Easa STC News June 2018
Easa STC News June 2018
Easa STC News June 2018
Editorial page 3
With our Seasonal Technical Communication – e-STC Newsletter we aim to offer a unique
platform to share information, outlooks, and updates from the Authority perspective
as well as to share and receive information, feedbacks, opinions and queries from the
STC Holders community.
Taking your interests into consideration, this additional communication channel can
promptly deliver the technical information you need to know.
The Year 2018 has seen the Entry into Force of the FAA/EASA TIP rev 6 weaving further
ties between the US and European aviation stakeholders. This is a great achievement
and a great challenge at the same time. This specific topic will be one of the many that
will be presented and discussed during our 2018 STC Workshop.
For this year’s STC Workshop taking place in Cologne, we expect the European/
international STC Holders community and the Certification Aviation Authorities to
intensively share knowledge and debate about important STC related subjects.
We expect this event to strengthen the European STC applicant’s knowledge, to the
benefit of all safety related aspects. In this respect we welcome this year, the numerous
FAA representatives for their participation to the STC workshop.
At project level, certification can be an expensive endeavour. While one of our mission
is to ensure safe air travel for the EU citizens, another mission is to contribute to the
European industry’s success by providing support to our applicants. Several sources of
information and opportunities for exchanges with our staff are provided by the Agency,
with the aim to reinforce the applicant’s Design Organisation competences.
In the spirit of the FAA/EASA TIP rev6, validation processes are in many cases simplified
and competition will surely increase on both sides of the Atlantic. For all stakeholders
involved in the design of STC, high level of competences and process predictability
mean efficient certification process and better in-service experience for the airlines.
This virtuous cycle starting with a better EASA/applicant relationship is increasing the
competitiveness of the European industry.
I kindly invite you to send your queries in case you believe that our system can be improved.
Since EASA’s creation we have changed many processes but, we acknowledge that we might
still have some areas which need improvement. The best way to reach us, independently
of your participation to the EASA workshops is by sending an e-mail to STC_news@easa.
In This Edition
For this edition of the newsletter, we have chosen the following topics:
Enjoy reading the articles and come to see us during one of our workshops!
Nicolas Duprez
Nicolas Duprez has been working in the world of STCs for
EASA since February 2012 as EASA Project Certification
Manager after an initial career in the aeronautical industry.
He is also one of the PCM acting as focal point for some STC
applicants, ensuring a flawless communication between the
applicant and the several EASA certification teams.
During the two days of the EASA STC workshop we will provide you with regulatory updates
and detailed technical presentations in areas of interest for applicants. Our common
objective is to enhance communication and ensure fruitful cooperation that will lead to
a more efficient processing of STC applications.
Furthermore, this year the format of the STC workshop will include also side industry
session at the end of the 1st day to allow debates and technical discussion with PCMs, DOA
TLs, International Cooperation Policy Officer, NAAs and Foreign Authorities.
Even if nearly each major Airline proposes on board internet access. Wi-Fi on planes is just at
the beginning. Today, a small antenna on the roof of the device can certainly offer - without
interfering with the piloting - an internet connection to passengers even after takeoff.
But if you need more broadband, a small antenna is not enough and then a large(r) antenna
becomes necessary, requiring a big(ger) radome.
Therefore many OEMs and DOAs apply for the installation of a “large antenna” on aircraft
Several disciplines are affected by the installation (and activation) of a large antenna, such
as Flight & Performance, Structures, Electrics, Environmental Control Systems...
This can depend on the different configurations of the aircraft, on the location along the
fuselage… some JAR / CS-25 requirements may be differently affected (e.g. airflow, ice
accretion, bird Strike, impact on the empennage, penetration through pressure bulkheads …).
In addition to the above, some other aspects have to be considered, such as Metallic
vs. composite, baseline structure and the Interrelationship with baseline structure,
modifications and repairs, the location and the final installation.
