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Physical Education Form 1-4.

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FORM 1 - 4

Curriculum Development and Technical Services,

P.O. Box MP 133, Mount Pleasant, Harare
All Rights Reserved
Revised 2015
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus


The Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education wishes to acknowledge the following for
their valued contribution in the production of this syllabus:

l The Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays National Syllabus Panel

l Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (ZIMSEC)

l Publishers

l Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development

l National University of Science and Technology

l Belvedere Technical Teachers College

l Zimbabwe Open University

l Bindura University of Science Education

l Morgan ZINTEC College

l Sports and Recreation Commission

l United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

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Foreign languages (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus


1.0 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...............................................................................iv

1.0 PREAMBLE.....................................................................................................iv
1.1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................iv
1.2 RATIONALE...... ...............................................................................................iv
1.3 SUMMARY OF CONTENT...............................................................................iv
1.4 ASSUMPTIONS ...............................................................................................iv
1.5 CROSS-CUTTING THEMES ...........................................................................iv

2.0 PRESENTATION OF THE SYLLABUS...........................................................iv

3.0 AIMS................ .................................................................................................v

4.0 SYLLABUS OBJECTIVES...............................................................................v

5.0 METHODOLOGY AND TIME ALLOCATION .................................................vii

5.1 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................vii
5.2 TIME ALLOCATION.........................................................................................vii

6.0 TOPICS................... ........................................................................................vii

7.0 SCOPE AND SEQUENCE ASSESSMENT ....................................................56

8.0 COMPETENCY MATRIX ..................................................................................7

9.0 ASSESSMENT................................................................................................56

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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

1.0 PREAMBLE 1.3 Summary of Content (Knowledge,

Skills and Attitudes)
The Secondary School Physical Education, Sport
1.1 Introduction and Mass Displays Syllabus will cover theory and
This Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays practical activities by learners in Form 1 to 4.
Syllabus is designed for Secondary School learners
(Forms 1 to 4). It ensures access to Physical
Education, Sport and Mass Displays Curriculum 1.4 ASSUMPTIONS
regardless of gender, race, religion, handicap and
learner’s current level in Physical Education, Sport The syllabus assumes that learners:
and Mass Displays participation. It also serves as
a base on which learners build enterprising skills.
l are interested and motivated to learn Physical
Education, Sport and Mass Displays
The syllabus promotes the development of the
learner that is physically, socially, emotionally, l acquired basic skills in Physical Education, Sport
morally, aesthetically and cognitively. It also and Mass Displays in primary school cycle.
prepares learners for graduation from amateur
sport performance to professional or high l have basic Information and Communication
performance as well as Physical Education, Sport Technologies(ICTs) knowledge for use in Physical
and Mass Displays career identification. Education, Sport and Mass Displays.
l engage in project work, co-operative work and
self-assessment activities.

1.2 Rationale

Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays plays 1.5 CROSS-CUTTING THEMES
an important role in the development of the learner.
The inclusion of the following cross-cutting issues seeks
Through Physical Education, Sport and Mass
to foster competency development through the teaching
Displays, learners acquire the knowledge, skills,
and learning of Physical Education, Sport and Mass
right attitudes and values towards the pursuit of Displays..
lifelong physically active and healthy lifestyles. The
syllabus further encourages the development of
enterprising skills. l Life and Enterprise Skills
t l Gender and Guidance and Counselling
The secondary school level Physical Education, l Children’s Rights
Sport and Mass displays learning area provides a
platform for the transmission of competencies l Disaster Risk Management and Environmental
acquired at primary level for application in amateur Issues
and professional sport. The Physical Education, l Sexuality, HIV and AIDS
Sport and Mass Displays syllabus provides a
l Information and Communication Technology Tools
platform and valuable opportunities to develop
character, social and self-management skills.. l Child Protection
l Heritage Studies and Collaboration
These Foreign Languages help learners to develop
critical understanding and communication skills that
are necessary for meaningful and active
participation in society and the world at large. PRESENTATION OF SYLLABUS
These are:
The Secondary School Physical Education, Sport
and Mass Displays syllabus is in the form of one

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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

document. It has topics which are further broken into 4.2 exhibit social skills related to the cultural values of
sub topics. The content is designed for learners to the Zimbabwean society
venture into various sporting activities. The content
is set progressively from Form 1 to 4.
4.3 display awareness of aesthetics in motion

4.4 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the

3.0 Aims structures and functions of the human body related
to movement

The syllabus aims to help learners:

4.5 improve health and skill related fitness as well as
movement factors affecting performance
3.1 analyse and make informed conclusions on issues
related to health, safety and well being
4.6 demonstrate an understanding of health, nutrition
and fitness in relation to Physical Education, Sport
3.2 effectively execute Physical Education, Sport and
and Mass Displays.
Mass Displays related skills

4.7 display knowledge and understanding of benefits of

3.3 exhibit a clear appreciation of diverse cultural values
engaging in Physical Education, Sport and Mass
of Zimbabwean society

3.4 foster a collective spirit based on Zimbabwean norms

4.8 apply principles and rules of safety in all physical
and values ( Unhu/Vumunhu/ Ubuntu)

3.5 experience a sense of fun, enjoyment, entertainment,

4.9 demonstrate an understanding of the links between
fair play, achievement and self-awareness.
physical activity and optimum health

3.6 correlate Physical Education, Sport and Mass

4.10 apply competences in a variety of skills in different
Displays skills to life, work and leisure activities
forms of physical activities

3.7 develop and engage in enterprising activities related

to Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays
5.1 Methodology
The methods suggested below overlap and are mutually
By the end of the Ordinary level school cycle, learners supportive but not exhaustive.
should be able to:
4.1 demonstrate team building skills, confidence and self
l Demonstration
l Practice
l Discovery/ guided display

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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

l Problem solving Combat Games

l Games/puzzles Educational Gymnastics

l Quizzes, poems and rhymes l Sport Enterprise
l Telling and listening to stories Club Concept
l Song and dance
Sport Industry
l Role play, drama and animation
l Adventure Activities
l Simulation and questioning
l Mass Displays
l Group/individual projects
History of Mass Display
l Educational tours
Arena Choreography
l Command style
l Reciprocal Background and Performance Music

l Task Background Art

NB: Engagement of resource persons is encouraged

where necessary

5.2 Time allocation

Forms 1 to 4 learners to receive a minimum of eight 35
minute periods per week, of which ALL are double lessons.

6.0 Topics
The learning and teaching of the Foreign Languages will
focus on the following macro skills and their sub skills:
l History of Physical Education and Sports
l Health, Safety and Environment
Substances and Anti-doping
Nutrition and Physical Activities
Sport Injuries and First Aid
lHuman Body Systems and Performance
lGame Skills
Aquatic Skills
Invasion Games
Net Games
Striking Games
Target Games

1: History of Physical Education and Sport


History of x Foundations of x Evolution of x Origins of x Comparative Study of The
Physical Physical Education Physical Education modern Development of Physical
Education Physical Education
Education in
History of Sport x Foundations of x Evolution of Sport x Origins of x Comparative Study Of The
Sport modern Development of Sport
Sport in
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

TOPIC 2: Health,
Safetyand Environment
and Environment


Nutrition, Diet and x Balanced diet and x Weight Control x Eating Habits: x Physical Activity
Physical Activity Physical Activity x Diet and Physical diet before, Guidelines
Performance during and after x Dietary problems
Substances and Anti- x Introduction to x Banned x Causes of x Doping Control
doping Substances Substances in Substance x Strategies to prevent
x Sources of Substances Sport Abuse Substances Abuse
used in Sport x Substance
x Substance Abuse Abuse and

Sport Injuries and First x Causes of Injuries x Environmental x Management of x Identification of Chronic
Aid x Types of Injuries Injuries and Severe Injuries Injuries
x First Aid Exercise x Record Keeping x Assessment of Injuries
x Management of x Record Keeping
Minor Injuries
x Injury Prevention

TOPIC3: Body Systems
3:Human Body and Performance
Systems and Performance
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

Human Body Systems x Functions of Skeletal x Types of joints x Moveable and x Types of movement of
System x Muscle groups immoveable joints
x -Classification and x Muscle action joints x 3 types of levers
Functions of Bones x Composition and x Muscle and x Exercise and the
x Types of Muscle function of blood Movement Skeletal System
x Muscle Groups x Functions of the x Types of x Tendons and
x -Major Parts of the Respiratory Muscles Ligaments
Circulatory System System x Functions of x Exercise and the
x -Major Organs of the x Breathing the circulatory Muscle System
Respiratory System system x Effect of exercise on
x Cardiac cycle the Circulatory
x gaseous System
exchange x Exercise ,and the
Respiratory System
Exercise and Fitness x Health- related Fitness x Skill- related x Methods of x Fitness Programs
Fitness Training

