The Temple of Ares at Athens PDF
The Temple of Ares at Athens PDF
The Temple of Ares at Athens PDF
The little that we knew about the temple of Ares,1 before the Agora excavations,
has been summarized by Judeich:2 the topographical description by Pausanias (I,
8, 4), and a few inscriptions referring to the cult (I.G., fl2, 948, 1072, 2953), formed
the total sum of our knowledge. Sacrifices to Ares are mentioned in an honorary
decree of 166/5 B.C. (I.G., 112, 948). A sculptured votive monument, of which a
part of the inscribed base (I.G., 112, 2953) is reported to have been found at Menidi
but may have been transported thither from Athens, was dedicated to Augustus and
Ares apparently during the reign of Augustus. The archon of 116/7 A.D. was at the
same time priest of Ares, according to a decree of this year (I.G., 112, 1072).3
Pausanias, toward 165 A.D., saw the temple, containing its cult statue by Alcamenes,
an Athena by Lokros of Paros,4 and such later works as Enyo by the sons of Praxi-
teles (I, 8, 4), adjacent to the statues of Demosthenes, Pindar, and the Tyrannicides,
of which the first is otherwise known as having been near the Altar of the Twelve
Gods ([Plutarch], X Orat. Vit., p. 847 A), the second as having been in front of
the Stoa Basileios ( [Aeschines], Epis. 4, 3), and the third as having been opposite
the Metroon (Arrian, Anab. III, 16, 8). In modern times no temple remained visible
in this section of the city apart from that building of many appellations, the " The-
seum "; and so this in turn was assigned to Ares by Cyriac of Ancona in 1436 and
by Ross in 1838.5
During the first campaign in the Agora, in 1931, a single Doric marble triglyph
(Inv. No. A 64) was uncovered in this region (Fig. 1). It comes from the corner
1 For permission to study these remains I am indebted to T. L. Shear, whose generosity greatly
facilitated my effort during the summer of 1937 to assimilate the new architectural data of the
Periclean age. I have also to thank Homer Thompson and John Travlos of the excavation staff
for pointing out to me the various scattered portions of the temple, and Miss Lucy Talcott and
Miss Alison Frantz for helping me with the Aogorainventories.
2 Judeich, Topographie2, p. 349.
3 Graindor, Albumin d'inscriptions attiques d'epoque imnperiale(Rec. Trav. Univ. Gand, LIII-
LIV, 1924), p. 28, no. 36, pl. XXVIII.
4 The upper part of a Pentelic marble torso of excellent workmanship (Inv.
No. S 654, illus-
trated in A.J.A., XL, 1936, p. 199, fig. 14), was discovered in 1936 only 16 m. S. E. of the S. E.
corner of the temple of Ares, 26 m. N. of the middle of the Odeion, in a Byzantine wall. Homer
Thompson suggests to me that this may well be the actual statue by Lokros seen by Pausanias,
and hence that it furnishes another clue to the identity of the foundations.
5 Ross, Das Theseion tnd der Temtpeldes Ares (1852; Greek edition, 1838).
6 A 64 (Agora inventory of architecture), found July 27, 1931, in late Roman level near
northwest corner of marble altar, at a point which later proved to be 30 n. south of southwest
corner of temple of Ares.
of a building; and if, following Cuvier's example, we were to attempt to restore the
whole from this single part, we should infer that we were dealing with a temple of
six by thirteen columns, measuring about 14.51 X 34.04 m. on the frieze,7 erected
in the age of Pericles (as indicated by the workmanship), but reconstructed four
centuries later (as shown by the Roman dowel hole and the Augustan letters A0
a b
on the top). As yet, however, there could be no suspicion that we were concerned
with the temple of Ares.
In later years, even before the discovery of the temple foundations, several other
scattere'dfragments of Pentelic marble (now known to have belonged to the-temple)
were turned up in the course of the excavations. Profiles from some of these were
The width of the triglyph 'is 0.372 m. across two glyplis and so presumably0.558 m. across
all three. Assumingnormalproportions(triglyphtwo thirdsof a metopewidthand so two fifths
of a triglyph spacing, two tenths of a column spacing), the fronts would be 0.558 + (5 X 2.790)
- 14.508 in., the flanks 0.558 + (12 X 2.790) == 34.038in.; but these dimensions are subject to
slight variation of proportions.
published in 1936 by Miss Shoe,8 who noted the close similarity of the cornice mould-
ings to those of the " Theseum " and assigned them to the early part of the second
half of the fifth century, though assigning the ceiling beam to the late fifth century.
She conjecturally attributed the cornice and sima to the Stoa Poikile, at a moment
when no such structure as the temple of Ares was expected.9
Finally, in the campaign of 1937, there appeared below Byzantine structures
in the northwest quarter of the Agora, where the Metroon, the Altar of the Twelve
Gods, and the approximate position of the Stoa Basileios have been located by the
excavations. the east end of a large temple foundation which was immediately identi-
fied by means of the topographical description by Pausanias as the tenmpleof Ares.10
Its relation to the three reference points mentioned by Pausanias, and the size, shape,
and easterly orientation, left no doubt as to its identity.1"The outline of the founda-
tion is indicated in the Agora plan of May, 1937.12 Brief descriptions of the founda-
8 Shoe, Greek Mouldings (1936), p. 35, pl. LXXVI 2 (sima); p. 44, pl. XXI 10
p. 45, pl. XXI 28 (ceiling beam); pp. 108, 158, pl. LIII 23, LXXIII 16 (cornice).
9 At this point the provenances of the scattered fragments hereafter to be discussed mnaybe
classified according to the levels or strata in which they were discovered, and the directions or
distances from the temple foundation. It will be seen that they occur in all levels beginning with
late Roman (significant for the assumeld date of destruction about 277 AD.) , and also in all
directions immediately surrounding the temple foundation (significalnt for the identification). Late
Romnanlevels, south of temple: Iiiv. No. A 64 (triglyph, 30 m. S. of S. W. corner), Inv. No. A 394
(sima, 45 m. S. of S. WV.corner), Inv. No. A 698 (cornice, 28 m. S. of middle of flank, as curbing
of late wall), Inv. No. A 699 (wall block, same place), Inv. No. A 701 (acroterion base, 20 m.
S. W. of temple), Inv. No. A 704 (orthostate, 10 m. S. of middle of flank), Inv. No. I 2517 (wall
block, 55 m. S. E. of temple). Late Roman levels, north of temple: Inv. Nos. A 28, 238a
(cornice, 17 m. N. of middle of flank), Inv. Nos. A 239a, b (cornice, 19 m. N. of middle of flank),
Inv. No. A 600 (capital, 25 m. N. of middle of flank), Inv. No. A 601 (anta cap, same place),
Inv. No. A 602 (cornice, same place), Inv. No. I 690 (wall block, just N. of N. E. corner). " Wall
of Valerian," south of Stoa of Attalos: Inv. Nos. A 387, 388 (ceiling beams and numerous
coffer fragments not separately numbered) ; also a great number of coffer fragments, bits of ceiling
beams, and parts of interbeam blocks extracted in 1939 and not separately nunmbered;also Inv. No.
A 169 (epistyle frag-ment, fromi modern house wall just S. of Stoa of Attalos) and Inv. No. A 747
(triglyph fragment, from modern cellar E. of " wall of Valerian " and 150 m. S. of Stoa of Attalos)
both undoubtedly come at second hand from the " wall of Valerian." Byzantine levels or founda-
tions: Inv. Nos. A 238b, c (wall blocks, 20 m. N. of temple), Inv. No. A 238e (wall block, 100 m.
N. W. of temple), Inv. No. A 700 (lion head, filling of cistern 130 m. S. W. of temple). Turkish
foundations: Inv. No. A 248 (bottom step, 35 m. N. W. of temple), Inv. No. A 249 (euthynteria,
same place). Modernt levels and foundations: Inv. No. A 146 (euthynteria, 20 m. W. of temple),
Inv. No. A 215 (euthynteria, 22 n. W. of temple), Inv. No. A 238f (wall block, at middle of N.
flank), Inv. No. A 238d (wall block, reused as column base in latest 19th century stage of church
of Vlasarou, 50 m. S. of temple), Inv. No. A 272 (lion head, in backfill of railroad wall 25 m.
N. of N. W. corner), Inv. No. A 439 (sima, 70 m. S. E. of temple), Inv. No. I 315 (wall block,
middle of N. flank). Uncertain contexts: Inv. No. A 263 (wall block, left by Dorpfeld in area of
new Bouleuterion), Inv. No. A 702 (anta cap, 15 m. S. of middle of flank), Inv. No. A 896
(epistyle fragment, in marble dump 90 ni. S. of temple).
10 Communication by T. L. Shear of June 12, 1937.
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tions and of some of the scattered remains have appeared in the annual reports of
the 1937 campaign.13For the following more detailed description of the foundations
(Figs. 2-4) we are indebtedto Homer A. Thompson.
"The place of the temple is marked by a great rectangular pit, the bottom of
which lies as much as 2.60 m. below the contemporary level of the market square.
Blocks, a good many of them, remain in place in the east half of the depression; near
the middle of its east end three blocks of the topmost course of poros lie undisturbed.
Toward the west the blocks have been stripped away down to a packing of rough
stones in the bottom of the pit. But in this part the edges of the scar are sharply
defined and permit of fairly accurate measurements. Scores of poros blocks, obviously
from this building, were recovered along with a few of the marbles from its super-
structure in the mediaeval foundations which overlay and surrounded the site of the
temple. The foundation cutting has an overall east to west length of 37.25 m., and
a width of 17.30 m.
"In preparing his foundation, the architect exposed bedrock throughout the
whole rectangle. In the mid-part of the area he encountered a ridge of rock running
north to south and sloping down toward the north. This he cut away to a maximum
depth of ca. 1.50 m. along the south side, leaving only irregular islands where he
found the rock firmer and more trustworthy. Over most of the area he next laid a
packing of broken stone: irregular masses of Acropolis limestone, of the size of a
man's head on the average, bedded in gray clay. The mean thickness of the layer
is 0.30 m. On top of this packing, and more rarely on the dressed bedrock itself,
were set the blocks of the first regular course.
" Between the broken-stonepacking and the marble euthynteria were five courses
of squared poros blocks. This foundation would seem to have been uniformly massive;
i. e., no special underpinning can be distinguished for walls or columns. Each suc-
cessive course was spread like a blanket over the entire area; its top was then levelled
and the next course laid. The courses are alternately high and low, the top and bottom
series both being low. This alternation was effected by laying the blocks flat in one
course, on their edge in the next. The heights of the courses from the bottom upward
as measured at the east end are 0.40 m., 0.50 m., 0.39 m., 0.585 m., and 0.43 m.
Within each course little regularity was observed in the placing of the blocks; i. e.,
their long axes lie almost indiscriminately north and south or east and west, this
because of the variety in the dimensions of the material employed.
" The foundation blocks that remain were all used at second hand in their present
" Shear, A.J.A., XLI, 1937,
pp. 177-178; XLII, 1938, pp. 1-4; Classical Weekly, XXXI,
1938, p. 76; Riemann, Arch. Anz., 1937, pp. 102-103.
position. This is clear from the indiscriminate distribution of hard and soft material
and from the lack of correspondence in joint surfaces. Most but not all of the sur-
viving blocks may be supposed to derive from a single earlier building. They comprise
chiefly two large groups. The first is of soft gray poros; the joint surfaces of the
blocks are but slightly worked and their outer faces are rough. These obviously came
from deep down in the original building. The second group is of harder gray poros;
the joint surfaces are finished with careful anathyrosis and the edges of the exposed
faces are lightly drafted. We may suppose that these blocks formed the upper and
outer parts of the earlier f oundation. There are besides a f ew large blocks of hard
gray poros drafted on all four exposed corners: hence from piers or monument bases.
I note but a single piece of marble (a broken block of Hymettian) , and only three
blocks of conglomerate.
"Against the east f ront of the temple foundation there remain in place two poros
blocks f rom the north side of a supplementary stairway or ramp. Their tops lie
0.035 m. below that of the uppermost poros course of the main foundation; and they
project 1.30 m. f rom the f ace of that course. This bedding, if centered on the f ront
of the temnple,had a north to south length of ca. 5 m. The two surviving blocks are
both reused and similar to many in the main foundation.
" To the east of the building have appeared the poros foundation blocks of a
substantial bedding, conceivably an altar. For its further exploration it must be
freed of a maze of superincumbent mnediaeval foundations.
"The foundations of another large monument may be distinguished against the
south side of the temple at its east end. The uppermost poros course of the temple
foundations was cut back 0.20 m. to admit the north edge of the monument. At
ground level the base measured ca. 3.08 m. X 4.10 m. Its lower courses and its upper
core are of conglomerate, its euthynteria of hard gray poros. Nothing remains above
the euthynteria.
" The problem of ground levels around the temple is at present puzzling and
cannot be resolved until the area has been more thoroughly exposed. It may be said,
however, that the ground level contemporary with the building has been well estab-
lished along the east front. It is flush with the top of the topmost surviving (fifth)
course, which may be supposed with assurance to have carried the marble euthynteria.
Along the south side of the building the level slopes gently down westward; along
the entire north and west sides the contemporarylevel would seem to have been ca. 1 m.
lower than that to the east. No trace of retaining walls has yet been observed.
