Presenting Pop: Learning Target OR Standards & Connections

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Learning Target OR Standards & Connections 

● NCAS Anchor Standard #4 - Select, analyze and interpret artistic work for presentation 
● NCAS Anchor Standard #5 - Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for 
● NCAS Anchor Standard #6 - Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work 

Essential Outcome(s)  Level(s)

Students will…  K-5 

● Demonstrate understanding of: 
○ Live performance process and etiquette. 
○ Contextualisation of music. 
● Perform as a class. 
● Produce program notes and materials. 


1. Review your work from T

​ he Sound of Pop​ and ​Become a Pop Star​. 
2. Create a program for your performance including: 
a. Names of classmates 
b. Song(s) performed 
c. Background information on the artist and songs. (You can use the info 
from Song Summaries in T ​ he Sound of Pop​) 
3. Invite friends/family/other classmates to the performance. 
4. Perform your version of the song you created in ​Become a Pop Star​. 
5. The day after the performance students should reflect and record their 
experience of performing in Soundtrap. 
6. Reflection questions may include: 
a. What was it like before performing? 
b. What did you feel while you were performing? 
c. How did the audience feel after the performance? 
d. What feedback did you get? 

Extended Learning 

1. To have more fun with this project, try dressing up in the style of The Beatles, 
Stevie Wonder, or Justin Timberlake! 
The author of this curriculum is T
​ aylor Haun​, a music teacher from Austin, Texas. Taylor 
teaches several musical groups in Austin including the Brazilian Percussion Ensemble at 
Westwood High School, and The Samba Knights at McCallum High School Fine Arts 
Academy. Taylor emphasizes music as a joyful artform and a tool to connect, heal, and 

Creative Commons License 

This work is licensed under a C
​ reative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License​.
grow. He founded Odo Sound as a way for young musicians to learn the creative side of 
music, connect with passionate musicians, and start careers as musicians. More can be 
found on Taylor and Odo Sound ​here​.

Creative Commons License 

This work is licensed under a C
​ reative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License​.

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