Topic 4: Game Skills


Athletics : Track and x History of Athletics x Technical Rules x Athletics Faults x Competition
Field x Rules for Athletics x Athletics Skills and Corrections Management and
x Athletics Skills and and Events x Athletics Skills Assessment
Events and Events x Technical Rules
x Coaching
Aquatic Skills x History of aquatics x Strokes (Speed, x Strokes x Strokes (Speed,
x Strokes (Speed, Distance, Time, (Speed, Distance, Time,
Distance, Time, Accuracy) Distance, Time, Accuracy)
Accuracy) x Life Saving Skills Accuracy) x Life Saving Skills
x Life Saving Skills x Water Polo x Life Saving x Water Polo
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Hygienic Practices in Skills

Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

x x Technical Rules
and around pools x Water Polo x Coaching
x Water polo
x Facilities and

Invasion Games x History of The Game x Field of Play x Rules of The x Game Skills, Tactics
x Characteristics of x Rules of The Game And Techniques of
Invasion Games Games x Game Skills The Game
x Safety in Invasion x Game Skills x Techniques and x Technical Rules
Games x Equipment Tactics of the x Coaching
x Game Skills Game x Fair Play and
x Equipment x Equipment Sportsmanship
x Equipment
Net Games: x History of The Game x Field of Play x Rules of The x Game Skills,
x Characteristics of Net x Rules of The Game Techniques and
Games Games x Game Skills Tactics of the Game

x Safety in Net Games x Game Skills x Techniques and x Technical Rules
x Game Skills x Equipment Tactics of the x Coaching
x Equipment Game x Fair Play and
x Equipment Sportsmanship
x Equipment
Combat Games x History of Combat x Combat Skills x Combat x Combat skills
Games x Rules and Skills x Judging
x Combat Skills Regulations x Rules and x Routine Design
x Rules and x Routine Regulations
Regulations Design x Judging
x Safety of Combat x Routine
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

Target Games x History of Target x Target Game x Target x Safety and

Game Skill Skills on a Game Skills Technical Rules
x Characteristics of Stationary on a Moving x Skills, Tactics and
Target Games Object Object Techniques
x Target Game Skills x Safety and x Safety and
x Safety Rules Technical Technical
Rules Rules
Striking Games x History of the game x Field of play x Game skills, x Game skills,
x Characteristics of x Rules of the Techniques and Techniques and
striking games games Tactics of the Tactics of the Game
x Safety in striking x Game skills Game x Officiating
games x Equipment x Officiating x Coaching
x Game skills x Coaching x Fair play and
x Equipment x Fair play and sportsmanship
sportsmanship x Equipment
x Equipment
Educational x History of Educational x body positions x Balances x Rotational Apparatus
Gymnastics Gymnastics x conditioning x Springs and x Vault Skills

x Apparatus and x gymnastics floor x Rotations x Mounts and
Equipment in the Gym activities dismounts on
x Gymnastic Apparatus x apparatus apparatus
and Safety Rules activities x Balances on
x Physical Conditioning apparatus
x Movement Patterns
e.g. Landing,
Balancing, Locomotion
and Springs
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TOPIC 5: Sport Enterprise

TOPIC 5: Sport Enterprise
Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus


Clubs x Types of Clubs x Governance x Funding x Case Study
x Organization of models x Patent Rights
sport and recreation x Marketing
in Zimbabwe mix
x Stages in the x Marketing
formation of a club strategies
x Club Organogram
x Reasons for forming

Topic 6:
Topic 6:Adventure


Adventure games x Camping x Camping x Camping x Camping
x Orienteering x Orienteering x Orienteering x Orienteering

Topic 7: Mass Displays


History of Mass x Foundations of Mass x Origins of Mass x Evolution of x Comparative Study of The
Displays Display Displays in Zimbabwe Mass Display Development Mass
Arena x Themes x Themes x Themes x Themes
Choreography x Choreography for x Choreography for x Choreography x Choreography for Themes
Themes Themes for Themes
Formations x Simple Formations x Advanced x Advanced x Symbolic Formations
x Advanced Formations Formations Formations x Linking Symbolic
x Linking the Formations x Symbolic Formations x Symbolic Formations to others
x Linking The Formations Formations x Linking, Advanced and
x Linking the Symbolic Formations
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

x Stimuli and rhythm for x Stimuli and rhythm for x Stimuli and x Stimuli and rhythm for
Background and entrance, performance entrance, performance rhythm for entrance, performance and
performance and exit and exit entrance, exit
music performance
and exit

8.0 Competence Matrix Form 1

Topic 1. History of Physical Education and Sport

Sub Topic Objective: Learners Content Suggested Activities Suggested resource

should be able to: materials
x History of x narrate the x Foundations of x Discussing the x ICT tools/ Braille
Physical History of Physical History of software/Jaw
Education Physical Education Physical software
Education Education x Print media/
x Carrying out Talking books
investigations on x Resource
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ancient Physical Persons

Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

activities among
African people

x History of Sport x narrate the x Foundations of x Discussing the x ICT tools/ Braille
History of Sport Sport History of Sport software/Jaw
x Identifying software
ancient sports x Print media/
played in Africa Talking books
x Resource

Topic 2: Health, Safety and Environment

Sub Topic Objective: Learners Content Suggested Activities Suggested

should be able to: resource
Nutrition, Diet and x identify the important food x Balanced x Identifying food groups x Literature
Physical Activity groups Diet and x Conducting studies on: x Charts
x outline the key components of Physical i Salt intake x Pictures
diet Activity i Fruit and vegetable x Videos
x examine physical activity in promotion x Weighing scale
relation to diet i Food values x Heart rate
x distinguish between healthy i Marketing of food non- monitors
and unhealthy foods alcoholic beverages to x Pedometers
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children x ICT tools/ Braille

Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

i Forming health eating software/Jaw

promotion clubs software
Substances and Anti- x identify substances used in x Introduction x Discussing sources of x WADA website
doping sport to substances x ICT tools/ Braille
x state the sources of Substances x Researching on the software/Jaw
substances x Sources of substances abused in sport software
x explain what substance abuse substances
is used in Sport
Injuries and First Aid x explain the causes of injuries x Causes of x Viewing pictures, videos on x ICT tools/ Braille
x list the types of injuries Injuries injuries software/Jaw
x apply the concept of first aid in x Types of x Discussing the causes of software
injury management Injuries injuries x Newspapers
x classify the contents of a first x First Aid x Simulating injury management x Magazines
aid kit according to use x Sorting First Aid Kit contents x First Aid Kit
x explain the use of each of the x Playing puzzle games x Resource persons
contents in the first aid kit x Embarking on Educational

Topic 3: Human Body Systems and Performance

Sub-Topic Objectives. Content Suggested activities Suggested Materials

Learners should be
able to;
Skeletal System x identify different x Functions of x Drawing and labeling x Drawing materials
bones on the Skeletal System the skeleton
skeleton x Classification and x Viewing the different x Skeleton model
x classify the bones Functions of Bones bones on a skeleton x Pictures
on the skeletal model x ICT tools/ Braille
system x Watching videos and software/Jaw
x analyse the skeletal pictures of the
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

system and its skeletal system

functions x Resource person
x Completing a
classification table of
Muscular System x state the different x Types of Muscle x Engaging in quizzes x Pictures
types of muscles x Muscle Groups on different types of x ICT tools/ Braille
x describe the muscles software/Jaw
characteristics of x Viewing pictures, software
different types of videos of the different x Resource person
muscles muscle types
x identify the major
muscle groups
Cardiovascular System x identify the major x Major Parts of the x Drawing and labelling x Pictures
organs of the Circulatory System the human heart x ICT tools/ Braille
circulatory system x Viewing pictures of software/Jaw
x identify the major the human heart software
blood vessels x Viewing models of the x Resource person
human heart models

Sub-Topic Objectives. Content Suggested activities Suggested Materials
Learners should be
able to;
x Discussing
Respiratory System x identify the main x Major Organs of the x viewing models, x drawing materials
parts of the Respiratory System pictures, videos x models
respiratory system x drawing and labelling x Pictures
x explain the functions the respiratory system x ICT tools/ Braille
of the respiratory x playing games software/Jaw
system software
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x Resource person
Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