"The original working of the great majority of the reused foundation blocks
is worthy and characteristic of the fifth century. The variety and the distribution
of the poros are also typical of that century and may be paralleled in the Periclean
buildings on the Acropolis, in the Hephaisteion, and in the Stoa of Zeus. The question
of when the blocks reached their present position is another matter. In the hope of
securing evidence, a certain amount of the broken-stone packing has been removed.
The pottery from among the stones is remarkably consistent and may be placed in
the second half of the fourth century. Practically none of it is earlier than this period
and probably none of it need be counted later than the end of the century. With it
were found eleven silver-plated bronze coins of Athenian type which have been dated
in the third quarter of the fourth century (Hesperia, IV, 1935, p. 339; V, 1936,
p. 123). Of the same period are three fragmentary dikast's name-plates of bronze,
which also appeared among the stonresof the packing. This material provides a
terminius post quem, though not necessarily an immediate terminus; nor should this
evidence be pressed until more of the filling has been examined.
" Other considerations suggest a later date for the laying of the foundation on
the present site. The practice of using a deep packing of broken stone beneath
foutndationwalls is known for many periods. In the Agora, for example, it has been
noted in the first Temple of Apollo of the mid-sixth century before Christ, in the
Tholos of ca. 470 B.C., in the second Temple of Apollo of the third quarter of the
fourth century, in the stoa that borders the ancient road to the north of the Hephai-
steion of the Augustan period. More unusual is the thin layer of small stones beneath
the first course of squared blocks. The best parallels thus far available in the Agora
are a large monument base beneath the exedra in front of the Stoa of Zeus, and the
exedra to the east of the Tholos."4 Both of these are to be dated in the early Roman
period, to about the turn of the era. Apart from the broken-stone packing, the use
of a massive, continuous underpinning may be regarded as an indication of a late
and logical in their equality. Conversely, the triglyph width required by the axial
spacing derived from the foundation, 1 (2.76/2.80) 0= .55,/0.56 m., agrees exactly
with the actual triglyph width 0.558 m.; and this width, furthermore, is slightly
greater than the triglyph widths in the "Theseum" (0.519 m.) and at Sunium
(0.518 m.), just as the slightly larger foundation dimensions would require.
a b
A more accurate calculation of the axial spacing may be derived from other
fragments of the superstructure. In addition to the corner triglyph of 0.558 m.,
another fragment of a triglyph, with the mason's letter 0 cut on its top (Inv. No.
A 747), measures 0.180 m. across one glyph, suggesting a total width of 0.540 m.
A half regula on an epistyle fragment (Inv. No. A 169), likewise with traces of
.mason's letters on the top, has a length of 0.259 m. (Fig. 6c). A mutule on a
fragment of cornice (Inv. No. A 238) retains its complete width of 0.555 m., while
another (Inv. No. A 239a) has its complete width of 0.554 m. (Figs. 6a, 9). The aver-
age result from all of these measurements is %( 1.920)17 0.5485 m. for the triglyph or
mutulewidth. But, since epistyle joints were often slightly off-centered, it is preferable
to disregard the epistyle and to calculate the average width as /3(1.661)18 0.554 m. =
The only extant complete via, on one of the above-mentioned cornice fragments
(A 238), has a width of 0.139 m.19 Thus the mutule spacing would be 0.554 + 0.139
- 0.693 m., implying a triglyph spacing of 2 X 0.693 1.386 m. and so a column
spacing of 2 X 1.386 2.772 m. (A, Fig. 8), agreeing with the rough calculations
plete blocks retain mason's letters of the same Augtustan type as those on the en-
tablatturefragments. From these facts, and because of the identity of the work-
manship, there can be no doubt that the platform blocks came from the same temple
to which we must attribute the triglyph, epistyle, and cornice fragments. The three
complete lengths are 1.349 m., 1.343 m., and 1.343 m.; obviously these were intended
to be uniform, and we may accept the average result, 1.345 m., for purposes of
calculation. The positions of the dowels and pry cuttings on their tops indicate that
the blocks above them in every case broke joints exactly at their centres. Conse-
quently we seem to be dealing with a regular jointing system based on units of
1.345 m. and, with blocks of uniform length both under the columns and midway
* A A * C * A@B C* * *C
between them, to have a column spacing of only 2.690m. (B, Fig. 8), slightly less
than the rough calculations from the foundations.
Minor differences from the approximate result yielded by the rough foundations
would be negligible. The real difficulty in the present case is the difference between
the two accurate calculations of 2.772 m. and 2.690 m., a difference of 0.082 m. which
demands explanation. For such an explanation it would seem that we must choose
one of three solutions, herein designated as I, II, and III (Fig. 8).
I. In the first place, it would be possible to assume that there were different
spacings on front and flank, 2.772 m. and 2.690 m. respectively. The difference of
0.082 m. would not be unreasonablein such a case. The width of the temple, measured
on the entablature, would then be reckoned as 0.554 + (5 X 2.772) =- 14.414 m., the
length as 0.5 54 + (12 X 2.690) = 32.834 m. Thus the rough foundation would pro-
ject 1.7211.76 m. from the entablature on either front, but only 1.1711.27 m. on either
flank.20 This discrepancy of 0.45/0.59 m. between front and flank foundation pro-
jection seems a little too large to be ignored; but even more objectionable is the lack
of precedent for unequal spacing on front and flank in any other Attic temple of the
Periclean period.2' Solution I may, nevertheless, be retained for consideration.
II. A second explanation wvouldbe that the crepidoma blocks of 1.345 m., and
consequently the smaller column spacing of 2.690 m., were exceptional. In other
words, these would be shortened blocks, located where they were affected by the
contracted column spacing at the corners of the temple. With such an explanation
we could assume that the normal spacings were uniformly 2.772 m. as required by
the entablature, the contraction being 2.772 - 2.690 =- 0.082 m. Hence the dimen-
sions of the temple, measured between the axes of the opposite colonnades, would be
(2 X 2.690) + (3 X 2.772) = 13.596 m. in width, and (2 X 2.690) + (10 X 2.772)
- 33.100 m. in length. Thus the rough foundation would project 1.08/1.13 m. from
the column centres on either front and 1.08/1.18 m. on either flank,22with remarkable
There come to mind, however, two objections to such an interpretation of the
step blocks of 1.345 m. The survival of exceptional blocks alone, and the total
disappearanceof all normal blocks, might well be regarded as suspicious and indeed
as an unacceptableinterpretation. Furthermore, the angle contraction in a Periclean
hexastyle temple should be very much greater than 0.082 m. (2.772 2.690 m.).
To obtain the angle distortion, according to the formula %(E T),23 we need both
the known T(riglyph) width 0.554 m. and also the unknown E(pistyle) soffit; the
latter, however, can be roughly estimated as approximately in the same ratio to the
columnnspacing (1: 2.638) as in the "Theseum" and at Sunium, giving about
1.05 M.24 Thus the angle distortion would be about ?2(1.05 - 0.554) 0.248 m. =
Of this, a small portion (about 0.04 m.) would be taken up by the inward inclination
of the column axes,25 and perhaps an equal amount by the expansion of the endmost
metopes. The angle contraction itself usually amounted in this period to about one-
sixth of the column diameter; 26 and since, in a hexastyle temple of this size, the
column diameter was about two fifths of the axial spacing,27it follows that the con-
J. e., 36.25/36.36 - 32.834 =
3.416/3.526 m., and 16.76/16.95- 14.414 =
2.346/2.536 m.
In the only other example of the period, but outside Attica, at Bassae, we find a difference
of only 0.041 m. between front and flank spacing.
J. e., 36.25/36.36-33.100 3.15/3.26 m., and 16.76/16.95-13.596 = 3.164/3.354m.
23 This is the formula invented by Koldewey and Puchstein (Gr. Ternpel in Unteritcalien,p. 198).
24 I. e., in " Theseum " 0.980: 2.581/2.583 1: 2.633; and at Sunium 0.954: 2.522 1: 2.643. =
27 E.
g., in " Theseum" 25 X 2.581/2.583 1.032/1.033 m. (diameter 1.018 m.); at Sunium
traction should be about one fifteenth of the axial spacing,28or /15 X 2.772 = 0.185 m.
Thus the available amount 0.082 m. (i. e., 2.772 - 2.690 m.) would be quite in-
Both of these objections, however, could be overcome if we permitted the hy-
pothesis that there was duplex contraction, such as we find in some of the western
colonial temples of Sicily and South Italy,29but of which no example has hitherto
been reported from the Greek mainland. In other words, the exceptional blocks of
1.345 m. wotild be more numerous, extending as far as the third column from the
corner; and the aggregate amount of the contraction at each corner would be at least
2 X 0.082 = 0.164 m., and presumably more. And, while the application of duplex
contraction to a Periclean temple of the Greek mainland may seem to be a startling
suggestion, it so happens that all three of the surviving complete blocks could be
made to agree with such a restoration, since they can be proved to be the fourth and
fifth from the corners, exactly in the positions where such reductions would have
Each of the three blocks has on its top, on the bed surface which was covered
by the superimposedblock, a series of three mason's letters of Augustan type, widely
spaced, about 0.40 m. on centres.30 These were obviously intended, like the letters
on the triglyph blocks, to permit reconstruction in their proper sequence after dis-
memberment. All the letters were cut by masons standing inside the temple, so that
the heads of the letters are toward the exterior. On the step block we read FFE
(A 248); on the two euthynteria blocks appear EAA (A 146) and YAA (A 215).
These letters or numbers are presumablyto be interpretedas 3: 3: 5 on the step block,
and as 5: 4: 4 and 23: 4: 4 on the euthynteria blocks.
Since varying numbers occur on blocks of a single course (the euthynteria),
it is manifest that they must form a horizontal series; in other words, they are the
serial numbers within the course. From a study of the dowel holes-we can ascertain,
furthermnore,in which direction the series numbers ran. On the step block (A 248)
appears, at the middle of the top and toward the back, a dowel hole 0.61 m. behind
the face and about 0.05 m. long; its right end is located almost (within 0.015 m.)
at the median line of the block; and more to the right, exactly on the median line, is
a pry hole showing that the superposed block was doweled at its right end. On the
bottom is a dowel hole likewise at the right end, 0.22 m. behind the face. Both dowel
holes indicate that this step block and the block above were members of a series laid
inward from a left corner. As for the two complete euthynteria blocks (A 146,
A 215), each likewise shows at the middle of the top, toward the back, a dowel hole
0.375-0.465 m. behind the face and about 0.04-0.045 m. long; the left end of
the dowel in both cases is located exactly at the median line of the block; and a pry
hole is located to the left of the median line, showing that the superposed blocks of
the bottom step were doweled at their left ends. The fragment (A 249) gives similar
evidence. On the bottom of each of the two complete blocks a dowel hole is located
0.14-0.16 m. from the face at one end only, the right end in one case (A 146), the
left in the other (A 215). Hence the two complete euthynteria blocks were laid from
opposite directions, that with the bottom dowel at the right (A 146) being part of a
series which was laid inward from a left corner, while the other with the bottom
dowel at the left (A 215) was part of a series laid inward from a right corner. This
evidence shows that the step block E 5 (A 248) was nearer a left corner and also
that, of the two euthynteria blocks, E 5 (A 146) was nearer a left corner and
Y = 23 (A 215) nearer a right corner. We necessarily draw the inference that the
blocks were numbered from left to right, as one faced the temple. Furthermore, the
step block E 5 (A 248), being doweled at its right end (0.22 m. behind the face),
could not have rested on the euthynteria block E 5 (A 146), where the upper dowel
hole shows that the superposed block was doweled at its left end (0.395 - 0.159
0.236 n. behind the face).
We now turn to the two other letters on each block. Since the normal Greek
temple has three steps, in some cases (as here) resting on a fourth course, the
euthynteria, it might seem reasonableto assume that AA appears on the two complete
euthynteria blocks for the reason that this was the fourth course down, and hence
that FF appearing on the only extant step block (either the middle or bottom step,
of which the profiles would undoubtedly have been identical) thereby identifies it as
comningfrom the third course down, the bottom step. According to this system, the
mason's letters applied during the dismemberment to mark the courses would have
been, from top to bottom: (AA) missing stylobate, (BB) missing middle step, (FF)
bottom step, (AA) euthynteria.31This system, however, appears to be unsatisfactory
for two reasons. In the first place, a pair of letters designating the course is re-
dundant; a single letter would have been equally satisfactory. In the second place,
it provides no distinction between the different sides of the temple. Since a temple with
six by thirteen columns, and with columns centered on alternate stylobate blocks,would
require eleven by twenty-five stylobate blocks,32twelve by twenty-six blocks in the
middle step (and euthynteria),3 and thirteen by twenty-seven blocks in the bottom
31 Thisseems to be Riemann's opinion (Arch. Anz., 1937, p. 103).
32Counting the corner blocks twice.
" A less satisfactory mode of construction would be the addition of one block again to the
euthynteria, which would then have fourteen by twenty-eight blocks. But the small size of the
resulting angle blocks would make this unlikely.
step, the masons had to number sixty-eight blocks in the first course, seventy-two
in the second, seventy-six in the third, and seventy-two in the fourth. Thus we should
have to assume that, after passing once through the alphabet, at least two additional
alphabets were distinguished by special symbols (index strokes, ivy leaves, etc.),
and that our three extant blocks all come from the first alphabet. Further considera-
tion suggests an alternative solution.
