further as the blockage (400 to 450 Sm3/d). Fresh particles are lifting of D90-size particles (591.3 µm)
builds up. Thus, for the downstream produced from the reservoir at increased being produced from the reservoir. Also,
section where the gauge is located, drawdown, and the cycle repeats itself. successful implementation of a sand-
flow is disconnected gradually with Measured data from the sand detector control or sand-consolidation method
the upstream section of the blockage, confirm the production of sand, particu- could lead to significant improvement
with pressure drop across the larly around the period of high THP (or in well production with the current well
blockage and rate gradually falling. high drawdown), which is also predicted design, assuming that any existing sand
by simulation. in the 2,000-ft gap section could be
Summary Potential slugging-mitigation solu- cleaned up. However, considering the
Several simulations were conducted tions could include higher flow veloc- high cost and risk factor, no future work-
with a commercial multiphase transient ity [achieved by reducing the gap size at over is planned. JPT
For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at
Fig. 1—Sand-detection tool run downhole on wireline. The tool is run centered to locate sand-entry points accurately
from any direction with a 360° detector element.
The complete paper presents three sand screens because of improper selec- of the sand particles have medium and
field examples, the first two of which tion of sand-screen type. small sizes.
are not included in this synopsis in de- Production logging data analysis
tail. The first example shows application Well C. In the third example, Well C was showed two producing intervals in this
of the sand-detection tool and the pro- completed with 4.5-in. liner across the well: 4018–4025 m and 4032–4036 m;
duction logging toolstring in a well com- CH sand reservoir and perforated across the topmost perforated interval was not
pleted with dual tubing at the beginning three intervals: 3994–3998 m, 4018– producing. Most of the fluid (95%) came
of its life to produce hydrocarbons from 4025 m, and 4032–4036 m. The well from the middle perforation, and the re-
the CH sand reservoir by long string and was producing hydrocarbons through maining fluid was from the bottom perfo-
from the A sand reservoir by short string. 3.5-in. tubing with the tubing shoe lo- ration. Water was breaking through both
The well was later recompleted with sin- cated at 2509 m. In September of 2018, producing intervals.
gle tubing, with sand screens across the the well began to produce hydrocarbons The results of stationary measure-
A reservoir and a bridge plug set above with 88% water cut and some traces of ments with the wireline sand-detection
the CH reservoir. sand particles on the surface. tool showed that more than 99% of sand
The second example discusses applica- The production logging toolstring was produced from a depth of 4025 m; a
tion of these technologies in a well com- with the wireline sand-detection tool remaining negligible amount of sand was
pleted with single tubing, having sand was run across the CH reservoir to quan- produced from 4022 m. Per measured
screens set across the A reservoir from tify the multiphase flow profile, identify impact energy, half of the produced sand
the beginning of well life. The main log- sources of water production, and locate particles were medium in size and half
ging objectives for running the sand- sand-producing intervals. Data acquired were small.
detection tool in wells completed with with the wireline sand-detection tool Based on production logging re-
sand screens in the field are to locate while moving the toolstring showed two sults and depths of sand-producing in-
sources of sand production and to verify sand-producing intervals, one at ap- tervals, these three perforations were
if sand is being produced through eroded proximately 4022 m and another one isolated with bridge plugs and the
intervals in the sand screen, as shown in at approximately 4025 m. The energy layers containing hydrocarbons located
Fig. 2, or through the entire length of the of sand-grain impacts showed that most above were perforated. The plug was suc-
cessfully set at 3973 m. As the result of re-
medial operation in Well C, the water rate
decreased from 520 to 150 B/D and the
well stopped producing sand.
In the Lam field, the wireline sand-
detection tool was run to determine
the root cause of sand production—to
confirm if sand was produced through
eroded holes in the sand screens, as in
the first field example, or through sand
screens that are not damaged, as shown
in the second field example.
In addition, comparison of multiphase-
inflow profiles with sources of sand pro-
duction showed that most sand was pro-
duced through intervals located across
the topmost section of the sand screens,
marking that part of the sand screens as
the point most prone to erosion. Logging
results were then used for planning reme-
Fig. 2—Eroded hole in a sand screen retrieved from one of the wells in the dial operations to pull tubing out of hole
Lam field. and to replace damaged screens. JPT
S and-control-installation failures
range from minor issues that can be
remedied easily to catastrophic events
Potential leak site
For a limited time, the complete paper is free to SPE members at
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