Exercise and Fitness: x describe the x Health Related x Testing Fitness x Stop watches
Health Related Fitness benefits of exercise Components of - Strength x Sit and reach
x explain health Fitness - Flexibility moves
related components - Endurance x Weighing scale
of fitness - Body composition x Resource person
x describe practices x Drawing of physical
that improve the activity logs
health related
components of

Topic 4: Game skills

Sub-Topic Objectives. Content Suggested activities Suggested Materials

Learners should be
able to;
Athletics events x trace the x History of Athletics x Drawing and x Field events
development or x Rules for Athletics labelling the equipment
evolution of x Athletics Skills and athletics performing x Track events
athletics. Events areas equipment
x identify equipment x Viewing videos on x ICT tools/ Braille
used in athletics Athletics events software/Jaw
x classify different x Applying rules and software
athletic events regulations x Resource Persons
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x execute different governing athletics

Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

athletic skills events

x demonstrate an x Discussing safety
understanding of rules in athletics
safety precautions in x Participating in
athletics athletics events
x Marking performing

Aquatic skills x outline the history of x History of aquatics x Classifying aquatic x Magazines
aquatics x Strokes (Speed, events x Newspapers
x identify the types of Distance, Time, x Stating the various x ICT tools/ Braille
aquatic facilities Accuracy) indigenous Aquatic software/Jaw
x demonstrate how to x Life Saving Skills activities software
save a water x Hygienic Practices in x Completing charts x Charts
casualty And Around Pools with work on history x Task cards
x perform various of aquatics x Ropes
strokes with x Water polo
x Sticks
x Broomsticks

Sub-Topic Objectives. Content Suggested activities Suggested Materials
Learners should be
able to;
emphasis on correct x Facilities and x Dramatizing how to x Float-boards
stroke execution equipment save a water x Coins
x observe health casualty x Tyre tubes
related practices in x Collecting materials x Pull bouys
water and around that can be used as x First Aid Kit
water bodies life saving tools for x Whistle
water casualties x Plastic water
x Practising Back containers
stroke and Side x Hoops
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x Brooms
Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

x Carrying out dry and x Detergent

water rescue x Scooping nets
x Cleaning the pool x Brushes
x Trimming the grass x Hoovers
x Discussing the x Grass trimmers
importance of
x Latex Gloves
hygienic practices
x Water Test Kit
x Practising strokes
Invasion games x narrate the history of x history of the game x Discussing the x balls
the games x characteristics of the history of games x cones
x identify Invasion invasion games x Identifying x whistles
games equipment x safety in invasion equipment for
x classify invasion games Invasion games
games x game skills x Listing
x observe safety in x Equipment characteristics of
invasion games invasion games
x execute specific x Discussing safety
game skills precautions of
invasion games

Sub-Topic Objectives. Content Suggested activities Suggested Materials
Learners should be
able to;
x Practising game
x Identifying ancient
African Invasion
Net Games: x trace the history of x History of the game x Researching on the x magazines
Net games x Characteristics of net history of net games x text books
x describe how net games x Describing the x balls
games are played x Safety in net games characteristics of net x nets
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x identify precaution x Game Skills games x marked fields

Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

measures when x Equipment x Identifying x ICT tool

playing net games precaution x Resource persons
x execute the serving measures when
skill playing net games
x Executing the
serving skill in net
Combat Games: x describe the history x History of Combat x Discussing x Punching bags
of various combat Games background history of x Mitts
games x Combat Skills various combat x Gloves
x execute various x Rules and games x ICT tools/ Braille
game Regulations x Practising various software/Jaw software
stances and x Safety of Combat stances and punching x Head gear
punching skills skills in combat x Resource persons
x apply safety rules in games
various combat x Demonstrating
games sequential routines
using various
punching skills

Sub-Topic Objectives. Content Suggested activities Suggested Materials
Learners should be
able to;
x design training
programs for combat
Target Games: x relate history of x History of Target x Discussing history of x ICT tools/ Braille
various target game Game Skill various target games software/Jaw software
skills x Characteristics of x Practising the target x Resource persons
x list various target Target Games game skill of x Darts boards
games x Target Game Skills targeting of stationery x Chess boards
x execute various x Safety Rules objects
target game skills x Writing down the list
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x apply safety rules of target games

Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

x identify various x Listing the various

equipment used in equipment used in
target game skills different target game
Striking Games x describe x History of the game x Researching on Striking games
characteristics of the x Characteristics of history of the game equipment such as:
game through its Striking Games x Studying rules of the x Bats
history and rules. x Safety in Striking game. x Tennis balls
x identify striking Games x Identifying playing x balls
games equipment x Game Skills equipment and their x Cones
x demonstrate striking x Equipment uses x Skittles
games skills x Outlining safety x Bases
x formulate a booklet procedures in x Paper glue
on the game from equipment handling x Magazines
cuttings and use x Rule books
x Batting (stance, grip, x T-stand
swing, footwork, x Strings
shoulder action) x White wash(lime)

Sub-Topic Objectives. Content Suggested activities Suggested Materials
Learners should be
able to;
x Fielding (catching- x Mitts
ground and flight x Gloves
balls, throwing under x ICT tools/ Braille
arm and over software/Jaw
arm, movement- software
footwork, space x Resource persons
x Drawing field of play
and equipment
x Produce a booklet on
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

the game
Educational x outline history of x History of x Discussing history of x Gymnastics swinging
Gymnastics educational Educational educational pipes
gymnastics Gymnastics gymnastics x Still rings
x demonstrate an x Apparatus and x Demonstrating safe x Parallel bars
improved level of skill Equipment in the gym apparatus use x Uneven bars
in the safe use of Gym x Practising individual x Pommel horse
gymnastics x Gymnastic and group use of x Vault boxes
apparatus Apparatus and apparatus e.g. spring x Landing mats
x exhibit Safety Rules boards and still rings x Hula hoops
understanding of a x Physical x Practising and x Spring boards
variety of movement Conditioning demonstrating x Balance beams
patterns. x Movement movement patterns x Video recorders and
Patterns e.g. x Engaging in screens
Landing, conditioning activities x Whistle
Balancing, e.g. circuit training
x Skipping ropes
Locomotion and

Topic 5: Sport Enterprise

Sub Topic Objective: learners Content Suggested activities Suggested Resource

should be able to: Materials
Club Concept x describe the club x Types of Clubs x Identifying and x Pictures
concept x Organization of describing different x Electrical
x state the stages in sport and types of clubs gadgets
club formation recreation in x Describing the roles x ICT tools/ Braille
x describe the roles of Zimbabwe in sport and software/Jaw
stakeholders in sport x Stages in the recreation in software
and recreation formation of a Zimbabwe. x Books
x state various club x Describing the x Educational
reasons for forming x Club various stages in the tours/ Exhibitions
clubs Organogram formation of a club. x Puzzles
x Reasons for x Describing x Flow charts
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

forming clubs stakeholder roles in a x Resource

club. persons
x Dramatizing the
different roles found
in a club

Topic 6: Adventure Activities


Learners should be able to: RESOURCE
Camping x interpret information on a x Camping x Constructing camping x Puzzles
map x Orienteering equipment x Flip charts
Orienteering x demonstrate different x Participating in: x Maps
climbing techniques for - Camping x Books
steep ascends - Route Games x Camping tents
- Compass x Ropes
inference x Directional compass
- object games x Note Pads
- Rock climbing x Appropriate Outdoor
x Practising map reading Attire
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

x Poles
x Performing various x Ropes
Climbing techniques x Canoes
x Engaging in different x Boats
Descending techniques
x Life-saving
x Relevant attire
x Rafters
x ICT tools/ Braille

Topic 7: Mass Displays

Sub Topic Objective: learners should Content Suggested Activities Suggested

be able to: Resource
History of Mass x trace the important Foundations of x Identifying countries x Pictures
Displays developments in the Mass Display where mass displays x Videos
foundations of Mass are done x ICT tools/
displays x Identifying the Braille
x identify mass display purposes for which software/Jaw
components in the history the displays are software
of mass display done
Themes for x construct themes from x Themes x Making themes out x Pictures
Choreography events done at school and Choreography for of games, school
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x Videos
Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

the community themes achievements and x ICT tools/

x make story lines from the sport Braille
themes x Choreographing software/Jaw
x create routines from dance, plays, dances, software
play, games and sport games and sport to x Pencils
x participate in mass displays depict mass displays x Paints
activities by providing ready x Musical
troupes for school, instruments
community and national x Recorded
events music
Formations x perform simple and x Simple formations x Drawing simple and x Pencil
complex formations x Complex complex formations x Graph paper
x link simple formation to formation x Showing routes x Marked arena
complex formations x Linking the taken in changing
formations from one formation
to the other