It seems more reasonable to suppose that the three letters on each block bore
some relation to the three elements of position which had to be recorded during the
dismemberment,if the blocks were ever to be reassembled in their proper order. The
first element was the course: stylobate, middle step, bottom step, and euthynteria,
obviously lettered consecutively A, B, F, and A from top to bottom. The second
element was the face of the temple: and we may surmise that the four faces would
be lettered A(varoX-q), B(oppas), r, and A from left to right, beginning with the
east and ending with the south. Finally, each block of any face would be lettered
consecutively from left to right, beginning always with the left corner block. Under
these circumstances the blocks would be numbered as follows:
cast north west south
stylobate AAA-AA
bottom step rAA-rAM rBA-rBB' rrA-rrM FAA-FAB'
In the euthynteria it will be noted that the order of the three numbers is reversed,
the serial number of the stone being placed first rather than last. This change of
order might possibly have been a further distinction between the courses, or even
between different sides of the temple; but it would have been such an obvious source
of confusion that an intentional distinction of this sort is hardly credible. It seems
more reasonable to assume that the transposition of the numbers in the euthynteria
was an accidental and perfectly natural error, resulting from the fact that the masons
cut the numbers to read from left to right as they stood inside the temple, but in a
sequence to follow one another from left to right as one stood outside the temple.
The slight amount of resulting duplication in the numbers 3' would have been counter-
acted by the distinctive profile and dimensions of the euthynteria blocks. Under these
circumstances, FfE (A 248) would have been the third course down (bottom step),
the third side (west), the fifth block (from the northwest corner). And EAA
(A 146) would have been the fourth course down (euthynteria), the fourth side
(south), the fifth block (from the southwest corner). Also YAA (A215) would
34 While this is a mere guess, we may compare the evidence from the triglyph
block (A64)
which seems to confirm it (p. 29).
have been the fourth course down (euthynteria), the fourth side (south), the twenty-
third block (from the southwest corner). Confirmationof this arrangement may be
derived from the fact that FFE, instead of resting directly on EAA as would be the
case if both came from the same side of the temple, is now assigned to a different side
as required by the non-fitting dowels.
By means of the mason's letters, therefore, we have found that the fifth block
of the bottom step, counting from either corner of the facade, was of the 1.345 m.
type, and that the fourth and fifth blocks of the euthynteria, counting from either
corner of the flank, were likewise of the 1.345 m. type. The shortened fifth block from
the corner in the euthynteria would reach as far as the axis of the third column from
the corner; the shortened fifth block of the bottom step would come exactly under
the interval between the second and third columns. It is evident that the dimensions
could be reconciledwith the mason's letters, on the assumption that we are here dealing
with a very unusual situation, wherein the angle contraction was spread over two
intercolumniations. The dimensions of the temple, measured between the axes of
the opposite colonnades, might be reckoned as (4 X 2.690) + 2.772 13.536 m. (at
most), and the length as (4 X 2.690) + (8 X 2.772) = 32.936 m. (at most). Thus the
rough foundations would project about 1.66/1.71 m. from the column centres on
either front and about 1.61/1.71 m. on either flank,36with remarkable uniformity.
This solution, also, must be retained for consideration, in spite of the implication as
to the unique employment of duplex contraction on the Greek mainland.
III. Finally, a third explanation would be that the via of 0.139 m. was ex-
ceptional and, consequently, the larger column spacing of 2.772 m. (A) fictitious.
In other words, the width of the via is obtained from a single complete example, which
might conceivably be one of the viae over a metope adjoining a corner triglyph; and,
since these endmost metopes were usually widened to help counteract the angle
distortion, it follows that the viae above them were correspondingly widened and so,
if applied to the general spacing, would yield misleading results. As a matter of fact,
the cementedgroup of fragments (A 238), containing one mutule and the only known
via, has the face broken away and presents the same stratified fracture that appears
in the group (A 239a) containing the second known mutule, and I am confident that,
while the via does not make a direct join with the second mutule, it nevertheless
belongs to the same block (Fig. 9).3 This is proved also by the fact that the top
surface, running horizontally for 0.59 m. from the left joint on A 238, then begins
to slope dowvnwardat a rate of 1: 4; the same slope continues on A 239a until, at a
distance of 0.83 m. from the left joint (A 238 + 239a being placed in their proper
I. e., 36.25/36.36- 32.936 = 3.314/3.424 m., and 16.76/16.95 - 13.536 = 3.224/3.414 m.
37 Homer Thompson, when consulted on this matter, wrote, "The third fragment (A 238)
does not make a direct join with the other two (A 239a + 602), though it probably comes from the
same corner block."
r~----I 0,555
-*--05139 Z 0464
-I i A6tiL i
iFig. 9. Reconstruction of Angle Cornice Block (Nos. A 238a and A 238 to be interchanged)
mitre in the corner panel of the cornice. Its fracture joins accurately that of A 239a,
and shows that it forms the return of the cornice on the right flank. As thus recoin-
posed, we have the complete length of the right corner block of the facade cornice,
with a length of 0.555 +0.139 +0.5 54 +0.464 = 1.712 m. from the joint at the
left to the face of the return cornice at the right.38 Thus the only extant complete
via just happens to be one which was above the endmost metope, and adjoined the
endmost mutule, at the right corner of a fa?ade. Consequently we are justified in
assuming that this via might have been w-iderthan usual. Now, if the normal spacing
S8 J may add that the fragmentA 239b, found with A 238 + 239a + 602 at a late Romanlevel
north of the middle of the flank, seems to be part of the same corner block, forming the fascia just
below the exceptionally wide via. Also the group A 238a, found in the same place, is clearly part
of a corner block as shown by the form of its top, and seems to be the right flank return of the same
corner block, just behind A 602, froml which it is separated by a gap (Fig. 9).
were 2.690 m. as required by the crepidoma blocks, the triglyph spacing would be
1.345 m., the mutule spacing 0.6725 n., and the normal width of the via 0.6725 -0.554
0.1185 m. Thus the extant via would be 0.0205 m. wider than the normal, implying
that the endmost metope was widened by 0.041 m. If the angle distortion, ?/ (E -T),
were reckonedon the assunmptionthat the epistyle soffit was about 1.02 i.,39 we should
obtain a distortion of about ?; ( 1.02 -0.554) = 0.233 in.; and, if the angle contraction
were about one fifteenth of the normal spacing, or 0.18 in., and the inward inclination
of the colurmnaxis about 0.04 in., it is obvious that the remainder of the distortion
would not permit the expansion of more than one metope. Even at this, the dimensions
would require a slight readjustment, giving perhaps 0.041 m. (/8 Doric foot)40 for
the expansion of the endmost metope, an equal amount for the inward inclination
of the column, and 0.163 m. (?9 Doric foot) for the contraction, so that the distortion
would be 0.245 m. (3/ Doric foot), requiring an epistyle soffit of about 1.044 n.41
With such dimensions, the width of the temple measured on the entablature
would be reckoned as 0.554 + (2 X 1.386) + (8 X 1.345) = 14.086 m., the length
as 7 X 2.690 18.830 m. more or 32.916 m. Thus the rough foundation blocks would
project 1.67/1.72 mn.from the entablature on either front and 1.34/1.43 m. on either
flank.42 The discrepancy of 0.24/0.38 m. between front and flank foundation pro-
jections, while not mathematically as perfect as in solution II, is less discrepant than
that obtained in solution I. Hence we retain solution III, like the others, for future
It is obvious that a decision between those three solutions, in the absence of
additional fragments, can be attained only by consideration of the proportions of
the Doric order. For this purpose it would be desirable to know the lower diameter
of the columns, the height of the columns, and the height of the entablature, to be
brought into relation with the spacing of the columns; useful minor comparisons may
be made between widths of triglyphs and metopes.
Now the lower diameter of the column is unknown; but there are several methods
of estimating it. The diameter, for instance, should be very close to twice the width
of the triglyph, giving about 2 X 0.554 = 1.108 in.43 The height of the column must
necessarily lie between 5?/ and 6 lower diameters; and in three works stylistically most
closely related to the temple of Ares the proportions are 5.612 (" Theseum "), 5.776
(Sunium), and 5.743 diameters (Rhamnus). With this minimum and maximum, and
39 I. e., 2.690 2.638 = 1.020 m. (see p. 14).
The term "Doric " rather than " Attic " is here employed because of the widespread dis-
semination of this foot of 0.326-0.327 m. over continental Greece and Sicily. For the exact length
of the Doric foot in this temple, see p. 23.
41 I. e., /2(1.044 -0.554) = 0.245 m.
42 J. e., 36.25/36.36 - 32.916 = 3.334/3.444 m., and 16.76/16.95 - 14.086 2.674/2.864 m.
43 E. g., in " Theseum " 2 X 0.519 = 1.038 m. (diameter 1.018 m.); at Sunium 2 X 0.518
- 1.036 m. (diameter 1.043 m.).
with the estimated diameter of 1.108 m., the limits in height would be 6.218/6.400 m.44
The height of the entablature should be approximately one third of the height of the
column; among the three above-mentioned temples the proportions are 0.350 (" The-
seum"), 0.332 (Sunium), and 0.335 times the height of the columns (Rhamnus).
With these limits, and the estimated column height, the height of the entablature
would be 2.064/2.225 m.45
It so happens, howvever,that we can determine the height of the entablature
almost exactly. For the height of the corner triglyph (A 64) is 0.836 m., barely
higher than those of the " Theseum " (0.828 m.) and Sunium (0.829 m.), but identical
with the epistyle height in both of these temples (0.836 m. in both). Since a curious
repetition of dimensions runs through many of the Periclean temples, it seems probable
that the unknown epistyle height of the temple of Ares was likewise 0.836 mn.,in this
case being identical with the height of the triglyph, following the system of equality
in height observed also in the Parthenon.46 As for the cornice, we can measure the
maximum height from the bottom of the mutule nosing to the top of the little hawks-
beak moulding on the face of the flank cornice (A 238a) as 0.323 m. (Figs. 6, 9).
The relationship of the nose of the mutule to the bed of the cornice is nowhere pre-
served. But the soffit of the mutule, which projects 0.425 m., slopes upward at a rate
which, if the face be placed in a vertical plane, would be 1: 4, thtusmeeting the rear
fascia at a height 0.106 m. above the nosing of the mutule. Two fragments (A 238g,
239b) preserve the rear fascia under the mutules, 0.088 m. high. It is evident, there-
fore, that the nosing of the mutule dropped 0.018 m. below the cornice bed. Conse-
quentlythe height to the top of the hawksbeak mouldingon the face was 0.323-0.018
= 0.305 m. above the bed. This same level was evidently observed along
the front
edge of the corner block, though on the flank return the top rises in a slight inclination
toward the rear edge,47an inclined bed which does not concern the question of propor-
tions. On the other hand, we have noted that on A 238 + 239a the top rises 0.06 m.
higher to the pediment floor, where the height between the bottom and top beds must
have been 0.365 m.; a similar height may be measured on another fragment (A 238h)
showing a portion of the pediment floor. In this case the difference is important, since,
coming from the facade, it undoubtedly represents the usual raised step in the pedi-
ment floor (0.040 m. in the " Theseum," 0.020 m. at Sunium).48 Here the difference
of 0.06 m. indicates that the mean height (the basis of calculation in the other tem-
44 I. e., 5.612 X 1.108 = 6.218 m., and 5.776 X 1.108 =6.400 m.
45 I. e., 0.332 X 6.218/6.400 2.064/2.125 m., and 0.350 X 6.218/6.400 - 2.176/2.240 m.
4 Even if one should disagree with my restoration of the epistyle height,
the difference must
be less than 0.01 m.
4 Thompson writes, " Note that the upper bedding surface is not quite at right angles to the
face of the cornice, and if it were brotughtto the horizontal, the face would tilt backwards."
48 J. e., in the " Theseum," flank cornice height 0.316
mn.,fa*ade height 0.356 m.; at Sunium.
flank height 0.325 m., facade height 0.345 m.
ples) would be about 0.335 m. And the mean total height of the entablature would
be about 0.836 + 0.836 + 0.335 = 2.007 m., almost identical with the total mean
heights in the "Theseum " and at Sunium (2.000 m. in both).
We may now reverse our calculations, regarding the column height as be-
tween 2.856 (" Theseum ") and 3.012 (Sunium) times the entablature height, or
5.732/6.045 m. With the diameter contained in the column height between 5.612
(" Theseum") and 5.776 (Sunium) times, the lower diameter would be about
0.992/1.077 m. In view of the fact that the slightly smaller temples, the " Theseum "
and that at Sunium, have column diameters of 1.018 m. and 1.043 m., it is probable
that a dimension greater than these would have been selected for the temple of Ares,
i. e., between 1.043 m. and 1.077 m. In fact, even this maximum may be slightly
deficient; for the great width of the triglyph would justify, as we have noted, such
a diameter as 1.108 m. And the analogy of the Parthenon would permit a ratio as
great as 1: 3.169 between entablature and column heights, thus yielding columns as
high as 6.360 m. in the temple of Ares, and, with the lowest proportion of 5.612
diameters, a maximum lower diameter of 1.134 m. The last, however, is an improbable
extreme; we may definitely assume that the lower diameter was between 1.043 m.
and 1.108 m.