Expert TIPS It has been determined, that Vibration
and buffeting / flutter excitation could
The installation of a large antenna be caused at radome location and
system is for sure a major change. at the empennage through a flow
separation at the antenna radome and
As the technology evolves, new subsequent propagation of non-laminar
antennas will be developed, possibly flow. Consequently flight test is typically
smaller and with better capacities. required, except if a validated and
Therefore it may be tempting to approved analysis method is available.
classify as minor the replacement of In other case a validation is done with
a smaller and/or lighter antenna within a flight test up to VMO/MMO, with an
an existing radome. extrapolation to VD/MD.
Applicants have to be aware that some Also some design features are not
aspect like vibration (up to buffeting contained in JAR / CS-25 requirements or
& flutter) may be worse as the new need a specific showing of compliance.
system eigenfrenquency will be For a structural point of view two
different. But also other characteristics generic CRIs are raised on large antenna
could be affected. Therefore such projects. The CRI “Large Antenna
a replacement is more than “open the Installations” (Means of Compliance
radome; remove previous antenna; / Interpretative Material) (Click here)
install new antenna; close the radome” as well as one “Vibration / buffeting
and it requires further investigations, compliance criteria for large external
from design review, via analysis up to antenna installation” (Equivalent Safety
possibly new flight test. Finding).
What is ADS-B?
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) is a system broadcasting, without the
need for action from the pilot or any request from ATC, that provides an enhanced set of
aircraft surveillance data to Air Traffic Management (and potentially to other airplanes).
What is the ADS-B mandate in Europe?
Commission Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011, of 22 November 2011, lays down requirements
for the performance and the interoperability of surveillance for the single European sky.
From 7 June 2020, all aircraft that weigh more than 5 700 kg, or have a max cruise speed
greater than 250 knots, will need to be equipped with ADS-B capabilities to be operated in
European airspace.
This means that by June 2020, a huge fleet of aircraft needs to be retrofitted. That represents
a great business opportunity for numerous STC applicants who have experience in avionics
installations. However, an ADS-B installation is much more than a “simple” change of
transponder, and it may not be as easy to handle as it might initially appear.
The applicant has to approach the certification by considering the “end to end” ADS-B
system (e.g. including sensors and control panels), and not solely the installation of the
Mode S 1090ES transponder. That may present challenges, especially when dealing with
installations on legacy products, where the Applicant may have difficulty in obtaining the
data necessary to satisfy the CS-ACNS requirements (e.g. reliability figures to support the
continuity requirements).
Expert TIPS
What about validation?
Material is available on the internet
Deployment of ADS-B is a worldwide that could be of interest regarding the
effort, and it is not only European airspace certification of an ADS-B installation.
that will be impacted. Numerous countries
have issued mandates similar to the EU EASA has developed a set of FAQs
Regulation. related to ADS-B installations,
providing considerations and
In particular, applicants who wish to clarifications on various concerns.
certify their ADS-B out installations so they These FAQs are available on the EASA
can also be validated by the FAA, have to website here.
consider FAA 14 CFR § 91.227 (relying on
FAA AC 20165()). Appendix J of CS-ACNS - CS-ACNS stands for “Certification
Subpart D provides comparisons between Specifications and Acceptable
CS ACNS.D.ADSB and the FAA AC 20-165A Means of Compliance for Airborne
requirements. One major difference is Communications, Navigation and
that, as the AC 20-165A requires a flight Surveillance”, and these are also
test, whereas the CS consider that ground available on the EASA website here.
testing is sufficient. A demonstration of
compliance with AC 20-165() also has The text of the Commission
to be submitted to EASA as part of the Regulation (EU) No 1207/2011, and
certification dossier, as EASA will perform its amendment No 2017/386, are
the compliance finding on behalf of FAA. available in all the EU languages here
and here the 2017/386.
You are a DOA and outside of the hangar you have a state aircraft for which you wish to
incorporate an EASA STC. Will this be possible? Yes it will, and here is why.
In order to make better use of the limited resources in Europe, the new Basic Regulation is
aiming at creating a new framework for transferring of responsibilities for aviation safety.
Proposed is a new possibility for Opt-in of state aircraft under the Basic Regulation. This
includes aircraft which normally are under the responsibility of the EU member state, and
which are typically operated by Police, Coast Guard or the military.
Already today, with the current Basic Regulation, EASA is working in the spirit of the
upcoming changes on a number of so called civil derivatives aircraft and dual-use platforms.