Sub Topic Objective: learners should Content Suggested Activities Suggested
be able to: Resource
Background and x respond to different kinds of x Stimuli and x Playing different x Recorded
performance music musical stimuli in rhythm for kinds of music music
performing displays entrance, x Performing using x Marimba
x use recorded , instrumental performance and different kinds of instruments
music and song in exit music x Percussion
performing mass displays x recorded music, instruments
x play music for displays instrumental, x Electric band
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Background Art x design banners x Words on x Writing words on a x Brushes

Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

x decorate the arena banners depicting given theme x Paint

x mounting the background themes x Mounting the art x Rulers
art x Decorations x Canvas
x Pencil
x Graph paper

Competence Matrix Form 2

Topic 1: History of Physical Education

Sub Topic Objectives: Learners should Content Suggested activities Suggested

be able to: Resource
History of Physical x trace the evolution of x Evolution of x Discussing the evolution x ICT tools/ Braille
Education Physical Education Physical of Sport software/Jaw
x identify origins of Physical Education x Locating countries on software
Education the world map and x World map
identify their sporting x Print media/
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

strengths Talking books

History of Sport x trace the evolution of Sport x Evolution of x Discussing the evolution x ICT tools/ Braille
x identify origins of Sport Sport of Sport software/Jaw
x Locating countries on software
the world map and x World map
identify their sporting x Print media/
strengths Talking books

Topic 2: Health, Safety and Environment

Sub Topic Objective: Learners should be Content Suggested Activities Suggested resource
able to: materials
Nutrition, Diet and x explain the importance of x Weight x Measuring and monitoring x Charts
Physical Activity weight control control weight periodically x Pictures
x describe the use of exercise in x Diet and x Creating physical activity logs x Videos
Weight control and weight control physical x Scale
physical x explain the importance of performance x Tracking software
performance linking food consumed and x ICT tools/ Braille
level of physical activity software/Jaw
Substances and x identify banned and unbanned x Banned x Participating in quiz sessions x WADA website
anti-doping substances used in sport Substances on substance abuse x ICT tools/ Braille
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x explain why some substances in Sport x Discussing banned and software/Jaw

Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

are banned in sport unbanned substances software

x Completing given tasks on x Task cards
work cards x Newspaper articles
Injuries and First x identify environmental factors x Environme x Discussing environmental x ICT tools/ Braille
Aid that can cause injuries ntal Injuries factors that cause injuries in software/Jaw
x explain how injuries can be and sport software
prevented Exercise x Discussing how to prevent x Newspapers
x identify minor injuries x Manageme injuries x Magazines
x explain the benefits of warm up nt of Minor x Viewing videos or pictures of x First Aid Kit
in preventing injuries Injuries minor injuries
x demonstrate the management x Injury x Describing minor injuries
of minor injuries Prevention x Explaining reasons for having
a warm up session prior to an
x Practising minor injury

Topic 3: Human Body Systems and Performance

Sub Topic Objective: learners should be able Content Suggested activities Suggested
to: resource
Skeletal system x state the different types of joints x Types of joints x Drawing and labelling the x ICT tools/
x describe types of joints synovial joint Braille
x name and give examples of x Completing work cards on software/Jaw
different types of synovial joints types of joints software
x Playing puzzle games x Task cards
x Related
x Models

Muscular x identifying the location of different x Muscle groups x Viewing videos and x ICT tools/
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

system muscle groups x Muscle action pictures Braille

x name the different muscle groups x Performing group tasks software/Jaw
x distinguish between agonist and on muscle groups software
antagonist muscles x Playing puzzle games x Task cards
x Related
x Models

Cardiovascular x list the components of blood x Composition x Discussing the x ICT tools/
system x state the different blood vessels and function of composition and functions Braille
involved in blood circulation blood of blood software/Jaw
x Viewing videos on software
Cardiovascular x Task cards
x x Related
x Models

Sub Topic Objective: learners should be able Content Suggested activities Suggested
to: resource

Respiratory x state the functions of the respiratory x Functions of x Taking turns to breathe in x Improvised
system systems the and out models
x explain the breathing process Respiratory x Observing the changes x Related
x differentiate between inhalation and System that take place when literature
exhalation x Breathing breathing in and out (in x Models
pairs) x ICT tools/
x Drawing Respiratory Braille
System software/Jaw
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

x Watching videos on software

Respiratory System x Videos

Exercise and x identifying the skill related x Speed Carrying out: x Stop Watches
Fitness: Skill components of fitness x Power - fitness tests x Cones
Related Fitness x define components of fitness x Agility - speed drills x Videos
x describe activities that improve skill x Reaction Time - power x Animation
related of fitness x Balance exercises x CDs
- agility exercises x Models
- speed tests x ICT tools/
- power tests Braille
- agility tests software/Jaw

Topic 4: Game Skills

Sub Topic Objective: learners content Suggested activities Suggested resource

should be able to: materials
Athletics x classify track events x Technical Rules Executing: x Crossbar
x execute correct arm x Athletics Skills x coopers test x Track and field
and leg action and Events x shuttle runs equipment
x perform the correct x shuttle relays x Related literature
running sequence x Executing different x ICT tools/ Braille
x execute the correct jumps and throws software/Jaw software
attack, clearance and for distance
landing in hurdles
x running
x execute the different
throws for distance
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

x engage in horizontal
and vertical jumps

Sub Topic Objective: learners content Suggested activities Suggested resource
should be able to: materials
Aquatic skills x Demonstrate various x Strokes (Speed, x Practising various x Magazines
strokes Distance, Time, indigenous Aquatic x Newspapers
x identify the types of Accuracy) activities x ICT tools/ Braille
aquatic facilities x Life Saving Skills x Dramatizing how to software/Jaw software
x demonstrate how to x Hygienic save a water x Charts
save a water casualty Practices in And casualty x Task cards
x observe health related Around Pools x Practising drills for x Ropes
practices in water and x Water polo speed, distance and x Sticks
around water bodies time in various x Broomsticks
x practice water polo strokes x Float-boards
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

activities x Carrying out dry and x Coins

water rescue x Tyre tubes
x Cleaning the pool x Pull bouys
x Trimming the grass x First Aid Kit
x Discussing the x Whistle
importance of
x Plastic water
hygienic practices
x Practising water
x Hoops
polo activities
x Brooms
x Detergent
x Scooping nets
x Brushes
x Hoovers
x Grass trimmers
x Latex Gloves
x Water Test Kit
Net Games x draw the field of play x Field of play x Identifying fields of x playing courts
x apply laws of the game x Rules of the play x laws of the game
x execute game skills games handbook
Sub Topic Objective: learners content Suggested activities Suggested resource
should be able to: materials
x Game skills x Drawing the field of x bats
x Equipment play x balls
x Applying the laws of x racquets
the game x table tennis court
x Executing net game ICT tools/ Braille
skills software/Jaw software
Invasion games: x identifying playing x Field of Play x Drawing and x balls
areas for invasion x Rules and Laws labelling the field of x cones
games of the Game play x whistle
x follow the rules of the x Game Skills x Executing game x tape measure
game skills x string
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x demonstrate learnt
Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

game skills

Combat games: x demonstrate punching x Combat skills x Practising punching x Punching bags
and kicking combat x Rules and and kicking skills of x Mitts
game skill using regulations combat using various x Gloves
routines x Routine routines x ICT tools/ Braille
x apply safety and design x Combining various software/Jaw
technical rules of routines to produce a software
various combat games demonstration x Head gear
x state equipment used x Discussing the safety x Resource persons
in various combat and technical rules of
game skills combat games
x Creating routines
using punches and
Target games: x execute target x Target game x Practising target x ICT tools/ Braille
game skills of a skills on a game skills on a software/Jaw
stationary object stationary object stationary object software

Sub Topic Objective: learners content Suggested activities Suggested resource
should be able to: materials
x apply safety and x Safety and place at different x Resource persons
technical rules technical rules distances and height x Darts boards
x Discussing safety x Chess boards
and technical rules
x Designing and
constructing chosen
Striking Games: x mark field of play x Field of play x Practising Bats
correctly x Rules of the pitching/bowling Tennis balls
x demonstrate correct ball games through target balls
grip in pitching and x Game skills throws(,ball grip, Cones
fielding x equipment Stance, arm Skittles
x demonstrate the movement, leg Bases
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

pitching/bowling movement, ball Paper glue

movement sequence Release point, Body Magazines
x state the dangers of poor movement, Space Rule books
ball handling and wrong awareness) T-stand
release x Practising Ball Strings
x enhance enterprising throwing using White wash(lime)
skills through equipment various
construction x Pitching/bowling from
varied distances
x Practising catching
from standing
kneeling to squatting
positions(Stance, Arm
position, Positioning,
Footwork, Signals,
Space awareness)