Now the greater column spacing of 2.772 m. would contain 2.50212.658 of these
lower diameters. Or the smaller columnspacing of 2.690 m. would contain 2.428/2.5 79
lower diameters. Since our best analogies are 2.535/2.537 diameters in the " The-
seum," 2.418 diameters at Sunium, and 2.667 diameters at Rhamnus, it is evident
that it would be possible to restore either or both spacings.
The true test of the two spacings, however, is found when we examine them
with reference to scale rather than mere proportion. For in the Periclean Doric
temples the interval between the columns was always larger than the column diameter
by a constant excess, deviating very slightly from 1%2 Doric feet or 0.49 m.49 But
if from the spacing of 2.772 m. we subtract twice the minimum diameter of 1.043 m.,
we obtain an excess of 0.686 m., far too great for any Periclean temple.50And even
twice the maximum diameter 1.108 m. would leave an excess of 0.5 56 nm., so large
as to be without analogy. On the other hand, if from the spacing of 2.690 m. we
subtract twice the minimum diameter of 1.043 m., the excess would still be too great,
0.604 m. But twice the maximum diameter 1.108 m. would leave an excess of 0.474 n.,
well within the bounds of possibility. This test suggests that we must employ the
smaller spacing of 2.690 m. with a diameter between 1.073 m.5' and 1.108 m.
In other words, we are now limited to solution III. We are still dealing with a
hexastyle temple, with thirteen columns on the flanks. And the three complete step
blocks are still to be identified as the fifth block fr'om the northwest corner on the
west front, in the bottom step, and the fifth from the southwest and fourth from the
southeast on the south flank, in the euthynteria. But these step blocks are now to be
considered as of normal length.
The axial spacing of 2.690 m. is equivalent to 8?%Doric feet, with a unit of
0.32606 m., practically identical with that employed in the " Theseum " (0.32600 mi.).
The column diameter, between 1.073 m. and 1.108 m., is probably to be restored as
3 8 Doric feet (1.1005 m.),52 so that the excess was 1?1 Doric feet (0.489 m.). The
mean height of the entablature was probably intended to be 6%'/Doric feet (1.997 m.),
as in the " Theseum" and at Sunium. If the column height were three times that of
the entablature (as at Sunium), it would be 18% Doric feet (5.991 m.), or only 5.444
lower diameters, considerably lower than the proportions employed in the analogous
temples (5.612/5.776 diameters). But we are at liberty to assume that the column
height was more than three times the entablature height, as noted above for the
Parthenon (likewise for the Propylaea and temple at Bassae). Adopting a column
height of 5.612/5.776 diameters, it is to be observed that the average of 5.710 lower
diameters (obtained from the " Theseum" and the temples at Sunium and Rhamnus)
would yield a height of 19? Doric feet (6.277 m., or 3.143 entablature heights).
I. e., 1/2(2.690-0.490- 0.054) = 1.073m.
52 Among the Pentelic nmarblecolumn drums found in the Agora, several were employed in
mnediaevalor modern times as millstones. Of these, two (one lying southwest of the Stoa of the
Giants, the other immediately at the north of the Stoa) are now 1.07 m. in diameter, very roughly
tooled, and seem never to have been fluted; they are in any case too large for the temple of Ares,
even if we admit the improbable assumption that the fluting was entirely hacked off. A third (also
north of the Stoa of the Giants) retains its fluting and is now 0.80 m. long; but the trace of a square
empolion hole on the bottom indicates that the bottom has been rubbed off to the extent of 0.06 m.,
giving an original height of about 0.86 m. The diameter at the present bottom is 0.89 m. within
the flutes and so, restoring the flutes, would be about 0.94 m. in full diameter, which would be correct
at a level about three fifths of the height of the columns in the temple of Ares. A fourth, likewise
with its fluting, now lies west of the " Valerian Wall," and measures 1.030 m. in diameter within
the flutes across the top, and apparently 1.08 m. in full diameter; the bottom is entirely worn off.
On the top is the letter A. The dimensions are satisfactory for a bottom drum of the temple of Ares.
Twvoother drums employed as millstones, and formerly lying near the Beule Gate of the Acropolis
and at the west entrance to the Odeion of Herodes Atticus, were brought by Orlandos to the
" Theseum " and there rejected as unsatisfactory; they lie at present just south of the " Theseum."
These might conceivably have been topmost drums in the temple of Ares, since their upper diameters
measure 0.78/0.793 m. within the flutes, and so would have been about 0.83/0.84 m. in full diameter;
or possibly they should be assigned to the porches of the temple of Ares. A more injured drum used
as a millstone, and now lying on the east stylobate of the " Theseum," measures 0.83 m. in diameter
within the flutes or about 0.88 m. in full diameter, and so is likewise a possible candidate.
The factors requisite for the calculation of the total dimensions of the plan, in
addition to the normal axial spacing, are the following. The angle column was pre-
sumably enlarged by 1 dactyl, as in the " Theseum," increasing the diameter to 37/16
Doric feet (1.121 m.). Thus the angle contraction, which according to solution III
would be ?2 Doric foot (0.163 m.), is in reality enlarged by the displacement of the
angle column centre to 1%2'3 Doric foot (0.173 m.), so that the true angle axial spacing
would be reckoned as 723/32 Doric feet (2.517 m.). The face of the stylobate, as in
most of the Attic templesof this period (Parthenon, " Theseum," Sunium, Rhamnus),
may be assumed to have protruded 7/48 Doric foot (0.0475 m.) outside the face of
the column. On the single extant step block (A 248), at a distance of 0.400 m. behind
the protective face (and so of 0.392 m. behind the finished face) is an engraved line
defining the position of the next step. This width of 0.392 m. (accurately 1'96 Doric
feet), was probably intended to be 15/_' Doric feet (0.395 n1.),5 and was undoubtedly
uniform for both steps and on all sides of the temple. On the top of the euthynteria
are engraved lines marking the position of the bottom step, 0.155 m. (A 215) or
0.159 m. (A 146) inside the face of the euthynteria. This width of 0.157 m. (23%8
Doric foot) must have been carried uniformly all around the temple. From these
figures we should calculate the total dimensions as follows:
Front, three normal axial spacings (2.690 m.) ........... 8.070 m. = 24%4D. F.
two angle axial spacings (2.517 m.) .............. 5.034 m. = 157/16 D. F.
twice displacementangle column centre (0.010 m.) 0.020 m. 1'A D. F.
twice radius normal column (0.5505 m.) .......... 1.101 m. = 3%8D. F.
twice projection of stylobate (0.0475 m.) ......... 0.095 m. = D. F.
Having ascertained the dimensions of the peristyle plan, we may pass in review
the other facts to be gleaned from the surviving marble fragments.
The euthynteria is 0.302 m. high (151%6 Doric foot). The bottom step has a
finished height of 0.357 m. (1 %2 Doric feet),5 besides the increase of 0.0 16 m. caused
by the protective surface on the tread. The middle step may be restored as identical
with the bottom step.55 The missing stylobate would presumably have been higher
than the other steps, by approximately 1 dactyl;56 the dimension may have been
0.374 m. (1 /48 Doric feet). Thus the aggregate height of the three steps would be
1.088 m. (3/3 Doric feet), and the total height of the four marble courses 1.390 m.
(4'4 Doric feet).
The marble euthynteria was doweled to the poros foundation, the location of the
dowels showing that, on the south flank, the two south corner blocks were laid before
the intervening blocks, and that the last laid block was one of the central seventeen.
Of the bottom. step, as shown by dowels on the top of the south euthynteria, the
southeast corner block was laid first, and work proceeded thence westward, at least
as far as the fourth block from the west; if the southwest corner block was laid
before its neighbors, the last laid block on the south must have been the second, third,
or fourth from the west. The northwest corner block of the bottom step, in any case,
was laid before its neighbors and work proceeded southward from this point, at least
as far as the sixth block. And in the middle step on the west front, as shown by the
dowel on the top of the bottom step (A 248), the northwest corner block was likewise
laid first and work proceededthence southwest at least as far as the fifth block. Thus
we have two possible alternatives: either the two diagonally opposite corner blocks,
southeast and northwest, were laid first in each course, with the last laid blocks some-
where near the southwest and northeast corners; or all four corner blocks were laid
first, with the last laid block in the bottom step on the south flank coming abnormally
close to the southwest corner.
The euthynteria,57more formal than that in the " Theseum," has its lower part
protruding about 0.04 m. in the form of a rusticated panel, though at the vertical
joints are dressed margins 0.03 m. wide continuing the plane of the finished upper
portion. This upper portion, 0.135 m. high, has a smoothed margin 0.035-0.04 m.
wide surrounding a panel of picked or stippled surface, recalling the euthynteria
treatments in the Parthenon and the temple of Poseidon at Sunium. The width of
the blocks is 0.59-0.61 m. (measured on the top), so that they run back under the
57 Three extant pieces, Inv. Nos. A 146, 215, 249, of which A 146 and A 215 are complete
bottom step to the extent of 0.435-0.455 m.; the backs are roughly tooled (Fig. 7).
At each end is a single T-clamp cutting, 0.115-0.145 m. long, with the head 0.065 m.
wide, centered 0.255-0.27 m. behind the face of the euthynteria; the head of the clamp
cutting has been widened in some cases to permit extraction of the clamp.
The bottom step has a finished sunken band 0.083 m. high at the lower edge of
the face, beyond which the drafted margins of the protective surface project by
0.008 m. (Fig. 7) .58 The protective surface is bordered by drafted margins 0.035-
0.045 m. wide, enclosing a slightly projecting rusticated panel. Presumably the faces
of the middle step and stylobate would have been similarly treated; and it is evident
that if the steps had been finished they would have been perfectly smooth, as in most
IZZ6 1.226 1 .315 1 .3415 1 .345
8 1.05 1 1.005 L
,Z26U135 4
1.545 1.345
Periclean examples, without the decorative sunken margins that occur in the temple
of Athena Nike or at Bassae. The protective surface of the tread of the bottom step
has a width of 0.331 m., including the bevel 0.013 m. wide at the rear edge; beyond
this bevel the surface drops to the finished height of 0.357 m. The width of the block
is 0.745 m., thus running back 0.345 m. under the step next above; the back is roughly
tooled. At each end is a single T-clamp cutting, centered 0.49-0.51 m. behind the face.
Though the blocks of the middle step and stylobate are missing, it is possible to
work out the probablesystem of jointing the platform (Fig. 10), and also the adjust-
ments toward the corners. The column centres being 0.0475 + 0.5505 0.598 m. =
inside the face of the stylobate, the width of the stylobate might have been double
this amount, 1.196 m.; or more probably, as in other temples, the inner projection
may have been slightly greater. It so happens that such a dimension (1.226 m.) would
leave an equal amount for the intermediate stylobate block in the endmost inter-
columniation; and the blocks of the lower courses would break joints accordingly,
It is possible that some of the column drums have been preserved; these are
discussed above, p. 23, note 52. There are no other identifiable fragments of the
columns, with the possible exception of a fragment of a Doric capital (Inv. No.
A 600). The fragment is 0.20 m. high and 0.25 m. wide, and consists of about 0.09 m.
of the height of the echinus, with the core of the abacus above; the face of the abacus,
however, is entirely broken away and the identification cannot be regarded as certain.
Of the epistyle, there are only two small fragments of the upper part of the face
with the regulae and guttae (Inv. Nos. A 169 and 896). One of these (A 169) is
from the right end of an epistyle block (Fig. 6c), containing the left half of a regula;
as a matter of fact, the half regula is a little deficient, 0.259 m. instead of 0.272 m.,
the joint being for some reason off-centered by 0.013 rn.60 There are traces of a
mason's letter on the top, merely two parallel strokes which cannot be deciphered.
Thus we have no clue to its position in the temple. The other fragment (A 896) is
the left end of a block, with the end of a complete regula, which terminates 0.001 m.
from the joint; 6 the only position in which such a block could appear would be at
the southeast or the northwest corner, forming the flank return of the corner epistyle
block. The top of the fragment is broken away, together with the mason's letters,
so that we cannot decide which of the two corners is in question. In any case, we are
assured that the first joint on the flank was 0.554 + 0.001 = 0.555 m. from the corner;
and, since the epistyle soffit would not have been twice as wide as this (1.11 m.), it is
probablethat the corner block of the outer face of the epistyle was L-shaped, as in the
Propylaea. The total width of the soffit can only be estimated as 1.044 mi.,62 or, more
probably, as 33% Doric feet (1.039 m.), %16foot less than the lower diameter. The
height, as we have seen, was undoubtedly 0.836 m. (2 % / Doric feet), identical with
that in the " Theseum " and at Sunium (0.836 m. in both).
The epistyle has a crowning taenia 0.076 m. high and 0.045 m. in projection;
the height is exactly one eleventh of the total height of the epistyle. The regulae are
0.065/0.070 m. high, and 0.042/0.043 m. in projection; the guttae are 0.025 m. high
and 0.040 m. in diameter. The three heights are proportioned as 9:8:3; hence it
would seem that the taenia was first determined as one eleventh of the total height
= 3.125 m. Since half of normal stylobate block (under second column) is 0.6725 m., remainder
of 2.4525 m. would be divided into two blocks of 1.226 m.