The A330 MRTT is such an example.
The EASA team is currently working on establishing the working methods that will furnish
these new possibilities for the European Member States and industry.
This topic will be further elaborated during the STC-workshop in June this year. Military
related activities may create potential new opportunities for the Agency in terms of
expertise and resources. To be fully prepared to the future scenarios, the “EASA Military
Coordination Mechanism” (EMCM) has been established aimed to:
• support the integration function for civil derivatives and dual-use aircraft
• ensure an effective support to military and industry applicants to ensure adequate
and prioritized technical advice for appropriate airworthiness and safety solutions
• develop a consolidated and enriched Safety Intelligence & Performance system
integrating military and state aircraft occurrences reporting for civil derivative
aircraft and dual-use platforms.
The new BR is planned for entry into force by the end of this year. There might be an impact
also for your organisation. To that end the Agency will establish a communication plan to
raise awareness of the basic principles of “Opt-In” within the New Basic Regulation and
its practical application among military and industry applicants. So please keep yourself
As an STC applicant you may face the arrival of several new disruptive technologies that
will significantly change the way your products are designed, certified and operated.
New technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain, digital twins, big data, and new
concepts like autonomous vehicles and urban mobility are typical examples of incoming
innovations that may impact your projects.
To successfully handle these changes, EASA needs as well to be prepared up front. Numerous
fields of innovation will also transversally impact EASA, and they will also require us to
reinforce the synergy across our domains.
EASA has already been contacted by STC applicants to discuss these novelties in the
frame of STCs or Technical Advice Contract (TAC).We are glad to make the STC community
aware that in the meantime EASA launched an internal initiative to anticipate how these
innovations will affect our current ways of working, to identify the most efficient and safest
approaches to handle novelties, and to be well-prepared to support the industry in these
new challenges.
Since the 1st of March 2018, EASA has been setting up an ‘Innovation network’. The primary
intent of this initiative is to connect EASA staff members, in order to:
To make this project a reality and to amplify the network dynamics, the members of the
‘Innovation network’ will initially be invited to contribute to an exchange and knowledge
platform, as well as to participate in a series of interactive sessions with representatives of
the industry,who will present their innovation projects and activities.
To date, about 80 EASA staff members have expressed their interest and have already joined
the ‘Innovation network’; they will soon have the opportunity to take up these challenges
with industry. Meanwhile, STC applicants may still contact EASA to receive advises in the
frame of TAC using the information: here
Emily – Certification
The yearly Product Certification and DOA workshop will take place on 30th-31th October at
Maritime hotel in Cologne. It will be launched soon on EASA website. Click here
A side meeting day event is planned on 29th October at EASA premises. As in the past,
representatives from STC DOAs will have the opportunity to discuss topics of common
interest in the relevant community Group. A call for subjects of discussion will be launched
soon on EASA web-site. Stay tuned!
2) Can a DOA with low STC activity decide not to implement LOI
processes and continue to operate as before?
No, LOI will become mandatory through the amendment of Part 21 and applies to all
projects but an applicant’s proposal is required for major changes, major repairs and STCs.
4) Is there a Part 21 Light (DOA\POA) for STC holders for production of
low volume STC and limited failure effects (non HAZ/CAT) planned
(not only for GA)?
Yes, see rulemaking task (RMT).0018 (former task number 21.026). The “Part 21 light”
concept is a concept related to the GA Roadmap Project and as such will be applicable
only to the low-end General Aviation. The question seems related to STC applicable to all
products, but considered as simple. This can be addressed today in the context of the actual
regulation. The scope of the DOA can be limited to this kind of activity, and the limited
scope would lead to a simplified investigation and surveillance activities. Furthermore, the
concept of Level of Involvement (LOI) could allow the product certification team to reduce
their level of involvement if the level of criticality is low and if the DOA is performing well.
Moreover, EASA is not bound by the FAA Guidelines 8110-120, regarding FOI. EASA is
bound by regulation (EC) 1049/2001 on access to documents, which foresees that any
member of the public with residence in the EU (but in practice anyone) can request access
to documents held by the Agency. The Agency can then decide whether such access might
be granted (there are exceptions foreseen in article 4).