Sub Topic Objective: learners content Suggested activities Suggested resource
should be able to: materials
x Practising
pitcher/bowler catcher
x Practising movement
on bases
x Carrying out project
on Equipment

Educational gymnastics x demonstrate a variety x body positions x Practising on body x swinging ropes
of gymnastic body x conditioning positions as in prone x Still rings
positions x gymnastics floor , supine, tucks and x Uneven bars
x exhibit floor exercises hip
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activities x Pommel horse

Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

with improved level of apparatus x Practising circuit x Vault tables

skill activities training x Hula hoops
x Practising on floor x Video recorders
exercises as in projectors
forward rolls, x Skipping ropes
backward rolls and x Horizontal bars
springs x ICT tools/ Braille
x Using apparatus in software/Jaw software
rotations, jumps and
body splits
x Performing
x Discussing safety

Topic 5: Sport Enterprise

Sub topic Objective: learners should Content Suggested activities Suggested resource
be able to: materials
Clubs - draw a constitution of a club - club constitutions - Stating how to draw - Flow chart
- describe the roles of office - roles of office constitutions - Samples of constitutions
bearers in a club bearers - Stating how to develop - ICT
- draw a simple club strategic - strategic plans a strategic plan - Electrical gadgets
plan - Educational tours to - Games and puzzles
Clubs - Related literature

Topic Adventure Activities

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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

Topic 6: 6:
Adventure Activities

Sub topic Objective: learners should Content Suggested Suggested resource

be able to: activities materials
Camping x demonstrate different x Camping x Constructing x Puzzles
climbing techniques for x Orienteering camping x Flip charts
Orienteering steep ascends equipment x Maps / Books / Note Pads
x demonstrate different x Participating in: x Camping tents
abseiling techniques - Rock climbing x Ropes
x demonstrate team - Abseiling x Directional compass
building, leadership, - Canoeing x Appropriate Outdoor Attire
collaboration, innovation - Boating x Poles
and critical thinking skills - Rafting x Ropes
through participation in x Performing x Canoes and Boats
adventure activities various Climbing x Life- saving equipment
x Relevant attire
x Engaging in
x Rafters
x ICT tools/ Braille
software/Jaw software

Topic 7: Mass Displays

Sub topic Objective: learners should be Content Suggested activities Suggested resource
able to: materials
History of x trace the origins of Mass x Origins of modern x Identifying sources x Pictures
Mass Displays displays in Zimbabwe mass display in of mass displays x Videos
x identify components of mass Zimbabwe x Classifying the x Literature
displays performed in sources of mass x ICT tools/ Braille
Zimbabwe today displays software/Jaw
components software
Choreography x identify themes from school, x Themes for x Identifying themes x Pictures of games
sport and national events Choreography for Choreography x Pictures
x make story lines from the x Developing x Literature
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

themes choreography from x Balls

x design choreography for the the themes x Ropes
themes x Designing a display x Hoops
x participate in mass displays from the themes and x ICT tools/ Braille
activities by providing ready the choreography software/Jaw
troupes for school, software
community and national
Formations x draw complex formations on x Complex formations x Drawing the x Pencil
graphs x Symbolic formations formations to scale x Graph paper
x perform the formations x Linking the x Practising various x Marked arena
x link formations in mass formations formations x Sketches of
displays performance x Connecting formations done
formations in mass previously
displays x ICT tools/ Braille
performance software/Jaw

Sub topic Objective: learners should be Content Suggested activities Suggested resource
able to: materials
Background x create stimuli/music for x Stimuli and rhythm x Playing different x Recorded music
and themes of a display for entrance, kinds of music x Marimba
Performance x respond rhythmically to song performance and x Performing to instruments
Music and instrumental music in a exit different kinds of x Percussion
display x Recorded music, music instruments
x play/sing music or produce Instrumental, Songs x Creating and x Electric band
stimuli for displays banking display x ICT tools/ Braille
music software/Jaw
Background x design word bibs x Words and pictures x Designing word bibs x Brushes
Art on bibs depicting given theme
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x paint pictures on bibs that x Paint

Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

depict themes themes x Painting background x Rulers

x decorate the arena picture on bibs x Canvas
x mount background art on x Mounting art on x Pencil
various stands various stands x Graph paper
x ICT tools/ Braille

Competency Matrix Form 3

Topic 1: History of Physical Education and Sport

Sub Topic Objectives: Learners Content Suggested Activities Suggested Resource

should be able to: materials
History of Physical x explain the origins of x Origins of modern x Discussing the x ICT tools/ Braille
Education Physical Education Physical Education in origins of Modern software/Jaw
and Sport in Zimbabwe Physical Activity in software
Zimbabwe Zimbabwe x World map
x compare and x Comparing and x Print media/ Talking
contrast physical contrasting Physical books
activities in the past education activities in x Related literature
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and present in the past and present x Resource persons

Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus


Topic2:2: Health,
Health, Safety
Safety and Environment
and Environment

Sub Topic Objective: learners Content Suggested activities Suggested

should be able to: resource
Nutrition, Diet and x explain the x Eating habits: diet x Drawing up individual x Dietary records
Physical Activities importance of meal before, during and dietary records x Sample diets of
frequency after activity x Analyzing dietary people for
x describe diet for x Causes Of records different physical
long duration, Substance Abuse activities
endurance activities x WHO website

Sub Topic Objective: learners Content Suggested activities Suggested
should be able to: resource
x describe the diet for x Substance Abuse x ICT tools/ Braille
short duration and Effects software/Jaw
activities x Management of software
x explain the Severe Injuries x Resource
importance of taking x Record Keeping persons
Substances and anti- x identify banned and x x Participating in quiz x WADA website
doping unbanned substances sessions on substance x ICT tools/ Braille
used in sport abuse software/Jaw
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x explain why some x Discussing banned and software

Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

substances are unbanned substances x Task cards

banned in sport x Completing given tasks on x Newspaper
work cards articles
Injuries and First Aid x identify environmental x x Discussing environmental x ICT tools/ Braille
factors that can cause factors that cause injuries software/Jaw
injuries in sport software
x explain how injuries x Discussing how to x Newspapers
can be prevented prevent injuries x Magazines
x identify minor injuries x Viewing videos or pictures x First Aid Kit
x explain the benefits of of minor injuries
warm up in preventing x Describing minor injuries
injuries x Explaining reasons for
x demonstrate the having a warm up session
management of minor prior to an activity
injuries x Practising minor injury

Topic 3: Human Body System and Performance

Sub Topic Objective: learners Content Suggested activities Suggested

should be able to: resource materials
Skeletal System x state the types of x Moveable and x Identifying various x ICT tools/ Braille
joints on the human immoveable joints bones on the software/Jaw
skeleton Skeletal System software
x give the difference x Drawing and labeling x Task cards
between moveable of types of joints x Related
and immoveable x Viewing pictures, literature
joints videos on Skeletal x Models
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Muscular System x explain muscle x Muscle and x Drawing the three x ICT tools/ Braille
Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

contractions Movement types of Muscles software/Jaw

x differentiate between x Types of Muscles x Viewing pictures, software
isotonic and videos on Muscular x Task cards
isometric System x Related
contractions (muscle literature
fibres) x Models
x identify the
differences among
the 3 types of
Cardiovascular System x describe the process x Functions of the x Drawing the x ICT tools/ Braille
of gaseous circulatory system Cardiovascular software/Jaw
exchange x Cardiac cycle System software
x relate the x Identifying exercises x Task cards
significance of related to improving x Related
exercise to the Cardiac Muscle literature
respiratory system functions x Models

Sub Topic Objective: learners Content Suggested activities Suggested
should be able to: resource materials
x Explaining the
Cardiac Cycle
Respiratory System x explain the x gaseous exchange x Debating on the x ICT tools/ Braille
significance of significance of software/Jaw
exercise to the exercise to the software
respiratory system Respiratory System x Improvised
x Explaining the models
Gaseous exchange x Related
process literature
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x Models
Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

x Videos
Exercise and Fitness: x describe types of x circuit training x Participating in x sample training
Methods of Training training x continual training identified types of programs
x explain the different x plyometrics training x chart with
types of training x Matching types of circuits
x related types of training to sporting x ICT tools/ Braille
training to specific disciplines software/Jaw
sporting disciplines software