60 It is probable that this was a mere inaccuracy of
workmanship, the epistyle block falling short
of reaching the column centre by 0.013 mn.The alternative explanation, that the epistyle joint was
accurately located on the column with the triglyph off-centered by 0.013 m., would imply a sys-
tematic displacement of all the triglyphs such as exists in the Parthenon faKades, and a few other
examples, for harmonic reasons; but this interpretation seems to be contradicted by the widened
endmost metope. For the only purpose of off-centering the triglyphs would be to avoid such
widening at the corners.
61 Thus it is clearly not a joint in the middle of
the regula itself.
62 See p. 20.
and the other members proportionedtherefrom geometrically, without use of the foot
rule. The guttae have the flaring concave curved sides, with a rather sharply pro-
truding lower lip, that characterize the Stoa of Zeus Eleutherios.63 The surface of
the regula is roughened with the toothed chisel for the adherence of color (necessarily
blue). The top bed surface is also roughened to within 0.035 m. of the front edge of
the taenia. The joints have anathyrosis bands 0.095 m. wide across the top and
0.065 m. wide down the edge of the exposed face. A clamp on one piece, 0.16 m. long,
is centered 0.25 m. from the front edge of the taenia.
The height of the triglyphs, 0. 836 m. (2q16 Doric feet), is barely greater than
the height employed in the " Theseum " (0.827 m.) and at Sunium (0.829 m.), but
is identical with the epistyle height below. The triglyph width of 0.554 m. was
apparently intended to be 11%6 Doric feet. Thus the proportions of width to height
are 27: 41 or 1: 1.519 in the temple of Ares, as contrasted with 1: 1.599 both in the
" Theseum " and at Sunium. In other words, the triglyph proportions in the temple
of Ares seem unduly heavy (Fig. 17). Since the triglyph spacing was 4/8 Doric feet
(half of the column spacing), the width of the metopes must have been 27/16Doric
feet (0.791 m.), or Y8 foot less than the height. Thus the proportions of width to
height were 39:41 or 1:1.051, as compared with 1:1.066 in the "Theseun1'" and
1: 1.115 at Sunium. In other words, the metope proportions harmonize with those
of the triglyphs in being wide and heavy. The ratio of triglyph to metope widths was
9: 13 or 1: 1.445 in the temple of Ares, as comparedwith 1: 1.500 in the " Theseum"
and 1: 1.434 at Sunium. The endinost metope, adjoining each corner triglyph, was
widened by 18 Doric foot and so was exactly square. The resulting total dimensions
of the frieze (and epistyle) rectangle may be calculated as follows:
The triglyph is crowned by a simple fascia 0.112 m. high and 0.0045 m. in pro-
jection, with no trace of a crowning moulding; the height is two fifteenths of the
triglyph height. The triangular glyphs and the intervals between them were pro-
portioned geometrically according to the ratio V2: 1, so that the width of the triglyph
was divided as 3 ( V 2 + 1), in order that the half glyph on the corner triglyph, cham-
fered at 45 degrees, might have the same actual width as the interval between the
glyphs, and yet would seem from the front to be an ordinary half glyph.64 The
resulting widths of 0.0765 m. and 0.1082 m. so closely coincided with recognized
divisions of the Doric foot that they were possibly readjusted to give 1148 Doric foot
(0.076 m.) and 1/3 Doric foot (0.109 m.). The glyphs are 0.056 m. deep, perhaps
intended as % Doric foot (0.0545 m.), and so are cut back exactly at 45 degrees.
Each glyph rises to a horizontal top with rounded corners barely below the fascia;
the rear groove, however, rises 0.035 m. above the bottom of the fascia to form the
characteristic undercut vault. The end half glyph, however, rises only 0.015 m. above
the bottom of the fascia. The corner glyphs show traces of the characteristic corner
pendants, though these are invariably broken away. The metope receded 0.070 m.
behind the triglyph face, and was crowned by a simple fascia 0.082 m. high and
0.016 m. in projection, as we see from traces on the side of one of the triglyph f rag-
ments (A 747). No actual portion of a metope has been identified.
The extant corner triglyph (A 64) was a separate block, independent of the
metopes, with measurements of 0.586 m. and 0.636 m. from finished fascia to the rear
joints which meet at right angles. A fragment of an intermediate triglyph (A 747)
has a rough back only 0.19 m. behind the face, evidently forming a mere revetment.
Both on the corner triglyph and on the small intermediate fragment appear metope
grooves, about 0.03 m. deep, and, in the case of the corner triglyph, 0.09-0.10 m.
wide.65 These metopes were separate thin slabs, dropped in between the triglyphs
from above, and so evidently were designed to contain sculpture in relief. No frag-
ments of sculpttureappropriate for such metopes have been identified.
The corner triglyph (A 64) bears on its top the mason's letters A10,which are
equivalent to 1: 15. The smaller piece (A 747) bears the single letter E)- 8, and
may, of course, have had a second letter on the missing portion. In any case, each
was sufficiently designated by two letters; apparently the course was regarded as of
such distinctive form as to require no third letter. We may assume, therefore, that
one letter fixed the direction or face of the building, the other the serial number from
left to right. As in the platform, A (varo?vq) probably marks the east fa~ade, but
the problemof locating 0 15 at a corner is more difficult. With a peripteral temple
of six by thirteen columns there were five by twelve intervals, the thirty-four intervals
surmountedby sixty-eight metopes separated by sixty-eight triglyphs. If the triglyphs
J. e., 0.554 dividedby 3( V2 + 1) or by 7.2426, giving 0.0765m., and so 3 X 0.0765m. for
the three intervals, and 3 X 0.1082 m. for the three glyphs.
65 The backs of the grooves (on A 64) are 0.16 m. and 0.17 m. behind the faces of the triglyphs;
since the metope faces were 0.070 m. behind those of the triglyphs (on A 747), the width of the
grooves must have been 0.09 m. and 0.10 m. respectively.
were all numbered from one corner, the corner triglyphs would be numbered either
1, 11, 35, and 45, or 1, 25, 35, and 59. In no case would number 15 fall at a corner.
In view of the fact that some of the metopes, at any rate, were sculptured,and keeping
in mind the propensity of the temples of this group (" Theseum," Sunium, Rhamnus)
to isolate and emphasize the facade pteroma, two column spacings deep, with decora-
tive sculpture, we may here follow the analogy of the " Theseum." Assuming that
A indicated not merely the east facade but the east pteroma system, we begin num-
bering from left to right, not from the southeast corner triglyph, but from the fifth
triglyph from the southeast corner on the south flank. With this system, the southeast
corner triglyph would be AE, and the northeast corner triglyph AO (i. e., the extant
block A 64). The small fragment might then be [A]E),the fourth triglyph from the
left on the east faqade.
The mean height of the cornice, of which the reconstructedsplinters yield heights
of approximately 0.365 m. on the fronts and 0.305 m. on the flanks, seems to have
been 0.335 m. With the fragments of the flank return (A 602 and 238a) adjusted
to the angle block (A 238 + 239a)66 we obtain the projection of the cornice beyond
the triglyph, for the vertical bed fascia must have been exactly flush with the plane
of the triglyph; the mutule projects 0.425 m. from this fascia, and the face of the
cornice 0.039 m. more, or 0.464 m. in all. The crowning moulding, as preserved on
still another fragment (A 238a), was a small Doric hawksbeak projecting only
0.017 m.,67and so making the total projection 0.481 m. (11532 Doric feet). With
this projection added to the dimensions of the frieze rectangle, those of the cornice
rectangle become 15.048 X 33.878 m., or 4618 X 103%/Doric feet.
The mutules were 1"Z4 6 Doric feet wide, like the triglyphs. Consequently the
viae, half of the difference between the triglyph and metope widths, were normally
3 Doric foot or 12(0.791 - 0.554)- 0.1185 m. in width. None of these happens
to be preserved. The two viae above each endmost metope were both enlarged by
1 dactyl, giving 0.139 m. (A 238). The mutules are 0.058/0.060 m. high, and slope
at the rate of 1: 4, or 14? 2' from the horizontal. The guttae are 0.019 m. high, and
present the same concave flaring profile that we observed on the epistyle, but to an
even more marked degree; the diameter at the top is 0.042 m., diminishing slightly
to 0.041 i., and then enlarging to 0.046 m. Most unusual is the manner in which
the nose of the mutule descends 0.018 m. below the cornice bed, and the lower edges
of the guttae as much farther. As if to compensate for this, the fascia above the
mutule, forming the back of the " scotia," is unusually high (0.068 m.) and unduly
exposed; for, though the scotia is fairly deep (0.035 m.) in proportion to its pro-
jection,68yet the drip moulding is very high (0.033 m.) above the top of the mutule,
66 See pp. 18-19.
A 238a = H 441 (profile published by Miss Shoe, Greek Mouldings, p. 108, pl. LIII, 23).
Profile published by Miss Shoe, op. cit., pl. LXXIII, 16.
so as to leave much of the back of the scotia visible in direct elevation. Another
curious feature of this cornice is the miniature size of the crowning hawksbeak, only
0.023 m. high and 0.017 m. in projection.
The rear fascia under the mutules retains clear traces of red paint; red paint is
preserved also on the viae. Blue occurs on some of the mutule fragments. On the
bottom of each gutta, 0.0045 m. from the circumference, is an engraved circle 0.037 m.
in diameter, for the demarcation of color, such as we find in the Parthenon and
Propylaea. The back of the " scotia " above the mutules is slightly roughened with
the toothed chisel for the reception of paint, in this case red.
The cornice blocks were evidently in lengths containing two mutules and two
viae, that is, 1.345 m. or half of the axial spacing. Just how the transition was effected
toward the middle of each face of the temple remains unknown. The bed of the
cornice is smoothed for a margin of 0.06 m. back from the rear fascia, and beyond
this point is roughened with the toothed chisel. In one case (A 238) a gutta is
separately cut with a rectangular marble tenon, 0.014 X 0.028 m. in plan, which is
cemented-somewhat diagonally-into a hole 0.018 X 0.029 m. The top of the fa?ade
cornice, with the beveled surface on the corner blocks to fit the bed of the raking
cornice, has been described. The top of the flank cornice, instead of being horizontal,
inclines upward slightly toward the back as in the Parthenon; but in the corner block
it ascended in accordance with the roof slope for a distance of about 0.245 m., and
then dropped about 0.056 m. to the inclined bed. Whether the latter was intended
for a special course provided with rafter sockets, as at Bassae and in the " Theseum,"
or merely supported the ends of the rafters directly, remains unknown. Mason's
letters AF appear on the top of a fragment (A 238a) of the great corner block; since
this block came from the right corner of a fa?ade (Fig. 9), we might assume that
it was the southwest corner block, A indicating the first block (numbered right to
left) and F the west fa?ade.
The total width of the temple, measured on the horizontal cornice of the fa?ade,
being 15.048 m., or 46%8Doric feet, it may be estimated that the height of the pedi-
ment was about 1.79 m. to the apex of the raking cornice.69 No fragment of the
raking cornice has been preserved; but its height, if 0.215 m. as at Sunium (0.198 m.
in the " Theseum "), normal to the slope, as Fig. 9 would seem to indicate, would
limit the height of the tympanum to about 1.79 - 0.221 = 1.57 m. From this we
must also subtract the amount by which the pediment fa?ade cornice rises above the
flank cornice, 0.060 m., leaving 1.51 m. for the clear height of the tympanum.
The raised step on the fa?ade cornice, strengthening it to the extent of 0.060 m.,
undoubtedly means that pedimental sculptures were planned. Whether they were
" Since the pedimental slopes in the Periclean Attic Doric temples vary between 1:
4%3 and
1: it would seem that the height of the pediment,nmeasuredto the apex of the cornice, was
between 1.736 m. and 1.843 m. I here adopt the mean, 1.79 m.
actually executed is another question. And, if they were executed, Roman rapacity
would undoubtedly have diverted them to Rome instead of permitting them to be
replaced in the reconstructed temple. This raises the interesting comparison with the
Niobid group at Copenhagen and Rome, which I have assigned to the temple at
Bassae.70 It happens that the width of the facade cornice in the temple of Ares,
15.048 m., is almost identical with that at Bassae, 15.031 m. The conditions for the
exposure of the statues, however, are very different. The steeper pedimental slope
at Bassae, in spite of the insertion of a special marble plinth, left a clear central
height of 1.756 in., suitable for figures with an erect stature of 1.60 m. such as those
of the Rome-Copenhagen Niobids. The pediment statues required for a tympanum
1.51 m. high, in the temple of Ares, should have an erect stature of only 1.29-1.37 in.,
or, even with the steepest available slope of 1: 4M2, giving a tympanum height of
1.56 in., the erect stature of the figures should not have been greater than 1.34-
1.42 in., 7' considerably less than in the Rome-Copenhagen Niobid group.
Several marble simas of the temple of Ares have been discovered. Two of these
are raking simas, one (Inv. No. A 439) from a left slope, the other (Inv. No. A 394)
from a right slope (Fig. 11) .72 Neither retains its complete length, A 439 having its
left joint with a length of 0.45 in., and A 394 likewise its left joint but a length of only
0. 18 m. The sima is 0.224 m. high, with a little astragal of 0.01 m. at the top (Fig.
12) ; below this appears the cyma reversa profile (which developed out of the old
70A.J.A., XLIII, 1939, pp. 27-47.
71 The erect stature is figured as 86-91% of the central clear height of the tympanum (loc. cit.,
p. 32).
72 A 394=
E 424 (profile published by Miss Shoe, op. cit., pl. LXXVI, 2).