Topic 4: Game Skills

Sub topic Objective: learners Content Suggested activities Suggested resource

should be able to: materials
x Track and Field x demonstrate smooth x Athletics faults and x Practising various x Track and field
events running in curves corrections sprinting techniques equipment
x demonstrate correct x Athletics skills and x Marking the x Related literature
hurdling techniques events performing areas for x ICT tools/ Braille
x demonstrate x Jumps track and field software/Jaw
appropriate running x Throws x Identifying common software
mechanics in x faults and x Improvised throwing
sprints, middle and x corrections in track equipment
long events x events x
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x clear heights in high x Demonstrating

Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

jump correct techniques in

x jump for distance in baton exchange
horizontal jumps x Demonstrating the
x execute accurate glide and rotational
throws for distance throw
x x Practising the
approach run ,take
off and landing
x Officiating in different

Sub topic Objective: learners Content Suggested activities Suggested resource
should be able to: materials
Aquatic skills x execute various x Strokes (Speed, x Practising various x Magazines
strokes Distance, Time, strokes x Newspapers
x practice life saving Accuracy) x Demonstrating life x ICT tools/ Braille
skills x Life Saving Skills saving techniques software/Jaw
x practice water polo x Water Polo x Practising drills for software
skills speed, distance and x Charts
time in various x Task cards
strokes x Ropes and Sticks
x Discussing the x Broomsticks
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importance of x Float-boards
Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

hygienic practices x Tyre tubes

x Practising water polo x Pull bouys
activities x First Aid Kit
x Whistle
x Plastic water
x Hoops
x Scooping nets
Invasion Games x demonstrate x Rules and laws of x Applying the rules x ICT tools/ Braille
knowledge of rules the game and laws of the game software/Jaw
and laws of invasion x Game skills x Demonstrating skills, software
games x Tactics and tactics and strategies x Balls
x execute learnt skills techniques of the of the game x Cones
confidently game x Officiating/refereeing x whistle
x demonstrate tactics various Invasion
and techniques games
learnt in invasion x Carrying out a project
games on equipment making

Sub topic Objective: learners Content Suggested activities Suggested resource
should be able to: materials
Net Games: x apply the laws of the x Rules of the game x Discussing laws of x playing courts
game x Game skills, tactics the game x laws of the game
x execute net game and techniques x Applying laws of the handbook
skills Equipment game x bats
x apply game tactics x Executing game x balls
and techniques skills x racquets
x Applying game x table tennis court
tactics and x whistles
techniques x ICT tools/ Braille
x Officiating/refereeing software/Jaw
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

various Net games software

x Carrying out a project
on equipment making
Striking games x exhibit advanced x Game skills, tactics x Batting for power and x Bats
game tactics in and techniques distance( bunt, hitting x Tennis balls
striking games x Officiating for home run) x Balls
x umpire games x Coaching x Pitching (Fast Pitch, x Cones
x carry out a coaching x Fair play and Slow Pitch, Curves, x Skittles
plan and implement it sportsmanship Drop balls) x Bases
x demonstrate x Equipment x Fielding (in fielding x Helmets
principles of fair play ,out fielding) x Catchers gear
and sportsmanship x Bowling (Fast Pace x Box
through conduct at Bowler, Leg Spinner, x Mitts (gloves)
games off spinner) x Paper glue
x design equipment and x Designing and x Magazines
apparels to be used applying Game
x Rule books
for the sport. formations
x T-stand
x Designing coaching
x Strings
plans and carrying out
x White wash(lime)

Sub topic Objective: learners Content Suggested activities Suggested resource
should be able to: materials
mini coaching x ICT tools/ Braille
sessions software/Jaw
x Carrying out umpiring software
x Engaging in event
planning and
management of
Striking Games
x Drawing designs of
sport apparel that can
be marketed.
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

Combat Games: x demonstrate x Combat skills x Practising punching , x ICT tools/ Braille
i Wrestling punching kicking x Judging kicking ,blocking and software/Jaw
i Boxing ,blocking and x Routine design attacking skills in software
i Judo attacking skills various situations x Resource persons
Martial Arts implement rules and x Demonstrating more x Darts boards
regulations during complex routines x Chess boards
practise sessions using various combat
x judge various skills
combat games x Practising with various
x create sequential equipment during
routine using various routines
combat skills x Designing routines
showing various skills
x designing training
Educational gymnastics x demonstrate a x Balances x Demonstrating body x swinging ropes
variety of gymnastic x Springs and positions x Still rings
movements Landings aesthetically x Uneven bars
x Rotations x Pommel horse
Sub topic Objective: learners Content Suggested activities Suggested resource
should be able to: materials
x perform various x x Performing various x Vault tables
gymnastic balances balances x Hula hoops
x perform rotational x Practising floor x Video recorders
movements in routines projectors
gymnastic routines x Performing x Skipping ropes
movement x Horizontal bars
sequences x ICT tools/ Braille
x Discussing safety software/Jaw
rules software
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

Topic 5: Sport Enterprise

Topic 5: Sport Enterprise

Sub topic Objective: learners Content Suggested activities Suggested resource

should be able to: materials
Marketing in Sport x develop a basic x Funding models x Stating the basic funding x Magazines
funding model for x Marketing mix models for sport clubs x Newspapers
sport clubs x Marketing x Describing the various x ICT tools/ Braille
x describe the sport strategies funding models software/Jaw
marketing mix x Identifying the sport software
x identify the various marketing mix x Electrical gadgets
marketing x Describing the sport x Books
strategies marketing mix x Role play
x Stating the various x Videos
marketing strategies
x Describing the various
sport marketing strategies
x Touring various sporting
arenas and enterprises.

Topic 6: Adventure Games


Learners should be able to: RESOURCE
Camping x demonstrate different x Camping x Practising rock climbing x Puzzles
climbing techniques x Orienteering x Engaging in Descending x Flip charts
x demonstrate different techniques x Maps and Books
Orienteering abseiling techniques x Practising abseiling x Camping tents
x demonstrate team techniques x Directional compass
building, leadership, x Engaging in team building , x Note Pads
collaboration, innovation leadership, collaboration, x Appropriate Outdoor
and critical thinking skills innovation and critical Attire
through participation in thinking activities x Poles and Ropes
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

adventure activities x Canoes and Boats

x Life - saving
x Relevant attire
x Rafters
x ICT tools/ Braille

Topic 7: Mass Displays

Sub Topic Objective: learners Content Suggested Learning Suggested Resource

should be able to: Activities Materials
History of Mass x trace the evolution of x Evolution of Mass x Discussing the x Literature on mass
Displays mass displays in Displays in Zimbabwe evolution of Mass displays in
Zimbabwe Displays Zimbabwe
x assess the growth or x Identifying peaks x Resource persons
decline of Mass and troughs in the x ICT tools/ Braille
Displays since evolution of Mass software/Jaw
inception in Zimbabwe Displays software

Arena Choreography x identify themes on x Themes in Mass x Producing themes x Topical issues in
community and Displays from topical issues the community
national issues x Choreography for the of the community x National policies
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

x design choreography themes x Producing themes and ideas

for the identified on national issues x Themes on
themes x Performing national days
x participate in Mass choreography on x ICT tools/ Braille
Displays activities for the themes software/Jaw
school, community and software
national events
Formations x design Mass Displays x Advanced Formations x Designing x Graph paper
formations x Symbolic Formations formations x Pencils
x design symbolic x Linking the x Practising Mass x Marked arena
formations Formations Displays x ICT tools/ Braille
x demonstrate formations sequences using software/Jaw
in a Mass Display designed software

Sub Topic Objective: learners Content Suggested Learning Suggested Resource
should be able to: Activities Materials
Background and x respond to x Stimuli and rhythm for x Playing various x Songs
Performance Music stimuli/music from start entrance, instruments x Drums
of display to exit performance and exit x Composing songs x Musical
x play instrumental music depicting themes instruments
for Mass Displays x Identifying music x ICT tools/ Braille
x sing while conducting that speaks to software/Jaw
Mass Displays identified themes software
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

Background Art x design word art and x Words and pictures x Designing x Paint
pictures showing mounted on sets of background art x Brushes
themes for Mass boards depicting boards x Boards
Displays themes x Designing x Grand stand
background art x ICT tools/ Braille
books software/Jaw
x Decorating the software
arena using
designed boards