F P. O M 2 F PR A G \
-D E V E L O P E D in
c T aE k
C A L E O r . E Mi r r |
Corinthian terracotta tiles), occurring also in the " Theseum " and at Sunium.7
The face is painted with a lotus and palmette ornament, limited by two horizontal
engraved lines 0.0385 m. and 0.042 m. above the bottom. The axes of the ornament
are spaced at intervals of 0.0710.073 ni., giving double repeats of 0.14/0.146 m.;
but they do not seem to have coincided exactly with the tile joints.74 The palmettes
had thirteen petals, the central one lancet shaped, with six S-shaped petals on either
side with rounded ends, with two volutes below.
On the bottom of one of the raking simas (A 439) are clear traces of weathering
for a distance of 0.02 m. from the edge; on the other (A 394) the weathering is more
irregular, penetrating to 0.025 in., probably because of leakage. The latter, further-
more, from the right slope, has also a cutting 0.01 m. wide for the end of a metal
dowel centered 0.110 m. from the front edge and beginning 0.18 m. from the rebate
at the left or upper joint; and, since the overlap was probably about 0.05 m. (as
suggested by an analogous fragment from the " Theseum," A 1097), it seems clear
that we are dealing with a dowel which lay parallel to the face of the raking cornice,
centered about 0.09 m. behind the cornice nosing and located about 0.23-0.29 m. below
the visible upper joint. This position of the dowel is important in that it constitutes
our only definite evidence that the fragment A 394, in any case, is not to be assigned
to the " Theseum " in spite of the identical profile. For, in the " Theseum," the raking
simas were fastened by dowels parallel to the face of the raking cornice, but centered
0.55/0.585 m. from the cornice nosing and located exactly at the upper joint, and
also by dowels perpendicularto the face of the raking cornice, located 0.09-0.14 m.
or 0.10-0.15 m. behind the cornice nosing and centered about 0.16 m. below the upper
joint.75 Only at the apex joint of each pediment of the " Theseum " are the front
dowels parallel to the face, and these occur 0.14/0.15 m. behind the cornice nosing
on the right-hand slope of each pediment. Since A 394 is not an apex sima (as shown
by the non-vertical upper joint) and has a dowel which is improperly located for the
73 The identityof the " Theseun " sima, of which the profilecoincideswith that of the temple
consequently a lotus axis must have been 0.019 m. from the joint (not preserved). In A 394 a
palmette axis is about 0.11 m. from the rebate behind the left joint, and, with the spacing 0.146 m.,
the next palnmettewould have been 0.036 m. outside the rebate (now broken off); it seems im-
probable that this would have coincided with the joint, thus allowing only 0.036 m. for the depth
of the rebate.
75 In the " Theseum" the raking sima joints (in accordance with normal practice and also as
demonstrated by the pry holes) coincided with the upper ends of the dowel holes, showing that the
joints of the raking simas were 0.65 m. apart (one of the four topmost being of the exceptional
length 0.72 m.), so that the fifth joint lay 2.67 m. from the apex, the eleventh 6.57 m. from the apex.
The dowels perpendicular to the face are centered 0.835/0.845 m., 1.495 m., 2.17 m., 2.835 m.,
3.49/3.495 m., 4.135/4.145 m., 4.75/4.80 m., 5.41/5.44 m., 6.08/6.095 m. from the apex, and so
0.115/0.205 m. (averaging 0.161 m.) from the upper joint of each tile.
apex dowel of the " Theseum," and is also at right angles to the front dowels at all
the other raking sima joints of the "Theseum," it is obvious that A 394 cannot be
placed anywhere on the " Theseum" and so must be assigned to the twin temple in
the Agora below.
One portion of the flank sima (Inv. No. A 700) retains its full height of 0.225 m.,
with a similar cyma reversa profile and a central lion head spout. The presence of the
lion head, and the fact that the lower fascia forms an acute rather than right angle
Fig. 13. Lion Head Spouts (Inv. Nos. A 700 and A 272)
with the surviving bit of lower bed-implying that the bed inclined (Fig. 12)-in-
dicate that we are concerned with the flank. The profile is identical with that of
another fragment (Inv. No. A 1094) which is clearly to be assigned to a flank of the
" Theseum." 76 Unfortunately our piece A 700 is so small that no technical evidence
survives (like that in the case of A 394) to prove that it must be excluded from the
" Theseum "; nor is the place of discovery, in a Byzantine cistern 130 m. southwest
of the temple of Ares and 125 m. southeast of the " Theseum," in any way conclusive.
Equally inconclusive are the facts about another fragment of lion head (Inv. No.
A 272) with more spiky locks, found only 25 m. north of the northwest corner of the
temple of Ares but in modern fill. Both are of the same size and period (Fig. 13);
See a laterarticleconcerning
the Hephaisteion.
both may be assigned to the same building (either temple of Ares or " Theseum"),
assuming it to have had spouts of alternating designs, or they may be divided between
the two temples. In Fig. 12 it is assumed that A 700 belongs to the temple of Ares.
In any case, the length of the tiles and the spacing of the lion heads in the temple of
Ares cannot be ascertained from these pieces. But, since a quarter of the column
spacing (8? Doric feet), or half of the mutule spacing (4% Doric feet), coincided
very closely with the normal tile standard of 2 Doric feet, we may conclude that the
tiles were 2%,46Doric feet (0.6725 m.) wide, and that the eaves tiles were of double
length so that the lion heads were spaced 4% Doric feet ( 1.345 m. ) on centres, coming
above alternate mutules.
Another important piece is the lower right corner of a facade sima (Inv. No.
A 701) with the return on the flank, a portion of a lion head spout (too insignificant
to assist in identifying the lion heads),
and an acroterion base (Figs. 9, 14).
Here again we are confronted by the
problem of the identity of the profiles
and hence of the attribution to the " The-
seum " or the temple of Ares. It so hap-
pens, however, that in the " Theseum "
a large dowel hole, 0.05 m. square and
0.065 m. deep, exists at each corner of
the temple, only 0.11/0.145 m. from the
front cornice nosing, 0.115/0.135 m.
from the flank cornice nosing, in each
t~~~~~~~~~~~~-.. case with a pour channel leading down
from the joint next above. The upper
Fig. 14. Top of Corner Sima with Acroterion half of such a dowel hole must have
Base (Inv. No. A 701) existed on the bottom of each corner
sima block of the " Theseum "; and, if
A 701 were to be attributed to that structure, we should expect to find such a hole,
or rather its upper counterpart, on the bottom. On A 701, to be sure, only a small
portion of the actual bottom survives, extending 0.05-0.10 m. from the front edge,
0.05-0.09 m. from the edge of the right flank; yet the manner in which the fractured
surface tapers off, and the fact that a break at this point would almost inevitably have
passed through such a deep dowel hole rather than two or three centimetres away,
makes it fairly clear that no such upper half of a dowel hole ever existed on A 701.
In other words, A 701 was fastened in some other manner or in some other position
than in the case of any of the four corner acroterion bases of the " Theseum," and
so may definitely be assigned to the temple of Ares. The axis of the lion head seems
to have been about 0.205 m. from the lower edge of the corner of the sima. If the
latter overhung the cornice moulding by 0.02 m., as the weathering on the raking
sima (A 439) would suggest, the axis of the lion head would have been 0.185 m. from
the corner of the cornice, and so about 0.296 m. (2%2 Doric foot) outside the face
of the entablature, 0.573 m. (1%/w Doric feet) from the centre of the first mutule.77
Apparently, therefore, the next lion head was located above the second mutule, that
is, above the endmost metope; and, in the total length of each flank of the temple, there
would have been twenty-four lion heads above the metopes and these two extra heads
on the overhanging corners of the cornice. The total length of the flank entablature
(below the cornice) being 100'56 Doric feet, we add 2%2 Doric foot at each end for
the distance to the last lion head, giving 102%4Doric feet. From this we subtract
twenty-three normal spacings of lion heads at 414 Doric feet, leaving 7Y% Doric feet,
or rather 3`1/6 Doric feet at either end.78 It is evident that the endmost spacing was
slightly contracted, in sympathy with the colonnade, by 3%16 Doric foot.
If the question of the execution of the pedimental sculptures remains uncertain,
there can be no doubt with regard to the acroteria. The corner sima fragment (A 701 )
retains also a portion of the acroterion base from the lower right corner of a pediment.
The original dimensions cannot be ascertained; the two faces are located 0.07 m.
inside the upper edge of the sima (excluding the astragal projection) and extend
0.225 m. in both directions, there being broken off. The top surface is entirely lost,
the lower edge of the base now rising only 0.06 m. above the top of the sima. On this
broken surface, however, remains the bottom of a deep elliptical socket, coming
within 0.06 m. of the edge of the acroterion base on the front, within 0.067 m.
on the flank. Approximately a quarter of the curve of the ellipse seems to remain;
we may estimate that its total length was originally twice 0.16 m., its width (the
longitudinal axis of the ellipse being more definitely marked by a deeper oblong socket
0.055 m. wide) twice O.107m. Thus we obtain an ellipticalplinth, about 0.32 X 0.215 m.,
strengthened by an oblong tenon, about 0.295 X 0.055 m., running parallel to the
fagade. The main cavity is about 0.07 m. below the highest part of the base; the
oblong cutting descends 0.02 m. lower. The interpretation is complicated by two
drilled holes, 0.014 m. in diameter, one in the top of the base, the other outside the
area of the acroterion base, on the top of the facade sima. These cuttings, and
particularly the drilled holes, recall the acroteria of the temple of Athena Nike, in
which all these traits reappear.79Perhaps these also were figures of Nike, appropriate
for a temple of Ares, and possibly in precious metal.
The wall blocks are so fragmentary that exact dimensions are difficult to obtain.
An orthostate (Inv. No. A 704), of which the top is broken away so that the maxi-
77 I. e., half of mutule 0.277 m. + projection of cornice 0.481 m., total 0.758 m., from which
we subtract 0.185 m., obtaining 0.573 ni.
78 J. e., 102%4
- (23 X 41%) 77/ Doric feet.
71 Stevens, A.J.A., XII, 1908, p. 402; Orlandos, Ath. Mitt., XL, 1915, p. 43, fig. 10.
mum height is now only 0.78 m., retains its complete length 1.103 m. (3 % D. F.).
Since the dimension is a reasonableone for the lengths of wall blocks,80we may assume
that this was the unit employed, even though it involves the assumption that the
orthostates were of the same length as the wall blocks (as at Bassae), rather than
of double length as in most of the Attic marble temples. This length seems to be
confirmed by a fragment of a wall block (Inv. No. A 263) wherein a dowel hole
extends within 0.475 m. of a joint, the pry hole and consequently the joint above
having been at the missing other end of the dowel; assuming that this dowel hole
was about 0.075 m. long, the joint above would have been about 0.55 m. from that
below, implying a block length of about 1.10 m. The thickness of the orthostate,
measured to the rough back, is 0.295 in., implying that the total wall thickness was
somewhat over 0.60 m. Another calculation of the thickness is obtained f rom a f rag-
ment of wall block (Inv. No. A 238d) retaining the T-clamp cutting at one end of
the top, 0.335 m. from the face; allowing 0.015 m. for the width of the clamp
cutting, and an equal distance to the opposite face, we should obtain a total thickness
of about 0.685 in., suggesting a wall thickness of about 2? Doric feet (0.693 in.).
No blocks retain their complete height; but, in view of the shorter length, we should
expect that the height would be less than the average height of 0.507 m. employed
in the " Theseum, or even less than the typical Athenian height 0.49 m. ( 1 Doric
feet), perhaps no more than 0.385 m. as at Bassae and Tegea.
The wall blocks generally have two mason's letters deeply engraved on the top
(Fig. 15), AE, A0 (Inv.No.A238b), or AP (two examples, Inv.Nos.A238c,238d).
80 In the "Theseum " the unit is 1.246 m.
Others again now retain single letters only, A (Inv. No. I 690), A (Inv. No. A 699),
E (two examples, Inv. Nos. A 238, I 315), 0 (two examples, Inv. Nos. A 263, 1 2517),
or A (Inv. No. A 238e); these may in each case have had a second letter, now broken
away. At any rate, four blocks out of eleven certainly belong to an A classification;
the second letter runs at least as high as P = 17; and there are some duplicates (two
AP's). Consequently it would seem that one long wall was marked A, and that the
courses were numbered A to P from top to bottom, and that the individual blocks
within each course all received the same designation, the interchange of wall blocks
within a single course being regarded as immaterial. The heights of the wall courses
are unknown; but, even if A were the epikranitis and P the orthostate course, there
must have been at least fifteen intervening plinth courses. With three courses (B-A)
aligning with the internal epistyle and frieze, there would remain at least twelve
courses (E-TT) to fill the height from top of anta capital to top of orthostates.
Assuming that the peristyle column height was 6.277 m., subtracting about 0.10 m.
for the toichobate, and allowing twice the plinth height for the orthostates, fourteen
(12 + 2) courses would average 0.4485 m., and fifteen (13 + 2) would average
0.4185 m. Either of these would be possible; or we might even restore a pseudo-
isodomic system like that at Sunium, with courses alternately 0.299 m. and 0.598 m.,
or 0.285 m. and 0.571 m.