Competence Matrix Form 4

Topic 1: 1: History
History of Physical
of Physical Education

Sub topic Objective: learners Content Suggested activities Suggested

should be able to: Resource
History of Physical x compare and x Comparative study x Discussing the x World map
Education contrast the on the development development of Physical x ICT tools/
development of of Physical Education in Zimbabwe Braille
Physical Education Education and selected countries software/Jaw
in Zimbabwe and x Comparing the software
selected countries development of Physical x Task cards
Education in Zimbabwe x Resource
and selected countries Persons
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

History of Sport x compare and x Comparative study x Discussing the x World map
contrast the on the development development of Sport in x ICT tools/
development of of Sport Zimbabwe and selected Braille
Sport in Zimbabwe countries software/Jaw
and selected x Comparing the software
countries development of Sport in x Task cards
Zimbabwe and selected x Resource
countries Persons

Topic 2: Health, Safety and Environment

Sub Topic Objective: Learners should be able Content Suggested activities Suggested resource
to: materials
Nutrition, Diet x describe the WHO x Physical x Viewing charts x WHO website
and Physical recommended levels for activity x Viewing pictures, x Pictures
Activities physical activity for specific guidelines videos on eating x Videos
age groups x Dietary disorders x ICT tools/ Braille
x describe eating disorders problems x Preparing picture software/Jaw
x identify diseases of lifestyle slides and power software
points on Diet and
Diet problems
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Substances and x explain the concept of doping x Doping x Discussing strategies x WADA website
Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

Anti-Doping control Control to prevent substance x ICT tools/ Braille

x describe the role of IOC in the x Strategies To abuse software/Jaw
anti-doping Prevent x Participating in software
Substances awareness x Task cards
Abuse campaigns on Anti- x Newspaper articles
Doping project
Injuries and First x identify chronic injuries x Identification x Demonstrating how x Watching videos of
Aid x demonstrating management of of Chronic to manage chronic injuries assessment
chronic injuries Injuries injuries x First aid
x record procedures in managing x Assessment x Identifying x Pictures
chronic injuries of Injuries procedures in x Newspapers
x Record managing chronic x Magazines
Keeping injuries x ICT tools/ Braille

Topic 3: Human Body Systems and Performance

Sub Topic Objective: learners Content Suggested activities Suggested

should be able to: resource
x state the different types x Types of movement x Discussing types of x ICT tools/
Skeletal System of movement of joints of joints movement of joints Braille
x name types of levers x 3 types of levers x Demonstrating types of software/Jaw
x relate exercise to the x Exercise and the movement on joints software
skeletal system Skeletal System x Identifying 3 types of levers x Task cards
on the human skeleton x Related
x Models
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Muscular System x identify tendons and x Tendons and x Drawing and labeling x ICT tools/
Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

ligaments Ligaments Tendons and Ligaments Braille

x state types of muscle x Exercise and the x Describing types of software/Jaw
fibre Muscle System muscles software
x Differentiating Tendons x Task cards
from Ligaments x Related
x Models

Cardiovascular x explain the effects of x Effect of exercise on x Projects on the different x ICT tools/
System exercise on the the Circulatory body systems Braille
Cardiovascular System System x Describing impact of software/Jaw
Cardiovascular malfunction software
on exercise x Task cards
x Related

x Models

Respiratory System x identify exercises that x Exercise ,and the x Designing Respiratory x Improvised
improve Respiratory Respiratory System System models models
System x Describing the relationship x Related
between exercise activity literature
and lung capacity x Models
x ICT tools/
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x Videos
Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

Exercise and Fitness: x identify aerobic and x Aerobic activities x Analysing training x Stop Watches
Fitness Programs anaerobic activities x Anaerobic activities programs x Cones
x design training x Interval activities x Designing training x Videos
programs for identified programs to enhance x Animation
sporting activities specific activities x CDs
x Designing training x Models
programs for general x ICT tools/
fitness Braille

Topic 4: Game Skills

Sub Topic Objective: Learners should be able Content Suggested activities Suggested
to: resource materials
Athletics x execute correct arm and leg action x Competition x Engaging in officiating x Javelin
- Track Events x demonstrate the correct running , management courses x Discus
jumping and throwing mechanics and x Perfecting various x Improvised
x execute the correct attack, assessment techniques in running, throwing
clearance and landing in hurdles x Technical jumping and throwing equipment
x manage different competitions Rules x Managing various athletics x ICT tools/ Braille
x officiate applying correct rule in x Coaching competitions software/Jaw
track and field x Marking the performing software
x engage in peer coaching areas for track and field
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

x Applying the rules of track

and field events in

Sub Topic Objective: Learners should be able Content Suggested activities Suggested
to: resource materials
Aquatic skills x execute various strokes x Strokes x Demonstrating life saving x Magazines
x demonstrate life saving skills (Speed, skills x Newspapers
x practice water polo skills Distance, Time, x Practising drills for speed, x ICT tools/
x apply technical rules in Aquatics Accuracy) distance and time in Braille/Jaw
x Life Saving various strokes software
Skills x Practising water polo x Charts
x Water Polo activities x Task cards
x Technical x Discussing technical rules x Ropes and
Rules in Aquatics Sticks
x Coaching x Practising peer coaching x Broomsticks
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

x Float-boards
x Tyre tubes
x Pull bouys
x First Aid Kit
x Plastic water
x Hoops
x Scooping nets
Invasion Games x apply learnt skills, techniques and x Skills, Tactics x Demonstrating skills, tactics x ICT tools/ Braille
tactics in Invasion Games and techniques and strategies of playing software/Jaw
x officiate and coach selected Invasion x Officiating Invasion Game (s) software
Games x Coaching x Applying the rules and laws x Balls
x demonstrate fair play and x Fair play and of the game x Cones
sportsmanship when playing the sportsmanship x Discussing fair play and x whistle
game sportsmanship
Net games x exhibit game skills and tactics in a x Game Skills, x exhibiting net game skills x Fields of playing
net game situation Tactics and and tactics x Balls
x apply game rules to a net game of Techniques of x applying laws of the game x Whistles
their choice The Game x exhibiting coaching skills

Sub Topic Objective: Learners should be able Content Suggested activities Suggested
to: resource materials
x exhibit coaching skills in a net x Technical x displaying fair play and x ICT tools/ Braille
game of their choice Rules sportsmanship software/Jaw
x display fair play and sportsmanship x Coaching software
behaviour in a game situation x Fair Play and x Specific game
x Sportsmanship equipment
x Equipment x Cones
x Resource person
Combat Games: x demonstrate punching kicking x Combat skills x Practising punching , x Punching bags
,blocking and attacking skills x Judging kicking ,blocking and x Mitts
x apply safety and technical rules x Routine design attacking skills in various x Gloves
Physical Education Form 1-4.qxp_Layout 1 26/10/2016 12:14 PM Page 50

during practise sessions situations x ICT tools/ Braille

Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

x judge various combat games x Demonstrating more software/Jaw

x create sequential routine using complex routines using software
various combat skills various combat skills x Head gear
x Practising with various x Resource
equipment during routines persons
x Designing routines x Sport specific
showing various skills equipment
x designing training
Target Games x execute target game skills on x Safety and x Practising targeting moving x ICT tools/ Braille
stationary and moving objects technical rules and stationary objects at software/Jaw
x apply safety and technical rules x Skills, Tactics different distances, speeds software
during a competitive situation and and height x Resource
x construct target games equipment Techniques x Identifying and playing persons
ancient African Target x Darts boards
Games x Chess boards
x Playing puzzle games on
safety rules
x Discussing technical rules

Sub Topic Objective: Learners should be able Content Suggested activities Suggested
to: resource materials
xConstructing target game
Striking Games x exhibit advanced game tactics in x Game skills, x Practising batting for power x Bats
striking games tactics and and distance( bunt, hitting for x Tennis balls
x design a coaching plan demonstrate techniques of the home run) x Balls
principles of fairplay and game x Practising Pitching/bowling x Cones
sportsmanship through conduct at x Officiating (Fast Pace Bowler, Leg x Skittles
games x Coaching Spinner, off spinner, Fast x Bases
x design equipment and apparels to be x Fair play and Pitch, Slow Pitch, Curves, x Helmets
used for the sport. sportsmanship Drop balls) x Catchers gear
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x Equipment x Practising Fielding (in fielding

Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

x Box
,out fielding) x Mitts (gloves)
x Designing Game formations x Paper glue
x Designing coaching plans and x Magazines
carrying out mini coaching
x Rule books
x T-stand
x Carrying out umpiring
x Strings
x Carrying out event planning
x White wash(lime)
and management x ICT tools/ Braille
x Drawing designs of sport software/Jaw software
apparel that can be marketed

Educational x demonstrate a variety of gymnastic x Rotational x Practising on body x swinging ropes

Gymnastics activity on apparatus Apparatus positions using apparatus x Still rings
x exhibit floor exercises with x Vault Skills x Practising circuit training x Uneven bars
improved level of skill x Mounts and x Practising vaulting and x Pommel horse
x design a gymnastics performance Dismounts on floor exercises x Vault tables
routine Apparatus x Demonstrating mounts and x Hula hoops

Sub Topic Objective: Learners should be able Content Suggested activities Suggested
to: resource materials
x Balances on x Discussing safety rules x Video recorders
Apparatus x Balancing on various projectors
apparatus x Skipping ropes
x Horizontal bars
x ICT tools/ Braille

Topic 5: Sport Enterprise

Topic 5: Sport Enterprise
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

Sub Topic Objective: Learners Content Suggested activities Suggested resource

should be able to: materials
Case Study/ Projects x Describe club x Case Study x Describing x Samples of
formation x Patent Rights formation of constitutions
processes clubs x Flow charts
x draw club x Drafting of club x ICT tools/ Braille
constitutions constitutions software/Jaw
x Identify x Legal registration software
processes of formed clubs x Related literature
involved in x Describing
patenting processes of
products patent rights

Topic 6: Adventure Games


Learners should be able to: RESOURCE
Camping x demonstrate different x Camping x Practising rock climbing x Puzzles
climbing techniques x Orienteering x Descending techniques x Flip charts
x demonstrate different x Practising abseiling x Maps and Books
Orienteering abseiling techniques techniques x Camping tents
x practise water based x Practising raft building x Ropes and Poles
activities x Practising canoeing x Directional compass
x Appropriate Outdoor
x Canoes and Boats
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

x Life saving
x Relevant attire
x Rafters
x ICT tools/ Braille

Topic 7: Mass Displays

Sub Topic Objective: learners Content Suggested Learning Suggested

should be able to: Activities Resource
History of Mass x trace mass the x Comparative study of x Narrating development of x Literature on
Displays development of mass the development of Mass Displays in mass displays in
displays in Africa Mass Displays in Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
x identify countries that Africa x Identifying countries that x Resource
do mass displays in do Mass Displays in persons
Africa Africa x ICT tools/ Braille
x compare the x Comparing the software/Jaw
development of Mass development of Mass software
displays in Zimbabwe Displays in identified
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

and other African countries.


Arena Choreography x identify themes for x Themes for Mass x Identifying themes for the x Topical issues in
national policies and Displays displays the community
national days x Choreography for the x Designing choreography x National policies
x choreograph Mass themes for the displays and ideas
Display performances x Themes on
on identified themes national days
x participate in Mass x ICT tools/ Braille
Display activities by software/Jaw
for school, software
community and
national events
Formations x design symbolic x Symbolic formations x Drawing complex x Graph paper
formations formations to scale x Pencils
x Marked arena

Sub Topic Objective: learners Content Suggested Learning Suggested
should be able to: Activities Resource
x link complex x Linking complex x Drawing symbolic x Pictures and
formations to formations to formations to scale videos of
symbolic formations symbolic formations x Linking complex complex and
x perform the linked formations to symbolic symbolic
formations formations formations
x Perform the process of x ICT tools/ Braille
linking the formations software/Jaw
Background and x prepare stimuli and x Stimuli and rhythm x Playing musical x Songs
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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

Performance Music rhythm for Mass for entrance, instruments x Drums

Display performances performance and exit x Composing songs on x Musical
x play instrumental identified themes instruments
music for Mass x ICT tools/ Braille
Displays software/Jaw
x compose meaningful software
songs for themes to
conduct Mass
Background Art x Design word art and x Words and Pictures x Training people to mount x Paint
pictures that depict Mounted on the background in an x Brushes
identified themes Background Books arena x Boards
On Grand Stands x Developing word art and x Grand stand
Depicting Themes pictures for performances x ICT tools/ Braille
x Sequencing artworks with software/Jaw
Mass Display activities software

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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus


Learners will be assessed in their ability to:

9.1.1 analyse the value of Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays through evaluating the past, present and
determine the future

9.1.2 apply knowledge of nutrition and substance abuse to Physical Education, Sport and Mass Display

9.1.3 apply First Aid skills in managing injuries

9.1.4 analyse principle of equipment design and maintenance

9.1.5 identify career opportunities in sport by creating and managing clubs, facilities and equipment

9.1.6 demonstrate enterprising skills through club formation, facilities, equipment and apparel design

9.1.7describes the effect of exercise on the function of body systems

9.1.8 perform various games related skills with proficiency

9.1.9 apply the technical rules acquired through studying Sport

9.1.10 display knowledge of choreography in relation to mass display activities

9.1.11 explore the environment through physical activities obtaining survival skills

9.2 Scheme of Assessment

By the end of the four year course learners should be able to:

The assessment will be continuous and based on achieving the learning outcomes for each topic and form level.
Learner profiling must inform where the learner has made progress and areas for future development in relation to
the objectives.

The Learner Profile Record must state the learner’s entry abilities and potential at every level in addition to concepts,
skills and knowledge the learner has acquired or developed.

Secondary School cycle Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays assessment will be based on 75% continuous
assessment and 25% summative assessment.

The syllabus’ scheme of assessment is grounded in the principle of equalisation of opportunities hence does not con-
done direct or indirect discrimination of learners.

Arrangements, accommodations and modifications must be visible in both continuous and summative assessments
to enable learners with special needs to access assessments and receive accurate performance measurement of
their abilities. Access arrangements must neither give these learners an undue advantage over others nor compromise
the standards being assessed.

Learners who are unable to access the assessments of any component or part of component due to disability (tran-
sitory or permanent) may be eligible to receive an award based on the assessment they would have taken.

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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

NB For further details on arrangements, accommodations and modifications refer to the assessment procedure

a) Continuous Assessment
Continuous assessment for Forms 1 to 4 School cycle will consist of practical topic tasks, written tests and re-
search project:

i) Practical Topic Tasks

These are activities that teachers use in their day to day teaching. These may include individual, pair and group

ii) Written Tests

These are tests set by the teacher to assess the Forms 1 to 4 learners on concepts covered during a
given period of up to a month. The tests should consists of multiple choice, closed and open questions as well as
structured questions

iii) Research projects

These are guided projects, which will be carried out by learners during the course of the study

Summary of Continuous Assessment Tasks

In Terms 1 to 12, candidates are expected to have done at least the following recorded tasks
per term: • 2 Practical topic tasks

• 2 Written tests
• 1 Research project for Forms 1 to 4
• 1 End of term practical assessment
• 1 End of term written assessment

Form of Assessment Weighting

Continuous 75
Summative 25
Total 100

Continuous Assessment

Level Assessment Tasks Weighting

Form 1 One practical test per month 20
One end of term practical test
Two theory tests per term
One end of term theory test
One project per year
Form 2 One practical test per month 20
One end of term practical test
Two theory tests per term
One end of term theory test
One project per year
Form 3 One practical test per month 25
One end of term practical test
Two theory tests per term
One end of term theory test
One project per year
Form 4 One project 10
Two practical test
Total 75%

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Physical Education, Sport and Mass Displays (Form 1 - 4) Syllabus

NB: Each assignment, test and project is marked out of 100 %. Soft skills are assessed as learners do the continu-
ous assessment tasks.

Summative assessment

Paper Paper type Duration Mark Weight

1 Multiple choice 1 hour 40 marks 5%
2 Structured 2 hours 100 marks 5%
3 Practical demonstrations 10 minutes 100 marks 15%
Total 25%

Paper descriptions
there will be 40 multiple choice questions which will be compulsory.
P 1: there will
the paper will be 40 multiple
constitute choice questions
two sections A and B.which willAbe
Section is compulsory.
compulsory and section B the candidate
Paper 2: the paper
there willwill
beconstitute two sections
40 multiple choice A and B. Sectionwhich
questions A is compulsory and section B the candidate
will be compulsory.
P chooses
the 3 questions
paper out of 5. Section
will constitute A candidates
two sections will answer
A and on theAquestion
B. Section paper and on
is compulsory and section B the c
csection B, additional answer scripts will be provided.
Paper 3: candidates will demonstrate required skills under examination conditions.

9.3. Specification Grid

Skills Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3

Knowledge 40% 30%
Comprehension 20% 30%
Application and Analysis 20% 20%
Synthesis and Evaluation 20% 20%
Practical 100%
Total 100% 100% 100%

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