The orthostate course (A 704) has a relieving margin 0.018 m. wide at the lower
edge, where it rested on the projecting toichobate. The single extant block has a dowel
at the left end of the bottom, 0.12 m. from the wall face. The beds of the wall blocks
have smooth bands 0.065 m. wide along the edges, the inner portions being roughened
with the toothed chisel. Dowels on the wall blocks (A 263) are 0.165 m. from the
face, there having been two at each joint.
Two fragments of anta capitals (Inv. Nos. A 601, 702) yield some information
with regard to the terminations of the walls. The total height of the capital is only
0.182 m., consisting of a fascia 0.049 m. high, a hawksbeak, and an abacus 0.080 m.
high, including its crowning ovolo. The fascia has a slight forward inclination; the
abacus face seems to be vertical. The face of the abacus overhangs the pilaster face
by 0.069 m.; the crowning ovolo adds 0.016 m. to the projection. One of the pieces
(A 601) has a vertical joint cutting through the abacus mouldings, which are pre-
served to a distance of 0.225 m. from the joint and are there broken off. The preserved
distance exceeds any reasonable allowance for either offset of the anta, and suggests
that each anta capital consisted of two or more blocks with intermediate joints, in
conformity with the small units employed for the wall blocks. Possibly this multi-
plicity of joints may be regarded as an argument in favor of the pseudo-isodomic
jointing system.
Two long pieces of marble ceiling beams lie near the " Valerian Wall " south of
the Stoa of Attalos. Their soffit width is 0.543/0.561 m., averaging 0.552 m., and
the height, including the crowning ovolo, 0.273/0.277 m. Above the top protrudes
a stiffening flange, 0.22 m. high and 0.44 m. wide. One of the pieces (Inv. No. A 388)
retains a maximum length of 2.50 m., with neither end preserved.8"The other is now
1.885 m. long, and retains one end, terminating 0.405 m. beyond the mitred joint of
the crowning ovolo. On each side of this butt end is a vertical slot like a dowel hole,
0.17-0.23 m. above the soffit, and 0.05 m. deep; on one side it is 0.165-0.18 m., on the
other side 0.20-0.215 m., from the mitred moulding. Several pieces of interbeam
blocks of the same height were discovered in the " Valerian Wall " in 1939; none is
of complete length, and there seem to be no pieces that join in such a way as to
determine the intervals between the beams. The thickness of the interbeam blocks
is 0.095-0.18 m., with rough backs and without the raised flanges. Two fragments,
however, measure 0.235 m. from face to back and have a flange rising 0.13 m. above
the moulding; these were evidently from one or two wall beams running parallel to
the main beams and at right angles to the interbeam'blocks. The most peculiar feature
of these wall beam fragments is that the backs are neither roughly tooled like con-
cealed surfaces elsewhere in the temple, nor are they-as would seem to be the case
at first glance-smoothly finished; they form wavy surfaces with, at one point, a jump
in plane, betraying the use of the stone saw. Since this implementwas never employed
on marble in the Periclean age, we may infer that these backs were recut (possibly
splitting a normal beam in halves lengthwise) during the Roman reconstruction. On
the fragment preserving the full height of the flange, furthermore, the top is cut to fit
under the sloping roof, clear evidence that they were employe'd,not in the porches, but
in the front peristyles where alone the wall beams could have fitted snugly under the
rafters. This is exactly what we might have assumed from the dimensions: for the
width and height of the beams are identical with those employedin the front peristyles
of the " Theseum." The fact that they cannot be employedin the " Theseum " is good
evidence for assigning them to the twin temple in the Agora; and this is confirmed
by the presence of mason's letters (as H on the beam retaining its end, N'on one of the
interbeam blocks) and by the Roman recutting of the wall beams.82
Of the crowning ovolo, 0.048/0.052 m. high, several fragments have accumulated.
The lower edge projects 0.007 m., the nosing 0.045 m., from the side of the beam.
The ovolo is painted with eggs-and-darts spaced 0.056 m. on centres in some cases,
0.077 m. in others. The upper edge is protected by a relieving margin 0.002 m. high.
MiMiss Shoe erroneously reports the length 2.50 m. as complete (Greek Mouldings, p. 45).
Another beam (A 705), found in a late mediaeval foundation only 10 m. south of the middle
of the south flank of the temple, would seem from the place of discovery to be a likely candidate
for attribution to this structure. But it belongs to a series of beams 0.334 m. high (including the
crowning moulding of 0.059 m.), and thus exceeds the height of the above-mentioned peristyle
beams which ought to have been the largest in the temple. The profile of the crowning ovolo,
projecting only 0.030 mn.,and its workmanship, are likewise adverse to such an attribution. It seems
to come from some unknown larger building of later date.
A vast number of marble coffer fragments exist, many of them taken in 1933,
and others again in 1939, from loose fill in the " Valerian Wall." 83 The concave vault
of the coffer seems to have been 0.195 m. square, surroundedby a flat margin 0.009 m.
wide. Outside this is an ovolo moulding projecting 0.015 m., with a flat band 0.0095 m.
wide at the bottom; hence the entire square of the coffer measures 0.262 m., a dimen-
sion preserved on two pieces. The intervals between the coffers vary only from
0.194 m. to 0.196 m., averaging 0.195 m. The intervening space is decorated with
two sunken astragals, 0.0165 m. wide 84 and 0.035 m. apart,85each surrounding a
coffer at a distanceof 0.063 5 mn. Thus the coffers are spaced 0.262 + 0.195 0.45 7 m.
on centres, as may indeed be measured on one piece. The nosing of the ovolo moulding
on the beams was at least 0.018 m. outside of the sunken astragals, as indicated by
traces of the colored border. Hence, if there were two coffers in each interval between
the beams, the distances between the ovolo nosings would be at least 0.915 m.87 Since
the beam soffits averaged 0.552 m. in width, with the ovolo mouldings projecting
0.045 m., it is apparentthat the spacing of the beams would have been at least 1.557 m.,
obviously with no relation to the column spacing. When we observe that, with the
width of the temple measured on the epistyle calculated as 14.086 m., and the epistyle
soffit as 1.039 m., the clear width between the flank epistyles was 12.008 m., it becomes
evident that there were eight ceiling panels with seven intervening beams exactly as
in the " Theseum." Since, however, the form of the wall beams proves that they did
rnotoverhang as irnthe " Theseum," but were practically flush with the inner face
of the epistyle, we may conclude that the interval between the beams was 1.018 m.,88
and that the spacing of the beams was 1.570 m.
The coffer depth is 0.060 m. to the bottom of the ovolo,800.0755 m. to the top of
the ovolo,900.081 m. to the deepest concavity of the vault.9" The vault is painted with
a central circle 0.027 m. in diameter, formed by a red line 0.002 m. wide, leaving the
central area 0.023 m. in diameter without color. This is sturroundedby a sixteen rayed
star, the eight rays on the diameters and diagonals being larger, the intervening rays
smaller; the background is brilliant blue, and the rays were probably gold. The rays
have semicircular butt ends, the larger ones 0.020 m., the smaller ones 0.028 m., from
the centre point of the circle. A red stripe 0.008 m. wide covers 0.004 m. of the edge
of the vault, and 0.004 m. of the flat band (0.009 m. wide) inside the ovolo; the
83 Some of these inventoried as A 387, but most are so small that they were stored in drawers.
Profile of ovolo published by Miss Shoe (op. cit., pl. XXI, 10).
84 The average of twelve examples, 0.015-0.017 m., is 0.0164 m.
87I. e., 0.018 + 0.080 + 0.262 + 0.195 + 0.262 + 0.080 + 0.018 0.915 m.
J. e., (7 X 0.552) + (8 X 1.018)
88 =
12.008 m.
89 The average of six examples, 0.058 - 0.061 m., is 0.0598 m.
90Two examples measure 0.074 and 0.076 m.
91This is taken from a single example.
remainderof this flat band formed a green stripe. The ovolo has painted eggs, spaced
0.0255 m. on centres (seven eggs occupying 0.178 m.); the outlines of eggs and darts
are incised; the background between the eggs is blue, and the eggs themselves are
likewise blue, with red darts, and gray shells which suggest that they once were gold.
At the foot of the ovolo, the band 0.095 m. wide is painted with a red background on
which is a small beaded astragal in gray (presumably formerly gold). The sunken
astragals are simnilarlydecorated with a larger painted bead and reel, spaced 0.037 m.,
elliptical beads 0.022 m. long separated by pairs of reels; these are now grayish and
were probably in gold, and the background retains much of the original cobalt blue.
On either side of each sunken astragal was a red stripe only 0.003 m. wide, and out-
side this a green stripe 0.006 m. wide. Outside this again, at the extreme edge of the
ceiling panel but not between the coffers, was an unpainted border 0.013 m. wide;
and outside this in turn is a broad band of red of indefinite width lying immediately
above the relieving margin of the ceiling beam ovolo, and of which, according to our
calculations, only 0.0065 m. would have been exposed to view from below.92
The lateral joints of the coffer slabs are carefully located, as in most such cases,
at one side of a sunken astragal; and since we find a joint on every extant piece that is
sufficientlypreserved to show it, we may conclude that all the blocks were two coffers
in length to span the interval from beam to beam, and were only one coffer spacing in
width, 0.461 m. The lateral joint, concealedin the sunken astragal, has an anathyrosis
0.045/0.05 m. wide along the lower edge. The bearing ends run 0.083 m., 0.109 m.,
and 0.125 m. beyond the sunken astragals in three examples, so that the lengths must
have averaged 1.10 m.93 The bearing bed at the ends of the blocks is worked with a
toothed chisel, beginning at a point corresponding roughly to the back of the relieving
margin on the ceiling beam. Some of the coffer slabs, being of sufficient thickness to
accommodatethe coffers 0.081 m. deep, have flat tops; I noted a thickness of 0.105 m.
in one such instance, 0.087 m. in another; in some cases the height is so little greater
that the thickness of marble at the vault is only 0.01 m. In other cases the slab is
only 0.07 m. thick, quite inadequate for the vault, and so has to rise to a higher level
by about 0.03 rn. in passing over the vault. Some of the coffers have mason's letters
on their tops, as BB.
A few fragments (I noted five in all, one of them a large piece) differ from the
others in being of wretched quality, both in tooling and profiles, though they show
the same dimensions, profiles, patterns, and colors. It seems evident that these are
carelessly executed Roman replacements done at the time of the re-erection of the
temple. This Roman workmanship of certain fragments, and also the Roman letters
BB (placed one above the other) on the top of one of the original Greek coffers, form
additional evidence for the attribution of this ceiling to the temple of Ares.
I.e., '2(1.018 -0.090 -0.915) =0.0065m.
93 I. e., 0.954- (2 X 0.0335) 4- (2 X 0.106) 1.099 m.
With regard to the plan of the cella, little can be said in view of the solid con-
struction of the foundation in Roman times, betraying no evidence of the locations
of the walls. In the plan (Fig. 5) the walls are restored in agreement with those
of the " Theseum."
We have, throughout this discussion, adopted the view of the excavators that
the temple was that of Ares, an identification which agrees with the topographical
description by Pausanias when considered together with the other identifications as
revealed by the excavations.94 It must here be observed that D6rpfeld has recently
disputed this identification,95on the ground that Pausanias was not in this portion of
the Agora when he described the temple of Ares, that the latter must be associated
with the area named for Ares, the Areopagus,96and that the temple which we have
described was probably never seen by Pausanias since it may have been ruined 250
years earlier and never rebuilt. With regard to the first of these objections, the
general topography of the Agora is the best answer."7 As for the objection that the
temple is not in a location suitable for Ares, this is probably true; but we are so
definitely concerned with a transported and reconstructed-temple that its original
position may well have been in some more appropriate locality.98 Finally, the theory
that Pausanias never saw this temple, for the reason that it was destroyed a quarter
of a millennium before his time, is contradicted by the mason's letters and other in-
dications that the temple was rebuilt at about the timneof Augustus; and it probably
survived for a century after the visit of Pausanias, being sacrificed only for the
" Valerian Wall" in which so many of its fragments were immured. Thus the
Pausanias argument is wholly favorable to the identification.9
The internal evidence, so far as it goes, likewise favors the identification as the
temple of Ares. We know from Pausanias (I, 8, 4) that the cult statue of Ares was
the work of Alcamenes, whose career began in the lifetime of the master (before 432)
but extended at least as late as 403 B.C. (the relief of Heracles at Thebes; Pausanias,
IX, 11, 6), and whose cult statues of Athena and Hephaestus in the neighboring
" Theseum" date from 421-415 (I.G., 12, 370/371). Since the erection of the temple
would presumably have antedated the cult statue by only a few years, any period in
94 It may be noted that Robert (Pausanias als Schriftsteller, pp. 312-313) thirty years ago had
drawn the correct inference as to the location of the temple.
95 D6rpfeld, Alt-Athen und seine Agora (II, 1938), pp. 140-142.
96 This was formerly the prevalent view as to the location of the temple;
cf. Wachsmuth, Stadt
Athen (1874), p. 168; Harrison, Mythology and Monuments of Anciett Athens, pp. 75-77; Frazer,
Pausanias, II, p. 91; Judeich, Topographie2 (1931), p. 349, note 3. Earlier still, Cyriac of Ancona
and Ross had identified the " Theseum " as the temple of Ares.
97 See above, pp. 1-2.
98 See below, p. 50.
99We need not, therefore, delay to consider D6rpfeld's alternative identification as a hypo-
thetical temple of Zeus, never reconstructed because at the time of its destruction the erection of
the other and greater temple of Zeus Olympius had already been resumed by Antiochus IV (and
the last four or five decades of the fifth century would fit the evidence of the statue.
Such is the date that fits the architectural character of the remains. I have noted
Miss Shoe's estimate of the mouldings, made at a time when they were still unidentified
and dispersed, as of the second half of the fifth century, with a trend toward its
earlier portion. The hawksbeak moulding of the anta capital resembles very closely
those of the Parthenon and Propylaea, which would agree with such a date.
The profile of the sima is of the older cyma reversa or so-called " Corinthian ?
type, as executed in the " Theseum " and temple at Sunium (Fig. 16), antedating the
intrusion of the Ionic ovolo type into Doric structures such as the Parthenon, the
Propylaea, the temple at Rhamnus, and the Argive Heraeum. We are not necessarily
to infer from this that the sima of the temple of Ares is earlier than that of the
Parthenon; it merely represents an earlier
tendency which might have survived side
by si'de with the work on the Parthenon.
The palmettes decorating the sima are of
a hybrid or transitional type, with their
lancet central petals and S-curved lateral
petals, but round-lobed and not yet of the
flame type. All these features would be
satisfactory for a date in the 'thirties. We
5 L\ \ -are probably, however, to lay no particular
stress on the fact that the bottom step of
the temple was left with its protective sur-
Hephaestus Posedon Ares Nemeis L face on riser and tread, limited by finished
margins at the bottom of the former and
at the back of the latter. Such unfinished
Fig. 16. Sima Profilesby the
Theseum Architect surfaces on steps are of too frequent occur-
rence to be significant; and the completion
of all the other memberswould be adverse to any suggestion that work was interrupted
by the preliminaries of the Peloponnesian War in 432 B.C.
Somewhat more intangible are the dimensions and proportions. We have noted
some dimensions (Fig. 17) which are identical with those in the " Theseum " and
at Sunium, such as the (assumed) height of the epistyle (2%o', Doric feet) and the
(resulting) total mean height of the entablature (618 Doric feet). In these very
members, however, we find diversities, the triglyph being 12 dactyl lower, and the
cornice reciprocally /2 dactyl higher, in the " Theseum " and temple at Sunium; also
the triglyph is proportionatelynarrower (17/12 Doric feet) in these two temples, and
wider (11"io Doric feet) in the temple of Ares; and the triglyph spacings differ in
all three (32324 Doric feet in the " Theseum," 343?8 Doric feet at Suniumn,4Y8 Doric
feet in the temple of Ares).
It would seem that the triglyph width was first proportioned for the " Theseum,"
where it forms exactly one fifth of the axial spacing ('5 X 71%2 = 1712 Doric feet),
with the usual proportion of 2: 3 to the metope width, and was then copied exactly at
Sunium, where it is 23 dactyl wider than the " proper " proportion.100This wider
proportion was repeated in the temple of Ares, where the dimension was likewise
Mear) level
Apes ~~~~ ~
increased, so that the triglyph is not only 123 dactyls wider than those of the
" Theseum " and at Sunium, but is also % dactyl wider than the " prop-er" (2: 3)
proportion."' The natural query as to why the increase in width was not limited to
1? dactyls (giving 12 2%2Doric f oot, the nearest equivalent to one fifth of the axial
spacing), i'nsteadof 123 dactyls, may perhaps be answered by the assumption that the
" Theseum " triglyph width being copied at Sunitim resulted in closer proportions,
and these closer proportions in turn being copied in the temple of Ares resulted in a
100 T. e.I 1 .2 D. F. being 12 D. F. wider than % X 7W. = 11%4 D. F.
- e.C-,11- D. %-
F. being D. F. wider than %'1%
X 814 -
D. F.
greater triglyph width. For, at Sunium, the ratio between triglyphs and metopes
(1 /12 and 2'%48 Doric feet) became 76:109, the nearest simple ratios being 9:13
and 7:10. Of these, the ratio 7:10 could not be adjusted to the triglyph spacing
4% Doric feet in the temple of Ares, whereas the ratio 9:13 yielded commensurate
quantities,1'l6 and 27/1 Doric feet.
It would seem, furthermore, that the height of the triglyph was likewise designed
for the "Theseum," in accordance with the ratio 5:8 (1: 1%5), the height being
executed to fit the Doric unit of measure as 13o dactyl less than the result given by
this ratio, and so as 2'Y32 Doric feet.'02 This height was exactly copied together with
the proportion at Sunium. But in the temple of Ares, with the increased width of
1 '146 Doric feet, such a height if copied exactly would have yielded a ratio of exactly
2: 3 (1: 1'2), apparently so desirable from the viewpoint of harmony that its in-
tentional avoidance calls for comment. The reason for increasing the height arbi-
trarily by ?2 dactyl, to 2 %16 Doric feet, thus destroying this simple ratio without
securing any other, may be the restultof deference to two later tendencies: increasing
the triglyph height to equal that of the epistyle (exemplified in the Parthenon), and
diminishing the cornice height (exemplified in a most marked degree in the Pro-
pylaea). In the temple of Ares the frieze was made higher by 12 dactyl, and the
cornice reciprocallylower by 3 dactyl, so that the total mean height of the entablature
remained 618 Doric feet, exactly as in the " Theseum " and at Sunium.
This brings us to the remaining coincidence, the identical entablature height of
6Y8 Doric feet used throughout. This again was probably designed originally for
the " Theseum," built tip around the triglyph height of 2'Y32 Doric feet, the epistyle
being made ?2 dactyl higher or 2%6 Doric feet, and the mean height of the cornice
one fifth of the sum of these, or one sixth of the resulting total entablature, increased
by %/ dactyl to fit the Doric foot unit.103Since, at this early stage of the Periclean
style, it seems to have been felt that the column height should be slightly less than
three times the entablature height, the ratio of 7: 20 was chosen, so that the entabla-
ture of 61/8Doric feet yielded a column of 1712 Doric feet, which was also exactly
535 lower diameters.104Later, at Sunium, the ratio of exactly 1: 3 (7: 21) was chosen,
so that the same entablature of 61s Doric feet yielded a column of 18%8Doric feet.
And finally, in the temple of Ares, probably under the influence of Ictinus, who used
slighter entablatures both at Bassae and in the Parthenon, the column height was
made more than three times the entablature height, evidently in accordance with a
similar increase of ratio to 7: 22, so that the entablature of 618 Doric feet yielded a
column of 1914 Doric feet.'05
With regard to the absolute dating, we are assisted by the fact that the temple
of Ares exhibits such similarities to three other works that we are able to assign all
four to a single nameless architect, the so-called " Theseum architect," as Beazley
might name him because the " Theseum" was not the Theseum. Indeed, the simi-
larity of the temple of Ares to the " Theseum " is so great that it is almost impossible
to distinguish between their simas; and the dimensions of the peristyle ceiling beams
likewise are almost identical in both. A comparison of these four works by the same
man enables us to place them in their relative positions and so to determine the date
of the temple of Ares. The two temples wvhichseem to mark extremes in the career
of this architct, the " Theseum " and the temple at Rhamnus, apparently date from
449 and 436 B.C. respectively.106Between them seems to lie the temple at Sunium,
partaking of the characteristics of both. Also between them lies the Parthenon, a
work by different architects (Ictinus and Callicrates), of which the architectural
design was begun in 447 and finished in 438 B.C., with immediate consequences for
the design of subsequent structures (such as the Propylaea begun in 437, and the
temple at Rhamnus begun in 436). As a typical illustration of the difference, we may
refer to the marble simas of these four temples (Fig. 16), of which three retain the
older form, while that at Rhamnus is of the Parthenon type. Even the temple at
Sunium embodies some of the features of the Parthenon (such as the two-stepped
toichobate, and the carved moulding in the anta capital), and so may be placed shortly
after 447 B.C. But our analysis of the relative dating has suggested that the temple
of Ares is the third in the series " Theseum," temple at Sunium, temple of Ares, and
also that it antedates the beginning of the temple at Rhamnus in 436 B.C. Considering
it as a part of the activity of the so-called " Theseum architect," it would fall into its
place approximately as follows:
After this study of the temple had been completed, Bulle published a fragment of a
calyx crater (Fig. 18) at Wurzburg, painted about thirty years after the temple was
begun, and representing (in the only fifth century example yet known of that modern
system of oblique perspective with which I have always felt confident that the Greeks
were then acquainted) a structure which he has independentlyidentified as the temple
107Bulle, 3ApX E+, 1937, pp. 473-482; I owe to Bulle a photograph of this fragment
permission to publish it.
"son of Ares " in another dedication (I.G., 112, 3785) is erroneous; the reference is to C. Julius
Nicanor, son of Areios. Cf. I.G., 112, 3257, Drusus as the " New Ares," 20-23 A.D.
112 For the chronology of the Roman Agora, I follow the arguments set forth by Grainidor,
B.C.H., 1914, p. 436, note 4; Muse'e Belge, 1924, pp. 109-121; Athe'nes sous Auguste, pp. 31-32,
51-52, 148, note 5, and 184-198; IHerodeAtticus et sa Famnille(Rec. Trav. Univ. Egypt., V, 1930),
pp. 5-8. See also DOw, Prytaneis, p. 169. The assumption that the dedication was to Caius Caesar,
adopted son of Augustus, thus giving the date as between 12 B.c. and 4 A.D., is shown by Graindor
to be erroneous.
113 Dinsmoor, Archons, pp. 280, 281, 284-285; Dow, Hesperia, III, 1934, pp. 155-157.
114 Graindor, Chronologie des archontes, pp. 48-49, no. 15; A4th"'es soits Auguste, p. 32 and
note 3. The archon list for the years 18/7-12/1 is preserved (I.G., JJ2, 1713; cf. Dinsmoor,
Archons, pp. 282-284) with no trace of the name of Nikias, who must, therefore, be assigned to
27/6-19/8, all presum-ablytoo early, or to 11/10 or thereafter. On the other hand, the archon was
always priest of Drusus in the years 9/8 B.C. and thereafter (Dow, Hesperia, III, 1934, pp. 178-179,
186), so that we seemingly are restricted to 11/0 or 10/9 B.C.
have stood either above the inner facade of the Doric gate or above the western gate
near the Tower of the Winds.'15 For this assumption, however, there is no evidence
apart from a desire for symmetrical impartiality. Lucius may have presided over the
old site (the Roman Agora), Caius over the new (the temple of Ares).
It is hardly a mere coincidence that the present site of the temple of Ares is con-
tiguous to another structure apparently of the Augustan period, erected by the father
of Lucius and Caius. The central portion of the Agora, undoubtedly originally open
ground apart from the numerous small votive and commemorative structures, is now
occupied by a large building, about 42.50 X 52.50 m., in the form of a covered theatre
or Odeion. This can only be the Odeion mentioned by Pausanias (I, 8, 6) in his
description of the Agora, with the statues of the Ptolemies standing before it.11"It
is probably, furthermore, identical with " the theatre in the Cerameicus which goes
by the name of the Agrippeion," in which the Sophists lectured in the second century
after Christ (Philostratus, Vit. soph., II, 5, 4; 8, 4).11" If so, it may have been erected
during the period when Agrippa governed the East, before 13 B.C., and particularly
at the time of his visit to Athens, in 16 B.c.18 From the relative positions of the two
buildings it would appear that the Odeion was built first, with an untrammeledchoice
of the area, with its back against and parallel to the South Stoa, facing northward;
then the temple of Ares was erected, almost exactly parallel to the Odeion, but facing
east and thrust so far toward the west as to leave the facade of the Odeion unob-
structed."' If this sequence should be confirmed by the analysis of the excavation,
we should be provided with a probable date post quem for the transfer of the temple
site, namely, about 16 B.C.
Thus the temple of Ares was apparently erected between 440 and 436 B.C. on a
site not far from the Anakeion which formed the centre for military assemblies.
Around it were probably begun, soon after 47 B.C., the initial stages of the erection
of the Roman Agora. The actual demolition and transfer of the Temple of Ares may
have been postponeduntil the securing of new funds from Augustus, to whom, accord-
ingly, the new temple was in part rededicated. For the new site was chosen, between
15 and 10 B.C., an area beside the recently completed Agrippeion, in the open centre
of the Agora, which during the Augustan period was suddenly expropriated as avail-
able ground for new building projects. Here the cult was still in progress as late as
116/7 A.D. (I.G., 112, 1072), and here Pausanias saw the temple about fifty years
later. As for the date of its destruction, it is significant that the neighboring Agrip-
peion, according to the latest coins (those of Gallienus) found in the burned stratum
which covered the floor, was probably destroyed at the time of the invasion of the
Heruli in 267 A.D.120 So too the temple of Ares, of which many fragments were used
as filling material in the so-called " Valerian Wall," erected at about 277 A.D., ten years
after the Herulian raid,12 was probablya victim of the same catastrophe.
Shear, Hesperia, V, 1936, p. 11.
Shear, A.J.A., XLII, 1938, p. 4 (noting sixteen coins found in mortar under the wall, dated
from Aurelian, just before 275, to Probus, just after 276 A.D.; the fact that only one coin was of
the contemporary emperor Probus, the rest being of the year or two preceding him, suggests that
the building occurred early in his short reign of 276-282 A.D).